Guest guest Posted November 18, 2005 Report Share Posted November 18, 2005 Namaste Guruji, Is there anyway I can order for MP3 CD's before hand?. Warm Regards Sanjay POn 11/18/05, Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote: om namo bhagavate vasudevayaDear Jyotisa This is the final schedule of the 4th Annual SJC Conference at New Delhi, 12-19 January, 2005 titled 'Dr.B.V.Raman Memorial Conference' All are cordially invited to participate in the conference and register with Sarbani Sarkar sarbani (AT) (DOT) org for the entire conference or individual dates. Other details of program will follow subsequently. Forenoon Afternoon 9:30 - 11.00 11.15 - 12.45 2.00 - 3.30 3.45 - 5.15 Session I Session II Session III Session IV Thu, 12-Jan-06 Inauguration Fascinating World of Vaastu Shastra Vargottama Concepts Punya (Mrityu) Gocara Chief Guest: B Niranjan Babu B.Niranjan Babu G.K.Goel Sanjay Rath Fri, 13-Jan-06 Simple clues for Gocara & Raman Horä Saham transits Transit Jupiter Timing Disease through transits R. Suprajarama J.K.Dasgupta Partha Sarathy Willa Keizer Sat, 14-Jan-06 Transits in Kalachakra Kantaka Shani (Saturn) Gocara Financial disaster and transit of Saturn Transit from Arudha Lagna Sanjay Rath/Visti Larsen Zeljko Krgvic Vineeta Pathak Kanupriya Singh Sun, 15-Jan-06 Eclipses Share movement and transits Graha Shanti Astakavarga Transits Nenad Bodrozic Rajan Panse Dr.Sukhdev Chaturvedi Zoran Radosavljevic Mon, 16-Jan-06 Varga transits Marriage Transits East Meets East Budha Gocara (Mercury Transit) Sanjay Rath Andrew Foss Swee Chan Voja Trajkoviv Tue, 17-Jan-06 Transit of Venus Ramakrishna Horä Integrating Bhava and Arudha Transits Anger: Transit of Mars Dewavrata Buit Ram Narayan Prashun Dutta Prabodh Vekhande Workshop on Vedic Remedies Wed, 18-Jan-06 Mantra initiation & transits Graha devata and mantra Sürya: Dwadasaditya Yantra & Talisman (Kavach) Sarbani Sarkar Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Thu, 19-Jan-06 Ratna & Uparatna Devi: Dasamahavidya Vishnu: Das Avatar Shiva: Jyotirlinga Swee Chan Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Tea: 11.00-11.15 am and 3.30-3.45 pm; Lunch: 12.45 - 2.00 pm; Registration includes tea and lunch and all conference material. Please circulate this to all interested lists/friends. With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, India, +91-11-25717162* * * Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web. vedic astrology Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 18, 2005 Report Share Posted November 18, 2005 This is the final schedule of the 4th Annual SJC Conference at New Delhi, 12-19 January, 2005 titled 'Dr.B.V.Raman Memorial Conference' All are cordially invited to participate in the conference and register with Sarbani Sarkar sarbani (AT) (DOT) org for the entire conference or individual dates. Other details of program will follow subsequently. rgb(236,233,216); WIDTH: 83pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" width="111" height="17"> Forenoon Afternoon 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">9:30 - 11.00 11.15 - 12.45 2.00 - 3.30 3.45 - 5.15 solid; BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 2pt double; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">Session I Session II Session III Session IV Thu, 12-Jan-06 Inauguration Fascinating World of Vaastu Shastra Vargottama Concepts Punya (Mrityu) Gocara rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)" height="17"> Chief Guest: B Niranjan Babu B.Niranjan Babu G.K.Goel rgb(204,255,204)">Sanjay Rath Fri, 13-Jan-06 Simple clues for Gocara & Raman Horä Saham transits Transit Jupiter rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Timing Disease through transits R. Suprajarama J.K.Dasgupta BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Partha Sarathy Willa Keizer Sat, 14-Jan-06 Transits in Kalachakra Kantaka Shani (Saturn) Gocara Financial disaster and transit of Saturn Transit from Arudha Lagna Sanjay Rath/Visti Larsen BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Zeljko Krgvic Vineeta Pathak Kanupriya Singh Sun, 15-Jan-06 Eclipses Share movement and transits Graha Shanti Astakavarga Transits rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Nenad Bodrozic Rajan Panse Dr.Sukhdev Chaturvedi Zoran Radosavljevic Mon, 16-Jan-06 Varga transits Marriage Transits East Meets East Budha Gocara (Mercury Transit) BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)" height="17"> Sanjay Rath Andrew Foss Swee Chan Voja Trajkoviv Tue, 17-Jan-06 Transit of Venus Ramakrishna Horä Integrating Bhava and Arudha Transits rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Anger: Transit of Mars Dewavrata Buit Ram Narayan Prashun Dutta Prabodh Vekhande Workshop on Vedic Remedies Wed, 18-Jan-06 Mantra initiation & transits rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Graha devata and mantra Sürya: Dwadasaditya Yantra & Talisman (Kavach) transparent">Sarbani Sarkar Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Thu, 19-Jan-06 rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Ratna & Uparatna Devi: Dasamahavidya Vishnu: Das Avatar Shiva: Jyotirlinga rgb(204,255,204)" height="17"> Swee Chan Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Tea: 11.00-11.15 am and 3.30-3.45 pm; Lunch: 12.45 - 2.00 pm; Registration includes tea and lunch and all conference material. Please circulate this to all interested lists/friends. With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, India, +91-11-25717162* * *Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web. To from this group, send an email to: vedic astrology Your use of is subject to the The New Movies: Check out the Latest Trailers, Premiere Photos and full Actor Database. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2005 Report Share Posted November 19, 2005 Shri Brahmadaru Smarami The papers of the conference will be available in the January 2006 issue of Jyotish Digest. Best Regards, Sarbani vedic astrology [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of astro mindSaturday, November 19, 2005 9:29 AMTo: vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Delhi Conference schdule Whatever these lecturers speak in conference , can we get their pdf it will great to learn from that. Some good topics are going to be discssed. Response awaited. astro Mind.Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiar > wrote: || Om Gurave Namah ||Namaste Guruji, Is there anyway I can order for MP3 CD's before hand?.Warm RegardsSanjay P On 11/18/05, Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote: om namo bhagavate vasudevayaDear Jyotisa This is the final schedule of the 4th Annual SJC Conference at New Delhi, 12-19 January, 2005 titled 'Dr.B.V.Raman Memorial Conference' All are cordially invited to participate in the conference and register with Sarbani Sarkar sarbani (AT) (DOT) org for the entire conference or individual dates. Other details of program will follow subsequently. Forenoon Afternoon 9:30 - 11.00 11.15 - 12.45 2.00 - 3.30 3.45 - 5.15 Session I Session II Session III Session IV Thu, 12-Jan-06 Inauguration Fascinating World of Vaastu Shastra Vargottama Concepts Punya (Mrityu) Gocara Chief Guest: B Niranjan Babu B.Niranjan Babu G.K.Goel Sanjay Rath Fri, 13-Jan-06 Simple clues for Gocara & Raman Horä Saham transits Transit Jupiter Timing Disease through transits R. Suprajarama J.K.Dasgupta Partha Sarathy Willa Keizer Sat, 14-Jan-06 Transits in Kalachakra Kantaka Shani (Saturn) Gocara Financial disaster and transit of Saturn Transit from Arudha Lagna Sanjay Rath/Visti Larsen Zeljko Krgvic Vineeta Pathak Kanupriya Singh Sun, 15-Jan-06 Eclipses Share movement and transits Graha Shanti Astakavarga Transits Nenad Bodrozic Rajan Panse Dr.Sukhdev Chaturvedi Zoran Radosavljevic Mon, 16-Jan-06 Varga transits Marriage Transits East Meets East Budha Gocara (Mercury Transit) Sanjay Rath Andrew Foss Swee Chan Voja Trajkoviv Tue, 17-Jan-06 Transit of Venus Ramakrishna Horä Integrating Bhava and Arudha Transits Anger: Transit of Mars Dewavrata Buit Ram Narayan Prashun Dutta Prabodh Vekhande Workshop on Vedic Remedies Wed, 18-Jan-06 Mantra initiation & transits Graha devata and mantra Sürya: Dwadasaditya Yantra & Talisman (Kavach) Sarbani Sarkar Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Thu, 19-Jan-06 Ratna & Uparatna Devi: Dasamahavidya Vishnu: Das Avatar Shiva: Jyotirlinga Swee Chan Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Tea: 11.00-11.15 am and 3.30-3.45 pm; Lunch: 12.45 - 2.00 pm; Registration includes tea and lunch and all conference material. Please circulate this to all interested lists/friends. With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, India, +91-11-25717162* * *Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web. To from this group, send an email to: vedic astrology Your use of is subject to the The New Movies: Check out the Latest Trailers, Premiere Photos and full Actor Database. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2005 Report Share Posted November 19, 2005 conference and register with Sarbani Sarkar sarbani (AT) (DOT) org for the entire conference or individual dates. Other details of program will follow subsequently. rgb(236,233,216); WIDTH: 340pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" width="453" colSpan="2">Forenoon Afternoon 9:30 - 11.00 BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">11.15 - 12.45 2.00 - 3.30 3.45 - 5.15 Session I BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 2pt double; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">Session II Session III Session IV Thu, 12-Jan-06 rgb(204,255,204)">Inauguration Fascinating World of Vaastu Shastra Vargottama Concepts Punya (Mrityu) Gocara rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Chief Guest: B Niranjan Babu B.Niranjan Babu G.K.Goel Sanjay Rath BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" align="right" height="17">Fri, 13-Jan-06 Simple clues for Gocara & Raman Horä Saham transits Transit Jupiter Timing Disease through transits R. Suprajarama J.K.Dasgupta Partha Sarathy transparent">Willa Keizer Sat, 14-Jan-06 Transits in Kalachakra Kantaka Shani (Saturn) Gocara Financial disaster and transit of Saturn Transit from Arudha Lagna Sanjay Rath/Visti Larsen Zeljko Krgvic BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Vineeta Pathak Kanupriya Singh Sun, 15-Jan-06 Eclipses Share movement and transits Graha Shanti Astakavarga Transits Nenad Bodrozic rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Rajan Panse Dr.Sukhdev Chaturvedi Zoran Radosavljevic Mon, 16-Jan-06 Varga transits Marriage Transits East Meets East Budha Gocara (Mercury Transit) rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Sanjay Rath Andrew Foss Swee Chan Voja Trajkoviv Tue, 17-Jan-06 Transit of Venus Ramakrishna Horä Integrating Bhava and Arudha Transits Anger: Transit of Mars rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height="17"> Dewavrata Buit Ram Narayan Prashun Dutta Prabodh Vekhande Workshop on Vedic Remedies Wed, 18-Jan-06 Mantra initiation & transits Graha devata and mantra BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Sürya: Dwadasaditya Yantra & Talisman (Kavach) Sarbani Sarkar transparent">Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Thu, 19-Jan-06 Ratna & Uparatna rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Devi: Dasamahavidya Vishnu: Das Avatar Shiva: Jyotirlinga rgb(204,255,204)">Swee Chan Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Tea: 11.00-11.15 am and 3.30-3.45 pm; Lunch: 12.45 - 2.00 pm; Registration includes tea and lunch and all conference material. Please circulate this to all interested lists/friends. With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, India, +91-11-25717162* * *Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web. To from this group, send an email to: vedic astrology Your use of is subject to the The New Movies: Check out the Latest Trailers, Premiere Photos and full Actor Database. Take your Mail with you - get Mail on your mobile Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2005 Report Share Posted November 19, 2005 Shri Brahmadaru Smarami We can always post you a copy of the Jyotish Digest. We have many rs in the US and we constantly post the magazines to them. You can also get the CDs after the conference. Best Regards, Sarbani vedic astrology [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of astro mindSaturday, November 19, 2005 5:59 PMTo: vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Delhi Conference schdule Can we get pdf file of that if possible , it would be really great I am abroad and not accessible for resource u mentioned. Regards, astro Mind.Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote: Shri Brahmadaru Smarami The papers of the conference will be available in the January 2006 issue of Jyotish Digest. Best Regards, Sarbani vedic astrology [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of astro mindSaturday, November 19, 2005 9:29 AMTo: vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Delhi Conference schdule Whatever these lecturers speak in conference , can we get their pdf it will great to learn from that. Some good topics are going to be discssed. Response awaited. astro Mind.Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiar > wrote: || Om Gurave Namah ||Namaste Guruji, Is there anyway I can order for MP3 CD's before hand?.Warm RegardsSanjay P On 11/18/05, Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote: om namo bhagavate vasudevayaDear Jyotisa This is the final schedule of the 4th Annual SJC Conference at New Delhi, 12-19 January, 2005 titled 'Dr.B.V.Raman Memorial Conference' All are cordially invited to participate in the conference and register with Sarbani Sarkar sarbani (AT) (DOT) org for the entire conference or individual dates. Other details of program will follow subsequently. Forenoon Afternoon 9:30 - 11.00 11.15 - 12.45 2.00 - 3.30 3.45 - 5.15 Session I Session II Session III Session IV Thu, 12-Jan-06 Inauguration Fascinating World of Vaastu Shastra Vargottama Concepts Punya (Mrityu) Gocara Chief Guest: B Niranjan Babu B.Niranjan Babu G.K.Goel Sanjay Rath Fri, 13-Jan-06 Simple clues for Gocara & Raman Horä Saham transits Transit Jupiter Timing Disease through transits R. Suprajarama J.K.Dasgupta Partha Sarathy Willa Keizer Sat, 14-Jan-06 Transits in Kalachakra Kantaka Shani (Saturn) Gocara Financial disaster and transit of Saturn Transit from Arudha Lagna Sanjay Rath/Visti Larsen Zeljko Krgvic Vineeta Pathak Kanupriya Singh Sun, 15-Jan-06 Eclipses Share movement and transits Graha Shanti Astakavarga Transits Nenad Bodrozic Rajan Panse Dr.Sukhdev Chaturvedi Zoran Radosavljevic Mon, 16-Jan-06 Varga transits Marriage Transits East Meets East Budha Gocara (Mercury Transit) Sanjay Rath Andrew Foss Swee Chan Voja Trajkoviv Tue, 17-Jan-06 Transit of Venus Ramakrishna Horä Integrating Bhava and Arudha Transits Anger: Transit of Mars Dewavrata Buit Ram Narayan Prashun Dutta Prabodh Vekhande Workshop on Vedic Remedies Wed, 18-Jan-06 Mantra initiation & transits Graha devata and mantra Sürya: Dwadasaditya Yantra & Talisman (Kavach) Sarbani Sarkar Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Thu, 19-Jan-06 Ratna & Uparatna Devi: Dasamahavidya Vishnu: Das Avatar Shiva: Jyotirlinga Swee Chan Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Tea: 11.00-11.15 am and 3.30-3.45 pm; Lunch: 12.45 - 2.00 pm; Registration includes tea and lunch and all conference material. Please circulate this to all interested lists/friends. With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, India, +91-11-25717162* * *Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web. To from this group, send an email to: vedic astrology Your use of is subject to the The New Movies: Check out the Latest Trailers, Premiere Photos and full Actor Database. Take your Mail with you - get Mail on your mobile Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2005 Report Share Posted November 19, 2005 <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote: Shri Brahmadaru Smarami The papers of the conference will be available in the January 2006 issue of Jyotish Digest. Best Regards, Sarbani vedic astrology [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of astro mindSaturday, November 19, 2005 9:29 AMvedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Delhi Conference schdule Whatever these lecturers speak in conference , can we get their pdf it will great to learn from that. Some good topics are going to be discssed. Response awaited. astro Mind.Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiar > wrote: || Om Gurave Namah ||Namaste Guruji, Is there anyway I can order for MP3 CD's before hand?.Warm RegardsSanjay P On 11/18/05, Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote: om namo bhagavate vasudevayaDear Jyotisa This is the final schedule of the 4th Annual SJC Conference at New Delhi, 12-19 January, 2005 titled 'Dr.B.V.Raman Memorial Conference' All are cordially invited to participate in the conference and register with Sarbani Sarkar sarbani (AT) (DOT) org for the entire conference or individual dates. Other details of program will follow subsequently. Forenoon solid; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); WIDTH: 381pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" width="508" colSpan="2">Afternoon 9:30 - 11.00 11.15 - 12.45 BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">2.00 - 3.30 3.45 - 5.15 Session I Session II rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 2pt double; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">Session III Session IV Thu, 12-Jan-06 Inauguration Fascinating World of Vaastu Shastra Vargottama Concepts Punya (Mrityu) Gocara Chief Guest: B Niranjan Babu rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">B.Niranjan Babu G.K.Goel Sanjay Rath Fri, 13-Jan-06 BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Simple clues for Gocara & Raman Horä Saham transits Transit Jupiter Timing Disease through transits rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">R. Suprajarama J.K.Dasgupta Partha Sarathy Willa Keizer rgb(204,255,204)" align="right" height="17">Sat, 14-Jan-06 Transits in Kalachakra Kantaka Shani (Saturn) Gocara Financial disaster and transit of Saturn Transit from Arudha Lagna Sanjay Rath/Visti Larsen Zeljko Krgvic Vineeta Pathak rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Kanupriya Singh Sun, 15-Jan-06 Eclipses Share movement and transits Graha Shanti Astakavarga Transits Nenad Bodrozic Rajan Panse BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Dr.Sukhdev Chaturvedi Zoran Radosavljevic Mon, 16-Jan-06 Varga transits Marriage Transits East Meets East Budha Gocara (Mercury Transit) Sanjay Rath BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Andrew Foss Swee Chan Voja Trajkoviv Tue, 17-Jan-06 Transit of Venus Ramakrishna Horä Integrating Bhava and Arudha Transits Anger: Transit of Mars rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Dewavrata Buit Ram Narayan Prashun Dutta Prabodh Vekhande Workshop on Vedic Remedies Wed, 18-Jan-06 Mantra initiation & transits Graha devata and mantra Sürya: Dwadasaditya rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Yantra & Talisman (Kavach) Sarbani Sarkar Sanjay Rath BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Thu, 19-Jan-06 Ratna & Uparatna Devi: Dasamahavidya rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-TOP: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-LEFT: rgb(236,233,216); BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(236,233,216); BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Vishnu: Das Avatar Shiva: Jyotirlinga Swee Chan BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(204,255,204)">Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Tea: 11.00-11.15 am and 3.30-3.45 pm; Lunch: 12.45 - 2.00 pm; Registration includes tea and lunch and all conference material. Please circulate this to all interested lists/friends. With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, India, +91-11-25717162* * *Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... COLOR: rgb(144,144,144); TEXT-ALIGN: center"> Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web. To from this group, send an email to: vedic astrology Your use of Groups is subject to the center"> The New Movies: Check out the Latest Trailers, Premiere Photos and full Actor Database. Take your Mail with you - get Mail on your mobile __ Never miss an Instant Message - Messenger for SMS Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2005 Report Share Posted November 19, 2005 Shri Brahmadaru Smarami The cost of one issue inclusive of postage is $15. You can always pay through Paypal. The annual subscription rate inclusive of postage is $50. Best Regards, Sarbani vedic astrology [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of astro mindSunday, November 20, 2005 6:27 AMTo: vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Delhi Conference schdule What will be the cost involved in that if any. Regards, astro Mind.Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote: Shri Brahmadaru Smarami We can always post you a copy of the Jyotish Digest. We have many rs in the US and we constantly post the magazines to them. You can also get the CDs after the conference. Best Regards, Sarbani vedic astrology [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of astro mindSaturday, November 19, 2005 5:59 PMTo: vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Delhi Conference schdule Can we get pdf file of that if possible , it would be really great I am abroad and not accessible for resource u mentioned. Regards, astro Mind.Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote: Shri Brahmadaru Smarami The papers of the conference will be available in the January 2006 issue of Jyotish Digest. Best Regards, Sarbani vedic astrology [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of astro mindSaturday, November 19, 2005 9:29 AMTo: vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Delhi Conference schdule Whatever these lecturers speak in conference , can we get their pdf it will great to learn from that. Some good topics are going to be discssed. Response awaited. astro Mind.Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiar > wrote: || Om Gurave Namah ||Namaste Guruji, Is there anyway I can order for MP3 CD's before hand?.Warm RegardsSanjay P On 11/18/05, Sanjay Rath <guruji (AT) srath (DOT) com> wrote: om namo bhagavate vasudevayaDear Jyotisa This is the final schedule of the 4th Annual SJC Conference at New Delhi, 12-19 January, 2005 titled 'Dr.B.V.Raman Memorial Conference' All are cordially invited to participate in the conference and register with Sarbani Sarkar sarbani (AT) (DOT) org for the entire conference or individual dates. Other details of program will follow subsequently. Forenoon Afternoon 9:30 - 11.00 11.15 - 12.45 2.00 - 3.30 3.45 - 5.15 Session I Session II Session III Session IV Thu, 12-Jan-06 Inauguration Fascinating World of Vaastu Shastra Vargottama Concepts Punya (Mrityu) Gocara Chief Guest: B Niranjan Babu B.Niranjan Babu G.K.Goel Sanjay Rath Fri, 13-Jan-06 Simple clues for Gocara & Raman Horä Saham transits Transit Jupiter Timing Disease through transits R. Suprajarama J.K.Dasgupta Partha Sarathy Willa Keizer Sat, 14-Jan-06 Transits in Kalachakra Kantaka Shani (Saturn) Gocara Financial disaster and transit of Saturn Transit from Arudha Lagna Sanjay Rath/Visti Larsen Zeljko Krgvic Vineeta Pathak Kanupriya Singh Sun, 15-Jan-06 Eclipses Share movement and transits Graha Shanti Astakavarga Transits Nenad Bodrozic Rajan Panse Dr.Sukhdev Chaturvedi Zoran Radosavljevic Mon, 16-Jan-06 Varga transits Marriage Transits East Meets East Budha Gocara (Mercury Transit) Sanjay Rath Andrew Foss Swee Chan Voja Trajkoviv Tue, 17-Jan-06 Transit of Venus Ramakrishna Horä Integrating Bhava and Arudha Transits Anger: Transit of Mars Dewavrata Buit Ram Narayan Prashun Dutta Prabodh Vekhande Workshop on Vedic Remedies Wed, 18-Jan-06 Mantra initiation & transits Graha devata and mantra Sürya: Dwadasaditya Yantra & Talisman (Kavach) Sarbani Sarkar Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Thu, 19-Jan-06 Ratna & Uparatna Devi: Dasamahavidya Vishnu: Das Avatar Shiva: Jyotirlinga Swee Chan Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Sanjay Rath Tea: 11.00-11.15 am and 3.30-3.45 pm; Lunch: 12.45 - 2.00 pm; Registration includes tea and lunch and all conference material. Please circulate this to all interested lists/friends. With best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath* * *Sri Jagannath Center®15B Gangaram Hospital Road New Delhi 110060, India, +91-11-25717162* * *Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web. To from this group, send an email to: vedic astrology Your use of is subject to the The New Movies: Check out the Latest Trailers, Premiere Photos and full Actor Database. Take your Mail with you - get Mail on your mobile __ Never miss an Instant Message - Messenger for SMS Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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