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2-All, re....Jyotish/Astrology is the Ultimate Self-Improvement Technology...> Mark Kincaid 3/3/05

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Dear Friends:

Here is an article I wrote the other day on Jyotish...

Thought you might like it.


Mark Kincaid

Astrology is the Ultimate Self-Improvement Technology!

Join the Astrology Quiz!

Dear Friends:

March 2, 2005

You hear a lot about self-improvement and positive thinking groups, today In

fact, the entire 'New Age' movement is full of ennumerable ways in which to

unfold or improve human potential.

One day I was reflecting upon this and it occured to me that Jyotish/Astrology

was the original, and maybe, .. perhaps, the best.... even the Ultimate




First of all because every area of life is included in our Astrology charts, anyway.

Physical Exercise,.... it's there, in our charts...

Balance between rest & activity,...is there, in the Saturn's in our charts...

Yoga, it's there!

Ayurveda!, ... it's there....

Self-esteem, for better or worse, it's there,...in the Sun's in our charts...

Also, I think Jyotish/Astrology ... is supreme, because it's so individual,

specific, and precise, whereas most self-improvement Philosophys, are too


In the Jyotish book I'm presently writing there's a section on comparing

Astrology to other Philosophys and I compare to Philosophys, like those of

Deepak Chopra, Dr. Johnny Gray, even Oprah, has a Philosophy....

All Philosophys, are contained in Astrology,.... but not, all Philosophys are as

comprehensive as Astrology.

Therefore, embrace your Astrology....!

as the ultimate self-improvement technology!

#1 ... Define the thing you wish was different in your life!

Whether it's better physical health, or mental peace of mind,... or... more

money, more love, more attunement with Nature,... etc.

#2.... Then, find the Planets, Houses, and all Astrological configurations that

are involved with that particular part of your life.

#3... Once we've discovered which planets and configurations are holding us

back, or frustrating us, .. then,....

#4... Make a decision to focus on strengthening that Planet!

This is the key to Jyotish/Astrological, and life improvement, is to identify

that Astrological 'trigger', which is literally responsible for that challenge!

The problem is,.... for each person, 'that' switch is different.

For example, to improve one's love life, Venus is the predominate Planet that's

responsible, for love.

However, for each person, the 5th & 7th houses, are also indicative of success

in the field of pre-marital, and committed, marriage success.

Then, you have to take into account all the various aspects of one's chart, and

you can come to a very complete picture of what's holding us back.

I'll give you an example.

Jason is a man whom I did his chart last year.

He wanted too, to improve his relationship with his girlfriend.

In fact, it was his girlfriend who was 'dragging' him to come have his chart, read.

So, we reviewed his chart from the point of view of his experiences, and he got

very excited that we could guess what he was like and especially the deeper

motivations that were going on, underneath his experiences.

He said: "I can't believe you can pin point what's really going on. I mean I

don't even know if I understood, exactly but you've really helped me understand

myself better!"

This is the key to life,....and perhaps, one of Astrology's greatest attributes.

Astrology can lead to more self-wisdom.

And, as we know ourselves better, we begin to understand what qualities, what

characteristics we are bringing to the 'relationship', or our job, or our

family, etc.

Then, we talked about how we could strengthen the 'relationship' Planets and

even the 5th & 7th houses, which we had just discovered were, in fact, at the

basis of his frustrations.

One of the biggest problems in life, is that we 'blame', others....

for our situations.

We blame our 'mate' for our frustrations.

We blame our job, the company we work for.

Heck, we even blame God, for giving us such frustrating challenges!

But, Jyotish/Astrology helps us see that the World, is truely,...as WE ARE!

And once we see, that all the qualities, situations and aspects to our life, are

there, in our charts,...then, we begin to accept....

that yes,... our life is really our....own.

And all we really have to do,....is begin the process of self-change,...


And, good Jyotish/Astrology, knows exactly how and with what Planets, or

switches of ours, we need to turn on!

So, take the Astrology challenge!

Jyotish Quiz!

o Identify the part of your life that you wish was different!

o Health problems __________?

o Financial problems _________?

o Relationship problems __________?

o Then, find the Planet(s), or Chart configurations, houses & signs, that


literally, reflective of those challenges!

o Is it Saturn that's causing you your problems? ________

o Is it Mars ______?

o Is it the Sun ______?

o Is it the Moon ______?

Let us know...

It's not that 'these' Planets are causing us our problems!

The 'malefics' in our charts are just those aspects of life, that we didn't understand

before we came to this Earth....

Identifying which aspects of ourSelves, are responsible for our unhappinesses,...

is the key to true growth in life.

This is what's going on in our lives, even before we ever heard of Astrology.

Someone's having accidents or is extremely accident prone, and at some point,

'they get it'.... "Ahhhh, I'm going to fast!"

Then, they begin to adjust, and even if they end up having to re-organize a

bunch of different parts of themselves, but, the point is... they do adjust,

and the Mars, energy inside of them, ... starts to change!

Imagine what it would be like, if we could learn to adjust more early!

And, not just because we've gotten sick again, and we've finally gotten sick of

staying up too late, eating all kinds of weird food, and smoking too much.

Imagine if we could have learned earlier, from our chart's how to change our eating habits!

Like that, we all can enjoy an amazing improvement in the quality and character,

of our lives through the innocent application of good Astrology.

I was thinking the other day and it occured to me that the key to life, is growth.

But, Astrology has such a long habit of belief in fate and pre-determinism, and

flash! I realized, Astrology needs to embrace it's own, self-improvement

nature, and when it does, then Astrology will finally move into it's proper

place as the Ultimate Self-Improvement Technology.

We now, need to revive this bias in present day Astrology. We need to

understand that Astrology understands about life's transformations, even as

much as it understands about our 'fates'.

They do both exist, but our present age shows us that those who learn to grow,

to adapt, to change and transform, they teach us about possibilities!

Astrology, too needs to embrace it's powerful ability to accomplish.

Join me in a discussion as to How to Do these things we've been talking about.

Anyone who would like, feel free to write me back and we'll go through this process.

Tell me about the thing in your life, you wish was different!

If you know your chart, tell me your date of birth info, and especially Rising Sign.

Then, let's explore together, how we can learn to strength those Planets which

seem to be causing you any frustrations.


Mark Kincaid


Founder Nature's Astrology.

Teacher of Meditation

Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, and teacher.

Starlight Inc.

m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com

641 472-0000.

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