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Parasara Chara Dasa in JHL 7.02

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It is very easy to theorize and sweep everything under the carpet of "freedom of

interpretation". Let us examine a couple of ground realities though:


(1) Parasara's words were "find antardasas starting from the sign occupied by

the lord of the dasa sign". KN Rao's view is that antardasas start from the

sign before/after the dasa sign. Lord of dasa sign is totally ignored. There is

no similarity whatsoever. So, this is definitely not an issue of interpretation

or "continuous progress thru interpretation".


Of course, there is scope for interpretation in Parasara's instruction. The

direction is left vague. It may be forward always. Or it may change based on

the odd/even nature of dasa sign, or based on the odd-footed/even-footed nature

of dasa sign or the 9th from it. One can interpret.


But what Sri KN Rao taught can never result from any reasonable interpretation

of Parasara's words. That much must be clear.


(2) When a similar issue was brought up earlier, Sri KN Rao replied saying that

that was the "Parasari system" and he was using the "Jaimini system".


That makes it clear that Sri KN Rao had this idea that there are two mutually

exclusive systems - Parasari system and Jaimini system. Thus, there is every

reason to suspect that Sri KN Rao may have ignored Parasara's teachings on

techniques that he considered to belong to the "Jaimini system" (e.g. chara

dasa). That explains why the antardasa scheme he invented is so different from

Parasara's. I cannot help but think that he ignored Parasara's words on chara

dasa because he thought he was following chara dasa of the "Jaimini system" and

thought Parasara was not an authority on it.


That is why I made a comment that Sri KN Rao's belief that Parasara and Jaimini

taught two different systems may have hampered his works and limited his



One must realize that this is a very fundamental point.


If any of you starting out now, I have a word of advice. I may be the most

idiotic person around and may be passing on the silliest and wrongest

knowledge. That is possible. Yet, I KNOW that I am most correct on atleast one

thing - there aren't two systems. Parasara and Jaimini taught the same system.

Chara dasa, arudha padas, chara karakas, Vimsottari dasa, sign aspects and

planetary aspects are different pieces of the same puzzle called Jyotish. By

erecting artificial walls called "Parasari vs Jaimini", you will be placing

unnecessaru barriers to your progress. If you take my advice and drill it into

your thinking, you will be thankful after 10 years.


As I said, Parasara's BPHS is the most useful resource to understand the

teachings of Jaimini better!!! Unfortunately, it is not useful to those who

erect the artificial Parasari vs Jaimini wall, like Sri KN Rao. If you want to

understand Jaimini without help from Parasara, you are on your own and are

prone to making a lot of mistakes. Good luck then! But, if you want to take

help from Parasara, there is so much there. Of course, there may be a

corruption here and there. But, still, one is better off.


May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha

-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software

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> Dear Group members,> > I would like to add the following, to the discussion of

Chara dasha > calculation, as well as number of chara karakas.> > I would not

even consider that Sri KN Rao ignored Parasara or BPHS; > in fact, he

repeatedly conveyed his message in his books 'Do not > leave your base from

classics'. But at the same time, he conveyed the > message that repeated

reading of the classics again and again will > yield new interpretations of the

same rules, as we are continuously > progressing in our interpretation skills.

Every time you read the > same rule, it unwinds a new meaning; that is how he

justified the > name Jaimini Suthram. There must be a strong rationale behind

his > calculation and simply because it does not match the true-translation >

of a suthram does not mean that he ignored great maha rishis. This is > an

absurd statement. He used his technique on a very large number of > horoscopes,

probably no one else could have tested (or if there are > any people who tested,

there may be relatively very few). The very > reason that other Jaimini

translations could not provide a further > technique to do real predictions, is

that they are just true > translations. Translations are required; but they are

helpful only as > dictionaries. But it is our inherent skill to use the

dictionary, or > translations how to use them to give predictions. That varies

from > person to person. Sri KN Rao also mentioned in several other > articles,

about other great astrologers (I don't remeber names at > this time), who did

quick calculations and gave astonishing > predictions. Just because we don't

know these calculations, it should > not be assumed that these astrologers are

ignoring great Maharishis. > What maharishis gave us should be formed as basis,

and then we do our > research by applying them to a number of horoscopes our our

times, > and not of ancient times. That is what Sri KN Rao said as replicable >

research. If one reads articles published in the Journal of > Astrology, by him

and his students and other astrologers, we can > easily say that this jounal

stands out in the astrological field as > unique helpful guide, because they

are all replicable researches, and > they are all based on classical principles

only; but extensions of > classical principles to today's scenario in a more

replicable way.> > Bottom line is: when someone comes for a prediction, and we

fail to > give an accurate (or close to accurate) prediction, it is of no use >

even we memorize the whole bunch of all classics. The samething was > told by

Sri KN Rao as well as Sri Pandit Sanjay Rath and several > other astrologers.>

> From what I learnt from Sri KN Rao's books, the great Jaimini > astrologer

Sri Vemuri Sastry totally relied on Jaimini system alone, > and the Jaimini

classic he relied on is probably not available > currently, and what we have

(or its translations) could be either > distorted or incomplete versions of

original Jaimini astrology, which > supposedly Sri Vemuri learnt from Varanasi

based astrologers just by > memorizing several thousands of Sanskrit slokas.> >

Even each of Sri KN Rao's books are themselves like classics. > Everytime I read

them, I learn a new interpretation of the same > principles; because they are

the outcome of decades of dedicated > research on thousands of horoscopes.> >

My intention is not to discount anybody's views or opinions, but to > convey

the message, that classics are our base and what we do above > that is our

research.> > Best regards,> Satya Sai Kolachina> > > --- In

, "rohiniranjan" <rrgb@s...> wrote:> >> > Dear

Narasimha,> > > > I have written to you privately about this with some more

relevant > > details particularly with ref to the Sharma version of BPHS. Hope

> you > > will get it in due course.> > > > I do not wish to cause heartburn to

individuals on this forum hence > > the private approach with your kind

indulgence. I know you are a > busy > > person.> > > > RR> > > > --- In

, "pvr108" <pvr@c...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear

Ranjan,> > > > > > > Further variable has been introduced by KN Rao (or > > >

> actually perhaps Vemuri ji -- assuming KNR got that particular > > sub-> > >

> order from his statements and not from personal research) in > his > > > >

recommendation to use the swabhukti as the last one. Too bad, > > > > Parashara

did not choose to help out modern minds on that > matter.> > > > > > Nope,

Parasara DID choose to help out modern minds on the matter > of > > > bhuktis

in Chara dasa.> > > > > > Parasara gave different chapters for the results of

nakshatra > > dasas, > > > Kalachakra dasa (navamsa based dasa) and rasi dasas.

> > > Please refer to chapter 50 (in Santhanam version). It is > > > called

"charAdidashAphalAdhyAyaH" (meaning: chapter on the > results > > > of chara

etc dasas).> > > > > > In this chapter, Parasara talks of bhukti (antardasa) >

calculation. > > > The relevant lines are reproduced below:> > > > > >

dasheshAkrAMtabhAvarxAdArabhya dvAdasharxakam.h || 90||> > > bhaktvA

dvAdasharAshInAM dashAbhukti prakalpayet.h |> > > > > > Meaning: Bhuktis are

formed by dividing the dasa into 12 parts by > > > starting from the sign

occupied the lord of the dasa sign and > going > > > through the twelve signs

from there.> > > > > > Suppose Gemini dasa is running. Suppose Mercury is in

Libra. > > Bhuktis > > > (antardasas) in Gemini dasa will then go as Li, Sc,

Sg, ..., Le, > Vi.> > > > > > That much is clear from Parasara. If somebody is

happy with the > > > researches of somebody else, they may follow some other

method. > May > > > God bless them. But Parasara's words are clear enough.> > >

> > > BTW, there are 97 verses in this chapter and they give clear > > >

guidelines on the judgment of Chara dasa and other rasi dasas. If > > > you

read all that, you will discover that what Sri KN Rao taught > in > > > his

Chara dasa book is just the tip of the iceberg! Parasara gave > > > more

elaborate methods and also laid a lot of emphasis on dasa > > > pravesha chakra

(period entry chart - available in JHora). This > > > seems to be totally

ignored by Sri KN Rao.> > > > > > The best resource for understanding

Jaimini's teachings better is > > > not any commentary of Jaimini Sutram by

Nilakantha or someone > else. > > > It is not even papers containing readings

by Vemuri. It is BPHS. > > > BPHS is the best resource for understanding

several of the > > > parameters and dasas taught by Jaimini in "Jaimini

Sutram"!> > > > > > I honestly feel that the belief held by Sri KN Rao that

Parasara > > and > > > Jaimini taught two distinct systems hampered his work.

He > could've > > > gone much further if he had not ignored Parasara's

teachings on > so > > > many techniques normally supposed to form the so-called

"Jaimini > > > astrology"!> > > > > > I look up to him and consider him a great

role model. What I say > > > above is merely an impassionate observation.> > >

> > > > Some years ago, when talking about navamsha or some other varga > > > >

chart, you had indicated on one of the fora how Parashara > > > described > > >

> the vargas and other general things and then went on to discuss > > > the > >

> > specific rules which could apply to all charts. It certainly > > > clicked >

> > > and was very helpful advice indeed. Thanks for that!> > > > > > I am glad

my humble advice was found to be useful by you!> > > > > > May Jupiter's light

shine on us,> > > Narasimha> > >

-------------------------------> > > Free

Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> > > Free Jyotish

software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org> > > Sri Jagannath Centre

(SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org> > >

-------------------------------> > > > > >

, "rohiniranjan" <rrgb@s...> > > > wrote:> >

> >> > > > Thanks for your this and the other post on this matter. FWIW, I > > >

too > > > > have found over the years that BPHS has enough to keep most of > us

> > > > busy for a lifetime or more. Only with a very rudimentary > > >

knowledge > > > > of sanskrit and less-than perfect translations that are >

available > > > to > > > > me, if it holds keys to so many questions for

someone like me, > I > > > can > > > > imagine what treasures it can bring to

someone who can read and > > > > understand the Maharshi Parashara's in the

original form. I > think > > > we > > > > have only managed to salvage a small

portion of what originally > > > must > > > > have been the compilations of

Parashara's sayings/statements -- > > > yet > > > > there is so much even

there.> > > > > > > > Some years ago, when talking about navamsha or some other

varga > > > > chart, you had indicated on one of the fora how Parashara > > >

described > > > > the vargas and other general things and then went on to

discuss > > > the > > > > specific rules which could apply to all charts. It

certainly > > > clicked > > > > and was very helpful advice indeed. Thanks for

that!> > > > > > > > I have some concerns about using 'proportional'

sub-periods for > > > > variable dashas such as Chara dasha periods for which

can vary > > > from > > > > chart to chart. Further variable has been

introduced by KN Rao > > (or > > > > actually perhaps Vemuri ji -- assuming KNR

got that particular > > sub-> > > > order from his statements and not from

personal research) in > his > > > > recommendation to use the swabhukti as the

last one. Too bad, > > > > Parashara did not choose to help out modern minds on

that > matter.> > > > > > > > Ranjan> > > > > > > > > Dear Praveen,> > > > > >

> > > > > Today I was surprised to see the calculation of> > > > > > antardasas

in chara dasa (Parasara) as given by> > > > > > your software.> > > > > >

Generally antardasas in a mahadasa starts from> > > > > > preceding or

succeding sign as the antardasa of> > > > > > mahadasa sign itself should come

last> > > > > > > > > > That is what Sri KN Rao teaches. That seems to be

motivated > by > > > the > > > > nakshatra dasa paradigm

(Vimsottari/Ashtottari).> > > > > > > > > > In "Chara dasa (KN Rao)" option in

my software, I faithfully > > > used > > > > this method. However, in "Chara

dasa (Parasara)" option, it is > > > only > > > > fair that I should NOT go by

Sri KN Rao's views and instead > > follow > > > > Parasara! Don't you agree?> >

> > > > > > > > When teaching Chara dasa and other rasi dasas, Parasara did >

NOT > > > > mention the above approach for finding antardasas.> > > > > > > >

> > In fact, why don't you read BPHS again and find out for > > yourself > > >

> what antardasa method Parasara recommended for Chara dasa and > > > other > >

> > rasi dasas?!!> > > > > > > > > > Just for the record, let me mention this:

You will get > > > calculations > > > > strictly adhering to Sri KN Rao's

teachings, if you > choose "Chara > > > > dasa (KN Rao)".> > > > > > > > > >

May Jupiter's light shine on us, > > > > > Narasimha> > > > >

-----------------------------> --> > > > >

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> > > > > Free

Jyotish software (Windows): > http://www.VedicAstrologer.org> > > > > Sri

Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: > http://www.SriJagannath.org> > > > >

-----------------------------> --> > > > >

- > > > > > Praveen Kumar > > > > > To:

pvr108 > > > > > Sunday, October 09, 2005 3:59 AM> > > > > Subject:

Parasara Chara Dasa in JHL 7.02> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Narasimha,>

> > > > Today I was surprised to see the calculation of antardasas > in > > >

> chara dasa (Parasara) as given by your software. Generally > > > antardasas >

> > > in a mahadasa starts from preceding or succeding sign as the > > > >

antardasa of mahadasa sign itself should come last. But your > > > software > >

> > starts it from some other sign, generally and many a times from > > > the >

> > > sign occupied by mahadasa lord. I have seen it first time. > > > > >

Illustrating, consider my mother's data:> > > > > May 10, 1942> > > > >

15:23 IST> > > > > 75E49, 26N55> > > > > Lagna is Virgo.> > > > > See

opening MD of Virgo - AD starts from Gemini> > > > > Next MD of Libra - AD

again starts from Gemini> > > > > MD of Scorpio - AD starts from Pisces > > >

> > MD of Saggitarius - AD starts from Taurus etc> > > > > > > > > > Please

let me know the reason of this deviation from what > is > > > > supposed to be

standard. I need it as I have to do some > research > > > on > > > > Chara dasa

by Parasara and shri K.N.Rao.> > > > > Thanking you,> > > > > > > > > >

Praveen Kumar (Mumbai, India)> > >> >>

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