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Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship are malefic?

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Dear Srinivasa Murti,


Thank you for reference for dusthana and other houses. I read aryabhatta's

webpages and understand where i am wrong.


Your writting on 3,6,11th functional maleficness of benefic planets by lordship

better fit to me. But I cannot remember that Parasara Muni said that in his

HoraSastra. Please could you give classic or personal reference to that.


Hri das

(Hri means shyness, modesty and is different than Hari)



adavi srinivasamurthy

vedic astrology

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:15 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)


Dear Mr Haridas,

Kindly read from the following links for clarification of certain points raised by you.




Your query: Benefic planets in 3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets are welcom.

Benefics are malefics only when 3 is lorded by Jup or it's placed as its lord

in that;

6 th is lorded by venus or it's

placed in that as its lord ;

11 th is lorded by moon or it's

placed in that as it's lord.

With the above exceptions all other natural benefics when situated in 3,6 & 11

(being upachayas) will give wealth in a good(due to working skills recognition

etc)/and or easier(rightful inheritances,success in business etc) way during

their dasa or subdasa periods.

natural malefics when situated in 3,6 & 11 (being upachayas) will give wealth in

a good way but after struggle(due to late recognition of working skills

etc)/and or through deceipt (unrightful inheritances,cheating in business etc)

during their dasa or subdasa periods.

The interpretaion of the above depends upon other complex factors of other

planets placement /and ascendants.For eg saturn is yogakaraka for taurus/libra

ascendants,then treat saturn as benefic which will give wealth through stroke of

good luck at every turning ,although there may be occasional touch of its

natural malefic nature .

And someother placements like for certain ascendants a dusthaana

lords(6th/8th/12 lords) placed in another dusthaana( other than thier own)

will give rajayoga.

Excepting some rajayogas(weather wealth conferring,status conferring or easy and

happy life weather rich or poor) and some duryogas ,all other yogas will depend

upon entire interdependent factors of their and other grahas placement and

respective shadbalas.So as soon as you see a good yoga or bad yoga(especially

these yogas) we cannot jump to conclusions of their fructification in natives

life time;even if they do so to what degree or what periods will be the

question.So careful inclusion/omission/or partial consideration of the said

interrelated factors are essential while interpreting the results.But classics

say that prayers or poojas based on simple rituals will yield positive(benefic)

results only irresepective of the graha's malefic/benefic nature.This is being

said as many people will not have sufficient time to study many interrelated

factors for each individual,however with their experience they come to

conclusion in a reasonable time of the spoiling factors of certain

significations,and they prescribe such remedial measures.Even though due to

wrong(sometimes) interpretation if one is recommended propitiation of a wrong

graha ,that graha/and adhistaana devata will help the native to approach the

approriate remedial measure at appropriate time.

Wishing you divine grace

Srinivasa Murthy






"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)Tue, 20 Sep 2005

16:14:04 +0500

Dear Adavi, I was tought that the 6, 8, 12 houses are evil, but their lords care

neutral energy. Therefore the planets in dusthana spoiled, but the lords of that

houses not nessesary be evils. That is depend of their assosiation or the

planets they get aspect from or the other houses they lorded. Therefore the

lord of dusthana with the lord of trikona (it should not be lord of the

trishodaya simultaneusly) gives raja yoga. But lord of dusthana with lord of

trishadaya may be kill person or destruct the house where they are. That

combination cannot give raja yoga unless they are in 6th house. the 6th house

is trishadaya (3, 6, 11) and dusthana simultan. worst lords combined together

destruct enemies, diseases.


regarding trishadaya houses - lords of these houses give evil effects, but for

the houses itself it depends which planets are there. Benefic planets in

3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets are welcom.


Somebody please elobarate these, am I tought right?


Hri das

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Please refer Jataka chandrika by Pujya Sri Venkatesa Daivagna.

On elaborating further the maleficity of the ju,Ve and Moon over 3rd ,6th and

11th houses ,it has to be remebered that for Lib Asc Jup is more malefic than

compared to Cap Asc ,because of lordship of 3rd and 6th houses ,two malefic

houses lordship by a naisargika subha graha;the significations spoiled will

depend upon placement/association of jupiter with other grahas. But in respect

of gaining wealth(by good or bad means) and successfully overcoming enemies

will not affect much due to such jup;in respect of other significations it's

not so.Likewise you draw conclusions for Ven lordship over 6th/moon over 11th

and consequent malefic effects.Subha grahas feel most comfortable in

kendras(when not owning them) and in trikonas;whereas malefics feel comfortable

in upachayas.Beside the preceding point and applying bhavatbhavam principles

draw conclusions why malefic nature manifests for the ju,Ve and Moon lording

over 3rd ,6th and 11th houses .For study of the significations getting affected

and to what degree and at what time, will depend upon complex factors analysis

taking into consideration of planetary config as a whole.

And one more thing is that Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra is one of the potent

classics for giving cogent interpretations in KaliYuga,and many of the

classical and modern experts hold the opinion true.

btw your domain code is saying you're either registered with a russian domain

and/or writing from there;am i correct?


Srinivasa Murthy

"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

[vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship are

malefic?Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:41:11 +0500

Dear Srinivasa Murti,


Thank you for reference for dusthana and other houses. I read aryabhatta's

webpages and understand where i am wrong.


Your writting on 3,6,11th functional maleficness of benefic planets by lordship

better fit to me. But I cannot remember that Parasara Muni said that in his

HoraSastra. Please could you give classic or personal reference to that.


Hri das

(Hri means shyness, modesty and is different than Hari)



adavi srinivasamurthy

vedic astrology

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:15 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)


Dear Mr Haridas,

Kindly read from the following links for clarification of certain points raised by you.




Your query: Benefic planets in 3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets are welcom.

Benefics are malefics only when 3 is lorded by Jup or it's placed as its lord

in that;

6 th is lorded by venus or it's

placed in that as its lord ;

11 th is lorded by moon or it's

placed in that as it's lord.

With the above exceptions all other natural benefics when situated in 3,6 & 11

(being upachayas) will give wealth in a good(due to working skills recognition

etc)/and or easier(rightful inheritances,success in business etc) way during

their dasa or subdasa periods.

natural malefics when situated in 3,6 & 11 (being upachayas) will give wealth in

a good way but after struggle(due to late recognition of working skills

etc)/and or through deceipt (unrightful inheritances,cheating in business etc)

during their dasa or subdasa periods.

The interpretaion of the above depends upon other complex factors of other

planets placement /and ascendants.For eg saturn is yogakaraka for taurus/libra

ascendants,then treat saturn as benefic which will give wealth through stroke of

good luck at every turning ,although there may be occasional touch of its

natural malefic nature .

And someother placements like for certain ascendants a dusthaana

lords(6th/8th/12 lords) placed in another dusthaana( other than thier own)

will give rajayoga.

Excepting some rajayogas(weather wealth conferring,status conferring or easy and

happy life weather rich or poor) and some duryogas ,all other yogas will depend

upon entire interdependent factors of their and other grahas placement and

respective shadbalas.So as soon as you see a good yoga or bad yoga(especially

these yogas) we cannot jump to conclusions of their fructification in natives

life time;even if they do so to what degree or what periods will be the

question.So careful inclusion/omission/or partial consideration of the said

interrelated factors are essential while interpreting the results.But classics

say that prayers or poojas based on simple rituals will yield positive(benefic)

results only irresepective of the graha's malefic/benefic nature.This is being

said as many people will not have sufficient time to study many interrelated

factors for each individual,however with their experience they come to

conclusion in a reasonable time of the spoiling factors of certain

significations,and they prescribe such remedial measures.Even though due to

wrong(sometimes) interpretation if one is recommended propitiation of a wrong

graha ,that graha/and adhistaana devata will help the native to approach the

approriate remedial measure at appropriate time.

Wishing you divine grace

Srinivasa Murthy






"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)Tue, 20 Sep 2005

16:14:04 +0500

Dear Adavi, I was tought that the 6, 8, 12 houses are evil, but their lords care

neutral energy. Therefore the planets in dusthana spoiled, but the lords of that

houses not nessesary be evils. That is depend of their assosiation or the

planets they get aspect from or the other houses they lorded. Therefore the

lord of dusthana with the lord of trikona (it should not be lord of the

trishodaya simultaneusly) gives raja yoga. But lord of dusthana with lord of

trishadaya may be kill person or destruct the house where they are. That

combination cannot give raja yoga unless they are in 6th house. the 6th house

is trishadaya (3, 6, 11) and dusthana simultan. worst lords combined together

destruct enemies, diseases.


regarding trishadaya houses - lords of these houses give evil effects, but for

the houses itself it depends which planets are there. Benefic planets in

3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets are welcom.


Somebody please elobarate these, am I tought right?


Hri dasArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Jupiter is dire malefic for Libra I am having Libra Lagna Venus MAJOR Jupiter -sub period


having worst period of my life




PUNEET AHUJA adavi srinivasamurthy <smadavi (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Shahin,

Please refer Jataka chandrika by Pujya Sri Venkatesa Daivagna.

On elaborating further the maleficity of the ju,Ve and Moon over 3rd ,6th and

11th houses ,it has to be remebered that for Lib Asc Jup is more malefic than

compared to Cap Asc ,because of lordship of 3rd and 6th houses ,two malefic

houses lordship by a naisargika subha graha;the significations spoiled will

depend upon placement/association of jupiter with other grahas. But in respect

of gaining wealth(by good or bad means) and successfully overcoming enemies

will not affect much due to such jup;in respect of other significations it's

not so.Likewise you draw conclusions for Ven lordship over 6th/moon over 11th

and consequent malefic effects.Subha grahas feel most comfortable in

kendras(when not owning them) and in trikonas;whereas malefics feel comfortable

in upachayas.Beside the preceding point and applying bhavatbhavam principles

draw conclusions why malefic

nature manifests for the ju,Ve and Moon lording over 3rd ,6th and 11th houses

..For study of the significations getting affected and to what degree and at what

time, will depend upon complex factors analysis taking into consideration of

planetary config as a whole.

And one more thing is that Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra is one of the potent

classics for giving cogent interpretations in KaliYuga,and many of the

classical and modern experts hold the opinion true.

btw your domain code is saying you're either registered with a russian domain

and/or writing from there;am i correct?


Srinivasa Murthy

"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

[vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship are

malefic?Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:41:11 +0500

Dear Srinivasa Murti,


Thank you for reference for dusthana and other houses. I read aryabhatta's

webpages and understand where i am wrong.


Your writting on 3,6,11th functional maleficness of benefic planets by lordship

better fit to me. But I cannot remember that Parasara Muni said that in his

HoraSastra. Please could you give classic or personal reference to that.


Hri das

(Hri means shyness, modesty and is different than Hari)



adavi srinivasamurthy

vedic astrology

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:15 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)


Dear Mr Haridas,

Kindly read from the following links for clarification of certain points raised by you.




Your query: Benefic planets in 3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets are welcom.

Benefics are malefics only when 3 is lorded by Jup or it's placed as its lord

in that;

6 th is lorded by venus or it's

placed in that as its lord ;

11 th is lorded by moon or it's

placed in that as it's lord.

With the above exceptions all other natural benefics when situated in 3,6 & 11

(being upachayas) will give wealth in a good(due to working skills recognition

etc)/and or easier(rightful inheritances,success in business etc) way during

their dasa or subdasa periods.

natural malefics when situated in 3,6 & 11 (being upachayas) will give wealth in

a good way but after struggle(due to late recognition of working skills

etc)/and or through deceipt (unrightful inheritances,cheating in business etc)

during their dasa or subdasa periods.

The interpretaion of the above depends upon other complex factors of other

planets placement /and ascendants.For eg saturn is yogakaraka for taurus/libra

ascendants,then treat saturn as benefic which will give wealth through stroke of

good luck at every turning ,although there may be occasional touch of its

natural malefic nature .

And someother placements like for certain ascendants a dusthaana

lords(6th/8th/12 lords) placed in another dusthaana( other than thier own)

will give rajayoga.

Excepting some rajayogas(weather wealth conferring,status conferring or easy and

happy life weather rich or poor) and some duryogas ,all other yogas will depend

upon entire interdependent factors of their and other grahas placement and

respective shadbalas.So as soon as you see a good yoga or bad yoga(especially

these yogas) we cannot jump to conclusions of their fructification in natives

life time;even if they do so to what degree or what periods will be the

question.So careful inclusion/omission/or partial consideration of the said

interrelated factors are essential while interpreting the results.But classics

say that prayers or poojas based on simple rituals will yield positive(benefic)

results only irresepective of the graha's malefic/benefic nature.This is being

said as many people will not have sufficient time to study many interrelated

factors for each individual,however with their experience they come to

conclusion in a reasonable time of the

spoiling factors of certain significations,and they prescribe such remedial

measures.Even though due to wrong(sometimes) interpretation if one is

recommended propitiation of a wrong graha ,that graha/and adhistaana devata

will help the native to approach the approriate remedial measure at appropriate


Wishing you divine grace

Srinivasa Murthy






"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)Tue, 20 Sep 2005

16:14:04 +0500

Dear Adavi, I was tought that the 6, 8, 12 houses are evil, but their lords care

neutral energy. Therefore the planets in dusthana spoiled, but the lords of that

houses not nessesary be evils. That is depend of their assosiation or the

planets they get aspect from or the other houses they lorded. Therefore the

lord of dusthana with the lord of trikona (it should not be lord of the

trishodaya simultaneusly) gives raja yoga. But lord of dusthana with lord of

trishadaya may be kill person or destruct the house where they are. That

combination cannot give raja yoga unless they are in 6th house. the 6th house

is trishadaya (3, 6, 11) and dusthana simultan. worst lords combined together

destruct enemies, diseases.


regarding trishadaya houses - lords of these houses give evil effects, but for

the houses itself it depends which planets are there. Benefic planets in

3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets are welcom.


Somebody please elobarate these, am I tought right?


Hri dasArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Jupiter is dire malefic for Libra I am having Libra Lagna Venus MAJOR Jupiter -sub period


having worst period of my life




PUNEET AHUJA adavi srinivasamurthy <smadavi (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Shahin,

Please refer Jataka chandrika by Pujya Sri Venkatesa Daivagna.

On elaborating further the maleficity of the ju,Ve and Moon over 3rd ,6th and

11th houses ,it has to be remebered that for Lib Asc Jup is more malefic than

compared to Cap Asc ,because of lordship of 3rd and 6th houses ,two malefic

houses lordship by a naisargika subha graha;the significations spoiled will

depend upon placement/association of jupiter with other grahas. But in respect

of gaining wealth(by good or bad means) and successfully overcoming enemies

will not affect much due to such jup;in respect of other significations it's

not so.Likewise you draw conclusions for Ven lordship over 6th/moon over 11th

and consequent malefic effects.Subha grahas feel most comfortable in

kendras(when not owning them) and in trikonas;whereas malefics feel comfortable

in upachayas.Beside the preceding point and applying bhavatbhavam principles

draw conclusions why malefic

nature manifests for the ju,Ve and Moon lording over 3rd ,6th and 11th houses

..For study of the significations getting affected and to what degree and at what

time, will depend upon complex factors analysis taking into consideration of

planetary config as a whole.

And one more thing is that Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra is one of the potent

classics for giving cogent interpretations in KaliYuga,and many of the

classical and modern experts hold the opinion true.

btw your domain code is saying you're either registered with a russian domain

and/or writing from there;am i correct?


Srinivasa Murthy

"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

[vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship are

malefic?Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:41:11 +0500

Dear Srinivasa Murti,


Thank you for reference for dusthana and other houses. I read aryabhatta's

webpages and understand where i am wrong.


Your writting on 3,6,11th functional maleficness of benefic planets by lordship

better fit to me. But I cannot remember that Parasara Muni said that in his

HoraSastra. Please could you give classic or personal reference to that.


Hri das

(Hri means shyness, modesty and is different than Hari)



adavi srinivasamurthy

vedic astrology

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:15 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)


Dear Mr Haridas,

Kindly read from the following links for clarification of certain points raised by you.




Your query: Benefic planets in 3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets are welcom.

Benefics are malefics only when 3 is lorded by Jup or it's placed as its lord

in that;

6 th is lorded by venus or it's

placed in that as its lord ;

11 th is lorded by moon or it's

placed in that as it's lord.

With the above exceptions all other natural benefics when situated in 3,6 & 11

(being upachayas) will give wealth in a good(due to working skills recognition

etc)/and or easier(rightful inheritances,success in business etc) way during

their dasa or subdasa periods.

natural malefics when situated in 3,6 & 11 (being upachayas) will give wealth in

a good way but after struggle(due to late recognition of working skills

etc)/and or through deceipt (unrightful inheritances,cheating in business etc)

during their dasa or subdasa periods.

The interpretaion of the above depends upon other complex factors of other

planets placement /and ascendants.For eg saturn is yogakaraka for taurus/libra

ascendants,then treat saturn as benefic which will give wealth through stroke of

good luck at every turning ,although there may be occasional touch of its

natural malefic nature .

And someother placements like for certain ascendants a dusthaana

lords(6th/8th/12 lords) placed in another dusthaana( other than thier own)

will give rajayoga.

Excepting some rajayogas(weather wealth conferring,status conferring or easy and

happy life weather rich or poor) and some duryogas ,all other yogas will depend

upon entire interdependent factors of their and other grahas placement and

respective shadbalas.So as soon as you see a good yoga or bad yoga(especially

these yogas) we cannot jump to conclusions of their fructification in natives

life time;even if they do so to what degree or what periods will be the

question.So careful inclusion/omission/or partial consideration of the said

interrelated factors are essential while interpreting the results.But classics

say that prayers or poojas based on simple rituals will yield positive(benefic)

results only irresepective of the graha's malefic/benefic nature.This is being

said as many people will not have sufficient time to study many interrelated

factors for each individual,however with their experience they come to

conclusion in a reasonable time of the

spoiling factors of certain significations,and they prescribe such remedial

measures.Even though due to wrong(sometimes) interpretation if one is

recommended propitiation of a wrong graha ,that graha/and adhistaana devata

will help the native to approach the approriate remedial measure at appropriate


Wishing you divine grace

Srinivasa Murthy






"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)Tue, 20 Sep 2005

16:14:04 +0500

Dear Adavi, I was tought that the 6, 8, 12 houses are evil, but their lords care

neutral energy. Therefore the planets in dusthana spoiled, but the lords of that

houses not nessesary be evils. That is depend of their assosiation or the

planets they get aspect from or the other houses they lorded. Therefore the

lord of dusthana with the lord of trikona (it should not be lord of the

trishodaya simultaneusly) gives raja yoga. But lord of dusthana with lord of

trishadaya may be kill person or destruct the house where they are. That

combination cannot give raja yoga unless they are in 6th house. the 6th house

is trishadaya (3, 6, 11) and dusthana simultan. worst lords combined together

destruct enemies, diseases.


regarding trishadaya houses - lords of these houses give evil effects, but for

the houses itself it depends which planets are there. Benefic planets in

3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets are welcom.


Somebody please elobarate these, am I tought right?


Hri dasArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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You have other serious problems also going on in your chart. Jupiter

is not the only problem.




G. Singh




vedic astrology, puneet ahuja

<punsoft2009> wrote:


> Jupiter is dire malefic for Libra I am having Libra Lagna Venus

MAJOR Jupiter -sub period


> having worst period of my life


> 26.3.1961,Mumbai,10.10PM




> adavi srinivasamurthy <smadavi@h...> wrote:


> Dear Shahin,




> Please refer Jataka chandrika by Pujya Sri Venkatesa Daivagna.


> On elaborating further the maleficity of the ju,Ve and Moon over

3rd ,6th and 11th houses ,it has to be remebered that for Lib Asc

Jup is more malefic than compared to Cap Asc ,because of lordship of

3rd and 6th houses ,two malefic houses lordship by a naisargika subha

graha;the significations spoiled will depend upon

placement/association of jupiter with other grahas. But in respect of

gaining wealth(by good or bad means) and successfully overcoming

enemies will not affect much due to such jup;in respect of other

significations it's not so.Likewise you draw conclusions for Ven

lordship over 6th/moon over 11th and consequent malefic

effects.Subha grahas feel most comfortable in kendras(when not owning

them) and in trikonas;whereas malefics feel comfortable in

upachayas.Beside the preceding point and applying bhavatbhavam

principles draw conclusions why malefic nature manifests for the

ju,Ve and Moon lording over 3rd ,6th and 11th houses .For study of

the significations

> getting affected and to what degree and at what time, will depend

upon complex factors analysis taking into consideration of planetary

config as a whole.


> And one more thing is that Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra is one of

the potent classics for giving cogent interpretations in KaliYuga,and

many of the classical and modern experts hold the opinion true.


> btw your domain code is saying you're either registered with a

russian domain and/or writing from there;am i correct?


> Regards


> Srinivasa Murthy







> "Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology>

> vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology>

> [vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo

for 11th lordship are malefic?

> Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:41:11 +0500



> Dear Srinivasa Murti,


> Thank you for reference for dusthana and other houses. I read

aryabhatta's webpages and understand where i am wrong.


> Your writting on 3,6,11th functional maleficness of benefic planets

by lordship better fit to me. But I cannot remember that Parasara

Muni said that in his HoraSastra. Please could you give classic or

personal reference to that.


> Hri das

> (Hri means shyness, modesty and is different than Hari)


> -

> adavi srinivasamurthy

> vedic astrology

> Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:15 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)






> Dear Mr Haridas,


> Kindly read from the following links for clarification of certain

points raised by you.




> http://www.aryabhatt.com/vediclessons/lesson9.htm



> http://www.aryabhatt.com/vediclessons/lesson10.htm


> Your query: Benefic planets in 3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic

planets are welcom.


> Benefics are malefics only when 3 is lorded by Jup or it's placed

as its lord in that;


> 6 th is lorded by venus

or it's placed in that as its lord ;


> 11 th is lorded by moon

or it's placed in that as it's lord.


> With the above exceptions all other natural benefics when situated

in 3,6 & 11 (being upachayas) will give wealth in a good(due to

working skills recognition etc)/and or easier(rightful

inheritances,success in business etc) way during their dasa or

subdasa periods.


> natural malefics when situated in 3,6 & 11 (being upachayas) will

give wealth in a good way but after struggle(due to late recognition

of working skills etc)/and or through deceipt (unrightful

inheritances,cheating in business etc) during their dasa or

subdasa periods.


> The interpretaion of the above depends upon other complex factors

of other planets placement /and ascendants.For eg saturn is

yogakaraka for taurus/libra ascendants,then treat saturn as benefic

which will give wealth through stroke of good luck at every

turning ,although there may be occasional touch of its natural

malefic nature .


> And someother placements like for certain ascendants a dusthaana

lords(6th/8th/12 lords) placed in another dusthaana( other than thier

own) will give rajayoga.


> Excepting some rajayogas(weather wealth conferring,status

conferring or easy and happy life weather rich or poor) and some

duryogas ,all other yogas will depend upon entire interdependent

factors of their and other grahas placement and respective

shadbalas.So as soon as you see a good yoga or bad yoga(especially

these yogas) we cannot jump to conclusions of their fructification in

natives life time;even if they do so to what degree or what periods

will be the question.So careful inclusion/omission/or partial

consideration of the said interrelated factors are essential while

interpreting the results.But classics say that prayers or poojas

based on simple rituals will yield positive(benefic) results only

irresepective of the graha's malefic/benefic nature.This is being

said as many people will not have sufficient time to study many

interrelated factors for each individual,however with their

experience they come to conclusion in a reasonable time of the

spoiling factors of certain

> significations,and they prescribe such remedial measures.Even

though due to wrong(sometimes) interpretation if one is recommended

propitiation of a wrong graha ,that graha/and adhistaana devata will

help the native to approach the approriate remedial measure at

appropriate time.


> Wishing you divine grace


> Srinivasa Murthy







"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology>

> vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology>

> Re: [vedic astrology] attention GuruJis (M.Imran's qts)

> Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:14:04 +0500



> Dear Adavi, I was tought that the 6, 8, 12 houses are evil, but

their lords care neutral energy. Therefore the planets in dusthana

spoiled, but the lords of that houses not nessesary be evils. That is

depend of their assosiation or the planets they get aspect from or

the other houses they lorded. Therefore the lord of dusthana with the

lord of trikona (it should not be lord of the trishodaya

simultaneusly) gives raja yoga. But lord of dusthana with lord of

trishadaya may be kill person or destruct the house where they are.

That combination cannot give raja yoga unless they are in 6th house.

the 6th house is trishadaya (3, 6, 11) and dusthana simultan. worst

lords combined together destruct enemies, diseases.


> regarding trishadaya houses - lords of these houses give evil

effects, but for the houses itself it depends which planets are

there. Benefic planets in 3,6,11th are spoiled, but malefic planets

are welcom.


> Somebody please elobarate these, am I tought right?


> Hri das








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Dear Srinivasa Murthy, I could not find Jataka Chandrika's electronic version

from internet. Any way, I have understand your points. But i want to add a two


1. You mentioned Jupiter's 3rd house lordship for Lib and Cap Acs.

But why you do not consider Venus as malefic as lord of 3rd house for Lib

ascendant? For Lib Acs Venus lords over 3rd and 8th and she become malefic. And

For Virgo Acs Mars lords over the 3rd and 8th houses and become worst planet for

Virgo people.

2. According bhavatbhavam principles, as i could understand Ju rules happines,

and 3rd is loss of happiness as it is 12th from 4th. Krishna in Bhagavat-Gita

says the root of suffering is desire. 3rd house covering the Desire. Big

Jupiter creates big desires that brings big suffering.

Venus karaka for marriage partner i.e. 7th house. Herefore Venus lordship 6th

house or placement in 6th give suffering by lossing wife/husband.

I am not shure about Moon. Could you explain how only Moon can be malefic

through lordship of 11th according bhavatbhavam principle? For example, for Gem

Acs Mars is lord of 6th and 11th houses and become worst planet for Gemini. Why

only Moon?


My conclusion that any planet lording 3,6,11th houses are malefic, not only Ju

for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th. The difference is their degree of

maleficness. In real life one can get suffering from good and bad people. When

one be beated by bad person he doesnt feel himself so bad (becouse one can

expect such act from bad person) than when he be beated by good person. I think

that is phsycology.


Hri das

I am azerbaijanian, from Azerbaijan.

initiated ISKCON member, Hare Krishna devotee.

My e-mail address registered in russian domain.


adavi srinivasamurthy

vedic astrology

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 4:27 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship are malefic?

Dear Shahin,

Please refer Jataka chandrika by Pujya Sri Venkatesa Daivagna.

On elaborating further the maleficity of the ju,Ve and Moon over 3rd ,6th and

11th houses ,it has to be remebered that for Lib Asc Jup is more malefic than

compared to Cap Asc ,because of lordship of 3rd and 6th houses ,two malefic

houses lordship by a naisargika subha graha;the significations spoiled will

depend upon placement/association of jupiter with other grahas. But in respect

of gaining wealth(by good or bad means) and successfully overcoming enemies

will not affect much due to such jup;in respect of other significations it's

not so.Likewise you draw conclusions for Ven lordship over 6th/moon over 11th

and consequent malefic effects.Subha grahas feel most comfortable in

kendras(when not owning them) and in trikonas;whereas malefics feel comfortable

in upachayas.Beside the preceding point and applying bhavatbhavam principles

draw conclusions why malefic nature manifests for the ju,Ve and Moon lording

over 3rd ,6th and 11th houses .For study of the significations getting affected

and to what degree and at what time, will depend upon complex factors analysis

taking into consideration of planetary config as a whole.

And one more thing is that Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra is one of the potent

classics for giving cogent interpretations in KaliYuga,and many of the

classical and modern experts hold the opinion true.

btw your domain code is saying you're either registered with a russian domain

and/or writing from there;am i correct?


Srinivasa Murthy

"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

[vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship are

malefic?Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:41:11 +0500

Dear Srinivasa Murti,


Thank you for reference for dusthana and other houses. I read aryabhatta's

webpages and understand where i am wrong.


Your writting on 3,6,11th functional maleficness of benefic planets by lordship

better fit to me. But I cannot remember that Parasara Muni said that in his

HoraSastra. Please could you give classic or personal reference to that.


Hri das

(Hri means shyness, modesty and is different than Hari)

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Jaataka chandrika is a concise and beautiful exposition of applicative art of

the principles of Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra ,which is the most valid classic

for applicability of results in kaliyuga.When and as i found on net or an

English version of it in hardcoy,i shall inform you.

Coming to dealing with Ju,Ve and Mo lording over the said bhaavas,it has been so

dealt because of the discussion got initiated by one of the esteemed forum

member Sri G.Singh's chart and from viareeta rajayoga(vr) interpretations

etc.It has started with the point that in case of Mr G.Singh ,it's not v r yoga

but his bhanga(negativity) to his arivrajaka yoga has come through wealth yoga

because of the situation of three naisargika subha grahs being situated in his

11th house;and thereafter one lead to other.I explained to your queries

pertinent to those aspects and the rest i advised you to read from Aryabhatt

lessons,in which all the said points raised by you are clear.As a general rule

3,6,8,11 & 12 th lords are malefic subject to exceptions and modified results

,in which exact opposite results-atleast in respect to wordly desires

realisation.Few of those exceptions/modifications being jup not lording 3rd but

being situated in 3,6 &11 th houses or as dusthaanadhipati situated in a

dusthaana other than its own etc. etc will give good results to certain

significations connected to associated bhavas and its natural significations

and influence of other grahas...as explained in my previous mail .

Your psychological aspect in understanding the maleficity of grahas is quite

right ,but with respect to grahas it'll be a consistent factor,as they do their

duties as per eternal dharma ;but whereas when applied to humans it varies with


"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship

are malefic?Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:39:37 +0500

Dear Srinivasa Murthy, I could not find Jataka Chandrika's electronic version

from internet. Any way, I have understand your points. But i want to add a two


1. You mentioned Jupiter's 3rd house lordship for Lib and Cap Acs.

But why you do not consider Venus as malefic as lord of 3rd house for Lib

ascendant? For Lib Acs Venus lords over 3rd and 8th and she become malefic. And

For Virgo Acs Mars lords over the 3rd and 8th houses and become worst planet for

Virgo people.

2. According bhavatbhavam principles, as i could understand Ju rules happines,

and 3rd is loss of happiness as it is 12th from 4th. Krishna in Bhagavat-Gita

says the root of suffering is desire. 3rd house covering the Desire. Big

Jupiter creates big desires that brings big suffering.

Venus karaka for marriage partner i.e. 7th house. Herefore Venus lordship 6th

house or placement in 6th give suffering by lossing wife/husband.

I am not shure about Moon. Could you explain how only Moon can be malefic

through lordship of 11th according bhavatbhavam principle? For example, for Gem

Acs Mars is lord of 6th and 11th houses and become worst planet for Gemini. Why

only Moon?


My conclusion that any planet lording 3,6,11th houses are malefic, not only Ju

for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th. The difference is their degree of

maleficness. In real life one can get suffering from good and bad people. When

one be beated by bad person he doesnt feel himself so bad (becouse one can

expect such act from bad person) than when he be beated by good person. I think

that is phsycology.


Hri das

I am azerbaijanian, from Azerbaijan.

initiated ISKCON member, Hare Krishna devotee.

My e-mail address registered in russian domain.


adavi srinivasamurthy

vedic astrology

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 4:27 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship are malefic?

Dear Shahin,

Please refer Jataka chandrika by Pujya Sri Venkatesa Daivagna.

On elaborating further the maleficity of the ju,Ve and Moon over 3rd ,6th and

11th houses ,it has to be remebered that for Lib Asc Jup is more malefic than

compared to Cap Asc ,because of lordship of 3rd and 6th houses ,two malefic

houses lordship by a naisargika subha graha;the significations spoiled will

depend upon placement/association of jupiter with other grahas. But in respect

of gaining wealth(by good or bad means) and successfully overcoming enemies

will not affect much due to such jup;in respect of other significations it's

not so.Likewise you draw conclusions for Ven lordship over 6th/moon over 11th

and consequent malefic effects.Subha grahas feel most comfortable in

kendras(when not owning them) and in trikonas;whereas malefics feel comfortable

in upachayas.Beside the preceding point and applying bhavatbhavam principles

draw conclusions why malefic nature manifests for the ju,Ve and Moon lording

over 3rd ,6th and 11th houses .For study of the significations getting affected

and to what degree and at what time, will depend upon complex factors analysis

taking into consideration of planetary config as a whole.

And one more thing is that Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra is one of the potent

classics for giving cogent interpretations in KaliYuga,and many of the

classical and modern experts hold the opinion true.

btw your domain code is saying you're either registered with a russian domain

and/or writing from there;am i correct?


Srinivasa Murthy

"Shahin Jafarli" <vedic astrology (AT) yandex (DOT) ru>

vedic astrologyTo: <vedic astrology>Subject:

[vedic astrology] Why only Ju for 3rd, Ve for 6th and Mo for 11th lordship are

malefic?Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:41:11 +0500

Dear Srinivasa Murti,


Thank you for reference for dusthana and other houses. I read aryabhatta's

webpages and understand where i am wrong.


Your writting on 3,6,11th functional maleficness of benefic planets by lordship

better fit to me. But I cannot remember that Parasara Muni said that in his

HoraSastra. Please could you give classic or personal reference to that.


Hri das

(Hri means shyness, modesty and is different than Hari)


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In my case venus rules 3rd house and 8th house from lagna. But Venus is

placed in the nakshatra of moon in the 10th house, and moon is placed

in the nakshatra of Venus in 11 th house. So Rahu/Venus period was very

good for my career. Also you should consider the mahadasha lord

position as another lagna, and see the lordship from that house also.

My Rahu/Venus period was the best period financially. Rahu is in cancer

sign. So if we consider cancer as another lagna then venus rules 4th

house and 11th house. I bought a luxury car during Rahu/Venus period,

and made good money.




G. Singh



vedic astrology, "adavi srinivasamurthy"

<smadavi@h...> wrote:


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Dear G.Singh


That is a good way to use Nakshatras.

But in my experience of many people falling under rahu dasa is that,

they suffer for first 10 years usually, and venus brings the turning


The reason is that venus eclipses Rahu.

The following way the planets should be arranged


sun, moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, saturn, rahu , ketu.


The eigth planet from every planet eclipses it.

For example Jupiter is eclipsed by mars

Rahu by venus

Moon by ketu

Mercury by moon.


So you can see that these are not generally good yogas for mental


Guru Mangala yoga is good for intellectual pursuits but could be bad

for marital and progenic happiness

Moon-mercury can give hyper thinking

Moon-ketu not good for mind, fortune is fluctuating

Rahu-venus could be good for filmstars, but not good for relationships


These are two ways to look at things, apart from the good technique

that you had given


best wishes



vedic astrology, "hbk1hbk_2100"

<hbk1hbk_2100> wrote:

> In my case venus rules 3rd house and 8th house from lagna. But

Venus is

> placed in the nakshatra of moon in the 10th house, and moon is


> in the nakshatra of Venus in 11 th house. So Rahu/Venus period was


> good for my career. Also you should consider the mahadasha lord

> position as another lagna, and see the lordship from that house


> My Rahu/Venus period was the best period financially. Rahu is in


> sign. So if we consider cancer as another lagna then venus rules


> house and 11th house. I bought a luxury car during Rahu/Venus


> and made good money.


> Regards


> G. Singh



> vedic astrology, "adavi srinivasamurthy"

> <smadavi@h...> wrote:

> >

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Dear Partha ji,


Rahu is a very tricky period. Most of the time when I study charts

of people who commit crimes and go to prison, are in rahu mahadasha.

Rahu / Venus period is not good for everybody. Recently I saw that

Scott Peterson was convicted of his wife's murder during Rahu/ Venus

period. I think in his chart rahu and venus were in each other's

nakshatra. I do not remember his chart correctly. Martha Stuart also

went to prison in rahu mahadasha. The first few years and the last

few years of rahu mahadasha are very sensitive years. Rahu and Ketu

play a major rule in the charts of criminals.


If you want to analyze rahu mahadasha you should see what nakshatra

rahu is occupying in your natal chart. For example if rahu is in 7th

house lord's nakshatra in your natal chart. Then rahu is going to

influence your married life in a big way during its mahadasha. You

should also see what planets are closely conjunct or aspecting rahu.

For example if someone has jupiter conjunct ketu to same degree

opposite rahu, and jupiter rules the 10th house. Then in rahu's

mahadasha whenever rahu will transit jupiter's nakshatra it will give

excellent results in career of the native.




G. Singh



vedic astrology, "V.Partha sarathy"

<partvinu@g...> wrote:

> Dear G.Singh


> That is a good way to use Nakshatras.

> But in my experience of many people falling under rahu dasa is


> they suffer for first 10 years usually, and venus brings the


> point.

> The reason is that venus eclipses Rahu.

> The following way the planets should be arranged


> sun, moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, saturn, rahu , ketu.


> The eigth planet from every planet eclipses it.

> For example Jupiter is eclipsed by mars

> Rahu by venus

> Moon by ketu

> Mercury by moon.


> So you can see that these are not generally good yogas for mental

> peace.

> Guru Mangala yoga is good for intellectual pursuits but could be


> for marital and progenic happiness

> Moon-mercury can give hyper thinking

> Moon-ketu not good for mind, fortune is fluctuating

> Rahu-venus could be good for filmstars, but not good for



> These are two ways to look at things, apart from the good technique

> that you had given


> best wishes

> partha


> vedic astrology, "hbk1hbk_2100"

> <hbk1hbk_2100> wrote:

> > In my case venus rules 3rd house and 8th house from lagna. But

> Venus is

> > placed in the nakshatra of moon in the 10th house, and moon is

> placed

> > in the nakshatra of Venus in 11 th house. So Rahu/Venus period


> very

> > good for my career. Also you should consider the mahadasha lord

> > position as another lagna, and see the lordship from that house

> also.

> > My Rahu/Venus period was the best period financially. Rahu is in

> cancer

> > sign. So if we consider cancer as another lagna then venus rules

> 4th

> > house and 11th house. I bought a luxury car during Rahu/Venus

> period,

> > and made good money.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > G. Singh

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "adavi srinivasamurthy"

> > <smadavi@h...> wrote:

> > >

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