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Will this girl be married-My MarriageTimingAnalysis

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Dear Nemani,

Here, marriage is somewhat delayed. Much delay is not visible. Timinig marriage

is not easy, but it is possible within Ketu-Moon (upto Oct 2005). Ketu is

aspected by 7th lord and Moon is with 7th lord aspecting 7th house. Besides, in

transit, Jup will aspect the 7th house and Sat will be on 7th lord besides

aspecting 7th house. Hence, I feel it is activated enough.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)


Rao Nemani

Vedic Astrology Group ; GuruKulam Achyuta ; Parasari Jyotish ; Jyotish

Remedies ; ;

14, 04, 2005 9:02 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Will this girl be married-My MarriageTimingAnalysis

Om Krishna Guru

Namaste Ramesh Ji,

Sorry for the delay in replying to you, like any one in this list, I am also not

getting enough time, as I am a bit busy at work and with family life.

As you know,I can not write in two sentesens that the native will get married on

so and so date, if I do I can finish many many requets, but that is not the

purpose of these lists, learning and sharing, is it not?. That is why, I

always wanted to write in more detailed manner so that my fellow students can

see various dasas and how we can apply them, and also Guru's can correct my

thinking when I make mistake.

So when I write in such detail, you can very well image how much time it takes

for me to do a chart analysis, few hours at a minimum, hence I am not able to

answer to all of the requests I get. Anyways,let us get started.

I have considered the following birth details of the female native for this

marriage timing and looks like the birth time is accurate.

May 6, 1976Time: 10:34:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of

GMT)Place: 92 E 48' 00", 26 N 38' 00" Tejpur(Assam),


I) Let me take the Sun' Progression first:-

Navamsa Lagna = ScSun is placed in Li7th house = Ta=8,20,32,44....Trines to 7th

house are :Vi=12,24,36....Cp=4,16,28,40...

Currently the native is running 29 years and the next potential candidate could

be about 31+. Let us see confirm looking at other dasas.

II) Now looking at the Tajaka Annual Chart:-

May 7, 2006Time: 3:08:02Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of

GMT)Place: 92 E 48' 00", 26 N 38' 00" Tejpur(Assam),


In this Annual Chart, the year lord is Sat and who is 11th and 12th lord and

placed in trines in Cn.

Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup (Pati Karaka ) is placed in 8th house and aspecting

the 7th lord Mer who is placed in 2nd house with UL.

But there is two parivartana's present here. The first one is the Lagna lord Jup

and 3rd and 8th lord Ven. The Second one is 2nd and 9th lord Mar with 4th and

7th lord Mer. After the Parivartana Jup is placed in its own house with exalted

Ven and aspecting the 7th house. We have already noticed that the Lagna lord Jup

is placed in Li and aspecting 7th lord Merc by graha dristi.

Punya sahama is 4 Sg 09 48 and its lord Jup is placed in 8th house and aspecting

the 7th lord Merc before Parivartana. After Parivartana, Punya Sahama lord Jup

is aspecting the 7th house where the 9th lord Ketu is placed.

Vivaha Sahama is 23 Cn 50 20 and its lord Moon is placed in 6th house and being

aspected by Jup(Lagna Lord) and Mer (7th lord) by Rasi Drishti. So above

combinations of Punya and Vivaha Saham are indicating the marriage.

Now the question comes is when ? So let us see the Mudda/Vimsottari dasa in this

Tajaka Annaul chart for the Year 2006.

Mudda/Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Maha Dasas:

Ven: 2006-04-07 - 2006-06-08 Sun: 2006-06-08 - 2006-06-27 Moon:

2006-06-27 - 2006-07-28 Mars: 2006-07-28 - 2006-08-19 Rah: 2006-08-19 -

2006-10-14--->> Jup: 2006-10-14 - 2006-12-01 Sat: 2006-12-01 - 2007-01-26

Merc: 2007-01-26 - 2007-03-17 Ket: 2007-03-17 - 2007-04-07

Here based on the above analysis, Jup is the planet is capable enough to give

the marriage to native,which meand the marriage is possible between Oct 14th

2006 and Dec 1st 2006.

III) Now let me see the Annual T.P Chart:-

May 4, 2006Time: 7:38:28Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of

GMT)Place: 92 E 48' 00", 26 N 38' 00" Tejpur(Assam),


Here the Hora lord is Sun who is 3rd lord and placed in 11th house with Lagna

and 4th lord Mer. 7th lord Jup is placed in trines in Li and aspecting the Hora

Lord Sun.

UL lord is Sat who is placed in 2nd house and aspecting the Hora Lord Sun too.

There is a parivartana between Jup (7th lord) and 5th lord Ven forming a

powerful Rajayoga. So will be placed in own house with Rahu and aspecting the

UL lord Sat and Moon who are placed in Cn.

Vaara Lord is Jup and the placement and other things we have already discussed.

Lagna is Ge and its lord is placed in 11th house with Hora lord sun.

So the Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Sun(Hora Lord) is capable enought to give

marraige which is between Nov 8th 2006 and Nov 28th 2006.

IV) Now let me see my favourite Navamsa Narayana Dasa

Narayana Dasa of D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Sc MD: 1999-05-07 - 2009-05-06

Antardasas in this MD:

Vi: 1999-05-07 - 2000-03-06 Le: 2000-03-06 - 2001-01-06 Cn:

2001-01-06 - 2001-11-08 Ge: 2001-11-08 - 2002-09-09

Ta: 2002-09-09 - 2003-07-08 Ar: 2003-07-08 - 2004-05-06 Pi:

2004-05-06 - 2005-03-06 Aq: 2005-03-06 - 2006-01-06

Cp: 2006-01-06 - 2006-11-09 Sg: 2006-11-09 - 2007-09-09 Sc:

2007-09-09 - 2008-07-08 Li: 2008-07-08 - 2009-05-06

Sc Maha Dasa is running till 2009. Sc is Seershodaya sign hence it will give

results in 1st 1/3rd of the Dasa. Lord Mars is placed in Cn and other Co-Lord

Ketu is placed in Vi, so the lord will give the 2nd 1/3rd of the dasa and the

last 1/3rd will be given by the occupants and aspectors.

So here we have Ven and Mar are aspecting Sc along with UL from Cp. Sp Venus and

Mars will give the results for the following Antar Dasa's

Cp: 2006-01-06 - 2006-11-09 Sg: 2006-11-09 - 2007-09-09 Sc:

2007-09-09 - 2008-07-08 Li: 2008-07-08 - 2009-05-06

So the first 2 antar dasas ( Cp and Sg ) results will be given by Venus. Venus

is 7th lord and placed in cn which is 9th house along with the Navamsa lagna

lord. Venus is in first drekhanan so the results will be given in Cp so which

means the Marraige shold takes place between Jan 6th 2006 and Nov 9th 2006.

V) Let us see the Vimosttari Dasa now.

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Ket MD: 2003-03-31 - 2010-03-30 Rah AD: 2006-02-28 - 2007-03-19 Ket

PD: 2006-10-14 - 2006-11-05

1) The Vimsottari Dasa planet Ketu is Navamsa lagna Co-lord and is capable

enough to give the marriage.

2) The Vimsottari Antar Dasa planet Rahu is 4th lord and placed in 5th house and

having argala on 7th lord Ven who is placed in Cn which is in trines to Navamsa

Lagna. This Rahu is also aspecting the 7th lord Ven by Graha Drishti too, so

this is capable enough to give the marriage.

3) The Vimsottari Pratyantar Dasa planet Ketu is in trines to the seventh house

and Ketu is also the co-lord of Navamsa lagna, so this is capable enough to

give the marriage.

So the marriage is possible between Oct 14th 2006 and Nov 5th 2006.

VI) Let us quickly see the Transits:-

1) On or about Oct 27th 2006, Jup will transit to Sc and will be aspecting the

Ta which is 2nd from UL by Graha Dristi, so that is good.

2) Beween Oct 17th 2006 and Nov 16th 2006, Sun will transitting between Li and

Sc and that time Sun will be in be in trines to the UL Lord Venus and 7th lord

Sat in Rasi.

Summary: Having done the anlaysis using various methods, I am thinking the

marriage should take place some time betwen Oct 17th 2006 and Nov 16th 2006.

Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to correct me if I am

wrong in applying the principles correctly, as I am a beginner in Jyotish.

RegardsRaghunatha Rao

---original message ---

vedic astrology/message/54081

ramesh mishra <aarceemastro2002 Tue Apr 5, 2005 1:37 am

Re: Will this girl be married

Respected Raghunath Rao Nemani Guru Ji,Pranaam,

By the grace of Guruji and Mahalakshmi Ji, kindly analyse the attached chart and

tell me when this girl will be married and how her married life would be ?

As far as I know there is no denial of marriage because her lagna lord and

seventh lord occupying together lagna alongwith yogkaraka Mars. But here Mars

is debilitated though it is cancelled. Negative point in this chart is that Jup

is combust in 10th house and its dispositer is debilitated. Second thing is that

there are three planets debilitated in Navamsa. This is the reason I doubt

whether there is denial of marriage. Kalatra karaka Venus is heavily afflicted

in 10th house in Rashi chart.Same Venus is 7th lord in D 9 and conjoined with

Navamsa lord Mars in the house of Dharma in D9.

At present she is running Ketu MD and Moon AD. Will Ketu-Mars be able to give

her marriage.Her Narayan Dasa is running with Scorpio till 06/05/2008In this

Leo AD is up to 07/6/2005, then Virgo AD up to 08/11/2005 and then Libra till


D9 Narayan dasa of Scorpio -Aquarius is running.Will this MD-AD be able to give the result.

I therefore request that please check up the chart thoroughly when you get the

suitable time and give your predictions .Thanks and best compliments.

Ramesh Mishra

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