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RE: Pt. Rath & other Astrologers... My 2 cents worth.

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Thank you for the fine eludication of looking at victors in a competition. I

have a couple of doubts, it would be great if you can help clarify it. When

looking at the 1st and 6th houses are we looking at it from the Arudha Lagna.

Also, you mention that a lot of malefics in the 1st house will make it better

for competition and also if the 6th lord is in the 1st house. Having these

malefics in lagna, wouldn't that make the lagna weaker?


Thank you very much in advance.




- Jainameisego <nameisego > wrote:

Dear Mr. Poolaat,Knowledge of self is very limited . But simple principles read

in simple manner give true picture.Only thing that self always considers in

win/lose contests or elections is,Take 1st house and 6th house as two

contestants.(7th house may be considered as opposition but it does not apply in

contests )One must take contestants as enemies.Hence take 6th lord as opposit of

1st lord.Now see if 1st house has more number of Natural Krura planets like

Mars, Saturn Rahu Sun etc.If Lagna has them and 6th lord is either Shubha graha

or 6th lord is weak etc, or if 6th house is rendered powerless by papakartari

yoga etc , then the candidate signifying Lagna will win.1st case,Lets take the

case of REPUBLICAN NOMINATION CHART as displayed in the above mentioned

article, you will

note that Lagna has Rahu and Moon whereas 6th house is occupied by Guru which is

rendered weak by Papakartari yoga.This much is enough to indicate Democrat

candidate will lose.Hence Bush won the election.2nd case of 2001 election,2000

TP chart clearly shows 6th house is more powerful than ascendent . Saturn and

Jupiter are in 6th and Lagna is having no planets. Lagna lord is in 6th with

Saturn. 6th lord venus is with Sun, Mercury and Mars, thus Bush had an upper

hand . So Democrats were pushed out at the end from white house.3rd caseTake

1996 election.Apply the rule and you will notice that Lagna has Mars and is

fully aspected by Saturn from 11th house.6th lord Venus has surrendered in

Lagna . 6th house has no planets . Sitting president Bill clinton won the

re-election easily.Do one needs to prove this more?If Gurus have

suggestions/corrections , please correct the

undersigned.Tatvam-Asivedic astrology, "poolaat" wrote:>

> Dear astrologers,> > Could anybody share his view points as what is the wrong

in the> following prediction:> > http://parasara.blogspot.com/> > Really the

approach of prediction in the above is new and very> impressive.Please treat

this for learning , not for any criticisims.> > > Regards,> >

Poolaat.------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~-->

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Dear friends and esteemed scholars,




I second Sri Narasimha Rao's stance. In annual charts, comparisons of 1st

and 6th houses do not sound logical. 6th house depicts attacks etc done by

outsiders/foreigners and contestants do not fall into the group of



Below is an explanation based on progressed charts of US elections. The

methodology involves using progressed chart of the country for the year of

election and analysis of the strength of the bhavas.


5th house is represented by the opposition party and 10th house (6th from

5th) as the ruling party.


2000 elections


The progressed horoscope for year 2004

July 4, 2000

Time: 3:36:07

Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place: 75 W 09' 51", 39 N 57' 08"

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Without going into other details of the chart, I will directly analyze the

5th and 10th Bhavas.


5th house: 5th lord Mercury® is well placed in the 2nd. He is along with

Mars (lord of 7th) indicating partnering, Lagna lord Venus and 4th lord Sun.

5th house is aspected by Jupiter, a natural benefic. His presence in the

12th from Moon is not good. In Navamsa, Mercury is placed in 11th along with

4th and 11th lord Venus.


10th house: 10th lord Saturn is in lagna along with Functional malefic

Jupiter. 10th house is free of any aspects. In Navamsa, Saturn is placed in

a Dustana (8th house) along with Moon, lagna lord.


5th house is strong and Opposition party won.


2004 Elections


Progressed horoscope for the year 2004

July 4, 2004

Time: 4:02:49

Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place: 75 W 09' 51", 39 N 57' 08"

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


5th House: Lord of 5th, Mercury is placed in 3rd along with Debilated Mars,

lord of 7th and 12th. Moon, lord of 3rd, aspects Mercury. In Navamsa,

Mercury is exalted in Lagna.


10th House: Saturn, 10th lord is well placed in the house of Mercury, in

2nd. He is with Sun, lord of 4th. 10th house has natural benefic Jupiter's

aspect. Debilitated Mars also aspects 10th house which is not quite

favorable, but he is with 2nd and 5th lord Mercury. In Navamsa, he is well

placed in the 9th, in the house of Venus but natural malefic Mars aspects

the planet.


Overall, 10th house is strong and the ruling party won.


Further, we can test the theory to Elections in India (2004)


The progressed chart will be cast for the year 2003 as the elections took

place prior to Independence.

August 14, 2003

Time: 8:33:06

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 77 E 12' 00", 28 N 36' 00"

New Delhi, India


5th House: Saturn, lord of 5th house, is well placed in 10th which belongs

to Venus. He is free of aspects. Venus, lord of 2nd and 9th, aspects the 5th

house. Sun, a natural malefic, also aspects 5th house. In Navamsa, Saturn is

placed in his own house, in 2nd along with Mars, lord of 4th and 11th.

Saturn is hemmed between Rahu and Sun.


10th House: 10th lord Mercury is in the 12th, a Dustana along with Jupiter,

kendradhipathi. Saturn aspects the 10th lord and is also placed in 10th.

Malefic Mars aspects Mercury. So also, 11th lord Moon. In Navamsa, he is

placed in the 11th, but aspected by Saturn. Jupiter aspect will not be

favorable as he owns 3rd and 12th house.


This shows that the 10th House is week as compared to 5th house. Saturn

between two malefic planets might have resulted in alliance of parties.



I request esteemed readers to throw further light.


Om Tat Sat,


Raman Suprajarama



Narasimha P.V.R. Rao [pvr]

Tuesday, November 09, 2004 7:56 AM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Pt. Rath & other Astrologers... My 2 cents



Namaste Sir,


IMHO, your interpretation of US annual charts is not logical at all. In

natal/annual charts of individuals (e.g. competing politicians), 1st shows

the native and 6th shows the rival. That is perfect. However, in the chart

of the nation itself, the 1st house shows the entire nation and the 6th

house shows the rivals/enemies of the nation. Using the 1st and 6th for the

rulers and the opposition is not at all logical. A nation and its leader are

different. US annual chart belongs to the nation and not just to its leader.


Application of 1st/6th criterion to the Republican nomination chart is fine.

But, applying it to the annual charts of USA is not logical.


The criterion used by Sanjay ji (10th showing rulers and 3rd showing

opposition) is quite logical in mundane astrology.


However, I am not 100% sure if houses should be seen or if graha arudhas of

those house lords would be more appropriate. The 10th house shows the

overall administration experienced by the nation. The 10th lord shows the

application of intelligence towards that end. Always, houses are inanimate

and house lords are animate. House lords show the animated life force (or

engine) driving the matters of a house. Arudhas of house lords show the

tangible manifestation of the driving force, i.e. real people in flesh. If

the 10th house in an annual chart of a nation is bad, administration in a

year is poor. If the 10th lord is bad, the thinking and attitude of the

administration is poor. If the graha arudha of 10th lord is afflicted, it is

bad for the ruler(s).


Arudhas are always tangible things. Arudhas of houses are tangible inanimate

things (e.g. A5 can be an award). Arudhas of house lords are tangible

animated things (i.e. persons).


In any case, I must make one very basic point regarding the original

question raised. With due respect to Sanjay ji and others involved in this

discussion, I must point out the data used is extremely suspect. Do you

honestly think that the USA chart used is correct? God knows. There are so

many versions. Sanjay ji himself earlier talked about a mundane chart

becoming invalid after 144 years and used the 1920 chart (cast after 144

years from 1776) for timing the Iraq war. God knows why he still uses the

1776 chart for TP. This whole approach he outlined in the article quoted is

interesting, but there are too many questions regarding it.


In general, it is wise to use data that we are confident of. This includes

natal charts of leaders, nomination acceptance charts,  lunar/solar new year

charts and lunar/solar eclipse charts. Independence charts of nations are

usually suspect. USA chart is the worst (i.e. most controversial) in that



May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Dear Mr. Poolaat,


> Knowledge of self is very limited . But simple principles read in

> simple manner give true picture.


> Only thing that self always considers in win/lose contests or

> elections is,Take 1st house and 6th house as two contestants.

> (7th house may be considered as opposition but it does not apply in

> contests )


> One must take contestants as enemies.

> Hence take 6th lord as opposit of 1st lord.

> Now see if 1st house has more number of Natural Krura planets like

> Mars, Saturn Rahu Sun etc.

> If Lagna has them and 6th lord is either Shubha graha or 6th lord is

> weak etc, or if 6th house is rendered powerless by papakartari yoga

> etc , then the candidate signifying Lagna will win.


> 1st case,


> Lets take the case of REPUBLICAN NOMINATION CHART as displayed in the

> above mentioned article, you will note that Lagna has Rahu and Moon

> whereas 6th house is occupied by Guru which is rendered weak by

> Papakartari yoga.This much is enough to indicate Democrat candidate

> will lose.Hence Bush won the election.


> 2nd case of 2001 election,


> 2000 TP chart clearly shows 6th house is more powerful than

> ascendent . Saturn and Jupiter are in 6th and Lagna is having no

> planets. Lagna lord is in 6th with Saturn. 6th lord venus is with

> Sun, Mercury and Mars, thus Bush had an upper hand . So Democrats

> were pushed out at the end from white house.


> 3rd case


> Take 1996 election.

> Apply the rule and you will notice that Lagna has Mars and is fully

> aspected by Saturn from 11th house.

> 6th lord Venus has surrendered in Lagna . 6th house has no planets .

> Sitting president Bill clinton won the re-election easily.


> Do one needs to prove this more?


> If Gurus have suggestions/corrections , please correct the

> undersigned.


> Tatvam-Asi


> > Dear astrologers,

> >

> > Could anybody share his view points as what is the wrong in the

> > following prediction:

> >

> > http://parasara.blogspot.com/

> >

> > Really the approach of prediction in the above is new and very

> > impressive.Please treat this for learning , not for any criticisims.

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Poolaat.












||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||




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