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what is kemadruma yoga

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BPHS English Transation

Chapter 33



93-93½. Should Ketu be in the 2nd, or 3rd from Karakāńś, the


will be defective in speech, more so, if a malefic gives a Drishti to

Ketu, as above.


94-99. If malefics be in Karakāńś, Arudh Lagn and the 2nd and 8th


these places, there will be Kemadrum Yog, the effects of which will be

still severer, if Candr's Drishti happens to be there. The effects,

due for these Yogas, will come to pass in the Dasha periods of the

Rashis, or Grahas concerned. Kemadrum Yog will operate additionally,

if there are malefics in the 2nd and 8th from the Rashi, whose Dasha

will be in currency. The results of such Yog will also be

inauspicious. If the 2nd and 8th in the Kundali, cast for the

beginning of a Dasha, have malefics, then also Kemadrum prevails

throughout the Dasha.



Thank you.



vedic astrology, "urs_funny" <urs_funny>


> Hi,


> Can anyone tell me what's kemadruma yoga, when it occurs!!

> and any remedies for the same


> Thanks,

> Naveen Urs

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you can go thru these sentences...


Kemadruma YogaKemadruma yoga occurs when there are no planets in the 2nd and the

12th house from the Moon.According to Raman: "The person will be dirty,

sorrowful, doing unrighteous deeds, poor, dependent, a rogue and a swindler."

According to Charak: "One born in this yoga is bereft of health, wealth,

learning, wisdom, wife, progeny and mental peace. This yoga is said to reduce

to a pauper even one born in a princely ambience. Such a native suffers misery,

failures, physical illness and humiliation." Remember that ancient Vedic

interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be

positive.Kemadruma Yoga cancellation, with LagnaPlanets in kendra (1st, 4th,

7th or 10th) house from Lagna cancel the effect of Kemadruma yoga.According to

Charak: "The adverse Kemadruma yields place

to a highly benefic Kalpadruma yoga which bestows all comforts on the

native."Kemadruma Yoga cancellation, with MoonPlanets in kendra (1st, 4th, 7th

or 10th) house from the Moon cancel the effect of Kemadruma yoga.


Sunil Kumar Varanasiurs_funny <urs_funny > wrote:

Hi,Can anyone tell me what's kemadruma yoga, when it occurs!!and any remedies

for the sameThanks,Naveen UrsArchives:

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