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What Is Argala......

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Respected Gurujan..

What is argala and how it work. I hv read argala for any planet and

sgn is 2,4,11 planet and houses are called argala.


But sir why this principle of Argala come in light? And benfic argala

is good and malefic argala will give bad results...

In reading of chart is reading of this important???


Thanxs and regards


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The literal meaning of the word Argala is 'Bolt' that which has

the ability to exert its influence on something.I am pasting below a part of an

article I had written long ago.Guru Visti Larsen had written a good article on

this topic and perhaps you can request him to upload it on his website as he

keeps uploading various articles there for study.

The literal translation of the term Argala is Intervention. This could be an

intervention caused by a planet in the affairs of the house as well as on the

effect of a particular planet. Hence, Argala becomes an important factor when

we want to study the results of a particular house or even a planet. Argala

from the various planets can also cause certain yogas and can also hinder

certain yogas further making its study an important part of any chart. In

transit too Argala holds its importance and so will the effects be felt as per

the dasas.

Various aspects of Argala

Argala can have different factors to it. It is mainly a concept, which can

further be applied to not only the various planets but also to houses. Thus we

study Argala not just as the effect given by a planet on another planet but

also its effect on the whole house and the native as well. Argala can be seen

from not just the Lagna but from each house too.

1. Planets in one particular house (lets say A) will give Argala to planets in

another house (lets say B)

2. Planets from another house (lets say C) may be obstructing the same Argala

and changing the results further.

3 .Now how do we reckon the result of house B that is receiving Argala from

House A and facing an obstruction at the same time from house C? Here it’s also

important to note which planets are giving Argala and which planet is

obstructing it. Are they only malefic planets or benefic and which is stronger

..All these factors will make an impact on the results of the house. If the same

Argalas are on the Lagna then these factors will affect the native dierectly. It

may give attributes to the person’s nature.

4. Argala on various planets can be studied to look at a particular aspect in

the chart. For example to see all the influences on the native's wealth-sources

Argalas on Jupiter can be seen.

5. Argala is also studied not only on the various houses but on Arudha as well.

Maharishi Parashar gives simple effects of Argala on Arudha. Should there be

Argala on the Arudha Pada, for the natal Lagna and for the 7th from both, the

native will be famous and fortunate. A malefic, or a benefic, causing

unobstructed Argala, giving a Dristi to Lagna will make one famous. Similarly a

malefic, or a benefic, causing unobstructed Argala, giving a Dristi to Dhan

Bhava denotes acquisition of wealth and grains, to Sahaj Bhava happiness from

co-born, to Bandhu Bhava residences, quadrupeds and relatives, to Putr Bhava

sons, grand sons and intelligence, to Ari Bhava fear from enemies, to Yuvati

Bhava abundant wealth and marital happiness, to Randhr Bhava difficulties, to

Dharm Bhava fortunes, to Karm Bhava royal honour, to Labh Bhava gains and to

Vyaya Bhava expenses. The Argala by benefics will give various kinds of

happiness, while benefic effects will be meddling with malefic Argalas. Argala

by both benefics and malefics will yield results.

6. Maharishis say, that the Argala, caused by one Grah, will yield limited

effect, by two mediums and by more than two, excellent effects. Argalas should

be counted from a Rasi, or a Graha, as the case may be.

7. The Argala, which is unobstructed, will be fruitful, while the one duly

obstructed will go astray. The Argala effects will be derived in the Dasa

periods of the Rasi, or Graha concerned.

Calculation of Argala

· The 2nd house gives Argala to the lagna; the 12th house obstructs the same argala.

· The 11th house gives gains to the lagna; the 3rd house obstructs these gains.

· The 4th house ensures happiness to the native/lagna; the 10th house obstructs the same.

· The 5th house shows the future and the 9th show the past. The past always

obstructs, the future, which is yet to be. So, 5th house gives argala, the 9th

obstructs it.

The 8th house gives Argala to lagna, and the 6th house obstructs it.

Classification of Argala

rgala can mainly be classified into:

A. PRIMARY ARGALA: Argala given by the houses 2nd, 4th and11th is primary Argala.

B. SECONDARY ARGALA: Argala given by houses 5th and 8th are Secondary Argala.

Various terms for Argala:

1.Shubh Argala

2.Ashubh Argala or Papa Argala.

3.Virodha Argala.

4.Vipreeta Argala.

The topic itself is very detailed but I have given you most of the outlines

here.Gradually apply the rules and see a few charts to understand how a planet

giving Argala will alter the other results. Best Wishes,




>vedic astrology

>vedic astrology

>[vedic astrology] What Is Argala......

>Sat, 09 Apr 2005 05:29:11 -0000



>Respected Gurujan..

>What is argala and how it work. I hv read argala for any planet and

>sgn is 2,4,11 planet and houses are called argala.


>But sir why this principle of Argala come in light? And benfic argala

>is good and malefic argala will give bad results...

>In reading of chart is reading of this important???


>Thanxs and regards




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Namaste Richa,


I am giving you some details of conversation about Argala. It'll help

you to understand the concept..


Best Regards,


Utpal Pathak





I have read the chapter on Argala in the BPHS, but I couldn't

understand anything.

Could You please explain the principles of Argala to me?


Argala means intervention in the affairs of a sign (Rashi) or graha

by another rashi or


Argala can be of two types viz., (i) Shubhargala (good intervention)

caused by benefic

rasi/graha, and (ii) Papargala (bad intervention) caused by malefic


However, such Argala is also obstructed by other rasi/graha.

The strength, effect and prevalence of the Argala or obstruction to

the argala is

determined from the strength of the rasi/graha (determined by the

standard methods)

causing the Argala and obstruction. The result of the stronger of the

two causes it

(Argala/obstruction) to prevail.

The following rules explain the cause of Argala and the obstruction

to it:

Cause of argala


The rasi or planet(s) in the 2nd, 4th and 11th houses from a

rasi/graha intervene or

cause `Argala' in the affairs of the latter. (UPSJ: 1.1.4)


Malefic rasi/planet(s) in the 3rd from a rasi/graha also

cause `Argala' on the said rasi.

(Note: A malefic/malefics in the 3rd not only cause obstruction of

the Argala of the 11th

rasi/graha, but they themselves cause Argala simultaneously.


The rasi/graha in the 5th also cause secondary level `Argala' on the

said rasi.

Obstruction of argala


The rasi/graha in the 3rd, 10th and 12th from a rasi/graha obstruct

the Argala.


The rasi/graha in the 9th obstructs the Argala caused by the

rasi/graha in the 5th (Rule –

III above).

Exception regarding Ketu

In the case of a sign occupied by Ketu, the reckoning of both Argala

and Obstruction

caused by the said rasi/Ketu is always done in the reverse direction

(anti clockwise).



You said, "EXCEPTION REGARDING KETU In the case of a sign occupied by

Ketu, the reckoning of both Argala and Obstruction caused by the said


is always done in the reverse direction (anti clockwise)."

Is it "caused by" or "caused on"?

I have so far been under the impression that the exception applies

when we find

argala *on* the sign containing Ketu (not *by* the sign). Let us say

Ketu is in

Libra. When we find argalas on Cancer, Libra and Ketu cause argala

being in the

4th from Cancer. But, when we find argalas *on* Libra, they are

caused by 2nd,

4th and 11th counted in reverse, i.e. by Vi, Cn and Sg. This is the

way I

understood it and possibly it is wrong.


Your understanding is correct. Argala means planetary or sign

intervention and

they are caused on signs and planets alike. The primary ones the 2nd,

4th & 11th

and they are obstructed by the 12th, 10th and 3rd respectively. As

regards Ketu,

the reckoning is always in the reverse. Thus, for example, my AL is


and has Ketu in it. Thus for Ketu the 2nd, 4th and 11th counted in

the reverse is

Scorpio, Virgo and Aquarius that cause Argala. The planets in these

signs also

cause Argala on Ketu.

However, the AL is Sagittarius and the Argala on the AL is reckoned

in the

regular order i.e the 2nd, 4th and 11th from Sagittarius or

Capricorn, Pisces and

Libra intervene in its affairs. Thus the presence of Saturn in the

2nd, Sun in the

8th and Ketu in AL causes Kemadruma (Poverty) Yoga which has resulted


taking up a service which can never make the two ends meet!! I guess

all honest

Govt. servants in India will be in such a predicament. Fortunately,


Mokshkaraka Ketu has Subha Argala in the 11th in Aquarius and due to

my Ketu

related activities I have received gifts and donations to improve my

lot. Thus in

Leo Dasa Aquarius Antardasa my elder brother gifted me a Car!! (We


also see the aspect of Aquarius on the A4 in Libra for this not

ignoring its Argala

on the 4th house as well.) Moon aspected by Venus can be a Dhana Yoga.


1.What does that mean that malefic(s) in 3rd cause Argala themselves

simultaneously? 2.What is the secondary level Argala? I couldn't find


explanation about secondary level Argala in BPHS. What is the


between primary and secondary Argala?

Regarding Exception of Ketu, In BHPS ch. 31. Verses 2-9, Santhanam's

translation, it is said: "As the nodes have retrograde motions, the


and obstructions be also counted accordingly in a reverse manner."

Since Santhanam used plural for words node and motion, that would

indicate that wants to say that we should use reverse counting for

reckoning Argala for both nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Later in the notes on


same verse he is giving an example where he is counting in reverse


to reckon the Argala of Rahu which confirms the above verse from BPHS.

Also there is very important rule about Argala in the verse 10 of ch

31.: "

The Argala caused by placement of a planet in the first one fourth

part of

the Rasi is countered by another placed in the 4th quarter of the


obstructive Rasi. Similarly 2nd quarter's Argala is eliminated by the


quarter placement."

Santhanam explains: "If the Argala causing planet is in the first


(or first 7 degrees 30 minutes of the sign), while the obstructing

planet is

in the 4th quarter (22degrees 30 minutes to 30 degrees), the


indeed will come to pass... Likewise while the Argala planet is in

the 2nd

quarter of the sign (i.e. 7 degrees 30 minutes to 15 degrees), the

obstruction (planet in 15degrees to 22 degrees 30 minutes i.e. 3rd


will combat the Argala."


Malefics in the third suo-moto cause Argala as they also


obstruct the Argala of the 11th house. Since the 11th is the house of

Gains, the objective is not gained and the person has to use

PARAKRAMA BALA to achieve the objective. Thus, the gain is initially

denied and the native fights for it and gains it at a later stage.

As regards the Chaturthamsa usage for determining the efficacy of the

Argala and its obstruction, this is Bhagya (fortune/Destiny) and we


discuss this later. I have already explained earlier that the reverse

counting is for Ketu ONLY and not for Rahu as along with the other

planets Rahu is the cause of rebirth and the fruits. Ketu is the ONLY

planet that is working like Ganapati (Tapasya) to take us to Narayana


Moksha. Hence Ketu's Argala is in the reverse as it indicates the


favouring or disfavouring the attaining of Moksha. For example, I have

Ketu in the AL in Sagittarius with the Moon in Aquarius and no planet


Libra. Thus, the Moon in the 3rd from the AL shows the nature of death

and this is unobstructed.

Moon is also in the 11th from Ketu counted in the reverse direction


helps in the gain of the objective of Moksha and this Argala is

unobstructed. Thus on the one hand the Moon gives death, and on the

other it aids Moksha which can be achieved, in the real sense after


I hope with this example it is amply clear that the reverse count is

only for

Ketu because it is the Moksha karaka.



This is a convenient example with Ketu in the arudha lagna.

Because of Ketu is in AL, 3rd from AL and 11th from Ketu (in

reverse) coincide and you have nice logic. This is not always true.

If someone has Ketu is in Sg, Moon in Li and AL in Le, he can say:

"see - the 11th from Ketu (directly counted) has Moon and 3rd

from AL also has Moon. So Moon gives death and helps in the gain

of the objective of Moksha" and present a case for forward

counting for Ketu also.

No, I am not questioning "vipareetam ketoh" exception. I accepted

that argala caused *by* Ketu and his sign are counted in reverse,

because Jaimini maharshi and you taught so. However, I still

cannot see any logic behind this. I am referring to the concluding

remark quoted above. I still can't see the relation between reverse

counting for Ketu and Ketu being Moksha karaka.

I am not satisfied by the explanation you gave and will wait for

more explanation later.


Two malefic planets occupied in each two bhava 5th and 9th . 9th

bhava obstructs the

argala. The same number of planets occupied in each house now is the


removed or not removed. How does it conclude? Does any remedy to

remove the

obstruction? Please clarify with need example.

Have any rules to cancel " The Karaka bhava nasa" ?


Nice question. If the Argala and its obstruction are equally strong,

it constitutes a

bandhana Yoga (Bondage). If malefics alone are involved, and if this

is in the 2-12 or 5-9

houses, then this can cause actual physical bondage like kidnapping

or jail. Rahu and

Saturn involved gives being beaten with chains or other forms of

torture while Gulika

afflicting shows the use of poisonous substances.

This world can be very evil for some people depending on their karma.

That is why I

always look for natural benefics in these places.


Appreciate if someone can answer the questions on argala. I don't

think I understand

argala. i.e. What is a good argala and what is bad argala. Does it

depend on the planet

causing the argala.


Yes. Think of this question: What is a good aspect and what is a bad


Argalas by malefics are bad and argalas by benefics are good. Let me

give an example.

Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi's D-10 has lagna and Venus in Gemini, Sun in

Cancer and

Saturn and Mercury in Aries. Lagna in D-10 shows one's true nature

when moving in

society (i.e. in career). Let us take the argalas on lagna. Sun casts

an argala and so do

Mercury and Saturn. What are the results?

Mercury's argala shows that he may be intellectual in nature.

Saturn's argala on lagna

can make him humble. Sun's argala may make him forceful and

authoritative. How can

one be humble and authoritative? Well, you can see both these

qualities in him

depending on dasa and transit influences. But the dominating

influence will be Sun's,

because Saturn is debilitated and weak.

Why did I say Saturn's argala gives humility, which is a word with a

positive spin on it?

Why not introvert nature, inhibition, servile behavior etc, which

have a negative spin?

Similarly, why did I say Sun's argala on dasamsa lagna makes him

forceful and

authoritative in his movement in the society (which is somewhat

negative)? Why can't it

make him a charming and charismatic leader (which is positive)? The

answer has to do

with benefic/malefic argalas.

Each planet's influence on each house can have a positive spin as

well as negative spin.

A positive influence, consistent with the nature of the planet, can

be exerted when it has

a benefic argala. A negative influence, consistent with the nature of

the planet, can be

exerted when it has a malefic argala.

Here Saturn owns 8th and 9th from lagna and he is a functional

benefic. So his argala

on lagna can give humble nature (positive) and not servile, introvert

and inhibited nature

(negative). Sun, OTOH, is a functional malefic as he owns 3rd house

and he gives a

forceful and authoritative nature (negative) and not a charismatic

and charming

personality (positive).

[Note: To find functional benefics and malefics for a lagna, follow

Parasara and not

modern day savants! What Parasara taught is perfect. If it doesn't

make sense to you or

if it doesn't work for you, it must be that you misunderstood him!

While on the topic of

strict adherence of Parasari principles of functional nature of

planets, look for my article

on "Kendradhipati dosha" (the malice of a benefic's ownership of a

quadrant) in Surya

Prakash memorial issue of "The Astrological Magazine" - Sept 1999.]

Another example: Madonna's D-10 has ghati lagna and Venus in Taurus

and Saturn

causes argala on ghati lagna from Pisces. With Saturn being a

yogakaraka (owner of 9th

and 10th) from Taurus, his argala is benefic. What does it give her?


In the previous example, we were dealing with lagna. Lagna shows true

nature, arudha

lagna shows perceptions and ghati lagna shows power and authority.

When we consider

planets and houses, we have to choose what they stand for based on

the varga

(divisional chart) at hand and the reference point at hand (lagna,

arudha lagna, ghati

lagna etc). This is why classics give many qualities for the same

planet. In the case of

lagna, the positive quality Saturn gives is humility. In the case of

ghati lagna (fame,

power and authority), Saturn signifies popularity among masses. So


Saturn's benefic argala on ghati lagna made her popular among masses.

Final example: Sanjay's D-24 (chart of knowledge) has a benefic

argala of Saturn on

lagna and benefic argala of Sun on ghati lagna. In matters of

knowledge, he is a humble

person because of Saturn's benefic argala on lagna (despite Saturn's

debilitation). In

matters of knowledge, he is popular among politicians and powerful

men, because of

Sun's argala on ghati lagna. As far as matters related to ghati lagna

(fame and power)

are concerned, Saturn signifies mass following and Sun signifies

following in the ruling


As I keep trying to show you again and again, different divisional

charts and different

lagnas cover different dimensions of human life. Attempting to cover

all those with one

lagna and one chart results in ambiguity and eventually loss of

confidence in classics.

Parasara wasn't fooling around when he defined special lagnas and

divisional charts.

They have specific purposes. Also he did not mention argalas for fun.

They too have a


Hope you have learnt something from these freewheeling thoughts....



vedic astrology, "richas_lucky"

<richas_lucky> wrote:


> Respected Gurujan..

> What is argala and how it work. I hv read argala for any planet and

> sgn is 2,4,11 planet and houses are called argala.


> But sir why this principle of Argala come in light? And benfic


> is good and malefic argala will give bad results...

> In reading of chart is reading of this important???


> Thanxs and regards

> Richa

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