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Tula Guru/Kataka Sani...countdown begins...Predicting Future Dates

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Earth quakes are a direct result of interplanetary gravitation pull

that is exerted on Earth.

Liquid lava under the earth's upper crust which is made up of many

sub plates which we know rub against each other when there is a

fluctuation in stability of lava due to such gravitational push and


A major even takes place within 2 to 3 days of constant pull/push

exerted by planetary forces exerting their power on earth.Hence some

times there will be a major event happening within a range of 2 to 3

days of such planetary configuration.In other words, till a sure shot

method of divining the exact implications of such cofigs is arrived

at, my predictions will menifest with a plus minus margin of Moon's

rasi stay in one rasi.

Earth is constantly subject to such forces and primary menifestation

of such force results in high and low tide in the sea.But when there

is unusual fluctuation due to certain planetary configuration which

acts on certain portions of earth, an imbalance causes plates to

shift resulting into major earth quakes. Volcanic activity also

causes earth to shake but is again dependant on inner core lava's

condition exerting pressure on faults/fissures and volcanic mountains

which are safety valves of earth.


I have done research in this sector and have charted last two

thousand year's major earth quakes and found that earth quakes follow

a set pattern of certain planetary placements and their transits.

Last year, I was able to predict many earth quakes with a fair amount

of accuracy.


This year too, I predicted a phase of major earth quakes visiting

Asia, Middle east and America on 1st or 2nd October and had predicted

Earth quakes happening from /around 5th of October onwards. There

were 3 E Q's of over 5.5 Intensity on 5th and subsequently on

Saturday 9th there was a major EQ hitting Pakistan and India.(7.6)

This was followed by 8 major aftershocks of over 5.5 intensity.Over

20,000 people are reported to have lost their lives and great many

over 50,000 injured.


I know that a lot more work needs to be done in pin pointing area of

such event . But I am working over time to achieve this rate of

success in order to safeguard and prewarn people.

I am reposting a paragraph from my posting on VA board made on 5th




"From presentPlanatory placements, the present seismic activity is a

precurser to larger things to come. It is evident that next two

months and major part of next year first half is going to witness

seismic /volcanic disasters in hitherto dormant/less active faults


I anticipate Taiwan/Russia and Parts of Middle east/Turkey in Asia

and South America to get affected . Middle US and Alaska will also be


I will not rule out Tsunami threat of medium power.Coming to Saturn

in Cancer, Winter is going to be harsh for Russia and America.

Blizzards, over snow will disrupt life to a great level."




I am giving the following dates on which there is likelyhood of major

Earth Quakes /man made and natural disasters happening.


1) 9th to 11th october...when Moon is in Dhanu rasi and SP is in



2) 15th to 17th October...this period extending till 20th

October....When Moon and SP is in Meena

and also in Mesha with Sp also in Mesha.


3) 24th to 26th October...... when Moon is in Kataka and SP in Mesha.


3) 29th October thro to 4th November...when Moon is in Kanya and Tula

and Vrischika with SP in Mesha.


4) 10th November to 16th November......When Moon is in VM in Kumbha,

Meena and Mesha with SP in Mesha.


5) 21st November to 23 rd November.....When Moon is in Kataka and SP

in Vrishabha.


Dates beyond November will be posted by me in days to come.


May God show mercy on us.






"SP" is Sensitive Point determined by me as most sensitive point to

get affected and is of Interest to us.

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