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To Sreenadh about the work of Sri Chandra Hari

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Dear Sreenadh,


I’m pleased of your interest in the work of Sri Chandra Hari, but I’am afraid

that the picture given by you does not carry the right perspective of his work.

I’ll try to correct it placing Chandra Hari arguments as available in his

writings.Three works quoted represent the gradual evolution of his work on Rasi

Chakra which today stand on an undeniable tantrik foundation. Chandra has

identified the following four cardinal tantrik principles as forming the

foundation of Jyotihsastram.


1. The symbolic equivalence of microcosm and macrocosm - In Tantra this

equivalence is not just theoretical or hypothetical. It's the most fundamental

law on which the science of Mukti is based and is of precise application by

abstracting both using astronomy and mathematics.

2. The microcosm as the five-fold Tântrik body.- This is conceived as a

machine (Yantra) consisting of six wheels holding the 51 alphabest and three

strings or nadis over which the Kundalinî manifests.

3. The macrocosm as the Time abstracted. - In Tantra this is depicted as a

wheel on the celestial belt of solar system in concordance with the esoteric

power inherent in "Man the Divine". So we have the equivalence: Man the Divine

= Time the Divine.

4. The Time abstracted as Kalachakra (Wheel of time) as True Sidereal Zodiac.

- This is based on the correlation between the movements of Sun in the

macrocosmic body of Kalapurusha and Prana or Prana-Surya in Jeevapurusha. Here

we found the reason behind the use of sexagesimal system founded on the unit of

Prana, 21600 of which constitute one rotation of the earth on its axis.


To quote Sri Chandra Hari – “Hindu Zodiac as such is a mathematical abstraction

of the Yogic experience of the correlation between Prana and the movement of

Sun and Moon in the sky and therefore it is identified as Muladhara Rahu-Sikhi

Chakra. I have sought the support of medical men in verifying the time

structure of breathing computable from the ancient concept of the wheel of time

or calendar - as for example, I have given an altogether different meaning for

Surya-samkrama as the time when the prana switches from one nadi to other. Thus

the computation of Sun was a matter of Tantrik experience and hence the origin

of constant struggle to improve astronomical and computational methods for

striking agreement with Tantrik experience of time or time structure of

breathing…I have sent the copies of my papers to Sri Sanjay Datt and his

colleague Devendra Buit but I have not received any criticism or adverse

comments from them. In respect of a write upon the horoscope of Tagore also I

have given a detailed reply ” (The replay to the horoscope of Tagore refers to

a precedent writing of Sanjay Rath. At the end of this article I submit to

appreciate attention of the respected members of this group the document in



5. Sreenadh, in your article you are forgetful of the detailed study Sri

Chandra Hari has made of the Yugas in his work Hindu Zodiac with elaborated


6. Chandra’s work in native language marked the beginning of his studies and

all the conceptions related to Suryasiddhanta have been developed and papers

published in the Journal of the Indian Academy of Sciences as is evident from

the references given in his work. You have not understood the work in its

totality and the basic rationales.

7. You have missed one of the fundamental issues that Chandra Hari had been

raising in his communications – What is the rationale of choosing a zero point

on a circle where every point can be zero as with the various calendars? If

there is no physical rationale how can the mathematical rationale of Lahiri

ayanamsa lead to the occurrence of astrological phenomena?


Also, you have failed to take note of a number of papers available at

www.kerala.com/astrology where in the issues like rationale of zero point has

been discussed. Without understanding the evolution of the work and the

scientific rationales, you have presented a humbug account that serves as a

disservice to the work of Chandra Hari.



Finally I want to specify that there is no risk in to contact Chandra Hari! I

have had occasion to contact him an infinity of times with the most disparate

questions and I have rarely met a so available and kind person. And not only in

regards to astrology. Recently I have met difficult moments and I have always

received from him a word of comfort. The rudeness of language of which you

speak is nothing less than his habit of speaking the truth. And it could not

otherwise be. Sri Chandra had been an ardent devotee of Sakti and the work he

has done is reflective of Her blessings on him. Time structure of breathing

presented by him offers a bridge between Tantra (Jyotisha-Yoga-Agama) and

modern biology that may reveal the greatness of ancient wisdom. His work

presents the most scientific explanation for the worship of Siva and Sakti

(Mahakala and Maa Kali) as genitals and other symbolisms like Naga worship and

worship of Navagrahas in the form of Lingas etc.




Paolo Didier


This report was written as a reply to the posting of Sri Sanjay Rath on the net.

As Sri Chandra Hari it is usual to say we need to have a scientific approach in

logical analysis instead of pursuing some wrong logic derived from the

intuitive success in giving some predictions.


Sri Ravindranatha Tagore



07.05.1861, 0251 LMT, 0227 IST at 22N40, 88E30

























































Ayanāmsa Used: 22039’ (Hari)































Sukra Sani













v Profile of Planetary Influence


Daśa at birth: Budha: 13 years - 00 months - 02 days: Up to 09 May 1874


§ Sikhi ® From 09 May 1874 to 09 May 1881

§ Sukra ® 09 May 1881 to 09 May 1901

§ Surya ® 09 May 1901 to 09 May 1907

§ Chandra ® 09 May 1907 to 09 May 1917

§ Kuja ® 09 May 1917 to 09 May 1924

§ Rāhu ® 09 May 1924 to 09 May 1942


This is a chart where the Rasi and Navamsa are the same in Raman, Lahiri and the

ayanamsa I have proposed. But the Rasix10, dasamsa Lagna is different for Raman

ayanamsa as his Lagna will be 333-57+2-11 = 336-08. Dasamsa Lagna will be

Simha. In Saptamsa Raman’s data gives Tula as Lagna. Same is the situation with

Lahiri. So at the very basic level, a query arises with reference to ayanamsa –


1. Which is the Saptamsa Lagna of Sri Tagore’s horoscope, Kanya or Tula?

Both Rasis are heavily afflicted and the judgment can be subjective unless some

event points to Budha or Sukra as having the lordship of children.

2. Which is the Dasamsa – Rasix10 or the Mihira’s D10? We must think over.


Course of Life:


Voyage to Europe – 18th year - September 1878: Ketu (dasa) – Guru (bhukti):

Lahiri puts the event in Sani (bhukti) – Which is the right choice, Guru or

Sani for the voyage for studies, career, across the seas?


Sani of Simha takes one to the hills or to the sea?

Guru of Kataka versus Sani of Simha – which one is more appropriate for sea voyage?

Event is going abroad, yes, Sani can cause the event by 12th lordship – but

contrast the nature of the event and Rasi-seelam. Journey is for career and

across the sea – life in sea – perhaps it took weeks to reach UK. Which planet

could have given such a life in the ship, in the ocean?

Guru is in exchange with Chandra – two watery signs influence Guru and Mahayoga

– can there be any other candidate to cause a voyage across the sea? Just think

over, I have no assertions.

If suppose we take Sani as causing this voyage, another query comes – Why the

Guru bhukti failed to cause any development in his career despite being 10th

lord exalted in 5th in exchange with Chandra?

Sanjay says, it is improper to travel during Guru, Tagore was in ship – in a

moving Home in the ocean. Separation from home is well explained by Dasa lord

Ketu in the 4th.

Raman’s ayanamsa – no comments. Sukra-Sukra, in astrology anything can be

justified by inventing logic because a great majority has no scientific

thinking and Upasana.


Marriage 9 December 1883: Sukra (d) – Sukra (b): Kalatrakaraka and own varga in

Navamsa are the only factors, I can point out. If Surya could cause marriage by

virtue of association with Sukra and Budha by partaking their qualities and

duties, why didn’t Sukra cause marriage in his own bhukti? We must apply logic

fully to churn out the truth.


§ Surya could have caused marriage, had there been failure by Sukra –

not by virtue of association but because he is lord of Navamsa-Lagna. Of

course, affliction of Surya by Rahu was an affliction over his marital life.

§ We must note that the Kalatrakaraka is in own varga in Navamsa and

thus favorable to cause marriage.

§ Imagine a situation of 1881 – when an astrologer could have predicted

Tagore’s marriage – in Sukra-Sukra that is unfolding or could anyone have said:

Sukra cannot cause marriage in his bhukti and Surya, the 6th Lord shall cause


§ If Raman’s Venus-Moon is correct, what is Raman’s explanation for

Venus and Sun not causing marriage in their bhuktis? Raman needed such things

as stellar influence to justify his ayanamsa. What for is then Rasi and Vargas?

Stellar lordship is above Rasi and Varga? Raman’s ayanamsa can be justified only

with Raman’s astrology.


1886 – His daughter Madhuri Lata was born in Sukra-Chandra (b): Whole of 1886

Chandra bhukti prevailed. With Raman marriage in Moon and Child in Rahu – and

the chart has the exchange of first lord Guru and 5th lord Chandra?


§ Sanjay has to hope for the event before June 1886 to place the birth

of daughter in Venus-Moon? Justifies Mars too. Good.

§ But while justifying Mars, should we not think as to why Chandra did

not give him a daughter during its bhukti despite being lord of 5th in exchange

with Guru? Unless, we answer this part, the predictive logic cannot be complete.


§ So all the three ayanamsas may be explaining child birth but Lahiri &

Raman cannot explain as to why Chandra did not give him a child during its

bhukti or why Sukra did not cause marriage to Tagore in Sukra bhukti. Only an

integrated evaluation can lead us to the truth.


22.12.1901: Shantiniketan – Surya (d): Chandra (b): Shantiniketan was born out

of his mind – the lord of which is in mutual exchange with 10th lord Guru.

Mahayoga caused by Chandra was operating to enable him to create an

Institution. 5th is the house of Vidya and the lord of Vidya formed mahayoga

with Karmapati.


Rx10, not the wrong Mihira conventional D10 has to be looked into for career.

Chandra is the lord of Rx10 Lagna. Sanjay has used the wrong Mihira D10 to take

dasamsa lagna as Dhanu and Kataka as 8th. Niyati cannot be so foolish – see the

beauty of astrology – Kataka, the source of his talents is the dasamsa Lagna

and Moon its lord is in Dhanu, the 10th house of Rasi. Mahayoga involving 1&5

thus gets related to 5&10 in Dasamsa and so he created an educational



Death of Wife – Mrinalini Devi on 23.11.1902: Raman places the event in Sun-Sat.

Lahiri has the tragic event in Surya-Guru (b): How can this be explained?


§ Lahiri - How can Surya (d) – Guru (b) kill the wife?

§ Sun – Rahu (b) – I will put the blame on the affliction by Rahu on

Navamsa-Lagnapati. Lagna had navamsa in 6th with the lord afflicted by Rahu –

this is a very correct principle – afflicted lord of navamsa Lagna affects

marital life.

§ Rahu’s lordship, I don’t use. With my experience of the tradition, I

am not aware of a logic like Rahu is 7th lord or similar.


Daughter Renuka died in 1903 September: Sun – Guru (b), Karako bhavanasaya: Rx7

also explains the event – Surya and Guru in Kendras in Saptamsa has evil

propensities in respect of 5th house. Lahiri places in Sun-Sat(b): Can be well

explained. Saturn afflicts the Rx7 Lagna of Lahiri.


Younger son died in 1907 November. Chandra-Chandra: Chandra as putrapati does

not favor male issues – 5th house sandwiched between malefics. Chandra-Kuja or

Rahu as per Lahiri – Classical rules on 5th house justify both the productive

and destructive roles of Chandra and Guru in respect of children.


Nobel Prize: September 1913: Chandra – Budha (b): Rx10, Budha is quite dominant

and influence Chandra and Guru. Of course, Budha is in 12th of Rx10Lagna and so

he used the money for social work. Award was for his work in literature and

Chandra and Budha are the most suited as per dasamsa.


§ Lahiri requires Ketu – but Ketu is in the house of Budha and then why

Budha did not get him the honour? If Ketu can why not his master Budha? If Ketu

could bring such an event why Budha had to be a dull period?

§ Budha brought the honor and Ketu saw him under limelight. Can’t this

be the correct interpretation?


Doctorate November 1913 – again Chandra-Budha.

Death 7 August 1941: Rahu-Kuja:

§ Sanjay, earlier said that –kaarakobhavanasaya is not applicable to

such a brilliant Jupiter. If so how can Guru in such auspicious yoga kill him?

§ We can justify saying that he had Moksha and so 10th lord in 5th was

the most appropriate agent to enable his crossing of Akasa Ganga.

We must have a whole some look – which ayanamsa gives a smooth explanation –

not only justifies but also not generating questions like the ones I have

raised like why Sukra (b) did not cause marriage? Why Chandra (b) did not give

a son?

Other issues related to ayanamsa & zero point, I have already mailed you the

materials. I have not much botheration about ayanamsa. There was a time when I

thought that people will accept the truth immediately. It was Her Grace that

none did accept it. So I have studied further under Her and I experience Her

grace. My astrology or Upasana is not that of Sri Raman – the fact that he

could not accept Lahiri Ayanamsa speaks… His institution did good and bad

things – his ego perpetuated a wrong ayanamsa. I will never commit that

mistake. I want people to check both Lahiri and the value, I have given. Also,

other aspects. I have submitted a report in a Kerala conference that outlines

the physical effects of Zodiac that can be tested.

14th Night 22:55 is Makara Samkrama, my disciples will be testing the impact of

Samkrama over their physical body. You have said that the Rahu-Sikhi Chakra was

known to all. What is Samkrama? Has anyone said it - Mihira or others that it

can be experienced on the body? If yes, why Raman and others could not so far

ask the medical men to come and see on his body the samkrama?

What is Surya-samkrama? Orbit is circular and the body Surya/Prthvi is always

moving. Where it does samkramam – change the path? What the dictionary say

about the word meaning of samkramam?

Sūrya-samkramam is not in the sky. It is the Prāna-Sūrya that

undergoes Samkrama from Idā to Piňgala or viceversa when Sun moves

across certain points which we have come to know as boundaries of signs. Zodiac

is the mathematical expression of the experience of the Yogis …Jyotisha is not

jargon and Jyoti is not the sparks seen on the heaven – Jyoti of Jyotisha is

experience. If my Guru permits me, tomorrow, I can prove before the world that

Jyotisha is testable – influence of Sun and Moon is testable. This influence

has a geometry and that is Mūlādhāra Chakra. I am not confused

because of Her grace. I don’t care about ayanamsa too. I care only for that

Jyoti and that Jyoti needs Mūlādhāra Rāhu Sikhi Chakra. I

am aware of the Sakti Pithams in Orissa but I have not yet visited below

Kalighat and above Kancheepuram on the east coast.

I am not writing to advocate any path. Be in your path with eyes open to see the

Jyoti of Jyotihsastra. That’s all. She made me do the work and she has jobs for

everyone. This effort to share my thinking with you is also her inspiration and

my duty to her for giving me a glance of her Jyoti. I feel guilty on the

suspicion that whether my ego is acting or not? No ego, no claim and no prophet

as you wrote – Her most humble servant.


[Additional Information]


Birth Time Rectification


Birth time = 02 – 51 is in Tejas or Agni and that remains for another 13

minutes. Male birth is possible in this interval. Precise Lagna now be fixed by

the rule of Kunda i.e. Kunda-Lagna = Moon or Moon ± 1200. In this case the

rectified Lagna becomes 3340:30’ and birth time is 02:28:40 IST or 02:52:40

that is, a correction of 1minute 40 seconds which is within the Agni tattva.


This rectification shifts Saptamsa Lagna from Kanya to Tula with Saturn.


Vimsottari Dasa from Lagna


True ayanāmśa brings in harmony between Vimśottari daśa

derived from Chandra and Lagna. In the present case, occasions of the various

events may be noted:


Voyage to Europe – 18th year - September 1878: Budha daśa began on 7

September 1878. Note the position of Budha in the 12th of

daśāmśa Lagna. Budha rules seventh which signifies long

journeys. At least there is no contradiction.


Marriage 9 December 1883: Budha (d) – Sukra (b): Budha’s own bhukti was from

07.09.1878 to 02.02.1881. Ketu was from 03.02.1881 to 31.01.1882. Marriage

Budha (d)-Sukra (b).


1886 – His daughter Madhuri Lata was born in Budha (d) – Chandra (b): Whole of

1886 Chandra bhukti prevailed in Vimsottari from Chandra and Lagna. See the

concordance between Lagna and Chandra Vimsottari patterns – this is the beauty

of Jyotisha and true ayanamsa.


22.12.1901: Shantiniketan – Ketu (d) Budha (b): Budha is strong in Dasamśa.

Budha had amsa in the 4th from Rasi where Ketu is posited.


Death of Wife – Mrinalini Devi on 23.11.1902: Sukra (d) – Sukra (b): Totally

combust Sukra joining Rahu in Navāmśa? Sukra is debilitated lord of

Saptāmśa Lagna. This is a point that we must ponder – implications of

the 7th Varga (harmonic) on 7th house.


Daughter Renuka died in 1903 September: Sukra (d) – Sukra (b): Sukra is

debilitated lord of Saptāmśa Lagna. Just Sukra dasa had begun and

owing to debiliation in saptāmśa, killed the child.


Younger son died in 1907 November. Sukra-Chandra: Chandra as putrapati does not

favor male issues – 5th house sandwiched between malefics. In this horoscope a

very peculiar case of 5th house and Saptamsa exists and the best explanation

follows from the ayanamsa, I have used.


Nobel Prize: September 1913: Sukra (d) – Guru (b): See the impact of Guru – good

and bad, how it affected children and gave glory.


Doctorate November 1913 – again Sukra (d) – Guru (b):

Death 7 August 1941: Kuja-Sani-Sukra

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