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the greatest fraud on the Vedas

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Dear shri Narasimha,


The course which is run by KKSU and all the

universities inn India (76 at Present) which comes

under University Grants Commissionis running the

course under he banner Vedanga Jyotisha. As it is the

notified name declared by the UGC./






Dewavrat Buit


--- "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr wrote:


> Namaste,


> Well, Jyotisha may or may not be mentioned in Vedas.

> But that is immaterial. It is one of the Vedangas

> (veda+angas, i.e. limbs of Veda). RigVeda, YajurVeda

> etc are the four heads of the Veda Purusha (the

> personification of Vedic knowledge). There are other

> limbs of Veda Purusha and Jyotisha IS mentioned as

> one, i.e. as a Vedanga.


> So I personally don't see anything wrong in the name

> "Vedic astrology". It is a very apt name.


> Just FYI, the BA distance education course offered

> by SJC and Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sankrit University

> is called BA in "Vedanga Jyotish". That is a very

> appropriate Sanskrit name for Vedic astrology.


> Regarding the history of astrology, this gentleman

> has his own unfounded views, just as I have my own

> unfounded views, and we don't know who is correct.

> He may think that Indians did not know any astronomy

> before 2nd century AD. But planets and

> rasis/nakshatras occupied by them on various dates

> were mentioned by Valmiki in Ramayana and by Vyasa

> in Mahabharata. The author probably thinks that they

> lived after 2nd century AD. Well, he may be right.

> Or he may be badly off.


> So it is useless to talk about the historical

> factors.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha



> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):

> http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows):

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org




> > thought the list might want to digest this missive

> against astrology:

> >

> > Vedic astrology - the greatest fraud on the Vedas

> > Avtar Krishen Kaul, President, All India Calendar

> Reform Committee

> > Predictive gimmicks of "Vedic astrology" are being

> peddled all around us these days! However, there are

> no Rashis (astrological signs) in the Vedas though

> nakshatras i.e. the real constellations have been

> referred to times without number. So have the Sun

> and the moon. Similarly, Brihaspati (Jupiter) and

> Shukra (Vena--Venus) have been indicated at certain

> places, but only with reference to their being

> preceptors of Devas and Asuras respectively.

> Rahu/Kethu have been indicated as Swarbhanu and that

> also only in the context of eclipses. Thus planets

> like Budha (Mercury), Mangal (Mars) and the much

> dreaded Shani (Saturn) are conspicuous by their

> absence in the Vedas! Besides, the 3500 year old

> Vedanga Jyotisha, the earliest work of Vedic

> astronomy, just enunciates the methodology of

> calculating tithi, nakshatra, solar and lunar months

> like Tapah/Magha etc. apart from Ayanas and

> adhikamasas-intercalary months. There also no rashis

> (astrological signs) have been mentioned nor any

> other planets except the sun and the moon. Same is

> the case with Yajur and Atharva Jyotisha. Jain

> astronomical works like Surya Pragyapti of the early

> centuries of pre-Christian era also are silent about

> Rashis and planets! Garga Hora is also silent to the

> extent that not even weekdays have been mentioned in

> any of these shastras!

> >

> > Surya Sidhanta of about 2nd century AD is said to

> be the first work of astronomy containing details of

> planetary calculations with reference to ecliptic

> and the Equinoxes etc. The Surya sidhanta that we

> have these days gives entirely different fundamental

> arguments from the Surya Sidhanta as given by

> Varahamihira in his Pancha Sidhantika! As everybody

> knows, this Surya Sidhanta is supposed to have been

> "revealed" by the sun god to a Yavana named Maya!

> Surprisingly, even Varahamihira himself refers to

> yavanas as "mlechhas"! In other words, the sun god

> did not find even a single Hindu soul in the whole

> of the pre-Christian India worthy of such "divine"

> knowledge that he had to reveal it to a "mlechha"!

> Do you know why? Because we in India did not believe

> in our fate being "revealed" to us! We believed in

> "doing our duty"! As per the Gita, when Arjuna said

> that he was not sure as to whether Kauravas or

> Pandavas would win the battle, Bhagwan Krishna did

> not ask him to go and enquire from a jyotishi

> whether he would win or lose the war but He just

> advised him that if he (Arjuna) got killed in the

> battlefield he would go to the heavens and if he won

> the war he would be the "master of all he surveyed".

> Clearly, Lord Krishna Himself did not believe in

> "fate being revealed" and "remedial measure

> suggested as per planetary indications".

> >

> > The meaning is very clear: There were no

> jhyotishis around then and if there were any, they

> were not to be consulted!

> >

> > Not only our shastras but even the sidhantas like

> the Surya sidhanta or Aryabhati etc. have never

> asked us to prepare any horoscopes from them and

> then find out how we were going to fare in our

> lives! In fact they are quite silent about

> predictive astrology. Right from the Vedanga

> Jyotisha to Sidhanta Shiromani - the alpha and omega

> of Hindu astronomy, the sidhantas say that for

> determining the proper timings for conducting Vedic

> rituals - yajnyas--- these sidhantas are to be used.

> It is only Varahamihira who has written something on

> predictive astrology and also compiled

> Panchasidhantika! But we must not forget that he has

> not produced any single original astronomical work

> of his own but just compiled a work of five

> sidhantas! Ironically, in all those five sidhantas

> viz. i) Paulisha, (i) Romaka, (iii) Vasishtha (iv)

> Pitamaha, and (v) Surya Sidhanta, only the last one

> viz. the Surya sidhanta gives the fundamental

> arguments for planetary calculations! And Varaha has

> referred to it as the "most accurate" one. By

> implication the Surya Sidhanta we have with us today

> is not "that accurate" either! In other words, even

> the Greco-Chaldean planetary astronomy imported by

> us in India has been tampered with.

> >

> > Not surprisingly, Varahamihira has used more Greek

> words in his works of predictive astrology like

> Brihat Jatakam and Brihat (Varahi) Samhita etc, thus

> showing his "indebtedness" to Greek astrologers!

> >

> > Even if we presume for a moment that our ancestors

> of post Varahamihira had nothing else to do except

> for preparing horoscopes, the funniest point is that

> even Varahamihira himself would not have been able

> to prepare his own horoscope correctly from his own

> much praised Surya Sidhanta since the fundamental

> arguments in that Surya Sidhanta also are absolutely

> wrong as per modern astronomical data, courtesy

> NASA/JPL Same is the case with all the other later

> sidhantas including the Sidhanta Shiromani of

> Bhaskara - II of 12th century!

> >

> > It is thus clear that to call any predictive

> system as Vedic is playing a great fraud on the

> Vedas. It is also against the Consumer Protection

> Act since it is a misrepresentation of facts. It has

> also resulted in our becoming a laughing stock in

> the eyes of the whole world since we are celebrating

> geographical phenomena like Winter/Summer Solstice

> (Makara/Karka Sankrantis) and Spring/Autumn

> Equinoxes (Mesha/Tula sankrantis) also at least

> after 24 days of the real phenomena thanks to the so

> called non-existent nirayana rashichakras galore

> invented by "Vedic astrologers".

> >

> > We have to put a full stop to all this and every

> Hindu is requested to kindly stop celebrating

> festivals on wrong days like Pitramavasya on the day

> of actual Dipavali and so on.

> >

> > For further details you are requested to kindly

> visit:

> >

> > HinduCalendar

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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