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2-Nilesh: re..... Philosophy & Practicality of Malefics..... >> Mark Kincaid 9/7

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Hi Mark, A very nice article indeed.

One thing I would like to comment/ask is about the

Mars in 8th house.does that not form a kuja dosa ?

I think the people with Mars in 8th esp in signs like

Sagi,Leo,Aries always suffer from issues like

anger,image problems esp if the mars is connected with

Lagna or the 7th house/lords

Best Regards


Dear Nilesh:

Yes, I think you're right. I've also found that people even, with supposedly good Mars', like

one's in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn, sometimes can be too Marish!

I know understand it's all a matter of priority and balance.

I also think it's important to realize within oneself, that one has this or that strength, and not

to misuse it just because it's there.

Jyotish has also taught be the importance of balance with all things, or balance of all the Planets.

As far as the 8th house goes, or really any house configuration, one of the best ways to

determine whether any Planet, benefic or malefic, is acting malefically, is to see if the person

is experiencing or living the positive or the negative attributes of that planet.

Then, if they are experiencing, especially the more malefic sides of that planet, even if it's

supposedly benefic, then, one can strive to make some adjustments, to bring that planet into


Nice talking with you!

Mark Kincaid


Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved


1 641 472-0000.

nilesh joshi <niljoshi27 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

vedic astrology

Wed, 7 Sep 2005 09:49:07 +0100 (BST)

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Philosophy & Practicality of Malefics..... >>

Mark Kincaid 9/6

Hi Mark,

A very nice article indeed.

One thing I would like to comment/ask is about the

Mars in 8th house.does that not form a kuja dosa ?

I think the people with Mars in 8th esp in signs like

Sagi,Leo,Aries always suffer from issues like

anger,image problems esp if the mars is connected with

Lagna or the 7th house/lords

Best Regards


--- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com> wrote:

> Nature's Astrology

> Fairfield, Iowa USA

> m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com






> Dear Friends:



> This last weekand all the very harsh happenings of

> the hurricane Katrina,

> made me think a lot about the purpose and goals of

> various 'Malefics' in

> Jyotish, as in life.


> This last week, we had a wide variety of 'malefic'

> situations going on, from

> the Moon transiting

> where Saturn is, (ie. in Cancer), to Mars' influence

> upon Saturn and the

> Moon, and Rahu, from

> Pisces, also influencing Cancer, and finally the

> tail end of the Waning Moon

> situation which

> seems to correspond very exactly to all kinds of

> griefs.


> Now, the Moon's begun Waxing, and you can

> immediately feel that relief.



> Before, I could hardly think of the situation and it

> was literally like a

> storm in Consciousness,

> very similar to the physical 'storms' we had.


> The Philosophy of Malefics and Benefics is a very

> fascinating aspect of

> Jyotish, Astrology.


> Because knowing that these are your strengths and

> these 'others' are your

> weaknesses, does

> help.


> When you know there's a real, concrete reason why

> you suffer, fail, make

> mistakes, have accidents, etc. then, we at least

> don't feel the universe is

> unfair.


> We may not understand yet, how these effects are due

> to our actions, and we

> may wish we

> have the karma of another, but it is slightly

> comforting knowing it's there,

> in our charts.


> Then, as our study of our charts continue, we begin

> to feel even more the

> 'rightness', of our

> charts, that they really do 'fit' us, then we begin

> to accept, in a way that

> we may not ever, have

> done before.


> With acceptance, comes the real 'preparedness' for

> change and

> self-transformation.


> Though traditionally, most people in Jyotish have a

> kind of fatalistic view

> towards these same

> malefics.


> "Oh, you've recently moved in Saturn dasa. You just

> have to learn to

> weather the storm."


> Though the prospect of continuing like this, for

> another 16 years, can be

> very depressing!


> #1 This is the first principle of Malefics, that

> the different aspects of

> our charts, represent the

> positive and negative karmas, of our lives.


> How we deal with this knowledge is up to us, we

> either do the best we can,

> or we become

> interested in what Jyotish like's to call 'remedial

> measures'.


> There is a traditional belief that certain malefic

> situations may be

> improved by the picking up

> of remedies, like mantras, gems, doing particular

> behaviors on specific

> days, and on and on.


> But, there is quite a bit of controversy about

> remedies depending upon how

> much each person

> believes in the absoluteness of fate.


> For me, fortunately, I came to Jyotish, now, about

> 18 years ago, from a

> heavily flavored self-

> transformative, Vedic background.


> I'd been meditating since 1971, (now over 34 years),

> and had explored yoga

> and ayurved,

> something called yaguas, (Vedic recitations), among

> the many Vedic

> disciplines that are

> available.


> Therefore I was already quite believing in the

> possibility of

> self-improvement so when I

> stumbled upon Jyotish the belief in

> self-transformation came naturally.


> Though I have to admit when I slipped into my Saturn

> Mahadasa in the spring

> of 1991, and all

> manners of grief stated to come to me, I began to

> think maybe there was

> something to this

> 'fate' thing.


> Having Saturn in my 12th house, I was still not

> prepared for the systematic

> losses that I began

> experiencing from loosing wives, money saved, child

> passed away and my

> father dies, all in the

> next few years.


> I remember turning to Saturn and saying: "Saturn, I

> know it is you! Why

> are you doing this

> to me? I thought I was in-tune with you."


> Though now I see the fallacy of my thought but at

> the time, I thought this

> was a legitimate

> inquiry!


> Saturn however only said:

> 'hahahahahahahahahahhahhahaha".


> On and on and on. Saturn only laughed for about 2

> minutes. Have you ever

> had Saturn or God

> laugh at you? It's quite an alarming situation.


> After about 2 minutes he stopped and I was sitting

> there quite embarrassed,

> but in that humble

> moment I thought, .... "okay, what do you want from

> me?"


> And then Saturn only said 2 words, ....."more

> silence"........."more

> silence.......".......

> "more silence......."


> That began my real understanding and appreciation of

> Saturn.


> I may have thought I understand 'him' before, but

> not I was to begin in

> earnest to truely,

> understand.


> And, now, I'd received a kind of mantra....."more

> silence".......


> Over the next few years, as I looked at my life I

> realized two things.


> As much as I thought what silence was, I still could

> have 'more' of it!


> So, whenever I found myself in a Saturnish type of

> experience, instead of

> struggling against it,

> I began to let go. I surrendered, I let go of my

> way, my thinking, and my

> feelings, and accepted

> that here, too, I might allow myself to gravitate

> towards more silence.


> Fortunately, I'd already had about 20 years of

> meditating so I knew quite a

> bit about this


=== message truncated ===


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