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Star Report: Happy Full Moon.... &......All Transits, currently goings on..... Mark Kincaid 9/17/05

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Nature's Astrology

Star Report:

Happy Full Moon.... &......

Other Related Transits....


Happy Full Moon, today, September 17th....

Though the actual heighth of the Full Moon depends upon what area of the globe you live.

Still, it's a very worthwhile thing to reflect and appreciate the Monthly, Full Moon.

Full Moons represent the 'fullness' of life, and as they come each month, the fruition of the

entire last 15 days of the Moon's Waxings....

Sun going through one of the 12 Signs, reflects a very unique Astrological quality and goal in each

month, and the Moon represents the cycle of rest & activity over that same 30 days.

Full Moon then, represents the 'crusendo', of Fullness, culminating in the fruition of these last so

many days.

So, we should enjoy these days, of Fullness!

Now, we celebrate the fullness of the Sun's transit through Leo, the 'heart' of the Zodiac.

There is that expression, 'where there is the will, there's a way', which is a

very apt expression for

the Sun's power and Sun in Leo embodies that idea very strongly.

Today, we enjoy the fullness of the entire previous month of various activities.

All projects, endeavors, activities, are as if coming to a head now.

Then, as the Moon begins it's monthly Waning Cycle on Sunday and Monday, see if you can feel as if

a kind of bursting of the ballon, swoosh,..... and things then will start to recede.

Most people misunderstand the deep, positive significance of this Waning cycle.

The Waning 'time' is the time nature picks to rejuvenate. All manners of rest

and relaxation, re-

organizing and purification are the true purpose of the Moon's Waning Cycle.

During the Waxing cycle, there's just this intense 'thrust' ahead. We do, we

strive, we achieve, and

we don't think much of the repercussions, of whether we're working too hard or the rest.

Now, during the Waning cycle, it's a time of contemplation, reflection.

How well did we do this last Waxing cycle.

Did we do everything that we hoped?

Could we have done it better?

During these next 2 weeks, then, allow yourself to slow down, to reflect, to organize the tremendous

flurry of activity that dominated previously, and as a result, begin preparing for the next cycle,

which will come soon enough!

Other Transits Going On Now....

Sun Moves into Virgo!


Coincidently, as the Moon moves into it's regular Fullness today, the Sun begins

it's transit, out of

Leo, and into Virgo.

Leo represents a very hearty, goal oriented movement towards all of our goals, and dreams, and

Virgo then represents a time, to 'think more about that'.

As a result, Virgo is a good time to 'think' all manners of thoughts.

Did I do well, this last month?

In fact, coming as it does, almost exactly 1/2 way through the Zodiac year, we

will even find ourselves thinking, did I do well this year?

The 'true' Astrological year begins when the Sun moves into the lst degree of Aries in April.

Now, we begin the 6th month into Virgo, and Virgo's rulership by Mercury will make it a more

cerebral, intellectual, 'thinkings' month.

Coincidently, the Planet Mercury moves into Virgo, also today.

Both Sun & Mercury are both at the 00:20, or some minutes into Virgo.

So enjoy that much more 'Virgoness'.

Mercury representing 'intellect', communications, and all manners of thinkings and decision makings,

represents a very special time, 'to think more clearly'!

Mercury will remain 'Exalted', in Virgo till October 5th,.... (when it moves into Libra).

Over the next week, this power of Mercruy will be a little 'slow' because of it's close, (combust)

position too close to the Sun.

But, already you can feel this shift, this awakening of Mercury's power, even if

hidden a little bit,

behind the Sun.

CAUTION: One thing to be a little concerned about, is that right now, the Sun,

Mercury, Ketu &

Jupiter are all moving through Virgo.

Mercury's the only one that's extremely happy there. So, don't allow this

intense 'karmic' time,

of Virgoness to make you crazy.

Some symptoms of too much Virgo, are being to overly critical, of oneself, (Sun), and one's ideals,

or convictions, (Jupiter).

It feels so spontaneous when the planets move around. We just start having

these intensely, Virgoish thoughts.

But, knowing that 'this' is coming because of this unique transit is a great Wisdom from Jyotish

for us.

So, contemplate the nature of Virgo, and 'perfection' this month.

But, don't get caught up, especially in the lower, or negative aspects of it.


A Few final thoughts.

Mars continues in it's good sign, Aries, for the entire Month.

In fact, Mars continues in this very unusually long transit/Aries, through January of 2006!

(Moving into Taurus only on February 6th)!

So, enjoy this very long time of good Mars energy to do, and accomplish!

However don't allow this naturally, more vigorous Mars energy to be too Marish!

Like every planet the positives of Mars include, 'Courage, fighting for just causes', enthuiasm,

natural excitment, and passion'.

The negatives of Mars include, fighting for revenge, betrayal, lieing, cheating,

stealing, killing, and

all manners of criminal behavior.

Unfortunately, Mars during this time, is like the Sun shining down equally upon us all!

So, be aware of those who would mis-use this potentially good Mars time for any negatives.

Venus also, is still going through Libra, now.... (Since Sept. 6th, Venus has been in it's Own

Sign, libra.)

Continue enjoying this great, special, uniquely satisfying Heart energy, till October 2nd when Venus

moves into Scorpio.

Also, Mars & Venus are in opposite signs, Aries & Libra, during this time, so

there will be a tendency

to fight for loved ones, and for special, heart felt passions.


During this next Sun in Virgo period, in fact, coming up in only 10 days!

Jupiter begins it's movement into Libra, on September 27th!!!!

This is one of the most positive and special transits in a number of years, because

for the first time in 5 years, Jupiter, finally, moves out of Saturn's negative aspect.

Since 2000, when Jupiter & Saturn went into a Planetary War, (in Aries), they have

been wrapped up, together, most especially Saturn negatively aspecting and influencing Jupiter!

This has brought on a World-wide recession, where millions of individuals lost their

jobs, and all the World's economies, have suffered.

Now, as Jupiter finally moves ahead and out of Saturn's grip, we'll see, finally, the

beginning of a new & exciting Jupiter progress & prosperity cycle!

Over the next 6 years, Jupiter will move through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,

(it's own sign), Capricorn

Aquarius, and Pisces.

2 of these 6 years of signs, Sagittarius & Pisces, represent Jupiter's Own

Signs, so these will be

extremely positive and uplifting years.

This period will be dominated by great progress and prosperity for humanity.

Only negative will be Saturn's continual movement through Cancer & Leo, now and

over the next 4 years, which will be trying unless we also take enough time to

appease Saturn!

So, seems like quite a bit of interesting and fascinating Transits, going on this month!

Hopefully, next month's transit of the Moon, through Saturn & Cancer, won't

bring on another intense Katrina type hurricane!

All glory and love, to the Guru, of the Universe!

Jai Guru!


Mark Kincaid


Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved


1 641 472-0000.

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