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Nothing Vedic or even Hindu about Vedic astrology!

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Dear Mr. Naveen,

Navagraha Sukta:

There is no navagraha sukta in any of the Vedas.

Please give exact references. If you are talking of

Navagraha stotra, since the verses you are quoting are

from that one, that is not Vedic. Even there you have

to gtive exact references and by doing so you will

observe for yourself that it is of a post-Grecho

Chaldean system of astrology coming to India!

Or are you talking of some implanted Sukta, like

Allah-Upanshid supposed to be a work of some Vedic

Seer when it was actually the work of Akbar the Great!


Uttarayana: It is a geographical phenomenon refered to

in our shastras times without number! It is one of

the most important days of the year right from the

Vedic period till the dawn of "Vedic astrology" since

"Vedic astrologers" find it an anathema to talk of the

actual dates of Uttarayana etc. as then they will be

caught on the wrong foot since then they will have to

delink Makar Sankranti from

Lahiri/Raman/Kharegat/Fagan Rashichakra and link that

to the real seasonal Rashichakra as advocated by the

real Parashara!


For your kind information, even the Astrological

Magazine does not mention Uttaryana now! Why? You

better ask them!


Ekadashi, Eclipses etc. etc. are all

geographical/astronomical phenomnea and have nothing

to do with predictive gimmicks!


I am really surprised that "Vedic astrologers" are

oblivious of the fact that no sidhanta, I repeat no

sidhanta, whether the Surya Sidhanta (including the

Panchasidhantika!) or Aryabhati or Paitamaha Sidhanta

or Sidhanta Shiromani etc. etc. has referred to any

predictive system even obliquely! Obviousloy, real

Indian astronomers also never believed in predictive



Varahamihira is the only exception but then he was not

an astronomer at all since all he has done is comipled

a collection of five sidhantas in his

Panchasidhantika, apart from conveying some Greek

system of astrology to Indian public with more Greek

words than Sanskrit or even Prakrit!!


Shani Devta: This planet--nay even Budha and Mangal--

have not been mentioned in any of the Vedas or

Upnnishadas or Brahamans or even the Niruktas of

Yaska! You say that Yama stands for Shani and Vishun

for Budha. That is again an invention of Jyotishis

since there is nothing like that mentioned in the

Vedas or Upanishadas etc. Saturn is actually a

Greco-Chaldean malefic that is being presented as a

scarecrow by "Vedic astrologers" in Inda!


You are talking of Dasharatha pacifying Shani! The

Valmiki Ramayana does not say so anywhere nor does

even the Tulsi Ramayana! All these are tit-bits

invented by some "Vedic asrologers" to fleece the



You are also talking of Rohini Shakata Bheda! Which

Rohini ae you talking about? The real constellation

Taurus with Aldebaran as the main star or the Lahiri

Rohini or the Ramana Rohini or Kharegat Rohini or

Grahalaghava Rohini or the Vedic nakshatra Rohini

which division starts from Krittika! Unless you are

sure which Rohini you are concentating on, how can you

judge the results and then declare them for the

Rashtra as a whole!

Aryan: I have no inclination to be drawn into the

discussion whether the Aryan race was the orgingal

Indian race or whether they settled here after coming

from some other part of the world. It is also

immaterial whether Aryas brought the Vedas with them,

if at all they were "outsiders" to start with, or

whether they gave vent to such lofty revelations after

settling in India. The fact of the mattter is that

there is no predictive asstrology in the Vedas and

therefore to call any such gimmicks as "Vedic

astrology" is an insult to the Vedas!


I had asked the honourable memebefrs of this forum

that we must delve deeper into the fact as to how the

term "Vedic astrology" was coined since this term did

not exist till at least about mid-fifties of the last

century. In other words, the wrod "Vedic astrology"

was coined by some vested interests only in 1970s or

so? Why? That is the question which has to be

answered since till then nobody called predictive

gimmicks as "Vedic astrology".


Mohan Jyotishi



> vedic astrology, naveen

> kurlagunda

> <goldy_naveen> wrote:


> People on the group,


> I think it is time we stop such rubbish as to there

> is

> nothing Vedic about vedic astrology.


> Our very learned friend(s) has\have inadvertently

> not

> heard of a SUKTA called Navagraha sukta which exists

> as an undercurrent in most of the VEDIC CHANTS. It

> clearly specifies the quality, look and adhidevata

> of

> each of the navagrahas, (for example Yama for sani,

> Vishnu for budha and so on).It starts like

> (Aasatyena

> Rajasa ...).


> The great grand sire of the Mahabharata, Reverend

> Bhishma pitamaha had the boon of a wishful death and

> he chose not to die until UTTARAYANA arrived.


> There is also clearly the mention of various kinds

> of

> eclipses, ekadashi tithis and various kinds of time

> calculations pertaining to various Yugas.


> It is a well known fact in astrology that the

> transit

> of Sanideva through Rohini nakshatra always yields

> bad

> results. There is a side story in the Ramayana of as

> to how Dasartha went up the heavens to sani to first

> plead with him to bypass his transit through Rohini

> and if Sani did not relent was also willing to fight

> him. Even to this day there are thousands of people

> who still chant the Sani stotram written by


> to pacify Sani.


> Our writer also seems to get carried away so much in

> his thoughts that he has cleverly forgotten that the

> Vedas were infact an import brought in by the

> marauding ARYANS who either brought them here or

> developed them after settling in the great INDIAN

> plains. History is witness to this fact the ARYANS

> were not the basic settlers of our great land and

> its

> heritage! But do we still not feel proud of our

> culture and the Vedas? History also agrees that the

> ancestors of the Greek and roman and our Vedic

> civilization must at some point have had led a

> mingled

> life before splitting off into various directions.

> Hence there is bound to be some usage of words which

> may be Greek. But there is no doubt about the point

> that the Vedas were infact completely "developed"

> only

> on this soil as other (Greek and roman)civilizations

> have not shown as much as 25% similarities to put us

> in the same boat as themselves. SO based on this

> fact

> our very knowledgeable writer may also say in the

> future that basic words like Matr,Pitr,Bhratr and so

> on are very similar to English and German words like

> mother, Matron , Father, Patron and so on and hence

> try to prove that English came before Sanskrit and

> that we should be indebted to them.


> The study of every aspect of life has been so

> cleverly

> delineated and complete in our branch of astrology

> (Vedic) that astrologers all over the world are

> shifting towards and here we are trying to bicker

> over

> such a foolish thing instead of trying to master it.


> As to various ayanamshas in use it depends on the

> calculation of taking Chitra, Jyestha or Aswini as

> the

> fixed point in the heavens. Not all of us (at least

> not me) are expert, complete astrologers and

> prediction is not always accurate as we are not the

> Vidhaata.(Only Brahma can correctly say what will

> happen and we as humans can only indicate it based

> on

> our incomplete knowledge and experience.)


> Maharshi Parashara was a bachelor. Then how on earth

> did he beget a son (Veda Vyasa) that too from a

> fisherwoman class.Maharshi Parashara had full

> knowledge of the navagrahas and their effects on

> anyone and everyone as he performed a serious

> penance

> and received boons from them. Not wanting to be

> selfish he very magnanimously put down his knowledge

> in writing for the future' benefit. One day when he

> was walking to the Ganga to have a bath to perform

> his

> evening ablutions he happened to glance at the

> evening

> sky and foresaw a dazzling array and formation of

> planets in the sky. A child impregnated at that

> moment

> would be of a very high stature and intelligence,

> one

> who would be of immense use to human society. Not

> wanting to cause a serious loss to humanity he

> impregnated the nearest woman available who was the

> one who happened to be rowing the boat and also a

> fisherwoman. He also blessed her to have a good body

> odour and that her son would help her in any need. I

> don't think I need to reiterate what Vyasa gave us

> (18

> puranas, 4 Vedas and its Vedangas, Mahabharata,

> Upanishads, Bhagavatham, and the Gita which is part

> of

> the Mahabharata).Forgive me if I have left out

> others.


> As a parting shot I want to remind everyone about

> the

> most famous NAVAGRAHA stotram (Japa Kusuma

> sankaasam...).It has a phalashruti which states that


> "Iti VYASA Mukhodgitam Yah Patheth Su samahitaah,

> Divava yadiva Rattrau Vighna shantih bhavishyati,

> Nara naari Nripaanamcha Bhave Duhswapna Naasanam,

> Aiswarya matulaam tesam arogyam pusthi vardhanam,

> Graha nakshtrajaah pidaah staskaraagni samudhbhavah,

> Taah sarvaah prashaman VYASOH bruutena samshayah.


> Hereby written by Vyasa, persons who chant the

> navagraha stotram shall be freed from all ill

> effects

> of not only planets but also other celestial bodies

> (stars) and also freed from bad dreams. There is no

> doubt about it as promised by Vyasa himself.


> I am sure there will still exist people like our

> enlightened writer\s who may find fault with

> everything as they deem themselves akin to frogs in

> a

> well. We must somehow put them to the side and leave

> them to their fate, until they realize their stand.


> Also no one is exactly pleading with anyone to

> completely waste their times lolling away in

> thoughts.It must be used as a tool to identify

> difficulties and overcome them.If good is indicated,

> we must not be slthy but must work towards acheiving

> the results.






> --- KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham>

> wrote:


> > Namaste,

> >

> > > As a matter of fact, predictive astrology is

> > against

> > the very spirit of Hindu scriptures since it is

> like

> > going on a fishing expedition of peeping into

> future

> > through astrology.

> >

> > If the dialogue of the Sage Veda Vyas to his

> mother

> > Ms.Satyavati (refer to my original thread below)

> is

> > true as per scripctures, I have no other option

> but

> > to

> > respect your sentiment .

> >

> > > That was actually a full time job of Babylon in

> > about 4000 BCE, and just see for yourself the

> > "magnificent" fate of that country for such a

> > "glorious" pastime!

> >

> > I agree , many a youthful brilliant students of

> > the

> > world class institutes of Arts & Science, who are

> > capable of leaving behind their permanent stamps

> in

> > the society are encaged in predictive

> > astrology,wasting their youthful man-hours doing

> > unproductive excavations on others fate , may even

> > become less attentive towards their duties,

> family

> > and wards .

> >

> > Science mutes astrology :

> > Natives of some villages situated on the slopes

> and


=== message truncated ===







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Your name is not mentioned in the Vedas, therefore you too are an

insult to the Vedas. You cannot be called Hindu or Vedic. Therefore,

given the same logic, why a non-hindu and a non-vedic be allowed to

discuss who is Vedic and who is not.

Thanks and Regards

BharatOn 10/27/05, Mohan Jyotishi <jyotishi231 > wrote:

Dear Mr. Naveen,

Navagraha Sukta:

There is no navagraha sukta in any of the Vedas.

Please give exact references. If you are talking of

Navagraha stotra, since the verses you are quoting are

from that one, that is not Vedic. Even there you have

to gtive exact references and by doing so you will

observe for yourself that it is of a post-Grecho

Chaldean system of astrology coming to India!

Or are you talking of some implanted Sukta, like

Allah-Upanshid supposed to be a work of some Vedic

Seer when it was actually the work of Akbar the Great!

Uttarayana: It is a geographical phenomenon refered to

in our shastras times without number! It is one of

the most important days of the year right from the

Vedic period till the dawn of "Vedic astrology" since

"Vedic astrologers" find it an anathema to talk of the

actual dates of Uttarayana etc. as then they will be

caught on the wrong foot since then they will have to

delink Makar Sankranti from

Lahiri/Raman/Kharegat/Fagan Rashichakra and link that

to the real seasonal Rashichakra as advocated by the

real Parashara!

For your kind information, even the Astrological

Magazine does not mention Uttaryana now! Why? You

better ask them!

Ekadashi, Eclipses etc. etc. are all

geographical/astronomical phenomnea and have nothing

to do with predictive gimmicks!

I am really surprised that "Vedic astrologers" are

oblivious of the fact that no sidhanta, I repeat no

sidhanta, whether the Surya Sidhanta (including the

Panchasidhantika!) or Aryabhati or Paitamaha Sidhanta

or Sidhanta Shiromani etc. etc. has referred to any

predictive system even obliquely! Obviousloy, real

Indian astronomers also never believed in predictive


Varahamihira is the only exception but then he was not

an astronomer at all since all he has done is comipled

a collection of five sidhantas in his

Panchasidhantika, apart from conveying some Greek

system of astrology to Indian public with more Greek

words than Sanskrit or even Prakrit!!

Shani Devta: This planet--nay even Budha and Mangal--

have not been mentioned in any of the Vedas or

Upnnishadas or Brahamans or even the Niruktas of

Yaska! You say that Yama stands for Shani and Vishun

for Budha. That is again an invention of Jyotishis

since there is nothing like that mentioned in the

Vedas or Upanishadas etc. Saturn is actually a

Greco-Chaldean malefic that is being presented as a

scarecrow by "Vedic astrologers" in Inda!

You are talking of Dasharatha pacifying Shani! The

Valmiki Ramayana does not say so anywhere nor does

even the Tulsi Ramayana! All these are tit-bits

invented by some "Vedic asrologers" to fleece the


You are also talking of Rohini Shakata Bheda! Which

Rohini ae you talking about? The real constellation

Taurus with Aldebaran as the main star or the Lahiri

Rohini or the Ramana Rohini or Kharegat Rohini or

Grahalaghava Rohini or the Vedic nakshatra Rohini

which division starts from Krittika! Unless you are

sure which Rohini you are concentating on, how can you

judge the results and then declare them for the

Rashtra as a whole!

Aryan: I have no inclination to be drawn into the

discussion whether the Aryan race was the orgingal

Indian race or whether they settled here after coming

from some other part of the world. It is also

immaterial whether Aryas brought the Vedas with them,

if at all they were "outsiders" to start with, or

whether they gave vent to such lofty revelations after

settling in India. The fact of the mattter is that

there is no predictive asstrology in the Vedas and

therefore to call any such gimmicks as "Vedic

astrology" is an insult to the Vedas!

I had asked the honourable memebefrs of this forum

that we must delve deeper into the fact as to how the

term "Vedic astrology" was coined since this term did

not exist till at least about mid-fifties of the last

century. In other words, the wrod "Vedic astrology"

was coined by some vested interests only in 1970s or

so? Why? That is the question which has to be

answered since till then nobody called predictive

gimmicks as "Vedic astrology".


Mohan Jyotishi

> vedic astrology, naveen

> kurlagunda

> <goldy_naveen> wrote:


> People on the group,


> I think it is time we stop such rubbish as to there

> is

> nothing Vedic about vedic astrology.


> Our very learned friend(s) has\have inadvertently

> not

> heard of a SUKTA called Navagraha sukta which exists

> as an undercurrent in most of the VEDIC CHANTS. It

> clearly specifies the quality, look and adhidevata

> of

> each of the navagrahas, (for example Yama for sani,

> Vishnu for budha and so on).It starts like

> (Aasatyena

> Rajasa ...).


> The great grand sire of the Mahabharata, Reverend

> Bhishma pitamaha had the boon of a wishful death and

> he chose not to die until UTTARAYANA arrived.


> There is also clearly the mention of various kinds

> of

> eclipses, ekadashi tithis and various kinds of time

> calculations pertaining to various Yugas.


> It is a well known fact in astrology that the

> transit

> of Sanideva through Rohini nakshatra always yields

> bad

> results. There is a side story in the Ramayana of as

> to how Dasartha went up the heavens to sani to first

> plead with him to bypass his transit through Rohini

> and if Sani did not relent was also willing to fight

> him. Even to this day there are thousands of people

> who still chant the Sani stotram written by


> to pacify Sani.


> Our writer also seems to get carried away so much in

> his thoughts that he has cleverly forgotten that the

> Vedas were infact an import brought in by the

> marauding ARYANS who either brought them here or

> developed them after settling in the great INDIAN

> plains. History is witness to this fact the ARYANS

> were not the basic settlers of our great land and

> its

> heritage! But do we still not feel proud of our

> culture and the Vedas? History also agrees that the

> ancestors of the Greek and roman and our Vedic

> civilization must at some point have had led a

> mingled

> life before splitting off into various directions.

> Hence there is bound to be some usage of words which

> may be Greek. But there is no doubt about the point

> that the Vedas were infact completely "developed"

> only

> on this soil as other (Greek and roman)civilizations

> have not shown as much as 25% similarities to put us

> in the same boat as themselves. SO based on this

> fact

> our very knowledgeable writer may also say in the

> future that basic words like Matr,Pitr,Bhratr and so

> on are very similar to English and German words like

> mother, Matron , Father, Patron and so on and hence

> try to prove that English came before Sanskrit and

> that we should be indebted to them.


> The study of every aspect of life has been so

> cleverly

> delineated and complete in our branch of astrology

> (Vedic) that astrologers all over the world are

> shifting towards and here we are trying to bicker

> over

> such a foolish thing instead of trying to master it.


> As to various ayanamshas in use it depends on the

> calculation of taking Chitra, Jyestha or Aswini as

> the

> fixed point in the heavens. Not all of us (at least

> not me) are expert, complete astrologers and

> prediction is not always accurate as we are not the

> Vidhaata.(Only Brahma can correctly say what will

> happen and we as humans can only indicate it based

> on

> our incomplete knowledge and experience.)


> Maharshi Parashara was a bachelor. Then how on earth

> did he beget a son (Veda Vyasa) that too from a

> fisherwoman class.Maharshi Parashara had full

> knowledge of the navagrahas and their effects on

> anyone and everyone as he performed a serious

> penance

> and received boons from them. Not wanting to be

> selfish he very magnanimously put down his knowledge

> in writing for the future' benefit. One day when he

> was walking to the Ganga to have a bath to perform

> his

> evening ablutions he happened to glance at the

> evening

> sky and foresaw a dazzling array and formation of

> planets in the sky. A child impregnated at that

> moment

> would be of a very high stature and intelligence,

> one

> who would be of immense use to human society. Not

> wanting to cause a serious loss to humanity he

> impregnated the nearest woman available who was the

> one who happened to be rowing the boat and also a

> fisherwoman. He also blessed her to have a good body

> odour and that her son would help her in any need. I

> don't think I need to reiterate what Vyasa gave us

> (18

> puranas, 4 Vedas and its Vedangas, Mahabharata,

> Upanishads, Bhagavatham, and the Gita which is part

> of

> the Mahabharata).Forgive me if I have left out

> others.


> As a parting shot I want to remind everyone about

> the

> most famous NAVAGRAHA stotram (Japa Kusuma

> sankaasam...).It has a phalashruti which states that


> "Iti VYASA Mukhodgitam Yah Patheth Su samahitaah,

> Divava yadiva Rattrau Vighna shantih bhavishyati,

> Nara naari Nripaanamcha Bhave Duhswapna Naasanam,

> Aiswarya matulaam tesam arogyam pusthi vardhanam,

> Graha nakshtrajaah pidaah staskaraagni samudhbhavah,

> Taah sarvaah prashaman VYASOH bruutena samshayah.


> Hereby written by Vyasa, persons who chant the

> navagraha stotram shall be freed from all ill

> effects

> of not only planets but also other celestial bodies

> (stars) and also freed from bad dreams. There is no

> doubt about it as promised by Vyasa himself.


> I am sure there will still exist people like our

> enlightened writer\s who may find fault with

> everything as they deem themselves akin to frogs in

> a

> well. We must somehow put them to the side and leave

> them to their fate, until they realize their stand.


> Also no one is exactly pleading with anyone to

> completely waste their times lolling away in

> thoughts.It must be used as a tool to identify

> difficulties and overcome them.If good is indicated,

> we must not be slthy but must work towards acheiving

> the results.






> --- KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham>

> wrote:


> > Namaste,

> >

> > > As a matter of fact, predictive astrology is

> > against

> > the very spirit of Hindu scriptures since it is

> like

> > going on a fishing expedition of peeping into

> future

> > through astrology.

> >

> > If the dialogue of the Sage Veda Vyas to his

> mother

> > Ms.Satyavati (refer to my original thread below)

> is

> > true as per scripctures, I have no other option

> but

> > to

> > respect your sentiment .

> >

> > > That was actually a full time job of Babylon in

> > about 4000 BCE, and just see for yourself the

> > "magnificent" fate of that country for such a

> > "glorious" pastime!

> >

> > I agree , many a youthful brilliant students of

> > the

> > world class institutes of Arts & Science, who are

> > capable of leaving behind their permanent stamps

> in

> > the society are encaged in predictive

> > astrology,wasting their youthful man-hours doing

> > unproductive excavations on others fate , may even

> > become less attentive towards their duties,

> family

> > and wards .

> >

> > Science mutes astrology :

> > Natives of some villages situated on the slopes

> and


=== message truncated ===


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