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Miscellaneous Replies for April 20, 2005

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Dear Narasimha,

I never said that timing should be done through Vargas exclusively. If 10th lord

is in deep exaltation and well placed in Rasi, it foretells many good things

about professional success. But, combinations in other charts may delay or

expedite such success. Hence time of fructification is effected. Then, malefic

/ benefic influences in Vargas may bring such success easily (like swimming

along the current) or may make it an uphill task. That is the 'how' part.


Whatever veterans say treat it as a mantra, a thread. Try to develop it,

elaborate it. I will sincerely advise you to read all the books of Shri K.N.Rao

again and again and contemplate over it keeping aside your present belief

system, at least temporarily. You will gain immensely.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)



Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

vedic astrology ; varahamihira ; SJC List ;


22, 04, 2005 8:06 AM

Miscellaneous Replies for April 20, 2005

Namaste friends,First thing first: Our monthly Satya Narayana vratam is on a

weekend this time. We will be doing the vratam on 23rd April (Saturday)

evening, from 7:30 pm (EDT) at our house in South Grafton, Mass, USA. You are

most welcome to attend the pooja and have prasadam for dinner. If you are

interested, please send me a mail at pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net and I will give you

directions. You can also call 508-839-1218.Some more miscellaneous replies for

tonight for several mails on several lists:> How to use Rasi / Vargas ? See

what Shri K.N.Rao says:> > Whatever is indicated by Rasi chart will definitely

take place. But how and when, this depends on Vargas.Dear Praveen, are you

saying that rasi chart is not at all to be used for timing events??? If you say

that rasi chart only shows WHETHER an event will happen or not and vargas show

WHEN it will happen, you seem to say that rasi chart is useless for timing

events. I am surprised!If you say that rasi chart helps in timing also, then

what do you mean by vargas showing the "when" part???> You are very right in

pointing the imperfections.Now you have said > Rashi chakra is very simple -

Atleast not for me.I have not even Dear Pradeep, please quote a mail from me

that says "rasi chakra is simple". Give me the name and the mail

number.Neither rasi chart nor vargas nor the all-powerful D-60 are "simple".>

properly.It will take many years to master.Also on one hand you say >

combination of Rashi chakra with Vargas and on the other hand - > there is no

Main chart.If rashi chakra is not the main why do you > want to use them in

combination with Vargas?.If salt is used in all foods, it doesn't mean salt is

the main thing in those foods.Various divisional charts show various abstract

environments (e.g. professional environment, spiritual enviromnent etc) in

which one leads one's existence. Rasi chart is the physical existence which

links all these environmental influences.If there is one "main" chart, it is

D-60 in my view. It shows the karma one needs to experience. According to our

tradition, the physical existence (rasi) and various environments surrounding

it (navamsa, dasamsa etc) are but a vehicle for discharging the karma shown by

D-60. No wonder Parasara said everything can be seen in D-60 and gave it more

weightage in dasa varga scheme than rasi and navamsa COMBINED!> Also if Rashi

chakra is not the main why do you give so many yogas > in your software based

on Rashi chakra - pertaining to all :-) :-) My software can show all yogas in

all divisional charts. Which yoga is more relevant in which chart and which

yoga gives which results in which chart is left to the intelligent astrologer

using the software!> aspects.If Rashi chakra is just for physique - how will we

see the > qualities of Mahapurusha from the Rashi chakra?There is a difference

between "physical existence" and "physique". I did not say rasi shows physique

alone. I said that it shows the physical existenmce.Vargas show abstract

environments and rasi shows physical existence. For example, Mercury and Venus

are in 5th and 9th from Gemini lagna in my D-24 and in 9th and 10th from Virgo

lagna in my D-10. They show excellent influences educationally and

professionally. But both are in 8th house from Virgo lagna in rasi chart and

they make me always work hard physically. I may be learning well, following my

dharma and doing good things, but it all comes with physical hardship and

suffering.A hard-working engineer, an ambitious entrepreneur and a rickshaw

puller in India may all have the 10th lord in 8th with Saturn and may be

working hard and suffering physically due to their work. Then rasi would show

that (physical suffering due to work) and D-10 would clarify the professional

enviroment in which that physical hard work comes.If you hold a different view,

please do. I am only clarifying my position for the benefit of fellow students

who are open-minded and inquisitive.> Truthfully speaking, I am thoroughly

muddled by all > these confusions. I am even more confused by the Karakamsha

debate. I Dear Sundeep, Astrology does work thru sadhana. But that is

definitely not all. There IS a scientific part of it too. It is upto our

generation and the next few generations to establish this.The word "karakamsa"

means "[nav]amsa of [atma]karaka". There is nothing in this name to suggest

that this should transposed into rasi chart. I don't really think BPHS is

ambiguous. Parasara talked about houses from the navamsas of atmakaraka, amatya

karaka and swa (self - lagna). If Parasara did not specify whether that navamsa

position is to be transposed into rasi chart or drekkana chart or dasamsa chart

for finding houses, I wouldn't call that ambiguity. When no such thing is

explicitly mentioned, obviously houses from navamsa would mean houses from

navamsa in the navamsa chart.In my view, Parasara is unambiguous and yet some

people created controversy. Some astrologers averse to finding houses in

navamsa must have created the tradition of taking karakamsa position in rasi

and finding houses from it in rasi. Some modern astrologers like Sri KN Rao

were influenced by this old practice. But Parasara does not grant this at

all.Both the camps may have made correct predictions. But that could be due to

sadhana as you point out. The issue is: are there some objective principles

that can be reproduced? You can judge this for yourself if you read BPHS and

try. Parasara gave several principles for houses from the amsas of AK, AmK and

lagna. See how they work.For example, two malefics in trines from karakamsa

make one knowledgeable in mantra sastra. Take known mantrikas such as Chandra

Swami and see if this principle is satisfied in rasi or in navamsa.There is

scope for a lot of objective scientific work on Jyotish controversies. Though

some people attempted such work in the past, I am not so impressed by their

researches. But today we have a lot of astrologers who are well-grounded in

modern scientific thought. We can conduct researches that will be acceptable to

the scientific community also.I foresee great researches in the coming 30-40

years.> As far as I know, Kalyan Varman says "bhavanaadhipaiH samastaM..." the

> reference is clearly to lord of Bhavan or Bhava. Bhavan, Rasi etc. are >

synonymous. Is there any shloka of his that mentions vargaadhip or

Vargesha?Dear Chandrashekhar ji, the word "bhavanaadhipa" can be interpreted as

rasi lords. However, this verse comes after listing the lords of rasis and

navamsas and before listing the lords of other vargas. So some astrologers

(e.g. Pt Sanjay Rath) do not interpret bhavana as just houses in rasi chart,

but as houses in various vargas. Bhavana only means a house and not necessarily

a house in rasi chart. If one accepts houses in navamsas etc, they can also be

called bhavanas. So this verse of Saravali can be interpreted to say that one

cannot make predictions without looking at various house lords in various

divisions.May Jupiter's light shine on


Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software

(Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org SJC website:


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