Guest guest Posted May 11, 2005 Report Share Posted May 11, 2005 - Rohini Gauranga Das Tuesday, May 10, 2005 2:43 PM Here is the prediction for May 17 again... ....because they censored it away from the astrological site... --------- "Have you read the latest political predictions by the world famous giant in the science of astrology; the Reverend Indian Astrologer Mr K.N. Rao, who is renowned for making astounding accurate predictions, since decades back! He predicted for example Indira Gandhi's assassination, four months before it happened in October 1984, and he also predicted the Terror Attack on America on 9/11-2001: "America will become victim of some terrorist activities on its own soil. Some conspiracy has already been plotted against it." Now K.N. Rao predicts and sends out a warning that president George W Bush these days clearly is in DANGER for an ASSASSINATION attempt: " is not a good indication at all and the fear of an attack on Bush during this term of office or an assassination attempt is so clear from this. This is not a good indication and Bush will need extra security not to get eliminated violently...transits between April and September need to be watched closely." Within this perilous timespan, April to September, the date May 17 stands out as extremely fateful, which will hereafter thoroughly and extensively be exemplified, with both eastern and western techniques. We will also take a look into Vice-President Dick Cheney´s chart, only to be taken aback regarding how extremely strong action there is going on with his progressions, transits and prenatal Eclipses on May 17... ---------- Why an ASSASSINATION on May 17 is very POTENTIAL: In the oath-chart of Bush (see the link above), the most dangerous and life threatening period by far, seen from the condensed Vimshottari-Dasha, is the awful and deadly combination of Mars-Saturn-Ketu (Ketu=South Node), which gets activated precisely on May 17, 2005, and is in fact only active during that single day! An EASTERN ANALYSIS of this fatal combination in the oath-chart of Bush: (Mars-Saturn-Ketu) Mars is, as we can see, ruler of the 8:th house and at the same time in the 8:th house from where he is aspecting Saturn, and Saturn in his turn is in the 8:th house from Mars and the dispositor of Saturn is in the 8:th from Moon. Ketu is in the 7:th (enemies) and his dispositor is also in the 8:th from Moon. In Navamsa chart Mars is again the ruler of the 8:th and in a sign ruled by Saturn, while Ketu is in a sign ruled by Mars, and Saturn this time is in the 8:th house from Ketu. In Dashamsa chart Ketu again is in a sign ruled by Mars, while Mars and Saturn is linked together in the same house, whose dispositor is debilitated. In Ashtamsa chart (not shown in the link, it´s a subchart showing death, and ashta means eight) Mars is again ruler of the 8:th, where he is debilitated and aspecting both Ketu, whose dispositor Venus is debilitated, and Jupiter, who is also debilitated, and at the same time the dispositor of Mars is debilitated. Saturn in his turn is aspecting both the debilitated Mars and a debilitated Moon, and he is in a sign whose dispositor Venus is debilitated. And as if this wasn´t enough, Ketu finally is linked with Saturn by occupying a sign with the same debilitated dispositor. President GEORGE W BUSH: July 6, 1946, at 07.49.30 AM (officially 07.26) in New Haven, Connecticut. In Bush´s birth-chart (K.N. Rao has rectified his birthtime to 07.46 AM, while I find 07.49.30 AM even more accurate, for reasons described hereafter), he enters exactly on May 17 the Vimshottari-period of Saturn-Jupiter-Venus-Ketu, which is an extremely ominous and fateful combination for him! An EASTERN ANALYSIS of this fatal combination in the birth-chart of Bush: (Saturn-Jupiter-Venus-Ketu) Saturn is the ruler of the 8:th house in Natal, Jupiter is the ruler of 8:th in Ashtamsa, and Moon is ruler of 8:th in Navamsa, where both Jupiter and Saturn is situated in the same house as the Moon. Furthermore; Saturn is in Jupiter´s debilitated sign in Ashtamsa, and Jupiter is in the debilitated sign of Venus in Natal, at the same time as Jupiter himself is debilitated in Ashtamsa. To make matters even worse; Venus and Ketu both are in the 8:th house from Saturn and Jupiter, both in Navamsa and Ashtamsa, which also happens to be from the position of the Moon. Finally; the dispositor of Venus and Ketu in Ashtamsa is in the 8:th house from these two planets and at the same time placed in a sign whose dispositor is debilitated. Be aware of; if we use the official birthtime of 07.26, then this potentially fatal planetary period in Bush´s life would not take effect before earliest June 25 this year. ---------- TRANSITS and Secondary Progressions on May 17, 2005, for George W Bush: (All the aspects are in fact within 1 degree of orb!) Sun Tr sextile to Natal Saturn. Sun Tr quincunx to Progr Venus and Jupiter. Mercury Tr square to Natal Mercury. Venus Tr square to Natal Mars. Mars Tr quincunx to Natal ASC. Mars Tr opposite to Progr Sun. Uranus Tr opposite to Natal Mars and Progr Sun. North Node Tr sextile to Progr Uranus. Progr ASC sextile to Natal Saturn. Progr MC semisextile to Natal Saturn. Progr Sun semisextile to Natal ASC. Progr Sun semisextile to Natal Mercury. Progr Sun conjunct to Natal Mars. Progr Sun semisextile to Natal Pluto. Progr Venus square to Natal Saturn. Progr Mars conjunct to Natal Moon. Progr Mars conjunct to Natal Chiron. Progr Jupiter square to Natal Saturn. Progr Uranus sextile to Natal Venus. Progr Pluto conjunct to Natal ASC. Progr North Node trine to Natal Moon. Progr Chiron trine to Natal North Node. ---------- TRANSITS and Tertiary Progressions (Synodical Lunations) on May 17, 2005, for George W Bush: Tert Progr Stationary Mercury conjunct to Mercury in Transit. Tert Progr Sun conjunct to North Node in Transit. Tert Progr Sun opposite to Natal Jupiter. Tert Progr Mars conjunct to Natal MC. Tert Progr Neptune conjunct to Natal Jupiter and Moon. Tert Progr Jupiter opposite to Secondary Progr ASC. Tert Progr Saturn conjunct to Secondary Progr ASC. Tert Progr Moon conjunct to Solar Prenatal Eclipse at 8*49´ Gemini. (A Synodical Lunation is the return of the progressed Moon to the same distance from the progressed Sun as the radical Moon was from the radical Sun. Each Synodical Lunation, which occurs once every 29,5 days, measures to one year of life.) ---------- Prenatal Eclipses (PNE) with Transits and Secondary Progressions on May 17, 2005, for George W Bush: Venus in Transit conjunct to Solar PNE at 8*49´ Gemini. Pluto in Transit conjunct to Total Lunar PNE at 23*05´ Sagittarius. Progressed ASC square to Total Lunar PNE at 26*50´ Gemini. Progressed MC conjunct to Total Lunar PNE at 26*50´ Gemini. Furthermore, there was a Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2004 at 21*06´ Libra and a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2005 at 19*06´Aries; the former conjunct and the later opposite to Bush´s Natal Moon and Jupiter, which is very, very ominous, especially considering that Bush´s Moon rules his 1:st house and is the key planet in the whole chart, by also hosting 3 planets in her own sign. At the same time Bush´s all-important Moon is also attacked from two other directions, namely by Mars who is Transiting the sinister 8:th house wherefrom he casts an 8-sign aspect (Mars aspects with full strength the 4:th, the 7:th and the 8:th house from himself) on the Moon, and by the Nodes which are just on their way to cross the Moon and Jupiter, and they consider the Nodes their worst enemies! ---------- DECLINATIONS (parallels and contra parallels) mutually between Secondary Progressed and Natal planets, and DECLINATIONS in Transit to Secondary Progressed and Natal planets on May 17, 2005, for George W Bush: (Notice: Most of these aspects are within 10 MINUTES of arc!) Progr North Node 22*48´N - Natal Sun 22*44´N Progr Mars 6*01´S - Natal Jupiter 5*56´S Progr Jupiter 8*57´S - Natal Mars 8*58´N Progr Pluto 23*17´N - Natal North Node 23*07´N Tr Sun 19*25´N - Progr Saturn 19*34´N Tr North Node 8*40´N - Natal Mars 8*58´N Tr North Node 8*40´N - Progr Jupiter 8*57´S Tr Mars 8*52´S - Natal Mars 8*58´N Tr Mars 8*52´S - Progr Jupiter 8*57´S Tr Jupiter 2*22´S - Natal Moon 2*16´S Tr Uranus 8*22´S - Progr Chiron 8*26´S Tr Neptune 15*40´S - Progr Descendant 15*31´S Tr Pluto 15*00´S - Progr Descendant 15*31´S ---------- The SOLAR RETURN (SR) chart of George W Bush, for year 2005: There are many strong, inimical aspects from Bush´s Solar Return chart to his Natal and Secondary Progressed charts, which doesn´t bode well: SR Asc square to Natal Asc and conjunct to Natal MC. SR Moon opposite to Natal Mars and square to Progr Moon. SR Mercury conjunct to Progr Saturn. SR Venus square to Natal Mars, sextile to Natal Pluto and square to Progr Sun. SR Mars conjunct to Natal Mercury and trine to Natal Mars. SR Saturn square to Natal Moon and Progr Mars, and quincunx to Progr South Node. SR Uranus square to Progr Moon. SR Pluto conjunct to Natal South Node and opposite to Natal Uranus. SR Nodes square to Natal Mercury. On May 17, Mercury (ruler of Bush´s natal 12:th) goes in Transit into conjunction with the North Node in Bush´s SR chart, and Venus (afflicted by the Nodes) in Transit goes into conjunction with SR Venus (in the 12:th) AND to his Solar Prenatal Eclipse at 8*49´ Gemini (same degree as the star Aldebaran=Rohini)! But the REALLY SCARY thing is that Pluto (death) is Transiting (precession always included) into conjunction to his Total Lunar PNE at 23*05´ Sagittarius, almost to the MINUTE, on May 17, 2005... ------- Vice-President DICK CHENEY: January 30, 1941, at 05.23 PM (officially 07.30) in Lincoln, Nebraska. First of all, the official time given doesn´t reflect or match at all the bio data of his life...yeah, it´s strange, but it simply doesn´t add up: By a little bit of calculations (mainly using Vimshottari-Dasha with Lahiri ayanamsa), one comes to the firm conclusion that he must have made his entrance into this world around 05.23 PM, definitely not later than 05.23.30 PM, which btw fits like a glove with his bio data! TRANSITS and Secondary Progressions on May 17, 2005, for Dick Cheney: (There is extremely much action going on in Cheney´s charts for May 17, accepting a birthtime of 05.23 PM, so let´s just emphasize a few of the strongest aspects, to put some limit to this long text.) Sun Tr trine to Progr ASC. Nodes Tr square to Natal Venus. Mercury Tr square to Natal ASC. Mercury Tr conjunct to Natal Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter Tr opposite to Progr Venus. Jupiter Tr quincunx to Natal Saturn. Saturn Tr opposite to Natal Venus. Saturn Tr conjunct to Progr Chiron. Neptune Tr square to Progr Jupiter. Chiron Tr conjunct to Progr Mars. Chiron Tr opposite to Natal and Progr Pluto. Progr ASC conjunct to Natal Neptune. Progr MC square to Natal Neptune. Progr Moon quincunx to Natal Mars. Progr Venus sextile to Natal Sun. Progr Jupiter quincunx to Natal Mars. Progr Neptune quincunx to Natal MC. ---------- Prenatal Eclipses (PNE) with Transits and Secondary Progressions on May 17, 2005, for Dick Cheney: Jupiter in Transit conjunct to Total Solar PNE at 8*11´ Libra! North Node in Transit conjunct to Total Solar PNE at 22*49´ Aries! The latest New Moon, on May 8, at 17*52´ Taurus conjunct to Progressed Jupiter. ---------- CHENEY RISING to STARDOM? It is very REVEALING to see the planets which are in action on May 17, i.e. the planetary period running, according to the Vedic Vimshottari-Dasha (progressive Moon-based system); and that is Venus-Saturn-Jupiter. (When Mr Cheney married, Saturn-Jupiter-Venus was running, and when he was nominated for the vice-presidency Venus-Jupiter-Saturn was running...catch the pattern!) Venus in Cheney´s chart is in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, in both the Natal and Navamsa (the most important of the subcharts derived from the Natal), while Saturn and Jupiter is in a tight conjunction, both in Natal and Navamsa! If we take a look into the Natal chart, we will see that Jupiter and Saturn is conjunct on the point of the 10:th house, the most powerful house (career and fame), and exactly on May 17 Mercury is Transiting in conjunction over the point of the 10:th house where Jupiter and Saturn are situated, thus activating this very powerful planetary combination. According to the ancient Indian Lunar mansions, the Nakshatra system, the planets are transiting through a Lunar Zodiac consisting of 27 star constellations at the same time as they are transiting the Solar Zodiac. Each of the 9 planets (the Nodes included, the Trans-saturnians excluded) are ruling 3 Nakshatras each, and the startling thing is that the Nakshatras where Saturn and Jupiter were at Mr Cheney´s birth, both are ruled by VENUS, thus accentuating the immense power latent in the Venus-Saturn-Jupiter period for Cheney, which by the way KICKS INTO ACTION on May 17... ---------- BUSH and CHENEY, what´s going on? And finally, let´s check out the progressive aspects in motion between President Bush´s and Vice President Cheney´s charts. We will take a look at the Secondary Progressions from Bush (since the prediction is pertaining to him) to the Natal and Progressed chart of Cheney: Bush´s Progr ASC is in conjunction to Cheney´s Natal Neptune. Bush´s Progr MC is in square to Cheney´s Natal Neptune. Bush´s Progr Sun is in quincunx to Cheney´s Natal Sun. Bush´s Progr Moon is in quincunx to Cheney´s Natal Jupiter. Bush´s Progr Mercury is in quincunx to Cheney´s Progr Mars. Bush´s Progr Venus is in opposition to Cheney´s Natal MC. Bush´s Progr Mars is in opposition to Cheney´s Progr Sun. Bush´s Progr Jupiter is in opposition to Cheney´s Natal MC. Bush´s Progr Saturn is in conjunction to Cheney´s Natal Pluto. Bush´s Progr Uranus is in square to Cheney´s Natal Moon and in quincunx to his Natal Venus. Bush´s Progr Neptune is in quincunx to Cheney´s Natal Jupiter. Bush´s Progr Pluto is in opposition to Cheney´ Natal Sun and in conjunction to his Natal ASC. Bush´s Progr North Node is in opposition to Cheney´s Natal Mars. Bush´s Progr Chiron is in square to Cheney´s Natal Venus and in quincunx to his Natal Moon and his Progr Mercury. Anybody who ventures to give us an ANALYSIS of this ongoing relationship? Has anybody EVER seen anything similar before? (Not one single major trine or sextile, and all these heavy aspects are within 1 degree of orb!!) ---------- CONCLUSION: We should really be worried about the heavily afflicted planets in action just now in President Bush´s chart, where all the classical fateful patterns are showing up, seen from both western and eastern techniques. If someone, please, has the possibility to come in contact with our President and warn him in time, this tragedy could maybe be ward off! Let´s hope it will not be another JFK-scenario... If nothing happens on May 17, this warning has been effective, and we can again breathe out! :-) (By the way, John F Kennedy was not born at 03.00 PM, but at 03.24 PM, when his life events are examined and analyzed through these ancient scientific astrological techniques.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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