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Hora and other aspects

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Dear Mr. Pradeep,


>I am not a sanskrit scholar and cannot say for certain

>if parivritti can mean exchange.Vritta is a circle

>and parivritti means regular cycle is my




Parivrittih can mean exchange or barter as mentioned earlier. Also,

Parivrittih can mean repetition. This repetition can be in orderly manner or

otherwise. It need not mean regular cycle. The cycle can be irregular.


>RÄserdhambhavethorÄ tÄschaturvimsath smrtÄh

>MeshÄdi tÄsÄm horÄnÄm parivrttidvayam bhavet


>I will simply undersatnd this as follows - Two regular

>cycles in order from Aries onwards constituting 24 Horas.

>I cannot find any lordships or signs being mentioned




You can omit the word "regular". Rest is fine.


>When Parashara says ''Horanaam sampadaadikam'' - There

>can be only one Hora ,though numerous indications can

>be studied from the same (other than wealth), as in 2nd

>house.Thus I do not to various Hora charts for

>various puroposes.


I don't agree. My version of Horashastra has "Horayaam" and not "Horanaam"

as you have indicated. By "Horayaam sampadaadikam", he can mean wealth and

other indications from (the division known as) Hora. He has nowhere

indicated that it is just one Hora chart.


Om Tat Sat,


Raman Suprajarama




[] On

Behalf Of vijayadas_pradeep

Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:38 PM


Cn and Le Riddle (Re: (Multiple replies) RE: New



Dear Shri Raman


Yes I did mean even signs.(Oja/Yugma - Odd/even).


Suryendorvishame rÄsou same tadvipareetakam -This explains Hora

Lordships and a clue regarding nature of Horas.


The basic definition of Hora is thus based on Rashi nature(Odd/Even)

and Sun/Moon(Kroora-Saumya or Aagneya-Saumya).

Thus my doubt is can the first Hora of an Odd rashi be allotted to

an even sign without violating the above.


I am not a sanskrit scholar and cannot say for certain if parivritti

can mean exchange.Vritta is a circle and parivritti means regular

cycle is my understanding.Let scholars correct me.


RÄserdhambhavethorÄ tÄschaturvimsath smrtÄh

MeshÄdi tÄsÄm horÄnÄm parivrttidvayam bhavet


I will simply undersatnd this as follows - Two regular cycles in

order from Aries onwards constituting 24 Horas.I cannot find any

lordships or signs being mentioned here.I would seek the opinion of

learned members.


Thus lordship(or finer derivatives of the same) has to be understood

from the first shloka.What is a hora,how many are there and how it

is spanned across the rashi chakra has to be understood from the



When Parashara says ''Horanaam sampadaadikam'' - There can be only

one Hora ,though numerous indications can be studied from the same

(other than wealth), as in 2nd house.Thus I do not to

various Hora charts for various puroposes.


Thus it is not a surprise ,to find proper results using Rashi chakra

and classical principles as compared to bhavas in dashamsha and all.






, "Raman Suprajarama"

<cru115@n...> wrote:

> Dear Mr. Pradeep,


> I did not quite understand your question. By yugma, do you mean

Gemini or

> even sign?


> If you meant Gemini, the first hora of Virgo maps to Gemini. Virgo

is not an

> odd sign.


> If you meant even signs, the first hora of Aries, Virgo and

Sagittarius map

> to even signs.


> Parivritti also means exchange. I feel that the cyclic method (I

think it is

> named as Parivritti Dwaya in Jagannatha Hora software) is used for


> different purpose.


> Om Tat Sat,


> Raman Suprajarama






[] On

> Behalf Of vijayadas_pradeep

> Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:37 PM


> Cn and Le Riddle (Re: (Multiple replies)

RE: New

> method...)


> Dear shri Raman


> If i may intervene


> Could you kindly confirm if first hora of an odd sign can be of


> nature.

> Is this in conformity with the principle of Krura/Saumya and


> ruling the Horas.


> Also Parivrithi and parivartan may be different.The second one is

> exchange.

> Also dwayam,trayam etc for Hora,Drekkana indicates repetition in


> cyclic order.

> Have you tried Horas with ,the cyclic understanding.


> Thanks

> Pradeep


> , "Raman Suprajarama"


> wrote:

> > Dear Sri Chandrashekar,

> >

> >

> >

> > "àyaejnm! - sUyRhaeraya< jataStejiSvníNÔSy haeraya< m&ÊSvÉava


> >

> > prayojanam - süryahoräyäà jätästejasvinaçcandrasya horäyäà

> mådusvabhävä

> >

> > bhavanti|"

> >

> >

> >

> > So at least as far as interpretation of Bhattopal goes this

(Surya as

> >

> > first horesha and Chandra as second horesha for Vishama and

reverse for

> >

> > Sama) has to do with the nature of Jataka.

> >

> >

> >

> > The commentary of Bhattotpala can be interpreted as "if a planet


> in the

> > hora of Surya, the planet will be strong (tejashwini) and if it


> in the

> > hora of Chandra, the planet will be mild (madhu)". Dr. Raman


> this

> > sentence in the area of remedial measures. If an evil planet is


> the Hora

> > of Sun, the remedial measure prescribed should be very powerful


> ward off

> > evil doshas and if it is in the Hora of Moon, the measures

> prescribed can be

> > less powerful.

> >

> >

> >

> > Govindhabhattatiri, while commenting on this sloka of


> writes

> > "Nishaaraashayo Nishaphaladhaah Dinaraashayo divaaphaladha iti"

> >

> >

> >

> > Actually

> >

> > if for Sama rasi 3rd house is considered as giving 2nd Hora,

this would

> >

> > be even more logical count being reverse and Parakrama of a

person has

> >

> > as much bearing on his wealth as his income.

> >

> >

> >

> > It all depends on how we interpret the word "parivruthhidwayam".

> Parivruthi

> > can mean exchange.

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Tat Sat,

> >

> >

> >

> > Raman Suprajarama

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> [] On

> > Behalf Of Chandrashekhar

> > Saturday, August 20, 2005 1:03 AM

> >

> > Re: Re: Cn and Le Riddle (Re: (Multiple

> replies) RE:

> > New method...)

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Narasimha,

> >

> > I accept that Varahamihira said that the opinion about Rasi lord


> >

> > lord of the first Hora and Lord of the 11th the 2nd Hora is of


> >

> > Acharyas. The fact of the shloka preceding it is as you say

about first

> >

> > Hora being of Sun and second of Moon.

> >

> >

> >

> > Having said that, may I point out that Bhattotpal in his


> says

> >

> > about the reason of allotting First Hora to Sun and second to

Moon as:

> >

> > "àyaejnm! - sUyRhaeraya< jataStejiSvníNÔSy haeraya< m&ÊSvÉava


> >

> > prayojanam - süryahoräyäà jätästejasvinaçcandrasya horäyäà

> mådusvabhävä

> >

> > bhavanti|"

> >

> >

> >

> > So at least as far as interpretation of Bhattopal goes this

(Surya as

> >

> > first horesha and Chandra as second horesha for Vishama and

reverse for

> >

> > Sama) has to do with the nature of Jataka.

> >

> >

> >

> > Now if we relate this to what Parashara has said:

> >

> > tT]eÇ< tSy oeqSy razeyaeR ySy nayk>,

> >

> > tatkñetraà tasya kheöasya räçeryo yasya näyakaù|

> >

> > sUyeRNÖaeivR;me razaE sme tiÖprItkm!.5.

> >

> > süryendvorviñame räçau same tadviparétakam||5||

> >

> > iptríNÔhaereza deva> sUyRSy kIitRta>,

> >

> > pitaraçcandrahoreçä deväù süryasya kértitäù|

> >

> > razerÏ¡ ÉveÏaera taítuiv¡zit> Sm&ta>.

> >

> > räçerarddhaà bhaveddhorä täçcaturviàçatiù småtäù||

> >

> > me;aid tasa< haera[a< pirv&iÄÖy< Évet!.6.

> >

> > meñädi täsäà horäëäà parivåttidvayaà bhavet||6||

> >

> >

> >

> > Here contrary to what is interpreted it appears, at least to me

with my

> >

> > limited knowledge, what is being said is that Surya's devata


> >

> > hora in Vishama rasi and second Hora of Sama rasi) is Deva and

that of

> >

> > Chandra (first Hora of Sama rasi and second Hora of Vishama

Rasi) the

> >

> > Devata is Pitara and he is talking about Parivritti dvaya Hora


> >

> > and not as Horas being lorded over by Sun and Moon for Vishama

rasi and

> >

> > the other way round for Sama rasi. So there appears to be much

> confusion

> >

> > about what Parashara has said. Many astrologers appear to

project as if

> >

> > Parashara has said first Hora in Vishama rasi belonging to rasi

of Sun

> >

> > and second to the Moon means they fall in Leo and Cancer rasis.


> >

> > above shloka of BPHS, does not seem to suggest that. Rather it

is said

> >

> > by Varahamihira in his Brihajjatakam. But even here Bhattotpala

> >

> > commentary gives a new direction to that and appears to be more


> >

> >

> >

> > Again my point is that since Parashara says one should look at


> >

> > from Hora chart and 11th house Lord being Labhesha giving one of


> two

> >

> > Horas of a rasi, depending on whether the Rasi is Sama or


> >

> > appears to be more in line with areas of influence of Bhavas.


> >

> > if for Sama rasi 3rd house is considered as giving 2nd Hora,

this would

> >

> > be even more logical count being reverse and Parakrama of a

person has

> >

> > as much bearing on his wealth as his income.

> >

> >

> >

> > Of course what I have said may appear to be not in line with

what is

> >

> > believed to be said by Parashara to those more learned than me.

> >

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> >

> >

> > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > > Dear Chandrashekhar ji,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > > Would you care to explain the source for mapping them to

Surya or

> >

> > > > Chandra and then on to day or night rasis, which I presume

is being

> >

> > > > discussed. Or are you talking about some different shloka?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > There is a verse in Brihajjatakam just before the verse you


> >

> > > which defines the first/second horas in odd signs as Sun's and


> >

> > > horas and reverse in even signs. Parasara also defined the same

> way in

> >

> > > BPHS.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > In fact, it is not clear that the view in the verse you quoted


> >

> > > is Varahamihira's. He defined the Sun/Moon based hora as if it


> his

> >

> > > own view and mentioned this 1st lord/11th lord based method as

if it

> >

> > > was the view of "some others". That is how Sri B. Suryanarain


> >

> > > (Raman Suprajarama's grandfather's grandfather) interpreted in


> >

> > > translation of Brihajjatakam. He felt that the definition

based on

> >

> > > Sun's and Moon's horas was Varahamihira's view and the other


> >

> > > method was that of others. Moreover, Sri Rao felt based on his

> >

> > > experience that Varahamihira was more correct.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > At SJC, we use Kashinatha Hora, which builds on the concept of

> >

> > > Sun's/Moon's horas and uses day signs and night signs.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Raman Suprajarama's innovation is to mix this approach with


> >

> > > 1st/11th method. His hora is identical to SJC's Kashinatha

Hora if

> all

> >

> > > planets are in the first 15 deg of signs. In the second

halves, he

> >

> > > takes the 11th. His idea is that what seem like two different


> >

> > > mentioned by Varahamihira are actually one single method and

> >

> > > Varahamihira encrypted it. It is plausible. At the same time,

it is

> >

> > > debatable.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> >

> > > Narasimha

> >

> > > ------------------------------


> >

> > > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> >

> > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> >

> > > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> >

> > > ------------------------------


> >

> > >

> >

> > > > Dear Raman, Narasimha,

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > If I remember right Raman had referred to Varahamihira's

> Brihajjatakam

> >

> > > > as a source or inspiration for the Hora chart he proposed.

If I am

> >

> > > > right, Varahamihira says:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > keicÄu haera< àwma< ÉpSy vaÁDiNt laÉaixpteiÖRtIyam!,

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > kecittu horäà prathamäà bhapasya väïchanti


> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Ôe:ka[s<}amip v[RyiNt SvÖadzEkadzraizpanam!.12.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > dreñkäëasaïjïämapi varëayanti


> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Here no reference to first Hora of Sun or Moon is mentioned,

if my

> >

> > > > understanding is correct, he talks about first Hora being of


> >

> > > Lord of

> >

> > > > the rasi and second of the 11th lord. Or rather Varahamihira

> says that

> >

> > > > some Acharyas hold that opinion.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Then there is a reference in a Vriddha Karika that:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > razerx¡ ÉveÏaera ta> ctuiv¡zit> Sm&ta>,

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > räçerardhaà bhaveddhorä täù caturviàçatiù småtäù|

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > me;aid tasa< haera[a< pirv&iÄÖy< Évet!.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > meñädi täsäà horäëäà parivåttidvayaà bhavet||

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > This means that first Hora is of Mesha in Mesha rasi second

Hora of

> >

> > > > Mesha rasi is Vrishabha and so on twice round the rasi


> In both

> >

> > > > cases, the talk is about Rasi Hora and not about Surya or

> Chandra Hora.

> >

> > > > Therefore the reference to day or night rasi representing

Surya or

> >

> > > > Chandra is something that I am not able to follow.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Would you care to explain the source for mapping them to

Surya or

> >

> > > > Chandra and then on to day or night rasis, which I presume

is being

> >

> > > > discussed. Or are you talking about some different shloka?

> >

> > > > Regards,

> >

> > > > Chandrashekhar.

> >

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Dear Shri Raman


> I don't agree. My version of Horashastra has "Horayaam" and not

"Horanaam" > as you have indicated. By "Horayaam sampadaadikam", he

can mean wealth and

> other indications from (the division known as) Hora. He has nowhere

> indicated that it is just one Hora chart.



Horaanam was a typing mistake.I have understood Hora,Drekkana etc as

divisions as parashara has clearly explained them as divisions of signs.


So when he says- Turyamshe bhagyachinthanam....dashamshe mahatbbhalam

etc ..do you beleive there are seperate divisional orders/sign/lords

for each of the indications given for the said divisions!!!


Shri Raman - These are views proliferated by people who want to be

diplomatic.In other words,those who want to make all acharyas,happy.

I would rather try to reconcile all these into a single understanding.

You know why - We have only a single 2nd house.But using various

karakas,bhavat bhavam etc we decode individual matters.

You are free to hold your opinion.


But the other main doubt was


The basic definition of Hora is thus based on Rashi nature(Odd/Even)

and Sun/Moon(Kroora-Saumya or Aagneya-Saumya).

Can the first Hora of an Odd rashi be allotted to an even sign

without violating the above.


Kind regds




vedic astrology, "Raman Suprajarama"

<cru115@n...> wrote:

> Dear Mr. Pradeep,


> >I am not a sanskrit scholar and cannot say for certain

> >if parivritti can mean exchange.Vritta is a circle

> >and parivritti means regular cycle is my

> >understanding.



> Parivrittih can mean exchange or barter as mentioned earlier. Also,

> Parivrittih can mean repetition. This repetition can be in orderly

manner or

> otherwise. It need not mean regular cycle. The cycle can be irregular.


> >RÄserdhambhavethorÄ tÄschaturvimsath smrtÄh

> >MeshÄdi tÄsÄm horÄnÄm parivrttidvayam bhavet

> >

> >I will simply undersatnd this as follows - Two regular

> >cycles in order from Aries onwards constituting 24 Horas.

> >I cannot find any lordships or signs being mentioned

> >here.



> You can omit the word "regular". Rest is fine.


> >When Parashara says ''Horanaam sampadaadikam'' - There

> >can be only one Hora ,though numerous indications can

> >be studied from the same (other than wealth), as in 2nd

> >house.Thus I do not to various Hora charts for

> >various puroposes.


> I don't agree. My version of Horashastra has "Horayaam" and not


> as you have indicated. By "Horayaam sampadaadikam", he can mean

wealth and

> other indications from (the division known as) Hora. He has nowhere

> indicated that it is just one Hora chart.


> Om Tat Sat,


> Raman Suprajarama





[] On

> Behalf Of vijayadas_pradeep

> Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:38 PM


> Cn and Le Riddle (Re: (Multiple replies) RE: New

> method...)


> Dear Shri Raman


> Yes I did mean even signs.(Oja/Yugma - Odd/even).


> Suryendorvishame rÄsou same tadvipareetakam -This explains Hora

> Lordships and a clue regarding nature of Horas.


> The basic definition of Hora is thus based on Rashi nature(Odd/Even)

> and Sun/Moon(Kroora-Saumya or Aagneya-Saumya).

> Thus my doubt is can the first Hora of an Odd rashi be allotted to

> an even sign without violating the above.


> I am not a sanskrit scholar and cannot say for certain if parivritti

> can mean exchange.Vritta is a circle and parivritti means regular

> cycle is my understanding.Let scholars correct me.


> RÄserdhambhavethorÄ tÄschaturvimsath smrtÄh

> MeshÄdi tÄsÄm horÄnÄm parivrttidvayam bhavet


> I will simply undersatnd this as follows - Two regular cycles in

> order from Aries onwards constituting 24 Horas.I cannot find any

> lordships or signs being mentioned here.I would seek the opinion of

> learned members.


> Thus lordship(or finer derivatives of the same) has to be understood

> from the first shloka.What is a hora,how many are there and how it

> is spanned across the rashi chakra has to be understood from the

> second.


> When Parashara says ''Horanaam sampadaadikam'' - There can be only

> one Hora ,though numerous indications can be studied from the same

> (other than wealth), as in 2nd house.Thus I do not to

> various Hora charts for various puroposes.


> Thus it is not a surprise ,to find proper results using Rashi chakra

> and classical principles as compared to bhavas in dashamsha and all.


> Pradeep




> , "Raman Suprajarama"

> <cru115@n...> wrote:

> > Dear Mr. Pradeep,

> >

> > I did not quite understand your question. By yugma, do you mean

> Gemini or

> > even sign?

> >

> > If you meant Gemini, the first hora of Virgo maps to Gemini. Virgo

> is not an

> > odd sign.

> >

> > If you meant even signs, the first hora of Aries, Virgo and

> Sagittarius map

> > to even signs.

> >

> > Parivritti also means exchange. I feel that the cyclic method (I

> think it is

> > named as Parivritti Dwaya in Jagannatha Hora software) is used for

> a

> > different purpose.

> >

> > Om Tat Sat,

> >

> > Raman Suprajarama

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> [] On

> > Behalf Of vijayadas_pradeep

> > Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:37 PM

> >

> > Cn and Le Riddle (Re: (Multiple replies)

> RE: New

> > method...)

> >

> > Dear shri Raman

> >

> > If i may intervene

> >

> > Could you kindly confirm if first hora of an odd sign can be of

> yugma

> > nature.

> > Is this in conformity with the principle of Krura/Saumya and

> Sun/Moon

> > ruling the Horas.

> >

> > Also Parivrithi and parivartan may be different.The second one is

> > exchange.

> > Also dwayam,trayam etc for Hora,Drekkana indicates repetition in

> the

> > cyclic order.

> > Have you tried Horas with ,the cyclic understanding.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Pradeep

> >

> > , "Raman Suprajarama"

> <cru115@n...>

> > wrote:

> > > Dear Sri Chandrashekar,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > "àyaejnm! - sUyRhaeraya< jataStejiSvníNÔSy haeraya< m&ÊSvÉava

> ÉviNt,

> > >

> > > prayojanam - süryahoräyäà jätästejasvinaçcandrasya horäyäà

> > mådusvabhävä

> > >

> > > bhavanti|"

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So at least as far as interpretation of Bhattopal goes this

> (Surya as

> > >

> > > first horesha and Chandra as second horesha for Vishama and

> reverse for

> > >

> > > Sama) has to do with the nature of Jataka.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The commentary of Bhattotpala can be interpreted as "if a planet

> is

> > in the

> > > hora of Surya, the planet will be strong (tejashwini) and if it

> is

> > in the

> > > hora of Chandra, the planet will be mild (madhu)". Dr. Raman

> applied

> > this

> > > sentence in the area of remedial measures. If an evil planet is

> in

> > the Hora

> > > of Sun, the remedial measure prescribed should be very powerful

> to

> > ward off

> > > evil doshas and if it is in the Hora of Moon, the measures

> > prescribed can be

> > > less powerful.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Govindhabhattatiri, while commenting on this sloka of

> Varahamihira

> > writes

> > > "Nishaaraashayo Nishaphaladhaah Dinaraashayo divaaphaladha iti"

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Actually

> > >

> > > if for Sama rasi 3rd house is considered as giving 2nd Hora,

> this would

> > >

> > > be even more logical count being reverse and Parakrama of a

> person has

> > >

> > > as much bearing on his wealth as his income.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > It all depends on how we interpret the word "parivruthhidwayam".

> > Parivruthi

> > > can mean exchange.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Tat Sat,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Raman Suprajarama

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > [] On

> > > Behalf Of Chandrashekhar

> > > Saturday, August 20, 2005 1:03 AM

> > >

> > > Re: Re: Cn and Le Riddle (Re: (Multiple

> > replies) RE:

> > > New method...)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Narasimha,

> > >

> > > I accept that Varahamihira said that the opinion about Rasi lord

> being

> > >

> > > lord of the first Hora and Lord of the 11th the 2nd Hora is of

> other

> > >

> > > Acharyas. The fact of the shloka preceding it is as you say

> about first

> > >

> > > Hora being of Sun and second of Moon.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Having said that, may I point out that Bhattotpal in his

> commentary

> > says

> > >

> > > about the reason of allotting First Hora to Sun and second to

> Moon as:

> > >

> > > "àyaejnm! - sUyRhaeraya< jataStejiSvníNÔSy haeraya< m&ÊSvÉava

> ÉviNt,

> > >

> > > prayojanam - süryahoräyäà jätästejasvinaçcandrasya horäyäà

> > mådusvabhävä

> > >

> > > bhavanti|"

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So at least as far as interpretation of Bhattopal goes this

> (Surya as

> > >

> > > first horesha and Chandra as second horesha for Vishama and

> reverse for

> > >

> > > Sama) has to do with the nature of Jataka.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Now if we relate this to what Parashara has said:

> > >

> > > tT]eÇ< tSy oeqSy razeyaeR ySy nayk>,

> > >

> > > tatkñetraà tasya kheöasya räçeryo yasya näyakaù|

> > >

> > > sUyeRNÖaeivR;me razaE sme tiÖprItkm!.5.

> > >

> > > süryendvorviñame räçau same tadviparétakam||5||

> > >

> > > iptríNÔhaereza deva> sUyRSy kIitRta>,

> > >

> > > pitaraçcandrahoreçä deväù süryasya kértitäù|

> > >

> > > razerÏ¡ ÉveÏaera taítuiv¡zit> Sm&ta>.

> > >

> > > räçerarddhaà bhaveddhorä täçcaturviàçatiù småtäù||

> > >

> > > me;aid tasa< haera[a< pirv&iÄÖy< Évet!.6.

> > >

> > > meñädi täsäà horäëäà parivåttidvayaà bhavet||6||

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Here contrary to what is interpreted it appears, at least to me

> with my

> > >

> > > limited knowledge, what is being said is that Surya's devata

> (first

> > >

> > > hora in Vishama rasi and second Hora of Sama rasi) is Deva and

> that of

> > >

> > > Chandra (first Hora of Sama rasi and second Hora of Vishama

> Rasi) the

> > >

> > > Devata is Pitara and he is talking about Parivritti dvaya Hora

> clearly

> > >

> > > and not as Horas being lorded over by Sun and Moon for Vishama

> rasi and

> > >

> > > the other way round for Sama rasi. So there appears to be much

> > confusion

> > >

> > > about what Parashara has said. Many astrologers appear to

> project as if

> > >

> > > Parashara has said first Hora in Vishama rasi belonging to rasi

> of Sun

> > >

> > > and second to the Moon means they fall in Leo and Cancer rasis.

> The

> > >

> > > above shloka of BPHS, does not seem to suggest that. Rather it

> is said

> > >

> > > by Varahamihira in his Brihajjatakam. But even here Bhattotpala

> > >

> > > commentary gives a new direction to that and appears to be more

> logical.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Again my point is that since Parashara says one should look at

> wealth

> > >

> > > from Hora chart and 11th house Lord being Labhesha giving one of

> the

> > two

> > >

> > > Horas of a rasi, depending on whether the Rasi is Sama or

> Vishama

> > >

> > > appears to be more in line with areas of influence of Bhavas.

> Actually

> > >

> > > if for Sama rasi 3rd house is considered as giving 2nd Hora,

> this would

> > >

> > > be even more logical count being reverse and Parakrama of a

> person has

> > >

> > > as much bearing on his wealth as his income.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Of course what I have said may appear to be not in line with

> what is

> > >

> > > believed to be said by Parashara to those more learned than me.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > Dear Chandrashekhar ji,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > > Would you care to explain the source for mapping them to

> Surya or

> > >

> > > > > Chandra and then on to day or night rasis, which I presume

> is being

> > >

> > > > > discussed. Or are you talking about some different shloka?

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > There is a verse in Brihajjatakam just before the verse you

> quoted,

> > >

> > > > which defines the first/second horas in odd signs as Sun's and

> Moon's

> > >

> > > > horas and reverse in even signs. Parasara also defined the same

> > way in

> > >

> > > > BPHS.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > In fact, it is not clear that the view in the verse you quoted

> below

> > >

> > > > is Varahamihira's. He defined the Sun/Moon based hora as if it

> was

> > his

> > >

> > > > own view and mentioned this 1st lord/11th lord based method as

> if it

> > >

> > > > was the view of "some others". That is how Sri B. Suryanarain

> Rao

> > >

> > > > (Raman Suprajarama's grandfather's grandfather) interpreted in

> his

> > >

> > > > translation of Brihajjatakam. He felt that the definition

> based on

> > >

> > > > Sun's and Moon's horas was Varahamihira's view and the other

> 1st/11th

> > >

> > > > method was that of others. Moreover, Sri Rao felt based on his

> > >

> > > > experience that Varahamihira was more correct.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > At SJC, we use Kashinatha Hora, which builds on the concept of

> > >

> > > > Sun's/Moon's horas and uses day signs and night signs.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Raman Suprajarama's innovation is to mix this approach with

> the

> > >

> > > > 1st/11th method. His hora is identical to SJC's Kashinatha

> Hora if

> > all

> > >

> > > > planets are in the first 15 deg of signs. In the second

> halves, he

> > >

> > > > takes the 11th. His idea is that what seem like two different

> methods

> > >

> > > > mentioned by Varahamihira are actually one single method and

> > >

> > > > Varahamihira encrypted it. It is plausible. At the same time,

> it is

> > >

> > > > debatable.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > >

> > > > Narasimha

> > >

> > > > ------------------------------

> -

> > >

> > > > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > >

> > > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > >

> > > > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > >

> > > > ------------------------------

> -

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > > Dear Raman, Narasimha,

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > If I remember right Raman had referred to Varahamihira's

> > Brihajjatakam

> > >

> > > > > as a source or inspiration for the Hora chart he proposed.

> If I am

> > >

> > > > > right, Varahamihira says:

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > keicÄu haera< àwma< ÉpSy vaÁDiNt laÉaixpteiÖRtIyam!,

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > kecittu horäà prathamäà bhapasya väïchanti

> läbhädhipaterdvitéyäm|

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Ôe:ka[s<}amip v[RyiNt SvÖadzEkadzraizpanam!.12.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > dreñkäëasaïjïämapi varëayanti

> svadvädaçaikädaçaräçipänäm||12||

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Here no reference to first Hora of Sun or Moon is mentioned,

> if my

> > >

> > > > > understanding is correct, he talks about first Hora being of

> the

> > >

> > > > Lord of

> > >

> > > > > the rasi and second of the 11th lord. Or rather Varahamihira

> > says that

> > >

> > > > > some Acharyas hold that opinion.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Then there is a reference in a Vriddha Karika that:

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > razerx¡ ÉveÏaera ta> ctuiv¡zit> Sm&ta>,

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > räçerardhaà bhaveddhorä täù caturviàçatiù småtäù|

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > me;aid tasa< haera[a< pirv&iÄÖy< Évet!.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > meñädi täsäà horäëäà parivåttidvayaà bhavet||

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > This means that first Hora is of Mesha in Mesha rasi second

> Hora of

> > >

> > > > > Mesha rasi is Vrishabha and so on twice round the rasi

> chakra.

> > In both

> > >

> > > > > cases, the talk is about Rasi Hora and not about Surya or

> > Chandra Hora.

> > >

> > > > > Therefore the reference to day or night rasi representing

> Surya or

> > >

> > > > > Chandra is something that I am not able to follow.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Would you care to explain the source for mapping them to

> Surya or

> > >

> > > > > Chandra and then on to day or night rasis, which I presume

> is being

> > >

> > > > > discussed. Or are you talking about some different shloka?

> > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > >

> > > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > >

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