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To: Praveen Kumar/ POB

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I apologize for the private email. will post to the group from now on. any help

and direction will be much appreciated.


fmdPraveen Kumar <chunnu2001 (AT) vsnl (DOT) net> wrote:

No personal mails please. Write through the list only. Where is your POB ?


Praveen Kumar


searching destiny

Praveen Kumar

16, 01, 2005 6:17 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: VRY

dear sir


my dateand time of birth is 15:26PM Jan 29th 1975.lagna gemini. rasi leo. i lost

my job in september 2002. got married in june 2004. i am worried about my

career. i am currently working as a software engineer in the US. even though i

work hard i am not getting the proper results. hence i am frustrated with my

current job but not getting a better job. please advice regarding what is a

good career for me and when i will see good time in profession. any specific

remedies i need to do? also, i am running moon dasa right now.


thank you and pranaam

fmdPraveen Kumar <chunnu2001 (AT) vsnl (DOT) net> wrote:



Before asking a question always give following details:1) Rasi and degrees of

Lagna and the Moon.2) Source of TOB, that is recorded meticulously, hospital

record, rectified etc.3) Margin of error possible.4) Some past trends / facts /

events, may be other than you want to ask about. You may write about your

education, profession, marriage / spouse if married, good / bad periods of

past, parents' profession / status, health etc.


Your chart is good for research if TOB is almost accurate. Your Rasi and Navamsa

are correct, 100%. During Mars-Saturn you will get a VRY. You will get fame

through authorship. You can get married within next 6 months to someone you may

like. Your chart is very good. Earlier, it was Moon dasa. Wait for turn of the



Please give me minutest details (to my personal mail) of your life to help my

research work. Reply to questions under 1 to 4.


Praveen Kumar



vedic astrology

13, 01, 2005 4:06 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: VRY

HelloMy 8th lord Mars is in 6th and 6th lord Saturn is in 8th. Does VRY operate

in my case? My Mars is at 29 degrees at the extreme end of the house and my

Saturn is debilitated since its in Aries. However Venus is in 4th house so

Neechbhanga Yoga should be operating. I'm expreiencing Mars Mahadasha with

Jupiter Antardasha. Mars as lord of 3rd and 8th has given a lot of problems but

Jupiter Antardasha enabled me travel abroad and give lectures in the US - even

earn money for lecturing on Hindu philosophy. This July Saturn Antardasha will

start operating. Will this lead to further problems or give me success? I'm

expreiencing health problems - not very major but enough to create discomfort.

I'm awaiting news from publisher about a work of mine to be published. I'll get

his answer in mid February. Will that be positive or negative?My Jupiter in 2nd

house is also having exchange with Venus in 4th

house. But Jupiter and Venus are natural enemies. What does this signify? In the

past I have been told in this forum that Jupiter is inmical to me but every

rise/improvement in my life has either come from Jupiter or Mercury

antardasha.I have tried for a management job in corporate sector and even did

an MBA but could never get a management job. I was always being pushed into job

in NGOs. When I did get a job in corporate it was not a management job but more

of a documentation job. I wanted to do training! Why did this happen? My family

astrologer says that my career will have problems because Jupiter is debilitated

in my Navansa. But position of moon in Navamsa makes it a Neechbhanga yoga for

Jupiter. He also says that planets are not good in Dasamsa either. What is the

issue? Is there any indication for me to get a corporate job later?When will I

get settled? I'm 35 and still not settled. I'm not married

either. Is there any scope for foreign settlement? My birth details are:Date -

15-01-1970Place - Patna, BiharTime - 10:02 PMHarsh VermaArchives:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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