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Fw: Shodasamsa Narayana dasa (Re:Accidentschematic)

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Dear Panditji,

Who is Nandan Chirmulay ? Has he written any books ? Wherefrom I can obtain

these books ? Please write.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)



vedic astrology

19, 03, 2005 7:27 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Fw: Shodasamsa Narayana dasa (Re:Accidentschematic)

Namaste Narayan,Looks like you are taking sides to defend something that has not

beenattacked. I know what parashara said in BPHS. He mentioned aboutdivisions

and if you say it was in vogue since the day of parashar youmust be really

looooong in tooth. You are talking as if you just had aconversation with him. I

stand by my statement that divisional came invogue after the advent of computers

and now even a novice with one dayof training or less can put them up and can

write off pages aboutwhich planet is where in which varga and from what rashi

dasha he isin what house. Whether there are houses in divisional charts is

adebate in itself. I do not know sanjay rath and my intention was notto

question his teachings or his grand fathers', as I do not know histeachings.

What I commented is based on what I have seen a few on thelist who say they are

beginners just go on and on about divisionalsand dashas in divisionals as if

there was no tomorrow. I put out myopinion for others to read, they can make

their own judgements aboutwhatever technique they want to use. If you want to

use 5 kinds ofdashas and 5 kinds of lagnas to arrive at a correct prediction,

allthe power to you. I am presenting what I feel is a approach that hasworked

for me. Let others be judge of those methods. I am not forcingany technique

down anyone's throat. I do have an opinion and anmethodology( Which is not

invented by me, but has been taught by greatastrologers like KN RAo, Nandan

Chirmulay, BV Raman..etc.), why shouldyou or anyone feel threatened by

it.People ask questions on this list and if I have time and inclination Ianswer

to the best of my ability. While doing so, I feel I have to putmy opinions out

there for people on the list to read. I have notcriticized any astrologer on

the list, thats not my style. But if Ihave differences of opinion with a

methodology I voice my opinion. Letthe members of the list decide what they

want to use. Your methods maybe good for you, why are you threatened if someone

puts out thereviews on the subject.Regards...On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 01:15:35 -0000,

naaraayana_iyer<narayan.iyer > wrote:> > Namaste Panditji,> > >

Panditji <navagraha@g...> wrote:> > Namaste,> > > > These principles are a work

in progress. It would surprise me if > > they have been tested on tons of

charts. > > As with any field of knowledge, there are always principles,

idioms, > patterns, which will be formed and would be subjected to testing! On

> what basis did you jump to conclusion that these principles have not > been

tested adequately?? It could be entirely probable that these > principles are a

"work in progress", for that matter no principles > work 100% and research is

required! It could also be entirely > probable that the chart could need some

rectification. One should > have an open mind. For that matter, even your

principles are > subjected to testing and cannot be relied upon! If thats the

matter, > then you would be an "Expert/Rishi"> > > > To begin with the

divisionals came> > into vogue after the advent of computer programs which

made> > calculation of them fast. In the precomputer days,by the time one> >

calculated all these accurately and verified, the jatak would have> > been long

gone. So this phenomenon is from the past few years and I> > don't see evidence

of its unversal applicability or even > > applicability> > in 75 percent of the

cases. I am sure there will be one or two > charts> > where it will fit

perfectly. But as they say here in the great cold> > north, "One Robin does not

make a spring".> > For your esteemed information, Divisionals were in vogue

since the > days of Parasara, infact, right at the start, he defined and gave >

meaninings to all divisionals upto D-60 or Shastiamsa! Are you > saying that

Maharishis defined it and talked about it so that we can > pass our idle time

or do you think they had nothing better to do???> > Even in the past,

AStrologers have gone into the depths of > calculation, for example Pt

Jagannath Rath, grandfather of Pt Sanjay > Rath, used to MANUALLY calculate all

divisions, and ... you would be > surprised, dasas upto deha level, which is the

6 levels deep! > Ofcourse, these calculations consume a lot of time, and hence,

they > would limit themselves to a couple of charts. Most of the times, > these

charts are prepared in advance.> > Ofcourse, there are Astrologers who would

restrict themselves to > Rasi & Navamsa and make accurate predictions, and they

do rely a lot > on their intuition. If we restrict ourselves to Rasi & Navamsa,

we > better hope and pray for good solid intuition! Oh yes ... by the > way ...

even those who restrict themselves to Rasi & Navamsa, > flexibly twist their

principles to suit the results, if not lagna, > then chandra lagna ... so on

and so forth!> > Point is ... serious minded & honest research is required to

come up > with principles and then these should be tested thoroughly. SJC is >

in the process of doing it ... although there is no formal process > for it. We

will be taking this matter seriously in the coming years!> > Another point, Pt

Sanjay Rath doesn't like to spoon feed ... he > likes/expects his student to

think thoroughly, to whet their > intelligence! Nothing comes easy ...

Adversity breeds CHARACTER!> > > > > > New parameters are introduced to fit the

event which is already > known.> > On this list some time back one had an

example of father's death. > For> > that they used 7th from 9th from sun in

dwadashansha. Now why ? Why> > not 7th from 9th from ravi in rashi chart ?Then

why not 2nd from > 9th> > from ravi. Then one can use arudh lagna of d-12 if

one does not > find> > it there , then aurdh of 9th in rashi then arudh of 9th

in D-12. It> > can get confusing very fast.This way one can cover all 12 rashis

> and I> > am sure the graha whose dasha you are running at the time of the >

known> > event will be there in one of those.> > I am sure, not even Maharishi

Jaimini was spoonfed!! He too must > have exprimented, just like Pt. Sanjay

Rath, KN Rao and come up with > idioms & principles. And as I said before, I am

not sure, if even > you have a fool-proof methodology of predicting events,

without > beating around the bush!> > > > > > My point is ,test priciples on

charts you have and develop a> > consistent principle applicable to atleast 75

percent cases.Then > make> > it a principle. Do not make rules as you go based

on the chart you> > have in front of you.BTW there are principles that have

been > developed> > by peope like KN Rao, BV Raman, master those first. Trust

me they > work> > in majority of cases> > > > Principles, should especially be

tested on the basis of probability, > like Narasimha said, if the likelihood of

an event happening is high > and if you give a numerous paramters explaining the

event, these > principles are not probabalistically valid, although they may be

> statistacally valid!!> > Like explaining, the chara dasa aspecting chara

Bhratri Karak caused > birth of siblings!! I consider that an incomplete and a

totally > inadequate research!> > Warm Regards> Narayan> > > > > > > > On Fri,

18 Mar 2005 15:02:57 -0000, mikefranc01 <mtravass@t...> > > wrote:> > > > > >

Hi Narasimha,> > > > > > I applied the same logic in my chart and it shows

something else.> > > > > > The time when my car was almost totaled (March

1993,) I was > running > > > Cn-Li Narayana dasa of D16, 4th from A4. > > > > >

> The second time I met with an accident was in Dec 1996 and I was > > > running

Aq-Li Narayana dasa of D16.> > > > > > Both the accidents took place in zone

4:00:00 (East of GMT).> > > > > > I cannot apply any of the principles that you

stated in your > email > > > unless there are others, which can be applied, and

you did not > state.> > > > > > Could you assist here?> > > > > > Mike> > > > >

> November 14, 1963> > > Time: 14:03:00> > > Time Zone:

5:30:00 (East of GMT)> > > Place: 73 E 55' 00", 15 N 18' 00"> > >

Margao, Goa, India> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" > > > > > > <pvr@c...>

wrote:> > > > - > > > > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao >

> > > > > > > Wednesday, March 16, 2005

11:53 PM> > > > Shodasamsa Narayana dasa (Re: Accident schematic)> > >

> > > > > > > > > Dear Sanjay Prabhakaran,> > > > > > > > > D16 is the chart for

all Sukha and Hence Cars come under > this.> > > > > > > > > > Here is some jist

for analysing all yogas (combinations) in > D16> > > > > > > > > > 1. A4 is

to be considered for Cars. Here A4 should be > taken in > > > D16.> > > > > 2.

6th and 8th house cause worries and anxieties > respectively, > > > in D16 they

> > > > > will show for matters related to cars and other sukha.> > > > >

3. Marakas to sign of A4 will destroy the car.> > > > > Marakas primarily

being 2nd and 7th.> > > > > > > > > > Now for Dasas which will activate the

Yoga's mentioned above.> > > > > > > > Add badhaka sthana in shodasamsa also

as a potential problem > sign.> > > > > > > > My birthdata is: 4th April 1970,

5:47:13 pm (IST), > Machilipatnam, > > > India> > > > > > > > I had a vehicular

accident on 5th December 1996 at 6:30 pm > (EST), > > > Wilmington, MA. I was

not hurt, but the car was "totalled".> > > > > > > > As per D-16 Narayana dasa,

this happened in Li-Ta antardasa. > In my > > > D-16, Ta is the badhaka sthana

and contains 3rd/12th lord > Mercury and > > > nodes. It is the 12th house from

A4, showing the loss of a > vehicle. > > > It is also the 8th house from the 4th

house, showing problems in > > > sukha.> > > > > > > > Those who are into the

three parts of rule of Narayana dasa > > > interpretation can test that too.

Mahadasa sign Li is a > seershodaya > > > rasi. So it gives its results in the

first one-third. Its lord > Venus > > > is also in a seershodaya rasi (Le). So

he gives his results in > the > > > second one-third. The last one-third gives

the results of > occupants > > > and aspectors. There are four candidates and

they are Venus, > Rahu, > > > Ketu and Mercury in the order of longitudes. We

divide the last > one-> > > third of the dasa into 4 equal parts and give them

to these 4 > planets > > > in this order. The result of Rahu's aspect on

mahadasa sign is > given > > > in Oct 1996-Aug 1997. Rahu is the 8th lord,

occupies badhaka > sthana > > > and aspects the 4th house of vehicles Libra. So

the sub-period > in > > > question resulted in vehicle problems. Not only did I

have an > > > accident in Dec 1996, but the new car I bought in Jan 1997 >

suffered > > > too. It was hit by people twice when it was parked in a parking

> lot. > > > I did not see who hit it, but someone hit it twice. After these >

> > repeated incidents, I sold that "unlucky" car and bought another > new > >

> car in Sept 1997. All these are due to the sub-period giving the > > >

results of Rahu's aspect on Li. It so happened that the > antardasa was > > >

also of Ta, which contains Rahu.> > > > > > > > As per Vimsottari dasa also, it

was Mercury-Ketu antardasa.> > > > > > > > In my annual Tithi Pravesha chart of

1996-97, D-16 had Leo > rising, > > > lagna lord Sun in 6h (!!) with 6th lord

Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. > Saturn-> > > Saturn antardasa as per annual Tithi

Ashtottari dasa was running > from > > > Dec 3 to Dec 6. Accident was on Dec

5!> > > > > > > > The technique of Tithi Pravesha never seizes to amaze me!> >

> > > > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,> > > > Narasimha> > > >

------------------------------> -> > > > Free

Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> > > > Free Jyotish

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  • 7 years later...
Guest guest

Agreed Panditji. I always emphasize that. A new principle interpretation is

acceptable if one can give good readings on blind chart. Fitting a known event

by picking up one technique (out of many available) conveniently is not the

correct approach.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)



vedic astrology

18, 03, 2005 9:03 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Fw: Shodasamsa Narayana dasa (Re:Accidentschematic)

Namaste,These principles are a work in progress. It would surprise me if

theyhave been tested on tons of charts. To begin with the divisionals cameinto

vogue after the advent of computer programs which madecalculation of them fast.

In the precomputer days,by the time onecalculated all these accurately and

verified, the jatak would havebeen long gone. So this phenomenon is from the

past few years and Idon't see evidence of its unversal applicability or even

applicabilityin 75 percent of the cases. I am sure there will be one or two

chartswhere it will fit perfectly. But as they say here in the great coldnorth,

"One Robin does not make a spring".New parameters are introduced to fit the

event which is already known.On this list some time back one had an example of

father's death. Forthat they used 7th from 9th from sun in dwadashansha. Now

why ? Whynot 7th from 9th from ravi in rashi chart ?Then why not 2nd from

9thfrom ravi. Then one can use arudh lagna of d-12 if one does not findit there

, then aurdh of 9th in rashi then arudh of 9th in D-12. Itcan get confusing very

fast.This way one can cover all 12 rashis and Iam sure the graha whose dasha you

are running at the time of the knownevent will be there in one of those.My point

is ,test priciples on charts you have and develop aconsistent principle

applicable to atleast 75 percent cases.Then makeit a principle. Do not make

rules as you go based on the chart youhave in front of you.BTW there are

principles that have been developedby peope like KN Rao, BV Raman, master those

first. Trust me they workin majority of cases...On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 15:02:57

-0000, mikefranc01 <mtravass (AT) terra (DOT) com.pe> wrote:> > Hi Narasimha,> > I applied

the same logic in my chart and it shows something else.> > The time when my car

was almost totaled (March 1993,) I was running > Cn-Li Narayana dasa of D16,

4th from A4. > > The second time I met with an accident was in Dec 1996 and I

was > running Aq-Li Narayana dasa of D16.> > Both the accidents took place in

zone 4:00:00 (East of GMT).> > I cannot apply any of the principles that you

stated in your email > unless there are others, which can be applied, and you

did not state.> > Could you assist here?> > Mike> > November 14,

1963> Time: 14:03:00> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> Place:

73 E 55' 00", 15 N 18' 00"> Margao, Goa, India> > > > > ---

In vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" > > <pvr@c...>

wrote:> > - > > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao > > To:

> > Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:53 PM> >

Shodasamsa Narayana dasa (Re: Accident schematic)> > > > > > Dear

Sanjay Prabhakaran,> > > > > D16 is the chart for all Sukha and Hence Cars come

under this.> > > > > > Here is some jist for analysing all yogas (combinations)

in D16> > > > > > 1. A4 is to be considered for Cars. Here A4 should be taken

in > D16.> > > 2. 6th and 8th house cause worries and anxieties respectively,

> in D16 they > > > will show for matters related to cars and other

sukha.> > > 3. Marakas to sign of A4 will destroy the car.> > > Marakas

primarily being 2nd and 7th.> > > > > > Now for Dasas which will activate the

Yoga's mentioned above.> > > > Add badhaka sthana in shodasamsa also as a

potential problem sign.> > > > My birthdata is: 4th April 1970, 5:47:13 pm

(IST), Machilipatnam, > India> > > > I had a vehicular accident on 5th December

1996 at 6:30 pm (EST), > Wilmington, MA. I was not hurt, but the car was

"totalled".> > > > As per D-16 Narayana dasa, this happened in Li-Ta antardasa.

In my > D-16, Ta is the badhaka sthana and contains 3rd/12th lord Mercury and >

nodes. It is the 12th house from A4, showing the loss of a vehicle. > It is

also the 8th house from the 4th house, showing problems in > sukha.> > > >

Those who are into the three parts of rule of Narayana dasa > interpretation

can test that too. Mahadasa sign Li is a seershodaya > rasi. So it gives its

results in the first one-third. Its lord Venus > is also in a seershodaya rasi

(Le). So he gives his results in the > second one-third. The last one-third

gives the results of occupants > and aspectors. There are four candidates and

they are Venus, Rahu, > Ketu and Mercury in the order of longitudes. We divide

the last one-> third of the dasa into 4 equal parts and give them to these 4

planets > in this order. The result of Rahu's aspect on mahadasa sign is given

> in Oct 1996-Aug 1997. Rahu is the 8th lord, occupies badhaka sthana > and

aspects the 4th house of vehicles Libra. So the sub-period in > question

resulted in vehicle problems. Not only did I have an > accident in Dec 1996,

but the new car I bought in Jan 1997 suffered > too. It was hit by people twice

when it was parked in a parking lot. > I did not see who hit it, but someone hit

it twice. After these > repeated incidents, I sold that "unlucky" car and bought

another new > car in Sept 1997. All these are due to the sub-period giving the >

results of Rahu's aspect on Li. It so happened that the antardasa was > also of

Ta, which contains Rahu.> > > > As per Vimsottari dasa also, it was

Mercury-Ketu antardasa.> > > > In my annual Tithi Pravesha chart of 1996-97,

D-16 had Leo rising, > lagna lord Sun in 6h (!!) with 6th lord Saturn, Rahu and

Ketu. Saturn-> Saturn antardasa as per annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa was running

from > Dec 3 to Dec 6. Accident was on Dec 5!> > > > The technique of Tithi

Pravesha never seizes to amaze me!> > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,> >

Narasimha> > ------------------------------->

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> > Free

Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org> > SJC website:

http://www.SriJagannath.org> >

-------------------------------> > > > > >

Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > > Sponsor> > >

________________________________> Links> > To visit your group on

the web, go to:> vedic astrology/> > To

from this group, send an email to:>

vedic astrology> > Your use of is

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vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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Namaste Pravinji,


Nandan Chirmulay teaches Jyotish at Arsha Vidya Gurukulum in

Pennsylvania. He is Jtotish Vishrad and Gold Medalist of Bhartiya

Vidya Bhavan. He is consultant to the United Nations for their

Montreal protocol and as such travels almost 270 days a year and has

not written any books.


He is described by Chakrapani UllaL as the most brilliant astrologers

in the West. UlaaL is a big time celebrity astrologer in California

and has many clients from the Hollywood industry. he even mentions

that he uses lectures from Nandan's class in his practice.



On Thu, 01 Jan 1998 00:31:46 +0530, Praveen Kumar <chunnu2001 wrote:

> Dear Panditji,

> Who is Nandan Chirmulay ? Has he written any books ? Wherefrom I can obtain

> these books ? Please write.


> Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)

> -

> Panditji

> vedic astrology

> 19, 03, 2005 7:27 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Fw: Shodasamsa Narayana dasa

> (Re:Accidentschematic)


> Namaste Narayan,


> Looks like you are taking sides to defend something that has not been

> attacked. I know what parashara said in BPHS. He mentioned about

> divisions and if you say it was in vogue since the day of parashar you

> must be really looooong in tooth. You are talking as if you just had a

> conversation with him. I stand by my statement that divisional came in

> vogue after the advent of computers and now even a novice with one day

> of training or less can put them up and can write off pages about

> which planet is where in which varga and from what rashi dasha he is

> in what house. Whether there are houses in divisional charts is a

> debate in itself. I do not know sanjay rath and my intention was not

> to question his teachings or his grand fathers', as I do not know his

> teachings. What I commented is based on what I have seen a few on the

> list who say they are beginners just go on and on about divisionals

> and dashas in divisionals as if there was no tomorrow. I put out my

> opinion for others to read, they can make their own judgements about

> whatever technique they want to use. If you want to use 5 kinds of

> dashas and 5 kinds of lagnas to arrive at a correct prediction, all

> the power to you. I am presenting what I feel is a approach that has

> worked for me. Let others be judge of those methods. I am not forcing

> any technique down anyone's throat. I do have an opinion and an

> methodology( Which is not invented by me, but has been taught by great

> astrologers like KN RAo, Nandan Chirmulay, BV Raman..etc.), why should

> you or anyone feel threatened by it.


> People ask questions on this list and if I have time and inclination I

> answer to the best of my ability. While doing so, I feel I have to put

> my opinions out there for people on the list to read. I have not

> criticized any astrologer on the list, thats not my style. But if I

> have differences of opinion with a methodology I voice my opinion. Let

> the members of the list decide what they want to use. Your methods may

> be good for you, why are you threatened if someone puts out there

> views on the subject.


> Regards


> ...



> On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 01:15:35 -0000, naaraayana_iyer

> <narayan.iyer wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Panditji,

> >

> > > Panditji <navagraha@g...> wrote:

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > These principles are a work in progress. It would surprise me if

> > > they have been tested on tons of charts.

> >

> > As with any field of knowledge, there are always principles, idioms,

> > patterns, which will be formed and would be subjected to testing! On

> > what basis did you jump to conclusion that these principles have not

> > been tested adequately?? It could be entirely probable that these

> > principles are a "work in progress", for that matter no principles

> > work 100% and research is required! It could also be entirely

> > probable that the chart could need some rectification. One should

> > have an open mind. For that matter, even your principles are

> > subjected to testing and cannot be relied upon! If thats the matter,

> > then you would be an "Expert/Rishi"

> >

> >

> > > To begin with the divisionals came

> > > into vogue after the advent of computer programs which made

> > > calculation of them fast. In the precomputer days,by the time one

> > > calculated all these accurately and verified, the jatak would have

> > > been long gone. So this phenomenon is from the past few years and I

> > > don't see evidence of its unversal applicability or even

> > > applicability

> > > in 75 percent of the cases. I am sure there will be one or two

> > charts

> > > where it will fit perfectly. But as they say here in the great cold

> > > north, "One Robin does not make a spring".

> >

> > For your esteemed information, Divisionals were in vogue since the

> > days of Parasara, infact, right at the start, he defined and gave

> > meaninings to all divisionals upto D-60 or Shastiamsa! Are you

> > saying that Maharishis defined it and talked about it so that we can

> > pass our idle time or do you think they had nothing better to do???

> >

> > Even in the past, AStrologers have gone into the depths of

> > calculation, for example Pt Jagannath Rath, grandfather of Pt Sanjay

> > Rath, used to MANUALLY calculate all divisions, and ... you would be

> > surprised, dasas upto deha level, which is the 6 levels deep!

> > Ofcourse, these calculations consume a lot of time, and hence, they

> > would limit themselves to a couple of charts. Most of the times,

> > these charts are prepared in advance.

> >

> > Ofcourse, there are Astrologers who would restrict themselves to

> > Rasi & Navamsa and make accurate predictions, and they do rely a lot

> > on their intuition. If we restrict ourselves to Rasi & Navamsa, we

> > better hope and pray for good solid intuition! Oh yes ... by the

> > way ... even those who restrict themselves to Rasi & Navamsa,

> > flexibly twist their principles to suit the results, if not lagna,

> > then chandra lagna ... so on and so forth!

> >

> > Point is ... serious minded & honest research is required to come up

> > with principles and then these should be tested thoroughly. SJC is

> > in the process of doing it ... although there is no formal process

> > for it. We will be taking this matter seriously in the coming years!

> >

> > Another point, Pt Sanjay Rath doesn't like to spoon feed ... he

> > likes/expects his student to think thoroughly, to whet their

> > intelligence! Nothing comes easy ... Adversity breeds CHARACTER!

> >

> >

> > >

> > > New parameters are introduced to fit the event which is already

> > known.

> > > On this list some time back one had an example of father's death.

> > For

> > > that they used 7th from 9th from sun in dwadashansha. Now why ? Why

> > > not 7th from 9th from ravi in rashi chart ?Then why not 2nd from

> > 9th

> > > from ravi. Then one can use arudh lagna of d-12 if one does not

> > find

> > > it there , then aurdh of 9th in rashi then arudh of 9th in D-12. It

> > > can get confusing very fast.This way one can cover all 12 rashis

> > and I

> > > am sure the graha whose dasha you are running at the time of the

> > known

> > > event will be there in one of those.

> >

> > I am sure, not even Maharishi Jaimini was spoonfed!! He too must

> > have exprimented, just like Pt. Sanjay Rath, KN Rao and come up with

> > idioms & principles. And as I said before, I am not sure, if even

> > you have a fool-proof methodology of predicting events, without

> > beating around the bush!

> >

> >

> > >

> > > My point is ,test priciples on charts you have and develop a

> > > consistent principle applicable to atleast 75 percent cases.Then

> > make

> > > it a principle. Do not make rules as you go based on the chart you

> > > have in front of you.BTW there are principles that have been

> > developed

> > > by peope like KN Rao, BV Raman, master those first. Trust me they

> > work

> > > in majority of cases

> > >

> >

> > Principles, should especially be tested on the basis of probability,

> > like Narasimha said, if the likelihood of an event happening is high

> > and if you give a numerous paramters explaining the event, these

> > principles are not probabalistically valid, although they may be

> > statistacally valid!!

> >

> > Like explaining, the chara dasa aspecting chara Bhratri Karak caused

> > birth of siblings!! I consider that an incomplete and a totally

> > inadequate research!

> >

> > Warm Regards

> > Narayan

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 15:02:57 -0000, mikefranc01 <mtravass@t...>

> >

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hi Narasimha,

> > > >

> > > > I applied the same logic in my chart and it shows something else.

> > > >

> > > > The time when my car was almost totaled (March 1993,) I was

> > running

> > > > Cn-Li Narayana dasa of D16, 4th from A4.

> > > >

> > > > The second time I met with an accident was in Dec 1996 and I was

> > > > running Aq-Li Narayana dasa of D16.

> > > >

> > > > Both the accidents took place in zone 4:00:00 (East of GMT).

> > > >

> > > > I cannot apply any of the principles that you stated in your

> > email

> > > > unless there are others, which can be applied, and you did not

> > state.

> > > >

> > > > Could you assist here?

> > > >

> > > > Mike

> > > >

> > > > November 14, 1963

> > > > Time: 14:03:00

> > > > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > > > Place: 73 E 55' 00", 15 N 18' 00"

> > > > Margao, Goa, India

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

> > > >

> > > > <pvr@c...> wrote:

> > > > > -

> > > > > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

> > > > >

> > > > > Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:53 PM

> > > > > Shodasamsa Narayana dasa (Re: Accident schematic)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sanjay Prabhakaran,

> > > > >

> > > > > > D16 is the chart for all Sukha and Hence Cars come under

> > this.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Here is some jist for analysing all yogas (combinations) in

> > D16

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 1. A4 is to be considered for Cars. Here A4 should be

> > taken in

> > > > D16.

> > > > > > 2. 6th and 8th house cause worries and anxieties

> > respectively,

> > > > in D16 they

> > > > > > will show for matters related to cars and other sukha.

> > > > > > 3. Marakas to sign of A4 will destroy the car.

> > > > > > Marakas primarily being 2nd and 7th.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now for Dasas which will activate the Yoga's mentioned above.

> > > > >

> > > > > Add badhaka sthana in shodasamsa also as a potential problem

> > sign.

> > > > >

> > > > > My birthdata is: 4th April 1970, 5:47:13 pm (IST),

> > Machilipatnam,

> > > > India

> > > > >

> > > > > I had a vehicular accident on 5th December 1996 at 6:30 pm

> > (EST),

> > > > Wilmington, MA. I was not hurt, but the car was "totalled".

> > > > >

> > > > > As per D-16 Narayana dasa, this happened in Li-Ta antardasa.

> > In my

> > > > D-16, Ta is the badhaka sthana and contains 3rd/12th lord

> > Mercury and

> > > > nodes. It is the 12th house from A4, showing the loss of a

> > vehicle.

> > > > It is also the 8th house from the 4th house, showing problems in

> > > > sukha.

> > > > >

> > > > > Those who are into the three parts of rule of Narayana dasa

> > > > interpretation can test that too. Mahadasa sign Li is a

> > seershodaya

> > > > rasi. So it gives its results in the first one-third. Its lord

> > Venus

> > > > is also in a seershodaya rasi (Le). So he gives his results in

> > the

> > > > second one-third. The last one-third gives the results of

> > occupants

> > > > and aspectors. There are four candidates and they are Venus,

> > Rahu,

> > > > Ketu and Mercury in the order of longitudes. We divide the last

> > one-

> > > > third of the dasa into 4 equal parts and give them to these 4

> > planets

> > > > in this order. The result of Rahu's aspect on mahadasa sign is

> > given

> > > > in Oct 1996-Aug 1997. Rahu is the 8th lord, occupies badhaka

> > sthana

> > > > and aspects the 4th house of vehicles Libra. So the sub-period

> > in

> > > > question resulted in vehicle problems. Not only did I have an

> > > > accident in Dec 1996, but the new car I bought in Jan 1997

> > suffered

> > > > too. It was hit by people twice when it was parked in a parking

> > lot.

> > > > I did not see who hit it, but someone hit it twice. After these

> > > > repeated incidents, I sold that "unlucky" car and bought another

> > new

> > > > car in Sept 1997. All these are due to the sub-period giving the

> > > > results of Rahu's aspect on Li. It so happened that the

> > antardasa was

> > > > also of Ta, which contains Rahu.

> > > > >

> > > > > As per Vimsottari dasa also, it was Mercury-Ketu antardasa.

> > > > >

> > > > > In my annual Tithi Pravesha chart of 1996-97, D-16 had Leo

> > rising,

> > > > lagna lord Sun in 6h (!!) with 6th lord Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

> > Saturn-

> > > > Saturn antardasa as per annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa was running

> > from

> > > > Dec 3 to Dec 6. Accident was on Dec 5!

> > > > >

> > > > > The technique of Tithi Pravesha never seizes to amaze me!

> > > > >

> > > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > > > > Narasimha

> > > > > ------------------------------

> > -

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> > > > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > > > > SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > > > > ------------------------------

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