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Chart of Pope Benedict XVI Sourav

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I am astonished to see your mail, where you are making false allegations. Where

did i say that one must not learn philosophy and master the Basics of astrology

first. Can you show me the Mail where i said it?

I had posted only one mail on this thread, where i asked Panditji to clear the

basics first. You have assumed that i have talked about basics of "astrology"

whereas i was very clearly pointing out to the definition of fate and free


You have taken it in totally wrong way and gone ahead with your posts to

different members. Atleast the minimum thing you should have done is to clarify

with me before i wrote it in case you did not understand what i wrote. You can

see he was talking of free will and fate for which i replied. Where is the "

clearing of jyotish basics " come from?????

best wishes



On 4/23/05, Sourav Chowdhury <sourav12 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

|| Hare Rama Krishna ||Dear natalcharts_biz, Namaskar. Thaks

for your love and concern for

me. This **exactly** what happens when people do not read a postingcarefully and

jump up to give their version of the truthirrespective of the topic of

discussion.I CLEARLY stated that I am not going to learn from any jyotisha guru

about spirituality and divine wisdom I am only learning principlesof jyotisha

from the respected gurus like Guru Sanjay-ji, Narasimha-ji and others. I quoted

Sanjay-ji, NOT because I support his view,but because I wanted to PROVE THE

POINT that he stressed learning

why's as well as how's in jyotish. Earlier Partha-ji made a remarkthat we should

learn and master basics of jyotisha before askingquestions about fate and

free-will. Pandit-ji and I are in disfavorof this line of education and I

quoted Sanjay-ji to show that he

emphasises learning of philosophical concepts as well as principlesof jyotisha.

Hope I am able to deliver my message to you this time !Please write your posts

after understanding what the context of thetopic is. It saves a lot of

unnecessary crossfire.


In vedic astrology, "natalcharts_biz"

<natalcharts_biz> wrote:>> Dear Sourav>> You seem convinced on a lot of

things. However with only love and> concern for you I am writing what is

below:>> I have already quoted my views on fate and free will. You can

refer to> them. I have a point to make in your analysis of Brihadaranyanka>

Upanishad. The concept that Sri Sanjay has given or what you have> understood

is not in accordance to Sri Adi Sankara's bhashya. The

> concept the the Upanishad explains, through the quoted verse, isthat> of

"Yagna" and how through upasana upon this concept one can burn> one's

ignorance. It is to explain how in the fire of knowledge you

> give the ahuti of your ignorance and in result know your true self.>> Please

refer to the Upanishad or Living masters on the subject.>> Secondly, please

refer to my previous post for understanding

Prarabdha> and prarabdha karma vasanas.>> Sanchita vasanas are not burnt after

death in "heaven and hell".> Sanchita vasanas are the sum total of all vasanas

including those> incurred in the current birth. By accepting the fruits of our

actions> or prarabdha repeatedly with "Prasada Buddhi" we overcome thefurther>

generation of Prarabdha karma vasanas. Sanchita vasanas then are> brought forth

for expression.>

> The upanishad also says "In a instant all is burnt". A famous saint> has

quoted on this "It may take life time to open one's eyes,however> sight happens

in a flash">

> I also read in a place that you so aggressively questioned theright> to

question the principles laid by your teachers. The Vedas demanda> questioning

student. It was Nachiketa's questions that got him the

> knowledge from Yama (Kathopanishad). It was Arjuna's questions that> got

Krishna's response (Bhagavad Gita). It was Rama's questionsthat> got the Brahma

Gnana from none other than Brahma Rsi Vashishtha

(Yoga> Vashishtha).>> Only a master who works on beliefs and not on Truth wants

"no> questions" as we all have seen in our school days and with phoney>

"gurus". (faith is pending understanding, by belief I mean a non

> verifiable one)>> In this view, please study a little more, it will only help

you. Ido> not write this out of ego. I refrain from writing unless someoneasks>

but somehow I felt from within that I should inform you the same.

>> Please do not mind if my words have hurt you in any way>> Hari Om Tat

Sat>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vedic astrology, "Sourav Chowdhury">

<sourav12@h...> wrote:> >> > || Hare Rama Krishna ||> >> > Dear Pandit-ji,

> > Namaskar. The question of fate and free-will isvery> >

fundamental to astrology and I believe every student shouldfirst> > ask this

question and then, after being convinced, should start

> > astrology. Unless the philosphy of life is understood (oratleast> >

attempted to be understood) learning astrology as the 'eye ofthe> > vedas' is

of no use and reduces it to mundane knowledge. What

Partha-> > ji hurridly remarked is preposterous. He thinks its best tolearn> >

how and they learn why, where as the natural progression oflogic> > dictates

just the reverse. I think, and I concur with you, we

should> > approach Jyotisha both from how and why perspectives. As per my> >

knowledge, Guru Sanjay Rath has repeatedly stressed the> > understanding of

why. See what he writes in this opening article

for> > beginners: "Divisions of Jyotish "> >

http://www.srath.com/lectures/divisions.htm> >> > I quote him here:

> >> > Sanjay Rath: "The Brhadaranyaka Upanishad explains the Karmatheory> >

with reference to the theory of Transmigration of the soul> > (samsara). The

pious and good souls who have lived a dharmic

life> > depart for the abode of the forefathers and other such loka.After a> >

period of temporary bliss, they move on to emptiness via theMoon.> > From

emptiness, they descend to the earth with the rain and

enter> > the food that is consumed by the prospective father. From thefood> >

they become spermatozoa and are offered to the prospectivemother in> > the

altar of fire (copulation). Then the birth occurs. The

Upanishad> > adds that the unrighteous are incarnated as birds, insects,animals>

> or plants on the basis of the Karma of the past lives. It is> > generally

taught that conduct and adherence to the moral code

> > determined these changes. Thus good karma would promise anexalted> > future

while bad karma will tend to degrade the soul in thelines> > of ` as you sow so

will you reap'. This doctrine of Karma

> > (literally "action") provides a very satisfactory explanationfor> > the

various social inequalities that exist as well as thetroubles> > or grief that

one faces as it is the result of one's own acts or

> > misdeeds in the past. These Karma are divided into twocategories> > called

Sanchita and Prarabdha. The results of Sanchita Karmawill be> > exhausted in

the various heavens and hells after death whereas

only> > experiencing them can lessen the results of Prarabdha Karma.Thus,> > it

is this Prarabdha Karma, which is the cause of rebirth."> >> > I dont think Pt.

Rath has written this article for very advanced

> > jyotishis only.> >> > I reply to Partha-ji's e-mail I only had to offer him

a *smile*.Its> > best not to attempt to learn the higher philosophical

conceptsfrom> > a learned jyotishi but attempt should be made to learn from the

> > direct sources themselves like Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsaand> > our

modern maharshi Swami Vivekananda. Hence, I didnt want to> > quarrel about what

is basics and what is not basics and left the

> > matter to rest.> >> > To each his own.> >> > Regards,> >> > Sourav> >


> >> >> >> > vedic astrology, Panditji<navagraha@g...>> >

wrote:> > > Namaste,

> > >> > > My basics are fine. I do not think anyone is an absoluteauthority> >

on> > > fate or free will. There are various opinions. If you are> > suggesting

> > > that fate and/or free will is not the domain of jyotish, Ihave to> > >

disagree. Infact many jataks ask whether everything isdestined ?> > If> > > so

whats the use of jyotish ? If not, then also whats the use

of> > > jyotish ?> > >> > > Infact to talk about jyotish without pondering on

thisquestion is> > a> > > bad idea. You say "What I say about free will is


tanget> > from> > > reality". You are neither an authority on free will nor

areyou an> > > authority on reality.> > >> > > ...> > >

> > > On 4/22/05, Partha Sarathy <partvinu@g...> wrote:> > > > Namaste> > > >> >

> > Please clear your basics first. For philosopical matterslike> > Free will,


> > > > is not Jyotish gurus but Philosophical Gurus like Aurobindo,> >

Ramakrishna> > > > Paramahansa, Vivekananda should be read. What you say

aboutfree> > will is

> > > > totally off tangent from the real definition. Please read> >

Vivekananda. Call> > > > me a Chela no probs. You are technically wrong about

chelaof> > SJC part. No

> > > > one is a chela of SJC, all are students of their respective> > Jyotish>

> > > gurus.Thanks anyway, I still consider myself a chela of this> > divine


> > > > I am quite proud of it.> > > >> > > > best wishes> > > > partha> > > >>

> > >> > > >> > > > On 4/21/05, Panditji <

navagraha@g...> wrote:> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Namaste,> > > > >> > > > > >

adridha karma one may not have much free will<

> > > > > I meant dridha karma one may not have much free will.> > > > >> > > >

> Also I apologize for saying Mr. Partha sarthy. Justbecause he> > chose

> > > > > to deride me on the list is no excuse for me to do thesame.> > > > >>

> > > > On 4/21/05, Panditji <navagraha@g... > wrote:> > > > > > Namaste,

> > > > > >> > > > > > Souravji has made some good points and jyotish is a> >

science/art of> > > > > > tendencies. One can not ignore the effect of free


> > Whether there> > > > > > is free will or not is also debatable. My jyotish

gurusays> > that if> > > > > > one gets a good jyotish reading ( from an


> > jyotishi versed> > > > > > in shastras and with plenty of life experience to

gowith> > it) then the> > > > > > native gets a free will. That means ones we

know what is

in> > store for> > > > > > us as prarabdha then one has a free will to decide

howto> > accept it.> > > > > > It is very important that the jyotishi is adept


to> > read what> > > > > > karmas are dridha and dridha-adridha or adridha then

the> > jatak can be> > > > > > counselled as to what area of life free will can


In> > the areas> > > > > > of adridha karma one may not have much free will.

Some> > allude that if> > > > > > one is really sincere in prayer and lives the

life in

total> > surrender> > > > > > to the higher power some of the bad effects of

prarabdhaare> > only> > > > > > experienced in dreams.> > > > > >

> > > > > > Some of the jyotishis I know only use prashna, or KP> > prashana.

They> > > > > > say that with prashan the event is current and has very> >

short duration

> > > > > > of applicability so the free will does not come intoplay> > that

much.> > > > > >> > > > > > ...> > > > > >

> > > > > > P.S. Besides Narasimha and to some extent Visti andsanjay> >

prabhakaran> > > > > > it is a waste of time to debate issues with other sjc>

> chelas. Partha

> > > > > > sarathy is a total waste of time> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > On

4/20/05, Sourav Chowdhury <sourav12@h...> wrote:

> > > > > > >> > > > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||> > > > > > >> > > > > > >

Dear Praveen-ji,> > > > > > > Namaskar. I totally agree and


this> > discussion> > > > > > > and hope this thread grows long, pooling in

different> > thoughts. Just> > > > > > > the other day, I explained a person's

chart for his

car> > accidents> > > > > > > (using both rasi and then D-16) and found the the>

> indications of> > > > > > > having an accident is very strong. Then I asked


> > gemstones the> > > > > > > person is wearing and found that he has been

wearing a> > stone for the> > > > > > > 12th house's lord ! I was surprised and

it made me

think> > something> > > > > > > is going wrong as no reasonable astrologer

willrecommend> > such a> > > > > > > gemstone. Then I found that the person

gave me wrong

> > latitude and> > > > > > > longitude information and again recalculating

thechart I> > found that> > > > > > > the new chart is totally different and

yet again I can

> > fully explain> > > > > > > how this new chart can show the accidents !> > >

> > > >> > > > > > > The moral is , and this is a very important moral,

that> > precision of> > > > > > > time place and due consideration for the

*definition*of> > event is> > > > > > > necessary. The reason is simple.

Astrology is a

> > probabilistic> > > > > > > science and it gives predictions based on that

only.There> > are> > > > > > > various layers of information and rasi chart is


first> > layer.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > I think there is plenty of debate

still out thereabout> > > > > > > definition of an event. Take the example of


time.> > Some people> > > > > > > consider severing the umbilical cord as birth

time,some> > take it as> > > > > > > the first cry (i.e. the first intake of

breath or

prana)> > and so> > > > > > > forth. There are atleast 10 definitions of birth.

Some> > astrologers> > > > > > > event do not bother about precision of birth

time and

> > start with a> > > > > > > given time and like to precisely rectify (read

adjust)the> > time so> > > > > > > that all the past events are correctly

aligning with

that> > time, and> > > > > > > then take that time for future predictions.> > >

> > > >> > > > > > > I feel that this above way is pretty good, but it can

> > never be> > > > > > > precise. The reason is that there are two forces

thatare> > playing in> > > > > > > each of our lives -- fate (accumulated

effect of past

> > karma) and> > > > > > > free will. From a birth chart we know the

impressionof> > accumuated> > > > > > > karma but can we trap the signature of

free will

inside> > the same> > > > > > > chart also. If we do, then its no longer a free

will,is> > it, and> > > > > > > astrology and life itself, becomes totally

deterministic.> > Hence, if> > > > > > > we try to> > > > > > > take a rectified

birth chart and predict an event toofar> > away into> > > > > > > the future

then we are neglecting the effect of free

will> > in between> > > > > > > these two times. Many astrologers say that for

highly> > evolved souls> > > > > > > ( mahapurushas ) our 'normal' astrological


do> > not work.> > > > > > > Why ?? May be its because of the high degree of

freewill> > they> > > > > > > possess. Thus we should not think of astrology as


> > deterministic> > > > > > > predictive science, but as a tool that can be

refinedand> > adjusted> > > > > > > as we go along with our lives (meaning

reassessing as

> > chart time> > > > > > > every year or every couple of years) to see which> >

direction our> > > > > > > lives are taking with the combined effect of fate and

free> > will.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Mundane astrology and Muhurta astrology

(i.e.assessing> > the future> > > > > > > effects of a particular event that

occurred at a given

> > place or a> > > > > > > time) needs more thought than Natal astrology.

Herethe> > free will> > > > > > > component is much more and more varied and


assessed> > easily.> > > > > > > That is why we see that different gurus of

SJCanalysed> > the US> > > > > > > elections and gave completely different (

but both

> > logically> > > > > > > precise) predictions. If one of the predictions

become> > successful, I> > > > > > > will still hesitate to believe that that


> > astrologer is> > > > > > > better than another astrologer whose prediction

cameout> > wrong.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > This posting is getting too long

and may be trying for

> > someone's> > > > > > > patience. So let me end by reiterating the need to

get> > precise data> > > > > > > to start with but also the need to reevaluate

a chart

time> > to time> > > > > > > for making it better.> > > > > > >> > > > > > >

Hope this helps, and I am surely expecting some good

> > comments.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Regards,> > > > > > >> > > > > > >

Sourav> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > > > vedic astrology,

Praveen Kumar

> > > > > > >> > > > > > > <chunnu2001@v...> wrote:> > > > > > > > Dear

Pradeep,> > > > > > > > Correct ! If we apply common sense, we can see

Vargas> > repeating> > > > > > > with lagna as it is a few hours before. Only

the Moon> > changes its> > > > > > > position fast. Then, touchstone of any


> > principle is> > > > > > > advance predictions, which they always elude.

Veteran> > astrologers of> > > > > > > Jyotish Group like Shri K.N.Rao and

Satya Prakash ji

too> > advised> > > > > > > them, but of no avail. A whole generation is being>

> misguided. Most> > > > > > > unfortunate ! But then, as Shri K.N.Rao

says, it isthe> > will of the> > > > > > > God.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >

Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)> > > > > > > > -

> > > > > > > > vijayadas_pradeep> > > > > > > > To:

vedic astrology> > > > > > > > 21, 04, 2005 12:55 AM

> > > > > > > > [vedic astrology] Re: Chart of PopeBenedict> >

XVI/Shri> > > > > > > Narasimha> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Dear Shri Narasimha ji> > > > > > > >> > > > >

> > > With different Birth times we have seen how a Pope

can> > be> > > > > > > confirmed> > > > > > > > and analyzed amazingly from

Vargas!!> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > It has been observed that the Rashi

chakra was not

> > given due> > > > > > > respect> > > > > > > > during your analysis.Results

were decided on thebasis> > of varga -> > > > > > > > which is derived from

Rashi chakra.

> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > As thousands of students are observing

thisanalysis -> > Pls make> > > > > > > it> > > > > > > > clear is it

possible to deduce results from varga

of a> > > > > > > planet/lagna> > > > > > > > alone.When Panditji had

questioned a similaranalysis> > on> > > > > > > saptamsha -

> > > > > > > > One could find Ms.Sarbani Sarkar rushing in and> > correcting

-> > > > > > > > Significance of Rashi chakra.I would be pleased to> > know

if you

> > > > > > > hold a> > > > > > > > different position.> > > > > > > >> > > >

> > > > Kalyan verma states - one who is not considering

the> > vargas> > > > > > > cannot> > > > > > > > make good predictions.What

does this mean? Doesn'tit> > mean that> > > > > > > there

> > > > > > > > is someother place - (other than vargas) - to readthe> >

results?> > > > > > > Which> > > > > > > > is this other MAIN place? Is it

not the Rashi

chakra?> > Division by> > > > > > > > meaning should have a main to get

divided.So whichis> > this main?> > > > > > > If we> > > > > > > > consider

Rashi chakra as the first division - then

> > where is the> > > > > > > main?> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Which is the

first division then? - Has not thesage> > defined

> > > > > > > divisions> > > > > > > > as divisions of individual signs.Also

is there a> > single varga> > > > > > > which> > > > > > > > cannot be

derived from the Rashi chakra.Duringyour> > analysis of> > > > > > > Late> > >

> > > > > Jhon Paul II - One could find yourself mentioning> > Saraswati

yoga> > > > > > > in

> > > > > > > > Rashi chart.But Mr.Sabri had asked a doubt - how> > Saraswati

yoga> > > > > > > can be> > > > > > > > found in the chart - Which you

beleive is for

shareera> > or> > > > > > > physique.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Now people

have started recognizing the validityof

> > these> > > > > > > questions> > > > > > > > and that is a positive

aspect.But inspite of thatone> > can find> > > > > > > many

> > > > > > > > insisting - ''I use houses in vargas as it workswell> > for> >

> > > > > me ''.Now> > > > > > > > this is a very dangerous aspect of

astrology - As

> > hundreds of> > > > > > > aspects> > > > > > > > in a human life are

explained using 12 signs and 9> > planets - One> > > > > > > can

> > > > > > > > satisfactorily fit anything into this mould andfeel> > happy.>

> > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Astro Bank has given 4.15 as the time for Pope> >

Ratzinger and> > > > > > > they are> > > > > > > > ''happy''.A french site is

having another time and> > they too are

> > > > > > > > ''happy''.With a totally different time in themorning> > 6.33

- you> > > > > > > > are very happy.Shri Raman is happy with14.23.Taking

> > shri> > > > > > > Nrasimhas> > > > > > > > example i am requesting members

to consider how> > convinced we can> > > > > > > be

> > > > > > > > with varga '' chart'' results irrespective of the> > > > > > >

time!!!!!!!!.With> > > > > > > > any time we can recitfy vargas create a Pope.

> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Your analysis using the amsha dieties

withindashamsha> > is a very> > > > > > > good> > > > > > > > principle and

is sanctioned by parashara unlike

houses> > in> > > > > > > vargas.I> > > > > > > > hope your research in this

area will prove helpfulfor> > students> > > > > > > like

> > > > > > > > me in the future.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Expecting

your clarification.> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Regds> > > > > > > > Pradeep> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >>

> > > > > > > vedic astrology, "Narasimha> > P.V.R.

Rao"> > > > > > > > <pvr@c...> wrote:> > > > > > > > > Namaste friends,

> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > I see no-one has commented

on the> > appointment> > > > > > > today of

> > > > > > > > the new pope.> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > My best

wishes to our catholic friends on this> > auspicious

> > > > > > > occasion> > > > > > > > of Pope Benedit XVI's Urbi et Orbi

blessing!> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > The time at which he seems to

have accepted his

> > election is:> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > 2005 April 19> > > > > >

> > > 17:50 (TZ: 2:00 east)> > > > > > > > > Vatican, Italy (41n54, 12e2)

> > > > > > > > > Moon: 9Le18, Asc: 12Vi11> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >

> Lagna has Jupiter and Ketu in it. This is

auspicious> > for> > > > > > > spreading> > > > > > > > the genuine knowledge

of some parampara> > (tradition/lineage).> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > The five panchanga elements correspond to five> > elements.

Vaara> > > > > > > > (weekday) corresponds to agni tattva (fire). Thus,

> > vaara bala> > > > > > > (weekday> > > > > > > > strength) is important for

longevity. Weekday lordis> > Mars. He> > > > > > > is the

> > > > > > > > exalted 8th lord. It does not suggest that thispapacy> > will

last> > > > > > > long.> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > More importantly, there is chara karaka> > parivartana!!!

Mars at> > > > > > > > 27Cp45 is AK (chara atma karaka) and 27Ge12 is the

AmK> > (chara> > > > > > > amatya> > > > > > > > karaka). Though Mars is the

AK at the beginning,he> > will be> > > > > > > replaced

> > > > > > > > by Saturn in due course. Such a replacement ofchara> >

karakas,> > > > > > > > especially involving AK, is considered very> >

inauspicious. It

> > > > > > > shows a> > > > > > > > change of guard in a short time.> > > > >

> > > >> > > > > > > > > So I am afraid that this papacy will be quite

short-> > lived.> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > * * *> > >

> > > > > >> > > > > > > > > Now let us look at the chart of Pope himself.

> > According to the> > > > > > > Holy> > > > > > > > See website, The Holy

Father was born on 1927April 16> > in Marktl,> > > > > > > > Germany. In a

radio program I heard this evening,

a> > Floridan> > > > > > > > theologian who was Holy Father's student said

hewas> > born in the> > > > > > > > morning on the Holy Saturday in 1927 and


baptised> > on the> > > > > > > Easter> > > > > > > > morning. I saw that

Aries and Taurus can be therising> > signs and> > > > > > > feel

> > > > > > > > that Aries must be correct. I feel that lagnashould> > be Ge

in> > > > > > > navamsa> > > > > > > > and dasamsa, Le in vimsamsa and Ta in


The> > birthdata> > > > > > > I am> > > > > > > > taking is:> > > > > > > >

>> > > > > > > > > 1927 April 16

> > > > > > > > > 6:33:40 am ( TZ: 2:00)> > > > > > > > > Marktl, Germany

(12e5, 48n15)> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > Aries rises with exalted

Sun in it. This makes

him a> > strong,> > > > > > > > authoritative and enterprising person. That

Sun isin> > > > > > > Brahmalokamsa> > > > > > > > (occupies

own/exaltation/moolatrikona sign in 8

out of> > 10> > > > > > > vargas).> > > > > > > > Whether one agress with his

views and teachings or> > not, he is> > > > > > > > undoubtedly a man of

great intellect and character

> > (assuming the> > > > > > > chart> > > > > > > > is correct). A planet in

Brahmalokamsa in aquadrant> > shows a> > > > > > > person of

> > > > > > > > the stature of maharshis.> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >

> Navamsa has Jupiter and Ketu in lagna, showing.

Pope> > John Paul> > > > > > > II> > > > > > > > had kartari of Jupiter and

Ketu on lagna innavamsa.> > Pope> > > > > > > Benedict XVI

> > > > > > > > has Jupiter and Ketu in lagna in navamsa. Thisshows> > that

his> > > > > > > dharma> > > > > > > > (navamsa) involves spreading

traditional religious

> > knowledge> > > > > > > (Jupiter)> > > > > > > > coming in a lineage

(Ketu).> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > In dasamsa, Gemini rises. The

10th lord Jupiter

is> > in a dasamsa> > > > > > > > ruled by Ananta (shows spiritual rise) and

the10th> > house has> > > > > > > exalted> > > > > > > > 5th/12th lord Venus,

who is in a dasamsa ruled by

> > Isaana. Isaana> > > > > > > is an> > > > > > > > auspicioud form Shiva and

planets in Isaana'sdasamsa> > show> > > > > > > religious

> > > > > > > > professions. You can see planets in Isaana'sdasamsa> >

involved> > > > > > > with> > > > > > > > lagna or 10th house in dasamsa in

the chart of

Pope> > John Paul II> > > > > > > and> > > > > > > > several Shankaracharyas

too!> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > The 5th lord Venus in Isaana's

dasamsa in 10th

house> > shows a> > > > > > > > passionate (rajasik - Venus) priest and

religious> > preacher> > > > > > > (Isaana).> > > > > > > > Lagna and 4

planets in a dasamsa ruled by Yama

show a> > > > > > > disciplinarian.> > > > > > > > Yama [Dharmaraja] is the

keeper of dharma inHinduism.> > Planets in> > > > > > > > Yama's dasamsa show

discipline and impassionate

and> > unemotional> > > > > > > > adherence of dharma. He is a disciplinarian

and an> > impassionate> > > > > > > keeper> > > > > > > > of dharma.

> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > In dwadasamsa (D-12), Ge rises. The 9th

house isAq> > and should> > > > > > > be

> > > > > > > > taken as lagna to see father. The 10th from Aq isSc.> > It is>

> > > > > > empty and> > > > > > > > Mars owns it. His father was a police


> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > As he has Sun in lagna, Shashtihayani

dasaapplies.> > During> > > > > > > > Saturn-Mars antardasa, he was called

was called

into> > the> > > > > > > auxiliary> > > > > > > > anti-aircraft service in

Germany. In D-10 (chartof> > profession),> > > > > > > > Saturn and Mars (two

malefics) are in 6th and 3rd

> > houses.> > > > > > > Especially,> > > > > > > > Mars is the 6th lord in

3rd with Rahu in Yama's> > dasamsa. Such a> > > > > > > Mars

> > > > > > > > can show work in the military. Thus, Marsantardasa> > made him

a> > > > > > > > military man.> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > During 1946-1951, he studied philosophy and> > theology.

This> > > > > > > > corresponds to Rahu's shashtihayani dasa (1946-1952).

> > In D-24> > > > > > > (chart> > > > > > > > of education), the 4th house

shows basiceducation,> > 9th house> > > > > > > (6th

> > > > > > > > from 4th) shows specialized education such as> > bachelor's

degree> > > > > > > and> > > > > > > > the 2nd house (6th from 9th) shows

focussed study

such> > as> > > > > > > masters.> > > > > > > > Rahu is the 2nd lord in 2nd

and shows master'sdegree> > in some> > > > > > > Aquarian

> > > > > > > > subjects (such as philosophy). No wonder ithappened> > in

Rahu> > > > > > > dasa.> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > Next dasa was

that of Jupiter. Jupiter is the

12th> > lord in D-> > > > > > > 24 and> > > > > > > > shows giving knowledge.

He is the 10th lord in D-10> > and occupies> > > > > > > 6th.

> > > > > > > > Thus, he shows teaching profession. He wasteaching> >

fundamental> > > > > > > > theology for most of Jupiter dasa.> > > > > > > >


> > > > > > > > > In the next dasa of Sun, he became well-knownthru> >

various> > > > > > > > publications and papers. Sun is the exalted 3rd

lord> > in D-10 and> > > > > > > shows> > > > > > > > writing.> > > > > > > >

>> > > > > > > > > In March 1977, he was elected as the Archbishop

of> > Munich and> > > > > > > > Freising. In June 1977, he was proclaimed

Cardinalby> > Pope Paul> > > > > > > VI.> > > > > > > > Both were during

Mars-Venus antardasa. Mars is in

GL> > (ghatika> > > > > > > lagna)> > > > > > > > in D-10. He is also in A5.

While the 5th houseshows> > the> > > > > > > intangible

> > > > > > > > abilities, its arudha pada shows a tangible> > > > > > >

expression/manifestation> > > > > > > > of abilities. Venus is the exalted

5th lord. Mars

is> > in A5 and> > > > > > > Venus> > > > > > > > is the 5th lord. So he had

several achievementsand> > recognitions> > > > > > > > during this


> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > Interestingly, it is now Mars antardasa

in Venus> > mahadasa!> > > > > > > > Mars-Venus made him a cardinal.

Venus-Mars made

him a> > pope! He> > > > > > > became> > > > > > > > a teacher in Jupiter

mahadasa and he became a Deanof> > the> > > > > > > college of

> > > > > > > > cardinals in Jupiter antardasa in Venus mahadasa.> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > > I am reasonably comfortable with the speculative

> > birthdata I> > > > > > > > presented in this article and shashtihayani

dasaseems> > to work> > > > > > > > brilliantly in this case.

> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,> > > > >

> > > > Narasimha> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >> > > >

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happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. -----Buddha

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