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Tagore, Wrong Assessment and Mandooka Dasa

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Dear Pradeep,


> Pls ask Shri Rath -How did Jupiter- lagna lord Kill Tagore?

> Even Shri Rath said Chandrahari ayanamsha explains it.(Rahu/Mars)


Let me give an explanation based on my understanding.


When we use Vimsottari dasa as a phalita dasa, dasa started from

Moon dominates.


But, when we use Vimsottari dasa as an ayurdasa (timing death and

death like suffering), Vimsottari dasa started from the Kshema Tara

(4th star from Moon) and Aadhaana Tara (8th star from Moon) should

be given equal priority and preferred when stronger. When I taught

Vimsottari dasa at an SJC workshop in New Jersey a couple of years

back, I showed examples where Kshema Vimsottari dasa and Adhana

Vimsottari dasa work better than normal Vimsottari dasa when timing



JHora gives all these variations. It even helps you evaluate the

strengths of various seeds by counting the planets in quadrants from

the seed.


In Tagore's chart, Kshema tara is the strongest of

Janma/Kshema/Adhana taras. So, Kshema Vimsottari dasa started from

Krittika works better in timing death, than Janma Vimsottari dasa

started from Revati.


He died in Mercury-Sun antardasa as per this variation of Vimsottari

dasa. Mercury is the 7th lord in 2nd and owns the 64th navamsa as

well as the 22nd drekkana. He owns the 22nd drekkana as per Parasari

drekkana as well as Jagannatha drekkana (I prefer Jagannatha

drekkana when finding the 22nd drekkana lord)! Undoubtedly, he is

the strongest maraka here! Sun is an exalted malefic in 2nd

(malefics in 2nd are strong marakas according to Parasara) and he

associates with 7th and 8th lords. Thus, Mercury and Sun are both

strong marakas. Mercury-Sun antardasa makes more sense to me than



* * *


BTW, it is not right to hijack Manjunath's prediction to push an

ayanamsa. Manjunath's prediction did not go off because of

Vimsottari dasa calculations were off by a month. He used Vimsottari

dasa, Mandooka dasa and Chara dasa. He wrote the following:


> Period Under Consideration is Year 2005/2006

> Vimshottari: Moon-Moon; 2005/4 to 2006/2

> Chara : Tula-Kanya: 2005/1 to 2005/11

> Mandook (KNR Method):Dhnau-Karka: 2005/10 to 2006/10


> It is highly unlikely that Chief Justice Rehnquist will retire

> anytime between now and October 1, 2005. In Mandook dasha it is


> period of Dhanu-Tula till October 1. It is the period after his


> birthday that he will think of retirement due to his health


> getting worse.


Vimsottari dasa and Chara dasa did not have any antardasa changes

around Oct 1. Only Mandooka dasa has an antardasa change on Oct 1.

He thought retirement was "highly unlikely" before Oct 1 and

expected it after October 1. The fact that his prediction happeneed

(indirectly) a month earlier means that he misjudged the current

antardasa of Mandooka dasa. It does not mean that his Vimsottari

dasa calculations are wrong. It is in the judgment of Mandooka dasa

that he erred.


Mandooka dasa calculations don't change if ayanamsa changes a bit or

birthtime changes a bit.


BTW, Mandooka dasa taught by Sri KN Rao is very similar to a dasa

with the same name that Parasara taught. However, there are

considerable differences. These differences are bigger than the

minor differences between Chara dasa taught by Parasara and Chara

dasa taught by Sri KN Rao. I will be very skeptical about Sri KN

Rao's researches into Mandooka dasa.


Dear Narayan, the member "Kartheek" is getting unnecessarily

personal and confrontational with people. If you haven't already

done so, kindly remove him from the list.


Misbehavior will not be tolerated, even if it is directed against

people whose views differ from those of SJC. From my point of view,

there is absolutely no difference between misbehavior directed at

Sanjay ji and misbehavior directed at Pradeep or Manjunath. Let us

maintain the dignity of the list and maintain mutual respect and

courtesy even as we disagree vehemently on technical issues.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org


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Narasimha Garu

Thank you for giving lot of information. Please see my comments.


> Vimsottari dasa and Chara dasa did not have any antardasa changes

> around Oct 1. Only Mandooka dasa has an antardasa change on Oct 1.

> He thought retirement was "highly unlikely" before Oct 1 and

> expected it after October 1. The fact that his prediction


> (indirectly) a month earlier means that he misjudged the current

> antardasa of Mandooka dasa.


The anterdasha as per my write up (and my understanding) starting

Oct 2004 to Oct 2005 is Sg-Libra (Dhanu-Tula). Tula has Amk Moon and

there is no way he would have retired. He never had any intention of

retiring -that is clear. From Tula-Gnati karaka aspects Aries

(seventh house of death)- May be that is the point I missed. But in

VD there was no maraka period.


Another important comment that I made in my write up is

"4.In Shodashottary dasha, Mercury – Venus is again not favorable

from health point of view. Mercury as eighth lord and Venus as

maraka 7th lord will finally put an end to his glorious career. Note

that both are in Rehnquist's tenth house and hence he is not retired



It is clear, using Shodashottary dasha, that his end was coming. I

did not use the third level of this dasha. That would have been the

clincher perhaps - to time this event even better.


All the conditional dasha books that I have read say that it takes

precedence over Vimshottari. Hence it is possible that Mer-Ven is

the clear explanation than Mo-Mo. But it is after the fact and only

an academic excercise now. But still I have learnt a lot from

analyzing the horoscope of Rehnquist.



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Dear Narasimha Ji



>>JHora gives all these variations. It even helps you evaluate the

>>strengths of various seeds by counting the planets in quadrants from

>>the seed.


Thanks for explaining all these in detail.I have checked them now

under, options,and seed strength comparison help. As you are

learned,calculations from Janma/Kshema/Adhana etc may be having

conditional importances and perhaps priority.

I have been suggesting only regarding the general or universal

applicability of Vimshottari.


>>>> Thus, Mercury and Sun are both strong marakas. Mercury-Sun

>>>antardasa makes more sense to me than Mars-Rahu.


If we are using this variation of Vimshottari,Mercury/Sun is more


But then the question is whether Vimshottari from janma nakshathra can

explain Ayur related or not?I feel it is possible.Then Rahu/Kuja is a

better candidate over Guru/Guru.



* * *


>>>BTW, it is not right to hijack Manjunath's prediction to push an



In this wolrd of survival of the fittest,similar opportunities are

rarely obtained,and hence my eagerness, to make use of:)


>>>Manjunath's prediction did not go off because of Vimsottari dasa

calculations were off by a month. He used Vimsottari dasa, Mandooka

dasa and Chara dasa.


I felt shri Manjunath might have predicted the worse, if Sun/Venus was

the dasha instead of Moon/Moon.Especially as,he was referring to

mercury pratyantara and health.

Thus i was trying to highlight the importance of Ayanamsha.


Thanks a lot for the rest of the mail and explanations.I have never

ruled out the importance of conditional dashas.

But i strongly feel,predictive experience using normal dasha,is a

precondition,before attempting conditional.Because Phalita includes

all Phalas,and the general indications shlould be visible.



Pradeepvedic astrology, "pvr108" <pvr@c...> wrote:

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