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Tagore comments ...

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Dear Chandra Hari,


Other discussions can remain private, but I think it is important to have the

discussion on Tagore's chart publicly. Some of your followers made Tagore's a

chart a big deal in past and projected as though this chart "proves" your

ayanamsa. When I finally took a look at all your points, I saw nothing like



<<CH: To my mind Saturn is in fixed sign Leo which rules over Hills, Dales and

Fore! sts and as such could not have given the sea journey which involved a

month long stay over water in ship. You have not answered to the discussion I

have given. I have already discussed the Saturn and clarified its demerits and

Guru’s features etc. I am quoting below for ready reference: And please note

that the date was 20th September 1878 and the sub_sub_period of Ketu had begun

on 19 September 1878 and prevailed up to 9 October. >>


NR: That a planet in Leo cannot give foreign journey is YOUR theory. You cannot

decide these things merely by the nature of signs and without looking at houses

and house ownerships. Saturn is the 12th lord aspecting 12th in rasi and 12th

lord in 9th in watery Sc in D-4. To you, lagna lord exalted in 5th can give a

foreign journey just on account of being in a watery sign. To me, that is

unacceptable and 12th lord is 100 times more likely to give a foreign travel,

irrespective of whether he is in a watery sign or a fiery sign. Moreover,

Saturn IS in watery Sc in D-4.


And, I don't see what problem you have with Ketu's pratyantardasa. In D-4 (the

chart of fortune and residence), Ketu is the 12th lord in lagna in a watery

sign Pisces. He can certainly keep him on ocean for a month. I fail to see what

your problem is with Ketu's pratyantardasa.


<<CH: When BVR ayanamsa is justifying Tagore’s life, there is no surprise at all

in finding some correlations with Lahiri. Instead of justification are we able

to learn something from the discussion we are making? Are we able to realize

our mindset that attempts to explain everything by inventing logics?>>


NR: For your kind information, that may be said about YOU too. As I see it, YOU

are "inventing logics". To me, planets associated with 9th and 12th give

foreign travel and lagna lord in 5th gives patriotism and repatriation. It is

absolutely impossible for Jupiter antardasa to take him abroad. You are

justifying it because Jupiter is in a watery sign. To me, THAT is "inventing



Saturn giving foreign residence is a clean logic, given all the simple factors I mentioned.

<<CH: I don’t think that the astrology that you speak here is that ancient

wisdom of the Sages. You are speaking of Arudha of 5th house etc in D10 – as a

good friend my advice is to come out of this illusion. Creation of these kinds

of techniques and propagation of the same will make astrology a laughing stock!

in the eyes of modern critical/scientific minds. I cannot reply to this kind of

illusive astrology – please refer to the statistical proof I have given against

the double transit theory of Sri KN Rao and I hope you will be able to

understand the fallacy of postmortem analysis with multiple significators. >>


NR: Thank you for your "advice". You may be right - I may indeed be in an

"illusion" and I may "make astrology a laughing stock". But, by merely claiming

so, you are not going to convince me so and lift me out of this "illusion".

Unless you clearly show me why I am wrong, I will remain in that "illusion".


Arudha padas WERE defined by Sage Parasara and not by me. The meaning of the

term chosen (arudha pada) itself gives a clue as to what it is and how it

should be used. Furthermore, several results were given by Parasara and others

and they give a clue as to what arudha padas show. I have a coherent

understanding of what houses show vs what their arudha padas show, based on

what Parasara and other taught. I am happy with my understanding.


If you give any convincing logic against my understanding, I will consider your

views. Until then, you just come across as a highly opinionated person who

pronounces strong judgments without giving any convincing logic. I have the

option of either leaving all my previous studies and experiments and following

you or sticking to my ground. I choose the latter.


<<CH: Here you have nothing to say as you have placed marriage in

Venus_Sun_Rahu. Now with the ayanamsa I have given the 7th house event is

coming in Surya_Rahu as death of wife – afflicted Navamsa_Lagna_LORD and 6th

lord. You are justifying Guru without thinking that why such an afflicted 6th

lord Sun and Rahu did not cause the tragedy? This is what the wrong ayanamsa

has been doing always – good planets were made sinners and then theories were



NR: What do you mean I have nothing to say. I had something to say and said it:

"Jupiter is the 8th lord in 7th, i.e. a maraka, in navamsa. Saturn, OTOH, is

the 7th lord and protects wife. It is Jupiter can harm and end the marriage."


The 8th lord in 7th is a maraka (killer). In navamsa, he kills the marriage. In

dasamsa, he kills career. In D-24, he kills education.


Sun and Rahu, OTOH, are the 1st and 7th lords together. I don't see them killing

marriage, but see them giving marriage.


Regarding "wrong ayanamsa" and "theories" etc, I can say the same thing about

your views. If we have to debate productively about a disagreement as two

intelligent people, we have to give the benefit of doubt and respect to the



To you, your logic is simple and mine is convoluted. To me, it's the other way

around. To me, 9th and 12th lords give foreign travel and not the lagna lord in

5th. You say that I am creating theories, but it seems to me like YOU are

creating theories to justify the ayanamsa that you created.


Best regards,



chandra hari

Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

Monday, November 21, 2005 8:35 AM

Re: Tagore comments ...

Dear Narasimha,


My comments are given below in blue.



Dear Chandra Hari,


I will continue to communicate wi! th you on other matters privately. But I will

cc this one mail to the lists, as the list may be interested in this too. I hope

you don't mind.


I will explain the events using the tenets of astrology that *I* know, without

stretching things and without being intellectually dishonest.


1. Voyage: Jupiter is the lagna lord in the 5th house. I absolutely cannot

explain Jupiter guiving foreign travel. Saturn is the 12th lord aspecting 12th

house. He is in the 9th from Rahu (karaka lagna).


I see D-4 for residence and foreign travel. In D-4, Saturn is the 12th lkord in

9th in watery Scorpio.


Based on the astrology that I know and practice, Saturn ius a clear winner. I am

not inventing logic. The 9th house, 12th house, Rahu (karaka) and D-4 being used

for foreign travel are basic factors I use always.


To my mind Saturn is in fixed sign Leo which rules over Hills, Dales and Fore!

sts and as such could not have given the sea journey which involved a month

long stay over water in ship. You have not answered to the discussion I have

given. I have already discussed the Saturn and clarified its demerits and

Guru’s features etc. I am quoting below for ready reference: And please note

that the date was 20th September 1878 and the sub_sub_period of Ketu had begun

on 19 September 1878 and prevailed up to 9 October.



Roman'"> What was the purpose of his voyage? For studying – which is

more suitable, 10th lord in 5th or 12th lord in 6th in fixed sign?

§ Dasa is of Ketu in the 4th and as such leaving home in the dasa of a

planet in Chara_jala rasi is not possible? See the Ketu’s Pratyantar dasa What

you ha! ve to say about that? See what I have written about Sani below – I have

discussed Sani’s merits as 12th lord but the nature of the event does not award

him the credit and the right bhukti is Ketu dasa_Guru_Ketu.



1. Voyage to Europe – 18th year - September 1878: Ketu (dasa) – Guru

(bhukti): Lahiri puts the event in Sani (bhukti) – Which is the right choice,

Guru or Sani for the voyage for studies, career, across the seas?

§ Sani of Simha takes one to the hills or to the sea?

§ Guru of Kataka versus Sani of Simha – which one is more appropriate for

sea voyage?

§ Event is going abroad, yes, Sani can cause the event by 12th lordship –

but contrast the nature of the event and Rasi-seelam. Journe! y is for career

and across the sea – life in sea – perhaps it took weeks to reach UK. Which

planet could have given such a life in the ship, in the ocean?

§ Guru is in exchange with Chandra – two watery signs influence Guru and

Mahayoga – can there be any other candidate to cause a voyage across the sea?

Just think over, I have no assertions.

§ If suppose we take Sani as causing this voyage, another query comes – Why

the Guru bhukti failed to cause any development in his career des! pite being

10th lord exalted in 5th in exchange with Chandra?

§ Sanjay says, it is improper to travel during Guru, Tagore was in ship –

in a moving Home in the ocean. Separation from home is well explained by Dasa

lord Ketu in the 4th.

0in 0in 4.0pt">§ Raman’s ayanamsa – no comments. Sukra-Sukra, in astrology

anything can be justified by inventing logic because a great majority has no

scientific thinking and! Upasana.


See, Sri BV Raman’s ayanamsa and astrology. His followers will also ! explain the event.


Venus is karaka in own navamsa, true. But Sun is the lagna lord joining 7th lord

Rahu in navamsa. Definitely, Venus-Sun-Rahu pratyantardasa is a good candidate.

Yes, Venus-Venus could have given it too. But being karaka isn't enough. The

1st and 7th houses of navamsa are as important as karaka.


You are telling that Sukra_Sukra wa! s not appropriate for marriage and Sukra _

Surya was better. You are undermining ‘karaka’ and attaching importance here to

Navamsa 1st and 7th. Which Navamsa – a Navamsa centered over the 6th house and

whose Lagna_lord is in the company of Rahu? 6th house causes or denies



Again you have not addressed the discussion I have given. What you say I have

already discussed in reply to Sanjay Rath’s analysis.



2. Marriage 9 December 1883: Sukra (d) – Sukra (b): Kalatrakaraka and own

varga in Navamsa are the only factors, I can point out. If Surya could cause

marriage by virtue of association with Sukra and Budha by partaking their

qualities and duties, why didn’t Sukra cause marriage in his own bhukti? We

must apply logic fully to churn out the truth. !

§ Surya could have caused marriage, had there been failure by Sukra –

not by virtue of association but because he is lord of Navamsa-Lagna. Of

course, affliction of Surya by Rahu was an affliction over his marital life.

§ We must note that the Kalatrakaraka is in own varga in Navamsa and thus

favorable to cause marriage.

§ Imagine a situation of 1881 – when an astrologer could have predicted

Tagore’s marriage – in Sukra-Sukra that is unfolding or could anyone have said:

Sukra cannot cause marriage in his bhukti and Surya, the 6th Lord shall cause


§ If Raman’s Venus-Moon is correct, what is Raman’s explanation for Venus

and Sun not causing marriage in their bhuktis? Raman needed s! uch things as

stellar influence to justify his ayanamsa. What for is then Rasi and Vargas?

Stellar lordship is above Rasi and Varga? Raman’s ayanamsa can be justified

only with Raman’s astrology.



Get the correct date and also tell me if she was the first child or second

child, i.e. if there was an abortion first. Then I will look at it.


See my discussion again. Have you replied that? Date, you can also try to get it

and that is required for you to prove your ayanamsa. For me that is not

required. 5th September 1885 to 7th May 1887 was Moon’s period.


When BVR ayanamsa is justifying Tagore’s life, there is no surprise at all in

finding some correlations with Lahiri. Instead of justification are we able to

learn something from the discussion we are making? Are we able to realize our

mindset that attempts to explain everything by inventing logics?


3. 1886 – His daughter Madhuri Lata was born in Sukra-Chandra (b): Whole of

1886 Chandra bhukti prevailed. With Raman marriage in Moon and Child in Rahu –

and the chart has the exchange of first lord Guru and 5th lord Chandra?

Sanjay has to hope for the event before June 1886 to place the birth of daughter

in Venus-Moon? Justifies Mars too. Good.

But while justifying Mars, should we not think as to why Chandra did not give

him a daughter during its bhukti despite being lord of 5th in exchange with

Guru? Unless, we answer this part, the predictive logic cannot be complete.

So all the three ayanamsas may be explaining child birth but Lahiri & Raman

cannot explain as to why Chandra did not give him a child during its bhukti or

why ! Sukra did not cause marriage to Tagore in Sukra bhukti. Only an

integrated evaluation can lead us to the truth


4. The 5th house is abilities and scholarship. While houses show intangible

aspects of matters, their arudha padas show the tangible manifestation. Bhava

means a a concept or thought or a meaning. Arudha means raised. Pada means a

symbol or a word. Padas are to bhavas what words/symbols are to

meanings/concepts. Meanings, thoughts and concepts that one has in one's mind

are intangible to others, while words used to express them are tangible to



In my approach, I always see tangible aspects of various matters from arudha

padas. While the 4th house shows one's happiness from vehicle (intangible), the

arudha pada of 4th house shows vehicle itself (a tangible article). While the

5th house may show one's abilities and scholarship, arudha pada of 5th house

may show tanginle articles reflecting on it, such as awards, prizes,

certificates etc.


Similarly, Shanti Niketan is a tangible thing. I'll see it from the arudha pada

of 5th house in dasamsa chart. Of course, I don't buy your Rx10 and will use

the standard Parasari dasamsa which I have used in hundreds of charts to make



In D-10, A5 (arudha pada of 5th house) is in Leo. The 3rd lord (initiative) Rahu

is in it and its lord is Sun, who is in lagna. No wonder, Sun-Rahu antardasa

gave rise to Shanti Niketan.


I don’t think that the astrology that you speak here is that ancient wisdom of

the Sages. You are speaking of Arudha of 5th house etc in D10 – as a good

friend my advice is to come out of this illusion. Creation of these kinds of

techniques and propagation of the same will make astrology a laughing stock! in

the eyes of modern critical/scientific minds. I cannot reply to this kind of

illusive astrology – please refer to the statistical proof I have given against

the double transit theory of Sri KN Rao and I hope you will be able to

understand the fallacy of postmortem analysis with multiple significators.


Jupiter is the 8th lord in 7th, i.e. a maraka, in navamsa. Saturn, OTOH, is the

7th lord and protects wife. It is Jupiter can harm and end the marriage.


Here you have nothing to say as you have placed marriage in Venus_Sun_Rahu. Now

with the ayanamsa I have given the 7th house event is coming in Surya_Rahu as

death of wife – afflicted Navamsa_Lagna_LORD and 6th lord. You are justifying

Guru without thinking that why such an afflicted 6th lord Sun and Rahu did not

cause the tragedy? This is what the wrong ayanamsa has been doing always – good

planets were made sinners and then theories were created.


Death of Wife – Mrinalini Devi on 23.11.1902: Raman places the event in

Sun-Sat. Lahiri has the tragic event in Surya-Guru (b): How can this be


§ Lahiri - How can Surya (d) – Guru (b) kill the wife?

§ Sun – Rahu (b) – I will put the blame on the affliction by Rahu on

Navamsa-Lagnapati. Lagna had navamsa in 6th with the lord afflicted by Rahu –

this is a very correct principle – afflicted lord of navamsa Lagna affects

marital life.

§ Rahu’s lordship, I don’t use. With my experience of the tradition, I am

not aware of a logic like Rahu is 7th lord or similar.


6-7. I'll leave for now. Want to hurry up and sleep. You don't seem to have the exact dates too.


8. I agree Mercury AD is better. But the AD change happened in Sept 1913. With a

little difference in birthtime, the event can move to Mercury AD even with

Lahiri ayanamsa. So let us skip this border case.


9. We use D-24 for learning matters. In D-24, the 2nd house is occupied by Moon

and owned by Ketu. Moon-Ketu can give an advanced degree.


10. When using Vimsottari dasa as a maraka dasa (as opposed to an ayurdasa), I

did not get perf! ect results by sticking to normal Janma Vimsottari dasa. In

some charts, Kshema Vimsottari dasa or Adhana Vimsottari dasa work better. In

Tagore's case, there are more planets in quadrants from Kshema nakshatra

(Krittika) than from Janma nakshatra (Revati). As per this variation, his death

occurred in Mercury-Venus-Mercury pratyantardasa. Mercury is the 7th lord and

Venus is the 7th lord and both occupy the 2nd house. Based on classic Parasari

principles, they are both perfect marakas!

If you try a number of Dasas somewhere you will find correlation. Krishnamurthy

Paddhati, Kalachakra dasa in various interpretations and Paramayu shishtam all

h! ave received horoscopic substantiation. For those who use right ayanamsa

such new techniques are not required. Vimsottari is good enough, marakatva

rules are sufficient and so on. With wrong ayanamsa you need wrong techniques

like the same wrong ayanamsa. "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Chandra Hari,


I will continue to communicate with you on other matters privately. But I will

cc this one mail to the lists, as the list may be interested in this too. I

hope you don't mind.


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