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introducing myself and few queries...

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namaskar !!!



i am very glad to have found this lovely grp and this is my first

post. my congratulations to the one and all involved in making it a

informatory and useful place with knowledgeable members .



naturally like every one i am curious abt my future but i've one

more reason to be here too...i find astrolgy and occult sciences

very facinating to delve into..



i'd like to have my chart reading done and get sum of replies to my

concern if anyone is willing to do it for me on their own

accord...no obligations...if so i'd give them my birth details...




i've few astrological query...



1) what are the indiacations for a love marriage?

and a love marraige to sumone outside of one's community

or with different religious or cultural background or marrying

against family or parental opposition?



--if in the horoscope the 5th lord aspects 7th house fully and 7th

lord aspects 5th house fully is it an indication of love marraige?


--if in the natal chart venus(conjucts)ketu and in navamsa chart

venus again conjucts rahu does thsi indicate marrying from other

cultural or religious background?


---if venus is in 7th in pisces in exaltion in navamsa,

does thsi mena a marraige acc to one's won wish and to the kind of

partner one dreams of ....happy marriage, desirable partner etc?


2) second query is abt debilition...in virgo asc mercury is in 10th

in gemini with sun...a very great position...


but in fall in seventh(ramana ayamnsa)in pisces with venus .


but again as in natal chart the planet mercury is retrograde...








also let me know if i can have my birth chart done...


thank you in anticipation,



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