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Ref: Birth time rectification

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Sri Sreenadh/Bharat/Raj Sharma




I give below methods enumerated by By Sri. M.Ramakrishna Bhat

in his book Fundamentals of Astrology as a start for the discussion

on this forum please.










1.I shall now tell you some methods by which you can rectify the

noted time of birth.But you sholdnot


depend solely on them. One of the methods is the follow­ing ,Convert

the time of birth in Ghatis etc. after Sunrise into Vighatis. Mutiply

this by 4 and divide the product by 9. The reminder will indicate the

number of the star of birth counted from Asvini, Magha or Mula. If

you apply this rule to our example horoscope, you get 525 Vighatis.

Then 525 x 4/9 =233 and a reminder of 3.But the 3rd star from Mula

would be Uttrasadha. This is not correct. We must get Salabhishak. If

you take 8g-30v as the time of birth in Ghatis, you get a balance of

6 whioh gives us tho star of birth exactly. So according to this the

comet time of birth should be 8 Ghatis and 30 Vighatis, after Sunrise.


2.Another method is to multiply the ghatis etc. by 4 and add to it

the number of the Rasi the Lagna represents from Mesha and again add

5, 10 or 15 according os the Lagna is movable, fixed or dual. Divide

this sum by 27. Take the balance into consideration. If the birth is

in the bright fortnight count the remainder from Asvini, and if in

the dark fortnight, count from Citra. That star should be the natal

star or one of its trines. In the given example this rule does not

hold good. But If you take 8-31.5 ghatis you get a remainder of 6

which gives the required star Satabishak.


3.Yet another method is this :-­


Multipfy tho time of birth in gathis by 6. Add to this the parti­cular

date of the solar month. This total will reveal the number of

degrees by which thc lagna is removed from the very commencement of

thc sign occupied by tho Sun. It was the 24th day of the Simha month

If you add this to 50-70, which is the product you get by multiplying

the Ishatagathi by 6, you get 75'-10'. According to this rule the

cusp of the first house or Lagna must be 75'-10' farther from the

beginning of Leo because the Sun is situated in that sign. But

actually our Lagnn-sphuta is 6s.-10'-32'-4" i.e..2s-10-32'-4" moved

from the initial point of Leo However, this will help us in locating

the Ascendant broadly.






4. I shall give you yet another method:- ,-Note the Rasi and

Navamsa occupied by Mandi as well as by the Moon. Now the Lagna of

birth will have some connection with this Rasi. The Lagna may be the

7th, 5th or 9th from the sign or Navamsa of Mandi or the Moon,

whichver is stronger of the two. In our examp[e Mandi is in Makara in

sign and Leo in Amsa. The Moon is in Knmbha Rasi and Makara Navamsa.

But the [atter is stronger. Here the Lagna is actually in the 9th

house from the Moon, the degree of both being exactly the same i.e

11th. According to another view the Lagna may be

trine to the Iord of the sign or Amsa of the Moon or Mandi..





5.There are some simple rules to find out the sex of the child. In

this case too you have to be doubly ,careful befote pronouncing. The

judgement.. Convert as before the !staghatis etc. into Vighatis.

Divide this by 225. Now you may have a remainder upto 225. What you

have to do with the remainder is this:- have five groups of 15, 30,

45, 60, 75, i.e. from I to 15 first group, 16 tn 45 second, 46 to 90

third, 91 to I5O fourth, and 151 to 225 fifth. In the odd goups male

births are indicated. Take our example. Divide 525 by 225. You will

get a remainder of 75. This falls in the third group. So the child

must be male.


6.Another method is to multiply the Ishtagathi by 4 and to add to it

the number of rasis alone in the Lagna sphuta Divide the resuit by 8.

If the remainder is an even number,it is male, and if odd, it is

female..In ourexample 8-45 x 4 plus6 = 41. Leave off the Vighatis.

In this case there are no Vighatis. By dividing 41 by 8 you get one

as remainder, which being an odd number indicates female birth.

Hence the time of birth will have to be suitably modified.


7. I shall tell you anothet interesting point in this context. From

the Lagna of birth you can find out the direction of the lying-in-

chamber in the house. If the Ascendant be Aries,Cancer,Libra,

Scorpio, or Aquarius the chamber would be in the western

of the house. If Leo or Capricorn, in the sonth, if Taurus, in the

west; and if Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarious or Pisces in the north.

Before making any pronouncement you will have to see which of the

two Lagna or its Navamsa, is stronger.. in case the Navamsa is

stronger, then you will have to give the direction indicated by that

sign and not by the Lagna. Rasi. What do you mean by the Navamsa

being stronger? '






8.See if that particular sign whose name the Amsa bears is well

aspected or occupied and also see if its lord is strong, in benefic

house and has the aspect of and association with benefics. You can

similarly find out the direction which the Iying-in-chamber faces.

The planet that occupies a Kendra position in the birth chart gives

the direction. You know the quarters precided over by the planets..

Suppose that.there are many planets in Kendras, then yon will have to

declare the direction from the strongest of them..


The women or obstetricians etc. in attendance on the expectant mother

would depend on the number of planets posited between the Ascendant

and the Moon. The number of perso standing or waiting outside is

equal to the number outside that range. The quantity of oil in the

lamp will correspond to the portion of the sign yet to be covered by

the Moon in the particular Rasi occupied by her. The part of the wick

remaining is to be guessed from the part of the sign of Lagna that

has not yet risen.. The nature of the lamp whether movable or fixed

is to bc deduced from the nature of the Rasi occupied by the Sun.

These details may not be needed now in view of the existence, of

maternity homes and electric lights. Still I have given them because

of. their scientific character and interest.


It is said that if in the chart the Moon does not aspect the

Ascendant, the child's father must have been away from home at the

time of birth. This means that the Moon shou[d be in the 7th house

from the Lagna for the father to be at home. I advise you not to take

this Yoga too literally. See if the lord of the 9th house is in the

visible hemisphere--six signs counted back­wards from the Lagna--and

in a fixed Rasi or Amsa and has some ,sort of conncction or aspect on

the Lagna.or its Lord and the Moon or thc lord of the rasi.. If these

conditions are satis­fied, you cao say the fathet was at home. In the

above condition i.e. when the Moon does not aspect the Lagna, if the

Sun is posited in the 9th or 8th house, which is movable,

fixed or dual sign, the father is in another village, in his own

village, on his way home respectively..





Mr. Raj Sharma wrote in Vedic Astrology


Namaskaar Sreenadh,




It would be helpful to all the learners and students, if you can take

one example chart and show computations for 10 methods enumerated in

your e-mail, as well as cross verification principles.




Given time constraints, it may be difficult to explain all, but may

be you can initiate this discussion by showing few of these.




I am sure lot of people would like to learn these methods and it

would be helpful to many.












Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology wrote:

Namaskaar Sri Sreenadh


There is a method of tatwa - antartattwa for birth time rectification



Thanks and Regards




On 10/1/05, Sreenadh <sreelid wrote:

Dear Members,

I have seen many asking and arguing on the birth time rectification

methods. One shouldn't run away from such vital questions. Let me

share my humble understanding on the subject. I have searched the

classics and other books and this is what I could find.

What is birth time?


1) If Seerishodaya sign - head, if Prishtodaya sign - feet, if

Ubhayodaya sign - hand. i.e. The coming out of head, feet or hand

could be considered as the time of birth accordingly considering the

Asc sign at birth time. (One sloka in Saravali supports this view)

2) Time of Garbhodhodaka Sruthi - breaking time of placenta.


sounaka hora)

3) The coming out of head, feet or hand could be considered as the

time of birth irrespective of the Asc sign at birth time. (Garga


4) The time of cutting of Umbilical cord (No classics supports this


5) The time of first breath (No classics supports this view)

6) The time of first cry (No classics supports this view)

7) Adhana time (Saravali and Lakhujathakam supports this view)

8) Laladodayam - The time at which forehead of the child is seen


9) Bhoosparsa - The time at which the child touches the earth


10) Any time that is tightly related to the person can be taken to

predict his future - conclusion drawn by considering all the above

views. (There are systems for predicting future by considering the

first menses period and the time of marriage. This also supports this


Mathematical methods to correct birth time


1) Kunda Multiplication method - Asc x 81 (Presnamarga,

Presnareethi, Varaha hora, Sounaka hora)

2) Navamsa Dwadesamsa method - Asc x 108 (Varaha hora, Brihath


3) Navamsa - Asc x 9 (Sounaka hora)

4) Dwadesamsa - Asc x 12 (Brihath prajapathyam)

5) Varga Chathushtaya - Joined use of methods 1-2-3-4.


Presnarathna, Skanda hora)

6) Pancha Boothodaya - Pancha tatwa method (Yanjcha valkya smrithi,

Regular use of this theory by ancient astrologers, Some slokas in

Uthara kalamritha also initiates thoughts in these lines)

7) Use of nirayana longitude of Sun - It is long calculation method


8) Ghati-vighati at birth time - It is also another calculation

method (Uthara kalamritha)

9) Sookshma hora - Asc x 972 (Presnasara, One sloka of Saravali is

also at times quoted as supportive of this)

10) Nadi system - Method not clearly stated (Chandrakala nadi,

Sphujidhwaja hora also initiates thoughts in these lines)

Met hods to verify whether Asc is correct


1) Using Gulika (Presnarathna, Presna samgraha, Jathaka parijatha,

Presnasara, Phaladeepika)

2) Using Pranapada (Jyothisha Rathnakaram)

3) Using Mandi (Jathaka parijatha, Brihath jathaka padhathi,

Phaladeepika, Uthara kalamritham)

4) Using Trisputa (Presnamarga)

This is the essence of what I could find. i.e. Totally there are 10

arguments as to what is birth time, of which the 10th is the most

acceptable one. 10 methods for birth time rectification and 4 methods

for cross checking and verifying whether Asc sign is correct. Of the

birth time rectification methods Varga chathushtaya method is the


supported one by classics. Even though there is not slokas that

supports Pancha tatwa method it some how gets special reputation by

the learned scholars (for example both PVR and Chandrahari are

supportive of this method)

As an elaborate discussion of all these methods will take much


space and effort, I humbly request the learned scholars who are well

versed in any of these methods to explain each in detail, for the

benefit of others. Concerning Kunda calculation I have explained my

views earlier, and certainly ready to share my thoughts on other

methods as time permits, if many are ready to share this effort of

explaining all these methods to the benefit of learners and seekers.


With warm regards,


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