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Scorpio and Guhya

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Dear Visti,

It means bladder. You would also, perhaps what Sarvartha Chintamani

attributes to Scorpio. Mr. Bhasin has obviously erred in the translation

of Mutrashaya. The same text gives Scorpio as Sexual organs (Stanza12)

and amongst the synonyms of 8th house w\vide stanzas 49 to 53 eighth

house is given names: Guda, Mutra, Krisa, Guhya,Randhra,Marana and Ayu.

There is no reason for confusion. Translations I have given are of

B.Suryanarayan Rao, Grandfather of Dr. B.V. Raman, so there is no

likelihood of any mistake occurring. Any way any one with even a basic

knowledge of any of the Indian languages would know that Mutrashaya

means Bladder.

Trust this helps,



Visti @ Denmark wrote:


> |Hare Räma Kåñëa|


> Dear Chandrshekhar and Narasimha, Namaskar


> I was reading Sarvartha Chintamani and there the 8^th house is called

> “guhyasthänaà” as is the case with the other shastras, however under

> the 7^th house the word; “brüyanmüträçayaà” is used, which has been

> translated by Bhasin as “Urinal place”. – Your comments?


> Bhasin has translated guhyasthänaà as rectum.


> Best wishes,


> *Visti Larsen*

> visti <visti








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