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to raymond, on lunar nodes

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besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar nodes "the rahu ketu

experience", another excellent book on how to interpret the nodes in

a chart is "vault of the heavens" by ernst wilhelm, also indicating

that the nodes indicate direction of future growth, and past

abilities and experiences. the chapter on the nodes has material

that i did not find in any other book, other than trivedi's.


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I know about that guy. I know about his Kala program. I have his

program. I didn't like how he interpreted the Rahu and Ketu. He

interpreted it just like it is interpreted in Western Astrology. I

know a lot about Western Astrology. I have studied it since 1998,and

I have done free readings for people since 1999. I do not like his

interpretations. They are way too Western. His Rahu and Ketu

interpretations are nothing like traditional Rahu and Ketu

interpretations. Ketu is planet of loss and suffering as well as

planet of moksha. Ketu in 12th is a strong placement for suffering

and loss but a good position for moksha. Ketu has nothing to do with

the past and Rahu has nothing to do with the future. Ketu is about

the spiritual and Rahu is about the material. Ketu is about letting

go of material things in order to stay true on the path of



Thanks for the suggestion, but I know that guy interprets Rahu and

Ketu too Western-like for my taste and pretty much erases the Vedic

concept of Rahu and Ketu. Those are the same Western Astrology

intepretations of Rahu and Ketu that I want to stay away from. It's

my understand that the whole chart is karmic and not just Rahu and







vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

<mahakali108> wrote:


> hello,

> besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar nodes "the rahu ketu

> experience", another excellent book on how to interpret the nodes


> a chart is "vault of the heavens" by ernst wilhelm, also indicating

> that the nodes indicate direction of future growth, and past

> abilities and experiences. the chapter on the nodes has material

> that i did not find in any other book, other than trivedi's.

> kalidas

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This is an interpretation of Rahu and Ketu from the Kala program by

by the same author you recommended. His intepretations are Way too

much like Western. I don't like them at all. They are not real Vedic





KETU IN THE 12TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 6TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 12th house

indicates a native who in recent past lives has not involved

themselves with the many concerns of the world. This may have been

done through spiritual and transcendental practices, or it may have

been done through other, less healthy, activities, escapism, or even

imprisonment. Planets influencing Ketu as well as the placement of

Ketu's lord will indicate this. In any case, there has been a focus

on attempting to become free from worldly karmas, either by somehow,

ignorantly, not doing work, or through spiritual practices.

Rahu in the 6th indicates the need to perform the works

necessary to be free from all works. The native must perform the

activities necessary to improve and manage their material affairs.

These activities are necessary to give the completion that Ketu

desires. It is important that the native works in a spirit of karma

yoga, that human right is for activity, not the results of their

activities, else the native suffers from further binding attachments,

which hinder the realization of Ketu's goals of completion,

resolution and transcendence.


KETU IN CANCER, RAHU IN CAPRICORN: Ketu in Cancer indicates a native

who in recent past lives has created security by stabilizing, or

controlling their emotions and reactions to the events in life. This

makes for a more introverted personality, and one more attached to

going inward to find comfort than to tackle things externally in

order to create security. There is a tendency to over-control the

feelings and reactions, which may cause eruptions or moods to be

triggered when the native can no longer take it. It is because the

emotions are controlled, rather than enjoyed with detachment, that

these moods occur. The native needs to learn to allow the emotions to

flow freely, to let the feelings feel what they may, without any fear

of the pain that may be involved with this. The greater the emotions

and reactions are controlled as a result of what the outer

environment brings the more out of control and chaotic the external

environment will be. Rahu in Capricorn indicates this out of control,

chaotic outer environment and instability. Through Rahu in Capricorn

the native learns to create balance and stability in their external

lives that reflects a balanced internal security. A controlled inner

security, the security indicated by Ketu in Cancer, is not a balanced

security, and the imbalances will be revealed by external factors

being unstable through Rahu in Capricorn.

Rahu in Capricorn also indicates a tendency to fear the many

terrible possibilities of the world that are a natural part of life.

In order to overcome these fears a tendency to overly control the

environment arises, which results in nothing but more stress. As the

native truly becomes secure inwardly, these fears are alleviated.




These are so much like Western intepretations for Rahu and Ketu. It's

these type of interpretations I don't want to read. Ketu is the

planet of suffering and loss,and it is the significator for

liberation. Ketu in 12th indicates great loss and suffering,but it's

a good position for mysticism and liberation. Rahu is more the

materialistic planet. The ultimate aim is to be highly spiritual and

achieve liberation. That's not the goal of Rahu. That's the goal of

Ketu. Western Astrologers put more benefic emphasis on Rahu because

it's focused more on materialism. I know. I have studied western

astrology since 1998,and I have done readings since 1999. I know what

Western Astrology looks like. In Western Astrology,South Node has to

do with the past and old habits. North has to do with the future and

things that we have to learn,and our path for the present life.

Wilhelm Ernst's interpretations are typical Western Astrology

interpretations for the nodes. In Western Astrology with tropical

placidus system, I have North Node in Aquarius in 5th and South Node

in Leo in 11th.



I won't even bother getting his book. Thanks for the suggestion. I

want real Vedic intepretations for Ketu and Rahu.












vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

<mahakali108> wrote:


> hello,

> besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar nodes "the rahu ketu

> experience", another excellent book on how to interpret the nodes


> a chart is "vault of the heavens" by ernst wilhelm, also indicating

> that the nodes indicate direction of future growth, and past

> abilities and experiences. the chapter on the nodes has material

> that i did not find in any other book, other than trivedi's.

> kalidas

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This is an interpretation from the Goravani Jyotish program:


In your mind you think of spiritual life as real and true and so you

know that material life is not the aim of life. This comes gradually

as you get older, as material expectations are one by one ruled out

as unfulfilling. Therefore, gradually through life, you spend more of

your time and energy towards serving good causes. Also, in an attempt

to sort things out in this transition, you become restless, and

sometimes try to spend for pleasure, only to feel increased

frustration. Overall, you should do well because of your sincere

approach to life. Areas to try to prevent disease troubles would

include the feet, eyes and private parts.

Ketu is in 12.



This is Andrew Bloomingfield's book, HOW TO PRACTICE VEDIC ASTROLOGY


Ketu in 12th indicates an unusually profound spiritual aspirant. This

is a good placement for actualization. Otherwise, the possibility

exist that you will be deceived on the spiritual path by pseudo


















vedic astrology, "astynaz" <astynaz>




> Hi,


> I know about that guy. I know about his Kala program. I have his

> program. I didn't like how he interpreted the Rahu and Ketu. He

> interpreted it just like it is interpreted in Western Astrology. I

> know a lot about Western Astrology. I have studied it since


> I have done free readings for people since 1999. I do not like his

> interpretations. They are way too Western. His Rahu and Ketu

> interpretations are nothing like traditional Rahu and Ketu

> interpretations. Ketu is planet of loss and suffering as well as

> planet of moksha. Ketu in 12th is a strong placement for suffering

> and loss but a good position for moksha. Ketu has nothing to do


> the past and Rahu has nothing to do with the future. Ketu is about

> the spiritual and Rahu is about the material. Ketu is about letting

> go of material things in order to stay true on the path of

> liberation.


> Thanks for the suggestion, but I know that guy interprets Rahu and

> Ketu too Western-like for my taste and pretty much erases the Vedic

> concept of Rahu and Ketu. Those are the same Western Astrology

> intepretations of Rahu and Ketu that I want to stay away from.


> my understand that the whole chart is karmic and not just Rahu and

> Ketu.




> Raymond


> vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

> <mahakali108> wrote:

> >

> > hello,

> > besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar nodes "the rahu


> > experience", another excellent book on how to interpret the nodes

> in

> > a chart is "vault of the heavens" by ernst wilhelm, also


> > that the nodes indicate direction of future growth, and past

> > abilities and experiences. the chapter on the nodes has material

> > that i did not find in any other book, other than trivedi's.

> > kalidas

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well, ok, i agree that was a bit pop-psychology new agey. in ernst

wilhelms book, i have to admit, there is a lot of that, though at

the same time he also mentions things like how the dispositor of the

nodes determines the area of life that was developed/needs to be

developed (ex: rahu in 6th, its dipositor in the 10th indicated need

to develop say, healing/karma yoga in area of career).


on the subject of not believing everything in books, he has nothing

good to say about any planet combust the sun. yet another author

argues that only the external significations (natural and house

placement) of a combust planet are destroyed, not the internal

qualities, which in fact get magnified (venus, love, bhuda

intellect, etc) since the sun is after all the soul indicator.


overall, now i have to admit you have got me interested in finding

out what are the actual scriptural vedic authorities on the nodal

placement, and how do traditional practicing vedic astrologers

interpret the nodal placements, for example, local village/temple

brahmin priest-astrologers.


do you think that even native hindus who came to the west like

komilla sutton and prash trivedi were simply influenced by western

astrology and are trying to create a synthesis?


i know 2 traditional tantric priest-astrologers, so i now plan to

question them about it. it may take time, since they both come to

the us every year but are now in india (and im not), and one doesnt

speak much english.


i have to admit, though, that prash trivedi, i guess being born in

india, though he now lives in uk, is more concrete sounding, for the

most part. he mentions that with cancer/ketu-capricorn/rahu

placement, the native in the past developed the internal emotional

and domestic side, and now needs to develop a more concrete material

worldly activity (in area of house placement, and dispositor's house)


it all fits my chart at least.

a different sign axis fits a friend i know well. she has ketu

aquarius, rahu in leo. trivedi says that she in past lives took part

in aquarian peruits, sublimating the ego for the greater good, but

then went too far, so now feel undeserving, and in this life needs

to develop self esteem. this feels true, as she doesnt believe she

deserves to be loved.(her leo is in 5th house)


at the same time, often i feel i cannot make heads or tails out of

some of these placements. certain nodal house axis placements and

dispositor placements just dont make much sense, when put into a



by the way, a really westernized pop-psychology oriented fuzzy wuzzy

author, in my opinion, is komilla sutton's book on the nodes. i

actually decided to give it to a used bookstore, i just couldnt take

her writing style anymore. and she doesnt even mention the very

important placement of the dispostors of the nodes, or how if the

dispositor or nakshatra ruler of rahu is with ketu, it means that

one must actually go back to ketu.


anyway, like i said, now you got me interested in finding out the

truth about the vedic view of the nodal placements from traditional

temple astrologers fron india, and not just from hindu asrologers

who perhaps, just perhaps, are simply engaging in a synthesis of

east -west, which is dangerous because the zodiacs are different. so

ones nodal placement in one zodiac will not match the other zodiac.

does that mean that the synthesizers believe BOTH zodiacal

placements indicate side by side the karmic axis of future

growth/past experience?


anyway, thanks for your input,







-- In vedic astrology, "astynaz" <astynaz>





> Hi,


> This is an interpretation of Rahu and Ketu from the Kala program


> by the same author you recommended. His intepretations are Way too

> much like Western. I don't like them at all. They are not real


> intepretations.






> indicates a native who in recent past lives has not involved

> themselves with the many concerns of the world. This may have been

> done through spiritual and transcendental practices, or it may


> been done through other, less healthy, activities, escapism, or


> imprisonment. Planets influencing Ketu as well as the placement of

> Ketu's lord will indicate this. In any case, there has been a


> on attempting to become free from worldly karmas, either by


> ignorantly, not doing work, or through spiritual practices.

> Rahu in the 6th indicates the need to perform the works

> necessary to be free from all works. The native must perform the

> activities necessary to improve and manage their material affairs.

> These activities are necessary to give the completion that Ketu

> desires. It is important that the native works in a spirit of


> yoga, that human right is for activity, not the results of their

> activities, else the native suffers from further binding


> which hinder the realization of Ketu's goals of completion,

> resolution and transcendence.


> KETU IN CANCER, RAHU IN CAPRICORN: Ketu in Cancer indicates a


> who in recent past lives has created security by stabilizing, or

> controlling their emotions and reactions to the events in life.


> makes for a more introverted personality, and one more attached to

> going inward to find comfort than to tackle things externally in

> order to create security. There is a tendency to over-control the

> feelings and reactions, which may cause eruptions or moods to be

> triggered when the native can no longer take it. It is because the

> emotions are controlled, rather than enjoyed with detachment, that

> these moods occur. The native needs to learn to allow the emotions


> flow freely, to let the feelings feel what they may, without any


> of the pain that may be involved with this. The greater the


> and reactions are controlled as a result of what the outer

> environment brings the more out of control and chaotic the


> environment will be. Rahu in Capricorn indicates this out of


> chaotic outer environment and instability. Through Rahu in


> the native learns to create balance and stability in their


> lives that reflects a balanced internal security. A controlled


> security, the security indicated by Ketu in Cancer, is not a


> security, and the imbalances will be revealed by external factors

> being unstable through Rahu in Capricorn.

> Rahu in Capricorn also indicates a tendency to fear the many

> terrible possibilities of the world that are a natural part of


> In order to overcome these fears a tendency to overly control the

> environment arises, which results in nothing but more stress. As


> native truly becomes secure inwardly, these fears are alleviated.




> These are so much like Western intepretations for Rahu and Ketu.


> these type of interpretations I don't want to read. Ketu is the

> planet of suffering and loss,and it is the significator for

> liberation. Ketu in 12th indicates great loss and suffering,but


> a good position for mysticism and liberation. Rahu is more the

> materialistic planet. The ultimate aim is to be highly spiritual


> achieve liberation. That's not the goal of Rahu. That's the goal


> Ketu. Western Astrologers put more benefic emphasis on Rahu


> it's focused more on materialism. I know. I have studied western

> astrology since 1998,and I have done readings since 1999. I know


> Western Astrology looks like. In Western Astrology,South Node has


> do with the past and old habits. North has to do with the future


> things that we have to learn,and our path for the present life.

> Wilhelm Ernst's interpretations are typical Western Astrology

> interpretations for the nodes. In Western Astrology with tropical

> placidus system, I have North Node in Aquarius in 5th and South


> in Leo in 11th.



> I won't even bother getting his book. Thanks for the suggestion. I

> want real Vedic intepretations for Ketu and Rahu.






vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

> <mahakali108> wrote:

> >

> > hello,

> > besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar nodes "the rahu


> > experience", another excellent book on how to interpret the


> in

> > a chart is "vault of the heavens" by ernst wilhelm, also


> > that the nodes indicate direction of future growth, and past

> > abilities and experiences. the chapter on the nodes has material

> > that i did not find in any other book, other than trivedi's.

> > kalidas

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That all seems like Western Astrology to me. I am sorry to say. In

Western Astrology, Western Astrologers do look at the south node for

pastlives. In Vedic Astrology, Ketu is looked at to see about

losses,suffering,and liberation.


Your friend probably has other things that indicate what you say. It

could be shown in the varga charts....especially the navamsha.


I find that the dispostor of my Ketu has to do with loss but it is

also the lord of my 12th house for I have Ketu in Cancer in 12th. It

could be about loss,suffering through marriage. Maybe my spouse will

experience much loss and suffering. Maybe she will be sick. Maybe she

will have serious psychological problems. She could be

mystical,spiritual,and psychic.



I think that Sutton and Trivedi were probably influenced by the ideas

of Western Astrologers. I can definitely say that about Wilhelm Ernst.



I can relate to what you said about Ketu in Cancer, Rahu in

Capricorn, but I have 6th house lord Saturn aspecting Moon in

Saturn's sign,Aquarius any way. My Moon disposits Ketu in Cancer in

12th. Also Moon is in Satabisha which is nakshastra of Rahu,and I

have Rahu in Shravana which is the nakshastra of Moon. Therefore I

have Planet in nakshastra mutual reception. I also have 12th house

lord Moon conjunct 4th/9th house lord Mars. I have a lot of emphasis

on mother,domestic problems.




here are some stuff on rahu and ketu

I will try to find more.
























here is something about Ketu in 12th......talks about how it's

difficult karma and possible liberation .....in some ways, Ketu in

12th is similar to western interpretation of South Node in 12th house

because Ketu in 12th is strong placement for

mysticism,spirituality,and suffering any way just South Node in 12th

indicates mysticism,spirituality,loss,and suffering in the past.


Ketu seems like the spiritual benefic and material malefic and Rahu

seems like the material benefic and spiritual malefic.













we can chat on messenger sometime.




vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

<mahakali108> wrote:


> -

> well, ok, i agree that was a bit pop-psychology new agey. in ernst

> wilhelms book, i have to admit, there is a lot of that, though at

> the same time he also mentions things like how the dispositor of


> nodes determines the area of life that was developed/needs to be

> developed (ex: rahu in 6th, its dipositor in the 10th indicated


> to develop say, healing/karma yoga in area of career).


> on the subject of not believing everything in books, he has nothing

> good to say about any planet combust the sun. yet another author

> argues that only the external significations (natural and house

> placement) of a combust planet are destroyed, not the internal

> qualities, which in fact get magnified (venus, love, bhuda

> intellect, etc) since the sun is after all the soul indicator.


> overall, now i have to admit you have got me interested in finding

> out what are the actual scriptural vedic authorities on the nodal

> placement, and how do traditional practicing vedic astrologers

> interpret the nodal placements, for example, local village/temple

> brahmin priest-astrologers.


> do you think that even native hindus who came to the west like

> komilla sutton and prash trivedi were simply influenced by western

> astrology and are trying to create a synthesis?


> i know 2 traditional tantric priest-astrologers, so i now plan to

> question them about it. it may take time, since they both come to

> the us every year but are now in india (and im not), and one doesnt

> speak much english.


> i have to admit, though, that prash trivedi, i guess being born in

> india, though he now lives in uk, is more concrete sounding, for


> most part. he mentions that with cancer/ketu-capricorn/rahu

> placement, the native in the past developed the internal emotional

> and domestic side, and now needs to develop a more concrete


> worldly activity (in area of house placement, and dispositor's



> it all fits my chart at least.

> a different sign axis fits a friend i know well. she has ketu

> aquarius, rahu in leo. trivedi says that she in past lives took


> in aquarian peruits, sublimating the ego for the greater good, but

> then went too far, so now feel undeserving, and in this life needs

> to develop self esteem. this feels true, as she doesnt believe she

> deserves to be loved.(her leo is in 5th house)


> at the same time, often i feel i cannot make heads or tails out of

> some of these placements. certain nodal house axis placements and

> dispositor placements just dont make much sense, when put into a

> sentance.


> by the way, a really westernized pop-psychology oriented fuzzy


> author, in my opinion, is komilla sutton's book on the nodes. i

> actually decided to give it to a used bookstore, i just couldnt


> her writing style anymore. and she doesnt even mention the very

> important placement of the dispostors of the nodes, or how if the

> dispositor or nakshatra ruler of rahu is with ketu, it means that

> one must actually go back to ketu.


> anyway, like i said, now you got me interested in finding out the

> truth about the vedic view of the nodal placements from traditional

> temple astrologers fron india, and not just from hindu asrologers

> who perhaps, just perhaps, are simply engaging in a synthesis of

> east -west, which is dangerous because the zodiacs are different.


> ones nodal placement in one zodiac will not match the other zodiac.

> does that mean that the synthesizers believe BOTH zodiacal

> placements indicate side by side the karmic axis of future

> growth/past experience?


> anyway, thanks for your input,

> kalidas






> -- In vedic astrology, "astynaz" <astynaz>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > This is an interpretation of Rahu and Ketu from the Kala program

> by

> > by the same author you recommended. His intepretations are Way


> > much like Western. I don't like them at all. They are not real

> Vedic

> > intepretations.

> >

> >


> > KETU IN THE 12TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 6TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 12th

> house

> > indicates a native who in recent past lives has not involved

> > themselves with the many concerns of the world. This may have


> > done through spiritual and transcendental practices, or it may

> have

> > been done through other, less healthy, activities, escapism, or

> even

> > imprisonment. Planets influencing Ketu as well as the placement


> > Ketu's lord will indicate this. In any case, there has been a

> focus

> > on attempting to become free from worldly karmas, either by

> somehow,

> > ignorantly, not doing work, or through spiritual practices.

> > Rahu in the 6th indicates the need to perform the works

> > necessary to be free from all works. The native must perform the

> > activities necessary to improve and manage their material


> > These activities are necessary to give the completion that Ketu

> > desires. It is important that the native works in a spirit of

> karma

> > yoga, that human right is for activity, not the results of their

> > activities, else the native suffers from further binding

> attachments,

> > which hinder the realization of Ketu's goals of completion,

> > resolution and transcendence.

> >

> > KETU IN CANCER, RAHU IN CAPRICORN: Ketu in Cancer indicates a

> native

> > who in recent past lives has created security by stabilizing, or

> > controlling their emotions and reactions to the events in life.

> This

> > makes for a more introverted personality, and one more attached


> > going inward to find comfort than to tackle things externally in

> > order to create security. There is a tendency to over-control the

> > feelings and reactions, which may cause eruptions or moods to be

> > triggered when the native can no longer take it. It is because


> > emotions are controlled, rather than enjoyed with detachment,


> > these moods occur. The native needs to learn to allow the


> to

> > flow freely, to let the feelings feel what they may, without any

> fear

> > of the pain that may be involved with this. The greater the

> emotions

> > and reactions are controlled as a result of what the outer

> > environment brings the more out of control and chaotic the

> external

> > environment will be. Rahu in Capricorn indicates this out of

> control,

> > chaotic outer environment and instability. Through Rahu in

> Capricorn

> > the native learns to create balance and stability in their

> external

> > lives that reflects a balanced internal security. A controlled

> inner

> > security, the security indicated by Ketu in Cancer, is not a

> balanced

> > security, and the imbalances will be revealed by external factors

> > being unstable through Rahu in Capricorn.

> > Rahu in Capricorn also indicates a tendency to fear the many

> > terrible possibilities of the world that are a natural part of

> life.

> > In order to overcome these fears a tendency to overly control the

> > environment arises, which results in nothing but more stress. As

> the

> > native truly becomes secure inwardly, these fears are alleviated.

> >

> >

> >

> > These are so much like Western intepretations for Rahu and Ketu.

> It's

> > these type of interpretations I don't want to read. Ketu is the

> > planet of suffering and loss,and it is the significator for

> > liberation. Ketu in 12th indicates great loss and suffering,but

> it's

> > a good position for mysticism and liberation. Rahu is more the

> > materialistic planet. The ultimate aim is to be highly spiritual

> and

> > achieve liberation. That's not the goal of Rahu. That's the goal

> of

> > Ketu. Western Astrologers put more benefic emphasis on Rahu

> because

> > it's focused more on materialism. I know. I have studied western

> > astrology since 1998,and I have done readings since 1999. I know

> what

> > Western Astrology looks like. In Western Astrology,South Node has

> to

> > do with the past and old habits. North has to do with the future

> and

> > things that we have to learn,and our path for the present life.

> > Wilhelm Ernst's interpretations are typical Western Astrology

> > interpretations for the nodes. In Western Astrology with tropical

> > placidus system, I have North Node in Aquarius in 5th and South

> Node

> > in Leo in 11th.

> >

> >

> > I won't even bother getting his book. Thanks for the suggestion.


> > want real Vedic intepretations for Ketu and Rahu.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

> > <mahakali108> wrote:

> > >

> > > hello,

> > > besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar nodes "the rahu

> ketu

> > > experience", another excellent book on how to interpret the

> nodes

> > in

> > > a chart is "vault of the heavens" by ernst wilhelm, also

> indicating

> > > that the nodes indicate direction of future growth, and past

> > > abilities and experiences. the chapter on the nodes has


> > > that i did not find in any other book, other than trivedi's.

> > > kalidas

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Did you come across a book on the Nodes by Manik Chand Jain? The publishers

are Sagar Publications of Delhi.

The author says, "The book in your hand is the result of my researches and

experiments and I have taken considerable pains to verify the accuracy of

predicting events based upon Rahu and Ketu..."


Davidastynaz <astynaz > wrote:

Hi,That all seems like Western Astrology to me. I am sorry to say. In Western

Astrology, Western Astrologers do look at the south node for pastlives. In

Vedic Astrology, Ketu is looked at to see about losses,suffering,and

liberation.Your friend probably has other things that indicate what you say. It

could be shown in the varga charts....especially the navamsha.I find that the

dispostor of my Ketu has to do with loss but it is also the lord of my 12th

house for I have Ketu in Cancer in 12th. It could be about loss,suffering

through marriage. Maybe my spouse will experience much loss and suffering.

Maybe she will be sick. Maybe she will have serious psychological problems.

She could be mystical,spiritual,and psychic. I think that Sutton and Trivedi

were probably influenced by the ideas

of Western Astrologers. I can definitely say that about Wilhelm Ernst.I can

relate to what you said about Ketu in Cancer, Rahu in Capricorn, but I have

6th house lord Saturn aspecting Moon in Saturn's sign,Aquarius any way. My Moon

disposits Ketu in Cancer in 12th. Also Moon is in Satabisha which is nakshastra

of Rahu,and I have Rahu in Shravana which is the nakshastra of Moon. Therefore I

have Planet in nakshastra mutual reception. I also have 12th house lord Moon

conjunct 4th/9th house lord Mars. I have a lot of emphasis on mother,domestic

problems.here are some stuff on rahu and ketuI will try to find


is something about Ketu in 12th......talks about how it's difficult karma and

possible liberation .....in some ways, Ketu in 12th is similar to western

interpretation of South Node in 12th house because Ketu in 12th is strong

placement for mysticism,spirituality,and suffering any way just

South Node in 12th indicates mysticism,spirituality,loss,and suffering in the

past.Ketu seems like the spiritual benefic and material malefic and Rahu seems

like the material benefic and spiritual

malefic.http://www.occulthealing.org/aoltthk.htm Raymondwe can chat on

messenger sometime.vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

<mahakali108> wrote:> > -> well, ok, i agree that was a bit pop-psychology

new agey. in ernst > wilhelms book, i have to admit, there is a lot of that,

though at > the same time he also mentions things like how the dispositor of

the > nodes determines the area of life that was developed/needs to be >

developed (ex: rahu in 6th, its dipositor in the 10th indicated need > to

develop say, healing/karma yoga in area of

career).> > on the subject of not believing everything in books, he has nothing

> good to say about any planet combust the sun. yet another author > argues

that only the external significations (natural and house > placement) of a

combust planet are destroyed, not the internal > qualities, which in fact get

magnified (venus, love, bhuda > intellect, etc) since the sun is after all the

soul indicator.> > overall, now i have to admit you have got me interested in

finding > out what are the actual scriptural vedic authorities on the nodal >

placement, and how do traditional practicing vedic astrologers > interpret the

nodal placements, for example, local village/temple > brahmin

priest-astrologers.> > do you think that even native hindus who came to the

west like > komilla sutton and prash trivedi were simply influenced by western

> astrology and are trying to create a

synthesis?> > i know 2 traditional tantric priest-astrologers, so i now plan to

> question them about it. it may take time, since they both come to > the us

every year but are now in india (and im not), and one doesnt > speak much

english.> > i have to admit, though, that prash trivedi, i guess being born in

> india, though he now lives in uk, is more concrete sounding, for the > most

part. he mentions that with cancer/ketu-capricorn/rahu > placement, the native

in the past developed the internal emotional > and domestic side, and now needs

to develop a more concrete material > worldly activity (in area of house

placement, and dispositor's house)> > it all fits my chart at least.> a

different sign axis fits a friend i know well. she has ketu > aquarius, rahu in

leo. trivedi says that she in past lives took part > in aquarian peruits,

sublimating the

ego for the greater good, but > then went too far, so now feel undeserving, and

in this life needs > to develop self esteem. this feels true, as she doesnt

believe she > deserves to be loved.(her leo is in 5th house) > > at the same

time, often i feel i cannot make heads or tails out of > some of these

placements. certain nodal house axis placements and > dispositor placements

just dont make much sense, when put into a > sentance.> > by the way, a really

westernized pop-psychology oriented fuzzy wuzzy > author, in my opinion, is

komilla sutton's book on the nodes. i > actually decided to give it to a used

bookstore, i just couldnt take > her writing style anymore. and she doesnt even

mention the very > important placement of the dispostors of the nodes, or how if

the > dispositor or nakshatra ruler of rahu is with ketu, it means that > one

must actually go back to

ketu.> > anyway, like i said, now you got me interested in finding out the >

truth about the vedic view of the nodal placements from traditional > temple

astrologers fron india, and not just from hindu asrologers > who perhaps, just

perhaps, are simply engaging in a synthesis of > east -west, which is dangerous

because the zodiacs are different. so > ones nodal placement in one zodiac will

not match the other zodiac.> does that mean that the synthesizers believe BOTH

zodiacal > placements indicate side by side the karmic axis of future >

growth/past experience?> > anyway, thanks for your input,> kalidas> > > > > >

-- In vedic astrology, "astynaz" <astynaz> > wrote:> > > >

> > > > Hi,> > > > This is an interpretation of Rahu and Ketu from the Kala


> by > > by the same author you recommended. His intepretations are Way too > >

much like Western. I don't like them at all. They are not real > Vedic > >

intepretations.> > > > > > RAHU AND KETU> > KETU IN THE 12TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE

6TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 12th > house > > indicates a native who in recent past

lives has not involved > > themselves with the many concerns of the world. This

may have been > > done through spiritual and transcendental practices, or it may

> have > > been done through other, less healthy, activities, escapism, or >

even > > imprisonment. Planets influencing Ketu as well as the placement of > >

Ketu's lord will indicate this. In any case, there has been a > focus > > on

attempting to become free from worldly karmas, either by > somehow, > >

ignorantly, not doing work, or through spiritual practices.> > Rahu in the

6th indicates the need to perform the works > > necessary to be free from all

works. The native must perform the > > activities necessary to improve and

manage their material affairs. > > These activities are necessary to give the

completion that Ketu > > desires. It is important that the native works in a

spirit of > karma > > yoga, that human right is for activity, not the results

of their > > activities, else the native suffers from further binding >

attachments, > > which hinder the realization of Ketu's goals of completion, >

> resolution and transcendence.> > > > KETU IN CANCER, RAHU IN CAPRICORN: Ketu

in Cancer indicates a > native > > who in recent past lives has created

security by stabilizing, or > > controlling their

emotions and reactions to the events in life. > This > > makes for a more

introverted personality, and one more attached to > > going inward to find

comfort than to tackle things externally in > > order to create security. There

is a tendency to over-control the > > feelings and reactions, which may cause

eruptions or moods to be > > triggered when the native can no longer take it.

It is because the > > emotions are controlled, rather than enjoyed with

detachment, that > > these moods occur. The native needs to learn to allow the

emotions > to > > flow freely, to let the feelings feel what they may, without

any > fear > > of the pain that may be involved with this. The greater the >

emotions > > and reactions are controlled as a result of what the outer > >

environment brings the more out of control and chaotic the >

external > > environment will be. Rahu in Capricorn indicates this out of >

control, > > chaotic outer environment and instability. Through Rahu in >

Capricorn > > the native learns to create balance and stability in their >

external > > lives that reflects a balanced internal security. A controlled >

inner > > security, the security indicated by Ketu in Cancer, is not a >

balanced > > security, and the imbalances will be revealed by external factors

> > being unstable through Rahu in Capricorn.> > Rahu in Capricorn also

indicates a tendency to fear the many > > terrible possibilities of the world

that are a natural part of > life. > > In order to overcome these fears a

tendency to overly control the > > environment arises, which results in nothing

but more stress. As > the > > native

truly becomes secure inwardly, these fears are alleviated.> > > > > > > > These

are so much like Western intepretations for Rahu and Ketu. > It's > > these

type of interpretations I don't want to read. Ketu is the > > planet of

suffering and loss,and it is the significator for > > liberation. Ketu in 12th

indicates great loss and suffering,but > it's > > a good position for mysticism

and liberation. Rahu is more the > > materialistic planet. The ultimate aim is

to be highly spiritual > and > > achieve liberation. That's not the goal of

Rahu. That's the goal > of > > Ketu. Western Astrologers put more benefic

emphasis on Rahu > because > > it's focused more on materialism. I know. I

have studied western > > astrology since 1998,and I have done readings since

1999. I know > what > > Western

Astrology looks like. In Western Astrology,South Node has > to > > do with the

past and old habits. North has to do with the future > and > > things that we

have to learn,and our path for the present life. > > Wilhelm Ernst's

interpretations are typical Western Astrology > > interpretations for the

nodes. In Western Astrology with tropical > > placidus system, I have North

Node in Aquarius in 5th and South > Node > > in Leo in 11th.> > > > > > I won't

even bother getting his book. Thanks for the suggestion. I > > want real Vedic

intepretations for Ketu and Rahu.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> vedic astrology, "mahakali108" > > <mahakali108>

wrote:> > > > > >

hello, > > > besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar nodes "the rahu >

ketu > > > experience", another excellent book on how to interpret the > nodes

> > in > > > a chart is "vault of the heavens" by ernst wilhelm, also >

indicating > > > that the nodes indicate direction of future growth, and past >

> > abilities and experiences. the chapter on the nodes has material > > > that

i did not find in any other book, other than trivedi's.> > > kalidasArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us


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I have read something on Jain,and it's not favorable






Comment: The Karmic Control Planets are those planets ruling the

signs wherein Rahu & Ketu (the moon's nodes) are located. As Ketu is

the inlet point for past karmas, the planet ruling Ketu's sign is the

past life Karmic Control. The planet ruling Rahu's sign is the Karmic

Distribution Control Planet for the present life. Does this sound

like Mohan Koparkar's Lunar Nodes to you? Let's have a look:


Lunar Nodes, by Mohan Koparkar, was copyright 1977. M.C. Jain's

Karmic Control Planets appeared sometime after 1980 & presumably

before Jain's demise in 1984 (the only date in this book is for the

publisher's "revised edition" of 2001). We note:


Koparkar, pg. 7: ....it (the nodes) acts as a vacuum tube connecting

the Unknown Past (Karma) and the Known Present. In other words, nodes

bridge the gap between previous form of soul to the present soul

structure. It also enables us to extrapolate the present soul

structure & its possible connection to the future soul form. This

automatically ties us down with a concept of some form of

reincarnation process.


Jain, pgs. 18-19: Rahu & Ketu act as a vacuum tube connecting the

Unknown Past (Karma) and the Known Present. In other words, Rahu/Ketu

bridge the gap between the previous form of soul to the present soul

structure. It also enables us to extrapolate the present soul

structure & its possible connection to the future soul form. This

automatically ties us down with a concept of some form of the process

of reincarnation.



This stuff is no different from Western Astrology view of the Nodes.

I want real Vedic Interpretations for Rahu and Ketu, the 2 halves of

the demon that Indra killed.








vedic astrology, David Andrews

<andrews635> wrote:

> Dear Raymond,

> Did you come across a book on the Nodes by Manik Chand Jain? The


> are Sagar Publications of Delhi.

> The author says, "The book in your hand is the result of my

researches and experiments and I have taken considerable pains to

verify the accuracy of predicting events based upon Rahu and Ketu..."


> David


> astynaz <astynaz> wrote:




> Hi,


> That all seems like Western Astrology to me. I am sorry to say. In

> Western Astrology, Western Astrologers do look at the south node


> pastlives. In Vedic Astrology, Ketu is looked at to see about

> losses,suffering,and liberation.


> Your friend probably has other things that indicate what you say.


> could be shown in the varga charts....especially the navamsha.


> I find that the dispostor of my Ketu has to do with loss but it is

> also the lord of my 12th house for I have Ketu in Cancer in 12th.


> could be about loss,suffering through marriage. Maybe my spouse


> experience much loss and suffering. Maybe she will be sick. Maybe


> will have serious psychological problems. She could be

> mystical,spiritual,and psychic.



> I think that Sutton and Trivedi were probably influenced by the


> of Western Astrologers. I can definitely say that about Wilhelm




> I can relate to what you said about Ketu in Cancer, Rahu in

> Capricorn, but I have 6th house lord Saturn aspecting Moon in

> Saturn's sign,Aquarius any way. My Moon disposits Ketu in Cancer in

> 12th. Also Moon is in Satabisha which is nakshastra of Rahu,and I

> have Rahu in Shravana which is the nakshastra of Moon. Therefore I

> have Planet in nakshastra mutual reception. I also have 12th house

> lord Moon conjunct 4th/9th house lord Mars. I have a lot of


> on mother,domestic problems.




> here are some stuff on rahu and ketu

> I will try to find more.



> http://www.aimuno.net/astrology/ketu.htm


> http://www.aimuno.net/astrology/rahu.htm


> http://astro.indiatimes.com/planets/RahuKetu.htm




> 20and%20Ketu%20in%20scriptures'


> http://www.vegetarian-restaurants.net/Asrology/Planets.htm


> http://www.goravani.com/lessons/Ketu.html




> here is something about Ketu in 12th......talks about how it's

> difficult karma and possible liberation .....in some ways, Ketu


> 12th is similar to western interpretation of South Node in 12th


> because Ketu in 12th is strong placement for

> mysticism,spirituality,and suffering any way just South Node in


> indicates mysticism,spirituality,loss,and suffering in the past.


> Ketu seems like the spiritual benefic and material malefic and Rahu

> seems like the material benefic and spiritual malefic.


> http://www.occulthealing.org/aoltthk.htm





> Raymond






> we can chat on messenger sometime.




> vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

> <mahakali108> wrote:

> >

> > -

> > well, ok, i agree that was a bit pop-psychology new agey. in


> > wilhelms book, i have to admit, there is a lot of that, though at

> > the same time he also mentions things like how the dispositor of

> the

> > nodes determines the area of life that was developed/needs to be

> > developed (ex: rahu in 6th, its dipositor in the 10th indicated

> need

> > to develop say, healing/karma yoga in area of career).

> >

> > on the subject of not believing everything in books, he has


> > good to say about any planet combust the sun. yet another author

> > argues that only the external significations (natural and house

> > placement) of a combust planet are destroyed, not the internal

> > qualities, which in fact get magnified (venus, love, bhuda

> > intellect, etc) since the sun is after all the soul indicator.

> >

> > overall, now i have to admit you have got me interested in


> > out what are the actual scriptural vedic authorities on the nodal

> > placement, and how do traditional practicing vedic astrologers

> > interpret the nodal placements, for example, local village/temple

> > brahmin priest-astrologers.

> >

> > do you think that even native hindus who came to the west like

> > komilla sutton and prash trivedi were simply influenced by


> > astrology and are trying to create a synthesis?

> >

> > i know 2 traditional tantric priest-astrologers, so i now plan to

> > question them about it. it may take time, since they both come to

> > the us every year but are now in india (and im not), and one


> > speak much english.

> >

> > i have to admit, though, that prash trivedi, i guess being born


> > india, though he now lives in uk, is more concrete sounding, for

> the

> > most part. he mentions that with cancer/ketu-capricorn/rahu

> > placement, the native in the past developed the internal


> > and domestic side, and now needs to develop a more concrete

> material

> > worldly activity (in area of house placement, and dispositor's

> house)

> >

> > it all fits my chart at least.

> > a different sign axis fits a friend i know well. she has ketu

> > aquarius, rahu in leo. trivedi says that she in past lives took

> part

> > in aquarian peruits, sublimating the ego for the greater good,


> > then went too far, so now feel undeserving, and in this life


> > to develop self esteem. this feels true, as she doesnt believe


> > deserves to be loved.(her leo is in 5th house)

> >

> > at the same time, often i feel i cannot make heads or tails out


> > some of these placements. certain nodal house axis placements and

> > dispositor placements just dont make much sense, when put into a

> > sentance.

> >

> > by the way, a really westernized pop-psychology oriented fuzzy

> wuzzy

> > author, in my opinion, is komilla sutton's book on the nodes. i

> > actually decided to give it to a used bookstore, i just couldnt

> take

> > her writing style anymore. and she doesnt even mention the very

> > important placement of the dispostors of the nodes, or how if the

> > dispositor or nakshatra ruler of rahu is with ketu, it means that

> > one must actually go back to ketu.

> >

> > anyway, like i said, now you got me interested in finding out the

> > truth about the vedic view of the nodal placements from


> > temple astrologers fron india, and not just from hindu asrologers

> > who perhaps, just perhaps, are simply engaging in a synthesis of

> > east -west, which is dangerous because the zodiacs are different.

> so

> > ones nodal placement in one zodiac will not match the other


> > does that mean that the synthesizers believe BOTH zodiacal

> > placements indicate side by side the karmic axis of future

> > growth/past experience?

> >

> > anyway, thanks for your input,

> > kalidas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -- In vedic astrology, "astynaz" <astynaz>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > This is an interpretation of Rahu and Ketu from the Kala


> > by

> > > by the same author you recommended. His intepretations are Way

> too

> > > much like Western. I don't like them at all. They are not real

> > Vedic

> > > intepretations.

> > >

> > >


> > > KETU IN THE 12TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 6TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 12th

> > house

> > > indicates a native who in recent past lives has not involved

> > > themselves with the many concerns of the world. This may have

> been

> > > done through spiritual and transcendental practices, or it may

> > have

> > > been done through other, less healthy, activities, escapism, or

> > even

> > > imprisonment. Planets influencing Ketu as well as the placement

> of

> > > Ketu's lord will indicate this. In any case, there has been a

> > focus

> > > on attempting to become free from worldly karmas, either by

> > somehow,

> > > ignorantly, not doing work, or through spiritual practices.

> > > Rahu in the 6th indicates the need to perform the works

> > > necessary to be free from all works. The native must perform


> > > activities necessary to improve and manage their material

> affairs.

> > > These activities are necessary to give the completion that Ketu

> > > desires. It is important that the native works in a spirit of

> > karma

> > > yoga, that human right is for activity, not the results of


> > > activities, else the native suffers from further binding

> > attachments,

> > > which hinder the realization of Ketu's goals of completion,

> > > resolution and transcendence.

> > >

> > > KETU IN CANCER, RAHU IN CAPRICORN: Ketu in Cancer indicates a

> > native

> > > who in recent past lives has created security by stabilizing,


> > > controlling their emotions and reactions to the events in life.

> > This

> > > makes for a more introverted personality, and one more attached

> to

> > > going inward to find comfort than to tackle things externally


> > > order to create security. There is a tendency to over-control


> > > feelings and reactions, which may cause eruptions or moods to


> > > triggered when the native can no longer take it. It is because

> the

> > > emotions are controlled, rather than enjoyed with detachment,

> that

> > > these moods occur. The native needs to learn to allow the

> emotions

> > to

> > > flow freely, to let the feelings feel what they may, without


> > fear

> > > of the pain that may be involved with this. The greater the

> > emotions

> > > and reactions are controlled as a result of what the outer

> > > environment brings the more out of control and chaotic the

> > external

> > > environment will be. Rahu in Capricorn indicates this out of

> > control,

> > > chaotic outer environment and instability. Through Rahu in

> > Capricorn

> > > the native learns to create balance and stability in their

> > external

> > > lives that reflects a balanced internal security. A controlled

> > inner

> > > security, the security indicated by Ketu in Cancer, is not a

> > balanced

> > > security, and the imbalances will be revealed by external


> > > being unstable through Rahu in Capricorn.

> > > Rahu in Capricorn also indicates a tendency to fear the


> > > terrible possibilities of the world that are a natural part of

> > life.

> > > In order to overcome these fears a tendency to overly control


> > > environment arises, which results in nothing but more stress.


> > the

> > > native truly becomes secure inwardly, these fears are


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > These are so much like Western intepretations for Rahu and


> > It's

> > > these type of interpretations I don't want to read. Ketu is the

> > > planet of suffering and loss,and it is the significator for

> > > liberation. Ketu in 12th indicates great loss and suffering,but

> > it's

> > > a good position for mysticism and liberation. Rahu is more the

> > > materialistic planet. The ultimate aim is to be highly


> > and

> > > achieve liberation. That's not the goal of Rahu. That's the


> > of

> > > Ketu. Western Astrologers put more benefic emphasis on Rahu

> > because

> > > it's focused more on materialism. I know. I have studied


> > > astrology since 1998,and I have done readings since 1999. I


> > what

> > > Western Astrology looks like. In Western Astrology,South Node


> > to

> > > do with the past and old habits. North has to do with the


> > and

> > > things that we have to learn,and our path for the present life.

> > > Wilhelm Ernst's interpretations are typical Western Astrology

> > > interpretations for the nodes. In Western Astrology with


> > > placidus system, I have North Node in Aquarius in 5th and South

> > Node

> > > in Leo in 11th.

> > >

> > >

> > > I won't even bother getting his book. Thanks for the


> I

> > > want real Vedic intepretations for Ketu and Rahu.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, "mahakali108"

> > > <mahakali108> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > hello,

> > > > besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar nodes "the


> > ketu

> > > > experience", another excellent book on how to interpret the

> > nodes

> > > in

> > > > a chart is "vault of the heavens" by ernst wilhelm, also

> > indicating

> > > > that the nodes indicate direction of future growth, and past

> > > > abilities and experiences. the chapter on the nodes has

> material

> > > > that i did not find in any other book, other than trivedi's.

> > > > kalidas










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Well, Astroamerica's David knows these books well. He has in fact studied them and is

entitled to comment on them as he did in this case.

I have yet to fully comprehend the nodes as every other authority, from

Jatakabharnam, Sarvatha Chintamani, Phaladeepika to Uttar Kalamrita are not

wholly in agreement with the other.

I have a copy of Shiv Raj Sharma's "Mystery of Rahu in a horoscope". He is/was a

colleague of Shri K.N. Rao at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. That book if fairly

well researched but has yet to satisfy my thirst for knowledge about the Nodes.


David astynaz <astynaz > wrote:

I have read something on Jain,and it's not

favorablehttp://www.astroamerica.com/v-jain.htmlComment: The Karmic Control

Planets are those planets ruling the signs wherein Rahu & Ketu (the moon's

nodes) are located. As Ketu is the inlet point for past karmas, the planet

ruling Ketu's sign is the past life Karmic Control. The planet ruling Rahu's

sign is the Karmic Distribution Control Planet for the present life. Does this

sound like Mohan Koparkar's Lunar Nodes to you? Let's have a look:Lunar Nodes,

by Mohan Koparkar, was copyright 1977. M.C. Jain's Karmic Control Planets

appeared sometime after 1980 & presumably before Jain's demise in 1984 (the

only date in this book is for the publisher's "revised edition" of 2001). We

note:Koparkar, pg.

7: ....it (the nodes) acts as a vacuum tube connecting the Unknown Past (Karma)

and the Known Present. In other words, nodes bridge the gap between previous

form of soul to the present soul structure. It also enables us to extrapolate

the present soul structure & its possible connection to the future soul form.

This automatically ties us down with a concept of some form of reincarnation

process.Jain, pgs. 18-19: Rahu & Ketu act as a vacuum tube connecting the

Unknown Past (Karma) and the Known Present. In other words, Rahu/Ketu bridge

the gap between the previous form of soul to the present soul structure. It

also enables us to extrapolate the present soul structure & its possible

connection to the future soul form. This automatically ties us down with a

concept of some form of the process of reincarnation.This stuff is no different

from Western Astrology view of the Nodes. I want real Vedic

Interpretations for Rahu and Ketu, the 2 halves of the demon that Indra

killed.Raymondvedic astrology, David Andrews

<andrews635> wrote:> Dear Raymond,> Did you come across a book on the

Nodes by Manik Chand Jain? The publishers> are Sagar Publications of Delhi.>

The author says, "The book in your hand is the result of my researches and

experiments and I have taken considerable pains to verify the accuracy of

predicting events based upon Rahu and Ketu..."> > David> > astynaz

<astynaz> wrote:> > > > Hi,> > That all seems like Western Astrology to

me. I am sorry to say. In > Western Astrology, Western Astrologers do look at

the south node for > pastlives. In Vedic Astrology, Ketu is looked at to see

about > losses,suffering,and

liberation.> > Your friend probably has other things that indicate what you say.

It > could be shown in the varga charts....especially the navamsha.> > I find

that the dispostor of my Ketu has to do with loss but it is > also the lord of

my 12th house for I have Ketu in Cancer in 12th. It > could be about

loss,suffering through marriage. Maybe my spouse will > experience much loss

and suffering. Maybe she will be sick. Maybe she > will have serious

psychological problems. She could be > mystical,spiritual,and psychic. > > > I

think that Sutton and Trivedi were probably influenced by the ideas > of Western

Astrologers. I can definitely say that about Wilhelm Ernst.> > > I can relate to

what you said about Ketu in Cancer, Rahu in > Capricorn, but I have 6th house

lord Saturn aspecting Moon in > Saturn's sign,Aquarius

any way. My Moon disposits Ketu in Cancer in > 12th. Also Moon is in Satabisha

which is nakshastra of Rahu,and I > have Rahu in Shravana which is the

nakshastra of Moon. Therefore I > have Planet in nakshastra mutual reception.

I also have 12th house > lord Moon conjunct 4th/9th house lord Mars. I have a

lot of emphasis > on mother,domestic problems.> > > > here are some stuff on

rahu and ketu> I will try to find more.> > > > > > >

http://www.goravani.com/lessons/RahuKetu.html> >

http://www.aimuno.net/astrology/ketu.htm> >

http://www.aimuno.net/astrology/rahu.htm> >

http://astro.indiatimes.com/planets/RahuKetu.htm> >


20and%20Ketu%20in%20scriptures'> >

http://www.vegetarian-restaurants.net/Asrology/Planets.htm> >

http://www.goravani.com/lessons/Ketu.html> > > > here is something about Ketu

in 12th......talks about how it's > difficult karma and possible liberation

......in some ways, Ketu in > 12th is similar to western interpretation of South

Node in 12th house > because Ketu in 12th is strong placement for >

mysticism,spirituality,and suffering any way just South Node in

12th > indicates mysticism,spirituality,loss,and suffering in the past.> > Ketu

seems like the spiritual benefic and material malefic and Rahu > seems like the

material benefic and spiritual malefic.> >

http://www.occulthealing.org/aoltthk.htm > > > > > Raymond> > > > > > we can

chat on messenger sometime.> > > > --- In

vedic astrology, "mahakali108" > <mahakali108> wrote:> > >

> -> > well, ok, i agree that was a bit pop-psychology new agey. in ernst > >

wilhelms book, i have to admit, there is a lot of that, though at > > the same

time he also mentions things like how the dispositor of > the > > nodes

determines the area of life that was developed/needs to be >

> developed (ex: rahu in 6th, its dipositor in the 10th indicated > need > > to

develop say, healing/karma yoga in area of career).> > > > on the subject of

not believing everything in books, he has nothing > > good to say about any

planet combust the sun. yet another author > > argues that only the external

significations (natural and house > > placement) of a combust planet are

destroyed, not the internal > > qualities, which in fact get magnified (venus,

love, bhuda > > intellect, etc) since the sun is after all the soul indicator.>

> > > overall, now i have to admit you have got me interested in finding > > out

what are the actual scriptural vedic authorities on the nodal > > placement, and

how do traditional practicing vedic astrologers > > interpret the nodal

placements, for example, local village/temple > > brahmin

priest-astrologers.> > > > do you think that even native hindus who came to the

west like > > komilla sutton and prash trivedi were simply influenced by

western > > astrology and are trying to create a synthesis?> > > > i know 2

traditional tantric priest-astrologers, so i now plan to > > question them

about it. it may take time, since they both come to > > the us every year but

are now in india (and im not), and one doesnt > > speak much english.> > > > i

have to admit, though, that prash trivedi, i guess being born in > > india,

though he now lives in uk, is more concrete sounding, for > the > > most part.

he mentions that with cancer/ketu-capricorn/rahu > > placement, the native in

the past developed the internal emotional > > and domestic side, and now needs

to develop a more concrete > material

> > worldly activity (in area of house placement, and dispositor's > house)> > >

> it all fits my chart at least.> > a different sign axis fits a friend i know

well. she has ketu > > aquarius, rahu in leo. trivedi says that she in past

lives took > part > > in aquarian peruits, sublimating the ego for the greater

good, but > > then went too far, so now feel undeserving, and in this life

needs > > to develop self esteem. this feels true, as she doesnt believe she >

> deserves to be loved.(her leo is in 5th house) > > > > at the same time,

often i feel i cannot make heads or tails out of > > some of these placements.

certain nodal house axis placements and > > dispositor placements just dont

make much sense, when put into a > > sentance.> > > > by the way, a really

westernized pop-psychology

oriented fuzzy > wuzzy > > author, in my opinion, is komilla sutton's book on

the nodes. i > > actually decided to give it to a used bookstore, i just

couldnt > take > > her writing style anymore. and she doesnt even mention the

very > > important placement of the dispostors of the nodes, or how if the > >

dispositor or nakshatra ruler of rahu is with ketu, it means that > > one must

actually go back to ketu.> > > > anyway, like i said, now you got me interested

in finding out the > > truth about the vedic view of the nodal placements from

traditional > > temple astrologers fron india, and not just from hindu

asrologers > > who perhaps, just perhaps, are simply engaging in a synthesis of

> > east -west, which is dangerous because the zodiacs are different. > so > >

ones nodal placement in one zodiac will not match the other

zodiac.> > does that mean that the synthesizers believe BOTH zodiacal > >

placements indicate side by side the karmic axis of future > > growth/past

experience?> > > > anyway, thanks for your input,> > kalidas> > > > > > > > > >

> > -- In vedic astrology, "astynaz" <astynaz> > > wrote:>

> > > > > > > > > > > Hi,> > > > > > This is an interpretation of Rahu and Ketu

from the Kala program > > by > > > by the same author you recommended. His

intepretations are Way > too > > > much like Western. I don't like them at all.

They are not real > > Vedic > > > intepretations.> > > > > > > > > RAHU AND


RAHU IN THE 6TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 12th > > house > > > indicates a native who

in recent past lives has not involved > > > themselves with the many concerns

of the world. This may have > been > > > done through spiritual and

transcendental practices, or it may > > have > > > been done through other,

less healthy, activities, escapism, or > > even > > > imprisonment. Planets

influencing Ketu as well as the placement > of > > > Ketu's lord will indicate

this. In any case, there has been a > > focus > > > on attempting to become

free from worldly karmas, either by > > somehow, > > > ignorantly, not doing

work, or through spiritual practices.> > > Rahu in the 6th indicates the

need to perform the works > > > necessary to be free from all works. The native


perform the > > > activities necessary to improve and manage their material >

affairs. > > > These activities are necessary to give the completion that Ketu

> > > desires. It is important that the native works in a spirit of > > karma >

> > yoga, that human right is for activity, not the results of their > > >

activities, else the native suffers from further binding > > attachments, > > >

which hinder the realization of Ketu's goals of completion, > > > resolution and

transcendence.> > > > > > KETU IN CANCER, RAHU IN CAPRICORN: Ketu in Cancer

indicates a > > native > > > who in recent past lives has created security by

stabilizing, or > > > controlling their emotions and reactions to the events in

life. > > This > > > makes for a more introverted personality, and one more

attached > to > > > going inward to find comfort than to tackle things

externally in > > > order to create security. There is a tendency to

over-control the > > > feelings and reactions, which may cause eruptions or

moods to be > > > triggered when the native can no longer take it. It is

because > the > > > emotions are controlled, rather than enjoyed with

detachment, > that > > > these moods occur. The native needs to learn to allow

the > emotions > > to > > > flow freely, to let the feelings feel what they

may, without any > > fear > > > of the pain that may be involved with this. The

greater the > > emotions > > > and reactions are controlled as a result of what

the outer > > > environment brings the more out of control and chaotic the > >

external > > >

environment will be. Rahu in Capricorn indicates this out of > > control, > > >

chaotic outer environment and instability. Through Rahu in > > Capricorn > > >

the native learns to create balance and stability in their > > external > > >

lives that reflects a balanced internal security. A controlled > > inner > > >

security, the security indicated by Ketu in Cancer, is not a > > balanced > > >

security, and the imbalances will be revealed by external factors > > > being

unstable through Rahu in Capricorn.> > > Rahu in Capricorn also indicates

a tendency to fear the many > > > terrible possibilities of the world that are

a natural part of > > life. > > > In order to overcome these fears a tendency

to overly control the > > > environment arises, which

results in nothing but more stress. As > > the > > > native truly becomes secure

inwardly, these fears are alleviated.> > > > > > > > > > > > These are so much

like Western intepretations for Rahu and Ketu. > > It's > > > these type of

interpretations I don't want to read. Ketu is the > > > planet of suffering and

loss,and it is the significator for > > > liberation. Ketu in 12th indicates

great loss and suffering,but > > it's > > > a good position for mysticism and

liberation. Rahu is more the > > > materialistic planet. The ultimate aim is

to be highly spiritual > > and > > > achieve liberation. That's not the goal of

Rahu. That's the goal > > of > > > Ketu. Western Astrologers put more benefic

emphasis on Rahu > > because > > >

it's focused more on materialism. I know. I have studied western > > >

astrology since 1998,and I have done readings since 1999. I know > > what > > >

Western Astrology looks like. In Western Astrology,South Node has > > to > > >

do with the past and old habits. North has to do with the future > > and > > >

things that we have to learn,and our path for the present life. > > > Wilhelm

Ernst's interpretations are typical Western Astrology > > > interpretations for

the nodes. In Western Astrology with tropical > > > placidus system, I have

North Node in Aquarius in 5th and South > > Node > > > in Leo in 11th.> > > > >

> > > > I won't even bother getting his book. Thanks for the suggestion. > I > >

> want real Vedic intepretations for Ketu and Rahu.>

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, "mahakali108" > > > <mahakali108> wrote:>

> > > > > > > hello, > > > > besides the book by prash trivedi on the lunar

nodes "the rahu > > ketu > > > > experience", another excellent book on how to

interpret the > > nodes > > > in > > > > a chart is "vault of the heavens" by

ernst wilhelm, also > > indicating > > > > that the nodes indicate direction of

future growth, and past > > > > abilities and experiences. the chapter on the

nodes has > material > > > > that i did not find in any other book, other than


> > > kalidas> > > > > > Archives: vedic astrology>

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