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Eclipse / US outlook

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Dear List members


One thing that is intersting about this eclipse is that it occurs near

President George W Bush's natal Moon Jupiter ( This is the combination of

Lagna Lod and sixth Lord which has made GWB something of a war president ).

A hsitorical note is that President Roosevelt had both the 1st and 10th

Lords in the sixth house) . Although the subject of the US birth chart is

controversial the chart of the leader of a nation can be used as a proxy

indicator for the outlook for the nation. I haven't really done enough

research on eclipses to warrant any kind of prediction but generally being a

solar eclipse we will look out for what occurs over the next year.


George W Bush is now in the last year of his Saturn mahadasha . The end of a

dasha is usually a hard time for the native and we have seen the President

have to deal with two major disasters Hurricanes Katrina and Rita plus the

ongoing war in Iraq.


The question is what will happen when GWB enters Mercury Mahadasha in May

next year. For a Cancer Lagna Mercury rules the 3rd and 12th houses . The

third house disposits the Moon Jupiter combination mentioned earlier so it

does not look like there will be any let up in the war against terror. The

third house is not considered a house of prosperity because it is the second

( maraka ) house from the second house of wealth and twelth house ( of

loss ) from the fourth house of assets. Then the twelth house is the house

of losses and disposits Sun . Sun is the second Lord of wealth in the house

of losses.So there are multiple indications that economic conditions will

deteriorate in the last years of President Bush's term. By comparison

President Clinton ran the mahadasha of 4th and 7th Lord placed in the second

during his term and thus the economy performed strongly during his term.


Mercury Mercury is followed by Mercury Ketu for President Bush. Ketu is a

malefic planet placed in the fifth house which is the eighth house from the

tenth house of career indicating the end of his career as mandated by law he

must relinquish his position after two terms.


Best Wishes


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Dear Nicholas,


You made very nice and unambiguous interpretation.


It is unanimously believed that chart of de-facto

ruler is equally important besides national chart.

Whereas, annual solar, lunar, and soli-luner ingress

charts work under jurisdiction of mentions two charts

and can not stand alone.


On going trying economic, social and political

changes of USA may well delineate from chart of

president. It in my humble opinion, US chart of

Scorpio lagna, portrays clearer picture of US past and



October 3rd eclipse would probably lead to more

drastic situation for Bush administration. Eclipse

occurs in Virgo that may bring some kind of affliction

to communication (postal, railways, highways etc)

departments (3rd house) and would further decline Bush

support among masses (Moon) and amplify media

criticism (due to Mercury that makes parivartan with



Whereas forthcoming retrogression of transit Saturn

and Mars may further intensify the anomalous mid-east

political scenario and war front for USA in coming

next six months that also cause great ups and down in

oil price market. Jupiter was ineffective till end of

October 2005, on account of shadows of Rahu and

aspect of Saturn. But next year, Jupiter sojourn into

Libra would bring intervention of any international

law enforcement body to settle Iraq war situation.


This is just a raw analysis. Comments are welcome.













--- Nicholas <jyotish108 wrote:


> Dear List members


> One thing that is intersting about this eclipse is

> that it occurs near

> President George W Bush's natal Moon Jupiter ( This

> is the combination of

> Lagna Lod and sixth Lord which has made GWB

> something of a war president ).

> A hsitorical note is that President Roosevelt had

> both the 1st and 10th

> Lords in the sixth house) . Although the subject of

> the US birth chart is

> controversial the chart of the leader of a nation

> can be used as a proxy

> indicator for the outlook for the nation. I haven't

> really done enough

> research on eclipses to warrant any kind of

> prediction but generally being a

> solar eclipse we will look out for what occurs over

> the next year.


> George W Bush is now in the last year of his Saturn

> mahadasha . The end of a

> dasha is usually a hard time for the native and we

> have seen the President

> have to deal with two major disasters Hurricanes

> Katrina and Rita plus the

> ongoing war in Iraq.


> The question is what will happen when GWB enters

> Mercury Mahadasha in May

> next year. For a Cancer Lagna Mercury rules the 3rd

> and 12th houses . The

> third house disposits the Moon Jupiter combination

> mentioned earlier so it

> does not look like there will be any let up in the

> war against terror. The

> third house is not considered a house of prosperity

> because it is the second

> ( maraka ) house from the second house of wealth and

> twelth house ( of

> loss ) from the fourth house of assets. Then the

> twelth house is the house

> of losses and disposits Sun . Sun is the second Lord

> of wealth in the house

> of losses.So there are multiple indications that

> economic conditions will

> deteriorate in the last years of President Bush's

> term. By comparison

> President Clinton ran the mahadasha of 4th and 7th

> Lord placed in the second

> during his term and thus the economy performed

> strongly during his term.


> Mercury Mercury is followed by Mercury Ketu for

> President Bush. Ketu is a

> malefic planet placed in the fifth house which is

> the eighth house from the

> tenth house of career indicating the end of his

> career as mandated by law he

> must relinquish his position after two terms.


> Best Wishes

> Nicholas









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