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2-Ueda, & all, re. Will I get a good Guru,...& ...New Jyotish Internet course coming up!, > Mark Kincaid

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> Learned members,


> Day by day I have been so much leaning towards learning Vedic

> astrology. Recently, I have been spending several hours in front of

> the computer to read the postings. Could someone tell me if I am


> to get into divine science, if so, am I going to get a GOOD GURU?

> Regds,

> Ueda

> DOB March 5, 1961

> TOB 23:27:58 hrs (IST)

> POB: 79E10 14N12

(See details of upcoming Jyotish/Internet course: below)

Dear Ueda:

I wanted to make you aware of a new Jyotish, internet course I'm going to be teaching soon.

Over the last few years, I've taught a number of really wonderful Jyotish

courses, and people really seemed to like them.

This year, I'm starting a new one, and one that's kind of different, too.

In the past, couple of years, I did 1 month courses, which were quite wonderful.

But this year I'm going to do, a year long course, 12 months, course....!

I've found that studying Jyotish, leisurely, naturally, in-tune with the Waxings

& Wanings of the Moon and the Stars, is a really ideal way to learn Astrology...

Check out the new I've set up for this course, at:


take care

Mark Kincaid

ps... I'll also list below a recent description I wrote regarding the course....of study...

pss.... one thing I can say about your chart, especially related to studying 'vedic science', is...

you have this very special.... aspect of Jupiter upon the Moon....

this is especially....positive in terms of spiritual concerns,....and gives good

Jupiter blessings...

There's just this tension between SAturn & Jupiter, because they're in the same

house, and as you dissolve that maleficness, you'll find your desires and

dreams...for Spiritual realities, coming more true! more easily....

New Internet Jyotish Course - Coming Up!

Dear Friends:

March 16, 2005

I've been looking forward, all Winter, to the next 'good' time to have Jyotish Courses.

This next month, now, as the Sun, moves through Pisces; is a great time, to

begin, reflecting upon the qualities and difficulties of this entire last year.


On April 13th, as the Sun moves into Aries, it's time of Exaltation, then, will

begin a great time to thrill one's life with the Jyotish 'thrill' of enlivening

one's chart!

On April 16th, this year, 2005, the Sun will have just moved into Aries, (2

degrees), while the Moon's beginning it's movement into it's Own Sign of

Cancer. This beginning, grand Murhurta, or special time, will be the beginning

of a very special Jyotish Course of Study.

I also have been thinking it might be really fascinating to do a year long

course, one that covers the entire range of the Zodiac, from Aries to Pisces,

which also would really do justice to the time that's needed, to watch the

Stars, and cognize those realities, as they're playing out in the details of

each one of our charts.

This course, then, will cover each of the most important areas of Jyotish.

Over the Next 12 months.....

There will be 3 groups....

#1, Beginner's ....

For those with little formal understanding. This course will review each of

the most important areas, and cover such essentials as: Chart Analysis.

Dasas, & Transits. Under our Charts, we will study the Planets, what they

represent. We will study, the Signs, what they represent, and finally we'll

study the Houses, or areas of the life, in which our Planets reside.

This course will then, conclude in the middle months, with study about the

Dasa's system,

or the time-periods of Jyotish.

Later, we will conclude with the effects of the environment or on-going

Transits, of each


At every moment in our life, we are experiencing either, something from our ...

1) Charts, or

2) our Dasas, or our

3) Transits.

Though of course, also, we're experiencing all three of these at the same time.

Learning how to decipher, from which area of our charts, our live experiences

are coming, is the great first goal of Astrology.

If time permits, we will also begin the study of Jyotish or Astrological Transformation.

It's not just enough to understand why our lives are the way they are, but; it's

also extremely important to figure out the lessons that our 'malefics' represent

in our charts, and lives, and especially, how we can literally, change,

transform, and transmute our malefics, into Strengths!

#2 Middle Course...

This second course, is for those who know quite a bit about their charts. If

you know what the planets represent, and where your Sun, Moon & Rising signs,

are, then this course may be for you. We will also review all the basics, as

in Course #1, but this course, will more quickly move into such things as

aspects and how the details of our Charts, interact and/or are influenced,

simultaneously, by both our Dasas,.....and the Transits.

This course, especially, will begin the most important area of Jyotish Transformation.

Since this is such a vital area, and not much researched or practiced, today,

special time and emphasis will be taken in this area.

#3 Advanced Course....

This third course, is for those, who know quite a bit about their charts.

Maybe you know most of your planets, and you especially know how these Jyotish

configurations are already translating in terms of the details, strengths and

weaknesses of your lives!

This course will focus most in terms of Jyotish Transformation. Most people

have barely scratched the surface in terms of Jyotish's ability to transform

ourselves or our malefics, into Strengths.

This will be the main focus in this course, and as a result anyone who's

interested in a serious or formal career, of using Jyotish as either

Astrologer, or as an adjunct practice in a self-healing career, are especially

welcome here.

This course will have also include a special part for those, including, Doctors,

Nurses, health professionals of all kinds, Teachers, personal trainers,

Coaches,.who want to bring this special gift of Jyotish to their particular



I 'm looking so forward to this up-coming year!

For the first time, in 5 years, Jupiter will stop being held back, and

negatively affected by Saturn. Therefore, especially after September, be

ready for the next Jupiter Expansion period!

>From Sept. 2005 till 2010, will be the next great Jupiter cycle.

In all of these courses, we will reflect on how to take better advantage of the

'Stars' so the next time, Saturn & Jupiter, 'collide',...say in 2010, ....

we'll be ready!

Course Materials, Details:

Any books on Jyotish and/or Western Astrology, can be used in this course.

In addition, I'll recommend a couple of specific books that I find are very

simple to understand and yet profound in their application.

However, much of the course will be written by me, providing Jyotish articles on

Planets, Houses, and Signs, etc. which are more in-depth, and thorough, and

especially transformative, in nature, which are unique in the entire field of


Course Fees:

The course fee for this entire year, is $ 175.00.

If you pay in the beginning, at once: this course fee will also include 1

special personal Jyotish reading with me, of an hour and 1/2. This 'reading'

will also be tape recorded for your future enjoyment.

If you can not afford the whole $ 175.00 at this point I'll try and set up a

couple of alternatives, to help those who are sincerely interested.

#1 Option One: If you'd like, the yearly course fee can be paid in 4 payments.

Once in the beginning and then, every 3 months, payments of $ 50.00 will cover the course.

After the 2nd payment, you'll receive your 1 1/2 hour reading too.

#2 Option Two: If you'd prefer, you can pay each month. The monthly payments

will be $20.00/month. After 5 months we'll be able to do your Chart reading


#3 Option Three: And, finally, for those who aren't quite sure, I'm having a 1

month, trial period that someone can take the course for $ 25.00, for a month.

After that, any of the other options can be continued.

For all payment schedules use can use my paypal.com account or pay by snail mail.


For paypal payments which accept credit cards, checks and cash, please go to paypal.com

They'll ask you to open a paypal account. Takes 2 minutes. and then, under the

area for 'Sending money', you'll insert my account name:


Be sure to use this account name, as any other email/account name, will not work.

By Check:

If you want to pay by check or money order, feel free to snail mail me directly at:

Mark Kincaid

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, IA 52556


Please make checks out to my name.


I'm looking forward to another great year of Jyotish Wisdom.

I'm looking forward to each and every moment of increased joy and happiness due

to using this great knowledge for the betterment of our lives!

Feel free to email me with any of your questions or concerns.

If you have an interest in the course, let me know as I'll be writing up the

details of each month, soon, too.

Please get back in touch with me, regarding, your previous background in

Astrology, your date of birth information, including day, time and place.

Also please include if you've ever had your chart rectified, and if you've had

chart readings done in the past.

Finally, please include also your interests and goals for this up-coming year!


Mark Kincaid


Teacher of Meditation, Ayurved

m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com

641 472-0000.

"SuryaViswanadham" <vishwanatham >

vedic astrology

Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:36:49 -0000

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] IS IT THE RIGHT TIME to SEEK GURU"S HELP as GURU

Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Ueda, Namaskar

Your AK is in the 11th house and your LL Mars is in the 8th house. No

doubt you will learn this subject.

All Gurus are good?! No problems with spending long hours, if you are

able to sustain yourself.



vedic astrology, "jptr5555" <jptr5555>



> Learned members,


> Day by day I have been so much leaning towards learning Vedic

> astrology. Recently, I have been spending several hours in front of

> the computer to read the postings. Could someone tell me if I am


> to get into divine science, if so, am I going to get a GOOD GURU?

> Regds,

> Ueda

> DOB March 5, 1961

> TOB 23:27:58 hrs (IST)

> POB: 79E10 14N12

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