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Too many mundane charts: What, when and how?

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Namaste friends,


There was a discussion on fortnightly charts yesterday.


Students may be overwhelmed by the myriad mundane charts that exist - various

annual charts, monthly charts and fortnightly charts. When to use what and what

to see in each chart may be confusing. I want to shed some light on that based

on my experience. I also want to talk about a simple rasi dasa that I never

talked about before.


* * *




© 2005 P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, Sri Jagannath Centre

The material below is copyrighted by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao. You may not reproduce

it in part or in full in any form without written permission from the author.


Parasara taught at the beginning of BPHS about the time periods governed by

planets. For example, Sun governs the division of time into ayanas

(half-years); Jupiter governs the division of time into months (fortnights);

Saturn governs the division of time into years, and so on.


Did you ever wonder what that means? Did you ever wonder how to use that information?


Well, one of its uses is in prasna (horary astrology), in timing events from

prasna chart. The other use is in understanding the basis behind various

mundane charts like paksha chakras, maasa chakras and varsha chakras.


The division of time into fortnights is governed by Venus. So paksha chakras

(fortnightly charts) throw light on jala tattva matters and matters signified

by Venus. Financial markets, material prosperity, happiness or lack of it,

harmony and well-being of society, rains and weather are the focus of

fortnightly charts. Make the New Moon and Full Moon charts every fortnight at

the capital of a nation and study them to see the results for a fortnight.


The division of time into ayanas (half-years) is governed by Sun. So ayana

chakras (half-yearly charts) throw light on agni tattva matters and matters

signified by Sun. Political developments are the focus of half-yearly charts.


Thus, fortnightly charts, monthly charts, half-yearly charts and annual charts

are all useful. Each is seen for a specific purpose and hence there is no clash

or confusion between various charts.


Many dasas are applicable when compressed to the period of the chart, but the

dasa that works the best in my experience is Sama Narayana dasa. Find it like

Narayana dasa, but use equal dasas rather than the normal chara dasa lengths

used in Narayana dasa! Mu guru Pt Sanjay Rath taught me this dasa in the

context of annual Tithi Pravesha chakras and said I could find the months of

important events using it. I found it applicable in mundane charts. I will

illustrate this using examples!


* * *




Event: Terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 morning in USA

Previous Fortnightly Chart: 2 September 2001, 5:43:44 pm (EDT), Washington DC

Duration of the Fortnight: 14.5307 civil days (or 15 tithis)


Make the chart. You will see that Mars and Ketu are in the 12th house in

Sagittarius with Mandi and Gulika. This can show a loss caused by a secret

enemy (12th) who is violent and fanatical (Mars and Ketu). Compress the dasas

and get


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Cn: 2001-09-02 (17:43:44) - 2001-09-03 (22:54:01) Ge: 2001-09-03 (22:54:01) -

2001-09-05 (4:03:10) Ta: 2001-09-05 (4:03:10) - 2001-09-06 (9:11:13) Ar:

2001-09-06 (9:11:13) - 2001-09-07 (14:18:04) Pi: 2001-09-07 (14:18:04) -

2001-09-08 (19:23:43) Aq: 2001-09-08 (19:23:43) - 2001-09-10 (0:28:09) Cp:

2001-09-10 (0:28:09) - 2001-09-11 (5:31:14) Sg: 2001-09-11 (5:31:14) -

2001-09-12 (10:33:02) <<<< Sc: 2001-09-12 (10:33:02) - 2001-09-13 (15:33:34)

Li: 2001-09-13 (15:33:34) - 2001-09-14 (20:32:55) Vi: 2001-09-14 (20:32:55) -

2001-09-16 (1:31:00) Le: 2001-09-16 (1:31:00) - 2001-09-17 (6:27:56)


The attack came in Sg dasa (12th house) containing Mars, Ketu and Mandi. Mars is

at 3 deg 18 min in the sign Sg. So his result comes roughly after 3/30, i.e.

1/10th of the dasa, is over. This means about 3 hours from the beginning of

dasa. This gives around 8:30-9:00 am on 11 Sept 2001.


The fortnightly chart does not show a terrorist attack per se. It shows lack of

peace in the country, shock in country, financial turmoil in the country as a

result of the terrorist attack.


* * *




Event: Babri masjid demolition in Ayodhya, India on 6 December 1992

Previous Fortnightly Chart: 24 November 1992, 2:41:57 pm (IST, New Delhi

Duration of the Fortnight: 15.6037 civil days (or 15 tithis)


Make the chart. You will see that Rahu is in the 9th house of religion with

debilitated 5th lord Moon, 6th lord Sun and badhakesha Mercury. Affliction of

5tjh lord Moon by Rahu shows mass hysteria. Affliction of Sun by Rahu shows

political turmoil and intrigue. Affliction of 6th lord by Rahu in 9th shows

communal clashes. Placement of badhakesha in 9th shows destruction of religious

places (textbook result of badhakesha in 9th: "breaking of idols") and religious



With all these planets, clearly Scorpio, 9th house of religion, is the house of

trouble. Now look at the compressed Sama Narayana dasa.


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Vi: 1992-11-24 (14:41:57) - 1992-11-25 (20:00:46) Cp: 1992-11-25 (20:00:46) -

1992-11-27 (2:17:07) Ta: 1992-11-27 (2:17:07) - 1992-11-28 (9:33:55) Ge:

1992-11-28 (9:33:55) - 1992-11-29 (17:45:53) Li: 1992-11-29 (17:45:53) -

1992-12-01 (2:38:13) Aq: 1992-12-01 (2:38:13) - 1992-12-02 (11:47:43) Pi:

1992-12-02 (11:47:43) - 1992-12-03 (20:47:06) Cn: 1992-12-03 (20:47:06) -

1992-12-05 (5:11:04) Sc: 1992-12-05 (5:11:04) - 1992-12-06 (12:41:38) <<<< Sg:

1992-12-06 (12:41:38) - 1992-12-07 (19:10:23) Ar: 1992-12-07 (19:10:23) -

1992-12-09 (0:37:52) Le: 1992-12-09 (0:37:52) - 1992-12-10 (5:11:17)


It was in the dasa of Scorpio that the kar sevaks started the demolition. Rahu

is close to 29 deg in Sc. So his result comes around when 29/30 of the dasa is

over. So it comes in the last hour of the dasa. The demolition started shortly

after noon.


Next dasa Sg is is the 10th house and contains 8th lord Venus. Next day, central

and state governments came under heavy criticism.


* * *




Event: Tremendous political pressure on Musharraf following 11 September 2001

Previous half-yearly (ayana pravesha) chart: 16 July 2001, 12:19:43 pm, Islamabad

Duration of the Half year: 181.894 civil days (or 180 deg motion of Sun)


Being an ayana level chart, it shows political developments - power manuevres

and policy changes.


In this chart, Virgo rises. The 10th house of leadership, Gemini, has lagna and

10th lord Mercury, afflicted by Rahu within 1 degree. Badhakesha Jupiter also

afflicts Mercury.


This shows powerful foreign influences (Rahu) coming on the nation (lagna lord)

and its leadership (10th lord) during the year and moulding the policies of the

government (10th house).


The Sama Narayana dasa calculations are shown below:


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Vi: 2001-07-16 (12:19:44) - 2001-08-01 (5:09:49) Cp: 2001-08-01 (5:09:49) -

2001-08-16 (20:40:26) Ta: 2001-08-16 (20:40:26) - 2001-09-01 (9:56:50) Ge:

2001-09-01 (9:56:50) - 2001-09-16 (20:35:18) <<<< Li: 2001-09-16 (20:35:18) -

2001-10-02 (4:09:08) Aq: 2001-10-02 (4:09:08) - 2001-10-17 (8:33:26) Pi:

2001-10-17 (8:33:26) - 2001-11-01 (9:52:26) Cn: 2001-11-01 (9:52:26) -

2001-11-16 (8:22:49) Sc: 2001-11-16 (8:22:49) - 2001-12-01 (4:34:33) Sg:

2001-12-01 (4:34:33) - 2001-12-15 (23:02:22) Ar: 2001-12-15 (23:02:22) -

2001-12-30 (16:31:41) Le: 2001-12-30 (16:31:41) - 2002-01-14 (9:47:05)


Gemini is the sign we talked about earlier. Its dasa ran from Sept 1 to Sept 16.

Shortly after the September 11 attacks, US government put tremendous pressure on

Musharraf government to turn against Taliban and co-operate in the "war on

terror". On September 13, Colin Powell called Musharraf and gave a specific

list of demands. On September 14, Musharraf's cabinet and national security

council met in Pakistan and decided to agree to US demands. On September 15,

Powell publicly confirmed that Pakistan agreed to co-operate. On the same day,

Bush called Musharraf to than him.


Thus, foreign pressure and the process of change in policy started in Gemini dasa.


* * *




Each type of mundane charts (fortnightly, monthly, semi-annual and annual

charts) has a specific focus area that is governed by the rulership of planets

over the division of time into various units. As the examples above show, Sama

Narayana dasa works well with mundane charts. As I showed in another mail,

compressed nakshatra dasas also give good results. But the dasa I discussed

above is my favorite.


A lot of what I wrote above is my own research, but it is based on the teachings

of tradition. My contribution was to make sense of the teachings of tradition

and put the pieces together, rather than creating new pieces.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha

-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software



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Dear Shri Narasimha Rao,




Linking various (mundane) charts with grahas (eg. Sun with half-yearly, Venus

with fortnightly charts etc) seems a thought provoking idea that may

re-describe the jurisdiction of different charts. In order to prove the said

proposition and applicability of Narayana Dasha, you provided many examples.

But it is also true, that countries whose capital cities are situating close to

each other usually gives identical annual, monthly or ayan charts and therefore

similar dasa progression, but on the other hand, not have experienced identical

history of major national events!


The mundane charts/transit or planetary phenomena may be categorized into three

major types (in my humble view), namely;


1- Radical

2- Specific

3- General


Radical Charts: This includes charts, drawn at the time of emerging a new

order/system or country e.g.; nation chart (independence chart), revolution

chart, chart of republic proclamations, chart of new cities etc. Similarly the

chart of ruler (one who has chief executive power whether president, prime

minister, king, or price) and charts of their swearing-ins as well. These sort

of charts have greatest say in all major national events. How and when a

country would rise or fall based on mentioned radical charts.


Specific: Any astrological phenomena (dynamic aspects, eclipse, lunation etc)

and chart of that planetary phenomena based on 'Radical Charts' or reckoned

from certain point of radical chart may be treated as 'specific'. For example,

solar return chart, luni-solar day return (tithi pravesh) chart, transit and

planetary phenomena with respect to natal planets or cusps e.g. gochar with

respect to country or ruler's janma rashi or janma nakshtra etc.


General: Any astrological phenomena or chart of planetary movement not directly

related to 'Radical Charts' is to be treated as general, e.g. 60 years cycle,

solar and lunar eclipse charts, chitra chukla pratipad chart, sankrant chart,

solar ingress into cardinal signs viz. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn,

annual and monthly new and full Moon charts, dynamic aspects specially the

conjunction and opposition among outer planets.



Amongst mentioned above kinds, the first type (radical charts) portray real

manifestation of national/domestic events. Infact they reveal nation’s path of

the fortune. The second type of charts or planetary movements show

circumstances and activities for certain time frame under limits of radical

charts. While the third type of charts or planetary movements are global

phenomena and only clues nature/environment of the events, unless they are not

treated with respect any natal reference point or 'space'. For example, at

present we are going through Kali Yuga (dark age) and its effect is general to

all. Similarly Saturn in Gemini is for all countries, and its general effect is

for all, e.g.; troubles in communication infra-structure, railway accidents,


propagation via media and delay in diplomatic development etc. But if this

transit of Saturn is reckoned from lagna, moon, janma nakshtra of any 'radical

charts' then (good or bad) results attains 'specific' status for that country.

Similarly eclipses and dynamic mutual aspects in any sign are general

astrological phenomena but looking their relation with 'radical charts' make

them specific.


One may argue here that annual lunar/solar charts (or sankrant or ayan charts)

are specific to countries as they are erected on the coordinates of capital

city, but in reality they are specific to region rather than country. Let us


mso-fareast-language: EN-US">South Asia, in most of the cases you find identical

Rashi Chart (and off-course identical Rashi Dasha progresion) in New Delhi,

Islamabad and

Kabul. Historically did all the these countries experience same situation?

Obviously not. So as the case for many European countries that situated in near

by latitudes. Thus the Varshphala (Solar return chart) and Tithi Prevesh

(Luni-Solar day return chart) have clear ascendancy over annual/monthly lunar

and solar ingress charts, as they are specific to country not the region.

Therefore any mundane prediction only dependant upon general chart may lead to

failure, unless they are not analyzed in the mirror of radical charts.







"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

Namaste friends,


There was a discussion on fortnightly charts yesterday.


Students may be overwhelmed by the myriad mundane charts that exist - various

annual charts, monthly charts and fortnightly charts. When to use what and what

to see in each chart may be confusing. I want to shed some light on that based

on my experience. I also want to talk about a simple rasi dasa that I never

talked about before.


* * *




© 2005 P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, Sri Jagannath Centre

The material below is copyrighted by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao. You may not reproduce

it in part or in full in any form without written permission from the author.


Parasara taught at the beginning of BPHS about the time periods governed by

planets. For example, Sun governs the division of time into ayanas

(half-years); Jupiter governs the division of time into months (fortnights);

Saturn governs the division of time into years, and so on.


Did you ever wonder what that means? Did you ever wonder how to use that information?


Well, one of its uses is in prasna (horary astrology), in timing events from

prasna chart. The other use is in understanding the basis behind various

mundane charts like paksha chakras, maasa chakras and varsha chakras.


The division of time into fortnights is governed by Venus. So paksha chakras

(fortnightly charts) throw light on jala tattva matters and matters signified

by Venus. Financial markets, material prosperity, happiness or lack of it,

harmony and well-being of society, rains and weather are the focus of

fortnightly charts. Make the New Moon and Full Moon charts every fortnight at

the capital of a nation and study them to see the results for a fortnight.


The division of time into ayanas (half-years) is governed by Sun. So ayana

chakras (half-yearly charts) throw light on agni tattva matters and matters

signified by Sun. Political developments are the focus of half-yearly charts.


Thus, fortnightly charts, monthly charts, half-yearly charts and annual charts

are all useful. Each is seen for a specific purpose and hence there is no clash

or confusion between various charts.


Many dasas are applicable when compressed to the period of the chart, but the

dasa that works the best in my experience is Sama Narayana dasa. Find it like

Narayana dasa, but use equal dasas rather than the normal chara dasa lengths

used in Narayana dasa! Mu guru Pt Sanjay Rath taught me this dasa in the

context of annual Tithi Pravesha chakras and said I could find the months of

important events using it. I found it applicable in mundane charts. I will

illustrate this using examples!


* * *




Event: Terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 morning in USA

Previous Fortnightly Chart: 2 September 2001, 5:43:44 pm (EDT), Washington DC

Duration of the Fortnight: 14.5307 civil days (or 15 tithis)


Make the chart. You will see that Mars and Ketu are in the 12th house in

Sagittarius with Mandi and Gulika. This can show a loss caused by a secret

enemy (12th) who is violent and fanatical (Mars and Ketu). Compress the dasas

and get


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Cn: 2001-09-02 (17:43:44) - 2001-09-03 (22:54:01) Ge: 2001-09-03 (22:54:01) -

2001-09-05 (4:03:10) Ta: 2001-09-05 (4:03:10) - 2001-09-06 (9:11:13) Ar:

2001-09-06 (9:11:13) - 2001-09-07 (14:18:04) Pi: 2001-09-07 (14:18:04) -

2001-09-08 (19:23:43) Aq: 2001-09-08 (19:23:43) - 2001-09-10 (0:28:09) Cp:

2001-09-10 (0:28:09) - 2001-09-11 (5:31:14) Sg: 2001-09-11 (5:31:14) -

2001-09-12 (10:33:02) <<<< Sc: 2001-09-12 (10:33:02) - 2001-09-13 (15:33:34)

Li: 2001-09-13 (15:33:34) - 2001-09-14 (20:32:55) Vi: 2001-09-14 (20:32:55) -

2001-09-16 (1:31:00) Le: 2001-09-16 (1:31:00) - 2001-09-17 (6:27:56)


The attack came in Sg dasa (12th house) containing Mars, Ketu and Mandi. Mars is

at 3 deg 18 min in the sign Sg. So his result comes roughly after 3/30, i.e.

1/10th of the dasa, is over. This means about 3 hours from the beginning of

dasa. This gives around 8:30-9:00 am on 11 Sept 2001.


The fortnightly chart does not show a terrorist attack per se. It shows lack of

peace in the country, shock in country, financial turmoil in the country as a

result of the terrorist attack.


* * *




Event: Babri masjid demolition in Ayodhya, India on 6 December 1992

Previous Fortnightly Chart: 24 November 1992, 2:41:57 pm (IST, New Delhi

Duration of the Fortnight: 15.6037 civil days (or 15 tithis)


Make the chart. You will see that Rahu is in the 9th house of religion with

debilitated 5th lord Moon, 6th lord Sun and badhakesha Mercury. Affliction of

5tjh lord Moon by Rahu shows mass hysteria. Affliction of Sun by Rahu shows

political turmoil and intrigue. Affliction of 6th lord by Rahu in 9th shows

communal clashes. Placement of badhakesha in 9th shows destruction of religious

places (textbook result of badhakesha in 9th: "breaking of idols") and religious



With all these planets, clearly Scorpio, 9th house of religion, is the house of

trouble. Now look at the compressed Sama Narayana dasa.


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Vi: 1992-11-24 (14:41:57) - 1992-11-25 (20:00:46) Cp: 1992-11-25 (20:00:46) -

1992-11-27 (2:17:07) Ta: 1992-11-27 (2:17:07) - 1992-11-28 (9:33:55) Ge:

1992-11-28 (9:33:55) - 1992-11-29 (17:45:53) Li: 1992-11-29 (17:45:53) -

1992-12-01 (2:38:13) Aq: 1992-12-01 (2:38:13) - 1992-12-02 (11:47:43) Pi:

1992-12-02 (11:47:43) - 1992-12-03 (20:47:06) Cn: 1992-12-03 (20:47:06) -

1992-12-05 (5:11:04) Sc: 1992-12-05 (5:11:04) - 1992-12-06 (12:41:38) <<<< Sg:

1992-12-06 (12:41:38) - 1992-12-07 (19:10:23) Ar: 1992-12-07 (19:10:23) -

1992-12-09 (0:37:52) Le: 1992-12-09 (0:37:52) - 1992-12-10 (5:11:17)


It was in the dasa of Scorpio that the kar sevaks started the demolition. Rahu

is close to 29 deg in Sc. So his result comes around when 29/30 of the dasa is

over. So it comes in the last hour of the dasa. The demolition started shortly

after noon.


Next dasa Sg is is the 10th house and contains 8th lord Venus. Next day, central

and state governments came under heavy criticism.


* * *




Event: Tremendous political pressure on Musharraf following 11 September 2001

Previous half-yearly (ayana pravesha) chart: 16 July 2001, 12:19:43 pm, Islamabad

Duration of the Half year: 181.894 civil days (or 180 deg motion of Sun)


Being an ayana level chart, it shows political developments - power manuevres

and policy changes.


In this chart, Virgo rises. The 10th house of leadership, Gemini, has lagna and

10th lord Mercury, afflicted by Rahu within 1 degree. Badhakesha Jupiter also

afflicts Mercury.


This shows powerful foreign influences (Rahu) coming on the nation (lagna lord)

and its leadership (10th lord) during the year and moulding the policies of the

government (10th house).


The Sama Narayana dasa calculations are shown below:


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Vi: 2001-07-16 (12:19:44) - 2001-08-01 (5:09:49) Cp: 2001-08-01 (5:09:49) -

2001-08-16 (20:40:26) Ta: 2001-08-16 (20:40:26) - 2001-09-01 (9:56:50) Ge:

2001-09-01 (9:56:50) - 2001-09-16 (20:35:18) <<<< Li: 2001-09-16 (20:35:18) -

2001-10-02 (4:09:08) Aq: 2001-10-02 (4:09:08) - 2001-10-17 (8:33:26) Pi:

2001-10-17 (8:33:26) - 2001-11-01 (9:52:26) Cn: 2001-11-01 (9:52:26) -

2001-11-16 (8:22:49) Sc: 2001-11-16 (8:22:49) - 2001-12-01 (4:34:33) Sg:

2001-12-01 (4:34:33) - 2001-12-15 (23:02:22) Ar: 2001-12-15 (23:02:22) -

2001-12-30 (16:31:41) Le: 2001-12-30 (16:31:41) - 2002-01-14 (9:47:05)


Gemini is the sign we talked about earlier. Its dasa ran from Sept 1 to Sept 16.

Shortly after the September 11 attacks, US government put tremendous pressure on

Musharraf government to turn against Taliban and co-operate in the "war on

terror". On September 13, Colin Powell called Musharraf and gave a specific

list of demands. On September 14, Musharraf's cabinet and national security

council met in Pakistan and decided to agree to US demands. On September 15,

Powell publicly confirmed that Pakistan agreed to co-operate. On the same day,

Bush called Musharraf to than him.


Thus, foreign pressure and the process of change in policy started in Gemini dasa.


* * *




Each type of mundane charts (fortnightly, monthly, semi-annual and annual

charts) has a specific focus area that is governed by the rulership of planets

over the division of time into various units. As the examples above show, Sama

Narayana dasa works well with mundane charts. As I showed in another mail,

compressed nakshatra dasas also give good results. But the dasa I discussed

above is my favorite.


A lot of what I wrote above is my own research, but it is based on the teachings

of tradition. My contribution was to make sense of the teachings of tradition

and put the pieces together, rather than creating new pieces.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha

-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software



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Dear Imran bhai,


The point you make is correct. The rasi chart is identical between many nations

in the case of lunar/solar charts. But divisional charts help us refine the



But, when significantly different fortunes befall two neighboring nations in a

period, you can expect rasi charts to be different.


Take my example 3 below. India's ayana pravesha chakra had Libra rising and

Pakistan's had Virgo. So the points made apply to Pakistan and not to India.


However, Afghanistan also shares the same rasi chart with Pakistan for the ayana

pravesha in July 2001. So the same period saw political pressures on Pakistan

and Afghanistan. But both acted differently. That may be seen from the

divisional charts.


When the natal chart of a country is available, it may be given priority though.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha

-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software




Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Cc: pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net

Thursday, January 27, 2005 12:50 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Too many mundane charts: What, when and how?

Dear Shri Narasimha Rao,




Linking various (mundane) charts with grahas (eg. Sun with half-yearly, Venus

with fortnightly charts etc) seems a thought provoking idea that may

re-describe the jurisdiction of different charts. In order to prove the said

proposition and applicability of Narayana Dasha, you provided many examples.

But it is also true, that countries whose capital cities are situating close to

each other usually gives identical annual, monthly or ayan charts and therefore

similar dasa progression, but on the other hand, not have experienced identical

history of major national events!


The mundane charts/transit or planetary phenomena may be categorized into three

major types (in my humble view), namely;


1- Radical

2- Specific

3- General


Radical Charts: This includes charts, drawn at the time of emerging a new

order/system or country e.g.; nation chart (independence chart), revolution

chart, chart of republic proclamations, chart of new cities etc. Similarly the

chart of ruler (one who has chief executive power whether president, prime

minister, king, or price) and charts of their swearing-ins as well. These sort

of charts have greatest say in all major national events. How and when a

country would rise or fall based on mentioned radical charts.


Specific: Any astrological phenomena (dynamic aspects, eclipse, lunation etc)

and chart of that planetary phenomena based on 'Radical Charts' or reckoned

from certain point of radical chart may be treated as 'specific'. For example,

solar return chart, luni-solar day return (tithi pravesh) chart, transit and

planetary phenomena with respect to natal planets or cusps e.g. gochar with

respect to country or ruler's janma rashi or janma nakshtra etc.


General: Any astrological phenomena or chart of planetary movement not directly

related to 'Radical Charts' is to be treated as general, e.g. 60 years cycle,

solar and lunar eclipse charts, chitra chukla pratipad chart, sankrant chart,

solar ingress into cardinal signs viz. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn,

annual and monthly new and full Moon charts, dynamic aspects specially the

conjunction and opposition among outer planets.

Amongst mentioned above kinds, the first type (radical charts) portray real

manifestation of national/domestic events. Infact they reveal nation’s path of

the fortune. The second type of charts or planetary movements show

circumstances and activities for certain time frame under limits of radical

charts. While the third type of charts or planetary movements are global

phenomena and only clues nature/environment of the events, unless they are not

treated with respect any natal reference point or 'space'. For example, at

present we are going through Kali Yuga (dark age) and its effect is general to

all. Similarly Saturn in Gemini is for all countries, and its general effect is

for all, e.g.; troubles in communication infra-structure, railway accidents,!

false propagation via media and delay in diplomatic development etc. But if

this transit of Saturn is reckoned from lagna, moon, janma nakshtra of any

'radical charts' then (good or bad) results attains 'specific' status for that

country. Similarly eclipses and dynamic mutual aspects in any sign are general

astrological phenomena but looking their relation with 'radical charts' make

them specific.


One may argue here that annual lunar/solar charts (or sankrant or ayan charts)

are specific to countries as they are erected on the coordinates of capital

city, but in reality they are specific to region rather than country. Let us


n'; mso-fareast-language: EN-US">South Asia, in most of the cases you find

identical Rashi Chart (and off-course identical Rashi Dasha progresion) in New

Delhi, Islamabad and Kabul. Historically did all the these countries experience

same situation? Obviously not. So as the case for many European countries that

situated in near by latitudes. Thus the Varshphala (Solar return chart) and

Tithi Prevesh (Luni-Solar day return chart) have clear ascendancy over

annual/monthly lunar and solar ingress charts, as they are specific to country

not the region. Therefore any mundane prediction only dependant upon general

chart may lead to failure, unless they are not analyzed in the mirror of

radical charts.




"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

Namaste friends,


There was a discussion on fortnightly charts yesterday.


Students may be overwhelmed by the myriad mundane charts that exist - various

annual charts, monthly charts and fortnightly charts. When to use what and what

to see in each chart may be confusing. I want to shed some light on that based

on my experience. I also want to talk about a simple rasi dasa that I never

talked about before.


* * *




© 2005 P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, Sri Jagannath Centre

The material below is copyrighted by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao. You may not reproduce

it in part or in full in any form without written permission from the author.


Parasara taught at the beginning of BPHS about the time periods governed by

planets. For example, Sun governs the division of time into ayanas

(half-years); Jupiter governs the division of time into months (fortnights);

Saturn governs the division of time into years, and so on.


Did you ever wonder what that means? Did you ever wonder how to use that information?


Well, one of its uses is in prasna (horary astrology), in timing events from

prasna chart. The other use is in understanding the basis behind various

mundane charts like paksha chakras, maasa chakras and varsha chakras.


The division of time into fortnights is governed by Venus. So paksha chakras

(fortnightly charts) throw light on jala tattva matters and matters signified

by Venus. Financial markets, material prosperity, happiness or lack of it,

harmony and well-being of society, rains and weather are the focus of

fortnightly charts. Make the New Moon and Full Moon charts every fortnight at

the capital of a nation and study them to see the results for a fortnight.


The division of time into ayanas (half-years) is governed by Sun. So ayana

chakras (half-yearly charts) throw light on agni tattva matters and matters

signified by Sun. Political developments are the focus of half-yearly charts.


Thus, fortnightly charts, monthly charts, half-yearly charts and annual charts

are all useful. Each is seen for a specific purpose and hence there is no clash

or confusion between various charts.


Many dasas are applicable when compressed to the period of the chart, but the

dasa that works the best in my experience is Sama Narayana dasa. Find it like

Narayana dasa, but use equal dasas rather than the normal chara dasa lengths

used in Narayana dasa! Mu guru Pt Sanjay Rath taught me this dasa in the

context of annual Tithi Pravesha chakras and said I could find the months of

important events using it. I found it applicable in mundane charts. I will

illustrate this using examples!


* * *




Event: Terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 morning in USA

Previous Fortnightly Chart: 2 September 2001, 5:43:44 pm (EDT), Washington DC

Duration of the Fortnight: 14.5307 civil days (or 15 tithis)


Make the chart. You will see that Mars and Ketu are in the 12th house in

Sagittarius with Mandi and Gulika. This can show a loss caused by a secret

enemy (12th) who is violent and fanatical (Mars and Ketu). Compress the dasas

and get


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Cn: 2001-09-02 (17:43:44) - 2001-09-03 (22:54:01) Ge: 2001-09-03 (22:54:01) -

2001-09-05 (4:03:10) Ta: 2001-09-05 (4:03:10) - 2001-09-06 (9:11:13) Ar:

2001-09-06 (9:11:13) - 2001-09-07 (14:18:04) Pi: 2001-09-07 (14:18:04) -

2001-09-08 (19:23:43) Aq: 2001-09-08 (19:23:43) - 2001-09-10 (0:28:09) Cp:

2001-09-10 (0:28:09) - 2001-09-11 (5:31:14) Sg: 2001-09-11 (5:31:14) -

2001-09-12 (10:33:02) <<<< Sc: 2001-09-12 (10:33:02) - 2001-09-13 (15:33:34)

Li: 2001-09-13 (15:33:34) - 2001-09-14 (20:32:55) Vi: 2001-09-14 (20:32:55) -

2001-09-16 (1:31:00) Le: 2001-09-16 (1:31:00) - 2001-09-17 (6:27:56)


The attack came in Sg dasa (12th house) containing Mars, Ketu and Mandi. Mars is

at 3 deg 18 min in the sign Sg. So his result comes roughly after 3/30, i.e.

1/10th of the dasa, is over. This means about 3 hours from the beginning of

dasa. This gives around 8:30-9:00 am on 11 Sept 2001.


The fortnightly chart does not show a terrorist attack per se. It shows lack of

peace in the country, shock in country, financial turmoil in the country as a

result of the terrorist attack.


* * *




Event: Babri masjid demolition in Ayodhya, India on 6 December 1992

Previous Fortnightly Chart: 24 November 1992, 2:41:57 pm (IST, New Delhi

Duration of the Fortnight: 15.6037 civil days (or 15 tithis)


Make the chart. You will see that Rahu is in the 9th house of religion with

debilitated 5th lord Moon, 6th lord Sun and badhakesha Mercury. Affliction of

5tjh lord Moon by Rahu shows mass hysteria. Affliction of Sun by Rahu shows

political turmoil and intrigue. Affliction of 6th lord by Rahu in 9th shows

communal clashes. Placement of badhakesha in 9th shows destruction of religious

places (textbook result of badhakesha in 9th: "breaking of idols") and religious



With all these planets, clearly Scorpio, 9th house of religion, is the house of

trouble. Now look at the compressed Sama Narayana dasa.


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Vi: 1992-11-24 (14:41:57) - 1992-11-25 (20:00:46) Cp: 1992-11-25 (20:00:46) -

1992-11-27 (2:17:07) Ta: 1992-11-27 (2:17:07) - 1992-11-28 (9:33:55) Ge:

1992-11-28 (9:33:55) - 1992-11-29 (17:45:53) Li: 1992-11-29 (17:45:53) -

1992-12-01 (2:38:13) Aq: 1992-12-01 (2:38:13) - 1992-12-02 (11:47:43) Pi:

1992-12-02 (11:47:43) - 1992-12-03 (20:47:06) Cn: 1992-12-03 (20:47:06) -

1992-12-05 (5:11:04) Sc: 1992-12-05 (5:11:04) - 1992-12-06 (12:41:38) <<<< Sg:

1992-12-06 (12:41:38) - 1992-12-07 (19:10:23) Ar: 1992-12-07 (19:10:23) -

1992-12-09 (0:37:52) Le: 1992-12-09 (0:37:52) - 1992-12-10 (5:11:17)


It was in the dasa of Scorpio that the kar sevaks started the demolition. Rahu

is close to 29 deg in Sc. So his result comes around when 29/30 of the dasa is

over. So it comes in the last hour of the dasa. The demolition started shortly

after noon.


Next dasa Sg is is the 10th house and contains 8th lord Venus. Next day, central

and state governments came under heavy criticism.


* * *




Event: Tremendous political pressure on Musharraf following 11 September 2001

Previous half-yearly (ayana pravesha) chart: 16 July 2001, 12:19:43 pm, Islamabad

Duration of the Half year: 181.894 civil days (or 180 deg motion of Sun)


Being an ayana level chart, it shows political developments - power manuevres

and policy changes.


In this chart, Virgo rises. The 10th house of leadership, Gemini, has lagna and

10th lord Mercury, afflicted by Rahu within 1 degree. Badhakesha Jupiter also

afflicts Mercury.


This shows powerful foreign influences (Rahu) coming on the nation (lagna lord)

and its leadership (10th lord) during the year and moulding the policies of the

government (10th house).


The Sama Narayana dasa calculations are shown below:


Sama Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Vi: 2001-07-16 (12:19:44) - 2001-08-01 (5:09:49) Cp: 2001-08-01 (5:09:49) -

2001-08-16 (20:40:26) Ta: 2001-08-16 (20:40:26) - 2001-09-01 (9:56:50) Ge:

2001-09-01 (9:56:50) - 2001-09-16 (20:35:18) <<<< Li: 2001-09-16 (20:35:18) -

2001-10-02 (4:09:08) Aq: 2001-10-02 (4:09:08) - 2001-10-17 (8:33:26) Pi:

2001-10-17 (8:33:26) - 2001-11-01 (9:52:26) Cn: 2001-11-01 (9:52:26) -

2001-11-16 (8:22:49) Sc: 2001-11-16 (8:22:49) - 2001-12-01 (4:34:33) Sg:

2001-12-01 (4:34:33) - 2001-12-15 (23:02:22) Ar: 2001-12-15 (23:02:22) -

2001-12-30 (16:31:41) Le: 2001-12-30 (16:31:41) - 2002-01-14 (9:47:05)


Gemini is the sign we talked about earlier. Its dasa ran from Sept 1 to Sept 16.

Shortly after the September 11 attacks, US government put tremendous pressure on

Musharraf government to turn against Taliban and co-operate in the "war on

terror". On September 13, Colin Powell called Musharraf and gave a specific

list of demands. On September 14, Musharraf's cabinet and national security

council met in Pakistan and decided to agree to US demands. On September 15,

Powell publicly confirmed that Pakistan agreed to co-operate. On the same day,

Bush called Musharraf to than him.


Thus, foreign pressure and the process of change in policy started in Gemini dasa.


* * *




Each type of mundane charts (fortnightly, monthly, semi-annual and annual

charts) has a specific focus area that is governed by the rulership of planets

over the division of time into various units. As the examples above show, Sama

Narayana dasa works well with mundane charts. As I showed in another mail,

compressed nakshatra dasas also give good results. But the dasa I discussed

above is my favorite.


A lot of what I wrote above is my own research, but it is based on the teachings

of tradition. My contribution was to make sense of the teachings of tradition

and put the pieces together, rather than creating new pieces.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha

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Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Narasimha Ji,


That was a brilliant article on using the Sama Narayana Dasa in

mundate matters. I have learned new thing today, thanks for that.


Are you providing this New Dasa in your next release of JHora ?



Raghunatha Rao


vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr@c...> wrote:

> Namaste friends,


> There was a discussion on fortnightly charts yesterday.


> Students may be overwhelmed by the myriad mundane charts that

exist - various annual charts, monthly charts and fortnightly charts.

When to use what and what to see in each chart may be confusing. I

want to shed some light on that based on my experience. I also want

to talk about a simple rasi dasa that I never talked about before.


> * * *




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Dear Rao,




May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Om Krishna Guru


> Namaste Narasimha Ji,


> That was a brilliant article on using the Sama Narayana Dasa in

> mundate matters. I have learned new thing today, thanks for that.


> Are you providing this New Dasa in your next release of JHora ?


> Regards

> Raghunatha Rao


> vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

> <pvr@c...> wrote:

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > There was a discussion on fortnightly charts yesterday.

> >

> > Students may be overwhelmed by the myriad mundane charts that

> exist - various annual charts, monthly charts and fortnightly


> When to use what and what to see in each chart may be confusing. I

> want to shed some light on that based on my experience. I also


> to talk about a simple rasi dasa that I never talked about before.

> >

> > * * *

> >


> >

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