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Kundalini Shakti & Some thoughts *|*(2-Mr.Siva)

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Welcome and thank you for sharing the information.. Its really useful and

informative article.



Sunil Kumar Varanasisiva_261277 <siva_261277 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear All,I'm new to this group and i m keenly interested in astrology and trying

to learn by myself.As a practitioner of kundali yoga for the past several years,

i would like to share some of the thoughts as told by my Guru Shri Vethathiri

Maharishi. (http://www.vethathiri.org)Below is an excellent article written by

my Guru on Kundali yoga and meditation. BENEFITS OF MEDITATION ON ENDOCRINE

CHAKRAS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~By Sri Vethathiri Maharishi

Like Transformers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The sexual vital fluid is the container of

the life-force, i.e., the life-force is resting on the sexual vital fluid.

Harmones are nearer to the sexual vital fluid in the whole body. Now let us see

how the harmones are working.You can imagine or

visualize the transformers in the electrical sytem. Electricity is generated in

one place and taken to another for distribution. In the process and even in

distribution through cables, there is bound to be some exhaustion and after

some miles of travelling, the force of the electricity will become less,

because of the wastage. This is technically called as transmission loss.In this

condition, electric lamps and other gadgets cannot get their requirement with

the same frequency or pressure. It is to avoid such weakening that transformers

are installed along the line. These transformers ensure supply of electricity at

the appropriate voltage or intensity.Similarly, the life-force is working all

over the body. It has its own transformers to spread the life-force uniformly

in the whole body. These transformers in the physical body are the

harmones secreting

endocrine glands. These endocrine glands are seven in our body. They are the

working centres of the soul or the life-force.Why meditation is prescribed to

all people?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For most people, the

working centre is Mooladhara, near the sexual gland. Those who are working in

research and other intense intellectual occupations have a portion of the

energy moved upwards, as a result of their deep thinking.When one brings the

mind to subtler and subtler functions, the sakthi (energy) is rising

automatically from the Mooladhara and a very minute portion is taken to all the

Chakras (Centres) finally reaching the Crown Chakra.Yogis consciously practice

to bring energy from the Mooladhara to the Agna Chakra, and then, to the Crown

Chakra. When the energy is brought up, the mind and its functions acquire

equilibrium; also, the life-force will spread to all parts of the body and the

brain cells. Therefore, mentally and physically, man will be efficient. It

is for this reason that Yoga and Meditation is prescribed for all people.On the

way of bringing the energy upwards, there are other working Centres. From

Mooladhara, the next stages are Swadistana, Manipuraka, Anahat, Visuddhi, Agna

and lastly Brahmarandhar. These are the seven working Centres.There are five

layers in the body. According to the gravitational force, solid body is always

sticking with the Earth.All the people are getting the energy-centre only in

the Mooladhara, because, the imprints of all experiences, desires of all things

are in the lifeforce. The life-force is always attracted downwards because of

material activities.Extra-Sensory Perception~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The

Mooladhara is the centre related to the Earth, Prithivh Thatwa (Elemental

Earth). Similarly, the Earth Centre is

always in the lower part of the body. There is no other part of the body lower

in position than that. You may say the ribs are there, but, what is germane is

that the vertebrae terminate at the Mooladhara.The second centre is Swadhistana

having its seat between the navel and the sexual gland, i.e., between the

Manipuraka and the Mooladhara. It is related to the Appu Tatwa (Water centre)

or Spleen centre.The Swadistana is linked with the sexual gland and also to

Adrenal gland. It is a powerful centre. Concentrating on this centre, man could

add to sexual instinct. Also, it will help intuition, clairvoyance, because of

its connection with the adrenal gland.The third centre is the Manipuraka having

its seat in the naval region and is related to Theyu Tatwa (elemental fire).

This is linked with the adrenal gland. This is more powerful than the lower

centre.The Manipuraka Centre is the centre of the

nerve-system and this has much power to spread energy to the whole body and also

to attract other souls easily from outward for its working order in the ESP

faculties. ESP is Extra-Sensory Perception.The mind is tuned to within itself

and other activites are controlled. The inherent faculty blossoms, because, the

energy is linked with the whole Universe and with all the minds of the

people.The practitioner is enabled to understand every thing, everywhere. He

can see things without eyes, he can hear without ears, read others' minds and

develop clairvoyance.Not the Heart!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Those who are meditating in

the Manipuraka Centre alone, without going to the Thuriya state, become

receptive to wandering souls that might now become attached. This Centre is to

be managed with care as obstruction is also more likely to come. The

obstruction will cause much troubles.The fourth is Anahat, having its seat

in the region of the heart centre. This is related to the Vayu Tatwa (elemental

air). It is linked to the thymus gland.The region of the heartcentre is not the

heart. Heart here refers to Centre as in the expression heart of the city and

heart of the matter. The heart centre for meditation is two inches above the

pit where both the breast bones come together.This is connected with the thymus

gland. The cautions and benefits of the gland are similar to those of the

adrenal gland. The centre gives courage and inventive aptitude of doing things.

These are in addition to the abilities of the navelcentre.The fifth centre is

the Visuddhi (or also Visukthi), having its seat in the region to the throat.

This is related to the Akash Tatwa (ether). It is linked with the thyroid

gland. When we meditate on the Visuddhi Centre, we get linked to the Universal

Source, Maha Akash.Everyone is a little reservoir of the

big reservoir, viz., the Universe. So, we are constantly getting energy from the

universal source and also the surplus from here goes to the universal source.A

way to reduce food~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When we meditate on the Vissuddhi, we

are getting connected with the thyroid and parathyroid glands. If the thyroid

gland becomes defective in functioning, man becomes lean or stout irrespective

of the foodintake. If you are doing meditation on the throat centre, such

imbalances in weight are set right. Further since you get more energy from the

cosmos. The quantity of food consumed would become less and you would feel

light.The following four are usual sources for our life energy:-One is food,

the next is air, the third is astronomical radiations and the fourth is from

the interior of the Earth where the isotopes are being crushed all the time,

releasing energy outwards to the circumference of the

Globe.If we are in the habit of keeping our tummies stuffed all the time, we

close our system to the last two sources, supply from which is powerful than

food or air. This is the rationale behind the ritual of fasting in our

country.Meditation on the throat chakra might sometimes give you some pressure

sensation in the throat region. If such be the case, shift at once to the next

centre. The difficulty may be there only in the intitial stages of meditation.

After practising for a few weeks, the trouble would cease.The sixth is Agna

having its seat in the region between the eyebrows and is related to the

life-force. It is linked with the pituitary gland. The word Agna means control,

administration. This centre controls the sensual activities. This is called the

Third Eye which is an addition to sensual perception and abilities.Here, only

the sixth sense is increasing more and more to expose your potential

fully. Hence, it is called the intellectual point to control the senses.If you

divide the brain into three parts, the front portion is the intellectual part,

having control over the sense-organs.The middle part is the lobe of wisdom, the

function of which is to increase and transform man from material consciousness

to God-consciousness. The rear part is the lobe of universal secrets. It is

also connected with the pineal gland or the master gland for psychic

functions.The Crown Centre~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Finally, the seventh is Brahmarandra

(Thuriya Centre) which is called Crown Centre. Thuriya means highest peak.

Brahmarandhra or Thuriya is linked with the pituitary. The pineal provides

direct connection and so it is the gland of psychic function - to adjust the

focussing of the mind to any part, to any frequency. When you meditate on the

pineal gland, the pituitary will also get the benefit.This

Centre is also called the Sahasrathara or the thousand petalled lotus. In the

east, our forefathers had found that our brain has 'one thousand' regional

valves. Each valve has a specific function.When all these thousand regional

valves are activated to function, man's intellect will increase sharply and by

the development of the knowledge, he will be able to fix his mind with the

level of Universal function or Universal force.That is why it is called

Brahmarandhar.Brahma means god Randhar means Hole of Way. So the expression

Brahmarandhar means gate way to God. The eighth centre is the Universal Energy

Field and the ninth centre is the Absolute Space. The benefits get of these last

two centres are well known to you. The benefits are so great and vast that a

separate article is to be written elaborately.If you are able to meditate on

all the chakras, different harmones are produced to the

maximum level and both the body and mind are maintained very well. Every

endocrine gland is having its own closeknit nerve system around it and some

specific muscles and also connected with those nerves very closely.In addition

to that, every gland is linked with a certain area in the brain. So, a special

faculty is increasing by meditating in each of the endocrine chakras.When you

are able to meditate on all the endocrine chakras frequently, these chakras are

activated to expose all the potential of man fully to the benefit of the


In vedic astrology, "utpal pathak" <vedic_pathak> wrote:> >

Dear All members,> > I have followed many posts on the very intresting topic >

called 'Kundalini'. One thought triggered in my Mind y'day which > triggered

chain of thoughts.> > Alomst everybody knows about Kundalini, that it is a

Shakti which is > sitting like a 'Serpant' form in Muladhar Chakra and when it

is > activated or awakened, it rises to Swadhishthan, Manipur, Anahat, >

Vishudhha, Agna & finally reaches Sahsraar (1000 petal lotus) where > Shiva

(Ishta Devta) sits and there forms the Union of Shiva & Shakti > and the Jeeva

goes in to 'Nirvikalpa Samadhi' and in that state, the > body remains only for

21 days. only few with special mission with > god's command, come back to lower

plane to perform their mission.> > The above was something which i have

understood abot Kundalini. Now > the thought came to my mind is that in

Northern part, we call 'vedic > chart' as 'Janma Kundali' or Simply 'Kundali'.

so i wonder whether > there is any relation between the two. we know that

'Jyotisha' is > the

part of Veda or 'Eyes of Veda' to be precise. Jyotisha knowledge > hepls

jyotishi to perform good deeds by using it for guiding, > helping people and

hence accquiring good karma's. Jyotisha is > naturally connected to

Spirituality as well as it also encourage > sacred living and Sadhana.> > so i

fencied that Jyotishi's may be blessed with the activation of > Kundalini of

it's own with the grace of lord if they try to see as > many 'Kundalis' of the

people in distress without any expectations > or pride, use these devine

knowledge for 'Paropkar' (actually > Upakara on his/her own self)and try to

draw as many Kundalis > (Diamond / Yantra Charts) to have the natural experince

of Kundalini > Jagaran without even setting it as the goal.> > As we know that

Jyotishi's are always blessed by the supreme Guru > Shiva and the Shastra come

s under the realm of Mokasha Devta >

Gajapati.> > tried to make such a heavy topic bit lighter :->> > best regards,>

> utpal> > vedic astrology, "jyothi_lakshmi_b" >

<jyothi_lakshmi_b> wrote:> > Respected Bharatji and Narasimhji,> > > >

> > > > I express my sincere thanks to Narasimhji, Bharatji and all >

other > > scholars who found time to answer and clarify my doubts regarding > >

Kundalini Awakening. > > > > Regards,> > Jyothi.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > vedic astrology, "bharateiya" > >

<bharateiya> wrote:> > > Namaskaar Sri Jyothi> > > > >

> 1.> > > Realization is not an achievement. It is an already achieved > > goal.

"It> > > is like a person who slides his specs onto the forehead, and > then,> >

> forgets where he kept the specs. In that state of ignorance, it > runs> > >

here and there to find them (desires)." You are very correct is> > > stating

that it is not an achievement. This is my contention that> > > Kundalini being

an experience relates to Subject-Object world and> > > denotes only to the mind

and cosmic mind. Ignorance still > remains.> > > Like in our above example,

maybe the person can enlighten all the> > > rooms with light through

electricity and finds all the objects > in > > his> > > house, he still does

not realize that the spectacles are on his > > forehead. > > > >

> > My post was in Jyotish Group and perhaps you did not read it. > > > > > > >

> > 2. The question dissolves. Realization is not under the purview > of> > >

cause and effect and therefore, Kundalini or any other form of> > > experience

cannot "effect" Realization.> > > > > > 3. Something I have no idea about. I

have been taught that > Kundalini> > > is a by product of one's sadhana. > > >

> > > 4. I would say with Realization, no force is separate from you. > What> >

> is fixed in whom it is fixed, all separativeness would dissolve. > > > > > >

Somehow this discussion is going elsewhere. I would again like > to > > keep> >

> it under the purview of Jyotish. > > > > > > Thank you again to Sri Narasimha

for giving directions

on > Atmakaraka> > > and karaka pravesh and its relationship with 8 house in

D-20 and > D-> > 9.> > > I shall study the related combinations in charts where

I suppose > an> > > experience of Kundalini has taken place. > > > > > > I thank

all the other contributors for their comments and > > suggestions.> > > > > > I

still await a longer response from Sri Pandit and other learned> > > members. >

> > > > > Thanks and Regards> > > Bharat> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---

In vedic astrology, "jyothi_lakshmi_b"> > >

<jyothi_lakshmi_b> wrote:> > > > Respected Sir, > > > > > > >

> Please forgive me if I am asking doubts in a > pragmatic > > way. > >

> > As I am not evolved as you all, I am able to understand things > if > > > >

said only in a basic level. Frankly speaking, I am really > getting > > > >

confused about this KA. It would be a great help if you could > > > > enlighten

me a little more on certain concepts about this. > Hope > > > > respected

scholars do not mind if I straight away shoot my > doubts.> > > > > > > > > > >

> 1. Is Realization some `STATE TO BE ACHIEVED' OR is it AN > > > >


> > ATMA AND PARAMATMA ARE ONE AND THE SAME (I mean, identifying > both >

> > > intellectually and emotionally; How to realize it `PHYSICALLY' > I > > > >

donno, Is that what Kundali awakening does?)? So far, I have > > > > believed

that the latter (not a state to be achieved, but > > realization > > > > of the

idea) is what is meant by Realization. > > > > > > > > Reason for doubt: After

reading the various `methods' adopted > by > > > > people to achieve this

realization I feel it is a step (like > the > > > > higher most step in a

ladder, after reading your mail I > > understand it > > > > is only an

intermediate step) to be reached and unless one go > > through > > > > the

first, second third. etc KA being one important step > between > > > > these,

one cannot reach the top of the ladder (top being >

> Realization)> > > > > > > > > > > > 2. Secondly, (a follow up of the above

question) Is > `Realisation' > > > > possible without Kundali awakening? I

mean, can one override > this > > > > intermediate step of KA to achieve

Realisation?> > > > > > > > If YES, I am happy.> > > > > > > > If NO, what is

the role of KA, in the path of realization? How > > does > > > > it speed up

the realization? I can't understand, how the > feeling > > > > of `FLOATING OF


realize or leads to the realization that atma and > > paramatma > > > > is one.

(I know this will seem to be a stupid question for the > > > > realized people,

but as

a person who hasn't had the > experience, > > but > > > > would like to know

about it, I would like scholars to explain > > this > > > > kindly to me,

considering me an infant in this field)> > > > > > > > 3. Thirdly, how can one

awaken Kundali by Satwic means? > > > > > > > > 4. >>An adwaitic

self-realization can come only when Kundalini > > > > reaches Sahasrara and

becomes fixed there.>>> > > > > > > > Is it possible to permanently fix

Kundalini in Shasrarapadma? > Is > > this > > > > the final stage which is

called "Realisation'? Is this what > is > > > > called `Moksha'? What is the

`Result' of this Realization? Is > it > > > > emancipation from the cycle of

births and rebirths? How can

> one > > > > physically explain it, I mean the Moksha state? > > > > > > > >

Sholars kindly share your opinions.> > > > > > > > Regards,> > > > Jyothi> > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" > > > >

<pvr@c...> wrote:> > > > > Namaste friends,> > > > > > > > > > > Kundalini, is

an experience from what I gather. I may be > > assuming > > > > this> > > > > >

and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For now, if I > > assume> > > > > >

Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an experience > of > > the > > > >

cosmic> > > > > > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the Ego > calls

> > its > > > > own.> > > > > > In that sense, the identification increases. > >

> > > > > > > > > > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not > a

"cause" > > for> >

> > > > Realization. > > > > > > > > > > From the little I know, Kundalini

awakening is an experience > > that > > > > MAY lead to Realization after more

sadhana (possibly extending > to > > > > several lives). It does not guarantee

Realization right away. > A > > > > dwaitic God-realization can come only when

Kundalini reaches > > ishta > > > > devata in Hritpadma and becomes fixed

there. An adwaitic self-> > > > realization can come only when Kundalini

reaches Sahasrara and > > > > becomes fixed there. All these are a long way

from a mere > > Kundalini > > > > awakening. One with clean nadis may

experience a spontaneous > > > > Kundalini rise immediately after the first

awakening, but it > may > > not > > >

> be sustainable.> > > > > > > > > > Kundalini awakening is not an end goal. It

is an > intermediate > > step > > > > and Realization is the end goal.> > > > >

> > > > > Kundalini management is best left to one's ishta devata > > (atleast >

> > > upto Anahata) and one is better off not worrying about > Kundalini > > and

> > > > surrendering oneself to one's ishta devata without any > > expectations.

> > > > That may be a slower approach than some vaamachaara practices, > > but

it > > > > is a saattwik, safe and steady approach.> > > > > > > > > > When

you meditate, do not become fixated on Kundalini rise. > > That > > > >

fixation can only be a distraction. It requires

several lives > of > > > > sadhana. Depending on your past, it may happen after

one more > day > > or > > > > after one more life. So take it easy and have no

expectations.> > > > > > > > > > > Coming back to the Jyotish fundamentals

behind the same, I > > still > > > > need> > > > > > the knowledge> > > > > >

1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening> > > > > > 2. What breaks the

association with the dwandhas (pairs of > > > > opposites)> > > > > > > > > > >

> I request this knowledge from the knowers of it. > > > > > > > > > > Though I

am not a "knower", but only a "seeker" of > knowledge, > > let > > > > me share

one point.>

> > > > > > > > > As you correctly suspected, Atma karaka is very important. >

It > > is > > > > thru the individual soul that one's consciousness perceives >

the > > > > universal soul.> > > > > > > > > > While Sun and Moon show the

universal soul and the mind, I > was > > > > taught that atma karaka (AK) and

amatya karaka (AmK) show the > > > > individual soul and the individual

consciousness. Just as you > > find a > > > > tithi from the longitudes of Sun

and Moon, you can find > a "karaka > > > > tithi" from the longitudes of AK and

AmK. Just as the normal > > tithi > > > > physically shows the phase of Moon and

how much of Sun's light > > Moon > > > > is reflecting, this karaka tithi shows


phase of individual > > > > consciousness and how much of the light held by the

soul is > > reflected > > > > by the consciousness.> > > > > > > > > > As per

tradition, this karaka tithi is supposed to be > important > > for > > > > the

native's spirituality. It throws light into the purpose of > > > > creation of

the person. Its lord controls the spiritual well-> > being of > > > > the

person.> > > > > > > > > > In the charts of most of the mystics, you will find

an > > association > > > > between the lord of the karaka tithi and the 8th

house in D-20 > or > > > > atleast navamsa.> > > > > > > > > > *

* *> > > > > > > > > > > Ketu representing sudden changes/quick movement

which is > very > > > > > > symptomatic of the Vata dosha; when transiting

lagna(which > > also > > > > > > represents the head) leads to Vata

aggravation. If you had > > > > headache > > > > > > or a gripping sensation at

the back of the head, then it > is > > > > confirmed > > > > > > a sign of Vata

aggravation.(headaches in the temporal > > region/top > > > > are > > > > > >

due to pitta and that around the sinuses/forehead are > usually > > due > > > >

to > > > > > > kapha)> > > > > > > > > > > > The physical cause(not the

astral cause)as per ayurveda is > > > > > > aggravation of toxins in the large

intestine, most of the > > time > > > > > > leading to constipation or poor

bowel movement. The cure > for > > this > > > > is > > > > > > not to take vata

aggravating foods, to take trifala before > > > > bednight, > > > > > > vata

pacifying foods which are well cooked and special > herbs > > such > > > > as >

> > > > > Ashwagandha (as per the advice of an ayurvedic > practitioner). > > It

> > > > > > looks like this was only a temporary malady for you and > has > >

gone > > > > by > > > > > > now.> > > > > > > > > > > > Thank you for sharing

this. I will

research more on Ketu > > > > transitting > > > > > > Lagna. If this is OK with

you, could share what house and > > sign > > > > Natal > > > > > > Ketu is in

and how far it from from the Lagna lord in the > > natal.> > > > > > > > > > >

> Best regards,> > > > > > -Vijay> > > > > > > > > > Sateesh is running the

Dwisaptati sama dasa of Sun. Sun is > in > > the > > > > 8th house in Aries in

rasi chart. In D-6, he is the exalted > 6th > > lord. > > > > Even as per

Paryaaya dasa of D-6, Aries dasa is running now > and > > Aries > > > >

contains exalted 6th lord in D-6.> > > > > > > > > > My feeling is that

Sateesh may have an aggravated

pitta. > > Dizziness > > > > can come due to vaata or pitta. If one is dizzy and

feels as > > though > > > > surroundings are unstable/moving, it is said to be

due to > vaata. > > If > > > > one is dizzy and feels as though surroundings

are stable and > only > > > > he/she is unstable/moving, then it is said to be

due to > > aggravated > > > > pitta in majja dhaatu (nerve marrow).> > > > > >

> > > > Based on a quick look at Sateesh's chart, my gut feeling is > > that he

> > > > has aggravated pitta. For pitta related dizziness, Skullcap > and > > >

> Brahmi are good herbs.> > > > > > > > > > In general, Sateesh should take

good care of his health > during > > Sun-> > > > Venus

(2005-06).> > > > > > > > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,> > > > >

Narasimha> > > > >

----------------------------> ---> > > > >

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): > http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> > > > > Free

Jyotish software (Windows): > http://www.VedicAstrologer.org > > > > > SJC

website: http://www.SriJagannath.org> > > > >

----------------------------> ---> > > > > >

> > > > > Namaskaar Sri Pandit & Sri Narasimha> > > > > > > > > > > > Om!

Bhadram karnebhih s'rnuyama devah Bhadram >

> > > pasyemakshabhiryajatrah> > > > > > Sthirairangaistushtuvamsastanubhir> >

> > > > Vyasema devahitam yadayuh> > > > > > Svasti na indro vriddhasravah> > >

> > > Svasti nah pusha visvavedah> > > > > > Svasti nastarkshyo arishtanemih> >

> > > > Svasti no brihaspatirdadhatu> > > > > > > > > > > > Om Santih; Santih;

Santih> > > > > > > > > > > > It is true one would know about it but it is

clear it does > > not > > > > arise> > > > > > from "wanting to awake it". In

that sense, it is a > byproduct > > of > > > > one's> > > > > > sadhana, etc.>

> > > > > > > > > > > I heartily thank Sri Narasimha for

providing a vivid > detail of> > > > > > someone's experience of Kundalini and

taking time out > (from > > > > writing> > > > > > the Tithi Pravesh Book) to

type all that. > > > > > > > > > > > > As I understand, Realization of one's

True Self (Self > > > > Realization) is> > > > > > not an experience. It is a

realization that subject-object > > > > distinction> > > > > > isn't there.

Every experience is between subject and > object. > > In> > > > > >

Realization, there is no subject and object difference, > hence > > > > cannot>

> > > > > be called an experience. It is also beautifully said - The > > want >

> > > for> > > > > > Moksha is the first and

final impediment to the same. > > > > > > > > > > > > Kundalini, is an

experience from what I gather. I may be > > assuming > > > > this> > > > > >

and will keep in mind that I may be wrong. For now, if I > > assume> > > > > >

Kundalini to be an experience, then, it is an experience > of > > the > > > >

cosmic> > > > > > mind and breaking of the individual mind that the Ego > calls

> > its > > > > own.> > > > > > In that sense, the identification increases. > >

> > > > > > > > > > I read elsewhere, that a person goes through myraid of > >

emotions > > > > and> > > > > > feelings that were never his/her own. In cosmos

> > (hriyanagarbha) > >

> > all> > > > > > thoughts and emotions are present, we call some as our own >

> and > > > > that> > > > > > "Mine" thought is the assumed "Ego". This shows,

there is > an> > > > > > identification and an experience of the cosmic mind.

The > > energy > > > > that> > > > > > was contained near one's aura, flows in

every direction. > > > > > > > > > > > > However, the "Mine" remains in a

larger context. As in > > Savikalpa> > > > > > samadhi that I mentioned in the

earlier post. I have also > > read, > > > > that> > > > > > Sri Ramakrishna

Paramhansa saw mother kali everywhere but > not > > > > within> > > > > >

himself for some time. And then,

his Guru helped him > > understand > > > > his> > > > > > mistake. > > > > > > >

> > > > > In essence, kundalini can be an experience but not > a "cause" > >

for> > > > > > Realization. > > > > > > > > > > > > Coming back to the Jyotish

fundamentals behind the same, I > > still > > > > need> > > > > > the

knowledge> > > > > > 1. Role of Atmakaraka in Kundalini Awakening> > > > > > 2.

What breaks the association with the dwandhas (pairs of > > > > opposites)> > >

> > > > > > > > > I request this knowledge from the knowers of it. > > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks and Regards> > > > > >

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