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Kundali Awkning..To Narasimhji and all..some more doubts plzzz

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Respected Sir,


Please forgive me if I am asking doubts in a pragmatic way.

As I am not evolved as you all, I am able to understand things if

said only in a basic level. Frankly speaking, I am really getting

confused about this KA. It would be a great help if you could

enlighten me a little more on certain concepts about this. Hope

respected scholars do not mind if I straight away shoot my doubts.



1. Is Realization some `STATE TO BE ACHIEVED' OR is it AN



intellectually and emotionally; How to realize it `PHYSICALLY' I

donno, Is that what Kundali awakening does?)? So far, I have

believed that the latter (not a state to be achieved, but realization

of the idea) is what is meant by Realization.


Reason for doubt: After reading the various `methods' adopted by

people to achieve this realization I feel it is a step (like the

higher most step in a ladder, after reading your mail I understand it

is only an intermediate step) to be reached and unless one go through

the first, second third. etc KA being one important step between

these, one cannot reach the top of the ladder (top being Realization)



2. Secondly, (a follow up of the above question) Is `Realisation'

possible without Kundali awakening? I mean, can one override this

intermediate step of KA to achieve Realisation?


If YES, I am happy.


If NO, what is the role of KA, in the path of realization? How does

it speed up the realization? I can't understand, how the feeling


makes one realize or leads to the realization that atma and paramatma

is one. (I know this will seem to be a stupid question for the

realized people, but as a person who hasn't had the experience, but

would like to know about it, I would like scholars to explain this

kindly to me, considering me an infant in this field)


3. Thirdly, how can one awaken Kundali by Satwic means?


4. >>An adwaitic self-realization can come only when Kundalini

reaches Sahasrara and becomes fixed there.>>


Is it possible to permanently fix Kundalini in Shasrarapadma? Is this

the final stage which is called "Realisation'? Is this what is

called `Moksha'? What is the `Result' of this Realization? Is it

emancipation from the cycle of births and rebirths? How can one

physically explain it, I mean the Moksha state?


Sholars kindly share your opinions.


































vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr@c...> wrote:

> Namaste friends,


> > Kundalini, is an experience from what I gather. I may be assuming


> > and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For now, if I assume

> > Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an experience of the


> > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the Ego calls its


> > In that sense, the identification increases.

> >

> > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not a "cause" for

> > Realization.


> From the little I know, Kundalini awakening is an experience that

MAY lead to Realization after more sadhana (possibly extending to

several lives). It does not guarantee Realization right away. A

dwaitic God-realization can come only when Kundalini reaches ishta

devata in Hritpadma and becomes fixed there. An adwaitic self-

realization can come only when Kundalini reaches Sahasrara and

becomes fixed there. All these are a long way from a mere Kundalini

awakening. One with clean nadis may experience a spontaneous

Kundalini rise immediately after the first awakening, but it may not

be sustainable.


> Kundalini awakening is not an end goal. It is an intermediate step

and Realization is the end goal.


> Kundalini management is best left to one's ishta devata (atleast

upto Anahata) and one is better off not worrying about Kundalini and

surrendering oneself to one's ishta devata without any expectations.

That may be a slower approach than some vaamachaara practices, but it

is a saattwik, safe and steady approach.


> When you meditate, do not become fixated on Kundalini rise. That

fixation can only be a distraction. It requires several lives of

sadhana. Depending on your past, it may happen after one more day or

after one more life. So take it easy and have no expectations.


> > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals behind the same, I still


> > the knowledge

> > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening

> > 2. What breaks the association with the dwandhas (pairs of


> >

> > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it.


> Though I am not a "knower", but only a "seeker" of knowledge, let

me share one point.


> As you correctly suspected, Atma karaka is very important. It is

thru the individual soul that one's consciousness perceives the

universal soul.


> While Sun and Moon show the universal soul and the mind, I was

taught that atma karaka (AK) and amatya karaka (AmK) show the

individual soul and the individual consciousness. Just as you find a

tithi from the longitudes of Sun and Moon, you can find a "karaka

tithi" from the longitudes of AK and AmK. Just as the normal tithi

physically shows the phase of Moon and how much of Sun's light Moon

is reflecting, this karaka tithi shows the phase of individual

consciousness and how much of the light held by the soul is reflected

by the consciousness.


> As per tradition, this karaka tithi is supposed to be important for

the native's spirituality. It throws light into the purpose of

creation of the person. Its lord controls the spiritual well-being of

the person.


> In the charts of most of the mystics, you will find an association

between the lord of the karaka tithi and the 8th house in D-20 or

atleast navamsa.


> * * *


> > Ketu representing sudden changes/quick movement which is very

> > symptomatic of the Vata dosha; when transiting lagna(which also

> > represents the head) leads to Vata aggravation. If you had


> > or a gripping sensation at the back of the head, then it is


> > a sign of Vata aggravation.(headaches in the temporal region/top


> > due to pitta and that around the sinuses/forehead are usually due


> > kapha)

> >

> > The physical cause(not the astral cause)as per ayurveda is

> > aggravation of toxins in the large intestine, most of the time

> > leading to constipation or poor bowel movement. The cure for this


> > not to take vata aggravating foods, to take trifala before


> > vata pacifying foods which are well cooked and special herbs such


> > Ashwagandha (as per the advice of an ayurvedic practitioner). It

> > looks like this was only a temporary malady for you and has gone


> > now.

> >

> > Thank you for sharing this. I will research more on Ketu


> > Lagna. If this is OK with you, could share what house and sign


> > Ketu is in and how far it from from the Lagna lord in the natal.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > -Vijay


> Sateesh is running the Dwisaptati sama dasa of Sun. Sun is in the

8th house in Aries in rasi chart. In D-6, he is the exalted 6th lord.

Even as per Paryaaya dasa of D-6, Aries dasa is running now and Aries

contains exalted 6th lord in D-6.


> My feeling is that Sateesh may have an aggravated pitta. Dizziness

can come due to vaata or pitta. If one is dizzy and feels as though

surroundings are unstable/moving, it is said to be due to vaata. If

one is dizzy and feels as though surroundings are stable and only

he/she is unstable/moving, then it is said to be due to aggravated

pitta in majja dhaatu (nerve marrow).


> Based on a quick look at Sateesh's chart, my gut feeling is that he

has aggravated pitta. For pitta related dizziness, Skullcap and

Brahmi are good herbs.


> In general, Sateesh should take good care of his health during Sun-

Venus (2005-06).


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------


> > Namaskaar Sri Pandit & Sri Narasimha

> >

> > Om! Bhadram karnebhih s'rnuyama devah Bhadram


> > Sthirairangaistushtuvamsastanubhir

> > Vyasema devahitam yadayuh

> > Svasti na indro vriddhasravah

> > Svasti nah pusha visvavedah

> > Svasti nastarkshyo arishtanemih

> > Svasti no brihaspatirdadhatu

> >

> > Om Santih; Santih; Santih

> >

> > It is true one would know about it but it is clear it does not


> > from "wanting to awake it". In that sense, it is a byproduct of


> > sadhana, etc.

> >

> > I heartily thank Sri Narasimha for providing a vivid detail of

> > someone's experience of Kundalini and taking time out (from


> > the Tithi Pravesh Book) to type all that.

> >

> > As I understand, Realization of one's True Self (Self

Realization) is

> > not an experience. It is a realization that subject-object


> > isn't there. Every experience is between subject and object. In

> > Realization, there is no subject and object difference, hence


> > be called an experience. It is also beautifully said - The want


> > Moksha is the first and final impediment to the same.

> >

> > Kundalini, is an experience from what I gather. I may be assuming


> > and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For now, if I assume

> > Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an experience of the


> > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the Ego calls its


> > In that sense, the identification increases.

> >

> > I read elsewhere, that a person goes through myraid of emotions


> > feelings that were never his/her own. In cosmos (hriyanagarbha)


> > thoughts and emotions are present, we call some as our own and


> > "Mine" thought is the assumed "Ego". This shows, there is an

> > identification and an experience of the cosmic mind. The energy


> > was contained near one's aura, flows in every direction.

> >

> > However, the "Mine" remains in a larger context. As in Savikalpa

> > samadhi that I mentioned in the earlier post. I have also read,


> > Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa saw mother kali everywhere but not


> > himself for some time. And then, his Guru helped him understand


> > mistake.

> >

> > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not a "cause" for

> > Realization.

> >

> > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals behind the same, I still


> > the knowledge

> > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening

> > 2. What breaks the association with the dwandhas (pairs of


> >

> > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards

> > Bharat

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Guest guest

font-family:Arial">Dear Jyothi,


font-family:Arial">>1. Is Realization some `STATE TO BE ACHIEVED' OR is it




font-family:Arial">>ATMA AND PARAMATMA ARE ONE AND THE SAME (I mean,

identifying both

font-family:Arial">>intellectually and emotionally; How to realize it


font-family:Arial">>donno, Is that what Kundali awakening does?)? So

far, I have

font-family:Arial">>believed that the latter (not a state to be achieved,

but realization

font-family:Arial">>of the idea) is what is meant by Realization.


font-family:Arial">You are correct. Realization is the understanding of the

supreme truth. What this truth is cannot be explained unless one experiences

it. Perhaps, a closest explanation/understanding is given in the Upanishads.


font-family:Arial">Realization is a two-stage process. The first stage involves

the act of giving up everything, thereby recognizing that nothing belongs to

you. Sarvam Krishnarpanamasthu means we offer (actions and attachments) everything

to god. We give the same importance to gold as we give to a heap of sand. The

second stage involves accepting ourselves to be a part of everything. Aham

Brahmasmi means I am Brahman (the supreme). So, realization is a two-stage transformation

from being Something (Ego) to becoming Nothing (giving up identity) and then

becoming Everything (Isha).


font-family:Arial">Something --> Nothing --> Everything = Realization


font-family:Arial">Kundalini awakening is just a minute part of the entire

Kundalini field. Kundalini is the Supreme energy that exists in everybody. The goal

of kundalini yoga is to make one merge with the Supreme.


font-family:Arial">Kundalini awakening makes one recognize that this powerful

force is present within our body. This does not however make one dissolve with

the powerful force. A yogi, after awakening his kundalini further tries to

channelize it through the chakras and finally wants it to merge with the



font-family:Arial">>2. Secondly, (a follow up of the above question) Is


font-family:Arial">>possible without Kundali awakening? I mean, can one

override this

font-family:Arial">>intermediate step of KA to achieve Realisation?


font-family:Arial">When a person is seeking realization, he chooses a path. This

path can be through Gnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga or Hatha Yoga. While moving through

this path, Kundalini awakening takes place. We can consider it as a part of realization



font-family:Arial">>3. Thirdly, how can one awaken Kundali by Satwic means?


font-family:Arial">There is no need to resort to special means to awaken Kundalini.

If one resorts to Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion), the awakening takes

automatically at the right time. The more devotion one has, the earlier

Kundalini awakening takes place. There is however a particular type of Pranayama,

which when practiced results in awakening the Kundalini. This is very powerful

and must not be performed without the guidance of a Guru.


font-family:Arial">>Is it possible to permanently fix Kundalini in

Shasrarapadma? Is this

font-family:Arial">>the final stage which is called

"Realisation'? Is this what is

font-family:Arial">>called `Moksha'? What is the `Result' of this

Realization? Is it

font-family:Arial">>emancipation from the cycle of births and rebirths? How

can one

font-family:Arial">>physically explain it, I mean the Moksha state?


font-family:Arial">Yes. It is possible to permanently fix Kundalini in

Sahasrara. The yogi then goes into Samadhi. The earlier shankaracharyas of Sringeri

are known to have gone into this state. Realization usually makes the person

escape from the cycle of birth and death. It cannot be physically explained. It

is more of a spiritual process.


font-family:Arial">Kundalini Yoga is a very powerful process. As one ascends in

his state, he comes across various Granthi’s which act as testing stages.

Kundalini shakti is also a powerful tool and many people usually become

addicted to it. They can misuse the special powers they get. It is said that a person

whose kundalini is awakened has the ability to forecast things.


font-family:Arial">Kundalini Yoga can be practiced to get a lot of material

benefits, but the aim of Kundalini Yoga is to achieve realization.


Om Tat Sat,


font-family:Arial">Raman Suprajarama



vedic astrology

[vedic astrology]

On Behalf Of jyothi_lakshmi_b

Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:52 AM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Kundali Awkning..To Narasimhji and all..some more

doubts plzzz


font-family:Arial">Respected Sir,


font-family:Arial"> Please

forgive me if I am asking doubts in a pragmatic way.

font-family:Arial">As I am not evolved as you all, I am able to understand

things if

font-family:Arial">said only in a basic level. Frankly speaking, I am really


font-family:Arial">confused about this KA. It would be a great help if you


font-family:Arial">enlighten me a little more on certain concepts about this.


font-family:Arial">respected scholars do not mind if I straight away shoot my




font-family:Arial">1. Is Realization some `STATE TO BE ACHIEVED' OR is it AN



font-family:Arial">ATMA AND PARAMATMA ARE ONE AND THE SAME (I mean, identifying


font-family:Arial">intellectually and emotionally; How to realize it


font-family:Arial">donno, Is that what Kundali awakening does?)? So far,

I have

font-family:Arial">believed that the latter (not a state to be achieved, but


font-family:Arial">of the idea) is what is meant by Realization.


font-family:Arial">Reason for doubt: After reading the various `methods'

adopted by

font-family:Arial">people to achieve this realization I feel it is a step (like


font-family:Arial">higher most step in a ladder, after reading your mail I

understand it

font-family:Arial">is only an intermediate step) to be reached and unless one

go through

font-family:Arial">the first, second third. etc KA being one important step


font-family:Arial">these, one cannot reach the top of the ladder (top being




font-family:Arial">2. Secondly, (a follow up of the above question) Is


font-family:Arial">possible without Kundali awakening? I mean, can one override


font-family:Arial">intermediate step of KA to achieve Realisation?


font-family:Arial">If YES, I am happy.


font-family:Arial">If NO, what is the role of KA, in the path of realization?

How does

font-family:Arial">it speed up the realization? I can't understand, how the




font-family:Arial">makes one realize or leads to the realization that atma and


font-family:Arial">is one. (I know this will seem to be a stupid question for


font-family:Arial">realized people, but as a person who hasn't had the

experience, but

font-family:Arial">would like to know about it, I would like scholars to

explain this

font-family:Arial">kindly to me, considering me an infant in this field)


font-family:Arial">3. Thirdly, how can one awaken Kundali by Satwic means?


font-family:Arial">4. >>An adwaitic self-realization can come only when


font-family:Arial">reaches Sahasrara and becomes fixed there.>>


font-family:Arial">Is it possible to permanently fix Kundalini in

Shasrarapadma? Is this

font-family:Arial">the final stage which is called "Realisation'? Is

this what is

font-family:Arial">called `Moksha'? What is the `Result' of this

Realization? Is it

font-family:Arial">emancipation from the cycle of births and rebirths? How can


font-family:Arial">physically explain it, I mean the Moksha state?


font-family:Arial">Sholars kindly share your opinions.


































font-family:Arial">vedic astrology,

"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

font-family:Arial"><pvr@c...> wrote:

font-family:Arial">> Namaste friends,


font-family:Arial">> > Kundalini, is an experience from what I gather. I

may be assuming


font-family:Arial">> > and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For

now, if I assume

font-family:Arial">> > Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an

experience of the


font-family:Arial">> > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the

Ego calls its


font-family:Arial">> > In that sense, the identification increases.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not

a "cause" for

font-family:Arial">> > Realization.


font-family:Arial">> From the little I know, Kundalini awakening is an

experience that

font-family:Arial">MAY lead to Realization after more sadhana (possibly

extending to

font-family:Arial">several lives). It does not guarantee Realization right

away. A

font-family:Arial">dwaitic God-realization can come only when Kundalini reaches


font-family:Arial">devata in Hritpadma and becomes fixed there. An adwaitic


font-family:Arial">realization can come only when Kundalini reaches Sahasrara


font-family:Arial">becomes fixed there. All these are a long way from a mere


font-family:Arial">awakening. One with clean nadis may experience a spontaneous

font-family:Arial">Kundalini rise immediately after the first awakening, but it

may not

font-family:Arial">be sustainable.


font-family:Arial">> Kundalini awakening is not an end goal. It is an

intermediate step

font-family:Arial">and Realization is the end goal.


font-family:Arial">> Kundalini management is best left to one's ishta devata


font-family:Arial">upto Anahata) and one is better off not worrying about

Kundalini and

font-family:Arial">surrendering oneself to one's ishta devata without any


font-family:Arial">That may be a slower approach than some vaamachaara

practices, but it

font-family:Arial">is a saattwik, safe and steady approach.


font-family:Arial">> When you meditate, do not become fixated on Kundalini

rise. That

font-family:Arial">fixation can only be a distraction. It requires several

lives of

font-family:Arial">sadhana. Depending on your past, it may happen after one

more day or

font-family:Arial">after one more life. So take it easy and have no



font-family:Arial">> > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals behind the

same, I still


font-family:Arial">> > the knowledge

font-family:Arial">> > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening

font-family:Arial">> > 2. What breaks the association with the dwandhas

(pairs of


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it.


font-family:Arial">> Though I am not a "knower", but only a

"seeker" of knowledge, let

font-family:Arial">me share one point.


font-family:Arial">> As you correctly suspected, Atma karaka is very

important. It is

font-family:Arial">thru the individual soul that one's consciousness perceives


font-family:Arial">universal soul.


font-family:Arial">> While Sun and Moon show the universal soul and the

mind, I was

font-family:Arial">taught that atma karaka (AK) and amatya karaka (AmK) show


font-family:Arial">individual soul and the individual consciousness. Just as

you find a

font-family:Arial">tithi from the longitudes of Sun and Moon, you can find a


font-family:Arial">tithi" from the longitudes of AK and AmK. Just as the

normal tithi

font-family:Arial">physically shows the phase of Moon and how much of Sun's

light Moon

font-family:Arial">is reflecting, this karaka tithi shows the phase of


font-family:Arial">consciousness and how much of the light held by the soul is


font-family:Arial">by the consciousness.


font-family:Arial">> As per tradition, this karaka tithi is supposed to be

important for

font-family:Arial">the native's spirituality. It throws light into the purpose


font-family:Arial">creation of the person. Its lord controls the spiritual

well-being of

font-family:Arial">the person.


font-family:Arial">> In the charts of most of the mystics, you will find an


font-family:Arial">between the lord of the karaka tithi and the 8th house in

D-20 or

font-family:Arial">atleast navamsa.


font-family:Arial">> *

* *


font-family:Arial">> > Ketu representing sudden changes/quick movement

which is very

font-family:Arial">> > symptomatic of the Vata dosha; when transiting

lagna(which also

font-family:Arial">> > represents the head) leads to Vata aggravation. If

you had


font-family:Arial">> > or a gripping sensation at the back of the head,

then it is


font-family:Arial">> > a sign of Vata aggravation.(headaches in the

temporal region/top


font-family:Arial">> > due to pitta and that around the sinuses/forehead

are usually due


font-family:Arial">> > kapha)

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > The physical cause(not the astral cause)as per

ayurveda is

font-family:Arial">> > aggravation of toxins in the large intestine, most

of the time

font-family:Arial">> > leading to constipation or poor bowel movement.

The cure for this


font-family:Arial">> > not to take vata aggravating foods, to take

trifala before


font-family:Arial">> > vata pacifying foods which are well cooked and

special herbs such


font-family:Arial">> > Ashwagandha (as per the advice of an ayurvedic

practitioner). It

font-family:Arial">> > looks like this was only a temporary malady for

you and has gone


font-family:Arial">> > now.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Thank you for sharing this. I will research more

on Ketu


font-family:Arial">> > Lagna. If this is OK with you, could share what

house and sign


font-family:Arial">> > Ketu is in and how far it from from the Lagna lord

in the natal.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Best regards,

font-family:Arial">> > -Vijay


font-family:Arial">> Sateesh is running the Dwisaptati sama dasa of Sun. Sun

is in the

font-family:Arial">8th house in Aries in rasi chart. In D-6, he is the exalted

6th lord.

font-family:Arial">Even as per Paryaaya dasa of D-6, Aries dasa is running now

and Aries

font-family:Arial">contains exalted 6th lord in D-6.


font-family:Arial">> My feeling is that Sateesh may have an aggravated

pitta. Dizziness

font-family:Arial">can come due to vaata or pitta. If one is dizzy and feels as


font-family:Arial">surroundings are unstable/moving, it is said to be due to

vaata. If

font-family:Arial">one is dizzy and feels as though surroundings are stable and


font-family:Arial">he/she is unstable/moving, then it is said to be due to


font-family:Arial">pitta in majja dhaatu (nerve marrow).


font-family:Arial">> Based on a quick look at Sateesh's chart, my gut

feeling is that he

font-family:Arial">has aggravated pitta. For pitta related dizziness, Skullcap


font-family:Arial">Brahmi are good herbs.


font-family:Arial">> In general, Sateesh should take good care of his health

during Sun-

font-family:Arial">Venus (2005-06).


font-family:Arial">> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

font-family:Arial">> Narasimha



font-family:Arial">> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):


font-family:Arial">> Free Jyotish software (Windows):


font-family:Arial">> SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org




font-family:Arial">> > Namaskaar Sri Pandit & Sri Narasimha

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Om! Bhadram

karnebhih s'rnuyama devah Bhadram


font-family:Arial">> > Sthirairangaistushtuvamsastanubhir

font-family:Arial">> > Vyasema devahitam yadayuh

font-family:Arial">> > Svasti na indro vriddhasravah

font-family:Arial">> > Svasti nah pusha visvavedah

font-family:Arial">> > Svasti nastarkshyo arishtanemih

font-family:Arial">> > Svasti no brihaspatirdadhatu

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Om Santih;

Santih; Santih

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > It is true one would know about it but it is clear

it does not


font-family:Arial">> > from "wanting to awake it". In that

sense, it is a byproduct of


font-family:Arial">> > sadhana, etc.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I heartily thank Sri Narasimha for providing a

vivid detail of

font-family:Arial">> > someone's experience of Kundalini and taking time

out (from


font-family:Arial">> > the Tithi Pravesh Book) to type all that.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > As I understand, Realization of one's True Self


font-family:Arial">Realization) is

font-family:Arial">> > not an experience. It is a realization that



font-family:Arial">> > isn't there. Every experience is between subject

and object. In

font-family:Arial">> > Realization, there is no subject and object

difference, hence


font-family:Arial">> > be called an experience. It is also beautifully

said - The want


font-family:Arial">> > Moksha is the first and final impediment to the


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Kundalini, is an experience from what I gather. I

may be assuming


font-family:Arial">> > and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For

now, if I assume

font-family:Arial">> > Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an

experience of the


font-family:Arial">> > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the

Ego calls its


font-family:Arial">> > In that sense, the identification increases.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I read elsewhere, that a person goes through

myraid of emotions


font-family:Arial">> > feelings that were never his/her own. In cosmos



font-family:Arial">> > thoughts and emotions are present, we call some as

our own and


font-family:Arial">> > "Mine" thought is the assumed

"Ego". This shows, there is an

font-family:Arial">> > identification and an experience of the cosmic

mind. The energy


font-family:Arial">> > was contained near one's aura, flows in every


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > However, the "Mine" remains in a larger

context. As in Savikalpa

font-family:Arial">> > samadhi that I mentioned in the earlier post. I

have also read,


font-family:Arial">> > Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa saw mother kali

everywhere but not


font-family:Arial">> > himself for some time. And then, his Guru

helped him understand


font-family:Arial">> > mistake.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not

a "cause" for

font-family:Arial">> > Realization.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals behind the

same, I still


font-family:Arial">> > the knowledge

font-family:Arial">> > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening

font-family:Arial">> > 2. What breaks the association with the dwandhas

(pairs of


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Thanks and Regards

font-family:Arial">> > Bharat







font-family:Arial">Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html


font-family:Arial">To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-


font-family:Arial">....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


font-family:Arial">|| Om Tat

Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

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Respected Sir,


Thanks a lot for clarifying my doubts. Things are more

clear now. (It is only now I realise the fact that lot of people are

there who have experienced Kundalini awakening. Until now, I had

thought it happened only to Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, Sri aurobindo

and the like!!)















vedic astrology, "Raman Suprajarama"

<cru115@n...> wrote:

> Dear Jyothi,




> >1. Is Realization some `STATE TO BE ACHIEVED' OR is it AN





> >ATMA AND PARAMATMA ARE ONE AND THE SAME (I mean, identifying both


> >intellectually and emotionally; How to realize it `PHYSICALLY' I


> >donno, Is that what Kundali awakening does?)? So far, I have


> >believed that the latter (not a state to be achieved, but



> >of the idea) is what is meant by Realization.




> You are correct. Realization is the understanding of the supreme

truth. What

> this truth is cannot be explained unless one experiences it.

Perhaps, a

> closest explanation/understanding is given in the Upanishads.




> Realization is a two-stage process. The first stage involves the

act of

> giving up everything, thereby recognizing that nothing belongs to


> Sarvam Krishnarpanamasthu means we offer (actions and attachments)

> everything to god. We give the same importance to gold as we give

to a heap

> of sand. The second stage involves accepting ourselves to be a part


> everything. Aham Brahmasmi means I am Brahman (the supreme). So,


> is a two-stage transformation from being Something (Ego) to

becoming Nothing

> (giving up identity) and then becoming Everything (Isha).




> Something --> Nothing --> Everything = Realization




> Kundalini awakening is just a minute part of the entire Kundalini


> Kundalini is the Supreme energy that exists in everybody. The goal


> kundalini yoga is to make one merge with the Supreme.




> Kundalini awakening makes one recognize that this powerful force is


> within our body. This does not however make one dissolve with the


> force. A yogi, after awakening his kundalini further tries to

channelize it

> through the chakras and finally wants it to merge with the





> >2. Secondly, (a follow up of the above question) Is `Realisation'


> >possible without Kundali awakening? I mean, can one override this


> >intermediate step of KA to achieve Realisation?




> When a person is seeking realization, he chooses a path. This path

can be

> through Gnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga or Hatha Yoga. While moving through


> path, Kundalini awakening takes place. We can consider it as a part


> realization process.




> >3. Thirdly, how can one awaken Kundali by Satwic means?




> There is no need to resort to special means to awaken Kundalini. If


> resorts to Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion), the awakening takes


> at the right time. The more devotion one has, the earlier Kundalini

> awakening takes place. There is however a particular type of


> which when practiced results in awakening the Kundalini. This is


> powerful and must not be performed without the guidance of a Guru.




> >Is it possible to permanently fix Kundalini in Shasrarapadma? Is



> >the final stage which is called "Realisation'? Is this what is


> >called `Moksha'? What is the `Result' of this Realization? Is it


> >emancipation from the cycle of births and rebirths? How can one


> >physically explain it, I mean the Moksha state?




> Yes. It is possible to permanently fix Kundalini in Sahasrara. The

yogi then

> goes into Samadhi. The earlier shankaracharyas of Sringeri are

known to have

> gone into this state. Realization usually makes the person escape

from the

> cycle of birth and death. It cannot be physically explained. It is

more of a

> spiritual process.




> Kundalini Yoga is a very powerful process. As one ascends in his

state, he

> comes across various Granthi's which act as testing stages.

Kundalini shakti

> is also a powerful tool and many people usually become addicted to

it. They

> can misuse the special powers they get. It is said that a person


> kundalini is awakened has the ability to forecast things.




> Kundalini Yoga can be practiced to get a lot of material benefits,

but the

> aim of Kundalini Yoga is to achieve realization.




> Om Tat Sat,




> Raman Suprajarama





> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of


> Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:52 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Kundali Awkning..To Narasimhji and

all..some more

> doubts plzzz




> Respected Sir,




> Please forgive me if I am asking doubts in a pragmatic



> As I am not evolved as you all, I am able to understand things if


> said only in a basic level. Frankly speaking, I am really getting


> confused about this KA. It would be a great help if you could


> enlighten me a little more on certain concepts about this. Hope


> respected scholars do not mind if I straight away shoot my doubts.






> 1. Is Realization some `STATE TO BE ACHIEVED' OR is it AN





> ATMA AND PARAMATMA ARE ONE AND THE SAME (I mean, identifying both


> intellectually and emotionally; How to realize it `PHYSICALLY' I


> donno, Is that what Kundali awakening does?)? So far, I have


> believed that the latter (not a state to be achieved, but



> of the idea) is what is meant by Realization.




> Reason for doubt: After reading the various `methods' adopted by


> people to achieve this realization I feel it is a step (like the


> higher most step in a ladder, after reading your mail I understand



> is only an intermediate step) to be reached and unless one go



> the first, second third. etc KA being one important step between


> these, one cannot reach the top of the ladder (top being







> 2. Secondly, (a follow up of the above question) Is `Realisation'


> possible without Kundali awakening? I mean, can one override this


> intermediate step of KA to achieve Realisation?




> If YES, I am happy.




> If NO, what is the role of KA, in the path of realization? How does


> it speed up the realization? I can't understand, how the feeling





> makes one realize or leads to the realization that atma and



> is one. (I know this will seem to be a stupid question for the


> realized people, but as a person who hasn't had the experience, but


> would like to know about it, I would like scholars to explain this


> kindly to me, considering me an infant in this field)




> 3. Thirdly, how can one awaken Kundali by Satwic means?




> 4. >>An adwaitic self-realization can come only when Kundalini


> reaches Sahasrara and becomes fixed there.>>




> Is it possible to permanently fix Kundalini in Shasrarapadma? Is



> the final stage which is called "Realisation'? Is this what is


> called `Moksha'? What is the `Result' of this Realization? Is it


> emancipation from the cycle of births and rebirths? How can one


> physically explain it, I mean the Moksha state?




> Sholars kindly share your opinions.




> Regards,


> Jyothi
























































vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"


> <pvr@c...> wrote:


> > Namaste friends,


> >


> > > Kundalini, is an experience from what I gather. I may be



> this


> > > and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For now, if I assume


> > > Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an experience of the


> cosmic


> > > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the Ego calls its


> own.


> > > In that sense, the identification increases.


> > >


> > > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not a "cause" for


> > > Realization.


> >


> > From the little I know, Kundalini awakening is an experience that


> MAY lead to Realization after more sadhana (possibly extending to


> several lives). It does not guarantee Realization right away. A


> dwaitic God-realization can come only when Kundalini reaches ishta


> devata in Hritpadma and becomes fixed there. An adwaitic self-


> realization can come only when Kundalini reaches Sahasrara and


> becomes fixed there. All these are a long way from a mere Kundalini


> awakening. One with clean nadis may experience a spontaneous


> Kundalini rise immediately after the first awakening, but it may



> be sustainable.


> >


> > Kundalini awakening is not an end goal. It is an intermediate



> and Realization is the end goal.


> >


> > Kundalini management is best left to one's ishta devata (atleast


> upto Anahata) and one is better off not worrying about Kundalini



> surrendering oneself to one's ishta devata without any



> That may be a slower approach than some vaamachaara practices, but



> is a saattwik, safe and steady approach.


> >


> > When you meditate, do not become fixated on Kundalini rise. That


> fixation can only be a distraction. It requires several lives of


> sadhana. Depending on your past, it may happen after one more day



> after one more life. So take it easy and have no expectations.


> >


> > > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals behind the same, I



> need


> > > the knowledge


> > > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening


> > > 2. What breaks the association with the dwandhas (pairs of


> opposites)


> > >


> > > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it.


> >


> > Though I am not a "knower", but only a "seeker" of knowledge, let


> me share one point.


> >


> > As you correctly suspected, Atma karaka is very important. It is


> thru the individual soul that one's consciousness perceives the


> universal soul.


> >


> > While Sun and Moon show the universal soul and the mind, I was


> taught that atma karaka (AK) and amatya karaka (AmK) show the


> individual soul and the individual consciousness. Just as you find



> tithi from the longitudes of Sun and Moon, you can find a "karaka


> tithi" from the longitudes of AK and AmK. Just as the normal tithi


> physically shows the phase of Moon and how much of Sun's light Moon


> is reflecting, this karaka tithi shows the phase of individual


> consciousness and how much of the light held by the soul is



> by the consciousness.


> >


> > As per tradition, this karaka tithi is supposed to be important



> the native's spirituality. It throws light into the purpose of


> creation of the person. Its lord controls the spiritual well-being



> the person.


> >


> > In the charts of most of the mystics, you will find an



> between the lord of the karaka tithi and the 8th house in D-20 or


> atleast navamsa.


> >


> > * * *


> >


> > > Ketu representing sudden changes/quick movement which is very


> > > symptomatic of the Vata dosha; when transiting lagna(which also


> > > represents the head) leads to Vata aggravation. If you had


> headache


> > > or a gripping sensation at the back of the head, then it is


> confirmed


> > > a sign of Vata aggravation.(headaches in the temporal



> are


> > > due to pitta and that around the sinuses/forehead are usually



> to


> > > kapha)


> > >


> > > The physical cause(not the astral cause)as per ayurveda is


> > > aggravation of toxins in the large intestine, most of the time


> > > leading to constipation or poor bowel movement. The cure for



> is


> > > not to take vata aggravating foods, to take trifala before


> bednight,


> > > vata pacifying foods which are well cooked and special herbs



> as


> > > Ashwagandha (as per the advice of an ayurvedic practitioner).



> > > looks like this was only a temporary malady for you and has



> by


> > > now.


> > >


> > > Thank you for sharing this. I will research more on Ketu


> transitting


> > > Lagna. If this is OK with you, could share what house and sign


> Natal


> > > Ketu is in and how far it from from the Lagna lord in the natal.


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > > -Vijay


> >


> > Sateesh is running the Dwisaptati sama dasa of Sun. Sun is in the


> 8th house in Aries in rasi chart. In D-6, he is the exalted 6th



> Even as per Paryaaya dasa of D-6, Aries dasa is running now and



> contains exalted 6th lord in D-6.


> >


> > My feeling is that Sateesh may have an aggravated pitta.



> can come due to vaata or pitta. If one is dizzy and feels as though


> surroundings are unstable/moving, it is said to be due to vaata. If


> one is dizzy and feels as though surroundings are stable and only


> he/she is unstable/moving, then it is said to be due to aggravated


> pitta in majja dhaatu (nerve marrow).


> >


> > Based on a quick look at Sateesh's chart, my gut feeling is that



> has aggravated pitta. For pitta related dizziness, Skullcap and


> Brahmi are good herbs.


> >


> > In general, Sateesh should take good care of his health during



> Venus (2005-06).


> >


> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,


> > Narasimha


> > -------------------------------


> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net


> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org


> > SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org


> > -------------------------------


> >


> > > Namaskaar Sri Pandit & Sri Narasimha


> > >


> > > Om! Bhadram karnebhih s'rnuyama devah Bhadram


> pasyemakshabhiryajatrah


> > > Sthirairangaistushtuvamsastanubhir


> > > Vyasema devahitam yadayuh


> > > Svasti na indro vriddhasravah


> > > Svasti nah pusha visvavedah


> > > Svasti nastarkshyo arishtanemih


> > > Svasti no brihaspatirdadhatu


> > >


> > > Om Santih; Santih; Santih


> > >


> > > It is true one would know about it but it is clear it does not


> arise


> > > from "wanting to awake it". In that sense, it is a byproduct of


> one's


> > > sadhana, etc.


> > >


> > > I heartily thank Sri Narasimha for providing a vivid detail of


> > > someone's experience of Kundalini and taking time out (from


> writing


> > > the Tithi Pravesh Book) to type all that.


> > >


> > > As I understand, Realization of one's True Self (Self


> Realization) is


> > > not an experience. It is a realization that subject-object


> distinction


> > > isn't there. Every experience is between subject and object. In


> > > Realization, there is no subject and object difference, hence


> cannot


> > > be called an experience. It is also beautifully said - The want


> for


> > > Moksha is the first and final impediment to the same.


> > >


> > > Kundalini, is an experience from what I gather. I may be



> this


> > > and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For now, if I assume


> > > Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an experience of the


> cosmic


> > > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the Ego calls its


> own.


> > > In that sense, the identification increases.


> > >


> > > I read elsewhere, that a person goes through myraid of emotions


> and


> > > feelings that were never his/her own. In cosmos (hriyanagarbha)


> all


> > > thoughts and emotions are present, we call some as our own and


> that


> > > "Mine" thought is the assumed "Ego". This shows, there is an


> > > identification and an experience of the cosmic mind. The energy


> that


> > > was contained near one's aura, flows in every direction.


> > >


> > > However, the "Mine" remains in a larger context. As in Savikalpa


> > > samadhi that I mentioned in the earlier post. I have also read,


> that


> > > Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa saw mother kali everywhere but not


> within


> > > himself for some time. And then, his Guru helped him



> his


> > > mistake.


> > >


> > > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not a "cause" for


> > > Realization.


> > >


> > > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals behind the same, I



> need


> > > the knowledge


> > > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening


> > > 2. What breaks the association with the dwandhas (pairs of


> opposites)


> > >


> > > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it.


> > >


> > > Thanks and Regards


> > > Bharat












> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-





> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......






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Namaskaar Sri Jyothi



Realization is not an achievement. It is an already achieved goal. "It

is like a person who slides his specs onto the forehead, and then,

forgets where he kept the specs. In that state of ignorance, it runs

here and there to find them (desires)." You are very correct is

stating that it is not an achievement. This is my contention that

Kundalini being an experience relates to Subject-Object world and

denotes only to the mind and cosmic mind. Ignorance still remains.

Like in our above example, maybe the person can enlighten all the

rooms with light through electricity and finds all the objects in his

house, he still does not realize that the spectacles are on his forehead.


My post was in Jyotish Group and perhaps you did not read it.



2. The question dissolves. Realization is not under the purview of

cause and effect and therefore, Kundalini or any other form of

experience cannot "effect" Realization.


3. Something I have no idea about. I have been taught that Kundalini

is a by product of one's sadhana.


4. I would say with Realization, no force is separate from you. What

is fixed in whom it is fixed, all separativeness would dissolve.


Somehow this discussion is going elsewhere. I would again like to keep

it under the purview of Jyotish.


Thank you again to Sri Narasimha for giving directions on Atmakaraka

and karaka pravesh and its relationship with 8 house in D-20 and D-9.

I shall study the related combinations in charts where I suppose an

experience of Kundalini has taken place.


I thank all the other contributors for their comments and suggestions.


I still await a longer response from Sri Pandit and other learned



Thanks and Regards







vedic astrology, "jyothi_lakshmi_b"

<jyothi_lakshmi_b> wrote:

> Respected Sir,


> Please forgive me if I am asking doubts in a pragmatic way.

> As I am not evolved as you all, I am able to understand things if

> said only in a basic level. Frankly speaking, I am really getting

> confused about this KA. It would be a great help if you could

> enlighten me a little more on certain concepts about this. Hope

> respected scholars do not mind if I straight away shoot my doubts.



> 1. Is Realization some `STATE TO BE ACHIEVED' OR is it AN


> ATMA AND PARAMATMA ARE ONE AND THE SAME (I mean, identifying both

> intellectually and emotionally; How to realize it `PHYSICALLY' I

> donno, Is that what Kundali awakening does?)? So far, I have

> believed that the latter (not a state to be achieved, but realization

> of the idea) is what is meant by Realization.


> Reason for doubt: After reading the various `methods' adopted by

> people to achieve this realization I feel it is a step (like the

> higher most step in a ladder, after reading your mail I understand it

> is only an intermediate step) to be reached and unless one go through

> the first, second third. etc KA being one important step between

> these, one cannot reach the top of the ladder (top being Realization)



> 2. Secondly, (a follow up of the above question) Is `Realisation'

> possible without Kundali awakening? I mean, can one override this

> intermediate step of KA to achieve Realisation?


> If YES, I am happy.


> If NO, what is the role of KA, in the path of realization? How does

> it speed up the realization? I can't understand, how the feeling


> makes one realize or leads to the realization that atma and paramatma

> is one. (I know this will seem to be a stupid question for the

> realized people, but as a person who hasn't had the experience, but

> would like to know about it, I would like scholars to explain this

> kindly to me, considering me an infant in this field)


> 3. Thirdly, how can one awaken Kundali by Satwic means?


> 4. >>An adwaitic self-realization can come only when Kundalini

> reaches Sahasrara and becomes fixed there.>>


> Is it possible to permanently fix Kundalini in Shasrarapadma? Is this

> the final stage which is called "Realisation'? Is this what is

> called `Moksha'? What is the `Result' of this Realization? Is it

> emancipation from the cycle of births and rebirths? How can one

> physically explain it, I mean the Moksha state?


> Sholars kindly share your opinions.


> Regards,

> Jyothi

























vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

> <pvr@c...> wrote:

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > > Kundalini, is an experience from what I gather. I may be assuming

> this

> > > and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For now, if I assume

> > > Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an experience of the

> cosmic

> > > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the Ego calls its

> own.

> > > In that sense, the identification increases.

> > >

> > > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not a "cause" for

> > > Realization.

> >

> > From the little I know, Kundalini awakening is an experience that

> MAY lead to Realization after more sadhana (possibly extending to

> several lives). It does not guarantee Realization right away. A

> dwaitic God-realization can come only when Kundalini reaches ishta

> devata in Hritpadma and becomes fixed there. An adwaitic self-

> realization can come only when Kundalini reaches Sahasrara and

> becomes fixed there. All these are a long way from a mere Kundalini

> awakening. One with clean nadis may experience a spontaneous

> Kundalini rise immediately after the first awakening, but it may not

> be sustainable.

> >

> > Kundalini awakening is not an end goal. It is an intermediate step

> and Realization is the end goal.

> >

> > Kundalini management is best left to one's ishta devata (atleast

> upto Anahata) and one is better off not worrying about Kundalini and

> surrendering oneself to one's ishta devata without any expectations.

> That may be a slower approach than some vaamachaara practices, but it

> is a saattwik, safe and steady approach.

> >

> > When you meditate, do not become fixated on Kundalini rise. That

> fixation can only be a distraction. It requires several lives of

> sadhana. Depending on your past, it may happen after one more day or

> after one more life. So take it easy and have no expectations.

> >

> > > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals behind the same, I still

> need

> > > the knowledge

> > > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening

> > > 2. What breaks the association with the dwandhas (pairs of

> opposites)

> > >

> > > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it.

> >

> > Though I am not a "knower", but only a "seeker" of knowledge, let

> me share one point.

> >

> > As you correctly suspected, Atma karaka is very important. It is

> thru the individual soul that one's consciousness perceives the

> universal soul.

> >

> > While Sun and Moon show the universal soul and the mind, I was

> taught that atma karaka (AK) and amatya karaka (AmK) show the

> individual soul and the individual consciousness. Just as you find a

> tithi from the longitudes of Sun and Moon, you can find a "karaka

> tithi" from the longitudes of AK and AmK. Just as the normal tithi

> physically shows the phase of Moon and how much of Sun's light Moon

> is reflecting, this karaka tithi shows the phase of individual

> consciousness and how much of the light held by the soul is reflected

> by the consciousness.

> >

> > As per tradition, this karaka tithi is supposed to be important for

> the native's spirituality. It throws light into the purpose of

> creation of the person. Its lord controls the spiritual well-being of

> the person.

> >

> > In the charts of most of the mystics, you will find an association

> between the lord of the karaka tithi and the 8th house in D-20 or

> atleast navamsa.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > Ketu representing sudden changes/quick movement which is very

> > > symptomatic of the Vata dosha; when transiting lagna(which also

> > > represents the head) leads to Vata aggravation. If you had

> headache

> > > or a gripping sensation at the back of the head, then it is

> confirmed

> > > a sign of Vata aggravation.(headaches in the temporal region/top

> are

> > > due to pitta and that around the sinuses/forehead are usually due

> to

> > > kapha)

> > >

> > > The physical cause(not the astral cause)as per ayurveda is

> > > aggravation of toxins in the large intestine, most of the time

> > > leading to constipation or poor bowel movement. The cure for this

> is

> > > not to take vata aggravating foods, to take trifala before

> bednight,

> > > vata pacifying foods which are well cooked and special herbs such

> as

> > > Ashwagandha (as per the advice of an ayurvedic practitioner). It

> > > looks like this was only a temporary malady for you and has gone

> by

> > > now.

> > >

> > > Thank you for sharing this. I will research more on Ketu

> transitting

> > > Lagna. If this is OK with you, could share what house and sign

> Natal

> > > Ketu is in and how far it from from the Lagna lord in the natal.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > -Vijay

> >

> > Sateesh is running the Dwisaptati sama dasa of Sun. Sun is in the

> 8th house in Aries in rasi chart. In D-6, he is the exalted 6th lord.

> Even as per Paryaaya dasa of D-6, Aries dasa is running now and Aries

> contains exalted 6th lord in D-6.

> >

> > My feeling is that Sateesh may have an aggravated pitta. Dizziness

> can come due to vaata or pitta. If one is dizzy and feels as though

> surroundings are unstable/moving, it is said to be due to vaata. If

> one is dizzy and feels as though surroundings are stable and only

> he/she is unstable/moving, then it is said to be due to aggravated

> pitta in majja dhaatu (nerve marrow).

> >

> > Based on a quick look at Sateesh's chart, my gut feeling is that he

> has aggravated pitta. For pitta related dizziness, Skullcap and

> Brahmi are good herbs.

> >

> > In general, Sateesh should take good care of his health during Sun-

> Venus (2005-06).

> >

> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > Narasimha

> > -------------------------------

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > -------------------------------

> >

> > > Namaskaar Sri Pandit & Sri Narasimha

> > >

> > > Om! Bhadram karnebhih s'rnuyama devah Bhadram

> pasyemakshabhiryajatrah

> > > Sthirairangaistushtuvamsastanubhir

> > > Vyasema devahitam yadayuh

> > > Svasti na indro vriddhasravah

> > > Svasti nah pusha visvavedah

> > > Svasti nastarkshyo arishtanemih

> > > Svasti no brihaspatirdadhatu

> > >

> > > Om Santih; Santih; Santih

> > >

> > > It is true one would know about it but it is clear it does not

> arise

> > > from "wanting to awake it". In that sense, it is a byproduct of

> one's

> > > sadhana, etc.

> > >

> > > I heartily thank Sri Narasimha for providing a vivid detail of

> > > someone's experience of Kundalini and taking time out (from

> writing

> > > the Tithi Pravesh Book) to type all that.

> > >

> > > As I understand, Realization of one's True Self (Self

> Realization) is

> > > not an experience. It is a realization that subject-object

> distinction

> > > isn't there. Every experience is between subject and object. In

> > > Realization, there is no subject and object difference, hence

> cannot

> > > be called an experience. It is also beautifully said - The want

> for

> > > Moksha is the first and final impediment to the same.

> > >

> > > Kundalini, is an experience from what I gather. I may be assuming

> this

> > > and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For now, if I assume

> > > Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an experience of the

> cosmic

> > > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the Ego calls its

> own.

> > > In that sense, the identification increases.

> > >

> > > I read elsewhere, that a person goes through myraid of emotions

> and

> > > feelings that were never his/her own. In cosmos (hriyanagarbha)

> all

> > > thoughts and emotions are present, we call some as our own and

> that

> > > "Mine" thought is the assumed "Ego". This shows, there is an

> > > identification and an experience of the cosmic mind. The energy

> that

> > > was contained near one's aura, flows in every direction.

> > >

> > > However, the "Mine" remains in a larger context. As in Savikalpa

> > > samadhi that I mentioned in the earlier post. I have also read,

> that

> > > Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa saw mother kali everywhere but not

> within

> > > himself for some time. And then, his Guru helped him understand

> his

> > > mistake.

> > >

> > > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not a "cause" for

> > > Realization.

> > >

> > > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals behind the same, I still

> need

> > > the knowledge

> > > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening

> > > 2. What breaks the association with the dwandhas (pairs of

> opposites)

> > >

> > > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it.

> > >

> > > Thanks and Regards

> > > Bharat

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