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Singh G -Your Chart Analysis from Personal Finances Point of View

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Om Krishna Guru

Namaste Singh,

As you have confirmed that the birth time was rectified by you hence I am taking

the birth time as is and going foward.

I have considered the following Birth Details for my analysis:-

February 3, 1962Time: 10:03:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00" Ludhiana,


I am going to use three special Lagnas (SL,HL and GL ) and they move very

quickly and have a greater impact on the birth time accuracy. So if the birth

time is not accurate naturally the HL and GL's placement will be wrong and

hence my analysis may not be correct too. For example if I change your birth

time to 10:15 then the GL will move to Vi from Le, that is why we have to be

sure about our birth time accuracy prior to using these Special Lagnas in

conjunction with Sudasa and other sensitive Dasas.

Having said that, let me apply Sudasa on your chart to find any indications for

wealth is there in your chart in coming years.

1) Sudasa or it is also called Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa, is a rasi dasa.

Sudasa, presided by mother MahaLakshmi and can be used to predict financial

matters and matters related to status and power too.

In Rasi, Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup is deblitated and placed with many other

planets in Cp. AL is Sc and its lord(s) are placed in 3rd from AL and 11th from

Lagna and 2nd from Moon. HL (Hora Lagna) is Ar and its lord Mar (Exalted) is

placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL. GL (Ghatika Lagna) is placed in Le

and its lord Sun is placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL and 2nd from

Moon. When Hora Lagna (HL) is placed in 2nd house, it indicates a person who

considers family, community or people he identifies with as his real wealth.

Such people are a real gift to the community they belong to or associat with.

In this chart the lord of HL Mar is placed in Cp and aspecting HL by Graha

Drishti, that is very good.

Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

Maha Dasas:

Le: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) Sc: 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) -

1969-02-09 (1:05:12) Aq: 1969-02-09 (1:05:12) - 1970-02-09 (7:09:58) Ta:

1970-02-09 (7:09:58) - 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) Vi: 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) -

1986-02-09 (9:42:59) Sg: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) Pi:

1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) Ge: 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) -

1994-02-09 (10:55:50) Li: 1994-02-09 (10:55:50) - 1997-02-09 (5:18:48)---> Cp:

1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)---> Ar: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) -

2019-02-09 (20:41:23) Cn: 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) - 2026-02-09 (16:01:12) Le:

2026-02-09 (16:01:12) - 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) Sc: 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) -

2043-02-04 (4:32:29) Aq: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36) Ta:

2054-02-04 (0:18:36) - 2058-02-04 (1:00:22)......

I am looking at the Sudasa from current Dasa onwords for now. You are currently

running Cp Mahadasa which will run till Feb 2009. Here the Maha Dasa Lord Sat

is placed in Cp along with HL & AL's lord Mar along with GL's lord Sun. Cp is

aspecting Le ( where GL is placed ) and Sc (Where AL is placed ) by rasi

drishti. Lord of HL and AL is an exalted Mars and he is aspecting HL by Graha


Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

Cp MD: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) Sc AD: 2007-02-09

(18:59:31) - 2008-02-10 (0:58:46) Le PD: 2007-11-13 (10:22:08) - 2007-12-13


So during the above Cp-Sc-Le dasa's there seeems to be some elevation of

authority and recognitions is expected to have gain in some good amount of


Now let us see the Next Mahadasa which is Ar, this will start from Feb 2nd 2009

and will continue till Feb 2nd 2019. Ar itself has HL and its lord Mar is

placed in 11th house from Lagna and 2nd from Moon and 3rd from AL. 7th from Ar

is Li and its lord Ven is also placed with Maha Dasa Lord Mar in Cp. Ar is

having a Rasi Drishti on GL, AL and SL, and this is a fantastic combination for

the blessings of mother Mahalakshmi and can give wealth, image, power and

authority during this Mahadasa. I am seeing this dasa has a superb combinations

along with the Dasa Lord Mars is aspecting the Ar the Mahadasa. Also, Ar dasa

lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both have Virodha Argala on Ar(HL) and

Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very high to get the blessings during

this Ar mahadasa. So now let us see the what Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's the

blessings may come to the native.

Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

Ar MD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) Li AD: 2009-02-09

(7:14:20) - 2009-12-12 (14:12:34) Le PD: 2009-10-23 (23:07:20) - 2009-11-17


We have already seen that the Ar maha dasa will be good, so let us see why Li

antar dasa is good. Li has A11 and its lord Ven is placed with the Maha Dasa,

HL and AL lord an exalted Mars. Li is also the 7th house from HL and this Li is

also 8th house from Lagna. Mandi and Gulika are placed in Aq and Cp where our

focus is there, so I am not comfirtable with these two upagrahas placement

there, but we will see their negative impact if any later. So Li antar is

capable enough to give the results. Now let us see the Le Pratyantar. Its lord

Sun is again with all the planets ( just like Li antar analysis) and most

importantly Le is having rasi drishti on both Ar (Mahadasa) and Cp (where all

the lords are placed) so this should give the results.

So from the above combinations and anlalysis, I am thinking the native should

get very good wealth, image, power and authority between Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov

17th 2009. I will not discuss whether this wealth comes from what source as I

am not fully comfirtable in writing about this now as my learning and

understanding is not complete in that area yet.

2) Now, let us see quickly the Annual T.P for year 2009 and see whether the

above is analysis is matching in this Annual T.P or not ?

Annual TP

January 24, 2009Time: 6:05:59Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00" Ludhiana,


Hora Lord is Mer(Vakra) and who is 7th and 10th lord placed in 2nd house with

9th lord Sun, Lagna and 4th lord Jup and 3rd Lord Rahu.

Vaara Lord is Ven, who is 6th and 11th lord and placed in a Upachaya house of 3rd house.

Lagna is Sg and it is 10th from the Natal Lagna. Lagna lord is placed in 2nd

house. There is a parivartana between Sat and Sun.

Now looking at the Yogas: Merc and Jup are forming a Raja Yoga. Jup and Sun are

forming a RajaLakshmi Yoga. Here you will notice, the Jup is Lagna Lord and Mer

is Hora Lord and their association with these yoga are very good and will surely


Let us see quickly the Ashtaka Varga bindus. 11th house has 43 bindus and they

are very very high. Also 11th house has GL and aspecting Aq where Its lord Ven

and SL are placed.

Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha charts):

Maha Dasas:

Jup: 2008-11-23 (11:55:08) - 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) Rah: 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) -

2009-03-14 (0:18:25) Ven: 2009-03-14 (0:18:25) - 2009-05-27 (21:01:34) Sun:

2009-05-27 (21:01:34) - 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) Moon: 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) -

2009-08-11 (0:37:35) Mars: 2009-08-11 (0:37:35) - 2009-09-08 (8:15:58)--->

Merc: 2009-09-08 (8:15:58) - 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) Sat: 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) -

2009-12-12 (11:10:38) Jup: 2009-12-12 (11:10:38) - 2010-02-19 (4:34:48)

So the above combination are also indicating to me of gains during the Merc(Hora

Lord) Dasa between Sep 8th 2009 and Nov 7th 2009.

3) Now let me see your Kashinatha Hora (D-2) with Narayana Dasa.

Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Maha Dasas:

Cp: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) Aq: 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) -

1975-02-03 (18:12:49) Pi: 1975-02-03 (18:12:49) - 1976-02-04 (0:11:53) Ar:

1976-02-04 (0:11:53) - 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) Ta: 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) -

1995-02-03 (21:01:20) Ge: 1995-02-03 (21:01:20) - 2003-02-03 (22:21:57)---> Cn:

2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) Le: 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) -

2016-02-04 (6:25:39) Vi: 2016-02-04 (6:25:39) - 2023-02-04 (1:37:05) Li:

2023-02-04 (1:37:05) - 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) Sc: 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) -

2030-02-03 (20:32:50) Sg: 2030-02-03 (20:32:50) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) Cp:

2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) Aq: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) -

2043-02-04 (4:32:29) Pi: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36).....

In Rasi, 2nd lord is Mar, who is also 2nd lord in D-2. This Mar is exalted and

placed in 11th house with 11th lord Sat.

You are currently running Cn MahaDasa and let us see how is this dasa for your

personal finances point of view:-

Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

Antardasas in this MD:

Cp: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) Aq: 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) -

2004-04-04 (3:01:14) Pi: 2004-04-04 (3:01:14) - 2004-11-06 (18:44:22) Ar:

2004-11-06 (18:44:22) - 2005-06-05 (6:24:34)---> Ta: 2005-06-05 (6:24:34) -

2006-01-05 (5:09:54) Ge: 2006-01-05 (5:09:54) - 2006-08-07 (8:31:06) Cn:

2006-08-07 (8:31:06) - 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) Le: 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) -

2007-10-08 (9:50:46) Vi: 2007-10-08 (9:50:46) - 2008-05-04 (20:42:33) Li:

2008-05-04 (20:42:33) - 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) Sc: 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) -

2009-07-06 (17:07:21) Sg: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

Cn is 5th house from Lagna so this indicates to me that you have the earning

ability and this Cn is placed in 7th from AL, so this indicates to me that

others impacting one’s personal finances.

Cn has GL, A7(partnership and partners) and A2(wealth) and aspecting the Sc

where HL is placed and also aspecting Aq where SL, and A9(events happening one

looks fortunate) are placed. So the connection again, GL, SL and HL, it is

simply very good combination. So this Cn Mahadasa will give the wealth, image,

power and authority.

Now let us see which Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's will give this result.

Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) Sg AD: 2009-07-06

(17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) Sc PD: 2009-12-14 (3:45:30) - 2009-12-31


We have already analysed the Cn Mahadasa will give good results. So let us see

why Sg antar should give the results. Sg is 6th from Cn Mahadasa and the Dasa

Lord Moon is placed there along with UL. Jup the lord of Sg antar dasa is

placed in Aq with SL and A9. Gulika's placement in this may not be a very good

and may give some troubles with the resources too. So this Antar Dasa lord Jup

is aspecting the Maha Dasa rasi Cn and can give the results. Now let us see why

Sc Pratyantar Dasa should give the results. Sc is 5th from Maha Dasa Rasi Cn and

12th from Antar Dasa of Sg. Sc also has HL and its lord Mar is with Sat in Cp

with AL and Mandi. It co-lord Ketu is placed in Aq with Antar Dasa Lord Jup and

SL. Also, this Sc is aspecting Cp where its lord Mar is placed and also

aspecting Cn where GL is placed along with A7 and A2. So Sc Pratyantar Dasa is

capable enought to give the results of wealth, image, power and authority. Mandi

and Gulika's

placements are indicating me that some money will go away in someway, even if

some one does not want to. So I would suggest you to give away some money in

charity during that time for poor and needy.

Summary : Based on the above analysis, I am thinking the native should get very

good Wealth, Image, Power and Authority between Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th


Hope the above is helpful to you. Please provide me some feedback in Oct/Nov

2009 to me, so that I can allign my understanding of Jyotish principles


Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to please correct me

if I have not applied the T.P and Sudasa Principles correctly.

RegardsRaghunatha Rao

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Dear Raghunatha Rao ji,


Thank you very much for your excellent analysis. I have never seen

such analysis before. You have done an excellent job. I appreciate

your hard work.


My birth time is very accurate, right to the minute. I used many

different techniques over last 10 years to rectify my birth time. I

agree with your predctions. As you know I am in Jupiter mahadasha, so

the rajyoga will be triggered when either transit jupiter is

aspecting natal jupiter or it is transiting the natal jupiter, and

the dashas are also favorable. In year 2009 Jupiter will be in

capricorn transiting all 7 planets incluiding natal jupiter.


During my last visit to india, I met a very learned astrologer in

india, and asked the same question. He also mentioned the year 2009.

He also said that the period from 2009 to 2020 will be the peak

period in my life, when I will have a very high level of raj yoga. He

did not disclose how he did his calculations.


Raghunatha Rao ji I will always keep in touch with you for the rest

of my life, and let you know what is going on in my life.


Best Regards


G. Singh




vedic astrology, Raghunatha RaoNemani

<raon1008> wrote:


> Om Krishna Guru


> Namaste Singh,


> As you have confirmed that the birth time was rectified by you

hence I am taking the birth time as is and going foward.


> I have considered the following Birth Details for my analysis:-


> February 3, 1962

> Time: 10:03:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> Ludhiana, India


> I am going to use three special Lagnas (SL,HL and GL ) and they

move very quickly and have a greater impact on the birth time

accuracy. So if the birth time is not accurate naturally the HL and

GL's placement will be wrong and hence my analysis may not be correct

too. For example if I change your birth time to 10:15 then the GL

will move to Vi from Le, that is why we have to be sure about our

birth time accuracy prior to using these Special Lagnas in

conjunction with Sudasa and other sensitive Dasas.


> Having said that, let me apply Sudasa on your chart to find any

indications for wealth is there in your chart in coming years.


> 1) Sudasa or it is also called Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa, is a

rasi dasa. Sudasa, presided by mother MahaLakshmi and can be used to

predict financial matters and matters related to status and power



> In Rasi, Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup is deblitated and placed with

many other planets in Cp. AL is Sc and its lord(s) are placed in 3rd

from AL and 11th from Lagna and 2nd from Moon. HL (Hora Lagna) is Ar

and its lord Mar (Exalted) is placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd from

AL. GL (Ghatika Lagna) is placed in Le and its lord Sun is placed in

11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL and 2nd from Moon. When Hora Lagna

(HL) is placed in 2nd house, it indicates a person who considers

family, community or people he identifies with as his real wealth.

Such people are a real gift to the community they belong to or

associat with. In this chart the lord of HL Mar is placed in Cp and

aspecting HL by Graha Drishti, that is very good.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Maha Dasas:


> Le: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1966-02-09 (6:40:06)

> Sc: 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) - 1969-02-09 (1:05:12)

> Aq: 1969-02-09 (1:05:12) - 1970-02-09 (7:09:58)

> Ta: 1970-02-09 (7:09:58) - 1978-02-09 (8:28:55)

> Vi: 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> Sg: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> Pi: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1987-02-09 (15:51:27)

> Ge: 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) - 1994-02-09 (10:55:50)

> Li: 1994-02-09 (10:55:50) - 1997-02-09 (5:18:48)

> ---> Cp: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> ---> Ar: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> Cn: 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) - 2026-02-09 (16:01:12)

> Le: 2026-02-09 (16:01:12) - 2034-02-03 (21:18:34)

> Sc: 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> Aq: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> Ta: 2054-02-04 (0:18:36) - 2058-02-04 (1:00:22)

> ......


> I am looking at the Sudasa from current Dasa onwords for now. You

are currently running Cp Mahadasa which will run till Feb 2009. Here

the Maha Dasa Lord Sat is placed in Cp along with HL & AL's lord Mar

along with GL's lord Sun. Cp is aspecting Le ( where GL is placed )

and Sc (Where AL is placed ) by rasi drishti. Lord of HL and AL is an

exalted Mars and he is aspecting HL by Graha Drishti.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Cp MD: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> Sc AD: 2007-02-09 (18:59:31) - 2008-02-10 (0:58:46)

> Le PD: 2007-11-13 (10:22:08) - 2007-12-13 (1:48:01)


> So during the above Cp-Sc-Le dasa's there seeems to be some

elevation of authority and recognitions is expected to have gain in

some good amount of wealth.


> Now let us see the Next Mahadasa which is Ar, this will start from

Feb 2nd 2009 and will continue till Feb 2nd 2019. Ar itself has HL

and its lord Mar is placed in 11th house from Lagna and 2nd from Moon

and 3rd from AL. 7th from Ar is Li and its lord Ven is also placed

with Maha Dasa Lord Mar in Cp. Ar is having a Rasi Drishti on GL, AL

and SL, and this is a fantastic combination for the blessings of

mother Mahalakshmi and can give wealth, image, power and authority

during this Mahadasa. I am seeing this dasa has a superb combinations

along with the Dasa Lord Mars is aspecting the Ar the Mahadasa. Also,

Ar dasa lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both have Virodha

Argala on Ar(HL) and Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very high

to get the blessings during this Ar mahadasa. So now let us see the

what Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's the blessings may come to the native.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Ar MD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> Li AD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2009-12-12 (14:12:34)

> Le PD: 2009-10-23 (23:07:20) - 2009-11-17 (21:47:18)


> We have already seen that the Ar maha dasa will be good, so let us

see why Li antar dasa is good. Li has A11 and its lord Ven is placed

with the Maha Dasa, HL and AL lord an exalted Mars. Li is also the

7th house from HL and this Li is also 8th house from Lagna. Mandi and

Gulika are placed in Aq and Cp where our focus is there, so I am not

comfirtable with these two upagrahas placement there, but we will see

their negative impact if any later. So Li antar is capable enough to

give the results. Now let us see the Le Pratyantar. Its lord Sun is

again with all the planets ( just like Li antar analysis) and most

importantly Le is having rasi drishti on both Ar (Mahadasa) and Cp

(where all the lords are placed) so this should give the results.


> So from the above combinations and anlalysis, I am thinking the

native should get very good wealth, image, power and authority

between Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009. I will not discuss whether

this wealth comes from what source as I am not fully comfirtable in

writing about this now as my learning and understanding is not

complete in that area yet.


> 2) Now, let us see quickly the Annual T.P for year 2009 and see

whether the above is analysis is matching in this Annual T.P or not ?


> Annual TP


> January 24, 2009

> Time: 6:05:59

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> Ludhiana, India


> Hora Lord is Mer(Vakra) and who is 7th and 10th lord placed in 2nd

house with 9th lord Sun, Lagna and 4th lord Jup and 3rd Lord Rahu.


> Vaara Lord is Ven, who is 6th and 11th lord and placed in a

Upachaya house of 3rd house.


> Lagna is Sg and it is 10th from the Natal Lagna. Lagna lord is

placed in 2nd house. There is a parivartana between Sat and Sun.


> Now looking at the Yogas: Merc and Jup are forming a Raja Yoga. Jup

and Sun are forming a RajaLakshmi Yoga. Here you will notice, the Jup

is Lagna Lord and Mer is Hora Lord and their association with these

yoga are very good and will surely fructify.


> Let us see quickly the Ashtaka Varga bindus. 11th house has 43

bindus and they are very very high. Also 11th house has GL and

aspecting Aq where Its lord Ven and SL are placed.


> Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi

Pravesha charts):


> Maha Dasas:


> Jup: 2008-11-23 (11:55:08) - 2009-01-31 (6:02:26)

> Rah: 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) - 2009-03-14 (0:18:25)

> Ven: 2009-03-14 (0:18:25) - 2009-05-27 (21:01:34)

> Sun: 2009-05-27 (21:01:34) - 2009-06-18 (21:55:57)

> Moon: 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) - 2009-08-11 (0:37:35)

> Mars: 2009-08-11 (0:37:35) - 2009-09-08 (8:15:58)

> ---> Merc: 2009-09-08 (8:15:58) - 2009-11-07 (9:10:20)

> Sat: 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) - 2009-12-12 (11:10:38)

> Jup: 2009-12-12 (11:10:38) - 2010-02-19 (4:34:48)


> So the above combination are also indicating to me of gains during

the Merc(Hora Lord) Dasa between Sep 8th 2009 and Nov 7th 2009.


> 3) Now let me see your Kashinatha Hora (D-2) with Narayana Dasa.


> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Maha Dasas:


> Cp: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1974-02-03 (11:54:04)

> Aq: 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) - 1975-02-03 (18:12:49)

> Pi: 1975-02-03 (18:12:49) - 1976-02-04 (0:11:53)

> Ar: 1976-02-04 (0:11:53) - 1986-02-03 (13:49:32)

> Ta: 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) - 1995-02-03 (21:01:20)

> Ge: 1995-02-03 (21:01:20) - 2003-02-03 (22:21:57)

> ---> Cn: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Le: 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) - 2016-02-04 (6:25:39)

> Vi: 2016-02-04 (6:25:39) - 2023-02-04 (1:37:05)

> Li: 2023-02-04 (1:37:05) - 2027-02-04 (2:08:47)

> Sc: 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) - 2030-02-03 (20:32:50)

> Sg: 2030-02-03 (20:32:50) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> Cp: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> Aq: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> Pi: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> .....


> In Rasi, 2nd lord is Mar, who is also 2nd lord in D-2. This Mar is

exalted and placed in 11th house with 11th lord Sat.


> You are currently running Cn MahaDasa and let us see how is this

dasa for your personal finances point of view:-


> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)


> Antardasas in this MD:


> Cp: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2003-09-07 (17:13:40)

> Aq: 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) - 2004-04-04 (3:01:14)

> Pi: 2004-04-04 (3:01:14) - 2004-11-06 (18:44:22)

> Ar: 2004-11-06 (18:44:22) - 2005-06-05 (6:24:34)

> ---> Ta: 2005-06-05 (6:24:34) - 2006-01-05 (5:09:54)

> Ge: 2006-01-05 (5:09:54) - 2006-08-07 (8:31:06)

> Cn: 2006-08-07 (8:31:06) - 2007-03-05 (16:53:58)

> Le: 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) - 2007-10-08 (9:50:46)

> Vi: 2007-10-08 (9:50:46) - 2008-05-04 (20:42:33)

> Li: 2008-05-04 (20:42:33) - 2008-12-06 (12:26:11)

> Sc: 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) - 2009-07-06 (17:07:21)

> Sg: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)


> Cn is 5th house from Lagna so this indicates to me that you have

the earning ability and this Cn is placed in 7th from AL, so this

indicates to me that others impacting one’s personal finances.


> Cn has GL, A7(partnership and partners) and A2(wealth) and

aspecting the Sc where HL is placed and also aspecting Aq where SL,

and A9(events happening one looks fortunate) are placed. So the

connection again, GL, SL and HL, it is simply very good combination.

So this Cn Mahadasa will give the wealth, image, power and authority.


> Now let us see which Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's will give this



> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Sg AD: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Sc PD: 2009-12-14 (3:45:30) - 2009-12-31 (8:10:55)


> We have already analysed the Cn Mahadasa will give good results. So

let us see why Sg antar should give the results. Sg is 6th from Cn

Mahadasa and the Dasa Lord Moon is placed there along with UL. Jup

the lord of Sg antar dasa is placed in Aq with SL and A9. Gulika's

placement in this may not be a very good and may give some troubles

with the resources too. So this Antar Dasa lord Jup is aspecting the

Maha Dasa rasi Cn and can give the results. Now let us see why Sc

Pratyantar Dasa should give the results. Sc is 5th from Maha Dasa

Rasi Cn and 12th from Antar Dasa of Sg. Sc also has HL and its lord

Mar is with Sat in Cp with AL and Mandi. It co-lord Ketu is placed in

Aq with Antar Dasa Lord Jup and SL. Also, this Sc is aspecting Cp

where its lord Mar is placed and also aspecting Cn where GL is placed

along with A7 and A2. So Sc Pratyantar Dasa is capable enought to

give the results of wealth, image, power and authority. Mandi and

Gulika's placements are indicating me that some

> money will go away in someway, even if some one does not want to.

So I would suggest you to give away some money in charity during that

time for poor and needy.


> Summary : Based on the above analysis, I am thinking the native

should get very good Wealth, Image, Power and Authority between Oct

23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009.


> Hope the above is helpful to you. Please provide me some feedback

in Oct/Nov 2009 to me, so that I can allign my understanding of

Jyotish principles accordingly.


> Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to please

correct me if I have not applied the T.P and Sudasa Principles



> Regards

> Raghunatha Rao





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Dera Raghunatha,


I am a beginner in astrology. I am bit confused after reading your detailed

analysis. I have two basic questions. Please help me clarify:

I am reading PVR's book " Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach". In chapter

20, titled Sudasa, it says " In Sudasa, dasa start from the sign containing

Sree Lagna". Based on J.Hora and birth details used by you below, the Sree

Lagna falls in Aq ( 12 Aq 47). So Sudasa should start from Aq and not Le .

Based on J.Hora ( Sudasa starting from Aq) Mr Singh is currently running Sudasa

of Aries as compared to 2009, mentioned in your e-mail. Please help me

understand why Sudasa periods as provided by you are different.

You have stated " Also, Ar dasa lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both

have Virodha Argala on Ar(HL) and Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very

high to get the blessings during this Ar mahadasa". Why would the virodha

argala (obstruction) of a malefic be a blessing.



Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008 > wrote:

Om Krishna Guru

Namaste Singh,

As you have confirmed that the birth time was rectified by you hence I am taking

the birth time as is and going foward.

I have considered the following Birth Details for my analysis:-

February 3, 1962Time: 10:03:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00" Ludhiana,


I am going to use three special Lagnas (SL,HL and GL ) and they move very

quickly and have a greater impact on the birth time accuracy. So if the birth

time is not accurate naturally the HL and GL's placement will be wrong and

hence my analysis may not be correct too. For example if I change your birth

time to 10:15 then the GL will move to Vi from Le, that is why we have to be

sure about our birth time accuracy prior to using these Special Lagnas in

conjunction with Sudasa and other sensitive Dasas.

Having said that, let me apply Sudasa on your chart to find any indications for

wealth is there in your chart in coming years.

1) Sudasa or it is also called Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa, is a rasi dasa.

Sudasa, presided by mother MahaLakshmi and can be used to predict financial

matters and matters related to status and power too.

In Rasi, Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup is deblitated and placed with many other

planets in Cp. AL is Sc and its lord(s) are placed in 3rd from AL and 11th from

Lagna and 2nd from Moon. HL (Hora Lagna) is Ar and its lord Mar (Exalted) is

placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL. GL (Ghatika Lagna) is placed in Le

and its lord Sun is placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL and 2nd from

Moon. When Hora Lagna (HL) is placed in 2nd house, it indicates a person who

considers family, community or people he identifies with as his real wealth.

Such people are a real gift to the community they belong to or associat with.

In this chart the lord of HL Mar is placed in Cp and aspecting HL by Graha

Drishti, that is very good.

Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

Maha Dasas:

Le: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) Sc: 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) -

1969-02-09 (1:05:12) Aq: 1969-02-09 (1:05:12) - 1970-02-09 (7:09:58) Ta:

1970-02-09 (7:09:58) - 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) Vi: 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) -

1986-02-09 (9:42:59) Sg: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) Pi:

1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) Ge: 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) -

1994-02-09 (10:55:50) Li: 1994-02-09 (10:55:50) - 1997-02-09 (5:18:48)---> Cp:

1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)---> Ar: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) -

2019-02-09 (20:41:23) Cn: 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) - 2026-02-09 (16:01:12) Le:

2026-02-09 (16:01:12) - 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) Sc: 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) -

2043-02-04 (4:32:29) Aq: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36) Ta:

2054-02-04 (0:18:36) - 2058-02-04 (1:00:22)......

I am looking at the Sudasa from current Dasa onwords for now. You are currently

running Cp Mahadasa which will run till Feb 2009. Here the Maha Dasa Lord Sat

is placed in Cp along with HL & AL's lord Mar along with GL's lord Sun. Cp is

aspecting Le ( where GL is placed ) and Sc (Where AL is placed ) by rasi

drishti. Lord of HL and AL is an exalted Mars and he is aspecting HL by Graha


Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

Cp MD: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) Sc AD: 2007-02-09

(18:59:31) - 2008-02-10 (0:58:46) Le PD: 2007-11-13 (10:22:08) - 2007-12-13


So during the above Cp-Sc-Le dasa's there seeems to be some elevation of

authority and recognitions is expected to have gain in some good amount of


Now let us see the Next Mahadasa which is Ar, this will start from Feb 2nd 2009

and will continue till Feb 2nd 2019. Ar itself has HL and its lord Mar is

placed in 11th house from Lagna and 2nd from Moon and 3rd from AL. 7th from Ar

is Li and its lord Ven is also placed with Maha Dasa Lord Mar in Cp. Ar is

having a Rasi Drishti on GL, AL and SL, and this is a fantastic combination for

the blessings of mother Mahalakshmi and can give wealth, image, power and

authority during this Mahadasa. I am seeing this dasa has a superb combinations

along with the Dasa Lord Mars is aspecting the Ar the Mahadasa. Also, Ar dasa

lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both have Virodha Argala on Ar(HL) and

Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very high to get the blessings during

this Ar mahadasa. So now let us see the what Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's the

blessings may come to the native.

Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

Ar MD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) Li AD: 2009-02-09

(7:14:20) - 2009-12-12 (14:12:34) Le PD: 2009-10-23 (23:07:20) - 2009-11-17


We have already seen that the Ar maha dasa will be good, so let us see why Li

antar dasa is good. Li has A11 and its lord Ven is placed with the Maha Dasa,

HL and AL lord an exalted Mars. Li is also the 7th house from HL and this Li is

also 8th house from Lagna. Mandi and Gulika are placed in Aq and Cp where our

focus is there, so I am not comfirtable with these two upagrahas placement

there, but we will see their negative impact if any later. So Li antar is

capable enough to give the results. Now let us see the Le Pratyantar. Its lord

Sun is again with all the planets ( just like Li antar analysis) and most

importantly Le is having rasi drishti on both Ar (Mahadasa) and Cp (where all

the lords are placed) so this should give the results.

So from the above combinations and anlalysis, I am thinking the native should

get very good wealth, image, power and authority between Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov

17th 2009. I will not discuss whether this wealth comes from what source as I

am not fully comfirtable in writing about this now as my learning and

understanding is not complete in that area yet.

2) Now, let us see quickly the Annual T.P for year 2009 and see whether the

above is analysis is matching in this Annual T.P or not ?

Annual TP

January 24, 2009Time: 6:05:59Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00" Ludhiana,


Hora Lord is Mer(Vakra) and who is 7th and 10th lord placed in 2nd house with

9th lord Sun, Lagna and 4th lord Jup and 3rd Lord Rahu.

Vaara Lord is Ven, who is 6th and 11th lord and placed in a Upachaya house of 3rd house.

Lagna is Sg and it is 10th from the Natal Lagna. Lagna lord is placed in 2nd

house. There is a parivartana between Sat and Sun.

Now looking at the Yogas: Merc and Jup are forming a Raja Yoga. Jup and Sun are

forming a RajaLakshmi Yoga. Here you will notice, the Jup is Lagna Lord and Mer

is Hora Lord and their association with these yoga are very good and will surely


Let us see quickly the Ashtaka Varga bindus. 11th house has 43 bindus and they

are very very high. Also 11th house has GL and aspecting Aq where Its lord Ven

and SL are placed.

Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha charts):

Maha Dasas:

Jup: 2008-11-23 (11:55:08) - 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) Rah: 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) -

2009-03-14 (0:18:25) Ven: 2009-03-14 (0:18:25) - 2009-05-27 (21:01:34) Sun:

2009-05-27 (21:01:34) - 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) Moon: 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) -

2009-08-11 (0:37:35) Mars: 2009-08-11 (0:37:35) - 2009-09-08 (8:15:58)--->

Merc: 2009-09-08 (8:15:58) - 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) Sat: 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) -

2009-12-12 (11:10:38) Jup: 2009-12-12 (11:10:38) - 2010-02-19 (4:34:48)

So the above combination are also indicating to me of gains during the Merc(Hora

Lord) Dasa between Sep 8th 2009 and Nov 7th 2009.

3) Now let me see your Kashinatha Hora (D-2) with Narayana Dasa.

Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Maha Dasas:

Cp: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) Aq: 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) -

1975-02-03 (18:12:49) Pi: 1975-02-03 (18:12:49) - 1976-02-04 (0:11:53) Ar:

1976-02-04 (0:11:53) - 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) Ta: 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) -

1995-02-03 (21:01:20) Ge: 1995-02-03 (21:01:20) - 2003-02-03 (22:21:57)---> Cn:

2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) Le: 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) -

2016-02-04 (6:25:39) Vi: 2016-02-04 (6:25:39) - 2023-02-04 (1:37:05) Li:

2023-02-04 (1:37:05) - 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) Sc: 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) -

2030-02-03 (20:32:50) Sg: 2030-02-03 (20:32:50) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) Cp:

2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) Aq: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) -

2043-02-04 (4:32:29) Pi: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36).....

In Rasi, 2nd lord is Mar, who is also 2nd lord in D-2. This Mar is exalted and

placed in 11th house with 11th lord Sat.

You are currently running Cn MahaDasa and let us see how is this dasa for your

personal finances point of view:-

Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

Antardasas in this MD:

Cp: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) Aq: 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) -

2004-04-04 (3:01:14) Pi: 2004-04-04 (3:01:14) - 2004-11-06 (18:44:22) Ar:

2004-11-06 (18:44:22) - 2005-06-05 (6:24:34)---> Ta: 2005-06-05 (6:24:34) -

2006-01-05 (5:09:54) Ge: 2006-01-05 (5:09:54) - 2006-08-07 (8:31:06) Cn:

2006-08-07 (8:31:06) - 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) Le: 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) -

2007-10-08 (9:50:46) Vi: 2007-10-08 (9:50:46) - 2008-05-04 (20:42:33) Li:

2008-05-04 (20:42:33) - 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) Sc: 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) -

2009-07-06 (17:07:21) Sg: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

Cn is 5th house from Lagna so this indicates to me that you have the earning

ability and this Cn is placed in 7th from AL, so this indicates to me that

others impacting one’s personal finances.

Cn has GL, A7(partnership and partners) and A2(wealth) and aspecting the Sc

where HL is placed and also aspecting Aq where SL, and A9(events happening one

looks fortunate) are placed. So the connection again, GL, SL and HL, it is

simply very good combination. So this Cn Mahadasa will give the wealth, image,

power and authority.

Now let us see which Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's will give this result.

Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) Sg AD: 2009-07-06

(17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) Sc PD: 2009-12-14 (3:45:30) - 2009-12-31


We have already analysed the Cn Mahadasa will give good results. So let us see

why Sg antar should give the results. Sg is 6th from Cn Mahadasa and the Dasa

Lord Moon is placed there along with UL. Jup the lord of Sg antar dasa is

placed in Aq with SL and A9. Gulika's placement in this may not be a very good

and may give some troubles with the resources too. So this Antar Dasa lord Jup

is aspecting the Maha Dasa rasi Cn and can give the results. Now let us see why

Sc Pratyantar Dasa should give the results. Sc is 5th from Maha Dasa Rasi Cn and

12th from Antar Dasa of Sg. Sc also has HL and its lord Mar is with Sat in Cp

with AL and Mandi. It co-lord Ketu is placed in Aq with Antar Dasa Lord Jup and

SL. Also, this Sc is aspecting Cp where its lord Mar is placed and also

aspecting Cn where GL is placed along with A7 and A2. So Sc Pratyantar Dasa is

capable enought to give the results of wealth, image, power and authority. Mandi

and Gulika's

placements are indicating me that some money will go away in someway, even if

some one does not want to. So I would suggest you to give away some money in

charity during that time for poor and needy.

Summary : Based on the above analysis, I am thinking the native should get very

good Wealth, Image, Power and Authority between Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th


Hope the above is helpful to you. Please provide me some feedback in Oct/Nov

2009 to me, so that I can allign my understanding of Jyotish principles


Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to please correct me

if I have not applied the T.P and Sudasa Principles correctly.

RegardsRaghunatha Rao

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Start your day with - make it your home page

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Guest guest

Dear Raghunatha Rao ji,


I am forwarding you predictions given by a very learned astrologer in

india this year in Feb, when I visited india. He did not tell me how

he did his calculations.





G. Singh



Dear Mr. Gurmeet,


I have solved the first Question. First of all, I

want to tell that No Maha Dasha of a Planet is

completely good or bad for anyone. So, for you also,

Jupiter, although posited in the XIth house, will not

be completely good or completely bad. However, you

will have a very good time (Raj Yoga of a very good

level of money) in a certain stretch of time-period in

this Dasha. Other time-periods will be so-so. This

is the hard reality - please don't mind.


Your best time of Raj Yoga (Very good level of money)

will be within the year 2009 to 2011. From 2012 to

2014 will also be nicely good but a little bit lesser

than the Ist period. Then again, a very good time

will be from the year 2017 to 2020. So, in this way,

you will have 8 good years in-toto within 16 years of

Jupiter Dasha. Other 8 years will be so-so/mixed.


So, this is the net result of your Question about

Jupiter Dasha. For your second Q., I will see through

horary whether you will get that offer in the present

time or some other good opportunity in the neat



With best wishes,


















vedic astrology, Raghunatha RaoNemani

<raon1008> wrote:


> Om Krishna Guru


> Namaste Singh,


> As you have confirmed that the birth time was rectified by you

hence I am taking the birth time as is and going foward.


> I have considered the following Birth Details for my analysis:-


> February 3, 1962

> Time: 10:03:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> Ludhiana, India


> I am going to use three special Lagnas (SL,HL and GL ) and they

move very quickly and have a greater impact on the birth time

accuracy. So if the birth time is not accurate naturally the HL and

GL's placement will be wrong and hence my analysis may not be correct

too. For example if I change your birth time to 10:15 then the GL

will move to Vi from Le, that is why we have to be sure about our

birth time accuracy prior to using these Special Lagnas in

conjunction with Sudasa and other sensitive Dasas.


> Having said that, let me apply Sudasa on your chart to find any

indications for wealth is there in your chart in coming years.


> 1) Sudasa or it is also called Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa, is a

rasi dasa. Sudasa, presided by mother MahaLakshmi and can be used to

predict financial matters and matters related to status and power



> In Rasi, Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup is deblitated and placed with

many other planets in Cp. AL is Sc and its lord(s) are placed in 3rd

from AL and 11th from Lagna and 2nd from Moon. HL (Hora Lagna) is Ar

and its lord Mar (Exalted) is placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd from

AL. GL (Ghatika Lagna) is placed in Le and its lord Sun is placed in

11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL and 2nd from Moon. When Hora Lagna

(HL) is placed in 2nd house, it indicates a person who considers

family, community or people he identifies with as his real wealth.

Such people are a real gift to the community they belong to or

associat with. In this chart the lord of HL Mar is placed in Cp and

aspecting HL by Graha Drishti, that is very good.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Maha Dasas:


> Le: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1966-02-09 (6:40:06)

> Sc: 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) - 1969-02-09 (1:05:12)

> Aq: 1969-02-09 (1:05:12) - 1970-02-09 (7:09:58)

> Ta: 1970-02-09 (7:09:58) - 1978-02-09 (8:28:55)

> Vi: 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> Sg: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> Pi: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1987-02-09 (15:51:27)

> Ge: 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) - 1994-02-09 (10:55:50)

> Li: 1994-02-09 (10:55:50) - 1997-02-09 (5:18:48)

> ---> Cp: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> ---> Ar: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> Cn: 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) - 2026-02-09 (16:01:12)

> Le: 2026-02-09 (16:01:12) - 2034-02-03 (21:18:34)

> Sc: 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> Aq: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> Ta: 2054-02-04 (0:18:36) - 2058-02-04 (1:00:22)

> ......


> I am looking at the Sudasa from current Dasa onwords for now. You

are currently running Cp Mahadasa which will run till Feb 2009. Here

the Maha Dasa Lord Sat is placed in Cp along with HL & AL's lord Mar

along with GL's lord Sun. Cp is aspecting Le ( where GL is placed )

and Sc (Where AL is placed ) by rasi drishti. Lord of HL and AL is an

exalted Mars and he is aspecting HL by Graha Drishti.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Cp MD: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> Sc AD: 2007-02-09 (18:59:31) - 2008-02-10 (0:58:46)

> Le PD: 2007-11-13 (10:22:08) - 2007-12-13 (1:48:01)


> So during the above Cp-Sc-Le dasa's there seeems to be some

elevation of authority and recognitions is expected to have gain in

some good amount of wealth.


> Now let us see the Next Mahadasa which is Ar, this will start from

Feb 2nd 2009 and will continue till Feb 2nd 2019. Ar itself has HL

and its lord Mar is placed in 11th house from Lagna and 2nd from Moon

and 3rd from AL. 7th from Ar is Li and its lord Ven is also placed

with Maha Dasa Lord Mar in Cp. Ar is having a Rasi Drishti on GL, AL

and SL, and this is a fantastic combination for the blessings of

mother Mahalakshmi and can give wealth, image, power and authority

during this Mahadasa. I am seeing this dasa has a superb combinations

along with the Dasa Lord Mars is aspecting the Ar the Mahadasa. Also,

Ar dasa lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both have Virodha

Argala on Ar(HL) and Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very high

to get the blessings during this Ar mahadasa. So now let us see the

what Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's the blessings may come to the native.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Ar MD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> Li AD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2009-12-12 (14:12:34)

> Le PD: 2009-10-23 (23:07:20) - 2009-11-17 (21:47:18)


> We have already seen that the Ar maha dasa will be good, so let us

see why Li antar dasa is good. Li has A11 and its lord Ven is placed

with the Maha Dasa, HL and AL lord an exalted Mars. Li is also the

7th house from HL and this Li is also 8th house from Lagna. Mandi and

Gulika are placed in Aq and Cp where our focus is there, so I am not

comfirtable with these two upagrahas placement there, but we will see

their negative impact if any later. So Li antar is capable enough to

give the results. Now let us see the Le Pratyantar. Its lord Sun is

again with all the planets ( just like Li antar analysis) and most

importantly Le is having rasi drishti on both Ar (Mahadasa) and Cp

(where all the lords are placed) so this should give the results.


> So from the above combinations and anlalysis, I am thinking the

native should get very good wealth, image, power and authority

between Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009. I will not discuss whether

this wealth comes from what source as I am not fully comfirtable in

writing about this now as my learning and understanding is not

complete in that area yet.


> 2) Now, let us see quickly the Annual T.P for year 2009 and see

whether the above is analysis is matching in this Annual T.P or not ?


> Annual TP


> January 24, 2009

> Time: 6:05:59

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> Ludhiana, India


> Hora Lord is Mer(Vakra) and who is 7th and 10th lord placed in 2nd

house with 9th lord Sun, Lagna and 4th lord Jup and 3rd Lord Rahu.


> Vaara Lord is Ven, who is 6th and 11th lord and placed in a

Upachaya house of 3rd house.


> Lagna is Sg and it is 10th from the Natal Lagna. Lagna lord is

placed in 2nd house. There is a parivartana between Sat and Sun.


> Now looking at the Yogas: Merc and Jup are forming a Raja Yoga. Jup

and Sun are forming a RajaLakshmi Yoga. Here you will notice, the Jup

is Lagna Lord and Mer is Hora Lord and their association with these

yoga are very good and will surely fructify.


> Let us see quickly the Ashtaka Varga bindus. 11th house has 43

bindus and they are very very high. Also 11th house has GL and

aspecting Aq where Its lord Ven and SL are placed.


> Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi

Pravesha charts):


> Maha Dasas:


> Jup: 2008-11-23 (11:55:08) - 2009-01-31 (6:02:26)

> Rah: 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) - 2009-03-14 (0:18:25)

> Ven: 2009-03-14 (0:18:25) - 2009-05-27 (21:01:34)

> Sun: 2009-05-27 (21:01:34) - 2009-06-18 (21:55:57)

> Moon: 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) - 2009-08-11 (0:37:35)

> Mars: 2009-08-11 (0:37:35) - 2009-09-08 (8:15:58)

> ---> Merc: 2009-09-08 (8:15:58) - 2009-11-07 (9:10:20)

> Sat: 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) - 2009-12-12 (11:10:38)

> Jup: 2009-12-12 (11:10:38) - 2010-02-19 (4:34:48)


> So the above combination are also indicating to me of gains during

the Merc(Hora Lord) Dasa between Sep 8th 2009 and Nov 7th 2009.


> 3) Now let me see your Kashinatha Hora (D-2) with Narayana Dasa.


> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Maha Dasas:


> Cp: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1974-02-03 (11:54:04)

> Aq: 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) - 1975-02-03 (18:12:49)

> Pi: 1975-02-03 (18:12:49) - 1976-02-04 (0:11:53)

> Ar: 1976-02-04 (0:11:53) - 1986-02-03 (13:49:32)

> Ta: 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) - 1995-02-03 (21:01:20)

> Ge: 1995-02-03 (21:01:20) - 2003-02-03 (22:21:57)

> ---> Cn: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Le: 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) - 2016-02-04 (6:25:39)

> Vi: 2016-02-04 (6:25:39) - 2023-02-04 (1:37:05)

> Li: 2023-02-04 (1:37:05) - 2027-02-04 (2:08:47)

> Sc: 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) - 2030-02-03 (20:32:50)

> Sg: 2030-02-03 (20:32:50) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> Cp: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> Aq: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> Pi: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> .....


> In Rasi, 2nd lord is Mar, who is also 2nd lord in D-2. This Mar is

exalted and placed in 11th house with 11th lord Sat.


> You are currently running Cn MahaDasa and let us see how is this

dasa for your personal finances point of view:-


> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)


> Antardasas in this MD:


> Cp: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2003-09-07 (17:13:40)

> Aq: 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) - 2004-04-04 (3:01:14)

> Pi: 2004-04-04 (3:01:14) - 2004-11-06 (18:44:22)

> Ar: 2004-11-06 (18:44:22) - 2005-06-05 (6:24:34)

> ---> Ta: 2005-06-05 (6:24:34) - 2006-01-05 (5:09:54)

> Ge: 2006-01-05 (5:09:54) - 2006-08-07 (8:31:06)

> Cn: 2006-08-07 (8:31:06) - 2007-03-05 (16:53:58)

> Le: 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) - 2007-10-08 (9:50:46)

> Vi: 2007-10-08 (9:50:46) - 2008-05-04 (20:42:33)

> Li: 2008-05-04 (20:42:33) - 2008-12-06 (12:26:11)

> Sc: 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) - 2009-07-06 (17:07:21)

> Sg: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)


> Cn is 5th house from Lagna so this indicates to me that you have

the earning ability and this Cn is placed in 7th from AL, so this

indicates to me that others impacting one’s personal finances.


> Cn has GL, A7(partnership and partners) and A2(wealth) and

aspecting the Sc where HL is placed and also aspecting Aq where SL,

and A9(events happening one looks fortunate) are placed. So the

connection again, GL, SL and HL, it is simply very good combination.

So this Cn Mahadasa will give the wealth, image, power and authority.


> Now let us see which Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's will give this



> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Sg AD: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Sc PD: 2009-12-14 (3:45:30) - 2009-12-31 (8:10:55)


> We have already analysed the Cn Mahadasa will give good results. So

let us see why Sg antar should give the results. Sg is 6th from Cn

Mahadasa and the Dasa Lord Moon is placed there along with UL. Jup

the lord of Sg antar dasa is placed in Aq with SL and A9. Gulika's

placement in this may not be a very good and may give some troubles

with the resources too. So this Antar Dasa lord Jup is aspecting the

Maha Dasa rasi Cn and can give the results. Now let us see why Sc

Pratyantar Dasa should give the results. Sc is 5th from Maha Dasa

Rasi Cn and 12th from Antar Dasa of Sg. Sc also has HL and its lord

Mar is with Sat in Cp with AL and Mandi. It co-lord Ketu is placed in

Aq with Antar Dasa Lord Jup and SL. Also, this Sc is aspecting Cp

where its lord Mar is placed and also aspecting Cn where GL is placed

along with A7 and A2. So Sc Pratyantar Dasa is capable enought to

give the results of wealth, image, power and authority. Mandi and

Gulika's placements are indicating me that some

> money will go away in someway, even if some one does not want to.

So I would suggest you to give away some money in charity during that

time for poor and needy.


> Summary : Based on the above analysis, I am thinking the native

should get very good Wealth, Image, Power and Authority between Oct

23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009.


> Hope the above is helpful to you. Please provide me some feedback

in Oct/Nov 2009 to me, so that I can allign my understanding of

Jyotish principles accordingly.


> Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to please

correct me if I have not applied the T.P and Sudasa Principles



> Regards

> Raghunatha Rao





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Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Sharma Ji,


My comments to your questions are:


1) I just used the Dasa's calculated by JHora on my computer and have

not done the manual calculations. I have verified one more time and I

get the same dasa's as I have mentioned in my earlier message. Check

your setting in your JHora and use the default settings as they work



2) Argala's mentioned were one of the many points/indicators

considered for this analysis.


There are so many messages in the arhives about Sudasa and Argalas

and what not, please spare your free time in getting those old

messages written by Gurus and learned members in the past.


I wish you good luck in your journey of learning Jyotish.



Raghunatha Rao

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OM Krishna Guru


Namaste Singh,


Thanks for the note and you are very welcome. You have an interesting

chart and also a challengin chart too, I could not apply my Nadi

based learning on your chart and will need to go back to my Guru Ji

for some more lessons taking your chart as an example.


While doing this analysis, I have found some interesting things about

your spiritual journey including Kundalini rising etc, which may

begin some time in the near future. I have not spent much time on

detailed study on this area, as you have mentioned you are not

inclined towards spirituality at this momemt. But, I have seen, some

sudden Changes towards spirituality, I think Guru Ji also mentioned

about this in one of his messages some time ago. I know you may not

be interested about the spirituality now but for my own understanding

I will do the study and keep it with me and veriry with you after

some years time about this.



Raghunatha Rao


vedic astrology@yaho


ogroups.com, "hbk1hbk_2100" <hbk1hbk_2100> wrote:

> Dear Raghunatha Rao ji,


> I am forwarding you predictions given by a very learned astrologer


> india this year in Feb, when I visited india. He did not tell me


> he did his calculations.



> Regards


> G. Singh



> Dear Mr. Gurmeet,


> I have solved the first Question. First of all, I

> want to tell that No Maha Dasha of a Planet is

> completely good or bad for anyone. So, for you also,

> Jupiter, although posited in the XIth house, will not

> be completely good or completely bad. However, you

> will have a very good time (Raj Yoga of a very good

> level of money) in a certain stretch of time-period in

> this Dasha. Other time-periods will be so-so. This

> is the hard reality - please don't mind.


> Your best time of Raj Yoga (Very good level of money)

> will be within the year 2009 to 2011. From 2012 to

> 2014 will also be nicely good but a little bit lesser

> than the Ist period. Then again, a very good time

> will be from the year 2017 to 2020. So, in this way,

> you will have 8 good years in-toto within 16 years of

> Jupiter Dasha. Other 8 years will be so-so/mixed.


> So, this is the net result of your Question about

> Jupiter Dasha. For your second Q., I will see through

> horary whether you will get that offer in the present

> time or some other good opportunity in the neat

> future?


> With best wishes,












vedic astrology, Raghunatha RaoNemani

> <raon1008> wrote:

> >

> > Om Krishna Guru

> >

> > Namaste Singh,

> >

> > As you have confirmed that the birth time was rectified by you

> hence I am taking the birth time as is and going foward.

> >

> > I have considered the following Birth Details for my analysis:-

> >

> > February 3, 1962

> > Time: 10:03:00

> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> > Ludhiana, India

> >

> > I am going to use three special Lagnas (SL,HL and GL ) and they

> move very quickly and have a greater impact on the birth time

> accuracy. So if the birth time is not accurate naturally the HL and

> GL's placement will be wrong and hence my analysis may not be


> too. For example if I change your birth time to 10:15 then the GL

> will move to Vi from Le, that is why we have to be sure about our

> birth time accuracy prior to using these Special Lagnas in

> conjunction with Sudasa and other sensitive Dasas.

> >

> > Having said that, let me apply Sudasa on your chart to find any

> indications for wealth is there in your chart in coming years.

> >

> > 1) Sudasa or it is also called Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa, is


> rasi dasa. Sudasa, presided by mother MahaLakshmi and can be used


> predict financial matters and matters related to status and power

> too.

> >

> > In Rasi, Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup is deblitated and placed


> many other planets in Cp. AL is Sc and its lord(s) are placed in


> from AL and 11th from Lagna and 2nd from Moon. HL (Hora Lagna) is


> and its lord Mar (Exalted) is placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd


> AL. GL (Ghatika Lagna) is placed in Le and its lord Sun is placed


> 11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL and 2nd from Moon. When Hora Lagna

> (HL) is placed in 2nd house, it indicates a person who considers

> family, community or people he identifies with as his real wealth.

> Such people are a real gift to the community they belong to or

> associat with. In this chart the lord of HL Mar is placed in Cp and

> aspecting HL by Graha Drishti, that is very good.

> >

> > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Le: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1966-02-09 (6:40:06)

> > Sc: 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) - 1969-02-09 (1:05:12)

> > Aq: 1969-02-09 (1:05:12) - 1970-02-09 (7:09:58)

> > Ta: 1970-02-09 (7:09:58) - 1978-02-09 (8:28:55)

> > Vi: 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> > Sg: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> > Pi: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1987-02-09 (15:51:27)

> > Ge: 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) - 1994-02-09 (10:55:50)

> > Li: 1994-02-09 (10:55:50) - 1997-02-09 (5:18:48)

> > ---> Cp: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> > ---> Ar: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> > Cn: 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) - 2026-02-09 (16:01:12)

> > Le: 2026-02-09 (16:01:12) - 2034-02-03 (21:18:34)

> > Sc: 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> > Aq: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> > Ta: 2054-02-04 (0:18:36) - 2058-02-04 (1:00:22)

> > ......

> >

> > I am looking at the Sudasa from current Dasa onwords for now. You

> are currently running Cp Mahadasa which will run till Feb 2009.


> the Maha Dasa Lord Sat is placed in Cp along with HL & AL's lord


> along with GL's lord Sun. Cp is aspecting Le ( where GL is placed )

> and Sc (Where AL is placed ) by rasi drishti. Lord of HL and AL is


> exalted Mars and he is aspecting HL by Graha Drishti.

> >

> > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> >

> > Cp MD: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> > Sc AD: 2007-02-09 (18:59:31) - 2008-02-10 (0:58:46)

> > Le PD: 2007-11-13 (10:22:08) - 2007-12-13 (1:48:01)

> >

> > So during the above Cp-Sc-Le dasa's there seeems to be some

> elevation of authority and recognitions is expected to have gain in

> some good amount of wealth.

> >

> > Now let us see the Next Mahadasa which is Ar, this will start


> Feb 2nd 2009 and will continue till Feb 2nd 2019. Ar itself has


> and its lord Mar is placed in 11th house from Lagna and 2nd from


> and 3rd from AL. 7th from Ar is Li and its lord Ven is also placed

> with Maha Dasa Lord Mar in Cp. Ar is having a Rasi Drishti on GL,


> and SL, and this is a fantastic combination for the blessings of

> mother Mahalakshmi and can give wealth, image, power and authority

> during this Mahadasa. I am seeing this dasa has a superb


> along with the Dasa Lord Mars is aspecting the Ar the Mahadasa.


> Ar dasa lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both have Virodha

> Argala on Ar(HL) and Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very


> to get the blessings during this Ar mahadasa. So now let us see the

> what Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's the blessings may come to the


> >

> > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> >

> > Ar MD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> > Li AD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2009-12-12 (14:12:34)

> > Le PD: 2009-10-23 (23:07:20) - 2009-11-17 (21:47:18)

> >

> > We have already seen that the Ar maha dasa will be good, so let


> see why Li antar dasa is good. Li has A11 and its lord Ven is


> with the Maha Dasa, HL and AL lord an exalted Mars. Li is also the

> 7th house from HL and this Li is also 8th house from Lagna. Mandi


> Gulika are placed in Aq and Cp where our focus is there, so I am


> comfirtable with these two upagrahas placement there, but we will


> their negative impact if any later. So Li antar is capable enough


> give the results. Now let us see the Le Pratyantar. Its lord Sun is

> again with all the planets ( just like Li antar analysis) and most

> importantly Le is having rasi drishti on both Ar (Mahadasa) and Cp

> (where all the lords are placed) so this should give the results.

> >

> > So from the above combinations and anlalysis, I am thinking the

> native should get very good wealth, image, power and authority

> between Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009. I will not discuss whether

> this wealth comes from what source as I am not fully comfirtable in

> writing about this now as my learning and understanding is not

> complete in that area yet.

> >

> > 2) Now, let us see quickly the Annual T.P for year 2009 and see

> whether the above is analysis is matching in this Annual T.P or

not ?

> >

> > Annual TP

> >

> > January 24, 2009

> > Time: 6:05:59

> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> > Ludhiana, India

> >

> > Hora Lord is Mer(Vakra) and who is 7th and 10th lord placed in


> house with 9th lord Sun, Lagna and 4th lord Jup and 3rd Lord Rahu.

> >

> > Vaara Lord is Ven, who is 6th and 11th lord and placed in a

> Upachaya house of 3rd house.

> >

> > Lagna is Sg and it is 10th from the Natal Lagna. Lagna lord is

> placed in 2nd house. There is a parivartana between Sat and Sun.

> >

> > Now looking at the Yogas: Merc and Jup are forming a Raja Yoga.


> and Sun are forming a RajaLakshmi Yoga. Here you will notice, the


> is Lagna Lord and Mer is Hora Lord and their association with these

> yoga are very good and will surely fructify.

> >

> > Let us see quickly the Ashtaka Varga bindus. 11th house has 43

> bindus and they are very very high. Also 11th house has GL and

> aspecting Aq where Its lord Ven and SL are placed.

> >

> > Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi

> Pravesha charts):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Jup: 2008-11-23 (11:55:08) - 2009-01-31 (6:02:26)

> > Rah: 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) - 2009-03-14 (0:18:25)

> > Ven: 2009-03-14 (0:18:25) - 2009-05-27 (21:01:34)

> > Sun: 2009-05-27 (21:01:34) - 2009-06-18 (21:55:57)

> > Moon: 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) - 2009-08-11 (0:37:35)

> > Mars: 2009-08-11 (0:37:35) - 2009-09-08 (8:15:58)

> > ---> Merc: 2009-09-08 (8:15:58) - 2009-11-07 (9:10:20)

> > Sat: 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) - 2009-12-12 (11:10:38)

> > Jup: 2009-12-12 (11:10:38) - 2010-02-19 (4:34:48)

> >

> > So the above combination are also indicating to me of gains


> the Merc(Hora Lord) Dasa between Sep 8th 2009 and Nov 7th 2009.

> >

> > 3) Now let me see your Kashinatha Hora (D-2) with Narayana Dasa.

> >

> > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Cp: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1974-02-03 (11:54:04)

> > Aq: 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) - 1975-02-03 (18:12:49)

> > Pi: 1975-02-03 (18:12:49) - 1976-02-04 (0:11:53)

> > Ar: 1976-02-04 (0:11:53) - 1986-02-03 (13:49:32)

> > Ta: 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) - 1995-02-03 (21:01:20)

> > Ge: 1995-02-03 (21:01:20) - 2003-02-03 (22:21:57)

> > ---> Cn: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > Le: 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) - 2016-02-04 (6:25:39)

> > Vi: 2016-02-04 (6:25:39) - 2023-02-04 (1:37:05)

> > Li: 2023-02-04 (1:37:05) - 2027-02-04 (2:08:47)

> > Sc: 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) - 2030-02-03 (20:32:50)

> > Sg: 2030-02-03 (20:32:50) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> > Cp: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> > Aq: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> > Pi: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> > .....

> >

> > In Rasi, 2nd lord is Mar, who is also 2nd lord in D-2. This Mar


> exalted and placed in 11th house with 11th lord Sat.

> >

> > You are currently running Cn MahaDasa and let us see how is this

> dasa for your personal finances point of view:-

> >

> > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> >

> > Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> >

> > Antardasas in this MD:

> >

> > Cp: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2003-09-07 (17:13:40)

> > Aq: 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) - 2004-04-04 (3:01:14)

> > Pi: 2004-04-04 (3:01:14) - 2004-11-06 (18:44:22)

> > Ar: 2004-11-06 (18:44:22) - 2005-06-05 (6:24:34)

> > ---> Ta: 2005-06-05 (6:24:34) - 2006-01-05 (5:09:54)

> > Ge: 2006-01-05 (5:09:54) - 2006-08-07 (8:31:06)

> > Cn: 2006-08-07 (8:31:06) - 2007-03-05 (16:53:58)

> > Le: 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) - 2007-10-08 (9:50:46)

> > Vi: 2007-10-08 (9:50:46) - 2008-05-04 (20:42:33)

> > Li: 2008-05-04 (20:42:33) - 2008-12-06 (12:26:11)

> > Sc: 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) - 2009-07-06 (17:07:21)

> > Sg: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> >

> > Cn is 5th house from Lagna so this indicates to me that you have

> the earning ability and this Cn is placed in 7th from AL, so this

> indicates to me that others impacting one’s personal finances.

> >

> > Cn has GL, A7(partnership and partners) and A2(wealth) and

> aspecting the Sc where HL is placed and also aspecting Aq where SL,

> and A9(events happening one looks fortunate) are placed. So the

> connection again, GL, SL and HL, it is simply very good


> So this Cn Mahadasa will give the wealth, image, power and


> >

> > Now let us see which Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's will give this

> result.

> >

> > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> >

> > Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > Sg AD: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > Sc PD: 2009-12-14 (3:45:30) - 2009-12-31 (8:10:55)

> >

> > We have already analysed the Cn Mahadasa will give good results.


> let us see why Sg antar should give the results. Sg is 6th from Cn

> Mahadasa and the Dasa Lord Moon is placed there along with UL. Jup

> the lord of Sg antar dasa is placed in Aq with SL and A9. Gulika's

> placement in this may not be a very good and may give some troubles

> with the resources too. So this Antar Dasa lord Jup is aspecting


> Maha Dasa rasi Cn and can give the results. Now let us see why Sc

> Pratyantar Dasa should give the results. Sc is 5th from Maha Dasa

> Rasi Cn and 12th from Antar Dasa of Sg. Sc also has HL and its lord

> Mar is with Sat in Cp with AL and Mandi. It co-lord Ketu is placed


> Aq with Antar Dasa Lord Jup and SL. Also, this Sc is aspecting Cp

> where its lord Mar is placed and also aspecting Cn where GL is


> along with A7 and A2. So Sc Pratyantar Dasa is capable enought to

> give the results of wealth, image, power and authority. Mandi and

> Gulika's placements are indicating me that some

> > money will go away in someway, even if some one does not want


> So I would suggest you to give away some money in charity during


> time for poor and needy.

> >

> > Summary : Based on the above analysis, I am thinking the native

> should get very good Wealth, Image, Power and Authority between Oct

> 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009.

> >

> > Hope the above is helpful to you. Please provide me some feedback

> in Oct/Nov 2009 to me, so that I can allign my understanding of

> Jyotish principles accordingly.

> >

> > Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to


> correct me if I have not applied the T.P and Sudasa Principles

> correctly.

> >

> > Regards

> > Raghunatha Rao

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Start your day with - make it your home page

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Dear Raghunatha Rao ji,


Thanks again for your predictions. Your predictions match exactly

with a very learned astrologer I met in india in Feb. He also gave me

same predictions. He came to that conclusion using prashna kundli and

some other methods which he never revealed. I tried my best but he

did not want to tell his method of calculations. He was very

confident when he gave me those predictions. Now I got same response

from you also.


As far as spirituality is concerned many astrologers in the past

asked me this question. They said either you will be highly spiritual

or highly materialistic. I am just telling you the truth, I am a very

materialistic person. There is no chance I will ever become

spiritual. But many astrologers said that from 2009 to 2020 I will

make very good money, and then when I will enter Saturn mahadasha I

will help hundreds of people. Chakrapani Ullal from Los Angeles

mentioned in saturn mahadasha I will start some charitable trust and

help hundreds of people.


If you still think I will become spiritual then it may happen in

saturn mahadasha. But I doubt it will happen in jupiter mahadasha.


Do you live in US? If yes, then one of these days I will meet you.


Thanks again, and I will always keep in touch with you.




G. Singh



vedic astrology, "Raghunatha RaoNemani"

<raon1008> wrote:

> OM Krishna Guru


> Namaste Singh,


> Thanks for the note and you are very welcome. You have an


> chart and also a challengin chart too, I could not apply my Nadi

> based learning on your chart and will need to go back to my Guru Ji

> for some more lessons taking your chart as an example.


> While doing this analysis, I have found some interesting things


> your spiritual journey including Kundalini rising etc, which may

> begin some time in the near future. I have not spent much time on

> detailed study on this area, as you have mentioned you are not

> inclined towards spirituality at this momemt. But, I have seen,


> sudden Changes towards spirituality, I think Guru Ji also mentioned

> about this in one of his messages some time ago. I know you may not

> be interested about the spirituality now but for my own


> I will do the study and keep it with me and veriry with you after

> some years time about this.


> Regards

> Raghunatha Rao


> vedic astrology@yaho


> ogroups.com, "hbk1hbk_2100" <hbk1hbk_2100> wrote:

> > Dear Raghunatha Rao ji,

> >

> > I am forwarding you predictions given by a very learned


> in

> > india this year in Feb, when I visited india. He did not tell me

> how

> > he did his calculations.

> >

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > G. Singh

> >

> >

> > Dear Mr. Gurmeet,

> >

> > I have solved the first Question. First of all, I

> > want to tell that No Maha Dasha of a Planet is

> > completely good or bad for anyone. So, for you also,

> > Jupiter, although posited in the XIth house, will not

> > be completely good or completely bad. However, you

> > will have a very good time (Raj Yoga of a very good

> > level of money) in a certain stretch of time-period in

> > this Dasha. Other time-periods will be so-so. This

> > is the hard reality - please don't mind.

> >

> > Your best time of Raj Yoga (Very good level of money)

> > will be within the year 2009 to 2011. From 2012 to

> > 2014 will also be nicely good but a little bit lesser

> > than the Ist period. Then again, a very good time

> > will be from the year 2017 to 2020. So, in this way,

> > you will have 8 good years in-toto within 16 years of

> > Jupiter Dasha. Other 8 years will be so-so/mixed.

> >

> > So, this is the net result of your Question about

> > Jupiter Dasha. For your second Q., I will see through

> > horary whether you will get that offer in the present

> > time or some other good opportunity in the neat

> > future?

> >

> > With best wishes,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, Raghunatha RaoNemani

> > <raon1008> wrote:

> > >

> > > Om Krishna Guru

> > >

> > > Namaste Singh,

> > >

> > > As you have confirmed that the birth time was rectified by you

> > hence I am taking the birth time as is and going foward.

> > >

> > > I have considered the following Birth Details for my analysis:-

> > >

> > > February 3, 1962

> > > Time: 10:03:00

> > > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > > Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> > > Ludhiana, India

> > >

> > > I am going to use three special Lagnas (SL,HL and GL ) and they

> > move very quickly and have a greater impact on the birth time

> > accuracy. So if the birth time is not accurate naturally the HL


> > GL's placement will be wrong and hence my analysis may not be

> correct

> > too. For example if I change your birth time to 10:15 then the GL

> > will move to Vi from Le, that is why we have to be sure about our

> > birth time accuracy prior to using these Special Lagnas in

> > conjunction with Sudasa and other sensitive Dasas.

> > >

> > > Having said that, let me apply Sudasa on your chart to find any

> > indications for wealth is there in your chart in coming years.

> > >

> > > 1) Sudasa or it is also called Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa,


> a

> > rasi dasa. Sudasa, presided by mother MahaLakshmi and can be used

> to

> > predict financial matters and matters related to status and power

> > too.

> > >

> > > In Rasi, Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup is deblitated and placed

> with

> > many other planets in Cp. AL is Sc and its lord(s) are placed in

> 3rd

> > from AL and 11th from Lagna and 2nd from Moon. HL (Hora Lagna) is

> Ar

> > and its lord Mar (Exalted) is placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd

> from

> > AL. GL (Ghatika Lagna) is placed in Le and its lord Sun is placed

> in

> > 11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL and 2nd from Moon. When Hora


> > (HL) is placed in 2nd house, it indicates a person who considers

> > family, community or people he identifies with as his real


> > Such people are a real gift to the community they belong to or

> > associat with. In this chart the lord of HL Mar is placed in Cp


> > aspecting HL by Graha Drishti, that is very good.

> > >

> > > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> > >

> > > Maha Dasas:

> > >

> > > Le: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1966-02-09 (6:40:06)

> > > Sc: 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) - 1969-02-09 (1:05:12)

> > > Aq: 1969-02-09 (1:05:12) - 1970-02-09 (7:09:58)

> > > Ta: 1970-02-09 (7:09:58) - 1978-02-09 (8:28:55)

> > > Vi: 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> > > Sg: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> > > Pi: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1987-02-09 (15:51:27)

> > > Ge: 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) - 1994-02-09 (10:55:50)

> > > Li: 1994-02-09 (10:55:50) - 1997-02-09 (5:18:48)

> > > ---> Cp: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> > > ---> Ar: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> > > Cn: 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) - 2026-02-09 (16:01:12)

> > > Le: 2026-02-09 (16:01:12) - 2034-02-03 (21:18:34)

> > > Sc: 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> > > Aq: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> > > Ta: 2054-02-04 (0:18:36) - 2058-02-04 (1:00:22)

> > > ......

> > >

> > > I am looking at the Sudasa from current Dasa onwords for now.


> > are currently running Cp Mahadasa which will run till Feb 2009.

> Here

> > the Maha Dasa Lord Sat is placed in Cp along with HL & AL's lord

> Mar

> > along with GL's lord Sun. Cp is aspecting Le ( where GL is

placed )

> > and Sc (Where AL is placed ) by rasi drishti. Lord of HL and AL


> an

> > exalted Mars and he is aspecting HL by Graha Drishti.

> > >

> > > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> > >

> > > Cp MD: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> > > Sc AD: 2007-02-09 (18:59:31) - 2008-02-10 (0:58:46)

> > > Le PD: 2007-11-13 (10:22:08) - 2007-12-13 (1:48:01)

> > >

> > > So during the above Cp-Sc-Le dasa's there seeems to be some

> > elevation of authority and recognitions is expected to have gain


> > some good amount of wealth.

> > >

> > > Now let us see the Next Mahadasa which is Ar, this will start

> from

> > Feb 2nd 2009 and will continue till Feb 2nd 2019. Ar itself has

> HL

> > and its lord Mar is placed in 11th house from Lagna and 2nd from

> Moon

> > and 3rd from AL. 7th from Ar is Li and its lord Ven is also


> > with Maha Dasa Lord Mar in Cp. Ar is having a Rasi Drishti on GL,

> AL

> > and SL, and this is a fantastic combination for the blessings of

> > mother Mahalakshmi and can give wealth, image, power and


> > during this Mahadasa. I am seeing this dasa has a superb

> combinations

> > along with the Dasa Lord Mars is aspecting the Ar the Mahadasa.

> Also,

> > Ar dasa lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both have


> > Argala on Ar(HL) and Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very

> high

> > to get the blessings during this Ar mahadasa. So now let us see


> > what Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's the blessings may come to the

> native.

> > >

> > > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> > >

> > > Ar MD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> > > Li AD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2009-12-12 (14:12:34)

> > > Le PD: 2009-10-23 (23:07:20) - 2009-11-17 (21:47:18)

> > >

> > > We have already seen that the Ar maha dasa will be good, so let

> us

> > see why Li antar dasa is good. Li has A11 and its lord Ven is

> placed

> > with the Maha Dasa, HL and AL lord an exalted Mars. Li is also


> > 7th house from HL and this Li is also 8th house from Lagna. Mandi

> and

> > Gulika are placed in Aq and Cp where our focus is there, so I am

> not

> > comfirtable with these two upagrahas placement there, but we will

> see

> > their negative impact if any later. So Li antar is capable enough

> to

> > give the results. Now let us see the Le Pratyantar. Its lord Sun


> > again with all the planets ( just like Li antar analysis) and


> > importantly Le is having rasi drishti on both Ar (Mahadasa) and


> > (where all the lords are placed) so this should give the results.

> > >

> > > So from the above combinations and anlalysis, I am thinking the

> > native should get very good wealth, image, power and authority

> > between Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009. I will not discuss


> > this wealth comes from what source as I am not fully comfirtable


> > writing about this now as my learning and understanding is not

> > complete in that area yet.

> > >

> > > 2) Now, let us see quickly the Annual T.P for year 2009 and see

> > whether the above is analysis is matching in this Annual T.P or

> not ?

> > >

> > > Annual TP

> > >

> > > January 24, 2009

> > > Time: 6:05:59

> > > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > > Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> > > Ludhiana, India

> > >

> > > Hora Lord is Mer(Vakra) and who is 7th and 10th lord placed in

> 2nd

> > house with 9th lord Sun, Lagna and 4th lord Jup and 3rd Lord Rahu.

> > >

> > > Vaara Lord is Ven, who is 6th and 11th lord and placed in a

> > Upachaya house of 3rd house.

> > >

> > > Lagna is Sg and it is 10th from the Natal Lagna. Lagna lord is

> > placed in 2nd house. There is a parivartana between Sat and Sun.

> > >

> > > Now looking at the Yogas: Merc and Jup are forming a Raja Yoga.

> Jup

> > and Sun are forming a RajaLakshmi Yoga. Here you will notice, the

> Jup

> > is Lagna Lord and Mer is Hora Lord and their association with


> > yoga are very good and will surely fructify.

> > >

> > > Let us see quickly the Ashtaka Varga bindus. 11th house has 43

> > bindus and they are very very high. Also 11th house has GL and

> > aspecting Aq where Its lord Ven and SL are placed.

> > >

> > > Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in


> > Pravesha charts):

> > >

> > > Maha Dasas:

> > >

> > > Jup: 2008-11-23 (11:55:08) - 2009-01-31 (6:02:26)

> > > Rah: 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) - 2009-03-14 (0:18:25)

> > > Ven: 2009-03-14 (0:18:25) - 2009-05-27 (21:01:34)

> > > Sun: 2009-05-27 (21:01:34) - 2009-06-18 (21:55:57)

> > > Moon: 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) - 2009-08-11 (0:37:35)

> > > Mars: 2009-08-11 (0:37:35) - 2009-09-08 (8:15:58)

> > > ---> Merc: 2009-09-08 (8:15:58) - 2009-11-07 (9:10:20)

> > > Sat: 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) - 2009-12-12 (11:10:38)

> > > Jup: 2009-12-12 (11:10:38) - 2010-02-19 (4:34:48)

> > >

> > > So the above combination are also indicating to me of gains

> during

> > the Merc(Hora Lord) Dasa between Sep 8th 2009 and Nov 7th 2009.

> > >

> > > 3) Now let me see your Kashinatha Hora (D-2) with Narayana Dasa.

> > >

> > > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> > >

> > > Maha Dasas:

> > >

> > > Cp: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1974-02-03 (11:54:04)

> > > Aq: 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) - 1975-02-03 (18:12:49)

> > > Pi: 1975-02-03 (18:12:49) - 1976-02-04 (0:11:53)

> > > Ar: 1976-02-04 (0:11:53) - 1986-02-03 (13:49:32)

> > > Ta: 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) - 1995-02-03 (21:01:20)

> > > Ge: 1995-02-03 (21:01:20) - 2003-02-03 (22:21:57)

> > > ---> Cn: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > > Le: 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) - 2016-02-04 (6:25:39)

> > > Vi: 2016-02-04 (6:25:39) - 2023-02-04 (1:37:05)

> > > Li: 2023-02-04 (1:37:05) - 2027-02-04 (2:08:47)

> > > Sc: 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) - 2030-02-03 (20:32:50)

> > > Sg: 2030-02-03 (20:32:50) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> > > Cp: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> > > Aq: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> > > Pi: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> > > .....

> > >

> > > In Rasi, 2nd lord is Mar, who is also 2nd lord in D-2. This Mar

> is

> > exalted and placed in 11th house with 11th lord Sat.

> > >

> > > You are currently running Cn MahaDasa and let us see how is


> > dasa for your personal finances point of view:-

> > >

> > > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> > >

> > > Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > >

> > > Antardasas in this MD:

> > >

> > > Cp: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2003-09-07 (17:13:40)

> > > Aq: 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) - 2004-04-04 (3:01:14)

> > > Pi: 2004-04-04 (3:01:14) - 2004-11-06 (18:44:22)

> > > Ar: 2004-11-06 (18:44:22) - 2005-06-05 (6:24:34)

> > > ---> Ta: 2005-06-05 (6:24:34) - 2006-01-05 (5:09:54)

> > > Ge: 2006-01-05 (5:09:54) - 2006-08-07 (8:31:06)

> > > Cn: 2006-08-07 (8:31:06) - 2007-03-05 (16:53:58)

> > > Le: 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) - 2007-10-08 (9:50:46)

> > > Vi: 2007-10-08 (9:50:46) - 2008-05-04 (20:42:33)

> > > Li: 2008-05-04 (20:42:33) - 2008-12-06 (12:26:11)

> > > Sc: 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) - 2009-07-06 (17:07:21)

> > > Sg: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > >

> > > Cn is 5th house from Lagna so this indicates to me that you


> > the earning ability and this Cn is placed in 7th from AL, so this

> > indicates to me that others impacting one’s personal finances.

> > >

> > > Cn has GL, A7(partnership and partners) and A2(wealth) and

> > aspecting the Sc where HL is placed and also aspecting Aq where


> > and A9(events happening one looks fortunate) are placed. So the

> > connection again, GL, SL and HL, it is simply very good

> combination.

> > So this Cn Mahadasa will give the wealth, image, power and

> authority.

> > >

> > > Now let us see which Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's will give this

> > result.

> > >

> > > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> > >

> > > Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > > Sg AD: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > > Sc PD: 2009-12-14 (3:45:30) - 2009-12-31 (8:10:55)

> > >

> > > We have already analysed the Cn Mahadasa will give good


> So

> > let us see why Sg antar should give the results. Sg is 6th from


> > Mahadasa and the Dasa Lord Moon is placed there along with UL.


> > the lord of Sg antar dasa is placed in Aq with SL and A9.


> > placement in this may not be a very good and may give some


> > with the resources too. So this Antar Dasa lord Jup is aspecting

> the

> > Maha Dasa rasi Cn and can give the results. Now let us see why Sc

> > Pratyantar Dasa should give the results. Sc is 5th from Maha Dasa

> > Rasi Cn and 12th from Antar Dasa of Sg. Sc also has HL and its


> > Mar is with Sat in Cp with AL and Mandi. It co-lord Ketu is


> in

> > Aq with Antar Dasa Lord Jup and SL. Also, this Sc is aspecting


> > where its lord Mar is placed and also aspecting Cn where GL is

> placed

> > along with A7 and A2. So Sc Pratyantar Dasa is capable enought


> > give the results of wealth, image, power and authority. Mandi and

> > Gulika's placements are indicating me that some

> > > money will go away in someway, even if some one does not want

> to.

> > So I would suggest you to give away some money in charity during

> that

> > time for poor and needy.

> > >

> > > Summary : Based on the above analysis, I am thinking the native

> > should get very good Wealth, Image, Power and Authority between


> > 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009.

> > >

> > > Hope the above is helpful to you. Please provide me some


> > in Oct/Nov 2009 to me, so that I can allign my understanding of

> > Jyotish principles accordingly.

> > >

> > > Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to

> please

> > correct me if I have not applied the T.P and Sudasa Principles

> > correctly.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Raghunatha Rao

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Start your day with - make it your home page

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Namaskaar Sri Raghunatha


The Aries-Aries dasha and the combinations of its lord Mars,

especially, that being the 2nd lord in the 11th suggests income

through investment of wealth, rather than income from other sources.


In the Vimshottari dasha, the period you have mentioned from Sept to

Nov is governed by Avayogi (Mercury) which is in the house of Saturn

which is a duplicate yogi. This suggests that the income generated in

this period will not come through a lottery. Now, the Saturn

antardasha precedes Mercury antardasha and it is more likely to give

him gains.


If you check under Vimshottari the periods he mentioned he has made

money in, you will find Venus's play there which is in the nakshatra

of Moon (which is the yogi for him).


Just consider the above and let me know your thoughts.


Thanks and Regards





vedic astrology, Raghunatha RaoNemani

<raon1008> wrote:


> Om Krishna Guru


> Namaste Singh,


> As you have confirmed that the birth time was rectified by you hence

I am taking the birth time as is and going foward.


> I have considered the following Birth Details for my analysis:-


> February 3, 1962

> Time: 10:03:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> Ludhiana, India


> I am going to use three special Lagnas (SL,HL and GL ) and they move

very quickly and have a greater impact on the birth time accuracy. So

if the birth time is not accurate naturally the HL and GL's placement

will be wrong and hence my analysis may not be correct too. For

example if I change your birth time to 10:15 then the GL will move to

Vi from Le, that is why we have to be sure about our birth time

accuracy prior to using these Special Lagnas in conjunction with

Sudasa and other sensitive Dasas.


> Having said that, let me apply Sudasa on your chart to find any

indications for wealth is there in your chart in coming years.


> 1) Sudasa or it is also called Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa, is a

rasi dasa. Sudasa, presided by mother MahaLakshmi and can be used to

predict financial matters and matters related to status and power too.


> In Rasi, Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup is deblitated and placed with

many other planets in Cp. AL is Sc and its lord(s) are placed in 3rd

from AL and 11th from Lagna and 2nd from Moon. HL (Hora Lagna) is Ar

and its lord Mar (Exalted) is placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd from

AL. GL (Ghatika Lagna) is placed in Le and its lord Sun is placed in

11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL and 2nd from Moon. When Hora Lagna

(HL) is placed in 2nd house, it indicates a person who considers

family, community or people he identifies with as his real wealth.

Such people are a real gift to the community they belong to or

associat with. In this chart the lord of HL Mar is placed in Cp and

aspecting HL by Graha Drishti, that is very good.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Maha Dasas:


> Le: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1966-02-09 (6:40:06)

> Sc: 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) - 1969-02-09 (1:05:12)

> Aq: 1969-02-09 (1:05:12) - 1970-02-09 (7:09:58)

> Ta: 1970-02-09 (7:09:58) - 1978-02-09 (8:28:55)

> Vi: 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> Sg: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> Pi: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1987-02-09 (15:51:27)

> Ge: 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) - 1994-02-09 (10:55:50)

> Li: 1994-02-09 (10:55:50) - 1997-02-09 (5:18:48)

> ---> Cp: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> ---> Ar: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> Cn: 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) - 2026-02-09 (16:01:12)

> Le: 2026-02-09 (16:01:12) - 2034-02-03 (21:18:34)

> Sc: 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> Aq: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> Ta: 2054-02-04 (0:18:36) - 2058-02-04 (1:00:22)

> ......


> I am looking at the Sudasa from current Dasa onwords for now. You

are currently running Cp Mahadasa which will run till Feb 2009. Here

the Maha Dasa Lord Sat is placed in Cp along with HL & AL's lord Mar

along with GL's lord Sun. Cp is aspecting Le ( where GL is placed )

and Sc (Where AL is placed ) by rasi drishti. Lord of HL and AL is an

exalted Mars and he is aspecting HL by Graha Drishti.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Cp MD: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> Sc AD: 2007-02-09 (18:59:31) - 2008-02-10 (0:58:46)

> Le PD: 2007-11-13 (10:22:08) - 2007-12-13 (1:48:01)


> So during the above Cp-Sc-Le dasa's there seeems to be some

elevation of authority and recognitions is expected to have gain in

some good amount of wealth.


> Now let us see the Next Mahadasa which is Ar, this will start from

Feb 2nd 2009 and will continue till Feb 2nd 2019. Ar itself has HL

and its lord Mar is placed in 11th house from Lagna and 2nd from Moon

and 3rd from AL. 7th from Ar is Li and its lord Ven is also placed

with Maha Dasa Lord Mar in Cp. Ar is having a Rasi Drishti on GL, AL

and SL, and this is a fantastic combination for the blessings of

mother Mahalakshmi and can give wealth, image, power and authority

during this Mahadasa. I am seeing this dasa has a superb combinations

along with the Dasa Lord Mars is aspecting the Ar the Mahadasa. Also,

Ar dasa lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both have Virodha

Argala on Ar(HL) and Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very high

to get the blessings during this Ar mahadasa. So now let us see the

what Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's the blessings may come to the native.


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Ar MD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> Li AD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2009-12-12 (14:12:34)

> Le PD: 2009-10-23 (23:07:20) - 2009-11-17 (21:47:18)


> We have already seen that the Ar maha dasa will be good, so let us

see why Li antar dasa is good. Li has A11 and its lord Ven is placed

with the Maha Dasa, HL and AL lord an exalted Mars. Li is also the 7th

house from HL and this Li is also 8th house from Lagna. Mandi and

Gulika are placed in Aq and Cp where our focus is there, so I am not

comfirtable with these two upagrahas placement there, but we will see

their negative impact if any later. So Li antar is capable enough to

give the results. Now let us see the Le Pratyantar. Its lord Sun is

again with all the planets ( just like Li antar analysis) and most

importantly Le is having rasi drishti on both Ar (Mahadasa) and Cp

(where all the lords are placed) so this should give the results.


> So from the above combinations and anlalysis, I am thinking the

native should get very good wealth, image, power and authority between

Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009. I will not discuss whether this

wealth comes from what source as I am not fully comfirtable in writing

about this now as my learning and understanding is not complete in

that area yet.


> 2) Now, let us see quickly the Annual T.P for year 2009 and see

whether the above is analysis is matching in this Annual T.P or not ?


> Annual TP


> January 24, 2009

> Time: 6:05:59

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> Ludhiana, India


> Hora Lord is Mer(Vakra) and who is 7th and 10th lord placed in 2nd

house with 9th lord Sun, Lagna and 4th lord Jup and 3rd Lord Rahu.


> Vaara Lord is Ven, who is 6th and 11th lord and placed in a Upachaya

house of 3rd house.


> Lagna is Sg and it is 10th from the Natal Lagna. Lagna lord is

placed in 2nd house. There is a parivartana between Sat and Sun.


> Now looking at the Yogas: Merc and Jup are forming a Raja Yoga. Jup

and Sun are forming a RajaLakshmi Yoga. Here you will notice, the Jup

is Lagna Lord and Mer is Hora Lord and their association with these

yoga are very good and will surely fructify.


> Let us see quickly the Ashtaka Varga bindus. 11th house has 43

bindus and they are very very high. Also 11th house has GL and

aspecting Aq where Its lord Ven and SL are placed.


> Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi

Pravesha charts):


> Maha Dasas:


> Jup: 2008-11-23 (11:55:08) - 2009-01-31 (6:02:26)

> Rah: 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) - 2009-03-14 (0:18:25)

> Ven: 2009-03-14 (0:18:25) - 2009-05-27 (21:01:34)

> Sun: 2009-05-27 (21:01:34) - 2009-06-18 (21:55:57)

> Moon: 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) - 2009-08-11 (0:37:35)

> Mars: 2009-08-11 (0:37:35) - 2009-09-08 (8:15:58)

> ---> Merc: 2009-09-08 (8:15:58) - 2009-11-07 (9:10:20)

> Sat: 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) - 2009-12-12 (11:10:38)

> Jup: 2009-12-12 (11:10:38) - 2010-02-19 (4:34:48)


> So the above combination are also indicating to me of gains during

the Merc(Hora Lord) Dasa between Sep 8th 2009 and Nov 7th 2009.


> 3) Now let me see your Kashinatha Hora (D-2) with Narayana Dasa.


> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Maha Dasas:


> Cp: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1974-02-03 (11:54:04)

> Aq: 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) - 1975-02-03 (18:12:49)

> Pi: 1975-02-03 (18:12:49) - 1976-02-04 (0:11:53)

> Ar: 1976-02-04 (0:11:53) - 1986-02-03 (13:49:32)

> Ta: 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) - 1995-02-03 (21:01:20)

> Ge: 1995-02-03 (21:01:20) - 2003-02-03 (22:21:57)

> ---> Cn: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Le: 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) - 2016-02-04 (6:25:39)

> Vi: 2016-02-04 (6:25:39) - 2023-02-04 (1:37:05)

> Li: 2023-02-04 (1:37:05) - 2027-02-04 (2:08:47)

> Sc: 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) - 2030-02-03 (20:32:50)

> Sg: 2030-02-03 (20:32:50) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> Cp: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> Aq: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> Pi: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> .....


> In Rasi, 2nd lord is Mar, who is also 2nd lord in D-2. This Mar is

exalted and placed in 11th house with 11th lord Sat.


> You are currently running Cn MahaDasa and let us see how is this

dasa for your personal finances point of view:-


> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)


> Antardasas in this MD:


> Cp: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2003-09-07 (17:13:40)

> Aq: 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) - 2004-04-04 (3:01:14)

> Pi: 2004-04-04 (3:01:14) - 2004-11-06 (18:44:22)

> Ar: 2004-11-06 (18:44:22) - 2005-06-05 (6:24:34)

> ---> Ta: 2005-06-05 (6:24:34) - 2006-01-05 (5:09:54)

> Ge: 2006-01-05 (5:09:54) - 2006-08-07 (8:31:06)

> Cn: 2006-08-07 (8:31:06) - 2007-03-05 (16:53:58)

> Le: 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) - 2007-10-08 (9:50:46)

> Vi: 2007-10-08 (9:50:46) - 2008-05-04 (20:42:33)

> Li: 2008-05-04 (20:42:33) - 2008-12-06 (12:26:11)

> Sc: 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) - 2009-07-06 (17:07:21)

> Sg: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)


> Cn is 5th house from Lagna so this indicates to me that you have the

earning ability and this Cn is placed in 7th from AL, so this

indicates to me that others impacting one’s personal finances.


> Cn has GL, A7(partnership and partners) and A2(wealth) and aspecting

the Sc where HL is placed and also aspecting Aq where SL, and

A9(events happening one looks fortunate) are placed. So the connection

again, GL, SL and HL, it is simply very good combination. So this Cn

Mahadasa will give the wealth, image, power and authority.


> Now let us see which Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's will give this result.


> Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Sg AD: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> Sc PD: 2009-12-14 (3:45:30) - 2009-12-31 (8:10:55)


> We have already analysed the Cn Mahadasa will give good results. So

let us see why Sg antar should give the results. Sg is 6th from Cn

Mahadasa and the Dasa Lord Moon is placed there along with UL. Jup the

lord of Sg antar dasa is placed in Aq with SL and A9. Gulika's

placement in this may not be a very good and may give some troubles

with the resources too. So this Antar Dasa lord Jup is aspecting the

Maha Dasa rasi Cn and can give the results. Now let us see why Sc

Pratyantar Dasa should give the results. Sc is 5th from Maha Dasa Rasi

Cn and 12th from Antar Dasa of Sg. Sc also has HL and its lord Mar is

with Sat in Cp with AL and Mandi. It co-lord Ketu is placed in Aq with

Antar Dasa Lord Jup and SL. Also, this Sc is aspecting Cp where its

lord Mar is placed and also aspecting Cn where GL is placed along with

A7 and A2. So Sc Pratyantar Dasa is capable enought to give the

results of wealth, image, power and authority. Mandi and Gulika's

placements are indicating me that some

> money will go away in someway, even if some one does not want to.

So I would suggest you to give away some money in charity during that

time for poor and needy.


> Summary : Based on the above analysis, I am thinking the native

should get very good Wealth, Image, Power and Authority between Oct

23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009.


> Hope the above is helpful to you. Please provide me some feedback in

Oct/Nov 2009 to me, so that I can allign my understanding of Jyotish

principles accordingly.


> Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to please

correct me if I have not applied the T.P and Sudasa Principles correctly.


> Regards

> Raghunatha Rao





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Guest guest

Dear Bharat ji,


Thanks for your comments. The Rahu/Venus vimshotteri dasha period

for 3 years was extremely good for wealth. Natal Venus is in moon's

nakshatra, and natal moon is venus's nakshatra. Money came in very

easily in large sums without much effort.


The Rahu/Mars period was also very good for wealth. In rahu/mars

period when jupiter and mars were together in virgo in Oct/Nov 2004,

was extremely good. I was very close to winning a big lottery as I

matched 4 numbers out of 6.


Sun being the 6th house lord is the worst planet in my chart. In

rahu/sun period there was no income at all. I didn't even make a

single penny in rahu/sun period.




G. Singh



vedic astrology, "Bharat"

<hinduastrology@g...> wrote:

> Namaskaar Sri Raghunatha


> The Aries-Aries dasha and the combinations of its lord Mars,

> especially, that being the 2nd lord in the 11th suggests income

> through investment of wealth, rather than income from other



> In the Vimshottari dasha, the period you have mentioned from Sept to

> Nov is governed by Avayogi (Mercury) which is in the house of Saturn

> which is a duplicate yogi. This suggests that the income generated


> this period will not come through a lottery. Now, the Saturn

> antardasha precedes Mercury antardasha and it is more likely to give

> him gains.


> If you check under Vimshottari the periods he mentioned he has made

> money in, you will find Venus's play there which is in the nakshatra

> of Moon (which is the yogi for him).


> Just consider the above and let me know your thoughts.


> Thanks and Regards

> Bharat




> vedic astrology, Raghunatha RaoNemani

> <raon1008> wrote:

> >

> > Om Krishna Guru

> >

> > Namaste Singh,

> >

> > As you have confirmed that the birth time was rectified by you


> I am taking the birth time as is and going foward.

> >

> > I have considered the following Birth Details for my analysis:-

> >

> > February 3, 1962

> > Time: 10:03:00

> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> > Ludhiana, India

> >

> > I am going to use three special Lagnas (SL,HL and GL ) and they


> very quickly and have a greater impact on the birth time accuracy.


> if the birth time is not accurate naturally the HL and GL's


> will be wrong and hence my analysis may not be correct too. For

> example if I change your birth time to 10:15 then the GL will move


> Vi from Le, that is why we have to be sure about our birth time

> accuracy prior to using these Special Lagnas in conjunction with

> Sudasa and other sensitive Dasas.

> >

> > Having said that, let me apply Sudasa on your chart to find any

> indications for wealth is there in your chart in coming years.

> >

> > 1) Sudasa or it is also called Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa, is a

> rasi dasa. Sudasa, presided by mother MahaLakshmi and can be used to

> predict financial matters and matters related to status and power


> >

> > In Rasi, Lagna is Pi and its lord Jup is deblitated and placed


> many other planets in Cp. AL is Sc and its lord(s) are placed in 3rd

> from AL and 11th from Lagna and 2nd from Moon. HL (Hora Lagna) is Ar

> and its lord Mar (Exalted) is placed in 11th from Lagna and 3rd from

> AL. GL (Ghatika Lagna) is placed in Le and its lord Sun is placed in

> 11th from Lagna and 3rd from AL and 2nd from Moon. When Hora Lagna

> (HL) is placed in 2nd house, it indicates a person who considers

> family, community or people he identifies with as his real wealth.

> Such people are a real gift to the community they belong to or

> associat with. In this chart the lord of HL Mar is placed in Cp and

> aspecting HL by Graha Drishti, that is very good.

> >

> > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Le: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1966-02-09 (6:40:06)

> > Sc: 1966-02-09 (6:40:06) - 1969-02-09 (1:05:12)

> > Aq: 1969-02-09 (1:05:12) - 1970-02-09 (7:09:58)

> > Ta: 1970-02-09 (7:09:58) - 1978-02-09 (8:28:55)

> > Vi: 1978-02-09 (8:28:55) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> > Sg: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1986-02-09 (9:42:59)

> > Pi: 1986-02-09 (9:42:59) - 1987-02-09 (15:51:27)

> > Ge: 1987-02-09 (15:51:27) - 1994-02-09 (10:55:50)

> > Li: 1994-02-09 (10:55:50) - 1997-02-09 (5:18:48)

> > ---> Cp: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> > ---> Ar: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> > Cn: 2019-02-09 (20:41:23) - 2026-02-09 (16:01:12)

> > Le: 2026-02-09 (16:01:12) - 2034-02-03 (21:18:34)

> > Sc: 2034-02-03 (21:18:34) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> > Aq: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> > Ta: 2054-02-04 (0:18:36) - 2058-02-04 (1:00:22)

> > ......

> >

> > I am looking at the Sudasa from current Dasa onwords for now. You

> are currently running Cp Mahadasa which will run till Feb 2009. Here

> the Maha Dasa Lord Sat is placed in Cp along with HL & AL's lord Mar

> along with GL's lord Sun. Cp is aspecting Le ( where GL is placed )

> and Sc (Where AL is placed ) by rasi drishti. Lord of HL and AL is


> exalted Mars and he is aspecting HL by Graha Drishti.

> >

> > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> >

> > Cp MD: 1997-02-09 (5:18:48) - 2009-02-09 (7:14:20)

> > Sc AD: 2007-02-09 (18:59:31) - 2008-02-10 (0:58:46)

> > Le PD: 2007-11-13 (10:22:08) - 2007-12-13 (1:48:01)

> >

> > So during the above Cp-Sc-Le dasa's there seeems to be some

> elevation of authority and recognitions is expected to have gain in

> some good amount of wealth.

> >

> > Now let us see the Next Mahadasa which is Ar, this will start from

> Feb 2nd 2009 and will continue till Feb 2nd 2019. Ar itself has HL

> and its lord Mar is placed in 11th house from Lagna and 2nd from


> and 3rd from AL. 7th from Ar is Li and its lord Ven is also placed

> with Maha Dasa Lord Mar in Cp. Ar is having a Rasi Drishti on GL, AL

> and SL, and this is a fantastic combination for the blessings of

> mother Mahalakshmi and can give wealth, image, power and authority

> during this Mahadasa. I am seeing this dasa has a superb


> along with the Dasa Lord Mars is aspecting the Ar the Mahadasa.


> Ar dasa lord Mar and 7th from Mahadasa Lord Ven, both have Virodha

> Argala on Ar(HL) and Aq (SL) and Sc(AL). So the chances are very


> to get the blessings during this Ar mahadasa. So now let us see the

> what Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's the blessings may come to the


> >

> > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> >

> > Ar MD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2019-02-09 (20:41:23)

> > Li AD: 2009-02-09 (7:14:20) - 2009-12-12 (14:12:34)

> > Le PD: 2009-10-23 (23:07:20) - 2009-11-17 (21:47:18)

> >

> > We have already seen that the Ar maha dasa will be good, so let us

> see why Li antar dasa is good. Li has A11 and its lord Ven is placed

> with the Maha Dasa, HL and AL lord an exalted Mars. Li is also the


> house from HL and this Li is also 8th house from Lagna. Mandi and

> Gulika are placed in Aq and Cp where our focus is there, so I am not

> comfirtable with these two upagrahas placement there, but we will


> their negative impact if any later. So Li antar is capable enough to

> give the results. Now let us see the Le Pratyantar. Its lord Sun is

> again with all the planets ( just like Li antar analysis) and most

> importantly Le is having rasi drishti on both Ar (Mahadasa) and Cp

> (where all the lords are placed) so this should give the results.

> >

> > So from the above combinations and anlalysis, I am thinking the

> native should get very good wealth, image, power and authority


> Oct 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009. I will not discuss whether this

> wealth comes from what source as I am not fully comfirtable in


> about this now as my learning and understanding is not complete in

> that area yet.

> >

> > 2) Now, let us see quickly the Annual T.P for year 2009 and see

> whether the above is analysis is matching in this Annual T.P or

not ?

> >

> > Annual TP

> >

> > January 24, 2009

> > Time: 6:05:59

> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 75 E 51' 00", 30 N 54' 00"

> > Ludhiana, India

> >

> > Hora Lord is Mer(Vakra) and who is 7th and 10th lord placed in 2nd

> house with 9th lord Sun, Lagna and 4th lord Jup and 3rd Lord Rahu.

> >

> > Vaara Lord is Ven, who is 6th and 11th lord and placed in a


> house of 3rd house.

> >

> > Lagna is Sg and it is 10th from the Natal Lagna. Lagna lord is

> placed in 2nd house. There is a parivartana between Sat and Sun.

> >

> > Now looking at the Yogas: Merc and Jup are forming a Raja Yoga.


> and Sun are forming a RajaLakshmi Yoga. Here you will notice, the


> is Lagna Lord and Mer is Hora Lord and their association with these

> yoga are very good and will surely fructify.

> >

> > Let us see quickly the Ashtaka Varga bindus. 11th house has 43

> bindus and they are very very high. Also 11th house has GL and

> aspecting Aq where Its lord Ven and SL are placed.

> >

> > Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi

> Pravesha charts):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Jup: 2008-11-23 (11:55:08) - 2009-01-31 (6:02:26)

> > Rah: 2009-01-31 (6:02:26) - 2009-03-14 (0:18:25)

> > Ven: 2009-03-14 (0:18:25) - 2009-05-27 (21:01:34)

> > Sun: 2009-05-27 (21:01:34) - 2009-06-18 (21:55:57)

> > Moon: 2009-06-18 (21:55:57) - 2009-08-11 (0:37:35)

> > Mars: 2009-08-11 (0:37:35) - 2009-09-08 (8:15:58)

> > ---> Merc: 2009-09-08 (8:15:58) - 2009-11-07 (9:10:20)

> > Sat: 2009-11-07 (9:10:20) - 2009-12-12 (11:10:38)

> > Jup: 2009-12-12 (11:10:38) - 2010-02-19 (4:34:48)

> >

> > So the above combination are also indicating to me of gains during

> the Merc(Hora Lord) Dasa between Sep 8th 2009 and Nov 7th 2009.

> >

> > 3) Now let me see your Kashinatha Hora (D-2) with Narayana Dasa.

> >

> > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Cp: 1962-02-03 (10:03:01) - 1974-02-03 (11:54:04)

> > Aq: 1974-02-03 (11:54:04) - 1975-02-03 (18:12:49)

> > Pi: 1975-02-03 (18:12:49) - 1976-02-04 (0:11:53)

> > Ar: 1976-02-04 (0:11:53) - 1986-02-03 (13:49:32)

> > Ta: 1986-02-03 (13:49:32) - 1995-02-03 (21:01:20)

> > Ge: 1995-02-03 (21:01:20) - 2003-02-03 (22:21:57)

> > ---> Cn: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > Le: 2010-02-03 (17:35:22) - 2016-02-04 (6:25:39)

> > Vi: 2016-02-04 (6:25:39) - 2023-02-04 (1:37:05)

> > Li: 2023-02-04 (1:37:05) - 2027-02-04 (2:08:47)

> > Sc: 2027-02-04 (2:08:47) - 2030-02-03 (20:32:50)

> > Sg: 2030-02-03 (20:32:50) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> > Cp: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2032-02-04 (8:50:54)

> > Aq: 2032-02-04 (8:50:54) - 2043-02-04 (4:32:29)

> > Pi: 2043-02-04 (4:32:29) - 2054-02-04 (0:18:36)

> > .....

> >

> > In Rasi, 2nd lord is Mar, who is also 2nd lord in D-2. This Mar is

> exalted and placed in 11th house with 11th lord Sat.

> >

> > You are currently running Cn MahaDasa and let us see how is this

> dasa for your personal finances point of view:-

> >

> > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> >

> > Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> >

> > Antardasas in this MD:

> >

> > Cp: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2003-09-07 (17:13:40)

> > Aq: 2003-09-07 (17:13:40) - 2004-04-04 (3:01:14)

> > Pi: 2004-04-04 (3:01:14) - 2004-11-06 (18:44:22)

> > Ar: 2004-11-06 (18:44:22) - 2005-06-05 (6:24:34)

> > ---> Ta: 2005-06-05 (6:24:34) - 2006-01-05 (5:09:54)

> > Ge: 2006-01-05 (5:09:54) - 2006-08-07 (8:31:06)

> > Cn: 2006-08-07 (8:31:06) - 2007-03-05 (16:53:58)

> > Le: 2007-03-05 (16:53:58) - 2007-10-08 (9:50:46)

> > Vi: 2007-10-08 (9:50:46) - 2008-05-04 (20:42:33)

> > Li: 2008-05-04 (20:42:33) - 2008-12-06 (12:26:11)

> > Sc: 2008-12-06 (12:26:11) - 2009-07-06 (17:07:21)

> > Sg: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> >

> > Cn is 5th house from Lagna so this indicates to me that you have


> earning ability and this Cn is placed in 7th from AL, so this

> indicates to me that others impacting one’s personal finances.

> >

> > Cn has GL, A7(partnership and partners) and A2(wealth) and


> the Sc where HL is placed and also aspecting Aq where SL, and

> A9(events happening one looks fortunate) are placed. So the


> again, GL, SL and HL, it is simply very good combination. So this Cn

> Mahadasa will give the wealth, image, power and authority.

> >

> > Now let us see which Antar and Pratyantar Dasa's will give this


> >

> > Narayana Dasa of D-2 (Kn) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> >

> > Cn MD: 2003-02-03 (22:21:57) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > Sg AD: 2009-07-06 (17:07:21) - 2010-02-03 (17:35:22)

> > Sc PD: 2009-12-14 (3:45:30) - 2009-12-31 (8:10:55)

> >

> > We have already analysed the Cn Mahadasa will give good results.


> let us see why Sg antar should give the results. Sg is 6th from Cn

> Mahadasa and the Dasa Lord Moon is placed there along with UL. Jup


> lord of Sg antar dasa is placed in Aq with SL and A9. Gulika's

> placement in this may not be a very good and may give some troubles

> with the resources too. So this Antar Dasa lord Jup is aspecting the

> Maha Dasa rasi Cn and can give the results. Now let us see why Sc

> Pratyantar Dasa should give the results. Sc is 5th from Maha Dasa


> Cn and 12th from Antar Dasa of Sg. Sc also has HL and its lord Mar


> with Sat in Cp with AL and Mandi. It co-lord Ketu is placed in Aq


> Antar Dasa Lord Jup and SL. Also, this Sc is aspecting Cp where its

> lord Mar is placed and also aspecting Cn where GL is placed along


> A7 and A2. So Sc Pratyantar Dasa is capable enought to give the

> results of wealth, image, power and authority. Mandi and Gulika's

> placements are indicating me that some

> > money will go away in someway, even if some one does not want to.

> So I would suggest you to give away some money in charity during


> time for poor and needy.

> >

> > Summary : Based on the above analysis, I am thinking the native

> should get very good Wealth, Image, Power and Authority between Oct

> 23rd 2009 and Nov 17th 2009.

> >

> > Hope the above is helpful to you. Please provide me some feedback


> Oct/Nov 2009 to me, so that I can allign my understanding of Jyotish

> principles accordingly.

> >

> > Having said that, may I request Gurus and learned members to


> correct me if I have not applied the T.P and Sudasa Principles


> >

> > Regards

> > Raghunatha Rao

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Start your day with - make it your home page

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