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Who were Maharishis?-Student or Guru? (Is Rafal Genderaz a Student or Guru?)

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Dear Narasimha-Ji, (Dear Friends),


Thanking so much for the precious notes,


- Even Spiritual Gurus have their destiny, and evolve during their

lifetime, and are known to experiment, change their advises and

teaching sometimes in a dramatic way.

- In the field of knowledge, traditions are if not an

absolute "must" are very very helpful. "The tradition cuts short the

long path of evolution".

- The very nature of Knowledge is such that, it rises and falls in

time to be revised and brought to light again. Knowledge like waves

of an ocean come and shatter on the rocks of ignorance and is lost,

only to be revived again at some later period of time when a

knowledgable and able person is available for this revival. This is

the very nature of knowledge.

- For knowledge to flow from the heart of the Guru to the disciple,

the disciple "must" approach the Guru, and warm his heart by giving

due respect to the knowledge that the Guru has in posession, at

which time only, the teaching starts and the Guru hands over the

knowledge with great enthusiasm.

- Knowledge is akin to light, since it dispells ignorance and

darkness, sometimes for some, knowledge is bewildering, hence the

doubts and reactions about knowledge itself and those who posess it,

on the part of those who are not *karmically* destined to take over

that knowledge.

- A subject as Jyotish is so complex and intricate and proper

knowledge and mastering of it has so many prerequisites, not the

least of which is that one should be evolved enough in the direction

of this specific knowledge.

- The wise student, in my humble view, that I have learned from

learned people, should always show respect first, should not judge,

and be open to any new knowledge that may come from any direction or


- The Maharishis as Maharishi Parashara, were themselves coming from

a tradition and were "MAHA" Rishis, meaning, they were the

clairvoyant seers, who would see in their minds eye, and express

that which they have seen, for the benefit of others.

- The book written by Maharishi Parashara is not a text or teaching

book in the sense that we understand today! It is the written record

of what has been perceived by the enlightened mind of a Rishi, about

the laws of nature or intricate workings of the Universe

specifically Jyotish. It is not that Maharishi Paraashara has sat

down at one time, and had the intention; "O.K. now let me write a

book to teach Jyotish to others", the book is of a different nature,

a written record of nature, which probably had originally been

passed on through oral tradition. I therefore do not agree with the

thought that the books of the Maharishis apply to ancient times and

not appliacble today, since the laws of nature then and now are the


- The schlokas themselves when read, or memorized have the quality

of opening channels in the human brain towards attaining Jyotish


- Most of us here, lacking this Siddhi, are trying to understand the

subject through intellectual processes, but most probably Sage

Parashara would not think in terms of Guru is in this house, and is

yuddhi Shukra etc. He would just see the reality. What is written in

his book is what he has seen about the laws of Jyotish, not about

what he observed and experimented and thought was correct.

- I personally have learnt, compared to my limited knowledge and

experience, huge amounts of knowledge from the SJC Gurus,

specifically through Sanjay and Narasimha-Ji, and therefore am

thankful to them. I have learned also other material from other

sources, for them also I am thankful.


Best wishes, Sabri.



vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr@c...> wrote:

> Dear friend,


> I understand your motivation in asking this and I don't mean

disrespect or insensitivity to anyone.


> But I just want to say a word about the more generic question of

accepting the words of "Proper Gurus" of SJC as a gospel (I am not

saying that you are suggesting that).


> I am one of the designated Jyotish Gurus of SJC and one of the

earlier ones. I know for a fact that my knowledge has evolved a long

way from where it was when Sanjay ji decided a few years back that I

was fit to be a guru. Even today, I am not fully satisfied with my

knowledge and constantly keep learning things and refining my

understanding. I will never make a representation to anyone that I

have perfect or nearly perfect knowledge. Still I will share my

knowledge with others because even my half-baked knowledge may be a

valuable treasure to somebody.


> Even Pt Sanjay Rath, the Parama Guru of SJC, does not have perfect

knowledge. I say this with all the respect and humility that I can

possess. He himself said so. There were errors in his teachings and

there may be more that we will find in future. I always maintained

respect and, at the same time, the spirit of honest intellectual

enquiry. And, there were occasions when my intellectual independence

proved worthwhile. For example, Sanjay and I disagreed on Moola dasa

definition and he later agreed with me. Sanjay taught Drigdasa one

way and I had it in JHora that way for a long time. I taught it the

same way in my book also. But, sometime back, I discovered that his

version was influenced more by Narayana dasa and he had some

discrepancies compared to Parasara's unambiguous verses on Drigdasa.

When I pointed it out, Sanjay ji looked at the verses and some

examples and felt that Parasara was correct and his previous

understanding was wrong.


> Thus, I do not take even Sanjay ji's words for granted and

investigate them myself to find the Truth! When Sanjay ji himself is

fallible, how infallible can other Gurus be?


> The duty of a sincere student is to have respect for the teacher

and study the teachings with the spirit of honest intellectual

enquiry and confront the teacher when one has to disagree. A lot of

people confuse between the ideal behavior ascribed to a sishya of a

diksha guru (spiritual master) and to a sishya of a siksha guru.


> Bottomline: It is good to see that some people have confidence in

SJC and SJC gurus. That is nice and I hope that SJC gurus will help

you in advancing your knowledge. But, at the same time, it should be

borne in mind that we are dealing with a very rich and complicated

subject that has been corrupted for a long time and trying to stage

a renaissance. Nobody has a perfect understanding of the teachings

of maharshis and we are constantly trying to improve. SJC and SJC

Gurus will definitely make great contributions in the coming years,

but we will invariably go thru phases of correction and evolution.

Basically, we should realize that we all groping in the dark for the

same Light.


> No offense meant to anyone and hope none is taken!


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------


> > Dear Rafal,

> >

> > Thanks for all your help on this forum. I was just


> > are you a Student of Astrology or a Proper Guru from the


> > Center? You are helping many members that is why. It is nice to


> > someone is there to help out. Take Care and Best of Luck!

> >

> > Regards,

> > Nava

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