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Well to tell you software engineers had done great damage to lot of people.They

had taken all the pride compared to other industy's.Hyped it as a something

superior job compare to other jobs.and had done great loss to others

unknowingly.Run away with beautiful bride in days with the mark of NRI

status.And after enjoying the comforts of the MNC work atmosphere, developed

country residence & all now you say(your mail) this at the age of 60.

I am very sorry i am not convinced nor the Billion minus NRI's got convinced by

your mail.Though i know the benefits from NRI's to India in terms of economy

and business to our country i have to say this.


Thanks and Regards,


Sunil Kumar VaranasiSathiyanarayana Gupta <gupta816 > wrote:

Dear Shri.Rita,I read ‘ONE BEDROOM FLAT... AN NRI ENGINEER'SDIARY...’ up to the

end my eye lids stopped itstwinkle, plunged me in grief and pensive

mood;narrated to my wife, her eyes slowly became pool andflooded. The

dehydrating dairy had touched our heart.. I heard sweetest songs tell the

saddest stories, butthe autography of the unknown reminds the story of

awithering Roses’ surviving petal chanting its pastglories - love lost gained

nothing.My inner heart said “when avarice perish impulsesvanish, all souls

rests in peace”.With regards,D.SathiyanarayanaGupta.--- Rita

<ritas69_sg .sg> wrote:> ONE BEDROOM FLAT... AN NRI

ENGINEER'S> DIARY...> > As the dream of most parents I had acquired a degree> >

in software Engineer and joined a company based

in > USA, the land of braves and opportunity.> When I arrived in the USA, it was

as if a dream had> come true. Here at last I was in the place! > where I wanted

to be. I decided I would be staying> in this country > for about Five years in

which time I would> have earned enough money to settle down in India.> > My

father was a government employee and after his > retirement, the only asset he

could acquire was a > decent one bedroom flat. I wanted to do some thing> more

than him. I started feeling homesick and lonely> as the time passed. I used to

call home and speak to> > my parents every week using cheap international>

phone > cards.> > > Two years passed, two years of Burgers at McDonald's> and

pizzas and discos and 2 years watching the> foreign > exchange rate getting

happy whenever the Rupee value>

> went down. Finally I decided to get married. Told my> parents that I have only

10 days of holidays and> everything must be done within these 10 days. > > I got

my ticket booked in the cheapest flight. Was > jubilant an was actually enjoying

shopping for gifts> for all my relatives and friends back home.> > > If I miss

anyone then there will be talks. After > reaching home I spent home one week

going through> all > the photographs of girls and as the time was getting>

shorter I was forced to select one candidate.> In-laws> told me, to my

surprise, that I would have to get > married in 2-3 days, as I will not get

anymore > holidays soon and they cannot wait for long.> > > After the marriage,

it was time to return to USA,> after giving some money to my parents and telling

> the neighbors to look after them, we (I was

lucky> and > managed to get the visa of my wife early) returned> to> USA.> > >

My wife enjoyed this country for about two months> and > then she started

feeling lonely. The frequency of> calling India increased to twice in a week

sometimes> 3> times a week as she also has to call her parents.> Our> savings

started diminishing. After two more years we> > started to have kids. > > > Two

lovely kids, a boy and a girl, were gifted to us> by the almighty. Every time I

spoke to my parents,> they asked me to come to India so that they can see >

their grand-children. Every year I decide to go to > India.> > But part work,

part monetary conditions prevented> it.> Years went by and visiting India was a

distant> dream.Then suddenly one day I got a message that my> parents were

seriously sick. I

tried but I couldn't > get any holidays and was stuck up in the procedures> and

thus could not go to India. The next message I> got > was my parents were

passed away and as there was no> one to do the last rites the society members

had> done whatever they > could. I was depressed. My parents passed away>

without seeing their > grand children. > > After couple more years passed away,

much to my> children's dislike > and my wife's joy we returned to India to

settle> down.> > > I started to look for a suitable property, but to my> >

dismay my savings were short and the property prices> had gone up during all

these years. I had to return> to > the USA. My wife refused to come back with

me and my> children refused to stay in India. My 2 children and> I > returned

to USA after promising my wife I would be>

back for good after two years. > > > Time passed by, my daughter decided to get

married> to> an American and my son was happy living in USA. I > decided that

enough is enough and wound-up every> thing> and returned to India. I had just

enough money to> buy > a decent Two-bed room flat in a well developed>

locality. Now I am 60 years old and the only time I> go > out of the flat is

for the routine visit to the> nearby> place of worship. My faithful wife has

also left me > and gone to the holy abode.> > > Sometimes I wondered was it

worth all this ? My> father, > even after staying in India, had a house to his

name> and I too have the same, nothing more. I lost my > parents and children

for just ONE EXTRA BEDROOM.> > > Looking out from the window I see a lot of

children > dancing. This damned cable

TV has spoiled our new> generation and these children are losing their> values

and culture > because of it. I get occasional cards from my> children asking I

am > alright. > > > Well at least they remember me. Now perhaps after I> die it

will be > the neighbors again who will be performing my last> rites, God Bless >

them.> > But the question still remains 'was all this worth> it? > I am still

searching for an answer................> > > -- > ** Friends have all things in

common ** > > > ....With Wishes> Keep mailing....> > > > >

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