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re. travel, medical

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hello, i dont recommend using sub-sub-sub-sub vimshotari periods.

they ned to be highly precise with the birth time, ayanamsha errors,

what kind of year being used (mean sidereal, 365.25, etc). up to

pratyantar is best.

venus is 29+ degrees, so a different ayanamsha that different by

more than that will put venus in a different house.

it is hard to say where venus should be. one would need more info.

most astrologers seem to get good results with lahiri.

i really need the wife's chart. to use his chart, i would need to

use shula dasha to see if his wife may die. i am not yet confident

about my abilities with shula dasha to say she will die or

not...though i am working on it

prashna is best for this type of question. i did one for 15 feb

4:09pm boulder colorado usa.

you are asking the question, about your friends..wife, so she ends

up being the natural lagna, ruled by moon.

moon has no ithasala with lords of 6th or 8th, the 8th in particular

indicating death. so whe will ot die. however, moon is in ithasala

with budh, lord of 12th, so problems CAN occur, except, however,

12th lord budh is severly combust, practically negating the

ithasala, or at least seriously weakening it.

finally, moon is exalted in taurus, in 11th house, house of labha-


moreover, venus, a benific and lord of 4th (medicine) is aspecting

the lagna.

jupiter, a natural benefic, is aspecting moon, but it is also 6th

lord (extremely out of deepthamsh range) and anyway it is in a

trine, surely will not give adverse results.

she will do fine.


may she recover soon,







shyam murti gupta <smurti_gupta wrote:

Respected Mahakalidas Ji,

Thank uou very much for sparing time on analyses.

The chart and dasha sent in query are based on Raman anyamas, and

year lenth of 365.25 days. With such setting I got the chart

generated in Jagannath Hora lite, and dashas in Shri-

jyoti_Star_demo. On 14.4.2004 when Native landed in sweden with his

family, Sat/murc/ketu/ketu/rahu shukma dasa was functional. Now he

is approaching Sat/ketu/sat/sat/murc on 1.5.2005, and axpecting a

finalization of his follow up visitwithin feb-march 2005.

It is the genesis of this question.

Another variation I found that if one uses Lahiri anayamasa, venus

is with ketu in 10th house, and if one uses Raman anayamans venus

moves to 11th house ? why so it happens?. While analysing what one

shall consider the position of venus in 10th or in 11th.

The worst is the wife of native is critically suffering with kidney

problem? Wife is running Murc/Ketu dasa wich is sastaktaka in her

chart. Is there any fear for her life, as Saturn.ketu or even

Saturn /venus dashas are acting on kaltra karak venus either by

association with ketu or by saturn aspecting venus by 8th drasti.

Looking for your wise advice.

With best regards




kali das <mahakali108 wrote:


if the native was born in 5:30 gmt, i get lagna singha 27'14''.(i am

correcting my previous chart) even if i push back the lagna to the

beginng of singha, i cannot get apr 2003 to coincide with sat-merc-

ketu. i use mean siderial year for dashas, lahiri ayanamsha.

anyway, that period gave foreign travel because ketu is placed in

the 12th from the bhukti lord, venus. to study prantardashas, the

bhukti lord acts like the "dasha" lord, in relation to all the

prantyars, so a prantyar planet 12th(foreign posting) from the

bhukti lord can time the travel, now, the sat-ketu-merc has merc in

2d from ketu, indicating 2d house concerns in relation to ketu, not


also, transit jupiter was in the 12th house during 2003 when my

computer says he was in sat-ketu-merc.

so he can travel in sat-venus-moon(moon 12th lord, or sat-venus-mars

(mars12th lord from venus's position, and 9th lord of natural chart).

also, sat-venus-venus itself can bring travel, as venus is 12thlord

from saturn, and transit jupiter will be aspecting 12th house.

however, it is considered that results of dasha dont always happen

at the bhukti of the dasha lord itself, but in a bhukti of a planet

that can give similar effects, so while sat-venus-venus could bring

travel, the sat-venus-moon/mars is very likely, and at that time

transit jupiter will be aspecting the 9th house of travel as well

i realize this is complicated, sorry about that.

let me know if i completely confused you,



by the way, what lagna degree of leo do you get anyway?



shyam murti gupta <smurti_gupta wrote:

Respcted MahaKali,

I have chart of native (born 14.7.1956, time 9.55 AM, Lat 27.30N,

Laong 81.05 E) who went sweden in Saturn/Murc/Ketu vishontari

mahadasha/antar/pratyantr on 14.4.2002.



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Now Saturn/Ketu/ Murcury antar/prantyanter is awaited in March

2005. Will it give him a revisit to sweden on professional/education

assignment for a longer term?


Kindly analyse and oblige me.

With best regards




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