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RE: |Sri Varaha| RE: RE: Muhurata Rationale

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12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Jaya Jagannatha

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Dear Sanjay ji,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Replies directly below the other 2 (mails).

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Love,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Swee


SA"> sohamsa [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Guru Sanjay Rath

Friday, September 02, 2005

9:45 AM

varahamihira; Sohamsa

RE: |Sri Varaha| RE: [vedic astrology] RE:






bold;font-style:italic">om bhurbhuva svaħ břhaspataye namaħ

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Dear Swee

1.What is the year

for Manu? We are Manusya

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">2. Saura masa is different from savana

maasa - one is transit of sun through a sign and the other

is the simple count of 30 days


font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">3. You seem to be supporting the point

of Dwivekar ji that

the natal chart of Chandrasekhar ji is the reason for

the long marriage and not the bad muhurta chosen. Is this correct or am I

getting this wrong?

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">With best wishes and warm regards,

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sanjay Rath

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sri Jagannath


font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">15B Gangaram Hospital Road

New Delhi

SA"> 110060, India



font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *




10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;mso-bidi-language:SA"> varahamihira


On Behalf Of Swee Chan

Thursday, September 01, 2005

4:16 AM

vedic astrology;

sohamsa; varahamihira

|Sri Varaha|

RE: [vedic astrology] RE:

Muhurata Rationale

Om Gurave Namah


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Dear Sanjay ji,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Namaste

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Thank you for sharing your thoughts on

the matter.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Skimming through Caraka

samhita (for gemstones healing) the trio with Caraka saàhitÄ contains 120

chapters, so the simple aphorism on this is that,  each chapter equates to 1 year for the

120-year life span for us mortals

mso-hansi-font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-char-type:symbol;mso-symbol-font-family:


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">On a serious note and for academic

purposes, there are 9 measures of time according to NP Ch56.109

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">These are: brahmA,

deva, manu, pitrya, saura, sAvana, cAndra, aarkSa and guru.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">With reference to Narada SaàhitÄ

chapter 56.113 evinces that a year is made up of 12 months

"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] Every

year in whatever definitionis made up of 12 months. check the area under which the slokas

are given to deterine teir

exact reference to the type of year beig


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Chapter 54.65 The

number of Eastward revolutions in a kaliyuga= 432,000

"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] That

is including the sandhya's ...now what are eastward revlutions?

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">In Chapter 54.72, it states that the

number of solar months in (Kali) yuga

= 5,184,000

"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] Have

you checked the quote in sanskrit? I

am in the US

and don't have any access to the texts.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Thus: 5,184,000/120 = 43,200

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">            viz a viz

        =43,200/360 (days)

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio

IT"">                                    =

120 years

"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] So you

are saying that Kali yuga is

432000 savana years. Is this what I understand?


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Chapter 56.111-114 – saura

mAna is used for reckoning of the motion of planets.

"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] This

is for Hora shastra


bold"> mAna – pregnancy (Jataka)

[s.Rath:] Garbhadhana or

pregnancy and conception not Jataka, the translation is



bold"> and rains – nAkSatra mAna

[s.Rath:] Pregnancy of clouds to be more precise



bold"> fasts, tonsures, marriage travel etc – cAndra mAna

[s.Rath:] Tithi to be more precise for sanskara


A year

– a year by each measure is reckoned through the mean motion of Jupiter.

[s.Rath:] Now Now Swee, what

does this mean?? We all have to think


Vivaha Muhurta

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">The sole purpose of choosing a good

muhurta is to ensure the safety and longevity (life span) of a couple, especially

for the man after mutual compatibilities of the couple’s “horror-scopeâ€

mso-hansi-font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-char-type:symbol;mso-symbol-font-family:

Wingdings">J for the

purpose of procreation so that the lineage is continued through the patrilineal consideration.

"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] So no muhurta for people from Kerala or

other parts of the world having matrilineal considerations??

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">In a Vivaha

muhurta, NP chapter 56 shloka 429-430 ½  says that tithi

forms 1 fold of the 5 fold considerations which are:

Tithi, vAra, nakSatra, yoga, karana as well as potencies of the Sun + Jupiter

(propitiate them if weak in the male or female Jataka),

Moon and Venus.

"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] Thats Panchanga

and this is what has been taught extensively at SJC

The second

part is better known as Beeja sphuta for male and Kshetra sphuta for females.

Please use these terms in future

as they are the standard terms.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Assuming cAndra

mAna  which is 30 days x 12 months = 360


"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] 30

days of what? what are you defining the day to


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Take the 1st tithi as shukla pratipat ref.

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">NP

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> Chapter 54.126 -127

and planets etc in combustion are also to be considered including avastha of Venus and Jupiter.

"Bookman Old Style";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:

"Arial Unicode MS";color:blue">[s.Rath:] Are you

saying that the avastha of the planets on the pratipada is to be considered for

the whole month!!

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">NP Chapter 56 shlokas

423 - 426

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">grastAste

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> tridinaM pUrvaM

pashcAdgrastodaye 'thavA|


tridinaM tadvannishIthe sapta eva ca||56.424||

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Meaning: Avoid the three days after

their setting (combustion, infancy, old age) and three

days before their rise (again). As far as their dusks are concerned, three day

before setting and seven days before their rise should be avoided.

"Bookman Old Style";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:

"Arial Unicode MS";color:blue">[s.Rath:] Please

be specific - is it combustion, infancy or old age, or all of them? What

are the dusks of these planets that you use Swee?

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

mAsAnte pa~nca divasAMstyajedriktAM


vyatIpAtaM vaidhR^itiM ca saMpUrNaM


"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";font-weight:bold">

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";font-weight:bold">Meaning:

Five days towards the close of the (lunar) month i.e., Krishna

Ekadashi – Amavasya should

be avoided; also the 8th (Shukla Astami), and the riktA days

(which are Shukla Caturthi,

Shukla NavamI, and Shukla Caturdashi). VyatIpAta and VaidhR^iti yoga

should be avoided in their entirety and half of parigha.

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";color:blue;font-weight:bold">[s.Rath:]

So what tithi are left? Are there any riders

that can overcome these evil tithi?

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode


"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">ncandrArkapitryabhaiH

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">|

samUlabhairaviddhaistaiH strIkaragraha iSyate||56.426||

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Meaning: The following nakSatras are recommended of Vivaha


mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">revatI

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">, uttaraphalgunI,

uttarASAdha, uttarabhAdrapada, AnurAdhA, svAtI, mR^igashIrSa, hasta, maghA and

mUla when they are not in vedha (mutual affliction).

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Abhijit

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> and GodhUlikA Muhurta

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode


"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">nca

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> saptamam|

godhUlikaM tadubhayaM vivAhe


prAcyA na

ca kaliNgAnAM mukhyaM godhUlikaM smR^itam|

abhijitsarvadesheSu mukhyo doSavinAshakR^it||56.513||

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Meaning: The fourth lagna from the

lagna at sunrise is called Abhijit and the seventh

lagna is called Godhulika. Both these are auspicious

for marriage and will bless them with sons and grandsons. Abhijit

is important for the people in the Eastern region (Bengal etc.,) and the people of Kalinga (Orissa),

Godhulika is important.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">To conclude, if a muhurta is SOLELY

conducive to a long lasting and happy marriage, we are wrongly portraying to

the students that the mere choice (in a muhurta) over rides one’s natal


"Bookman Old Style";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:

"Arial Unicode MS";color:blue">[s.Rath:] Have

you read the letter in the Jyotish Digest? Please

comment on the specific lines printed therein. How many of you use

Sarvatbhadrachakra in muhurta?

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">In Chandrashekharji’s

chart, Dhanus rises. Jupiter the Lagnesha

is in upachaya conjunct Moon. Gurus the 7th house and

that vargaottama Saturn is in digbala

and exchanges place with the 7th Lord, which is also in Vargottama. Guru not

only aspects Saturn and Mars but also

their mUltrikona house, viz

a viz, those planets also aspect Guru's mUltrikona House.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">However, the most important point here is

the UL, which is Venus in its own sign. 2nd from UL is also aspected

by a powerful Jupiter.

"Bookman Old Style";color:blue">[s.Rath:] That

is the point being made in the letter of Diwekarji

that even though the muhurta chosen is such a bad one the marriage survives due

to the chart/natal horoscope indications.

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">




12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

font-family:"URW Palladio IT";color:#339966;background:yellow">REPLIES

font-family:"URW Palladio IT";color:#339966">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Jaya Jagannatha

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Dear Sanjay ji,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Namaste

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

The Wheel of Time


italic"> Puran skandha III

Ch 21

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">The Wheel of Time is based on the three

supports. These are the three periods of four months (caturmAsa)

which attracts and affects the world. This rotation round the axis of the

eternal Brahman has thirteen spokes which, in human

terms represents the twelve months plus the additional month (adhika mAsa). It has 360 joints

which represents the number of days in the year. The six tyres represent the

seasons while the innumerable blades denote the smaller units of time.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

Maitreya in Bhagavata PurÄëa Skaëòha III on the concept of Time Chapter 11:

Text 14, 18, 19 and 20


font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">saMvatsaraH

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> parivatsara iDA-vatsara eva ca|

anuvatsaro vatsarash ca viduraivaM


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Meaning: The period of (the

solar/tropical year) is called Saàvatsara. [for the

time that it takes the sun, thus speeding slow, fast or moderate, to move

entirely through the spheres above and below, is indeed with its passage, to

the descriptions of the scholars, spoken of a samvatsara

ref SB Canto 5 Ch 22 text 7)


font-family:"URW Palladio IT";color:black;font-style:italic">Ç



font-style:italic"> Bhagavatam Canto 5 Ch 21 Text 4


font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">yadA mesa-tulayor vartate tadAho-rAtrANi samAnAni bhavanti yadA

font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">vRSabhAdiSu pa~ncasu ca rAshiSu carati tadAhAny eva vardhante hrsati


font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">mAsi mAsy ekaikA ghaTikA


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Meaning: when Sun passes through Aries

and Libra, the durations of the day and night are

equal. When it passes through the 5 signs headed by Taurus, the duration of the

days increases until it Cancer is reached and then it gradually decreases by

half an hour each month until day and night again become equal (in Libra).

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

font-family:"URW Palladio IT";color:black;font-style:italic">Ç



font-style:italic"> Bhagavatam Canto 5 Ch 21 Text 5

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">yadA vRshcikAdiSu pa~ncasu vartate tadAho-rAtrANi

viparyayANi bhavanti

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Meaning: when the Sun passes through the

5 signs beginning with Scorpio, the duration of the days decreases (until

Capricorn) and then it gradually increases month after month until the day and

night become equal (in Aries).

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

font-family:"URW Palladio IT";color:black;font-style:italic">Ç



font-style:italic"> Bhagavatam Canto 5 Ch 21 Text 6


font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">yAvad dakSiNAyanam ahAni vardhante yAvad udagayanaM rAtrayaH



Until the Sun travels to the South, the days grow longer and until the Sun

travels to the North, the nights grow longer.



Parivatsara is related

to Jupiter known as the full (current) Year. The type of

(religious) year. This is perhaps good for those who are taking up

studies at the Gurukulam and the Upanaya?

To the qualified Brahmanas, he always turns out to be

favourable. (Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 5, Ch 22 Text 15)

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

Idavatsara (the 360

day-savana year);

Anuvatsara – A

repeated year which is related to the almost always troublesome Saturn, a

return which takes 30 years/anuvatsaras (SB. Canto 5

Ch 22 Text 17)

and Vatsara –

single year; related to nakñatra


Çrémad Bhagavatam Canto 5 Ch 22 Text 7 according to Çréla Prabhupada’s

purpost, each solar year extends 6 days beyond the calendar

year and according to lunar calculations, each year is six days hsorter.

Therefore, because of the Sun and moon movements,

the difference is 12 days. As the Samvatsara, Parivatsara, Idavatsara,

Anuvatsara and Vatsara pass by,

to extra months are added within each 5 years which makes a 6th Samvatsara. But

because that Samvatsara

is extra, the solar system is calculated according to the 5 names.


font-weight:bold">Narada Purana



font-weight:bold">30 muhUrtas constitute one day;

thirty days or two fortnights makes a month.



"URW Palladio IT";color:black;font-weight:bold">grahaNaM

color:black;font-weight:bold"> nikhilaM kAryaM gR^ihyate sauramAnataH|


font-weight:bold">For all religious ceremonies, related to eclipse Saura month/year is acceptable.


"URW Palladio IT";color:black;background:yellow;mso-highlight:yellow;


font-family:"URW Palladio IT";color:black;background:yellow;mso-highlight:yellow;

font-weight:bold"> strIgarbhaM sAvanenaiva



14.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";background:yellow;mso-highlight:yellow;


background:yellow;mso-highlight:yellow;font-weight:bold"> month/year is

acceptable for prediction of the writing of Brahma and pregnancy.



font-weight:bold">Sanjay ji, these are the exact

words written, highlighted for your snap reading.

mso-hansi-font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-char-type:symbol;mso-symbol-font-family:




12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT""> 


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">From Bhagavata Purana skandha III Ch.26

Manusya is that

suffering from the bondage which is PrakR^iti

enlivened by consciousness in the individual Soul. BP skandha III Ch 26. states

the “creative†effort we know as kAla which is the

twenty-five principle as the super human power of Ishvara

whence fear (from death etc) is the jIva who is

possessed of prakR^iti that is deluded by ahamkara when it identifies itself with the body.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">The birth of the resplendent Mahat

principle was born when the Lord said to Manu’s

daughter DevahUti that the Supreme Man deposited his

energy (semen) into his prakR^iti whose gunas were agitated by the aDRSTa

which is the unseen destiny of the jIvas.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">I take that pregnancy is the agitation

that leads it to a human birth. (therefore Jataka).

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">



(Bhagavata PurÄëa skaëòha



period of reign is 432,000 Manuñyar Varña (Human years)



ghatikas = 1 day and night


days = 1 pakña


pakña = 1 CandramÄsa



"Times New Roman"">Äsa = 1 AhorÄtra

for Pitås (1 day and night = 1 Full Day (pürëa)



"Times New Roman"">Äsa = 1 Manusyavarsa


Manusyavarsa = 1 AhorAtra

of the Devas


AhorAtra = 1 (DevaVatsara)

DivyaVatsara/1 Divine Year


Divyavatsara = 1 Kali Yuga


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

On Sandhyas

12.0pt;mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-hansi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">For a human day, there are 3 sandhyas

where dawn meets morn and morn meets with the

second part of the day while the third sandhya is

when the evening meets with the rise of the stars.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Bhagavata

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> Purana skandha III

font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">kR^

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">itaM

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> tretA dvAparaM ca

kalish ceti catur-yugam|

divyair dvAdashabhir

varSaiH sAvadhAnaM


font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">catvAri

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> trINi dve caikaM

kR^itAdiSu yathA-kramam|

saNkhyAtAni sahasrANi dvi-guNAni shatAni ca||11.19

sandhyA-sandhyAMshayor antar yaH kAlaH


mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Meaning:

The cycle of the four Yugas along with their sandhis

(the transitional period at the beginning of a yuga) and sandhi amshas (the

transitional period at the end of a yuga) consists of twelve thousand years of

the Gods.|11.18

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">The periods of the

Yugas is 4000, 3000, 2000 and 1000 Divine years.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">The sandhyA

period at the beginning and the aMsha yuga is 800, 600, 400 and 200

years of the Devas.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Thus:

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Kali Yuga:

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">sandhyA

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode

MS"">                                100

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">yuga

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode



mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">sandhyAMsha

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode

MS"">                      100

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">The sandhyas

for creation is exactly 1 unit for each portion.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">


On Tithis:


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">NP UttarabhAga

Ch 2

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">The root (beginning) of tithi is declared

by the knowers of Time as pleasing to the PitR^is. These are for those who desire piety and virtue

and for the purpose of propitiating the Manes. The tip (end) of the tithi is to

be taken up for the observance of vratas by those who

wish for the Ten fold benefits.

Shlokas 10-12

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Neither the 2nd, 8th,

6th, 11th in a human fortnight should be taken up by

those who wish for virtue, love and wealth if it is pierced (by the previous


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">The 7th, New Moon and Full

Moon (and anniversary day of the father’s death) is good for propitiatory rites

to the Manes, else he will be vitiated by misfortune and loss of progeny.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">In the case of rites of the Deities, the

tithi at the time of Sunrise

must be taken into account. In the case of rites pertaining to the Manes,

contact of the tithi at sunset is known as PUrNA


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">


those who need to refer to the article; it is in Jyotish

Digest Vol. 1 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2005 pg 54

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">The day chosen was during the Bright Half

of the Moon. The 10th day is ruled by the Moon, hence making the

Moon fully benefic.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">NP Ch 56. text

675b-676a says that VIJAYA Dashami says that there is

NEVER a defeat for those who go out to fight. It is very clear that this

particular day is very auspicious.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">The time chosen was during Abhijit:

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">


Purana Ch 56

font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">abhijitsarvadesheSu

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> mukhyo doSavinAshakR^it||56.513b

madhyandinagate bhAnau muhUrto 'bhijidAhvayaH|

nAshayatyakhilAndoSAnpinAkI tripuraM yathA||56.514

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Abhijit

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> is considered as

important in ALL regions as a destroyer of blemishes. The muhurta when the Sun

is in the zenith is called Abhijit. It wipes off all

blemishes as the pinAka bowed (Çiva)

wiped out the Tripuras.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">**Readers please NOTE, a very

auspicious day was chosen and so was the time besides a very powerful Jupiter

in Chandrashekharji’s chart. So why was that particular elected day VERY

inauspicious (according to VV Divekar?)

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Yugadi

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> days are

considered “holidays†and charities are good on ManvAdi

days, except for reading the Vedas.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">NP

Chapter 56 shlokas 423 - 426

font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">grastAste

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> tridinaM pUrvaM

pashcAdgrastodaye 'thavA|


tridinaM tadvannishIthe sapta eva ca||56.424||

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Meaning:

Avoid the three days after their setting (combustion, infancy, old age) and

three days before their rise (again). As far as

their dusks are concerned, three day before setting and seven days before their

rise should be avoided.

"Bookman Old Style";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:

"Arial Unicode MS";color:blue">[s.Rath:] Please

be specific - is it combustion, infancy or old age, or all of them? What

are the dusks of these planets that you use Swee?

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">All three are to be considered. The

sandhyas of the planets when they

move in into retrogression or combustion, and when they (Jupiter and Venus) move

out of retrogression etc.

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Love,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT";mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";

mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">Swee

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">p/s

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS""> WRT whichever

regions/countries are patrilineal or matrilineal, it

is according to regional customs and I am not here to discuss that. Thank you.


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om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Dear Swee

I will use only one stanza of the Bhagavatam to show how wrong translations can

affect the thinking and reading of people and astrologers like your goodself

can be totaly off the point. This is an extract of what you sent as replies to

my questions and points raised.

Swee wrote :

Maitreya in Bhagavata PurÄëa Skaëòha III on the concept of Time Chapter 11:

Text 14, 18, 19 and 20


saMvatsaraH parivatsara iDA-vatsara eva ca|anuvatsaro vatsarash ca viduraivaM prabhASyate||11.14


Meaning: The period of (the solar/tropical year) is called Saàvatsara. [for the

time that it takes the sun, thus speeding slow, fast or moderate, to move

entirely through the spheres above and below, is indeed with its passage, to

the descriptions of the scholars, spoken of a samvatsara ref SB Canto 5 Ch 22

text 7)


You see this sloka clearly speaks of the five types of solar years that are to

be followed and this has nothing to do with the *speed of the sun* nor with any

*special sphere*. The general term for the solar year is samvatsara and the five

types of years based on the tithi at sankranti is samvatsara, parivatsara,

idavatsara, anuvatsara and vatsara. This is precisely what the sloka states.

The word vidura refers to the knowledge about these five types of solar years

that are used in Jyotish which are reckoned on the basis of tithi on mesha

sankranti or what we call in Orissa - panaa sankranti.


Where did you get this translation? Would you like to make any comments on the

translations that you quote in your mail? Did you actually read them?


With best wishes and warm regards,

Sanjay Rath

* * *

Sri Jagannath Center®

15B Gangaram Hospital Road

New Delhi 110060, India

http://srath.com, +91-11-25717162

* * *


sohamsa [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Swee

ChanWednesday, September 07, 2005 7:01 AMsohamsa;

varahamihira; vedic astrologySubject: RE: |Sri

Varaha| RE: [vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale

Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Sanjay ji,


Replies directly below the other 2 (mails).





sohamsa [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Guru

Sanjay RathFriday, September 02, 2005 9:45 AMTo:

varahamihira; SohamsaRE: |Sri Varaha| RE:

[vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale




om bhurbhuva svaħ břhaspataye namaħ

Dear Swee

1.What is the year for Manu? We are Manusya

2. Saura masa is different from savana maasa - one is transit of sun through a

sign and the other is the simple count of 30 days

3. You seem to be supporting the point of Dwivekar ji that the natal chart of

Chandrasekhar ji is the reason for the long marriage and not the bad muhurta

chosen. Is this correct or am I getting this wrong?

With best wishes and warm regards,

Sanjay Rath

* * *

Sri Jagannath Center®

15B Gangaram Hospital Road

New Delhi 110060, India

http://srath.com, +91-11-25717162

* * *

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Dear Sanjay ji,




I have the

books here with me…….so why are there only 5 types of (solar) years and not 12?







SA"> sohamsa [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Guru Sanjay Rath

Wednesday, September 07,

2005 6:46 PM

sohamsa; vedic astrology

RE: |Sri Varaha| RE:

[vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale




font-family:Georgia;color:blue;font-weight:bold">om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Dear Swee

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">I will use only one stanza of the

Bhagavatam to show how wrong translations can affect the thinking and reading

of people and astrologers like your goodself can be totaly off the point. This

is an extract of what you sent as replies to my questions and points raised.

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Swee wrote :


in Bhagavata PurÄ

SA">ëa Skaëòha III on the concept of Time Chapter 11: Text 14, 18, 19 and 20


mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">saMvatsaraH

parivatsara iDA-vatsara eva ca|

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";font-style:italic">


vatsarash ca viduraivaM prabhASyate||11.14


Meaning: The period of

(the solar/tropical year) is called Saàvatsara. [for the

time that it takes the sun, thus speeding slow, fast or moderate, to move

entirely through the spheres above and below, is indeed with its passage, to

the descriptions of the scholars, spoken of a samvatsara ref SB Canto 5 Ch 22

text 7)


font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">You see this sloka clearly speaks of

the five types of solar years that are to be followed and this has nothing to

do with the *speed of the sun* nor with any *special sphere*. The general term

for the solar year is samvatsara and the five types of years based on the tithi

at sankranti is samvatsara, parivatsara, idavatsara, anuvatsara and vatsara.

This is precisely what the sloka states. The word vidura refers to the

knowledge about these five types of solar years that are used in Jyotish which

are reckoned on the basis of tithi on mesha sankranti or what we call in Orissa

- panaa sankranti.


font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Where did you get this translation?

Would you like to make any comments on the translations that you quote in your

mail? Did you actually read them?



font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">With best wishes and warm regards,

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sanjay Rath

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sri Jagannath Center®

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">15B Gangaram Hospital Road

New Delhi

mso-bidi-language:SA"> 110060, India



mso-bidi-language:SA">, +91-11-25717162


font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *




10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;mso-bidi-language:SA"> sohamsa

[sohamsa] On Behalf Of

Swee Chan

Wednesday, September 07,

2005 7:01 AM


varahamihira; vedic astrology

RE: |Sri Varaha| RE:

[vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Jaya Jagannatha

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Dear Sanjay ji,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Replies directly below the other 2


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Love,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Swee


SA"> sohamsa [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Guru Sanjay Rath

Friday, September 02, 2005

9:45 AM



RE: |Sri Varaha| RE:

[vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale





bhurbhuva svaħ břhaspataye namaħ

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Dear Swee

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">1.What is the year for Manu? We are


font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">2. Saura masa is different from savana

maasa - one is transit of sun through a sign and the other is the simple count

of 30 days

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">3. You seem to be supporting the point

of Dwivekar ji that the natal chart of Chandrasekhar ji is the reason for

the long marriage and not the bad muhurta chosen. Is this correct or am I

getting this wrong?

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">With best wishes and warm regards,

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sanjay Rath

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sri Jagannath Center®

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">15B Gangaram Hospital Road

New Delhi

SA"> 110060, India



font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *




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Dear Sanjay ji,


color:blue">p/s when you asked me to delve

into gemstones, you asked me to get Garuda Purana. Well, I collected the whole hog

"URW Palladio IT";mso-hansi-font-family:"URW Palladio IT";color:blue;



color:blue"> Naag Publishers in Delhi has some beautifully bound Puranas……..







SA"> Swee Chan [swee (AT) coppernet (DOT) zm]

Wednesday, September 07,

2005 10:43 PM

'sohamsa'; 'vedic astrology'

RE: |Sri Varaha| RE:

[vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale





Dear Sanjay





I have the

books here with me…….so why are there only 5 types of (solar) years and not 12?







SA"> sohamsa [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Guru Sanjay Rath

Wednesday, September 07,

2005 6:46 PM

sohamsa; vedic astrology

RE: |Sri Varaha| RE:

[vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale




font-family:Georgia;color:blue;font-weight:bold">om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Dear Swee

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">I will use only one stanza of the

Bhagavatam to show how wrong translations can affect the thinking and reading

of people and astrologers like your goodself can be totaly off the point. This

is an extract of what you sent as replies to my questions and points raised.

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Swee wrote :


in Bhagavata PurÄ

SA">ëa Skaëòha III on the concept of Time Chapter 11: Text 14, 18, 19 and 20


mso-fareast-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS"">saMvatsaraH

parivatsara iDA-vatsara eva ca|

"Arial Unicode MS";mso-bidi-font-family:"Arial Unicode MS";font-style:italic">


vatsarash ca viduraivaM prabhASyate||11.14


Meaning: The period of

(the solar/tropical year) is called Saàvatsara. [for the

time that it takes the sun, thus speeding slow, fast or moderate, to move

entirely through the spheres above and below, is indeed with its passage, to

the descriptions of the scholars, spoken of a samvatsara ref SB Canto 5 Ch 22

text 7)


font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">You see this sloka clearly speaks of

the five types of solar years that are to be followed and this has nothing to

do with the *speed of the sun* nor with any *special sphere*. The general term

for the solar year is samvatsara and the five types of years based on the tithi

at sankranti is samvatsara, parivatsara, idavatsara, anuvatsara and vatsara.

This is precisely what the sloka states. The word vidura refers to the

knowledge about these five types of solar years that are used in Jyotish which

are reckoned on the basis of tithi on mesha sankranti or what we call in Orissa

- panaa sankranti.


font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Where did you get this translation?

Would you like to make any comments on the translations that you quote in your

mail? Did you actually read them?



font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">With best wishes and warm regards,

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sanjay Rath

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sri Jagannath Center®

font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">15B Gangaram Hospital Road

New Delhi

mso-bidi-language:SA"> 110060, India



mso-bidi-language:SA">, +91-11-25717162


font-family:Georgia;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *




10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;mso-bidi-language:SA"> sohamsa

[sohamsa] On Behalf Of

Swee Chan

Wednesday, September 07,

2005 7:01 AM


varahamihira; vedic astrology

RE: |Sri Varaha| RE:

[vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Jaya Jagannatha

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Dear Sanjay ji,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Replies directly below the other 2


12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Love,

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">

12.0pt;font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">Swee


SA"> sohamsa [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Guru Sanjay Rath

Friday, September 02, 2005

9:45 AM



RE: |Sri Varaha| RE:

[vedic astrology] RE: Muhurata Rationale





bhurbhuva svaħ břhaspataye namaħ

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Dear Swee

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">1.What is the year for Manu? We are


font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">2. Saura masa is different from savana maasa

- one is transit of sun through a sign and the other is the simple count of 30


font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">3. You seem to be supporting the point

of Dwivekar ji that the natal chart of Chandrasekhar ji is the reason for

the long marriage and not the bad muhurta chosen. Is this correct or am I

getting this wrong?

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">With best wishes and warm regards,

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sanjay Rath

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">Sri Jagannath Center®

font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">15B Gangaram Hospital Road

New Delhi

SA"> 110060, India



font-family:Arial;mso-bidi-language:SA">* * *




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