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anant kal sarp yog and gajkesari yoga

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i have written about this earlier also but did not get proper response .if some

one can tell me that according to my horescope my marriage will survive will i

have kids and if not is there a possibility of second marraige what is

favourable for me.i have gotton the kalsarp puja done then a puja for having

kid without and obstraclesc one abhishek also but dont see much

improvements.lot of health issue with my husband even when he has gaj kesari

yog he is not getting good achievements in his carrer.also will my husband

aquire any proprty or asset from his father and what kind of relation will they


here are details of me and my husband


2nov 1981

time is 12.15 am early morning on 2nd or late at night on 1s t november

place new delhi


my husband

22 may 1975 palce udaipur rajasthan

time 08.35 in morning

can some one tell me the remedies that can be done to bring his father in our

favour.we really put lot of effort for himbut he neglets it


are there any remedies for all these problems please any help u can provide will

be great.please gve ur input asap


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Hello Mrs. Kaur,


I want to put some comments on your query.

Let me tell you first that i am NOT an astrologer, i have just start

learning it.

My only source of learning is mails and articles posted in this

groups and some documents

which i found on net.

My reason for replying your mail is that my and your husbands

horoscope are very

much similar...and i am having similar problem like your husband

regarding career and health.

I am going to marry a girl soon and just like you she is also having

Kaal Sarp Yog.

I know my marriage life is going to suffer, i have tried my best to

avoid this marriage.

But now i know, we cant change our destiny, we can only try to

improve it with our

efforts and good deeds....Before telling you about you and your

husband i would like to

give details of my horoscope....


Ascendent : Gemini, 18 degree

Moon in Vergo

Sun in Aquarious

Nakshatra : Hasta-1

2nd House : Saturn®

4th House : Moon

5th House : Rahu®

8th House : Ven, Mer

10th House : Jupitor

11th House : Ketu®

12th House : Mars

Like your husband, i am also having Gaj-Kesari Yog formed between 4th

and 10th house.

And ascendent is Gemini.


Now lets beging with your husbands horoscope...


According to my knowledge, The Jupitor in 10th for Gemini Ascendent

is not good.

Also it shows Kendradhipati Dosha. So Mahadasha of Jupitor is not

going to be good coz it will

create lots of problems as far as career is concerned.


After that Saturn Mahadasha will start, in your husbands chart,

saturn is in Ascendent with

Venus. Thus coming Mahadasha of Saturn will cause lots of health

problem for him.

As a remedy, you can ask your husband to wear a Pukhraj during

Mahadasha of Jupiter.


I have not read your horoscope, coz i do not have enough knowledge

about Astrology.

Whatever i read or learned from other sources, i have shared with you.


Shall be glad if any learned Guru can comment on my and your

husband's future.


With Regards,



vedic astrology, naina kaur

<naina_kaurdelhi> wrote:

> hello all memebers ,

> i have written about this earlier also but did not get proper

response .if some one can tell me that according to my horescope my

marriage will survive will i have kids and if not is there a

possibility of second marraige what is favourable for me.i have

gotton the kalsarp puja done then a puja for having kid without and

obstraclesc one abhishek also but dont see much improvements.lot of

health issue with my husband even when he has gaj kesari yog he is

not getting good achievements in his carrer.also will my husband

aquire any proprty or asset from his father and what kind of relation

will they mantain.

> here are details of me and my husband

> mine

> 2nov 1981

> time is 12.15 am early morning on 2nd or late at night on 1s t


> place new delhi


> my husband

> 22 may 1975 palce udaipur rajasthan

> time 08.35 in morning

> can some one tell me the remedies that can be done to bring his

father in our favour.we really put lot of effort for himbut he

neglets it


> are there any remedies for all these problems please any help u can

provide will be great.please gve ur input asap





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For your husband, things should start improving after guru moves into

tula. Next year in spring when he runs shukra anter dahsa things will

get better. Shani is in lagna aspected by mangal. lagna lord budh is

in 12th house with two malefics, indicating health issues. Lagna has

shukra in it and guru is in seventh from moon , so two benefics in

kendras will keep the health situation under control.


Do not spend money on kalasarpa shanis or any abhishek etc. Sincere

prayer and righeous living is all that is required.




On 6/1/05, naina kaur <naina_kaurdelhi wrote:


> hello all memebers ,

> i have written about this earlier also but did not get proper response .if

> some one can tell me that according to my horescope my marriage will survive

> will i have kids and if not is there a possibility of second marraige what

> is favourable for me.i have gotton the kalsarp puja done then a puja for

> having kid without and obstraclesc one abhishek also but dont see much

> improvements.lot of health issue with my husband even when he has gaj kesari

> yog he is not getting good achievements in his carrer.also will my husband

> aquire any proprty or asset from his father and what kind of relation will

> they mantain.

> here are details of me and my husband

> mine

> 2nov 1981

> time is 12.15 am early morning on 2nd or late at night on 1s t november

> place new delhi


> my husband

> 22 may 1975 palce udaipur rajasthan

> time 08.35 in morning

> can some one tell me the remedies that can be done to bring his father in

> our favour.we really put lot of effort for himbut he neglets it


> are there any remedies for all these problems please any help u can provide

> will be great.please gve ur input asap










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