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Will Saturn in Aries Ascendant causes Rajayoga ?

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Dear Learned Gurujis


In JATAKA PARIJATHA it is mentioned that Saturn in the following Lagna's yield to

Rajayogas .





in case of Aries he explains that Malefic being neecha is good .but being the

10th and 11th lord

he should be benefic as he owning the Kendra lordship , Whether he is mentioning here Natural

Malefic Nature of Saturn ? Please learned astrologers shed more light on this.











“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to discern



Ramkrishna A SDBA/RM,Wisor Telecom India Pvt.,Ltd.3rd Floor Royal Arcade,80 feet

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