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PV Narasimha Rao - Staesman & Scholar

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Please find my humble attempt, to analyze the horoscope, within my knowledge

limitations. Kindly review and correct.

Late Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao - Statesman and Scholar Keeping aside the scandals,

PV Narasimha Rao was among the most pragmatic and efficient Prime Ministers,

India ever had. With just a single week's foreign exchange reserves in hand,

with no majority , as the first congress PM outside Nehru family and as the

first south Indian - Shri Rao's Kranti Darshan, helped India to frame policies

badly needed by the then economy. Rao's contribution in the 90's is identical

to Deng Xiaoping's contribution to Chinese economy in the 1980's. This lag

of10 years can be observed/compared between Indian/Chinese economies. As

elections are not state funded, funding the national election for a national

party, in a vast country like India is not an easy job. The congressmen &

others who were criticizing Late Rao, were certainly overlooking this. Any

political leader right from Shri Nehru until today irrespective of party,

cannot fund a national election without the help of business


"When I don't make a decision, it's not that I don't think aboutit. I think

about it and make a decision not to make a decision."


Salient features of the Horoscope.

1)Lagna lord (10th lord) forming Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga in the 10th.Mahapurusha

repeating from Chandra Lagna, fortifying the strength.Conjunction with a

luminary and functional/natural malefic Mars will modify the effects, though.

But even a trait of Mahapurusha in the strongest quadrant is a boost for the

whole chart. Unless one is a Prince, one needs knowledge at his disposal to

rise and remain. Shri Rao was a great scholar able to handle numerous

languages(17).Mercury is also leastly and lastly affected by Kendradhipatya.

Association of Sun as 12th lord and Mars as 8th lord in Karma Sthana can

explain thenumerous political scandals.

2)Numerous houses are strengthened by virtue of planets aspecting their Swa/ Deeptha kshethras.

a)2nd house is aspected by Saturn(its exaltation place) and by Venus(own

house)b)4th house is aspected by its own lord Jupiterc)5th house is aspected by

Mars (its exaltaion place)d)6th house is aspected by Saturn (its Moolatrikona)

e)10th house has strength as explained before


3)Mercury in the 10th is considered as another great Raja yoga. His owning of

10th and being Amatya karaka, enhances the role it has to play. It is also


4)Raja Yoga in the 12th house formed by Saturn and Jupiter. This also enhances

intelligence and discretion. More so due to Saturn's 5th lordship in company

with Jupiter.5th lord aspected by Jupiter is Budhi Madhurya. But position of

5th lord in 12th may not be an idealcondition.

5)Budh-Aditya in the 10th (He was really intelligent) & Mars and Sun with Dig

Bala in the 10th (Political planets)

6)Sakata Yoga - Placement of Brihaspati in an adverse position from Moon. As

Sakata means wheel, the fortune of the individual will revolve like a wheel -

UP/DOWN. After his political retirement, the committee headed by

Shri.K.Karunakaran(former Kerala CM), paved the path for a comeback of

Narasimha Rao, as Prime Minister(post Rajiv Gandhi assassination).


7)Placement of 9th lord (Bhagya and Dharma) in 8th.This can be assessed in

conjunction with Sakata Yoga.


Timing of Events

As we have mentioned before, the 12th house is the only house having an

association for a Trinal/Kendra Rajayoga. Sun the political planet is

dispositor of this association. Thus the 12th lord Sun being placed in the

Karma Sthana ( 11th from 12th)definitely has to give the effects. In 1972 he

entered national politics and during the following Sun dasha he strengthened

his position at national level.

As the strength of planets in any chart is concentrated or finally converged

into moon, the strength of moon will decide fructification/sustenance of any

Raja yoga. Moon the 11th lord is placed in a quadrant (9th from its house)

aspecting lagna. Its dispositor Jupiter is involved in the Raja yoga mentioned

above. Also his Moon is in a sun ruled nakshathra , Uthara Bhadra.(This was a

good period as Union Minister) Mars is the dispositor of 9th lord placed in

10th in association with Bhadra MPY forming 10th lord Mercury and Political

planet Sun (dispositor of Raja yoga).Importantly in the Navamsha, Mars is

dispositing the Rajayoga forming 5th lord Saturn. For the above reasons, Mars

with dig bala and as 9th lord from Chandra has to give Rajayoga results.

During Venus dasha/Mercury antar dasha(9 th & 10th) became chief minister of

AP.(1962 -71 was minister dasha of 9th lord) Rahu is placed alone in Libra

owned by Venus. Rahu when alone behaves like Saturn and thus behaves as if in

exaltaion. Rahu gives results of dispositor and associations. Aspected by 5th

lord Saturn( exaltaion place) and disposited and aspected by 9th lord Venus.

In Mars Dasha/Rahu Antar dasha he became the PM.


Rahu dasha/Saturn antar dasha death. I am unable to understand thisfully.


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