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#2 marriage/ career

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||| Hare Rama Krishna |||


Dear…? and List Members, Namaskaar.


Is this your chart? If not please state how you know this person and

whether you can describe some inherent abilities / skills based on the

Navamsa rectification…?


Allow me to share some of my understanding…






At the time of marriage (most likely arranged), the person will be

having challenges related to their karma, or career.




Once the marriage happens, the Sarpa yoga will have a break, and so

will the Kaala Sarpa (all planets hemmed between Ketu and Rahu).




Baadhakesh Mercury (ruling the 7th and the 10th) is also a part of

this, and sitting in the natal 4th House.





The person is running Rahu / Jupiter / Rahu per Vimshottari:


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Rah MD: 2000-03-23 (11:44:41 pm) - 2018-03-24 (2:27:16 pm)

Jup AD: 2002-12-07 (11:28:15 pm) - 2005-04-29 (11:04:36 pm)


Pratyantardasas in this AD:


Jup: 2002-12-07 (11:28:15 pm) - 2003-04-01 (12:45:35 am)

Sat: 2003-04-01 (12:45:35 am) - 2003-08-21 (3:28:37 am)

Merc: 2003-08-21 (3:28:37 am) - 2003-12-22 (9:29:37 am)

Ket: 2003-12-22 (9:29:37 am) - 2004-02-09 (10:19:60 pm)

Ven: 2004-02-09 (10:19:60 pm) - 2004-07-06 (5:50:30 am)

Sun: 2004-07-06 (5:50:30 am) - 2004-08-20 (9:36:18 am)

Moon: 2004-08-20 (9:36:18 am) - 2004-11-01 (7:21:22 pm)

Mars: 2004-11-01 (7:21:22 pm) - 2004-12-21 (3:28:49 pm)

Rah: 2004-12-21 (3:28:49 pm) - 2005-04-29 (11:04:36 pm)


With new beginnings under the Mahadasha, fresh initiatives may be

challenging, and end results (especially in career) may have a promise

or a portrayed potential, but go unfulfilled.


The person is also going through Kantak Shani (from the AL).



Hope some of this helps.


Best wishes,



|| Namah Shivaaya ||






Dear friends,


can someone please have a look at this chart and tell if the horoscope

is good as far as marriage and career.. this person is going through

a lot of tensions... and is not able to get any rewards for any work

at once... what are the reasons.


birth details:

7 may 1978

10:40 PM



thanks a lot


!God is love!




Natal Chart


May 7, 1978

Time: 10:40:00 pm

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 77 E 12' 00", 28 N 36' 00"

New Delhi, India

Altitude: 0.00 meters


Lunar Yr-Mo: Kaala-yukta - Vaisakha

Tithi: Sukla Pratipat (Su) (50.57% left)

Vedic Weekday: Sunday (Su)

Nakshatra: Krittika (Su) (81.31% left)

Yoga: Soubhagya (Ve)

Karana: Kimstughna (Me)

Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Cn)

Mahakala Hora: Mercury (5 min sign: Vi)

Kaala Lord: Rahu (Mahakala: Rahu)


Sunrise: 5:39:20 am

Sunset: 6:56:53 pm

Janma Ghatis: 42.5277


Ayanamsa: 23-33-17.66

Sidereal Time: 13:19:33


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 12 Sg 13' 39.79" Mool 4 Sg Cn

Sun - BK 23 Ar 13' 37.57" Bhar 3 Ar Li

Moon - AK 29 Ar 09' 30.23" Krit 1 Ar Sg

Mars - PK 17 Cn 27' 03.13" Asre 1 Cn Sg

Mercury - AmK 27 Pi 05' 50.59" Reva 4 Pi Pi

Jupiter - GK 10 Ge 43' 05.00" Ardr 2 Ge Cp

Venus - PiK 19 Ta 05' 34.81" Rohi 3 Ta Ge

Saturn - DK 0 Le 13' 48.06" Makh 1 Le Ar

Rahu - MK 10 Vi 17' 22.60" Hast 1 Vi Ar

Ketu 10 Pi 17' 22.60" UBha 3 Pi Li

Maandi 6 Sg 57' 16.90" Mool 3 Sg Ge

Gulika 27 Sc 53' 10.68" Jye 4 Sc Pi

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yes.. it sme..

acctually...is getting to my head... and cant imagine that happening.. and feel

that this is some another person...

nothing seems to be working...


cant make up mind as to profession.. what would be the best profession to get into


when is marriage likely to take place?


life all along has been very tense... have always tried to disciplne all that i

do... and always thinking abt the welfare of all... but in the end... all in

vain... no body seems to understand... am feeling lost.

how can the positive effects be increased to help in smooth life?



Nitin <astronitin > wrote:

||| Hare Rama Krishna |||Dear…? and List Members, Namaskaar. Is this your

chart? If not please state how you know this person andwhether you can describe

some inherent abilities / skills based on theNavamsa rectification…?Allow me to

share some of my understanding…At the time of marriage (most likely arranged),

the person will behaving challenges related to their karma, or career. Once the

marriage happens, the Sarpa yoga will have a break, and sowill the Kaala Sarpa

(all planets hemmed between Ketu and Rahu). Baadhakesh Mercury (ruling the 7th

and the 10th) is also a part ofthis, and sitting in the natal 4th House. The

person is running Rahu / Jupiter / Rahu per Vimshottari:Vimsottari Dasa

(started from Moon):Rah MD: 2000-03-23

(11:44:41 pm) - 2018-03-24 (2:27:16 pm) Jup AD: 2002-12-07 (11:28:15 pm) -

2005-04-29 (11:04:36 pm) Pratyantardasas in this AD: Jup: 2002-12-07

(11:28:15 pm) - 2003-04-01 (12:45:35 am) Sat: 2003-04-01 (12:45:35 am) -

2003-08-21 (3:28:37 am) Merc: 2003-08-21 (3:28:37 am) - 2003-12-22 (9:29:37

am) Ket: 2003-12-22 (9:29:37 am) - 2004-02-09 (10:19:60 pm) Ven: 2004-02-09

(10:19:60 pm) - 2004-07-06 (5:50:30 am) Sun: 2004-07-06 (5:50:30 am) -

2004-08-20 (9:36:18 am) Moon: 2004-08-20 (9:36:18 am) - 2004-11-01 (7:21:22

pm) Mars: 2004-11-01 (7:21:22 pm) - 2004-12-21 (3:28:49 pm) Rah: 2004-12-21

(3:28:49 pm) - 2005-04-29 (11:04:36 pm)With new beginnings under the Mahadasha,

fresh initiatives may bechallenging, and end results (especially in career) may

have a promiseor a portrayed potential, but go

unfulfilled. The person is also going through Kantak Shani (from the AL). Hope

some of this helps. Best wishes, Nitin.|| Namah Shivaaya ||================Dear

friends,can someone please have a look at this chart and tell if the horoscopeis

good as far as marriage and career.. this person is going througha lot of

tensions... and is not able to get any rewards for any workat once... what are

the reasons.birth details:7 may 197810:40 PMdelhithanks a lot!God is

love!================UntitledNatal Chart May 7, 1978Time:

10:40:00 pmTime Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 77 E 12' 00", 28

N 36'

00" New Delhi, IndiaAltitude: 0.00 metersLunar Yr-Mo:

Kaala-yukta - VaisakhaTithi: Sukla Pratipat (Su) (50.57% left)Vedic

Weekday: Sunday (Su)Nakshatra: Krittika (Su) (81.31% left)Yoga:

Soubhagya (Ve)Karana: Kimstughna (Me)Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign:

Cn)Mahakala Hora: Mercury (5 min sign: Vi)Kaala Lord: Rahu (Mahakala:

Rahu)Sunrise: 5:39:20 amSunset: 6:56:53 pmJanma Ghatis:

42.5277Ayanamsa: 23-33-17.66Sidereal Time:

13:19:33Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna

12 Sg 13' 39.79" Mool 4 Sg CnSun - BK 23 Ar 13'

37.57" Bhar 3 Ar LiMoon - AK 29 Ar 09' 30.23" Krit 1

Ar SgMars - PK 17 Cn 27' 03.13" Asre 1 Cn SgMercury - AmK

27 Pi 05' 50.59" Reva 4

Pi PiJupiter - GK 10 Ge 43' 05.00" Ardr 2 Ge CpVenus - PiK

19 Ta 05' 34.81" Rohi 3 Ta GeSaturn - DK 0 Le 13' 48.06"

Makh 1 Le ArRahu - MK 10 Vi 17' 22.60" Hast 1 Vi

ArKetu 10 Pi 17' 22.60" UBha 3 Pi LiMaandi

6 Sg 57' 16.90" Mool 3

Sg GeGulika 27 Sc 53' 10.68" Jye 4 Sc PiArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

India Matrimony: Find your life partner


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