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Nabhasa Yoga- To Sreenath & other distinguished Astrologers.

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Thank you very much for all your time and energy spent

in explaining Nabhasa yoga, now I understand that

these yoga present in every being and its

unexplainable influences on human can not be

determined with in a time frame.


Dr.GK.Goel’s article published in Jyothish Digest


and read with your appended explanations are found

more useful to me.


May I conclude on the above references that Nabhasa

yoga in individuals depicts their road map of destiny

and the extant of individual achievements relay on

their free will & Dasa bukthi combined with Gochara



Entharo Mahanubhavulu Anthariki vandanamulu.



--- Sreenadh <sreelid wrote:


> I have seen that in some of the previous mails a

> debate on 'whether

> to apply Nabhasa yogas on divisional charts or not?'

> was going on.

> Several gurus are quoted but none seemed to discuss

> the issue in its

> theoretical and historical perspective. Some of my

> humble observations

> are given below.

> Nabhasa Yoga

> ============

> These yogas can give results in any desa. We cannot

> say that only in

> this or that particular desa a Nabhasa yoga will

> give result. This is

> the opinion of acharyas like Varaha Mihira. Nabhasa

> yogas are not

> related to any particular planet. Desa and Gochara

> are related to

> planets that serve as the significator of something.

> Nabhasa yogas are

> not related to any particular planet and that is why

> based on Desa or

> Gochara we cannot locate the period in which these

> yogas will become

> fruitful. Because of this fundamental flaw it is not

> right to give

> Nabhasa yogas more importance than it deserves.

> Nabhasa yogas are classified into four. They are-

> 1) Akrithi yogas (Told by: Kausika hora, Gargi

> hora, Brihat

> prajapathyam)

> 2) Sankhya yogas (Told by: Brihat prajapathyam)

> 3) Asraya yogas (Told by: Sathyacharya)

> 4) Dela yogas (Told by: Parasara)

> All these yogas are related to the thought 'what

> special prediction

> should be given if the planets are in 1 sign, 2

> signs, 3 signs etc'.

> If these signs happen to be kendra, trikona,

> panapara, apoklima,

> chara, sthira, ubhaya some thought that special

> importance should be

> given. Even though first indicated by Rishi horas,

> the Yavanacharyas

> are the one who gave this system this much

> propaganda. By permutation

> combination they have increased the number of

> Nabhasa yogas to 1800.

> 1) Akrithi yogas

> -------------

> Gada, Sakata, Vihaga (Antaja), Sringataka, Hala,

> Vajra, Yava, Abja

> (Kamala), Vapi, Uoopa, Ishu, Sakthi, Denda, Nou,

> Koota, Cathra, Chapa,

> Samudra, Chathra etc. All these yogas are produced

> as a result of

> Bhava-Planet combination.

> 2) Sankhya yogas

> -------------

> Vallaki, Dama, Pasa, Kedara, Soola, Yuga, Gola.

> These are produced

> as a result of Sign-Planet combination.

> 3) Asraya yogas

> -------------

> Ranju, Musala, Nala. These are produced as a

> result of Sign-Planet

> combination.

> 4) Dela yogas

> -------------

> Srek, Sarpa. These are produced as a result of

> Bhava-Planet

> combination.


> These yogas and the hundreds of other yogas the

> names of which are

> not mentioned, all comes under the simple and

> fundamental rules of

> Bhava-Planet combination and Sign-Planet

> combination. Every learned

> astrologer know that almost the whole astrology (or

> all the yogas

> mentioned in astrology) comes under the

> classifications and results

> generated by:

> 1) Sign

> 2) Bhava

> 3) Planet

> 4) Sign-Planet combination

> 5) Bhava-Planet combination

> 6) Sign-Bhava combination

> 7) Sign-Bhava-Planet combination

> If you systematically study these classifications

> and the results

> generated by them, then the whole astrology is

> almost over! Look at

> this sloka of Vashishtahora-

> Stanato bhavathaH khetaiH stanabhavanabhascharai

> Stanabhava samayogat bhavakhechara yogathaH

> Yogasyu shadvidha sthanakhecharabhyam to sapthadhaH

> stanabhavagrehaiproktha yoga ye yogahethava

> Meaning, 'the combinations can be classified into

> 7. They are 1) Sign

> 2) Bhava 3) Planet 4) Sign-Planet 5) Bhava-Planet 6)

> Sign-Bhava and 7)

> Sign-Bhava-Planet'.

> Why this 7-fold classification is important? I will

> explain.

> 1) Sign

> All the results I predict based on the

> classification and qualities

> of signs such as Chara, Agneya, Gramya etc comes

> under this.

> 2) Bhava

> If the lord of the 6th house is in 7th, I predict

> something. All

> such results come under this.

> 3) Planet

> If Sun-Moon, guru-Satern etc are together I

> predict something. All

> such 2 planet, 3 planet etc combinations and the

> corresponding results

> comes under this.

> 4) Sign-Planet

> If Sun is in Aris I predict something. All such

> 'Asraya rasi phala'

> comes under this.

> 5) Bhava-Planet

> If Jupiter is in 5th house I predict something.

> All such 'bhava

> phala' comes under this.

> 6) Bhava-Planet

> If Ge comes as the 3rd house I predict something.

> All such results

> come under this.

> 7) Sign-Bhava-Planet

> If mercury is in 7th house that happens to be Ge

> then I predict

> something. All such results come under this.


> Nabhasa yogas do not give importance to this

> fundamental principle

> (theoretical foundation) and the Desa-Gochara

> constraints. This is

> deviation from the fundamentals! When all the yogas

> that are

> considered as Nabhasa yogas and all other yogas

> falls within the above

> said seven-fold classification, why this separate

> naming as 'Nabhasa

> yogas'? It is a system created based on a bit of

> theory (without

> considering the total picture) and that is why

> impossible/improbable

> yogas like Vajra that speaks about the position of

> Mercury in the 4th

> house from sun comes under the category of Nabhasa

> yogas.

> Many acharyas tells us that as these Nabhasa yogas

> comes under the

> classification Sign-planet/Bhava-Planet

> combinations, it is not

> important that we should learn them separately. So I

> will ask you not

> to give importance to Nabhasa yogas in natal charts

> or divisional

> charts and go back to the ancient, fundamental, and

> theoretically

> perfect system of seven-fold classification!!

> Predictions related to all Nabhasa yogas are

> actually the ones that

> come within the above said 7-fold classification and

> thus for sure

> related to Desa and Gochara. Therefore Nabhasa yoga

> is a sure

> deviation from the fundamentals. Yavanacharya and

> the like have

> increased the number of Nabhasa yogas to 1800 by

> just applying the

> permutation combination principles. If one is trying

> to predict all

> results (related to Sign-Planet and Bhava-planet

> combinations) based

> on the Nabhasa yogas then what is the use of whole

> astrology?

> Therefore I would urge the learners not to apply

> Nabhasa yogas not

> only in divisional charts but also in natal charts!!


> With warm regards,

> Sreenadh









Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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