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the person will not leave his wife

and he need to understand why this happening to him

i did leave my first wife and married other the situation is same

problem is not other person sometime it coxist in you and wife is to blame

aslong love is for gratification most of marriage dont find love in it so we have to hang up there

for kids sake


Hematsinka hematsinka <indrageth (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Hi Kary,{Like many indian men who are miserable in marriage hetried to find

*{jobs in other countries to avoid her and themiserable situation.Honorable

Clinton had once recollected and said thatwhat legacy(harmonious family living

) India had giventhem to learn and the good developmental servicecontributions

made by the Indians working in hiscountry .You need not give a certificate to

Indian men andwomen . You have changed your name to “Indian” butremains to live

as“Butter Fly” (that changes flowers)you change your husband .For you husbands

are undergarments you wear and tear.Learn Vedic – Astrology and be a Vedic –

Woman likeSavitri,Anusya .--- lakshmikary <lakshmikary >

wrote:Hare KrishnaDear Narayan,Good

to hear from you, and thanks for your interest inthis person.Im not sure of his

marriage date, but i can find out.Im pretty sure it was prior or close to 1983,

as hehad children.Marriage , (the arranged marraige) was a problem fromday one I

believe, as wife was not in love with him and madelife miserable for him at

every turn.Interfering with job prospectsand making degrogatory comments; ie

constant belittleing of himetc,he is very intelligent , and can write etc, but

had abig problem with depression, part of which comes from the constantstrife

with wife and inlaws,etc/He is a dutiful person and might be tempted to have

anaffair but due to society and moral pressures he wont give in. Hejust gets

more depressed, that is his way of dealing with it,rather than divorce. However

i think since his children are grownand left home, he is feeling like he must

leave his wife , or

leavehis life(suicide temptations)...etc.Like many indian men who are miserable

in marriage hetried to find jobs in other countries to avoid her and the

miserablesituation.Thanks for your time,Lakshmilakshmi-- In

vedic astrology,"naaraayana_iyer" <jaimini.upadesa@g...>

wrote:>> om hriim namasivaya> > Namaste Lakshmiji,> > Did he get married in

1987 perhaps between april andseptember, in > the last part of jupiter dasa?> >

Did problem in marriage start in 2000/9, some affairperhaps?> > Please post some

details.> > Regards> -Narayan-> > vedic astrology,

Lakshmi Kary> <lakshmikary> wrote:> >> > Hare Krishna> > Dear Jyotisha

freinds,> > Im inviting whoever would please write somereadings for my

friend.> > He is depressed for a long time, unable to find ajob, and > wanting

to get a divorce as his married life isunbearable.> > Previously he had stayed

in USA and made goodmoney at a finance > job.> > He wants to know .,> > 1) will

he beable to extricate himself from hismarraige.?> > 2) Will his finances

improve with a job ,when?> > 3) Is there any hope he wil return to USA in

thefuture and get > another job.?> > > > What are your predictions for the

next 20 years ofhis life, with > a focus on issues above.> > Birth detials..> >

Suresh RK. Sept 2 ,1955 time :05AM , Tenali orclose by, India> > thanks for

your input,> > Lakshmi> >

Rasi > >

+--------------+> > | \ Gk /

\ / |> > | \ Md / \ / |> >

| \ / \ / |> > |

\ / Ke \ / |> > | \ / \

/ |> > |Ju x As x |> > |

/ \ / \ |> > |

/ \ GL / \ |> > | / \ /

\ |> > | / Ma \ 2 / HL \ |> > | /

\ / \ |> > | AL

Su x Mo |> > | \ / \

/ |> > | \ Ve / \ / |> > | \

/ \ / |> > |

\ / \ / |> > | \ / \

/ |> > |Me x Ra x |> > |

/ \ / \ |> >

| / \ / \ |> > | / \

/ \ |> > | / Sa \ / \ |> > |

/ \ / \ |> >

+--------------+> > Suresh> > Natal Chart> >

September 2, 1955> > Time: 12:05:00 am> > Time Zone:

5:30:00 (East of GMT)> > Place: 80 E 27' 00", 16 N 18' 00"> >

Guntur, India> > Altitude: 0.00 meters> > Lunar Yr-Mo: Manmatha -

Adhika Bhadrapada> > Tithi: Pournimasya (Sa) (56.71% left)> > Vedic

Weekday: Thursday (Ju)> > Nakshatra: Satabhishak (Ra) (86.26% left)> >

Yoga: Sukarman (Ma)

(71.47% left)> > Karana: Vishti (Sa) (13.42% left)> > Hora Lord:

Mercury (5 min sign: Cn)> > Mahakala Hora: Venus (5 min sign: Ar)> > Kaala

Lord: Jupiter (Mahakala: Jupiter)> > Sunrise: 5:58:21 am (September

1)> > Sunset: 6:18:21 pm (September 1)> > Janma Ghatis: 45.2768> >

Ayanamsa: 23-14-33.40> > Sidereal Time: 22:37:23> > Body

Longitude NakshatraPada Rasi Navamsa> > Lagna 24 Ta 16'

12.04" Mrig 1 Ta Le>

> Sun - MK 15 Le 18' 15.76" PPha 1 Le Le> > Moon - PK

8 Aq 29' 57.15" Sata 1 Aq Sg> > Mars - PiK 10 Le 10' 13.05"

Magh 4 Le Cn> > Mercury - GK 7 Vi 09' 47.54" UPha 4 Vi

Pi> > Jupiter - AK 24 Cn 03' 21.80" Asre 3 Cn Aq> > Venus - BK

15 Le 25' 55.55" PPha 1 Le Le> > Saturn -

AmK 22 Li 49' 06.61" Visa 1 Li Ar> > Rahu - DK 29 Sc

16' 23.29" Jye 4 Sc Pi> > Ketu 29 Ta 16' 23.29" Mrig

2 Ta Vi> > Maandi 25 Ge 10' 58.09" Puna 2 Ge Ta> >

Gulika 15 Ge 19' 46.79" Ardr 3 Ge Aq> > Uranus

7 Cn 11' 18.78"

Push 2 Cn Vi> > Neptune 3 Li 01' 55.11" Chit 3 Li

Li> > Pluto 3 Le 38' 18.61" Magh 2 Le Ta> > Bhava Lagna

16 Ta 14' 06.01" Rohi 2 Ta Ta> > Hora Lagna 17 Aq 53'

44.01" Sata 4 Aq Pi> > Ghati Lagna 22 Ta 52' 38.01" Rohi 4

Ta Cn> > Vighati Lagna 17 Vi 47' 07.98"

Hast 3 Vi Ge> > Varnada Lagna 24 Ar 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Ar

Cn> > Sree Lagna 13 Cn 44' 55.06" Push 4 Cn Sc> > Pranapada

Lagna 18 Ta 30' 55.72" Rohi 3 Ta Ge> > Indu Lagna 8 Aq

29' 57.15" Sata 1 Aq Sg> > Dhooma 28 Sg 38' 15.76" USha

1 Sg Sg> > Vyatipata 1 Cn 21' 44.24" Puna 4

Cn Cn> > Parivesha 1 Cp 21' 44.24" USha 2 Cp Cp> > Indra

Chapa 28 Ge 38' 15.76" Puna 3 Ge Ge> > Upaketu 15

Cn 18' 15.76" Push 4 Cn Sc> > Kaala 5 Le 09' 40.36" Magh

2 Le Ta> > Mrityu 25 Pi 46' 26.52" Reva 3 Pi Aq> >

Artha Prahara 21 Ar 24' 02.22"

Bhar 3 Ar Li> > Yama Ghantaka 14 Ta 25' 32.68" Rohi 2 Ta

Ta> > Prana Sphuta 16 Pi 40' 46.99" Reva 1 Pi Sg> > Deha Sphuta

23 Ar 19' 23.99" Bhar 3 Ar Li> > Mrityu Sphuta 2 Aq 36'

43.32" Dhan 3 Aq Li> > Sookshma TriSphuta 12 Aq 36' 54.29" Sata 2

Aq Cp> > TriSphuta 18 Ge 05' 55.98" Ardr 4 Ge Pi> >

ChatusSphuta 3 Sc 24' 11.74" Anu 1 Sc Le> > PanchaSphuta

2 Cn 40' 35.03" Puna 4 Cn Cn> > V2 24 Ta 16' 12.04"

Aswi 1 Ta Li> > V3 24 Le 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Le

Cn> > V4 24 Vi 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Vi Aq> >

V5 24 Sg 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Sg Pi> > V6

24 Ta 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Ta Aq> > V7 24 Ar 16' 12.04"

Aswi 1 Ar Cn> > V8 24 Ta 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Ta

Li> > V9 24 Sg 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Sg Cn>

> V10 24 Vi 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Vi Aq> > V11

24 Le 16' 12.04" Aswi 1 Le Pi> > V12 24 Ta 16' 12.04"

Aswi 1 Ta Aq> > Kunda 15 Ge 52' 15.19" Ardr 3 Ge

Aq> >

Rasi > >

+--------------+> > | \ Gk /

\ / |> > | \ Md / \ / |> >

| \ / \ / |> > |

\ / Ke \ / |> > | \ / \

/ |> > |Ju x As x |> > |

/ \ / \ |> > |

/ \ GL / \ |> > | / \ /

\ |> > | / Ma \ 2 / HL \ |> > | /

\ / \ |> > | AL

Su x Mo |> > | \ / \

/ |> > | \ Ve / \ / |> > | \

/ \ / |> > |

\ / \ / |> > | \ / \

/ |> > |Me x Ra x |> > |

/ \ / \ |> >

| / \ / \ |> > | / \

/ \ |> > | / Sa \ / \ |> > |

/ \ / \ |> >

+--------------+> > > > Vimsottari Dasa

(started from Moon):> > Rah Rah 1953-03-08 Jup 1955-11-23 Sat1958-04-14 > >

Merc 1961-02-19 Ket 1963-09-11 Ven1964-09-29 > > Sun 1967-09-30

Moon 1968-08-23 Mars1970-02-19 > > Jup Jup 1971-03-09 Sat 1973-04-26

Merc1975-11-11 > > Ket 1978-02-13 Ven 1979-01-21 Sun1981-09-23 > >

Moon 1982-07-11 Mars 1983-11-11 Rah1984-10-17 > > Sat Sat 1987-03-09 Merc

1990-03-12 Ket1992-11-22 > > Ven 1993-12-31 Sun 1997-02-28

Moon1998-02-10 > > Mars

1999-09-15 Rah 2000-10-23 Jup2003-08-30 > > Merc Merc 2006-03-09 Ket

2008-08-08 Ven2009-08-05 > > Sun 2012-06-03 Moon 2013-04-08

Mars2014-09-11 > > Rah 2015-09-08 Jup 2018-03-24 Sat2020-07-01 > >

Ket Ket 2023-03-09 Ven 2023-08-08 Sun2024-10-08 > > Moon 2025-02-10

Mars 2025-09-14 Rah2026-02-07 > > Jup 2027-02-26 Sat 2028-02-02

Merc2029-03-12 > > Ven Ven 2030-03-09 Sun 2033-07-11 Moon2034-07-11 > >

Mars 2036-03-09 Rah 2037-05-09 Jup2040-05-09 > > Sat 2043-01-09 Merc


Ket2049-01-09 > > Sun Sun 2050-03-09 Moon 2050-06-28 Mars2050-12-29 > >

Rah 2051-05-03 Jup 2052-03-27 Sat2053-01-15 > > Merc 2053-12-28 Ket

2054-11-05 Ven2055-03-10 > > Moon Moon 2056-03-09 Mars 2057-01-09

Rah2057-08-11 > > Jup 2059-02-08 Sat 2060-06-09 Merc2062-01-09 > >

Ket 2063-06-10 Ven 2064-01-10 Sun2064-09-11 > > Mars Mars 2066-03-09 Rah

2066-08-08 Jup2067-08-27 > > Sat 2068-08-02 Merc 2068-09-11

Ket2069-09-08 > > Ven 2071-02-02 Sun 2072-04-02 Moon2072-08-11>

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