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#2 which house denotes 2nd marriage? How to analize?

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||| Hare Rama Krishna |||


Dear List Members, Namaskaar.


Allow me to share some of my understanding…


Shahin – a word on the counting you have used. As the 3rd is

representative of younger siblings, the 3rd from the 5th (i.e. 7th) is

considered the younger sibling of the child.


If we use the above scenario, the 5th would be the 11th (elder) of the

2nd child….


This has to be used appropriately more so in the saptamsa (D7) where

we can gauge more into children.


Now for marriage, I consider the UpaPAda (UL) / VyayaPada / GaunaPada.

This is the Arudha of the 12th House.


The 2nd therefrom, is the sustenance of this relationship.


What the person desires after this relationship is done with, we see

from the 7th therefrom. In other words, from the UL in question, take

the 8th therefrom to see the next marriage.


The Arudhas have been mentioned by Sage Parasara in the Classic Brihat

Parasara Hora Shastra (BPHS) as well as Maharishi Jaimini's Upadesa

Sutras (MJUS).







There are other ways of looking into this as well. For example, the

Naadis examine the 11th House for the 2nd marriage, as they consider

this to be a "gain" of sorts…







I would suggest that the person seek the Dharma Devta for guidance in

marriage, and to improve come out of some ill-luck in life (Sarpa Yoga

in Quadrants broken by the Moon).


The same Sarpa Yoga is further involved in a Kaala Amrita Yoga, where

the person will find some struggles between the material and the

spiritual of life – more so after lessons of life come in alliances /

partnerships / marriage.

[Rahu is the Chara AtmaKAraka.]


When you feel ready, guide your friend toward the Ishta…



Hope that some of this helps.

Best wishes,



|| Namah Shivaaya ||









Thank you, I thought also 2nd marriage should be 9th house like as

2n child should 3rd from 5th, second brother 3rd from 3rd. 9th is

3rd from 7th. But is there any autority text on it?




vedic astrology, sridhar k <kopparsa>


> rE: 2ND mARRIAGE. My view only: &th is for 1st Partner: @nd is


> sister- of 1st wife (when in India a Man could have 2 wives): So I

think the

> 9th house should be taken for the 2nd Marriages. Learned Gurus can


> us.


> Per KP the native can get married 2nd time, in 2007. This case

may also prove

> the Mangala Dosha. Mars in 1th House, and seperation has occurred

with 6 months

> of Marriage.



> --- Shahin Jafarli <shahinjy@m...> wrote:


> >

> > Dear jyotish gurus and other respectable men, one female ask me


> > analize her horoscope regarding her marriage. She once were


> > but divorced in 3 month. This happened 11 years ago. Now she

want to

> > know "will she get second marriage and when?" I dont know *which

> > house to analize for 2nd marriage*.

> >

> > I searched archive of this group, but result was only messages


> > 48000th messages. Searching programm doesnt give results from


> > texts. Please help.

> >

> > If someone interested, her data is: 3-march-74, 12:30 (day time),

> > TZ=4 hours east of Greenwich, 49E56'53", 40N26'33". Lagna is


> > Moon 9Ge46. 1st Marriage was 1993 february, divorce was 1993

june or

> > august.

> >

> > Hri das





Natal Chart


March 3, 1974

Time: 12:30:00 pm

Time Zone: 4:00:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 49 E 56' 53", 40 N 26' 33"

, New Jersey, USA

Altitude: 0.00 meters


Lunar Yr-Mo: Pramadi - Phalguna

Tithi: Sukla Dasami (Mo) (76.06% left)

Vedic Weekday: Sunday (Su)

Nakshatra: Aardra (Ra) (76.78% left)

Yoga: Ayushman (Ke)

Karana: Taitula (Me)

Hora Lord: Jupiter (5 min sign: Ta)

Mahakala Hora: Jupiter (5 min sign: Sg)

Kaala Lord: Mercury (Mahakala: Venus)


Sunrise: 7:15:44 am

Sunset: 6:30:14 pm

Janma Ghatis: 13.0947


Ayanamsa: 23-30-03.61

Sidereal Time: 22:32:45


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 6 Ge 23' 10.99" Mrig 4 Ge Sc

Sun - AmK 18 Aq 53' 27.05" Sata 4 Aq Pi

Moon - BK 9 Ge 45' 47.42" Ardr 1 Ge Sg

Mars - MK 8 Ta 41' 03.18" Krit 4 Ta Pi

Mercury ® - PK 6 Aq 01' 48.62" Dhan 4 Aq Sc

Jupiter - GK 5 Aq 18' 10.37" Dhan 4 Aq Sc

Venus - PiK 7 Cp 59' 26.39" USha 4 Cp Pi

Saturn - DK 4 Ge 17' 38.41" Mrig 4 Ge Sc

Rahu - AK 1 Sg 10' 30.72" Mool 1 Sg Ar

Ketu 1 Ge 10' 30.72" Mrig 3 Ge Li

Maandi 24 Cn 28' 11.74" Asre 3 Cn Aq

Gulika 16 Cn 11' 10.60" Push 4 Cn Sc

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