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to be a guru or not to be

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Some thoughts on sadhus & guru by Kabir :-


Daya, Gareebi, Bandgi , Samta sheel svabhav

itne lakshan sadhu ke kahe kabir vichar


Guru / sadhu kahavat kathin hai jaise lamba khajur

chade to chake prem ras ... gire to chakna chur


Janam-o-janam ka mel chadiya, dhobi milya peer (guru)

Dharam ghat pe de pachada ... nahaya nirmal neer


fikar sab ko kha gayi .. fikar sab ki peed

fikar ki faki kare ... unka naam fakir


Sadhu bhuka bhav ka ... dhan ka bhuka nahi ...

dhan ka bhuka jo phire so to sadhu nahin.


Jyaat na poochiye sadhu ki ... pooch lijiye gyaan

mol karo talwar ka padi rahene do myaan ...


Sadguru jad jadi ...aur jad jadi apram par

Tab ukhdi yeh to ukhde nahin ... bhale mathe lakho luhar ji ...


Saheb se sab hot hai ... bande se kachu nahin ...

rai ka parbat kare ... parbat rai mahi


Guru Gobind dono khade ... ka ke lagu pai

Balihari gurudev ki .. govind diyo bataye


Sab dharti kagaaz karu ...lekhani sab ban raii

sat samudra mas (ink) karu ... guru gun likha nahi jaye


Just thought might share a little with you on above discussion.


Thanks & Regards

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There are 11 messages in this issue.Topics in this digest:1. Re: Sun/Saturn conj

on BirthdayVedic Astrologer - Prakash 2. Re: : To be Guru or Not to be ??

to Sri Sanjay Rath"nameisego" 3. Re: Sun/Saturn conj on Birthday

"Peter Karaguleski" 4. Re: Re: which planet has inflicted death? To Visti

Lakshman Brahma 5. Re: mesh lagna Daridyam"ak_131" 6. Re: Re: MESH LAGNE

DAARIDRYAM......Sri PrabodhPrabodh Vekhande 7. Mesha Lagne Daaridryam...To

Chi. Amit"nameisego" 8. Re: Re: MESH LAGNE DAARIDRYAM......Sri

Jagmeetjagmeet s dheendsa 9. Re: MESH LAGNE DAARIDRYAM......Sri

Prabodh"nameisego" 10. Re: aspectsGauranga Das 11. Re: differences

in rahu ketu positions in softwaresGauranga Das


1Mon, 28 Jun 2004 03:20:14 -0700 (PDT)Vedic Astrologer - Prakash

Re: Sun/Saturn conj on BirthdayDear Peter,According to my

understanding the Solar return chart is theone which tells us about the soul

urge in

a particularyear. While the Moon chart is the one which gives usdetails about

our mental desires and our progress on thisphysical plane.Based on this

understanding, the Sun-Saturn combinationoccuring in Gemini should help your

communicating abilitiesfrom within and success related to occult sciences

willcome. There may be many successful predictions from youduring the year.

This also gives me a clue that you willbe able to progress very well in

spirituality during theyear. These two opposite planets will only bring the

thebest out of you. You will be able to comment on spiritualmatters and in fact

may have some goodinsights/revelations. This is also help you indifferentiating

between good and bad and to go to the cruxof a subject.Since you say that this

position will be in the natal 9thhouse you can expect power after the struggle

of past yearswith growth. Your financial situation will be very

goodbesides power coming to you with ease. There will also bedestruction of

enemies. Such a Saturn will also be helpfulin giving you positive results of

your past karma that youhad accummulated.Hope this is fine with you.With best

regards,Prakash Kandpal--- Peter Karaguleski wrote:> G'Day> I have the

saturn/Sun conj occuring exactly on my natal> sun..ie my> birthday.> What does

it portend?> Vedic would say the sun combusts saturn, both of> which are in my

9th> natal...combust = nullifies negative saturn.> any contributors to this.>

best> Peter> > > Vedic Astrologer - Prakash> >

vedic astrology> > Tuesday, 18 May 2004 10:14>

[vedic astrology] FATE OF GEORGE W.


of America (USA) is to have presidential> >elections this year. It is going to

be a competitive one> >with presidential candidate John Kerry giving strong>

fight> >to current president George Bush. Besides this USA is> yet> >to justify

its war on Iraq and has to meet its own> pledge> >to vanish terrorism from the

world. It also has to> >sort-out the issue of outsourcing and also needs to>

address> >the financial growth and needs to strengthen the US> dollar.> > The

next president will have a tough job served in a> >platter. Based on the US

independence on 4th July 1776> the> >following is USA natal chart with the

other details> taken> >into consideration.> >> >Date - 4 July

1776> >Time - 10.21.30 AM> >Place - Philadelphia, USA> >> >Ascendant - Leo>

>Virgo - Saturn> >Capricorn - Ketu (South Node) & Moon> >Gemini - Mars, Venus,

Jupiter (combust) & Sun> >Cancer - Mercury (retrograde & combust) & Rahu

(North> Node)> >> >· The natal chart of United States is strong yet>

vulnerable> >in many aspects. Sun being the lord of Lagna is very> >powerful in

11th house in Gemini. But it has combust> >impacts on both Jupiter & retrograde

Mercury. 9th lord> >Mars in 11th house is another very good aspect in its>

>chart.> >> >· Another good thing is that all the functional benefic> >planets

are in the 11th house with 3rd & 10th lord> Venus.> >Mercury is also good in

11th and 2nd from both natal> >houses.> >· Moon in

Capricorn shows determination for action/karma> >but with affliction of nodes it

can become wayward> >determination or karma, which can be seen in actions.> >>

>· Saturn in second house is good for accumulating wealth> or> >financial

prosperity.> >> >· The involvement of ascendant in Papakartari Yoga with>

>natural malefic on both sides i.e. 2nd and 12th> indicates> >ill motives

related to one's supremacy/status.> >> >2000 SOLAR RETURN CHART> >> >The solar

return is cast for 2000 when Sun was exactly> at> >21º55' on 7th July 2000 at

8:20 PM in Philadelphia. The> >chart had major indications of the events of the

year,> >which fructified at a later stage.> >> >Ascendant - Capricorn with Ketu

(South Node)> >Taurus - Saturn & Jupiter> >Gemini - Mercury (retrograde

& combust), Mars (combust),> >Sun & Venus (combust)> >Cancer - Rahu (North

Node)> >Virgo - Moon> >> >· The 8th house lord combustion to the 6th lord &

10th> lord> >indicates end of government term or president's term.> >· Malefic

Jupiter is posited in the 8th house from 10th> >house with functional benefic

Saturn further indicating> the> >loss of power.> >· Rahu in 10th (Cancer) from

10th house (Libra)> indicating> >change of president or government. Rahu is a

planet> >associated with change.> >· The next president/government had to come

because of> >Venus (the lord of 10th house) being in the 9th from> 10th> >house

with benefic Mercury. Also Venus is associated> with> >11th lord Mars which

promotes gains. Mars also has> >powerful exalted aspect on the

ascendant.> >· The four planets associated with 6th house made it a> >tough

presidential election wherein all three planets> are> >combust to Sun. Despite

this Sun is promoting longevity> >since it is involved in vipareeta raja yoga

and is 11th> >from its sign (8th house).> >· From Moon the 10th house is

associated with Sun &> other 3> >planets (Mercury, Mars & Venus) indicating

fight for> >throne.> >> >> >2001 SOLAR RETURN CHART> >> >The solar return chart

is cast for 2001 when Sun was> >exactly at 21º55' on 8th July 2001 at 2.30 AM>

Philadelphia.> > The chart had major indications of the events of the> year,>

>which fructified at a later stage.> >> >Ascendant - Taurus with Saturn &

Venus> >Gemini - Mercury, Jupiter, Sun & Rahu> >Scorpio -

Mars (Retrograde)> >Sagittarius - Ketu> >Capricorn - Moon> >> >Year Chart - Dasa

Calculation Method> >> >In a yearly chart if you want to reach the minutest>

details> >then you need to use this simple mathematical> calculation.> >First

carve out the chart. Now see the major period> >sequence according to

Vimshottari dasa. Note the total> >dasa balance. Since a year has 365 days you

need to> divide> >365 by 120 (total number of years in Vimshottari Dasa>

>sequence) and you will get 3.042 approximately. Now,> >multiply the total dasa

balance of a particular planet> by> >3.042 and you will get the total number of

days till> when> >the dasa will go on during the year in number of days.>

>Follow the same multiplication method for further major> >periods as well.

Based on this you can

predict the> >minutest details. For a leap year you will have to> divide> >366

by 120.> >> >The following was the dasa sequence till 9th September> 2001> >in

days> >> >Moon - Dasa balance in days - 13.90> >Mars Dasa computation in days -

21.294> >Rahu-Rahu Dasa computation in days - 8.13> >Rahu - Jupiter Dasa

computation in days - 7.60> >Rahu -Saturn Dasa computation in days - 8.63>

>Rahu - Mercury Dasa computation in days - 7.90> >> >· Sun (fiery planet) the

lord of 4th house (fire sign)> >ruling properties is weak in the second house

in Gemini> >(air sign) with malefic Rahu and functional malefic> Jupiter> >for

Taurus ascendant. Mercury is though in own house in> >Gemini but weak by

degrees.> >· The involvement of fire, earth & ether elements'> >dominance in

air sign also had a big say in casting the> die> >in advance.> >· Venus the 6th

lord was 8th from 6th house indicating> >problems from enemies.> >· Exactly

when the 9 September event occurred it was> >Rahu-Mercury sub-period (according

to the above> calculation> >method) and it caused the dreaded terrorist attack.>

>· Since Rahu is influenced by weak Mercury, Jupiter &> Sun> >aspected by

retrograde Mars, the lord of 7th and 12th> house> >it caused losses.> >·

Mercury is lord of 2nd house and 5th house. 2nd house> is> >8th from 8th being

affected by 5 planets. Also Mercury> >being the ruler of 5th house of past

karma had to give> >results based on past deeds.> === message truncated

=== Mail - 50x more

storage than other


2Mon, 28 Jun 2004 10:24:25 -0000"nameisego" Re: : To be

Guru or Not to be ?? to Sri Sanjay RathDear Sri Sanjay ji,About the name and

ego.Thanks for very good explanation about necessity of name and about Ego.But

the undersigned is not running away from name or usage of it.The reasons may be

beyond the scope of this discussion.You have said,"Your writings have been very

intelligent, please keep it up"This being is just logical.Not given to writing

in great detail, hence sometimes very abrupt but to the point.Any how if the

ego does not get inflated,.... THANKS !! for the compliments.But real lawful

right for the compliments is of

the Japanese teacher who taught advanced hydraulics in Japan.He would

say,"Okyakusama, if you are faced with a problem, Think Logically and Go back

to Basics . The solution lies in simple things."Thus you would always find this

being stressing the need to be simple and logical.Tatvam-Asi--- In

vedic astrology, "Sanjay Rath" wrote:> > ::om namo bhagavate

vasudevaya::> Dear 'name-is-ego'> First, the teachings of Sri Acyuta Das about

name are very interesting. It> is ego because you are attached to it. The

attachment is not the fault of> the name nor the fault of the world but our own

fault. Names have existed> since time immemorial so by running away from one's

name or not giving one's> name one does not escape from the ego attached to it.

It is like a prisoner> runing away from Prison but the crime remains

unpunished.> Bhakti is taught to be he best path for this as then one gets

attached to> another name and in the process gets over the attachment to one's

own name.> The janaka Shadakshara mantra is meant for this and the name Krishna

is the> ONLY name in kali Yuga that when attached to any mantra or prayer, does

not> carry any dosha. Rest is for one as intelligent as you to think. It is>

considered rude not to sign ones name and it is your wish....you decide.>

Second, yes if the sishya errs in his/her path then the sins for such error>

shall lie on the head of the sishya. The guru shall suffer a small part of> the

sin and gets ill fame due to this straying of the sishya. If the guru is> a

diksha guru then he is already committed to take one-sixth portion of the> sin

and if not then the share of the sin is much less.> Remedial measures given by

a Jyotisha come

under this. When one gives a> mantra or any other remedial measure then you must

have the spiritual> strength to take one-sixth of the sin associated with the

combination> indicated else the remedial measure does not work. Alternatively,

blindly> give everything accepting Sri Jagannath as the ultimate guru (om

krishna> guru) then He knows how to take care...this seems to be the only path

in> Kali yuga as who has such spiritual strength.> Some of my sishya have also

erred and I have been very clear in telling them> that I am only a siksha guru

and NOT a diksha guru. To that extent the share> shall be less. I leave the

counting to Jagannath and keep walking on this> great journey called jyotisa..>

Your writings have been very intelligent, please keep it up> With best regards,>

Sanjay Rath> SJC Puri, 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India> Tel:

+91.6752.226269 http://srath.com> > - >

"nameisego" > > Monday, June 28, 2004 5:27 AM> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: : To be Guru or Not to be ?? to Sri Sanjay> Rath> > > > >

Dear Sri Sanjay Rath ji,> > Just one question please. (You may choose not to

reply)> > If a Shishya errs in his/her behaviour and strays from set path,

will> the sins/mistakes committed by such shishyas affect Guru morally and>

spiritually ? Should the Guru owe moral responsibility in such a> case ?> >

This question arises because somewhere, Guru has gone wrong in> choosing a

shishya and he has to bear the resultant Paap.> > Tatvam-Asi> > > > >> > --- In

vedic astrology, "Sanjay Rath"

> > wrote:> > >> > > ::om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::> > > Dear Mukund, Rosemary

& Partha> > >> > > The intention of Mukund cannot be bad. He has an exalted Guru

in> > the dharma> > > bhava. He helps to keep conscience clear by reminding all

of us> of> > our> > > duties once in a while. That is a good work. With time

and age> his> > words> > > maybe sweeter and softer but there is no doubt in my

mind about> his> > > intentions.> > >> > > There are some who make strange and

sometimes very bad remarks.> > Such remarks> > > caused from Rajas guna or

passion shall never help anyone -> neither> > they> > > themselves nor the

person they are being told to. The same view if> > > communicated with

sweet words will find their mark.> > >> > > Mukund, in ancient India we had

kings like Raja Rama by looking> at> > whose> > > face the Brahmin can

confidently renounce everything and> > concentrate in his> > > work. give me

one name...just one name among the 100 billion> people> > of India> > > whose

face I can see and confidently give up my tours and> > concentrate on> > >

translating BPHS, Saravali, Deva Keralam and other works or> finish> > my book>

> > on Atmakaraka. Yes your statements are right about flying first> > class

and> > > living in Palaces. But that does not prevent them from being> Gurus> >

either.> > > Even Raja Janak the giver of the 'Hare Rama Krishna' mantra lived>

> in a> > > palace and was a Rajarshi. He gave the mantra for

Veda Vyasa's> son.> > Was Veda> > > Vyasa wrong in advising his son to take

mantra from Raja Janaka?> > >> > > No, we should not judge the calibre of a

Guru from the material> > goods he> > > possesses. We should judge a Guru from

the knowledge he has. That> > is what> > > Vasistha has taught. Imbibe their

good values and their knowledge> > and ignore> > > their bad values and

personal traits that comes from living as> > human beings> > > do.> > >> > >

Just because I do not own even a car, what to talk of property> and> > house,>

> > does not qualify me to be a Guru. Knowledge alone qualifies me to> > be a>

> > Jytosih Guru. Just because Narasimha has three cars and a few> huge> >

houses> > > does not disqualify him

from being a guru. His knowledge> qualifies> > him to be> > > a Jyotish Guru. So

Mukund the parameters you use to identify a> guru> > are> > > wrong and this

will lead you to the wrong guru. Choose the> > parameters> > > correctly and

you will reach your destination. Choose knowledge,> > Satva guna> > >

predominance in behavior and dharma to be the criteria for a> Diksha> > Guru;>

> > choose knowledge as the most important criteria for siksha gurus.> >

remember> > > these four mantra that define the guru -> > > OM gurave namah

(obeisances to the teacher/remover of darkness)> > > OM parama gurave namah> >

> OM paratpara gurave namah, and> > > OM paramesthi gurave namah (that is for

Shiva, and all knowledge)> > >> > > With best regards,>

> > Sanjay Rath> > > SJC Puri, 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India> > >

Tel: +91.6752.226269 http://srath.com> > >> > > - >

> > monmuk111> > > vedic astrology> > > Sent:

Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:27 PM> > > [vedic astrology] Re: : To be

Guru or Not to be ?? to> > Rosemary ,> > > Partha, Venkat> > >> > >> > > Hello

Rosemary and Partha:> > >> > > First and foremost,if I offended anyone with my

"Guru" questions,> I> > > apologize.> > >> > > My intent wasn't malicious. My

intent was to understand how can> > > people flying first class, riding

rolls-royce and living in> palatial> > > homes claim to be Gurus?> > >> > >

Partha has Indian roots so he knows about the lifestyle of the> REAL> > > Gurus,

but Rosemary, if you're not well-versed about life in> India,> > > I'd like to

tell you that REAL Brahmins and Gurus in India live> off> > > donations

received from patrons and the life style is simple and> > > somtimes really

poor.> > >> > > Rosemary, even in ancient India, the Gurus lived off whatever>

> > donations the Kings made to them and Venkat has already named a> few-> > ->

> > Vishwamitra, Drona, etc. In fact, Drona fought on the side of> > > Kauravas

during the Mahabharat war because he was living off> > donation> > > from King

Duryodhan.> > >> > > So, the question I had posed was that if some who is

profiteering> > > from the sacred Vedic knowledge and isn't living like a

Hermit on> > > donation, can this person call himself a Guru?> > >> > > I feel I

had asked a valid question, but it appears that my> > questions> > > have riled

up somuch negative emotions that we should end this> > debate> > > as Partha

has suggested.> > >> > > Respectfully,> > > Mukund> > >> > > --- In

vedic astrology, "R Innes-Jones"

> > > and> > > > > separating yourself from truth.> > > > > Where is the advaita

here? It is all one.> > > > > You are as much a part of me and I you. This play

of creation> > > with its> > > > > actors is not who we really are. Why the

preference and claim> to> > > one part> > > > or> > > > > another?> > > > >> >

> > > Ask yourself, in the pureness of your heart, is their any> > >

difference> > > > between> > > > > yourself, the 'false' guru and the 'true'> >

> > guru.............................> > > > >> > > > > Kind regards> > > > >

Rosemary> > > > >> > > > > -> > > > >

"monmuk111" > > > > > > > > > > Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:31 AM> > > >

> [vedic astrology] Re: Fwd: >Venkatarama--to Venkat=== message

truncated ===

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