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Apaatra Daanam and Jyotish on Web- Cheating by Quakes

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I am surprised to note some of comments about astrologers in India.


Have you ever thought of the number of Phony / bad physiscians are

there in India?


If you are having a serious medical problem, by any prudence you make

enquires about the expert doctors available, get their credentials

and only then will you visit them. Considering the state of thet

Industry I will strongly advice to obtain different openions from

other doctors. This does not mean that medical science is wrong. Only

that one should be carefull in selecting the right doctor.


If you walk on the streets at night brandishing your fat purse, you

wil only be inviting danger from thieves. In fact it is such actions

that creates a tendancy in others to loot you.


While every one should maintain moral conduct in any field, the common

man also has a responcibility to see that phony / duplicate/ quakes

does not capture the field.


You take any industry. One can see duplicates and sub standard goods

flooding the market. In fact if you want to buy a genuine piece you

may not get it because the manufacturer stoped making it due to market

conditions. Who is to blame for this state. Genuine Trader or the

consumer ?


This is true with astrology also. We believe and want to think that

Astrology is Vedic and hence Devine Knowledge. That is why Astrologers

were called "Daivagjna".


One should thank the Vedic-astrology group for starting some thing

like this. Atleast it will help genuine knowledge to be imparted to

those who need it. I hope more and more people use it. Let there be

more productive discussions on this site.


With Best Wishes and Regards

A.G.Suresh Babu

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Recently I had an encounter with a dentist in US, where he charged me and my

insurance company with the same amount of dollars. He was not suppose to charge

me anything. When questioned, he replied "we made a mistake". It turned out that

he has done this to many patients and the investigation is going on. This is

irrelevant for this group but I brought it up to let people know that this kind

of practices are going on in the rest of the world as well (not just India). But

I am truly surprised that people are using Astrology (considered as one of the

siddhis), in a wrong way. I thought that this knowledge can be truly gained by

the ones who are on the path to liberation.



Devikasureshbabuag <sureshbabuag > wrote:

Namasthe.I am surprised to note some of comments about astrologers in India.

Have you ever thought of the number of Phony / bad physiscians arethere in

India?If you are having a serious medical problem, by any prudence you

makeenquires about the expert doctors available, get their credentialsand only

then will you visit them. Considering the state of thetIndustry I will strongly

advice to obtain different openions fromother doctors. This does not mean that

medical science is wrong. Onlythat one should be carefull in selecting the

right doctor. If you walk on the streets at night brandishing your fat purse,

youwil only be inviting danger from thieves. In fact it is such actionsthat

creates a tendancy in others to loot you.While every one should maintain moral

conduct in any field, the commonman

also has a responcibility to see that phony / duplicate/ quakesdoes not capture

the field. You take any industry. One can see duplicates and sub standard

goodsflooding the market. In fact if you want to buy a genuine piece youmay not

get it because the manufacturer stoped making it due to marketconditions. Who is

to blame for this state. Genuine Trader or theconsumer ?This is true with

astrology also. We believe and want to think thatAstrology is Vedic and hence

Devine Knowledge. That is why Astrologerswere called "Daivagjna".One should

thank the Vedic-astrology group for starting some thinglike this. Atleast it

will help genuine knowledge to be imparted tothose who need it. I hope more and

more people use it. Let there bemore productive discussions on this site. With

Best Wishes and RegardsA.G.Suresh BabuArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

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shine on us .......

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