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Laughing at divisional transits

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Dear Sreenadh,


Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we clearly have a

different view and let us leave it at that. For now at least...

You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in divisional

charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not resort to any

misrepresentation regarding classics.


However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and tradition that inspired me.


The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in kshetra (rasi)

chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon in *navamsa* is not

mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and attributes it to nadi texts. My

guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea existed in tradition and that

even dasamsa Moon could be taken.


Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in transit and

their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my original idea. Some

principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in tradition use such transit

analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception when Sun transits the amsa

containing Ketu.


Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only generalized it,

included aspects and included divisional longitudes for studying the closeness

of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very little and it stands on the

foundation given by previous works.


Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things that seem

obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and laughable to you. I

fully understand that and respect your views. I share my views thinking that

there may be someone out there who finds them useful. The Mother hasn't yet

made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over and I have to move on.


* * *


This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my views on

transits in divisional charts.


Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, 7:12:45 am (72

E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")

When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31, Jupiter was

transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office on 1989 November 24,

Saturn was transiting around the same place, at 17Sg41. To me, it is

interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and

the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied by planets show the blessings

carried by them. When Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the

navamsa longitude of a planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.


It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to Mercury's natal

navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close to it took him down.


Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in dasmasa. In

rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to this longitude in

navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to power, Jupiter had a close

aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No other planets had a close aspect. Or, we

can say Venus also had half aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.


On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were bad. Saturn

was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More importantly, Rahu was

transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart! Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu

navamsa shows which blessings are going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's

navamsa shows which blessings are going to be depleted.


When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected

by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when the navamsas of key natal

planets are closely occupied/aspected by transit planets in rasi, we can often

find important events.


* * *


This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by classics

and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so. Those who

want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software

(Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:



> Namaste Paditji,> Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit

can be > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they >

have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is all > the

same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.> Now comming to their theory

of transit in D-charts/Varga charts. > Here is some interesting notes. By me,

and some by Surya Rao. His > mail inspired me, and made me laugh at the

"Transit theory on D-> charts". That is why I am reproducing it as well.>

Love,> Sreenadh

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Plus the clear indications of there being houses and drishtis from

karakamsha (BPHS) and drishtis between sun, mercury and venus

(Saravali) also indicate that classics were talking about varga

charts and not just vargas! I have recently uploaded an article,

probably here too in the files that gives more details.




vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr@c...> wrote:


> Dear Sreenadh,


> Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we

clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For now at



> You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in

divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not

resort to any misrepresentation regarding classics.


> However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and

tradition that inspired me.


> The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in

kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon

in *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

attributes it to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that

that idea existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be



> Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets

in transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my

original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in

tradition use such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to

conception when Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.


> Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only

generalized it, included aspects and included divisional longitudes

for studying the closeness of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very

little and it stands on the foundation given by previous works.


> Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things

that seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and

laughable to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I

share my views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds

them useful. The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in

Jyotish is over and I have to move on.


> * * *


> This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my

views on transits in divisional charts.


> Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20,

7:12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")


> When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31,

Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office

on 1989 November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at

17Sg41. To me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in

navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart.

Navamsas occupied by planets show the blessings carried by them. When

Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa

longitude of a planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.


> It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to

Mercury's natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit

close to it took him down.


> Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in

dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to

this longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to

power, Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No

other planets had a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half

aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.


> On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13

were bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart.

More importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa

chart! Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings

are going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which

blessings are going to be depleted.


> When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when

the navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by

transit planets in rasi, we can often find important events.


> * * *


> This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given

by classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome

to do so. Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------


> > Namaste Paditji,

> > Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit can be

> > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they

> > have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is


> > the same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.

> > Now comming to their theory of transit in D-charts/Varga charts.

> > Here is some interesting notes. By me, and some by Surya Rao. His

> > mail inspired me, and made me laugh at the "Transit theory on D-

> > charts". That is why I am reproducing it as well.

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh


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Dear Narasimha

As far as I am aware there is no function in Jhora to show the degrees of

planets in divisionals. Is this in the pipeline? It would be excellent for

researcher purposes.

With best wishes



"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

vedic astrologyTo: "Vedic Astrology Group"

<vedic astrology>, <>Subject:

[vedic astrology] Laughing at divisional transitsSat, 5 Nov 2005 16:09:21


Dear Sreenadh,


Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we clearly have a

different view and let us leave it at that. For now at least...

You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in divisional

charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not resort to any

misrepresentation regarding classics.


However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and tradition that inspired me.


The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in kshetra (rasi)

chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon in *navamsa* is not

mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and attributes it to nadi texts. My

guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea existed in tradition and that

even dasamsa Moon could be taken.


Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in transit and

their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my original idea. Some

principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in tradition use such transit

analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception when Sun transits the amsa

containing Ketu.


Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only generalized it,

included aspects and included divisional longitudes for studying the closeness

of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very little and it stands on the

foundation given by previous works.


Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things that seem

obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and laughable to you. I

fully understand that and respect your views. I share my views thinking that

there may be someone out there who finds them useful. The Mother hasn't yet

made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over and I have to move on.


* * *


This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my views on

transits in divisional charts.


Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, 7:12:45 am (72

E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")

When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31, Jupiter was

transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office on 1989 November 24,

Saturn was transiting around the same place, at 17Sg41. To me, it is

interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and

the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied by planets show the blessings

carried by them. When Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the

navamsa longitude of a planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.


It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to Mercury's natal

navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close to it took him down.


Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in dasmasa. In

rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to this longitude in

navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to power, Jupiter had a close

aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No other planets had a close aspect. Or, we

can say Venus also had half aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.


On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were bad. Saturn

was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More importantly, Rahu was

transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart! Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu

navamsa shows which blessings are going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's

navamsa shows which blessings are going to be depleted.


When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected

by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when the navamsas of key natal

planets are closely occupied/aspected by transit planets in rasi, we can often

find important events.


* * *


This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by classics

and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so. Those who

want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software

(Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:



> Namaste Paditji,> Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit

can be > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they >

have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is all > the

same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.> Now comming to their theory

of transit in D-charts/Varga charts. > Here is some interesting notes. By me,

and some by Surya Rao. His > mail inspired me, and made me laugh at the

"Transit theory on D-> charts". That is why I am reproducing it as well.>

Love,> SreenadhArchives: vedic astrologyGroup

info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's

light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu



Astrology chart


Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web.


vedic astrology

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hope you have the 7.02 version

yasodaKasim Khan <kasim_ch (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Dear Narasimha

As far as I am aware there is no function in Jhora to show the degrees of

planets in divisionals. Is this in the pipeline? It would be excellent for

researcher purposes.

With best wishes



"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

vedic astrologyTo: "Vedic Astrology Group"

<vedic astrology>, <>Subject:

[vedic astrology] Laughing at divisional transitsSat, 5 Nov 2005 16:09:21


Dear Sreenadh,


Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we clearly have a

different view and let us leave it at that. For now at least...

You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in divisional

charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not resort to any

misrepresentation regarding classics.


However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and tradition that inspired me.


The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in kshetra (rasi)

chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon in *navamsa* is not

mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and attributes it to nadi texts. My

guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea existed in tradition and that

even dasamsa Moon could be taken.


Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in transit and

their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my original idea. Some

principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in tradition use such transit

analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception when Sun transits the amsa

containing Ketu.


Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only generalized it,

included aspects and included divisional longitudes for studying the closeness

of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very little and it stands on the

foundation given by previous works.


Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things that seem

obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and laughable to you. I

fully understand that and respect your views. I share my views thinking that

there may be someone out there who finds them useful. The Mother hasn't yet

made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over and I have to move on.


* * *


This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my views on

transits in divisional charts.


Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, 7:12:45 am (72

E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")

When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31, Jupiter was

transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office on 1989 November 24,

Saturn was transiting around the same place, at 17Sg41. To me, it is

interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and

the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied by planets show the blessings

carried by them. When Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the

navamsa longitude of a planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.


It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to Mercury's natal

navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close to it took him down.


Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in dasmasa. In

rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to this longitude in

navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to power, Jupiter had a close

aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No other planets had a close aspect. Or, we

can say Venus also had half aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.


On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were bad. Saturn

was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More importantly, Rahu was

transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart! Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu

navamsa shows which blessings are going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's

navamsa shows which blessings are going to be depleted.


When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected

by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when the navamsas of key natal

planets are closely occupied/aspected by transit planets in rasi, we can often

find important events.


* * *


This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by classics

and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so. Those who

want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software

(Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:



> Namaste Paditji,> Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit

can be > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they >

have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is all > the

same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.> Now comming to their theory

of transit in D-charts/Varga charts. > Here is some interesting notes. By me,

and some by Surya Rao. His > mail inspired me, and made me laugh at the

"Transit theory on D-> charts". That is why I am reproducing it as well.>

Love,> SreenadhArchives: vedic astrologyGroup

info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


Astrology chart


Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web.


vedic astrology

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yasoda krsna <yasodakrsna >

vedic astrologyTo: vedic astrologySubject: RE:

[vedic astrology] Laughing at divisional transitsSun, 6 Nov 2005 07:12:12

-0800 (PST)

Dear Mr Khan, right click on window where it says longiude for rasi and then the

3rd option will give you option to select the divisional chart for which you

want the longitudes

hope you have the 7.02 version

yasodaKasim Khan <kasim_ch (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Dear Narasimha

As far as I am aware there is no function in Jhora to show the degrees of

planets in divisionals. Is this in the pipeline? It would be excellent for

researcher purposes.

With best wishes



"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

vedic astrologyTo: "Vedic Astrology Group"

<vedic astrology>, <>Subject:

[vedic astrology] Laughing at divisional transitsSat, 5 Nov 2005 16:09:21


Dear Sreenadh,


Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we clearly have a

different view and let us leave it at that. For now at least...

You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in divisional

charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not resort to any

misrepresentation regarding classics.


However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and tradition that inspired me.


The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in kshetra (rasi)

chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon in *navamsa* is not

mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and attributes it to nadi texts. My

guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea existed in tradition and that

even dasamsa Moon could be taken.


Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in transit and

their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my original idea. Some

principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in tradition use such transit

analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception when Sun transits the amsa

containing Ketu.


Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only generalized it,

included aspects and included divisional longitudes for studying the closeness

of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very little and it stands on the

foundation given by previous works.


Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things that seem

obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and laughable to you. I

fully understand that and respect your views. I share my views thinking that

there may be someone out there who finds them useful. The Mother hasn't yet

made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over and I have to move on.


* * *


This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my views on

transits in divisional charts.


Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, 7:12:45 am (72

E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")

When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31, Jupiter was

transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office on 1989 November 24,

Saturn was transiting around the same place, at 17Sg41. To me, it is

interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and

the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied by planets show the blessings

carried by them. When Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the

navamsa longitude of a planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.


It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to Mercury's natal

navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close to it took him down.


Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in dasmasa. In

rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to this longitude in

navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to power, Jupiter had a close

aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No other planets had a close aspect. Or, we

can say Venus also had half aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.


On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were bad. Saturn

was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More importantly, Rahu was

transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart! Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu

navamsa shows which blessings are going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's

navamsa shows which blessings are going to be depleted.


When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected

by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when the navamsas of key natal

planets are closely occupied/aspected by transit planets in rasi, we can often

find important events.


* * *


This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by classics

and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so. Those who

want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


-------------------------------Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software

(Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:



> Namaste Paditji,> Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit

can be > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they >

have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is all > the

same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.> Now comming to their theory

of transit in D-charts/Varga charts. > Here is some interesting notes. By me,

and some by Surya Rao. His > mail inspired me, and made me laugh at the

"Transit theory on D-> charts". That is why I am reproducing it as well.>

Love,> SreenadhArchives: vedic astrologyGroup

info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's

light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu



Astrology chart


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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear PVR,

> The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in

> kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal

Moon in

> *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

attributes it

> to nadi texts.

Of course you are right. Not only Nadi texts but also many books

like Presnamarga also speaks about transit through the Navamsa, as

well as through rasis from the Navamsa rasi (Not only for Moon but for

many other planets as well). But the truth you should understand is

that, when the vargas are considered as the part of Natal chart

itself, Navamsa rasi indicates a rasi of the natal chart, and the

texts are referring to that, and not to any Navamsa chakra.

It is very clear when you look at such slokas. Please don't

misinterpret such slokas. Look at this sloka of Presnamarga-

Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe mandyasritharkshe thadee-

Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha bahvakhake

Rasou swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaH

Puthesoathra vichinthyatham himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi

(Presnamargam 19-87)

Meaning, When Ju is transiting through the following 8 *Rasis*

(Signs) the qurent may have children. The *Rasis* (Signs) are-

1) The sign in which the 5th is posited.

2) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord is posited

3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is posited.

4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is posited.

5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.

6) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.

7) The sign in which Mandi is posited.

8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is posited.

Look at this sloka, it clearly indicates that the perticular sign

and Navamsa-sign are counted from Lagna. If one known Sanskrit one

cannot interpret this sloka in any other way!! You don't have to look

for some unseen nadi references; there are hundreds of such slokas in

authentic texts!!

Now coming to your reference:

> My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea

> existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be taken.

Well...I don't know about it. It is something between you and your

guru. Can you quote an authentic reference? that is my only question.

I cannot believe in everything your guru says, since he is not my

guru. He may have some reference, so please ask him, and if you get

any such sloka stating the same, please inform us, so that we could

also satisfy ourselves by seeing such an authentic quote.

> Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in

> transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my

> original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in

tradition use

> such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception


> Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.

Again, please provide us with the quote - only that makes sense. If

you have such an authentic reference we are ready to accept your


> Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition.

Which tradition? Even the scholars of previous generations had

written texts on astrology. Can you give any such references? Not

transistors notes - but original quotes.

> Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things


> seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and


> to you.

No! PVR ji, it is not so!! I respect you and your efforts. I was

just pointing to a logical error you have made!! That doesn't mean

that I am against all of your ideas. Just look around and see, why I

am getting support from scholars like Finn, Panditji and Surya Rao?

Why I am able to quote many slokas that supports the original views

(It is not my views), while you are unable to provide even a minimum

number of slokas? I would never say that you should drop your views,

but please give the necessary respect the authentic views demand. It

is my humble plea.

> I fully understand that and respect your views. I share my

> views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds them


Yes, similarly we (all of us who are after the classics) understand

and respect your views as well; we are just against the fact that 'you

are not giving the essential respect the Varga concept demands'. (For

e.g. you have not included it in your JHora software, and is against

it). None of can take as much effort as you did for Jyothisha,

especially considering how you rewarded the astrology community with

the JHora software. Yes, these are my sincere words - coming from the


> The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over

and I

> have to move on.

Yes, we understand. But really you are behind none, and above all

considering your contribution to astrology and its popularity. My

sincere apologies if any of my words hurt you in any manner. I am just

talking against a concept and not against a person.



After stating this much, I am not ready to comment on the example

provided by you. Go on in your research path, we appreciate, but

sincerely our views differ.

> This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by

> classics and tradition.

Yes, I accept, and don't want to comment on it, as I may hurt you.

> Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so.

> Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.

No, man...Don't take it personally. As you said, "It is just

research", and our views may differ. Let us take it with sportsman

spirit and join hands. Sincerely "I love your efforts". Now also I may

continue to criticize your views, but my plea is, please don't take it

personally. And as an elder person, please correct me when my

criticisms are crossing boundaries against you or anybody else. We all

are part of a single brethren, and are after the truth of astrology.




Message: 10

Sat, 5 Nov 2005 16:09:21 -0500

"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr

Laughing at divisional transits


Dear Sreenadh,


Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we

clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For now at



You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in

divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not


to any misrepresentation regarding classics.


However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and

tradition that inspired me.


The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in

kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon


*navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

attributes it

to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea

existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be taken.


Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in

transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my

original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in

tradition use

such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception when

Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.


Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only

generalized it, included aspects and included divisional longitudes

for studying

the closeness of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very little and it

stands on the foundation given by previous works.


Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things


seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and


to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I share my

views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds them


The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over and


have to move on.


* * *


This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my views

on transits in divisional charts.


Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20,

7:12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")


When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31,

Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office

on 1989

November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at 17Sg41.


me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa


Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied by

planets show the blessings carried by them. When Jupiter or Saturn

transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa longitude of a planet, they


to enhance and deplete the blessings.


It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to


natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close to it


him down.


Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in

dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to


longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to power,

Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No other

planets had

a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half aspect from 2Cp48




On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were

bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More

importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart!


shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are going to be

destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which blessings are


to be depleted.


When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when


navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by transit

planets in rasi, we can often find important events.


* * *


This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by

classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to


so. Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c

....> wrote:


> Dear Sreenadh,


> Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we

clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For now at



> You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in

divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not

resort to any misrepresentation regarding classics.


> However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and

tradition that inspired me.


> The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in

kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon

in *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

attributes it to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that

that idea existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be



> Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in

transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my

original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in

tradition use such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to

conception when Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.


> Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only

generalized it, included aspects and included divisional longitudes

for studying the closeness of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very

little and it stands on the foundation given by previous works.


> Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things

that seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and

laughable to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I

share my views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds

them useful. The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in

Jyotish is over and I have to move on.


> * * *


> This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my

views on transits in divisional charts.


> Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, 7:

12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")


> When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31,

Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office

on 1989 November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at

17Sg41. To me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in

navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart.

Navamsas occupied by planets show the blessings carried by them. When

Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa longitude

of a planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.


> It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to

Mercury's natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close

to it took him down.


> Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in

dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to

this longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to

power, Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No

other planets had a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half

aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.


> On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were

bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More

importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart!

Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are

going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which

blessings are going to be depleted.


> When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when

the navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by

transit planets in rasi, we can often find important events.


> * * *


> This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by

classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to

do so. Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------


> > Namaste Paditji,

> > Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit can be

> > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they

> > have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is


> > the same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.

> > Now comming to their theory of transit in D-charts/Varga charts.

> > Here is some interesting notes. By me, and some by Surya Rao. His

> > mail inspired me, and made me laugh at the "Transit theory on D-

> > charts". That is why I am reproducing it as well.

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh


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Dear Rohini,

In your words:

> How can you laugh 'at' something or someone and still manage to end

> your posts with 'love'?

I am not criticizing PVR, but the concept of D-charts. Please, don't

twist it. Yes, as you said he posts my messages, and will continue to

do so, since HE IS SINCERE to the subject he is dealing with. You may

take time to understand it. :). We DON'T have any personal quarrel. As

clearly stated by PVR, Vedic astrology forum is for astrological

research and NOT for making propaganda for ANY special theories. If

you cannot understand the views of me or PVR, just forget it!!!

> Or was it love just for some ;-)

Yes, you have your poison intact. ;-). Why hide? Spell it out.

> Plus the clear indications of there being houses and drishtis from

> karakamsha (BPHS) and drishtis between sun, mercury and venus

> (Saravali) also indicate that classics were talking about varga

> charts and not just vargas!

Poor!!! What you are talking about? The controversy is whether to

follow Vargas or D-charts. And what you are speaking about?




Message: 12

Sat, 05 Nov 2005 21:44:32 -0000

"rohiniranjan" <rrgb

Re: Throwing away rasi chart? (To Narasimha.)


Sreenad ji,


I am curious about something :-)

How can you laugh 'at' something or someone and still manage to end

your posts with 'love'?


Or was it love just for some ;-)




Message: 11

Sat, 05 Nov 2005 21:38:38 -0000

"rohiniranjan" <rrgb

Re: Laughing at divisional transits


Plus the clear indications of there being houses and drishtis from

karakamsha (BPHS) and drishtis between sun, mercury and venus

(Saravali) also indicate that classics were talking about varga

charts and not just vargas! I have recently uploaded an article,

probably here too in the files that gives more details.




vedic astrology, "rohiniranjan" <rrgb@s...>



> Plus the clear indications of there being houses and drishtis from

> karakamsha (BPHS) and drishtis between sun, mercury and venus

> (Saravali) also indicate that classics were talking about varga

> charts and not just vargas! I have recently uploaded an article,

> probably here too in the files that gives more details.


> RR


> vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

> <pvr@c...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sreenadh,

> >

> > Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we

> clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For now


> least...

> >

> > You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in

> divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did


> resort to any misrepresentation regarding classics.

> >

> > However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and

> tradition that inspired me.

> >

> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in

> kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal


> in *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

> attributes it to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me


> that idea existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be

> taken.

> >

> > Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets

> in transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not


> original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in

> tradition use such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to

> conception when Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.

> >

> > Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only

> generalized it, included aspects and included divisional longitudes

> for studying the closeness of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very

> little and it stands on the foundation given by previous works.

> >

> > Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things

> that seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and

> laughable to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I

> share my views thinking that there may be someone out there who


> them useful. The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in

> Jyotish is over and I have to move on.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my

> views on transits in divisional charts.

> >

> > Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20,

> 7:12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")

> >

> > When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31,

> Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office

> on 1989 November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at

> 17Sg41. To me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in

> navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart.

> Navamsas occupied by planets show the blessings carried by them.


> Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa

> longitude of a planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the


> >

> > It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to

> Mercury's natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit

> close to it took him down.

> >

> > Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in

> dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to

> this longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to

> power, Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No

> other planets had a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half

> aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.

> >

> > On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13

> were bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart.

> More importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa

> chart! Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which


> are going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which

> blessings are going to be depleted.

> >

> > When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

> occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when

> the navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by

> transit planets in rasi, we can often find important events.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given

> by classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome

> to do so. Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.

> >

> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > Narasimha

> > -------------------------------

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > -------------------------------

> >

> > > Namaste Paditji,

> > > Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit can be

> > > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they

> > > have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it


> all

> > > the same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.

> > > Now comming to their theory of transit in D-charts/Varga


> > > Here is some interesting notes. By me, and some by Surya Rao.


> > > mail inspired me, and made me laugh at the "Transit theory on D-

> > > charts". That is why I am reproducing it as well.

> > > Love,

> > > Sreenadh

> >


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Dear All,

I have prepared my previous mail to PVR in a hurry, and because of

that made a mistake in the translation of the quote supplied. My

apologies. Here is the correct translation.

Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe mandyasritharkshe thadee-

Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha bahvakhake

Rasou swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaH

Puthesoathra vichinthyatham himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi

(Presnamarga 19-87)

[When Ju is transiting through 5th and 9th of the following *Rasis*

(Signs) the qurent may have children. The *Rasis* (Signs) are-

1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited.

2) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord is posited

3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is posited.

4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is posited.

5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.

6) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.

7) The sign in which Mandi is posited.

8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is posited.

Apart from the above conditions, especially, when Ju is transiting

through the sign in which Ju has more bindus in Ashtavarga, then also

birth of child is possible.

All these possibilities should be considered while thinking about the

time in which the qurent may have children]

This sloka clearly indicates some laws applied in general:

1) While considering transit in navamsa, or considering transit in

rasi, the particular navamsa-sign and sign are counted from Lagna

(Natal Asc).

2) Transit in Vargas is nothing but the transit of planets through

the Natal chart. (i.e. Not transit in D-charts/Varga_charts is

mentioned in this sloka)

3) Since all the slokas that describe transit in Vargas shows this

trend, transit in D-charts is unsupported by classics. (Of course, I

am not against using them on an experimental basis (like the one PVR's

research trend shows) as a *new technique unsupported by classics*)

There are hundreds of such slokas in authentic texts, which shows that

transit in Vargas should be considered from natal Asc (Legna) only, as

per classics. I am ready to supply any number of slokas to prove the


Again I apologize to everybody for the mistake committed due to my

inattention/carelessness in the translation given earlier.




vedic astrology, "Sreenadh" <sreelid>



> Dear PVR,

> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in

> > kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal

> Moon in

> > *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

> attributes it

> > to nadi texts.

> Of course you are right. Not only Nadi texts but also many books

> like Presnamarga also speaks about transit through the Navamsa, as

> well as through rasis from the Navamsa rasi (Not only for Moon but


> many other planets as well). But the truth you should understand is

> that, when the vargas are considered as the part of Natal chart

> itself, Navamsa rasi indicates a rasi of the natal chart, and the

> texts are referring to that, and not to any Navamsa chakra.

> It is very clear when you look at such slokas. Please don't

> misinterpret such slokas. Look at this sloka of Presnamarga-

> Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe mandyasritharkshe thadee-

> Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha bahvakhake

> Rasou swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaH

> Puthesoathra vichinthyatham himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi

> (Presnamargam 19-87)

> Meaning, When Ju is transiting through the following 8 *Rasis*

> (Signs) the qurent may have children. The *Rasis* (Signs) are-

> 1) The sign in which the 5th is posited.

> 2) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord is posited

> 3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is posited.

> 4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is posited.

> 5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.

> 6) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.

> 7) The sign in which Mandi is posited.

> 8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is posited.

> Look at this sloka, it clearly indicates that the perticular sign

> and Navamsa-sign are counted from Lagna. If one known Sanskrit one

> cannot interpret this sloka in any other way!! You don't have to


> for some unseen nadi references; there are hundreds of such slokas


> authentic texts!!

> Now coming to your reference:

> > My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea

> > existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be taken.

> Well...I don't know about it. It is something between you and your

> guru. Can you quote an authentic reference? that is my only


> I cannot believe in everything your guru says, since he is not my

> guru. He may have some reference, so please ask him, and if you get

> any such sloka stating the same, please inform us, so that we could

> also satisfy ourselves by seeing such an authentic quote.

> > Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets


> > transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my

> > original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in

> tradition use

> > such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception

> when

> > Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.

> Again, please provide us with the quote - only that makes sense. If

> you have such an authentic reference we are ready to accept your

> argument.

> > Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition.

> Which tradition? Even the scholars of previous generations had

> written texts on astrology. Can you give any such references? Not

> transistors notes - but original quotes.

> > Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things

> that

> > seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and

> laughable

> > to you.

> No! PVR ji, it is not so!! I respect you and your efforts. I was

> just pointing to a logical error you have made!! That doesn't mean

> that I am against all of your ideas. Just look around and see, why I

> am getting support from scholars like Finn, Panditji and Surya Rao?

> Why I am able to quote many slokas that supports the original views

> (It is not my views), while you are unable to provide even a minimum

> number of slokas? I would never say that you should drop your views,

> but please give the necessary respect the authentic views demand. It

> is my humble plea.

> > I fully understand that and respect your views. I share my

> > views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds them

> useful.

> Yes, similarly we (all of us who are after the classics)


> and respect your views as well; we are just against the fact that


> are not giving the essential respect the Varga concept demands'.


> e.g. you have not included it in your JHora software, and is against

> it). None of can take as much effort as you did for Jyothisha,

> especially considering how you rewarded the astrology community with

> the JHora software. Yes, these are my sincere words - coming from


> heart.

> > The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over

> and I

> > have to move on.

> Yes, we understand. But really you are behind none, and above all

> considering your contribution to astrology and its popularity. My

> sincere apologies if any of my words hurt you in any manner. I am


> talking against a concept and not against a person.

> **********

> **********

> After stating this much, I am not ready to comment on the example

> provided by you. Go on in your research path, we appreciate, but

> sincerely our views differ.

> > This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given


> > classics and tradition.

> Yes, I accept, and don't want to comment on it, as I may hurt you.

> > Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so.

> > Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.

> No, man...Don't take it personally. As you said, "It is just

> research", and our views may differ. Let us take it with sportsman

> spirit and join hands. Sincerely "I love your efforts". Now also I


> continue to criticize your views, but my plea is, please don't take


> personally. And as an elder person, please correct me when my

> criticisms are crossing boundaries against you or anybody else. We


> are part of a single brethren, and are after the truth of astrology.

> Love,

> Sreenadh


> Message: 10

> Sat, 5 Nov 2005 16:09:21 -0500

> "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c...>

> Laughing at divisional transits


> Dear Sreenadh,


> Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we

> clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For now


> least...


> You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in

> divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did


> resort

> to any misrepresentation regarding classics.


> However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and

> tradition that inspired me.


> The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in

> kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal


> in

> *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

> attributes it

> to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea

> existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be taken.


> Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in

> transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my

> original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in

> tradition use

> such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception


> Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.


> Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only

> generalized it, included aspects and included divisional longitudes

> for studying

> the closeness of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very little and


> stands on the foundation given by previous works.


> Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things

> that

> seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and

> laughable

> to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I share my

> views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds them

> useful.

> The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over


> I

> have to move on.


> * * *


> This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my


> on transits in divisional charts.


> Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20,

> 7:12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")


> When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31,

> Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office

> on 1989

> November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at 17Sg41.

> To

> me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa

> chart.

> Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied


> planets show the blessings carried by them. When Jupiter or Saturn

> transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa longitude of a planet,


> seem

> to enhance and deplete the blessings.


> It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to

> Mercury's

> natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close to it

> took

> him down.


> Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in

> dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to

> this

> longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to power,

> Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No other

> planets had

> a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half aspect from 2Cp48

> of

> navamsa.


> On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were

> bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More

> importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart!

> Navamsa

> shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are going to


> destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which blessings are

> going

> to be depleted.


> When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

> occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when

> the

> navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by


> planets in rasi, we can often find important events.


> * * *


> This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by

> classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to

> do

> so. Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha


> vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"


> ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sreenadh,

> >

> > Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we

> clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For now


> least...

> >

> > You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits in

> divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did


> resort to any misrepresentation regarding classics.

> >

> > However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and

> tradition that inspired me.

> >

> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in

> kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal


> in *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

> attributes it to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me


> that idea existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be

> taken.

> >

> > Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets


> transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my

> original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in

> tradition use such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to

> conception when Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.

> >

> > Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I have only

> generalized it, included aspects and included divisional longitudes

> for studying the closeness of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very

> little and it stands on the foundation given by previous works.

> >

> > Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things

> that seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and

> laughable to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I

> share my views thinking that there may be someone out there who


> them useful. The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in

> Jyotish is over and I have to move on.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my

> views on transits in divisional charts.

> >

> > Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20,


> 12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")

> >

> > When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31,

> Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office

> on 1989 November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at

> 17Sg41. To me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in

> navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart.

> Navamsas occupied by planets show the blessings carried by them.


> Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa


> of a planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.

> >

> > It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to

> Mercury's natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit


> to it took him down.

> >

> > Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in

> dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to

> this longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to

> power, Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No

> other planets had a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half

> aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.

> >

> > On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13


> bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More

> importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart!

> Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are

> going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which

> blessings are going to be depleted.

> >

> > When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

> occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when

> the navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by

> transit planets in rasi, we can often find important events.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given


> classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to

> do so. Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.

> >

> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > Narasimha

> > -------------------------------

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > -------------------------------

> >

> > > Namaste Paditji,

> > > Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit can be

> > > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they

> > > have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it


> all

> > > the same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.

> > > Now comming to their theory of transit in D-charts/Varga


> > > Here is some interesting notes. By me, and some by Surya Rao.


> > > mail inspired me, and made me laugh at the "Transit theory on D-

> > > charts". That is why I am reproducing it as well.

> > > Love,

> > > Sreenadh

> >


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See how many signs are involved even if we consider Rasi alone. It can be more

than 8 if we take AVmax sign of Guru also. Some of these features may coincide

in one rasi. Even then Guru's tranist through 5 - 6 signs can give children.

Guru in one position aspects 3 signs. So at any time if we consider all signs

that is said below 1 to 8 some "Putra_Rasi" will be under the influence of

Guru. I think this is something all can understand.


Under this predicament, just imagine someone applies such formulae to Vargas

treated as independent. Guru shall cause children in all rasis? Then how shall

one predict? Postmortem will be wonderful.


We must do research but research must be methodical and intelligent. I am sorry

if I am wrong in the above perception. I have few more doubts -


If someone says that aspects and transits are applicable to Navamsa, then what

about Kendra_Trikona positions?

Rajayoga have been predicted in respect of what - Rasi or other Vargas? Or you

say everywhere there are Rajayogas and have equal strengths?

A planet is beneficial for the native based on Lagna - is it? Can that change in

the case of Varga where Lagna may be different?

See for Kanya Lagna is Mars is dire malefic and so it will be for the native.

Now say Kanya has navamsa in Leo. Shall malefics Mars become benevolent for


4. How the strength is attributed in Varga_Bala calculations – Rasi is more

important and contributes more strength than other Vargas? If yes why?


Surya Rao



1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited. 2)The sign in which the Navamsa of

5th lord is posited3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.6) The

sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.7) The sign in

which Mandi is posited.8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is

posited.Sreenadh <sreelid > wrote:

Dear All,I have prepared my previous mail to PVR in a hurry, and because of that

made a mistake in the translation of the quote supplied. My apologies. Here is

the correct translation.Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe mandyasritharkshe

thadee-Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha bahvakhakeRasou

swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaHPuthesoathra vichinthyatham

himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi(Presnamarga 19-87)[When Ju is transiting through

5th and 9th of the following *Rasis* (Signs) the qurent may have children. The

*Rasis* (Signs) are-1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited. 2)

The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord is posited3) The sign in which

the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.6) The

sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.7) The sign in

which Mandi is posited.8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is

posited.Apart from the above conditions, especially, when Ju is transiting

through the sign in which Ju has more bindus in Ashtavarga, then also birth of

child is possible. All these possibilities should be considered while thinking

about the time in which the qurent may have children] This sloka clearly

indicates some laws applied in general:1) While considering transit in

navamsa, or considering transit in rasi, the particular navamsa-sign and sign

are counted from

Lagna (Natal Asc). 2) Transit in Vargas is nothing but the transit of

planets through the Natal chart. (i.e. Not transit in D-charts/Varga_charts is

mentioned in this sloka)3) Since all the slokas that describe transit in

Vargas shows this trend, transit in D-charts is unsupported by classics. (Of

course, I am not against using them on an experimental basis (like the one

PVR's research trend shows) as a *new technique unsupported by classics*)There

are hundreds of such slokas in authentic texts, which shows that transit in

Vargas should be considered from natal Asc (Legna) only, as per classics. I am

ready to supply any number of slokas to prove the same. Again I apologize to

everybody for the mistake committed due to my inattention/carelessness in the

translation given earlier.Love,Sreenadhvedic astrology,


<sreelid> wrote:>> Dear PVR,> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied

by transit planets in > > kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign

occupied by natal > Moon in > > *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it

in a book and > attributes it > > to nadi texts. > Of course you are right.

Not only Nadi texts but also many books > like Presnamarga also speaks about

transit through the Navamsa, as > well as through rasis from the Navamsa rasi

(Not only for Moon but for > many other planets as well). But the truth you

should understand is > that, when the vargas are considered as the part of

Natal chart > itself, Navamsa rasi indicates a rasi of the natal chart, and the

> texts are referring to that, and not to any Navamsa chakra.> It is very clear

when you look at such slokas. Please don't > misinterpret such

slokas. Look at this sloka of Presnamarga-> Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe

mandyasritharkshe thadee-> Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha

bahvakhake> Rasou swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaH>

Puthesoathra vichinthyatham himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi> (Presnamargam

19-87)> Meaning, When Ju is transiting through the following 8 *Rasis* >

(Signs) the qurent may have children. The *Rasis* (Signs) are-> 1) The

sign in which the 5th is posited. > 2) The sign in which the Navamsa of

5th lord is posited> 3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.> 4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.> 5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.> 6)

The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.> 7) The sign

in which Mandi is posited.> 8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is

posited.> Look at this sloka, it clearly indicates that the perticular sign >

and Navamsa-sign are counted from Lagna. If one known Sanskrit one > cannot

interpret this sloka in any other way!! You don't have to look > for some

unseen nadi references; there are hundreds of such slokas in > authentic

texts!!> Now coming to your reference:> > My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me

that that idea > > existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be

taken.> Well...I don't know about it. It is something between you and your >

guru. Can you quote an authentic reference? that is my only question. > I

cannot believe in everything your guru says, since he is not

my > guru. He may have some reference, so please ask him, and if you get > any

such sloka stating the same, please inform us, so that we could > also satisfy

ourselves by seeing such an authentic quote.> > Secondly, the idea of looking

at the navamsas occupied by planets in > > transit and their interaction with

natal rasi chart is also not my > > original idea. Some principles attributed

by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use > > such transit analysis. Even Maharshi

Jaimini refers to conception > when > > Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.>

Again, please provide us with the quote - only that makes sense. If > you have

such an authentic reference we are ready to accept your > argument.> > Thus,

amsa transits were mentioned in tradition.> Which tradition? Even the scholars

of previous generations had > written texts on astrology. Can you give

any such references? Not > transistors notes - but original quotes.> > Of

course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things > that > > seem

obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and > laughable > > to

you.> No! PVR ji, it is not so!! I respect you and your efforts. I was > just

pointing to a logical error you have made!! That doesn't mean > that I am

against all of your ideas. Just look around and see, why I > am getting support

from scholars like Finn, Panditji and Surya Rao? > Why I am able to quote many

slokas that supports the original views > (It is not my views), while you are

unable to provide even a minimum > number of slokas? I would never say that you

should drop your views, > but please give the necessary respect the authentic

views demand. It > is my humble plea.> > I fully understand that and respect


views. I share my > > views thinking that there may be someone out there who

finds them > useful.> Yes, similarly we (all of us who are after the

classics) understand > and respect your views as well; we are just against the

fact that 'you > are not giving the essential respect the Varga concept

demands'. (For > e.g. you have not included it in your JHora software, and is

against > it). None of can take as much effort as you did for Jyothisha, >

especially considering how you rewarded the astrology community with > the

JHora software. Yes, these are my sincere words - coming from the > heart. > >

The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over > and I > >

have to move on.> Yes, we understand. But really you are behind none, and above

all > considering your contribution to astrology and its popularity. My >


apologies if any of my words hurt you in any manner. I am just > talking against

a concept and not against a person.> **********> **********> After stating this

much, I am not ready to comment on the example > provided by you. Go on in your

research path, we appreciate, but > sincerely our views differ.> > This is just

research, though it is based on the foundation given by > > classics and

tradition. > Yes, I accept, and don't want to comment on it, as I may hurt

you.> > Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so. > > Those who want

to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.> No, man...Don't take it personally.

As you said, "It is just > research", and our views may differ. Let us take it

with sportsman > spirit and join hands. Sincerely "I love your efforts". Now

also I may > continue to criticize your views, but my plea is, please don't


it > personally. And as an elder person, please correct me when my > criticisms

are crossing boundaries against you or anybody else. We all > are part of a

single brethren, and are after the truth of astrology.> Love,> Sreenadh> >

Message: 10 > Sat, 5 Nov 2005 16:09:21 -0500>

"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c...>> Laughing at divisional transits> >

Dear Sreenadh,> > Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga

charts", we > clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For

now at > least...> > You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on

transits in > divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did

not > resort > to any misrepresentation regarding

classics.> > However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and >

tradition that inspired me.> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied by

transit planets in > kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by

natal Moon > in > *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

> attributes it > to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that

idea > existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be taken.> >

Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in > transit

and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my > original idea.

Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use > such transit

analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception when > Sun transits the

amsa containing Ketu.> > Thus, amsa transits

were mentioned in tradition. I have only > generalized it, included aspects and

included divisional longitudes > for studying > the closeness of aspects. Thus,

my contribution is very little and it > stands on the foundation given by

previous works.> > Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different,

things > that > seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and >

laughable > to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I share my

> views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds them > useful. >

The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over and > I >

have to move on.> > * * *> > This is not for Sreenadh and for

others who don't "laugh at" my views > on transits

in divisional charts.> > Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944

August 20, > 7:12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")> > When he took office as

India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31, > Jupiter was transiting in the 16th

degree of Sg. When he lost office > on 1989 > November 24, Saturn was transiting

around the same place, at 17Sg41. > To > me, it is interesting that natal

Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa > chart. > Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of

dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied by > planets show the blessings carried by

them. When Jupiter or Saturn > transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa

longitude of a planet, they > seem > to enhance and deplete the blessings.> >

It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to > Mercury's >

natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit

close to it > took > him down.> > Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi

chart and 5th lord in > dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see

transits close to > this > longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he

ascended to power, > Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No

other > planets had > a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half aspect

from 2Cp48 > of > navamsa.> > On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and

aspects on 1Vi13 were > bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa

chart. More > importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa

chart! > Navamsa > shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are

going to be > destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which blessings are

> going > to be depleted.> > When the

rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely > occupied/aspected by

transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when > the > navamsas of key natal

planets are closely occupied/aspected by transit > planets in rasi, we can

often find important events.> > * * *> > This is just research,

though it is based on the foundation given by > classics and tradition. Those

who want to benefit from it welcome to > do > so. Those who want to laugh at it

are also welcome to do so.> > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha> >

vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c> ...>

wrote:> >> > Dear Sreenadh,> > > > Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but

not "varga charts", we >

clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For now at >

least...> > > > You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits

in > divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not >

resort to any misrepresentation regarding classics.> > > > However, I need to

give some credits to existing literature and > tradition that inspired me.> >

> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in > kshetra

(rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon > in *navamsa* is

not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and > attributes it to nadi texts.

My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that > that idea existed in tradition and

that even dasamsa Moon could be > taken.> > > > Secondly, the idea of looking

at the navamsas occupied by planets

in > transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my >

original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use

such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to > conception when Sun

transits the amsa containing Ketu.> > > > Thus, amsa transits were mentioned

in tradition. I have only > generalized it, included aspects and included

divisional longitudes > for studying the closeness of aspects. Thus, my

contribution is very > little and it stands on the foundation given by previous

works.> > > > Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different,

things > that seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and >

laughable to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I > share my

views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds > them useful. The

Mother hasn't

yet made me feel that my work in > Jyotish is over and I have to move on.> > >

> * * *> > > > This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't

"laugh at" my > views on transits in divisional charts.> > > > Take the chart

of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, 7:> 12:45 am (72 E 49' 00",

18 N 58' 00")> > > > When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984

October 31, > Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost

office > on 1989 November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at >

17Sg41. To me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in > navamsa

chart. Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. > Navamsas occupied by

planets show the blessings carried by them. When

> Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa longitude > of a

planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.> > > > It is

interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to > Mercury's natal

navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close > to it took him down.>

> > > Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in >

dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to > this

longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to > power, Jupiter

had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No > other planets had a close

aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half > aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.> >

> > On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were > bad.

Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More >

importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart! > Navamsa

shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are > going to be

destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which > blessings are going to be

depleted.> > > > When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

> occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when > the

navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by > transit

planets in rasi, we can often find important events.> > > > * *

*> > > > This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by

> classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to > do so.

Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.> > > >

May Jupiter's light shine on us, > > Narasimha> >

-------------------------------> > Free

Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> > Free Jyotish

software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre

(SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org> >

-------------------------------> > > > >

Namaste Paditji,> > > Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit

can be > > > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they > >

> have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is > all > > >

the same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.> >

> Now comming to their theory of transit in D-charts/Varga charts. > > > Here

is some interesting notes. By me, and some by Surya Rao. His > > > mail

inspired me, and made me laugh at the "Transit theory on D-> > > charts". That

is why I am reproducing it as well.> > > Love,> > > Sreenadh> >>

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om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Dear Sri Surya Rao,


Will 'tad-amsa-ke' always be interpreted as navamsa? When will other vargas come

into the picture? Incidentally, I agree with your fundamental doubt that if all

those rules are applied they cover almost all signs implying that pregnancy can

happen anytime and does not depend on transits!!!


To the questions you raise, I have views to offer:

1. Kendra and trikona positions are also applicable. See the dictum of Parasara

on the calculation of strength. You will find a clear dictum on the use of

kendra in vargas.

2. Awaiting a respose from others on this...very good question/point.

3. Yes. Good and bad happen in every dasa, and it is not always that bad must

happen in every field of life. For example if Mars is giving a negative

indication in the rasi chart as the 8th lord then it hampers health and energy

and indicates a difficult period and if in the navamsa it is a yogakaraka and

is well placed then these problems will not be felt in marriage. If it is also

8th lord in say another varga then in that varga the negative effects will be

surely felt.

4. Are you sure that the rasi has the most important position or strength in

Varga strength (Vimsopaka bala) calculation? I thought it was the shastyamsa

D60 chart which has the maximum weightage. Please check and get back. This is

really basic.

With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B

Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, Indiahttp://srath.com,

+91-11-25717162* * *

- Surya Rao

vedic astrology

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 2:18 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Laughing at divisional transits

Dear Sreenadh,


See how many signs are involved even if we consider Rasi alone. It can be more

than 8 if we take AVmax sign of Guru also. Some of these features may coincide

in one rasi. Even then Guru's tranist through 5 - 6 signs can give children.

Guru in one position aspects 3 signs. So at any time if we consider all signs

that is said below 1 to 8 some "Putra_Rasi" will be under the influence of

Guru. I think this is something all can understand.


Under this predicament, just imagine someone applies such formulae to Vargas

treated as independent. Guru shall cause children in all rasis? Then how shall

one predict? Postmortem will be wonderful.


We must do research but research must be methodical and intelligent. I am sorry

if I am wrong in the above perception. I have few more doubts -


If someone says that aspects and transits are applicable to Navamsa, then what

about Kendra_Trikona positions?

Rajayoga have been predicted in respect of what - Rasi or other Vargas? Or you

say everywhere there are Rajayogas and have equal strengths?

A planet is beneficial for the native based on Lagna - is it? Can that change in

the case of Varga where Lagna may be different?

See for Kanya Lagna is Mars is dire malefic and so it will be for the native.

Now say Kanya has navamsa in Leo. Shall malefics Mars become benevolent for


4. How the strength is attributed in Varga_Bala calculations – Rasi is more

important and contributes more strength than other Vargas? If yes why?


Surya Rao



1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited. 2)The sign in which the Navamsa of

5th lord is posited3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.6) The

sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.7) The sign in

which Mandi is posited.8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is

posited.Sreenadh <sreelid > wrote:

Dear All,I have prepared my previous mail to PVR in a hurry, and because of that

made a mistake in the translation of the quote supplied. My apologies. Here is

the correct translation.Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe mandyasritharkshe

thadee-Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha bahvakhakeRasou

swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaHPuthesoathra vichinthyatham

himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi(Presnamarga 19-87)[When Ju is transiting through

5th and 9th of the following *Rasis* (Signs) the qurent may have children. The

*Rasis* (Signs) are-1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited. 2)

The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord is posited3) The sign in which

the 5th lord from Moon is posited.4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th

lord from moon is posited.5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is

posited.6) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.7)

The sign in which Mandi is posited.8) The sign in which the Navamsa of

Mandi is posited.Apart from the above conditions, especially, when Ju is

transiting through the sign in which Ju has more bindus in Ashtavarga, then

also birth of child is possible. All these possibilities should be considered

while thinking about the time in which the qurent may have children] This

sloka clearly indicates some laws applied in general:1) While considering

transit in navamsa, or considering transit in rasi, the particular navamsa-sign

and sign are counted from Lagna (Natal Asc). 2) Transit in Vargas is

nothing but the transit of planets through the Natal chart. (i.e. Not transit

in D-charts/Varga_charts is mentioned in this sloka)3) Since all the

slokas that describe transit in Vargas shows this trend, transit in D-charts is

unsupported by classics. (Of course, I am not against using them on an

experimental basis (like the one PVR's research trend shows) as a *new

technique unsupported by classics*)There are hundreds of such slokas in

authentic texts, which shows that transit in Vargas should be considered from

natal Asc (Legna) only, as per classics. I am ready to supply any number of

slokas to prove the same. Again I apologize to everybody for the mistake

committed due to my inattention/carelessness in the translation given

earlier.Love,Sreenadhvedic astrology, "Sreenadh"

<sreelid> wrote:>> Dear PVR,> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied

by transit planets in > > kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign

occupied by natal > Moon in > > *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it

in a book and > attributes it > > to nadi texts. > Of course you are right.

Not only Nadi texts but also many books > like Presnamarga also speaks about

transit through the Navamsa, as > well as through rasis from the Navamsa rasi

(Not only for Moon but for > many other planets as well). But the truth you

should understand is > that, when the vargas are considered as the part of

Natal chart > itself, Navamsa rasi indicates a rasi of the natal chart, and the

> texts are referring to that, and not to any Navamsa chakra.> It is very clear

when you look at such slokas. Please don't > misinterpret such slokas. Look at

this sloka of Presnamarga-> Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe mandyasritharkshe

thadee-> Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha bahvakhake> Rasou

swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaH> Puthesoathra

vichinthyatham himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi> (Presnamargam 19-87)> Meaning,

When Ju is transiting through the following 8 *Rasis* > (Signs) the qurent may

have children. The *Rasis* (Signs) are-> 1) The sign in which the 5th is

posited. > 2) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord is posited> 3)

The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is posited.> 4) The sign in which

the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is posited.> 5) The sign in which the 5th

lord from Ju is posited.> 6) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from

Ju is posited.> 7) The sign in which Mandi is posited.> 8) The sign in

which the Navamsa of Mandi is posited.> Look at this sloka, it clearly

indicates that the perticular sign > and Navamsa-sign are counted from Lagna.

If one known Sanskrit one > cannot interpret this sloka in any other way!! You

don't have to look > for some unseen nadi references; there are hundreds of

such slokas in > authentic texts!!> Now coming to your reference:> > My guru Pt

Sanjay Rath also told me that that idea > > existed in tradition and that even

dasamsa Moon could be taken.> Well...I don't know about it. It is something

between you and your > guru. Can you quote an authentic reference? that is my

only question. > I cannot believe in everything your guru says, since he is not

my > guru. He may have some reference, so please ask him, and if you get > any

such sloka stating the same, please inform us, so that we could > also satisfy

ourselves by seeing such an authentic quote.> > Secondly, the idea of looking

at the navamsas occupied by planets in > > transit and their interaction with

natal rasi chart is also not my > > original idea. Some principles attributed

by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use > > such transit analysis. Even Maharshi

Jaimini refers to conception > when > > Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.>

Again, please provide us with the quote - only that makes sense. If > you have

such an authentic reference we are ready to accept your > argument.> > Thus,

amsa transits were mentioned in tradition.> Which tradition? Even the scholars

of previous generations had > written texts on astrology. Can you give any such

references? Not > transistors notes - but original quotes.> > Of course, when

your perspective and mine are so different, things > that > > seem obvious,

exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and > laughable > > to you.> No!

PVR ji, it is not so!! I respect you and your efforts. I was > just pointing to

a logical error you have made!! That doesn't mean > that I am against all of

your ideas. Just look around and see, why I > am getting support from scholars

like Finn, Panditji and Surya Rao? > Why I am able to quote many slokas that

supports the original views > (It is not my views), while you are unable to

provide even a minimum > number of slokas? I would never say that you should

drop your views, > but please give the necessary respect the authentic views

demand. It > is my humble plea.> > I fully understand that and respect your

views. I share my > > views thinking that there may be someone out there who

finds them > useful.> Yes, similarly we (all of us who are after the

classics) understand > and respect your views as well; we are just against the

fact that 'you > are not giving the essential respect the Varga concept

demands'. (For > e.g. you have not included it in your JHora software, and is

against > it). None of can take as much effort as you did for Jyothisha, >

especially considering how you rewarded the astrology community with > the

JHora software. Yes, these are my sincere words - coming from the > heart. > >

The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over > and I > >

have to move on.> Yes, we understand. But really you are behind none, and above

all > considering your contribution to astrology and its popularity. My >

sincere apologies if any of my words hurt you in any manner. I am just >

talking against a concept and not against a person.> **********> **********>

After stating this much, I am not ready to comment on the example > provided by

you. Go on in your research path, we appreciate, but > sincerely our views

differ.> > This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by

> > classics and tradition. > Yes, I accept, and don't want to comment on it, as

I may hurt you.> > Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so. > > Those

who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.> No, man...Don't take it

personally. As you said, "It is just > research", and our views may differ. Let

us take it with sportsman > spirit and join hands. Sincerely "I love your

efforts". Now also I may > continue to criticize your views, but my plea is,

please don't take it > personally. And as an elder person, please correct me

when my > criticisms are crossing boundaries against you or anybody else. We

all > are part of a single brethren, and are after the truth of astrology.>

Love,> Sreenadh> > Message: 10 > Sat, 5 Nov 2005 16:09:21

-0500> "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c...>> Laughing at

divisional transits> > Dear Sreenadh,> > Regarding classics supporting

"vargas" but not "varga charts", we > clearly have a different view and let us

leave it at that. For now at > least...> > You are most welcome to "laugh at"

my researches on transits in > divisional charts. I clearly said they were my

researches and did not > resort > to any misrepresentation regarding classics.>

> However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and > tradition

that inspired me.> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit

planets in > kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal

Moon > in > *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and >

attributes it > to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that

idea > existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be taken.> >

Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in > transit

and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my > original idea.

Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use > such transit

analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception when > Sun transits the

amsa containing Ketu.> > Thus, amsa transits were mentioned in tradition. I

have only > generalized it, included aspects and included divisional longitudes

> for studying > the closeness of aspects. Thus, my contribution is very little

and it > stands on the foundation given by previous works.> > Of course, when

your perspective and mine are so different, things > that > seem obvious,

exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and > laughable > to you. I fully

understand that and respect your views. I share my > views thinking that there

may be someone out there who finds them > useful. > The Mother hasn't yet made

me feel that my work in Jyotish is over and > I > have to move on.> > *

* *> > This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't "laugh at" my

views > on transits in divisional charts.> > Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi.

His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, > 7:12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")> >

When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31, > Jupiter was

transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost office > on 1989 > November

24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at 17Sg41. > To > me, it is

interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa > chart. > Mercury is AK

and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied by > planets show the

blessings carried by them. When Jupiter or Saturn > transit in rasi chart close

to the navamsa longitude of a planet, they > seem > to enhance and deplete the

blessings.> > It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to >

Mercury's > natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close to it

> took > him down.> > Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and

5th lord in > dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close

to > this > longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to power,

> Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No other > planets

had > a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half aspect from 2Cp48 > of

> navamsa.> > On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13

were > bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More >

importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart! > Navamsa >

shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are going to be >

destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which blessings are > going > to

be depleted.> > When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

> occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when > the >

navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by transit >

planets in rasi, we can often find important events.> > * * *>

> This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by >

classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to > do > so.

Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.> > May Jupiter's light

shine on us, > Narasimha> > vedic astrology, "Narasimha

P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c> ...> wrote:> >> > Dear Sreenadh,> > > > Regarding classics

supporting "vargas" but not "varga charts", we > clearly have a different view

and let us leave it at that. For now at > least...> > > > You are most welcome

to "laugh at" my researches on transits in > divisional charts. I clearly said

they were my researches and did not > resort to any misrepresentation regarding

classics.> > > > However, I need to give some credits to existing literature

and > tradition that inspired me.> > > > The idea of looking at the houses

occupied by transit planets in > kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign

occupied by natal Moon > in *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a

book and > attributes it to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that

> that idea existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be > taken.> >

> > Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in >

transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my > original

idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use such

transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to > conception when Sun

transits the amsa containing Ketu.> > > > Thus, amsa transits were mentioned

in tradition. I have only > generalized it, included aspects and included

divisional longitudes > for studying the closeness of aspects. Thus, my

contribution is very > little and it stands on the foundation given by previous

works.> > > > Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different,

things > that seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and >

laughable to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I > share my

views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds > them useful. The

Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in > Jyotish is over and I have to

move on.> > > > * * *> > > > This is not for Sreenadh and for

others who don't "laugh at" my > views on transits in divisional charts.> > >

> Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, 7:> 12:45

am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")> > > > When he took office as India's prime

Minister on 1984 October 31, > Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg.

When he lost office > on 1989 November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same

place, at > 17Sg41. To me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in

> navamsa chart. Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. > Navamsas

occupied by planets show the blessings carried by them. When > Jupiter or

Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa longitude > of a planet, they

seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.> > > > It is interesting to me that

Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to > Mercury's natal navamsa longitude made him

PM and Saturn transit close > to it took him down.> > > > Now look at Mars. He

is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in > dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at

1Vi13. Let us see transits close to > this longitude in navamsa and dasamsa

charts. When he ascended to > power, Jupiter had a close aspect on it from

1Ta40 of dasamsa. No > other planets had a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus

also had half > aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.> > > > On the contrary, when he

lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were > bad. Saturn was transiting nearby

at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More > importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly

1Vi10 in navamsa chart! > Navamsa shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which

blessings are > going to be destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which

> blessings are going to be depleted.> > > > When the rasi chart positions of

key natal planets are closely > occupied/aspected by transit planets in

navamsa/other amsas and when > the navamsas of key natal planets are closely

occupied/aspected by > transit planets in rasi, we can often find important

events.> > > > * * *> > > > This is just research, though it is

based on the foundation given by > classics and tradition. Those who want to

benefit from it welcome to > do so. Those who want to laugh at it are also

welcome to do so.> > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > > Narasimha> >

-------------------------------> > Free

Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> > Free Jyotish

software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre

(SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org> >

-------------------------------> > > > >

Namaste Paditji,> > > Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit

can be > > > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they > >

> have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is > all > > >

the same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.> > > Now comming to their

theory of transit in D-charts/Varga charts. > > > Here is some interesting

notes. By me, and some by Surya Rao. His > > > mail inspired me, and made me

laugh at the "Transit theory on D-> > > charts". That is why I am reproducing

it as well.> > > Love,> > > Sreenadh> >>

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I am giving my comments below in respect of the points you have mentioned.

Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote:

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Dear Sri Surya Rao,


Will 'tad-amsa-ke' always be interpreted as navamsa? When will other vargas come

into the picture? that depends on the context that the author addresses. But

general use that is found in texts refer to navamsa by amsa. So unless

otherwise stated mostly it is taken as navamsa. If your question is in respect

of different meanings possible, the basic meaning of amsa in Jyotihsastra is

'bhaga' or degree.


Incidentally, I agree with your fundamental doubt that if all those rules are

applied they cover almost all signs implying that pregnancy can happen anytime

and does not depend on transits!!! When you agree on this aspect, how do you

advocate the use of independent Vargas, ATPs, Arudha in varga, Arudha in ATPs,

Rajayoga in Vargas etc All this will lead to a situation of chaos in Jyotisha

where anything and everything can be justified if not with Rasi with some Varga

or ATP or Annual Tajaka or some Dasa, Vimsottari, Kalachakra, Narayana in rasi

or if it fails from some Varga. It is in this context I had raised other

questions. I must thank you for concurring with my view in this regard.


To the questions you raise, I have views to offer:

1. Kendra and trikona positions are also applicable. See the dictum of Parasara

on the calculation of strength. You will find a clear dictum on the use of

kendra in vargas.


Irrespective of what Parasara says in some isolated verse of a spurious text

like BPH, we must look with objectivity as to the consequences of such

conceptions. Question comes only if you uphold that Vargas are independent. I

have already refuted the independence of Vargas in my posting and I am awaiting

some response.


2. Awaiting a respose from others on this...very good question/point.

3. Yes. Good and bad happen in every dasa, and it is not always that bad must

happen in every field of life. For example if Mars is giving a negative

indication in the rasi chart as the 8th lord then it hampers health and energy

and indicates a difficult period and if in the navamsa it is a yogakaraka and

is well placed then these problems will not be felt in marriage. If it is also

8th lord in say another varga then in that varga the negative effects will be

surely felt.


Here again you are taking Varga as independent. There cannot be any independent

Varga characterization for Planets as the benevolence or malevolence the

planets derive from the rising point - Lagna of Rasi. I have already explained

the irrationality of treating Lagna_Navamsa as Lagna for anything. There is

only one Lagna in a Kundali and that is the rising point over East which

renders the Karmic qualities to the chart and its associated parameters. If for

Aries_Lagna with Navamsa in Libra, there is no Libra rising and any

extrapolation of the Rasi concepts to other Vargas is an unscientific step.


4. Are you sure that the rasi has the most important position or strength in

Varga strength (Vimsopaka bala) calculation? I thought it was the shastyamsa

D60 chart which has the maximum weightage. Please check and get back. This is

really basic.


Please check as to how I had raised that point. If I remember correctly, I had

raised a question mark as I had a doubt. Anyway I will have a detailed look at

the rationale of Vargabala and will give my view. Not only this is basic all

the aspects that we have discussed are basic. It is the spurious research that

is polluting the basics and confuses the students.


You may have a look at the Kunda_kriya as is being shown in some SJC docs.

Prasnamarga is quoted as the source but the method explained is something

different. Prasnamarga, Ch. V, verse 8 says that Kundalagam has to be Janmatara

or Anujanma tara and as such it must be linked to Moon. But now under research

such basic rules have been misinterpreted without giving the rationale of

research and verification achieved.


I am thankful for your agreement mentioned at the outset and I hope that we will

be able to have more fruitful exchange of views in future.


Surya Rao

With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B

Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, Indiahttp://srath.com,

+91-11-25717162* * *

- Surya Rao

vedic astrology

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 2:18 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Laughing at divisional transits

Dear Sreenadh,


See how many signs are involved even if we consider Rasi alone. It can be more

than 8 if we take AVmax sign of Guru also. Some of these features may coincide

in one rasi. Even then Guru's tranist through 5 - 6 signs can give children.

Guru in one position aspects 3 signs. So at any time if we consider all signs

that is said below 1 to 8 some "Putra_Rasi" will be under the influence of

Guru. I think this is something all can understand.


Under this predicament, just imagine someone applies such formulae to Vargas

treated as independent. Guru shall cause children in all rasis? Then how shall

one predict? Postmortem will be wonderful.


We must do research but research must be methodical and intelligent. I am sorry

if I am wrong in the above perception. I have few more doubts -


If someone says that aspects and transits are applicable to Navamsa, then what

about Kendra_Trikona positions?

Rajayoga have been predicted in respect of what - Rasi or other Vargas? Or you

say everywhere there are Rajayogas and have equal strengths?

A planet is beneficial for the native based on Lagna - is it? Can that change in

the case of Varga where Lagna may be different?

See for Kanya Lagna is Mars is dire malefic and so it will be for the native.

Now say Kanya has navamsa in Leo. Shall malefics Mars become benevolent for


4. How the strength is attributed in Varga_Bala calculations – Rasi is more

important and contributes more strength than other Vargas? If yes why?


Surya Rao



1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited. 2)The sign in which the Navamsa of

5th lord is posited3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.6) The

sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.7) The sign in

which Mandi is posited.8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is

posited.Sreenadh <sreelid > wrote:

Dear All,I have prepared my previous mail to PVR in a hurry, and because of that

made a mistake in the translation of the quote supplied. My apologies. Here is

the correct translation.Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe mandyasritharkshe

thadee-Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha bahvakhakeRasou

swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaHPuthesoathra vichinthyatham

himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi(Presnamarga 19-87)[When Ju is transiting through

5th and 9th of the following *Rasis* (Signs) the qurent may have children. The

*Rasis* (Signs) are-1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited. 2)

The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord is posited3) The sign in which

the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.6) The

sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.7) The sign in

which Mandi is posited.8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is

posited.Apart from the above conditions, especially, when Ju is transiting

through the sign in which Ju has more bindus in Ashtavarga, then also birth of

child is possible. All these possibilities should be considered while thinking

about the time in which the qurent may have children] This sloka clearly

indicates some laws applied in general:1) While considering transit in

navamsa, or considering transit in rasi, the particular navamsa-sign and sign

are counted from

Lagna (Natal Asc). 2) Transit in Vargas is nothing but the transit of

planets through the Natal chart. (i.e. Not transit in D-charts/Varga_charts is

mentioned in this sloka)3) Since all the slokas that describe transit in

Vargas shows this trend, transit in D-charts is unsupported by classics. (Of

course, I am not against using them on an experimental basis (like the one

PVR's research trend shows) as a *new technique unsupported by classics*)There

are hundreds of such slokas in authentic texts, which shows that transit in

Vargas should be considered from natal Asc (Legna) only, as per classics. I am

ready to supply any number of slokas to prove the same. Again I apologize to

everybody for the mistake committed due to my inattention/carelessness in the

translation given earlier.Love,Sreenadhvedic astrology,


<sreelid> wrote:>> Dear PVR,> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied

by transit planets in > > kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign

occupied by natal > Moon in > > *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it

in a book and > attributes it > > to nadi texts. > Of course you are right.

Not only Nadi texts but also many books > like Presnamarga also speaks about

transit through the Navamsa, as > well as through rasis from the Navamsa rasi

(Not only for Moon but for > many other planets as well). But the truth you

should understand is > that, when the vargas are considered as the part of

Natal chart > itself, Navamsa rasi indicates a rasi of the natal chart, and the

> texts are referring to that, and not to any Navamsa chakra.> It is very clear

when you look at such slokas. Please don't > misinterpret such

slokas. Look at this sloka of Presnamarga-> Puthresasrithabhe thadamsakagrahe

mandyasritharkshe thadee-> Yamsarkshe cha thadha trikonabhavaneshvesham cha

bahvakhake> Rasou swashtakavargake cha vicharan jeevo bhavel puthradaH>

Puthesoathra vichinthyatham himakarallegnachcha jeevadapi> (Presnamargam

19-87)> Meaning, When Ju is transiting through the following 8 *Rasis* >

(Signs) the qurent may have children. The *Rasis* (Signs) are-> 1) The

sign in which the 5th is posited. > 2) The sign in which the Navamsa of

5th lord is posited> 3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.> 4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.> 5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.> 6)

The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.> 7) The sign

in which Mandi is posited.> 8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is

posited.> Look at this sloka, it clearly indicates that the perticular sign >

and Navamsa-sign are counted from Lagna. If one known Sanskrit one > cannot

interpret this sloka in any other way!! You don't have to look > for some

unseen nadi references; there are hundreds of such slokas in > authentic

texts!!> Now coming to your reference:> > My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me

that that idea > > existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be

taken.> Well...I don't know about it. It is something between you and your >

guru. Can you quote an authentic reference? that is my only question. > I

cannot believe in everything your guru says, since he is not

my > guru. He may have some reference, so please ask him, and if you get > any

such sloka stating the same, please inform us, so that we could > also satisfy

ourselves by seeing such an authentic quote.> > Secondly, the idea of looking

at the navamsas occupied by planets in > > transit and their interaction with

natal rasi chart is also not my > > original idea. Some principles attributed

by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use > > such transit analysis. Even Maharshi

Jaimini refers to conception > when > > Sun transits the amsa containing Ketu.>

Again, please provide us with the quote - only that makes sense. If > you have

such an authentic reference we are ready to accept your > argument.> > Thus,

amsa transits were mentioned in tradition.> Which tradition? Even the scholars

of previous generations had > written texts on astrology. Can you give

any such references? Not > transistors notes - but original quotes.> > Of

course, when your perspective and mine are so different, things > that > > seem

obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and > laughable > > to

you.> No! PVR ji, it is not so!! I respect you and your efforts. I was > just

pointing to a logical error you have made!! That doesn't mean > that I am

against all of your ideas. Just look around and see, why I > am getting support

from scholars like Finn, Panditji and Surya Rao? > Why I am able to quote many

slokas that supports the original views > (It is not my views), while you are

unable to provide even a minimum > number of slokas? I would never say that you

should drop your views, > but please give the necessary respect the authentic

views demand. It > is my humble plea.> > I fully understand that and respect


views. I share my > > views thinking that there may be someone out there who

finds them > useful.> Yes, similarly we (all of us who are after the

classics) understand > and respect your views as well; we are just against the

fact that 'you > are not giving the essential respect the Varga concept

demands'. (For > e.g. you have not included it in your JHora software, and is

against > it). None of can take as much effort as you did for Jyothisha, >

especially considering how you rewarded the astrology community with > the

JHora software. Yes, these are my sincere words - coming from the > heart. > >

The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over > and I > >

have to move on.> Yes, we understand. But really you are behind none, and above

all > considering your contribution to astrology and its popularity. My >


apologies if any of my words hurt you in any manner. I am just > talking against

a concept and not against a person.> **********> **********> After stating this

much, I am not ready to comment on the example > provided by you. Go on in your

research path, we appreciate, but > sincerely our views differ.> > This is just

research, though it is based on the foundation given by > > classics and

tradition. > Yes, I accept, and don't want to comment on it, as I may hurt

you.> > Those who want to benefit from it welcome to do so. > > Those who want

to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.> No, man...Don't take it personally.

As you said, "It is just > research", and our views may differ. Let us take it

with sportsman > spirit and join hands. Sincerely "I love your efforts". Now

also I may > continue to criticize your views, but my plea is, please don't


it > personally. And as an elder person, please correct me when my > criticisms

are crossing boundaries against you or anybody else. We all > are part of a

single brethren, and are after the truth of astrology.> Love,> Sreenadh> >

Message: 10 > Sat, 5 Nov 2005 16:09:21 -0500>

"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c...>> Laughing at divisional transits> >

Dear Sreenadh,> > Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but not "varga

charts", we > clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For

now at > least...> > You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on

transits in > divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did

not > resort > to any misrepresentation regarding

classics.> > However, I need to give some credits to existing literature and >

tradition that inspired me.> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied by

transit planets in > kshetra (rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by

natal Moon > in > *navamsa* is not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and

> attributes it > to nadi texts. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that that

idea > existed in tradition and that even dasamsa Moon could be taken.> >

Secondly, the idea of looking at the navamsas occupied by planets in > transit

and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my > original idea.

Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use > such transit

analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to conception when > Sun transits the

amsa containing Ketu.> > Thus, amsa transits

were mentioned in tradition. I have only > generalized it, included aspects and

included divisional longitudes > for studying > the closeness of aspects. Thus,

my contribution is very little and it > stands on the foundation given by

previous works.> > Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different,

things > that > seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and >

laughable > to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I share my

> views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds them > useful. >

The Mother hasn't yet made me feel that my work in Jyotish is over and > I >

have to move on.> > * * *> > This is not for Sreenadh and for

others who don't "laugh at" my views > on transits

in divisional charts.> > Take the chart of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944

August 20, > 7:12:45 am (72 E 49' 00", 18 N 58' 00")> > When he took office as

India's prime Minister on 1984 October 31, > Jupiter was transiting in the 16th

degree of Sg. When he lost office > on 1989 > November 24, Saturn was transiting

around the same place, at 17Sg41. > To > me, it is interesting that natal

Mercury is at 17Sg10 in navamsa > chart. > Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of

dasamsa chart. Navamsas occupied by > planets show the blessings carried by

them. When Jupiter or Saturn > transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa

longitude of a planet, they > seem > to enhance and deplete the blessings.> >

It is interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to > Mercury's >

natal navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit

close to it > took > him down.> > Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi

chart and 5th lord in > dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see

transits close to > this > longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he

ascended to power, > Jupiter had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No

other > planets had > a close aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half aspect

from 2Cp48 > of > navamsa.> > On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and

aspects on 1Vi13 were > bad. Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa

chart. More > importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa

chart! > Navamsa > shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are

going to be > destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which blessings are

> going > to be depleted.> > When the

rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely > occupied/aspected by

transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when > the > navamsas of key natal

planets are closely occupied/aspected by transit > planets in rasi, we can

often find important events.> > * * *> > This is just research,

though it is based on the foundation given by > classics and tradition. Those

who want to benefit from it welcome to > do > so. Those who want to laugh at it

are also welcome to do so.> > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha> >

vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c> ...>

wrote:> >> > Dear Sreenadh,> > > > Regarding classics supporting "vargas" but

not "varga charts", we >

clearly have a different view and let us leave it at that. For now at >

least...> > > > You are most welcome to "laugh at" my researches on transits

in > divisional charts. I clearly said they were my researches and did not >

resort to any misrepresentation regarding classics.> > > > However, I need to

give some credits to existing literature and > tradition that inspired me.> >

> > The idea of looking at the houses occupied by transit planets in > kshetra

(rasi) chakra with respect to the sign occupied by natal Moon > in *navamsa* is

not mine. Sri CS Patel mentions it in a book and > attributes it to nadi texts.

My guru Pt Sanjay Rath also told me that > that idea existed in tradition and

that even dasamsa Moon could be > taken.> > > > Secondly, the idea of looking

at the navamsas occupied by planets

in > transit and their interaction with natal rasi chart is also not my >

original idea. Some principles attributed by Maharshi Bhrigu in > tradition use

such transit analysis. Even Maharshi Jaimini refers to > conception when Sun

transits the amsa containing Ketu.> > > > Thus, amsa transits were mentioned

in tradition. I have only > generalized it, included aspects and included

divisional longitudes > for studying the closeness of aspects. Thus, my

contribution is very > little and it stands on the foundation given by previous

works.> > > > Of course, when your perspective and mine are so different,

things > that seem obvious, exciting and inspiring to me may seem silly and >

laughable to you. I fully understand that and respect your views. I > share my

views thinking that there may be someone out there who finds > them useful. The

Mother hasn't

yet made me feel that my work in > Jyotish is over and I have to move on.> > >

> * * *> > > > This is not for Sreenadh and for others who don't

"laugh at" my > views on transits in divisional charts.> > > > Take the chart

of Rajiv Gandhi. His birthdata is: 1944 August 20, 7:> 12:45 am (72 E 49' 00",

18 N 58' 00")> > > > When he took office as India's prime Minister on 1984

October 31, > Jupiter was transiting in the 16th degree of Sg. When he lost

office > on 1989 November 24, Saturn was transiting around the same place, at >

17Sg41. To me, it is interesting that natal Mercury is at 17Sg10 in > navamsa

chart. Mercury is AK and the 10th lord of dasamsa chart. > Navamsas occupied by

planets show the blessings carried by them. When

> Jupiter or Saturn transit in rasi chart close to the navamsa longitude > of a

planet, they seem to enhance and deplete the blessings.> > > > It is

interesting to me that Jupiter's rasi transit clkose to > Mercury's natal

navamsa longitude made him PM and Saturn transit close > to it took him down.>

> > > Now look at Mars. He is yoga karaka in rasi chart and 5th lord in >

dasmasa. In rasi chart, he is at 1Vi13. Let us see transits close to > this

longitude in navamsa and dasamsa charts. When he ascended to > power, Jupiter

had a close aspect on it from 1Ta40 of dasamsa. No > other planets had a close

aspect. Or, we can say Venus also had half > aspect from 2Cp48 of navamsa.> >

> > On the contrary, when he lost power, yogas and aspects on 1Vi13 were > bad.

Saturn was transiting nearby at 9Vi10 in navamsa chart. More >

importantly, Rahu was transiting at exactly 1Vi10 in navamsa chart! > Navamsa

shows blessings and Rahu navamsa shows which blessings are > going to be

destroyed/eclipsed and Saturn's navamsa shows which > blessings are going to be

depleted.> > > > When the rasi chart positions of key natal planets are closely

> occupied/aspected by transit planets in navamsa/other amsas and when > the

navamsas of key natal planets are closely occupied/aspected by > transit

planets in rasi, we can often find important events.> > > > * *

*> > > > This is just research, though it is based on the foundation given by

> classics and tradition. Those who want to benefit from it welcome to > do so.

Those who want to laugh at it are also welcome to do so.> > > >

May Jupiter's light shine on us, > > Narasimha> >

-------------------------------> > Free

Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> > Free Jyotish

software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre

(SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org> >

-------------------------------> > > > >

Namaste Paditji,> > > Those after the D-charts (like PVR etc) say that Transit

can be > > > interpreted in D-charts as well. What classical references they > >

> have?!!!! NO!!!NOTHING!!! If it is D-charts or Varga_charts it is > all > > >

the same. Classics supports the use of ONLY Vargas.> >

> Now comming to their theory of transit in D-charts/Varga charts. > > > Here

is some interesting notes. By me, and some by Surya Rao. His > > > mail

inspired me, and made me laugh at the "Transit theory on D-> > > charts". That

is why I am reproducing it as well.> > > Love,> > > Sreenadh> >>

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om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Dear Sri Surya Rao,

Comments belowWith best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath

Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, Indiahttp://srath.com,

+91-11-25717162* * *

I am giving my comments below in respect of the points you have mentioned.

Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote:

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Dear Sri Surya Rao,


Will 'tad-amsa-ke' always be interpreted as navamsa? When will other vargas come

into the picture? that depends on the context that the author addresses. But

general use that is found in texts refer to navamsa by amsa. So unless

otherwise stated mostly it is taken as navamsa. If your question is in respect

of different meanings possible, the basic meaning of amsa in Jyotihsastra is

'bhaga' or degree.

Rath: That still does not answer the basic question. When will other vargas come into the picture.


Incidentally, I agree with your fundamental doubt that if all those rules are

applied they cover almost all signs implying that pregnancy can happen anytime

and does not depend on transits!!! When you agree on this aspect, how do you

advocate the use of independent Vargas, ATPs, Arudha in varga, Arudha in ATPs,

Rajayoga in Vargas etc All this will lead to a situation of chaos in Jyotisha

where anything and everything can be justified if not with Rasi with some Varga

or ATP or Annual Tajaka or some Dasa, Vimsottari, Kalachakra, Narayana in rasi

or if it fails from some Varga. It is in this context I had raised other

questions. I must thank you for concurring with my view in this regard.

Rath: There is a huge universe but everything is in perfect order if you havethe

vision of Jagannath Vishnu and everything is in chaos if you do not have this

vision. To try to explain away this huge gigantic creation, with its multiple

subtleties and multiple environments in just one rasi chart is trying to turn a

blind eye to the existence of this vast truth. The rasi chart holds it all but

it can be seen with the microscope of the vragas, and the events timed with the

various dasa tools as they represent different aspects of the universe and its

working. I concurred with the questioning and that this view is correct as how

can we time the birth of children when Jupiter's transit in any sign is going

to give a child! That automatically brings out the need for the Saptamsa chart.


To the questions you raise, I have views to offer:

1. Kendra and trikona positions are also applicable. See the dictum of Parasara

on the calculation of strength. You will find a clear dictum on the use of

kendra in vargas.


Irrespective of what Parasara says in some isolated verse of a spurious text

like BPH, we must look with objectivity as to the consequences of such

conceptions. Question comes only if you uphold that Vargas are independent. I

have already refuted the independence of Vargas in my posting and I am awaiting

some response.

Rath: BPHS is a compilation of Poorva Khanda and Uttara khanda of the text

written by Parasara. If you say this is wrong, then so be it. So what is the

source of your Jyotish? Where are you studying Jyotish from? Is it the Puranas

or some other texts? Then, according to you, the entire India/world of

astrology which practises Parasari Jyotish is wrong...What about Jaimini? Do

you agree with this text at least or do you say this is also spurious?


2. Awaiting a respose from others on this...very good question/point.

3. Yes. Good and bad happen in every dasa, and it is not always that bad must

happen in every field of life. For example if Mars is giving a negative

indication in the rasi chart as the 8th lord then it hampers health and energy

and indicates a difficult period and if in the navamsa it is a yogakaraka and

is well placed then these problems will not be felt in marriage. If it is also

8th lord in say another varga then in that varga the negative effects will be

surely felt.


Here again you are taking Varga as independent. There cannot be any independent

Varga characterization for Planets as the benevolence or malevolence the

planets derive from the rising point - Lagna of Rasi. I have already explained

the irrationality of treating Lagna_Navamsa as Lagna for anything. There is

only one Lagna in a Kundali and that is the rising point over East which

renders the Karmic qualities to the chart and its associated parameters. If for

Aries_Lagna with Navamsa in Libra, there is no Libra rising and any

extrapolation of the Rasi concepts to other Vargas is an unscientific step.

Rath: I have wriiten books where I have shown the use of the various Lagna in

the divisional charts for children, spouse etc. In this line I am joined by K N

Rao and B V Raman. I wrote in the lines of teachings of my grandfather in his

book "Shodasa Varga" (Oriya Language).

There is only one Lagna in a Kundali and this is the exact cusp of the ascendant

in the eastern horizon in the sidereal zodiac and this ascendant manifests with

different natures in different aspects of life. For marriage and dharma it

manifests as the Navamsa Lagna, for co-born it manifests as the Parasari

Drekkana Lagna, for Karma viveka it manifests as the Jagannatha Drekkana Lagna,

For Karma Phala it manifests as the Dasamsa Lagna and so on. That is the nature

of Prajapati, for it is Prajapati Who is creating all beings and this is the

lagna cusp.

Definitioon of anything as scientific or unscientific depends on the parameters

used. I will comment on this when you define what parameters of 'scientific

definition' have been overlooked.


4. Are you sure that the rasi has the most important position or strength in

Varga strength (Vimsopaka bala) calculation? I thought it was the shastyamsa

D60 chart which has the maximum weightage. Please check and get back. This is

really basic.


Please check as to how I had raised that point. If I remember correctly, I had

raised a question mark as I had a doubt. Anyway I will have a detailed look at

the rationale of Vargabala and will give my view. Not only this is basic all

the aspects that we have discussed are basic. It is the spurious research that

is polluting the basics and confuses the students.

Rath: Awaiting your findings patiently.


You may have a look at the Kunda_kriya as is being shown in some SJC docs.

Rath: Which docs are these? Kindly show them so that we can have them reviewed

and altered if necessary.


Prasnamarga is quoted as the source but the method explained is something

different. Prasnamarga, Ch. V, verse 8 says that Kundalagam has to be Janmatara

or Anujanma tara and as such it must be linked to Moon. But now under research

such basic rules have been misinterpreted without giving the rationale of

research and verification achieved.

Rath: Thats for Prasna charts. What about Karma Taraa? In Orissa we use this as

well. Is the linkage to the Moon because of Manushya Jaataka? I would think so.

Which rules have been misinterpreted or misunderstood?


I am thankful for your agreement mentioned at the outset and I hope that we will

be able to have more fruitful exchange of views in future.

Rath: Of course.


Surya Rao

Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi

110060, Indiahttp://srath.com, +91-11-25717162* * *

- Surya Rao

vedic astrology

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 2:18 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Laughing at divisional transits

Dear Sreenadh,


See how many signs are involved even if we consider Rasi alone. It can be more

than 8 if we take AVmax sign of Guru also. Some of these features may coincide

in one rasi. Even then Guru's tranist through 5 - 6 signs can give children.

Guru in one position aspects 3 signs. So at any time if we consider all signs

that is said below 1 to 8 some "Putra_Rasi" will be under the influence of

Guru. I think this is something all can understand.


Under this predicament, just imagine someone applies such formulae to Vargas

treated as independent. Guru shall cause children in all rasis? Then how shall

one predict? Postmortem will be wonderful.


We must do research but research must be methodical and intelligent. I am sorry

if I am wrong in the above perception. I have few more doubts -


If someone says that aspects and transits are applicable to Navamsa, then what

about Kendra_Trikona positions?

Rajayoga have been predicted in respect of what - Rasi or other Vargas? Or you

say everywhere there are Rajayogas and have equal strengths?

A planet is beneficial for the native based on Lagna - is it? Can that change in

the case of Varga where Lagna may be different?

See for Kanya Lagna is Mars is dire malefic and so it will be for the native.

Now say Kanya has navamsa in Leo. Shall malefics Mars become benevolent for


4. How the strength is attributed in Varga_Bala calculations – Rasi is more

important and contributes more strength than other Vargas? If yes why?


Surya Rao



1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited. 2)The sign in which the Navamsa of

5th lord is posited3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.6) The

sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.7) The sign in

which Mandi is posited.8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is


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My views in green at respective places.


Thanking you

Surya Rao

Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote:


om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Dear Sri Surya Rao,

Comments belowWith best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath

Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, Indiahttp://srath.com,

+91-11-25717162* * *

I am giving my comments below in respect of the points you have mentioned.

Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote:

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Dear Sri Surya Rao,


Will 'tad-amsa-ke' always be interpreted as navamsa? When will other vargas come

into the picture? that depends on the context that the author addresses. But

general use that is found in texts refer to navamsa by amsa. So unless

otherwise stated mostly it is taken as navamsa. If your question is in respect

of different meanings possible, the basic meaning of amsa in Jyotihsastra is

'bhaga' or degree.

Rath: That still does not answer the basic question. When will other vargas come into the picture.


Vargas are part of Rasi and not independent and as such the question when will

don' arise. "When will?" is not a part of my thinking as I don't treat Varga as

separate from Rasi.


Incidentally, I agree with your fundamental doubt that if all those rules are

applied they cover almost all signs implying that pregnancy can happen anytime

and does not depend on transits!!! When you agree on this aspect, how do you

advocate the use of independent Vargas, ATPs, Arudha in varga, Arudha in ATPs,

Rajayoga in Vargas etc All this will lead to a situation of chaos in Jyotisha

where anything and everything can be justified if not with Rasi with some Varga

or ATP or Annual Tajaka or some Dasa, Vimsottari, Kalachakra, Narayana in rasi

or if it fails from some Varga. It is in this context I had raised other

questions. I must thank you for concurring with my view in this regard.

Rath: There is a huge universe but everything is in perfect order if you havethe

vision of Jagannath Vishnu and everything is in chaos if you do not have this

vision. To try to explain away this huge gigantic creation, with its multiple

subtleties and multiple environments in just one rasi chart is trying to turn a

blind eye to the existence of this vast truth. The rasi chart holds it all but

it can be seen with the microscope of the vragas, and the events timed with the

various dasa tools as they represent different aspects of the universe and its

working. I concurred with the questioning and that this view is correct as how

can we time the birth of children when Jupiter's transit in any sign is going

to give a child! That automatically brings out the need for the Saptamsa chart.


You have not answered my point in the context of objectivity of horoscope

interpretation. We are not discussing the Universe that is "anantam, ajnatam,

avarnaneeyam...". Issue pertains to delineation of a chart and how such

proliferation of extrapolated techniques can be tolerated in the name of



To the questions you raise, I have views to offer:

1. Kendra and trikona positions are also applicable. See the dictum of Parasara

on the calculation of strength. You will find a clear dictum on the use of

kendra in vargas.


Irrespective of what Parasara says in some isolated verse of a spurious text

like BPH, we must look with objectivity as to the consequences of such

conceptions. Question comes only if you uphold that Vargas are independent. I

have already refuted the independence of Vargas in my posting and I am awaiting

some response.

Rath: BPHS is a compilation of Poorva Khanda and Uttara khanda of the text

written by Parasara. If you say this is wrong, then so be it. So what is the

source of your Jyotish? Where are you studying Jyotish from? Is it the Puranas

or some other texts? Then, according to you, the entire India/world of

astrology which practises Parasari Jyotish is wrong...What about Jaimini? Do

you agree with this text at least or do you say this is also spurious?


we must look with objectivity as to the consequences of such conceptions.

Question comes only if you uphold that Vargas are independent. I have already

refuted the independence of Vargas in my posting and I am awaiting some



All ancient works except Vedas have evolved over ages and it is possible that

errors have kept into them. We need objective study to understand them. An

isolated verse or two if it run contrary to fundamentals, must be rejected.


2. Awaiting a respose from others on this...very good question/point.

3. Yes. Good and bad happen in every dasa, and it is not always that bad must

happen in every field of life. For example if Mars is giving a negative

indication in the rasi chart as the 8th lord then it hampers health and energy

and indicates a difficult period and if in the navamsa it is a yogakaraka and

is well placed then these problems will not be felt in marriage. If it is also

8th lord in say another varga then in that varga the negative effects will be

surely felt.


Here again you are taking Varga as independent. There cannot be any independent

Varga characterization for Planets as the benevolence or malevolence the

planets derive from the rising point - Lagna of Rasi. I have already explained

the irrationality of treating Lagna_Navamsa as Lagna for anything. There is

only one Lagna in a Kundali and that is the rising point over East which

renders the Karmic qualities to the chart and its associated parameters. If for

Aries_Lagna with Navamsa in Libra, there is no Libra rising and any

extrapolation of the Rasi concepts to other Vargas is an unscientific step.

Rath: I have wriiten books where I have shown the use of the various Lagna in

the divisional charts for children, spouse etc. In this line I am joined by K N

Rao and B V Raman. I wrote in the lines of teachings of my grandfather in his

book "Shodasa Varga" (Oriya Language).

There is only one Lagna in a Kundali and this is the exact cusp of the ascendant

in the eastern horizon in the sidereal zodiac and this ascendant manifests with

different natures in different aspects of life. For marriage and dharma it

manifests as the Navamsa Lagna, for co-born it manifests as the Parasari

Drekkana Lagna, for Karma viveka it manifests as the Jagannatha Drekkana Lagna,

For Karma Phala it manifests as the Dasamsa Lagna and so on. That is the nature

of Prajapati, for it is Prajapati Who is creating all beings and this is the

lagna cusp.

Definitioon of anything as scientific or unscientific depends on the parameters

used. I will comment on this when you define what parameters of 'scientific

definition' have been overlooked.


You have not answered my point. Do you accept that Vargas are not independent? I

have discussed this matter in sufficient details above. You have not answered on

the point I have discussed. KN Rao and BV Raman, names add no credibility to any

work. BV Raman and KN Rao followed such Varga theory with two ayanamsas

differing by 1.5 degree nearly. So we can have a feel of the validity of their

claims. You yourself have rejected Raman ayanamsa as wrong. So Sri BV Raman's

certificate for any Varga theory has no validity.


As I said above, Varga Lagna is within Rasi _Lagna and has no independent

existence with which the Rasi conceptions of aspects, yogas, lordships, dasas,

longitudes etc can be extrapolated to Varga charts conceived independently.


4. Are you sure that the rasi has the most important position or strength in

Varga strength (Vimsopaka bala) calculation? I thought it was the shastyamsa

D60 chart which has the maximum weightage. Please check and get back. This is

really basic.


Please check as to how I had raised that point. If I remember correctly, I had

raised a question mark as I had a doubt. Anyway I will have a detailed look at

the rationale of Vargabala and will give my view. Not only this is basic all

the aspects that we have discussed are basic. It is the spurious research that

is polluting the basics and confuses the students.

Rath: Awaiting your findings patiently.


You may have a look at the Kunda_kriya as is being shown in some SJC docs.

Rath: Which docs are these? Kindly show them so that we can have them reviewed

and altered if necessary. Those details given below ie Prasna Marga is quoted

in "Tattvas and Birth Rectification' by Visti_Larzen.


Prasnamarga is quoted as the source but the method explained is something

different. Prasnamarga, Ch. V, verse 8 says that Kundalagam has to be Janmatara

or Anujanma tara and as such it must be linked to Moon. But now under research

such basic rules have been misinterpreted without giving the rationale of

research and verification achieved.

Rath: Thats for Prasna charts. What about Karma Taraa? In Orissa we use this as

well. Is the linkage to the Moon because of Manushya Jaataka? I would think so.

Which rules have been misinterpreted or misunderstood?


Kunda_kriya as I know links Lagna and Moon. I have not come across any other use

except in the above doc where Kunda_Lagna is (Lagnax81) is again equated to

Lagna. Can it be possible as a Lagna rectification method? Can Lagna be

rectified by multiplying and then equating with itself?


To judge this aspect, do we need to think of Manushyajataka and Prasna etc.

Please have some reflections.


I am thankful for your agreement mentioned at the outset and I hope that we will

be able to have more fruitful exchange of views in future.

Rath: Of course.


Surya Rao

Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi

110060, Indiahttp://srath.com, +91-11-25717162* * *

- Surya Rao

vedic astrology

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 2:18 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Laughing at divisional transits

Dear Sreenadh,


See how many signs are involved even if we consider Rasi alone. It can be more

than 8 if we take AVmax sign of Guru also. Some of these features may coincide

in one rasi. Even then Guru's tranist through 5 - 6 signs can give children.

Guru in one position aspects 3 signs. So at any time if we consider all signs

that is said below 1 to 8 some "Putra_Rasi" will be under the influence of

Guru. I think this is something all can understand.


Under this predicament, just imagine someone applies such formulae to Vargas

treated as independent. Guru shall cause children in all rasis? Then how shall

one predict? Postmortem will be wonderful.


We must do research but research must be methodical and intelligent. I am sorry

if I am wrong in the above perception. I have few more doubts -


If someone says that aspects and transits are applicable to Navamsa, then what

about Kendra_Trikona positions?

Rajayoga have been predicted in respect of what - Rasi or other Vargas? Or you

say everywhere there are Rajayogas and have equal strengths?

A planet is beneficial for the native based on Lagna - is it? Can that change in

the case of Varga where Lagna may be different?

See for Kanya Lagna is Mars is dire malefic and so it will be for the native.

Now say Kanya has navamsa in Leo. Shall malefics Mars become benevolent for


4. How the strength is attributed in Varga_Bala calculations – Rasi is more

important and contributes more strength than other Vargas? If yes why?


Surya Rao



1) The sign in which the 5th lord is posited. 2)The sign in which the Navamsa of

5th lord is posited3) The sign in which the 5th lord from Moon is

posited.4) The sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from moon is

posited.5) The sign in which the 5th lord from Ju is posited.6) The

sign in which the Navamsa of 5th lord from Ju is posited.7) The sign in

which Mandi is posited.8) The sign in which the Navamsa of Mandi is


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om namo bhagavate vasudevayaDear Surya

Can you give me even one example where you use the saptamsa?With best wishes and

warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New

Delhi 110060, Indiahttp://srath.com, +91-11-25717162* * *

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