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Kunda rectification (Amritanandamayi ... Kunda Lagna)

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Dear Vijay and others,


Rectification using Kunda was taught with examples in the first few chapters of

Pt Sanjay Rath's excellent book "Crux of Vedic Astrology: Timing of Events".

This is such an excellent book that even the most learned scholars will find

something or the other in the book that they don't know.


You can also find the longitude of "Kunda" given in JHora software.


WARNING: Read below only if you are interested in my honest personal view on

Kunda. I am not looking for an argument on this contentious issue. I am

mentioning my views only to benefit those who care for my views.


* * *


I personally don't think much of Kunda method of rectification. If you think

logically, you too will realize that it cannot be correct. Definitely, there is

something amiss with our current understanding of it.


Most rectification methods divide time into various quanta. Human birth can

occur in some quanta and cannot occur in some quanta. But these quanta are so

large in some methods that it is just absurd. Kunda is one such method.

Lagna changes sign once in every 120 min on average. So Kunda changes sign once

in every 120/81=1.48 min.


This results in a 1.48 min window when birth can occur and a 4.44 min window

when birth cannot occur. This will be followed by a 1.48 min window when birth

can occur and then a 4.44 min window when birth cannot occur.


We have instances when twins were born 3 minutes apart. We even have instances

when triplets or quadruplets or pentuplets or sextuplets were born onc every

2-3 minutes.


If you are told that twins were born at 1:03 pm and 1:05 pm, you may have to

change those times to 1:03, 1:08 or 1:02, 1:03. The way I look at it, it is

just absurd.


The quanta of time used in any genuine rectification methods must be much

smaller than 1.48 and 4.44 min. The tattva and antara tattva method seems more

reasonable to me.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software

(Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:



> Dear Pradeep,> > Many thanks for enlightening me on this method of

rectification. > > Where can I read the original article by Chandrahari?> >

Also the post below states "The method> > will work satisfactorily only in the

case of the Muladhara Chakra"; > this reference to Muladhara chakra really put

me off course as the > earlier portions do not refer to any chakras. So would

you kindly > clarify what you mean by saying that it works only for Muladhara >

chakra.> > Thanks and best regards,> -Vijay> > --- In

, "vijayadas_pradeep" > <vijayadas_pradeep>

wrote:> > Dear shri Vijay> > > > I have never rectified any horoscopes due to

lack of knowledge.> > Pls find the following from Shri Chandraharis article.> >

> > 1. Birth Time in Astrology> > > > As I have already discussed in the

aforementioned book, the birth > time> > in Jyotisha according to Tantric

precepts is the time of first cry.> > This time or the yogic births do not

occur at random - there exists> > patterns of life /slots of destiny to which

the individuals are born> > and these patterns are represented by the Lagna in

correlation to> > Chandra. The fundamental equation that defines a Yogic birth

is:> > > > Lagna x 81 = Chandra or Chandra ± 120deg> > i.e., Kunda-Lagna =

Chandra or its triangular longitude> > > > This in turn means that Chandra

represents the Kunda-Lagna in terms > of> > longitude and the Vimsottari dasa

will be the same from both Chandra> > as well as Kunda-Lagna. In fact, the

basis of the Vimsottari > technique> > itself may be Kundalagna, which due to

difficulties of computation > of> > Lagna was easily not derivable in ancient

times. On the contrary > Moon> > could be observed and computed to serve as an

approximation to> > Kundalagna. The above fact also explains the rationale of

raising> > Chandra Kundalini - Chandra's longitude in the various houses> >

represents the respective Bhavasphuta in Kundamsa i.e., Rasix81.> > Lagna,

rectified by Kundaganita appropriately only shall be> > representative of the

first cry of the child that represents the > first> > pulse of a sequence of

events that forms the temporal course of > life.> > Such Lagna too can be used

for deriving Vimsottari sequence as> > observed by Satya.> > > > No verbatim

application of the above aspect is called for. The > method> > will work

satisfactorily only in the case of the Muladhara Chakra.> > Everyone must make

a diligent study of the principle with large > number> > of horoscopes and

learn by himself the methodology involved before> > making practical

application.> > > > Thanks> > Pradeep

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