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Rahu, Ketu, Special Need,and Edison-Gene

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Rahu and Ketu seems like it relates to special needs. I feel that

12th house can too. Special needs can including things like

Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,ADHD,sensory integration disorder,autism,and

Aspergers' Syndrome



I found this on a site





When Rahu or Ketu occupy house 5:

Typically there are one or two children, but the children will have

some social difficulty. Frequently these are learning or behavioral

disorders that can be addressed skillfully, often accompanied by

strong but hidden talent. May be very psychic.


Rahu children face danger from low people, snake bites, drug needles,

and a craving for exciting experiences.


Ketu children exhibit slow response time. They are detached, often

living in an imaginative world. Sometimes they are spiritually

advanced, early meditators. Sometimes they are just spacey. In

context of other talents in a child's chart, these features can be

problems or blessings.



The above stuff made me focus on Ketu and Rahu for special needs




My mother has Ketu conj Mercury in 5th in both her navamsha and

septamsha. She has 12th house lord Mercury conjunct Ketu in Scorpio

in 5th in septamsha. Her Jupiter(significator of children) is

conjunct both Mercury and Ketu in rashi. She did have a child with

learning disorder - me. I have Ketu in Cancer in 12th along with

Ketu in 12th's dispositor/ruler,Moon in Satabisha(Rahu's nakshastra)

conjunct Mars in Aquarius in 7th in rashi. I have Mars in 2nd house

and Saturn aspecting 2nd house lord Venus in Gemini in 10th in

navamsha. I have Mars aspecting 2nd house in rashi. Those can

indicate my history of speech problems. I am Dyslexic,Dyspraxic,and

ADHD. Speech problems are symptoms of Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. Many

Dyslexics and Dyspraxics have strong but hidden talents. We think

outside the box. We're often mistakened for being stupid early in

school. Like Dyslexics and dyspraxics, I am ultrasensitive and

empathic person. I grew highly superstitious. I am strong believer in

God and the metaphysical. I grew reading mythology and Bible

stories,but I never felt comfortable with organized religion. I am

very imaginative,and I can be spacey. I easily fit the inattentive

ADHD criteria,and I was diagnosed with that last year at the age of

32. I have some hyperactive qualities,but I was disciplined enough to

behave in school. I knew that if I got in trouble in school, I would

get disciplined at home. I inherited the Dyslexia from my father who

had problems with speech and fine motor skills like me. He seemed to

have hyperactive ADHD traits and he was ultrasensitive. He believed

strongly in God and the metaphysical. My mother has Rahu and Mars in

Sagittarius in 7th. My father did have drug problems. Another thing,

my mom told me that she can relate to a lot of the Dyslexia symptoms

that I showed her from Dr Levinson's site. She says that she probably

has some Dyslexia too. She didn't feel that she was smart until her

30's. The last grade that she completed was 8th grade. This could

easily be seen from her Ketu conjunct Mercury in 1st in her rashi.

She is also ultrasensitive person like me,and she has history of

health problems. She is highly imaginative. She is a strong believer

in God. She believes in the metaphysical. She's not openminded about

religion though,and she's Roman Catholic. My mother has hyperactive

tendencies too,but she has slowed down with age. My stepfather used

to tell my mom and me that we are just alike. It would irritate us!


My mother has Moon conjunct Saturn in Libra in 5th. She has Moon in

Airsign aspected by Saturn like me. I have Moon in Aquarius in 7th

aspected by Saturn in 10th


Dyslexia,Dyspraxia are hereditary conditions.


I have Ketu conjunct Jupiter(karaka) of children in my navamsha. Like

my mother, I have Ketu in 5th in the septamsha. I have Moon,Venus,and

Ketu in 5th in septamsa. Those can indicate that I will have special

needs children - Dyslexic and maybe Dyspraxic. The dispositor of my

12th house lord Ketu,Moon is in Satabisha in 7th house. That could

indicate a special needs spouse.


My girlfriend is Dyslexic(had speech problems) and can relate to

combined type ADHD. Like me, she is ultrasensitive,very imaginative,

and can be spacey. Spacey Traci was a nickname of hers. She never

felt comfortable with unorganized religion. She is a strong believer

in God and the metaphysical. She has Moon conj Ketu in Pisces in 5th

house in her rashi. She worked with special needs children as

daycare/preschool teacher. Because we are both Dyslexic, she and I

will end up with Dyslexic children. She has Mercury,Saturn,and Rahu

in 5th in the navamsha. That could indicate her past speech

problems,dyslexia as well as kids who can have those problems. She

has Rahu conjunct retrograde Jupiter in Gemini in 10th in the

septamsha. That could also indicate special needs children. Her 12th

lord conjunct Venus in Libra in 10th in navamsha could indicate

special needs spouse.




My mother has a brother named Eddie that spent some time in special

ed for speech problems and hyperactivity. She does have Mars

(significator sibling) conj Rahu in 7th which is opposed by Mercury

and Jupiter. That could also indicate my father who had problems with

speech and had ADHD traits. That also can indicate me for 7th house

is the 2nd child. That's 3 houses from 5th house. Uncle Eddie has

Mercury conjunct Rahu and Sun in 1st house in rashi,and that

indicates his speech problems and unconventional nature. Mars aspects

that,and so there's the hyperactivity! From what I have seen over

the years, my whole family seems ADHD-like! I kid you not. They all

have a lot of restlessness and/or unconventional. My stepgrandmother

told me that she's hyperactive,and so was my grandfather! She didn't

feel that her son, Eddie should be on medication for his

hyperactivity. She refused to drug him when it was recommended. She

told me that she didn't want the drugs to mess up his brain. My

family seem unconventional in some ways. My Uncle Dino had numerous

jobs like more than 20 in 20 years. He's like a jack of many trades.

My Uncle Eddie has his own restaurant. Both men loved to drive

fast,and they got speeding tickets. My aunt Dede was restless when it

came to men. She's broadminded when it comes to religion. Her older

daughter Shavon was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 7. My aunt Dede

told me that she can relate to some of the Dyslexic symptoms. My aunt

Dede has Sun,Mercury,Venus in Libra like me,but hers in 12th house.

She has Sun in 12th house like my mother and Uncle Dino. Another

thing to is that my Mom's paternal Uncle Gino is Dyslexic. My Uncle

Eddie's son, Joey is hyperactive too. He's a straight A student

though. He's disciplined by his father if he acts up. Another thing

too is that my mother and all 4 of her siblings never graduated from

high school,but they did well in their careers.




Mom's birthdata

June 13, 1954

Oakland California

6:26 AM


My birthdata

October 29, 1971

San Francisco,California

3:20 AM


Traci's birthdata

Feb 10, 1978


2:58 AM


Uncle Eddie's birthdata

Sept 3, 1961

Woodland, California

5:15 AM


Aunt Dominga's birthdata

Nov 9, 1961

Woodland, California

7:44 AM





I bought the book, THE EDISON GENE (ADHD and the Gift of the Hunter




page 4 to 5


The children and adults who carry this gene have and offer multiple

gifts, both individually and as members of society. Sometimes these

gifts are unrecognized, misinterpreted, or even punished, and as a

result, these exceptional children end up vilified, drugged, or

shunted into Special Education. The result is that they often become

reactive: sullen, angry, defiant, oppositional, and, in extreme

cases, suicidal. Some Edison-gene adults face the same issues,

carrying the wounds of school with them into adulthood, often finding

themselves in jobs adapted to stability than creativity.




Edison gene children and adults are by nature:








Non-linear (they leap to new conclusions or observations)




Easily distracted (or, to put it differently, easily attracted to new



Capable of extraordinary hyperfocus


Understanding of what it means to be an "outsider"






Easily bored









All of these qualities lead them to be natural:













ADHD behaviors and termperaments ------ often misunderstood in

schools ---------- were once, in fact, useful skills for hunter

gatherer people (which, throughout the book, I'll refer to simply as

hunters), and also have a place in the modern world of emergency

rooms, police departments, entrepreneurial businesses, and sales, to

which the skills of the hunter can be transferred.


These are my words: I would have to say that they are useful for

sports. After all, hunters are supposed to be swift. If they are

slow runners, they are no way they can run after animals. Football

players are supposedly to be very fast...especially wide

receivers,defensive backs, running backs..........running track and

field, speed is important.............Carl Lewis would seem to fit

the Hunter profile.......wonder if people try to label him

ADHD. .......BTW....I was a very fast runner when I was in

school,and I did run track.....so I guess my great speed is part of

my Edison-

Gene,Hunter,ADHD....heheeheheheh......................hey,if my

children inherit my speed, ....I could get them playing sports so

they can avoid the ADHD drugs......hehehehee





page 7





1. The trait as it appears in the Disorder view


2. The trait as it appears in the Hunter's view


3. opposite "Farmer" trait



1. short attention span, which can become intensely focused for long

periods of time.


2. constant monitoring of the environment


3. attention is not easily distracted from the task at hand



1. poor planning, disorganization, and impulsive (tendency to make

snap decisions)


2. ability to enter the chase on a moment' notice


3. ability to sustain a steady, dependable effort



1. distorted sense of time; lack of awareness of how long it will

take to do something


2. flexibility; a readiness to quickly change strategy


3. purposeful organization; long-term strategy that's adhered to



1. impatience


2. tirelessness; the ability to sustain drive, but only when hot on

the trail of some goal


3. awareness of time and timing; tasks are completed in time, on

pace, and with good staying power



1. inability to convert words into concepts and vice versa; a

learning disability may or may not be present


2. visual/concrete thinking; clear sight of a tangible even if there

are no words for it


3. patience; an awareness that good things take time; a willingness

to wait



1. difficulty following instructions


2. independence


3. playing on a team



1. daydreaming


2. becoming bored by mundane tasks; enjoying new ideas, excitement,

the hunt, or being hot on the trail


3. focusing on followthrough, tending to details and taking care of




1. acting without considering consequences


2. willingness and ability to take risks and face danger


3. taking care to look before you leap



1. lacking in social graces


2. no time for niceties when there are decisions to be made


3. nurturing; creating and supporting community values; attuning to

whether something will last




An astrologer said that Jupiter rules ADHD, but I disagree. The

traits of people with ADHD seem more like Rahu and Ketu. Besides,

people with ADHD traits and with learning disabilities feel like

outcasts,and they are often treated that way. They are often put on

drugs. They are in in danger of using drugs. Rahu is planet

associated with drugs. They are often misunderstood too. Therefore

I don't see Jupiter ruling ADHD. Jupiter traits seem to do more with

mainstream and being accepted as well as admired. People with ADHD

can be like that, but they often find themselves treated the opposite

earlier in life. We're the ones that get

called "retard", "stupid","idiot","lazy", "irresponsible,and other

names that could piss off and we end up labeled with other disorders

like bipolar,oppositional disorder,and conduct disorder. These end up





It's been observed that people with Edison-gene people seem to be

drawn to non-mainstream religions. It could be because they've felt

like outsiders their entire lives, and many of the people who attend

the "middle of the road" churches, synagogues, mosques,and temples

are the stable and steady "farmers" who've excluded or outperformed

them in other venues such as school(the farmers represent more than 3

quarters of all humans). Maybe they find that stimulation is found in

intense worship or meditative activities or have a stronger need for

the sense of tribe or community that exist in such places. Perhaps,

Edison-gene people tend to seek spirituality where their interest

lies because they tend to focus more strongly on what interests them.

Perhaps religions have always ended up representing the cultures that

have given rise to them, so that hiearchical,male-dominated

agricultural cultures have produced hiearchical religions with a male

god, whereas egalitarian hunter cultures have produced religions that

emphasize more an individual's personal spiritual experience and

diminish the role of priests and institutional structures ---- a

religions context more comfortable for Edison-gene people.



My words: Could it be that heretics that were at the stake were

Edison-gene people? Maybe Joan of Arc was an Edison-Gene person.


Many Edison-gene people have been drawn to mysticism.



I never felt comfortable with organized religion myself. I don't

want to be accused of being a serious sinner because I am into

Astrology. I definitely don't want to be labeled "crazy" by

psychiatrists for that either. That's how things are here in USA.

These are things that I have to worry about my children having to do

with. This is why I should make sure that my Edison-gene children

have good upbringings and make sure they are understood,and so they

don't end up caught up in the medication madness that is happening in

USA. Edison-gene Rahu and Ketu type children really need to be

protected by people who don't understand them.


I told Traci "I can see day when we're told that our child need to

see a psychiatrist because his mother told him that it is okay to

talk about his spirit guides"


Sadly here in USA, it would get our children labeled psychotic.

Hopefully, his Dyslexic traits don't get him labeled that. That's

what happened to me as an adult.








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