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Mr. Devekar Wake Up

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Dear Mr. Devekar Namste


In the last issue of JD in the letters section,a letter by you is

published which was totally unwanted. The irony is that the letter

came from the person who delivered a lecture(?) at the conference to

tell only "it is there in Parashara but does not work". You were all

the time reading the notes. Straight away copied from the text books

and not able to defend that as well! Since there was nobody in the

audience as Mr.Devekar, your monologue completed without creating issues.


Another point is that look at the contribution of Sharmaji and that of

you in the field of Jyotisha and SJC in general. You have only acted

for own institute and not for SJC, used all sorts of malpractices in

Vedic Astrology which are against principles of our SJC. On the other

hand Sharmaji was a respectable member of our group and many have seen

his astrological skills.


Now, on the hind side it seems your participation in the conference

and subsequent events(including letter in JD) were all predetermined

with the sole intentions of harrasing Mr.Chandrashekhar Sharma. It is

one thing as raising doubts and another as harrasing and creating

problems in the lecture. In my opinion Mr. Chandrashekhar Sharma was

targeted may be successfully by you.


Why are you now writting about him when he has already out of SJC? You

wanted him to go away and he has gone. Now what do you want? He should

kill himself? Mr. Devekar wake up. If you feel that you are an

astrologer and know little bit of Jyotisha then utilise it for the

betterment of the society. Why are you accumulating bad karma by

harassing a humble soul? Some have to pay in this life,some pay in

next and some should pay in both. Forget about what Sharmaji has done,

think what have you done in the name of Jyotisha. Every body knows

about Sharmaji on the list so dont try to malign aarudha of Sharmaji.

Again I dont blame you. Pujya Guruji(Dwitiya SaraShanghchalak of RSS)

used to say one thing."Rama and Lakshaman had only one fight in their

Vanavas. And that was when they were crossing Vidharbha!" So it is the

problem of the soil!


Prabodh Vekhande

Jai Jai Shankar

Har Har Shankar


P.S: I writting so late about this because I missed your letter in

first reading of JD!

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