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Divisional Vimsottari Dasa? (10th house and 6th house: to PVR)

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|| Hare Rama Krsna ||


Hi Narashima,


For example, my Jupiter is at 9Li46. He is in the 10th house in D-24,

with a subhargala on arudha lagna. In D-24, this translates to 24Pi24

in D-24 and means Revati star. When Jupiter was transiting in Revati

and Moon and Mercury had vedha on Revati from Mrigasira in SBC (the

two planets associated with the 5th from arudha lagna in D-24), I

stood state first in my state in intermediate exams and was selected

for IIT-Chennai.


In my natal dasamsa, Moon is the only planet in the 11th from arudha

lagna. He shows the earnings. He is at 28Aq33 and this translates to

15Sc30 in D-10.


>> How do you translate Jupiter 9Li46 in D-1 to 24Pi24 in D-24, whats

the formula ? can you please share with us ?


>> Same with Moon in 28Aq33 translates to 15Sc30 in D-10 ?





vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr@c...> wrote:

> Namaste Vijay ji,


> In our tradition, we use Narayana dasa in all the divisional charts.

Narayana dasa is a generalization of chara dasa. We take the karyesha

in rasi chart and take his place in the divisional chart to start the

dasa (e.g. position in dasamsa of the 10th lord of rasi chart is used

to find Narayana dasa of dasamsa).


> I have seen some people computing planetary longitudes in divisional

charts and computing different Vimsottari dasas in different

divisions, using the divisional longitudes. There is some basis for

this. Parasara defined the exaltation and debilitation of some planets

to occur in parts of signs, i.e. between certain degrees, and not in

the entire sign. For example, if Mercury is in Virgo, he may or may

not be exalted. He is exalted only in the first 15 degrees. But

Parasara referred to planets being exalted or debilitated in

divisional charts also! So case can be made that planets have

longitudes in divisional charts also.


> After all, computation of some charts such as navamsa-navamsa

(D-81), navamsa-dwadasamsa (D-108), dwadasamsa-dwadasamsa (D-144) is

based on treating the sign occupied by a planet in a divisional chart

(e.g. navamsa or dwadasamsa) as if it was a sign in rasi chart and

finding further divisions in it! Thus, there is basis for treating a

planet's placement in a divisional chart as if it were a placement in

rasi chart and finding a longitude for it.


> If there is a divisional longitude, there can be a nakshtra too.

Naturally then, there can be a Vimsottari dasa too.


> However, we have to understand what the divisional nakshatra means.

The rasi chart is based on physical zodiac and it shows the physical

existence. The divisional charts are not based on the physical zodiac

and are abstract. Similarly, the divisional charts do not show the

physical existence. They show various abstract environments which

influence one's physical existence (rasi chart). The rasi position of

Moon shows the physical mind. Vimsottari dasa traces its progression

with time. If you are not talking about the physical mind but talking

about an abstract aspect of the mind (e.g. mind as applied to

professional matters), will the same progression work? What is its



> I did dabble a bit with divisional Vimsottari dasas, but I am happy

using the normal rasi based Vimsottari dasa and judging the same dasa

using various divisional charts.


> But for those who want to do research, I have given the ability to

find Vimsottari dasa using the divisional longitude in any divisional

charts in the commercial version of my software.


> BTW, I found the divisional nakshatras useful when analyzing

transits using SarvatoBhadra Chakra. SBC is a fine technique for

judging transits. Using the natal divisional nakshatras of planets and

finding vedhas on them by transit rasi nakshatras of planets, I found

very interesting results.


> For example, my Jupiter is at 9Li46. He is in the 10th house in

D-24, with a subhargala on arudha lagna. In D-24, this translates to

24Pi24 in D-24 and means Revati star. When Jupiter was transiting in

Revati and Moon and Mercury had vedha on Revati from Mrigasira in SBC

(the two planets associated with the 5th from arudha lagna in D-24), I

stood state first in my state in intermediate exams and was selected

for IIT-Chennai.


> In my natal dasamsa, Moon is the only planet in the 11th from arudha

lagna. He shows the earnings. He is at 28Aq33 and this translates to

15Sc30 in D-10. This means Anuradha star. When Mercury and Venus were

transiting in Anuradha star in Dec 1993, I started in my first job.

When Sun and Mars were in Asresha having vedha in SBC on Anuradha on

2002 Aug 12, I lost my job. The startup I was working for went into

hybernation mode and laid off almost the whole engineering team.

Please note that Sun and Mars are the 12th and 8th lords in natal

dasamsa. Later that year, when Jupiter moved to Asresha and Venus into

Visakha and both had vedha on Anuradha in SBC, I joined another job.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> -------------------------------


> > Dear PVR-ji,

> >

> > Theoretically it is possible to have a dasa based on the vargas. For

> > instance, we could have a Vimshottari Dasha based on the dashamamsha,

> > which is completely different from the Vimshottari Dasha based on

> > rashi. Have you researched/do you have any suggestions for the

> > signficance/lack of significance for each varga dasha.

> >

> > With best wishes,

> > -Vijay

> >

> >

> > , "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

> > <pvr@c...> wrote:

> > > Namaste Anil ji,

> > >

> > > There are three houses that are particularly important in dasamsa

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